The Daily times-enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1889-1925, October 04, 1889, Image 2

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themily tmes-enterpmse. I LATEST TELEGRAPHIC NliWS. JOHN TRIPLETT, - - - Editor. S. B. BURR, - Business Mannjjer. FRIDAY, OCTOBER I. 1H81 Daily Times-Kstkkpkisk m puMii every morning (Momliiy cxc 'ptedA The Weekly Timks-Entkkprisk is pul>li; every Saturday morning. SrnwMiiPTioN Kates. Daily Timks-Kvtehpklsk W JELLY *• Daily Rates Transient Rates.—$1.00 per square foi first insertion, and 50 cci ts for on n si quent insertion. One Square, one month, : One Square, two months - - - - One Square, three month •, - - - t Olio Square, six months, - * - • One Square, twelve mont is, - - - Subject to change by special arran' *n M. It. II I K It. Hiwliio^ .VInuns* coal Atlanta is threatened with famine. Cotton bagging still bewilders the country. Galveston, Texas, is putting up a cotton mill to cost §.>00,000. Scientists declare that the average size of men’s necks is decreasing. says: A that the The Augusta Chronicle, Corner in pork—this meam pig’s in the pen. The Piedmont Exposition opens in Atlanta next Monday. “Is youens ngwine ?”—Marietta Journal. October is the month of county fairs, big “punkins.” grandmother’s quilts, mama’s tidies, homo made soap and sausage. The house has cut Dr. Feltons University appropriation bill down to §15,000. And there is some doubt about that amount being voted. The colored man who remarked the other day that what the colored peo ple needed was fewer conventions and more hog and hominy, carries a level head on his shoulders upon one ques tion at least.—News. Specials from Washington say that the Tanner and Dalzell letters are annoying the administration, atid that Secretary HalftAd wildly declares that “neither Mr. Tanner nor Private Dal zell is a national issue, and no amount of letter-writing can make them so.” The late Cincinnati conference ol the M. E. Church, at Xenia, adopted a report holding ‘ that no divorce, except for adultery, shall be regarded as lawful, and that no minister shall solemnize a marriage when either party has been divorced save as above stat ed.” A GOVERNOR DEAD. Woman Suffrage Defeated in the State of Washington A New Quarantine Station on The Georgia Coast The President Writing his Little Message The Pro testant Episcopal Church in Convention —A Close Call in Montana for The Democrats—The T vo Dakotas Leave the Democrats in the Soup- Vam oi’viat, W. T.Oct. 2.—.So far as lien-d from the vote against woman sail rage is *2 or 3 to 1. A is 11ison, Kan., Get. 2. Gov. John A. Martin died this morning id a complication of'diseases. Wash t .sen >n, < let. 2.—Black beard island, Sapclo sound, Georgia, has been transierred by the navy depart ment to the treasury department for quarantine purposes. The navy de partment reserves the right to cut and use the timber thereon. Washington, Oct. 2.—The Presi dent is collecting the data for his message from the different depart incuts The message will be a general one, covering all the principal topics. The President will begin writing it next week. Ni:w York, Oct. 2.—The general convention of the Protestant Episco pal Church of America opened this morning in St. Georgia’s church, Stuyvesant square. T his is looked upon as one of the most important conventions ever held by the church in this country. This is the centen nial anniversary of the adoption of the constitution of the Prot'cstant Episcopal church, and of the holding of the first general convention as pre scribed hv the church constitution. Helena, Mont., Oct. 2. P* f. >t. —The democrats concede the election of Carter to congress. Toole, deni., is Speaker is about to declare the session adjourned sine die: “Mr. Speaker.” The Speaker: “The gentleman from The gentleman from:- “Mr. Speaker, I move to amend section -paragraph -of the code, by striking out the words and inserting in lieu thereof the words , so as to make it read” The Speaker:—“I now declare this house adjourned sine die.” The gavel falls, and the gentleman I'rom subsides, having been cut oil in the midst of his usefulness by the arbitrary action of the speaker. And the gentleman from tenderly and ruefully folds tip his seventeenth amendment to the poor old mutilated code,and meanders from the marble halls. And the place which knew him, will know him no more forever. int he got in the last word from the floor. There is, to his mind,sime slight satisfaction ill that. Is the rick man out of danger?” asked a friend. No,” answered his wife, “the doc tor is still visiting him.”—Time. Have just returned from the north. Glad to get hack, too. Thomasville really feels like home, and there’s no 300 ahead of Power, rep., for govern- place like that. But the goods! they or, with four counties claimed by both parties, still to hear from. The Dem ocrats have the legislature by a small majority. The republicans elect a majority of the minor state officers. This county elects four democrats and five republicans to the legislature. The Independent claims the election of Toole by 300 to 500, and a majori ty of nine on joint ballot in the legis 1 aturc. All figures on majorities arc estimated, as the count is not yet com pleted in any county. St. Pafi , Minn., Get. 2, 0 r. m.— It’was evident last night that both North and South Dakota bad given a decisive majority for the republican tickets. SPECIAL NOTICE, ipv Goods House will be closed on .1 Tassels, 11S Broad Street. Home Again, ON LOWER BROAD The Milledgeville Recorder says: Young Joe Brown is the coming rail road man of Georgia. He inherits his father’s brains and judgment, and is one of the cleverest young men in ;hc state. Keep your eye on young Joseph! And now a John the Baptist has appeared in Liberty county. Many negroes arc following him. About one hundred of the better informed negroes invaded the ark, which the followers of John the Baptist were building for him, and in which they were to sail to the “promised laud, and strapped the false leader in the old fashioned way. The proposition to ask the govern ors of the various southern slates, to call extra sessions of the legislators for the purpose of suspending the col lection of debts for six months, would, if carried out., disturb business very seriously, impair contracts and unset tle values. It is not likely that such a course will be pursued by the gov ernors of the southern states. Ibis is not the proper way to fight the jute trust or any other trust. Two wrongs never makes a wright. The grand jury of Fulton county found true bills the other day against ball’ a dozen parties, charged with having been implicated in the -late troubles at East Point- The habit of taking the law into ones own bands is a most repiehcnsiblu one, and grand juries ami courts should leave nothing undone to bring a reform in this matter. The laws are ample for the protection of life and property, and they should he rigidly enforced in all cases, without regard to color, condition or servitude. The hum blest citizen in Georgia, whether white or black, is entitled to the full protection of the law. They Met Again. The confederate reunion in Brooks yesterday was a grand success. A long line of ex-confeds formed, and again took the step. May these grizzly rep resentatives of a cause which was lost, long live to celebrate on some fixed anniversary day, the war in which they fought. There is no disloyalty keeping alive the traditions of a strug gle which shook the North American continent, amazed Europe, held the attention of the world, and which exemplified the highest type of American soldiery, both south and north. Let each side embalm their acts and heroes in manner as scemeth to them best. arc coming; be here • next week. A big stock ? Well, no.. Mine is not the largest The others have that size, but it is large enough, and still better, all personally selected, choice goods from the cream of New York and Baltimore markets. They arc the latest styles, bought low down,and will be sold the same. This means that I want to do a good share of the millinery trade this season. It is said to he impossible to please everybody; maybe so; but there’s nothing like trying, and if I get the chance the effort will not he wanting. Think over the matter, and decide if it is not well to give at least a share of your trade to one who is anxious for it,and will do her best to please. Yours, for trade and low prices, Mrs. Jennie Carroll, Lower Broad Milliner. Skins on Fire. Iconizing, itelling, burning nnd bleed ing Eczema; in its worn I Hinges. A raw sore from head to feet. Hair gone. Doctors nnd hospitals fnil. Tried ev erything. (Cured by the Cuticttrn Remedies (or SO. Cured by Cuticnra. 1 am cured of a loathsome disease, eczema, in its worst stage. I tried dilferent doctors and been through the hospital, but all to no pur- oosc. The disease covered my whole body from the top of my head to the soles of my iect, My hair all came out, leaving tno a eompleto raw sore. After tryiugeverything 1 heard of your Cuticnra Remedies, and after using threo bot tles of Cuticura Resolvent, with Cuticura and Cuticnra Soap,I find myself cured at the cost of about $fi. I would not be without the Cuti cura Remedies in my house, as l find them use ful in many cases, and I think they are the only skin ami blood medicines. ISAAC H. GERMAN, Wurtsboro, N. V. Burning and Itching. I was sick in the fall of 1888 with a burning and itching so bad that in three weeks I was ■ed with a rash, and could not sleep nights trk days. Some doctors thought it might be salt rheum (eczema), and said they had nev er seen anything like it before I received no help from any of them, or from any medicine that I could get hold of until I tried your Cuti cura Remedies. After three weeks’ use I was able to work, and kept getting better, until I entirely cured. I recommend them to all suffering attli skin diseases. C. E OSMER, Taftsville, Vt. Most Intense Itching. I have used the Cuticura Remedies success fully for my baby, who was afflicted with ccze- and had such intense itching that ho got „„ . est day or night. Tho itching is gone, and my baby is cured, and is now a healthy, rosy- cheoked boy. . MARY KELT.ERMAN, Ilcloit, Kan. Cuticura Resolvent. The non Wood fariflcr and purest and best of Humor Cures, internally, end Cuticura, the Treat Skin Cure, and Cuticura Soap, an exquis ite Skin Beautifier, externally, instantly and speedily and permanently cure the most ago nizing, itching, burning, bleeding, scaly, crust ed and pimply diseases and humors of the skin, scalp, and blood, with loss of lmir, from pim- pl es to scrofula. Sold everywhere. Price, Cuticura, 50c.; Soap 25c.; Resolvent, $1.00. Prepared by the Potter Drug and Chemical Corporation, Boston. r#“Send for “How to Cure Skin Pisiascs,” 04 pages, 50 illustrations, and 100 testimonials, niUPLES, black heads, red, rough, chapped, I I III and oily skin prevented by Cuticura Soap. , MUSCULAR STRAINS and pains, back ache, weak kidneys, rheumatism, and elicit pains reliev ed in oiie minute by the Cnticn- rn Anti-Pniu Plaster. 25 cents. Young Female College, le, Gra. Fall Session Begins Wednesday, September 4th, 1889. Full Collegiate coursejzffinls every facility for a thorough education. Location healthful, grounds extensive andattractivc. Collegiate course, term of 20 weeks, - - - 815.00 Preparatory Department, 20 weeks, - - 10.00 Music, per month, - 4 50 Drawing, per month, - 5.00 Painting, “ “ 4.00 Board in College per month, - - 15.00 Tuition payable one-half in advance, balance at expiration of first quarter. JiS'O. K. BAKER, auo-23- , President. Headquarters lor Drugs! REID & OTTaPEPlER’S 120-122 Broad St., - Thomasville, Ga :School and Blank Books, Stationery,: Of every style. Pianos and Organs, Sheet Music, Iv.c. <! BEAR IN MIND > THAT THEY HAVE THE Handsomest and Best kept Drug Store IN GEORGIA- Where you cun find fresh and pure drugs and get prescriptions < day or night, by competent Pharmacists. They use only ^ & CULPEPPER, BSroiul Nt Furniture, Carpets, Bedding, Children's •—1--~ -- - — Carriages. Wall Paper and Window .Shades, prescription department and guarantee goods nnd prices Straw mattings, Rugs, etc. The best styles and lowest prices in the .city. GEO. W. FORBES, 6-ll-w2t dtt Mas,try Building. Worth Knowing. Mr. W. il. Morgan, merchant, Lake City, Fin., was taken with a severe cold, attended with a distressing cough and running into Consumption in its first stages. He tried many so-called popular cough remedies nnd steadily grew worse. Was -eduepd in flesh, had difficulty in breathing and was unable to sleep. Finally tried Hr. King's New Dis covery for Consumption nnd found imme diate relief, nnd after using about half a dozen bottles found himself well and lias had no return of the disease. No other remedy can show so grand a record of cures, ns Dr. King’s New Discovery for consump tion. Guaranteed to do just wliat is claim ed tor it. Trial bottle free at S, J. Cnsseis’ Drug Store. iuded nt all hours : preparations in the Imported surdities 15 cents :icau,nt Pickett’s. You should try Pickett’s Royal Baking Powder. Every can guaran teed to give satisfaction, or money re funded. One pound cans 25 cents. Albany’s New Road. Engineer L. W. Roberts, formerly of the Covington and Macon road, passed through the city last night on his way to Mouticello. He will re turn to Albany in a few days to hold a second consultation regarding the building of the contemplated road between Albany, Gordele and Hawk- insvillc.-—Telegraph. The emperor of China has ordered a court astronomer to lie beheaded lor making a false prediction about the weather.—Ex. Lets send Hicks over there, right away. The technological school at Atlanta opened yesterday. The prospects for the school the coming season are very bright. * About 150 scholars are en rolled, this number being forty more than the number in attendance last year. The machinery department has been greatly improved during the sum mer, and the shops will be in a better condition than ever lor furnishing practical instruction to the boys. New appara'us have been put into the lab oratory, and this department will be unusually well equipped. OPERA HOUSE MONDAY, OCTOBER 7. OIE XICGIT ONLY W, S. CLEVELAND’S MAGNIFICENT Haverly Mastodon MINSTRELS. Christendom's Champion Cnnqoerors! 4B HtroesofS Hemispheres 45 Led by the highest salaried prince of artists, BILLY EMERSON AND MERRY MIRTHFUL Hughey Dougherty. E. M. Kayne, The 2 Virtos, John Queen, J- Marcus Doyle, Banks Winter, Bert Sheppard. Sumptuous Spectacular Scenic First-Fart. The most Gorgeous and Elaborate Ever Produced. VENETIAN NIGHTS. ORIGINAL ORIENTAL PATROL-MARCH THE EGYPTIAN PHALANX, Amazing Added Antipodean Annex, Tho JAPS Renew. Her Youth. Mrs. Phoebe Cbeslcy. Peterson, Clay Co. loiva, tells the following remarkable story the truth of which is vouched lor by the residents of the town : “I am 73 years old, have been troubled with kidney complaint nnd lameness for many years; could not dress myself without help. Now I am free from all psin and soreness, and am able to do all my own housework. 1 owe my tlinnks to Electric Bitters for having renew ed my youth, nnd removed completely nil disease and pain.” Try n bottle, 50 c nnd $1, at S. J. Cnsseis’ Drug Store. Pickett’s Hamlet Flour is the finest goods on the market, ami costs you only 85.65 per barrel. Pickett has special figures for parties buying in quantities, and boarding houses. We absolutely dety competition on cash groceries. M. P. Pickett. TAILORING. There la an end to nil things, so tho people say, but there Is no end to tho splendid fitting clothing mado at 81 Broad street. Cleaning nnd repairing ilono In tho neatest manner. Give me a call. John Kenny, PIANOS AND 011GANS # W. S. Brown, the Jeweler, hus se cured the ngency for all the first-class Pianos and Organs, which ho Is selling nt the lowest prices for cash or on 1 time. Thoso desiring to purchase do well to learn his prices and terms. ATTENTION! GtENTIjBMBN. If you want to get a stylish neck-tie you must go to L. Steyerman & Bro. If you want to get a nice suit for little money go to L. Steyerman & Bro.' They are Headquarters for Stylish Goods. Their rush for goods was so great that Mr. L. Steyerman left Sunday night for the sec ond stock for this season. He will now have a chance to get the latest novelties in all kinds ol Dress Goods and Trimmings. L. STEYERMAN & BROTHER, LEADERS OF FASHION. long will (’HAS. K. CLEVELAND. Business Manager. HARRY \V. SEMOX, - - General Agint. Grand Paiade of this powerful organiza tion on the day of performance, starting at 2 o'clock from the Opera Rouse up Broad street to Jefferson street, counter marching to Reid k Culpepper’s Drug Store. Sere nade : thence to Opera House. Stenographer and Tp-Writer. Mr. Joseph XI. Dri ver offers his services to the public as a stenographer and ty|ie-wrttor. All work promptly done nnd satisfaction guaranteed' Apply to or address, JOS. M. DREYKlt, At McIntyre k MelntMfc’s office. 131J Broad Street Dissolution. The firm of West k Yearn is this day dis solved by mutual consent, Sir. E - P. Fearn retiring. John T. West will continue the business, and assumes all liabilities and 1 tains the assets of the late firm. JOHN f. WEST, E. I’. FEARS'. Thomasville, Ga., Sept. 17th, 1889. A CARD. ‘ in retiring from the late firm of West k Fearn (ns I purpose removing Irom the city), 1 desire to return my thanks to the public for the liberal patronage bestowed on us, nnd to ask a continuance of the same to my former partner and successor, Mr. John T. West, who is enlarging his facilities, nnd will Ins better prepared thnn hefirc to serve the public with anything in his line. Respectfully, , E. P. FEARS. Thomasville, Sept. 17, 188!)- 1-mo New cane syrup just urrived, fresh and fine, at the Red Front Grocery. 9-28—ltd Mule Lost, Or will be, if you don’t call at my office and settle. I shall not ask you personally, but through my attorney, and quickly, too. J. L. Fur v Mercurial Poison. Mercury is frequently injudiciously used by quack doctors in eases of malaria nnd blood poison. Its nfter effect is worse thnn the original disease. Ii. B, B. (Botanic Blood Balm) contains no mercury, but will eliminate mercurial poison from the system. Write to Blood Balm Co., Atlanta, Ga., for book of convincing proof of its curative virtue. A. F. Britton, Jackson, Tenn., writes: “I caught malaria in Louisiana, nnd when the fever at last broke, my system was saturat ed with poison, nnd I had sores in my moutli and knots on my tongue- I got two bottles of B. li. B„ which healed my tongue nnd moutli and made a new mnn of me.” XVm. Richmond, Atlanta, Ga., writes: ijiy wife could hardly see. Doctors called it syphilitic iritis. Her eyes were in n dreadful condition. Her appetite failed. She had pain in her joints nnd hones. Iler kidneys were deranged also, nnd no one thought she could be cured. Dr. Gillnm reeimmendcd B B. B., which she used until her health was entirely restored.” K. P. B. Jones, Atlanta, Gn., writes: “1 was troubled with copper colored eruptions, loss of appetite, pain in back, aching joints, debility, emaciation, loss of hair, sore throat, and great nervousness. II. B. B. put my system in fine condition.” 'W-A-HSTTED SECOND HAND Can be sold to Good Advantage, —AT- B. GOLDBERG’S Auction nnd Commission House. llucltlcn’n Arnica 8alr«. The Best Salve in the World for Cuts Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Champed Hands, Chilblains Corns, nnd all Skin Eruptions, and positive.)? cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guar anteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cento per box. For sale by S. J. Cnsseis, Drug Store Magnolia Hams keep through the summer better than any other brand, and Pickett’s is still headquarters for thorn. -WITH THE- Biggest and Best Stock DRY LUMBER IX SOUTH GEORGIA. I have live hundred thousand feet of Standard Mouldings, Which I will sell at a rare bargain, in fact it will save purchasers money to sec me be fore placing their orders for lumber of any kind. Jos. L. Beverly, (Successor to Fife & Beverly.) MEIGS - - GkA., J, S. Real Estate Agent, T^MASVILL^, GA. Office over Reid & Culpepper’s Drug Store,JBriad SI, I am now prepared to buy or sell, for other parties, all kinds of town or country real estate, and have on my list a good assort ment of both kinds. Strict and close atten tion to the business will be my aim, and I respectfully solicit a share of the business of the community. • aug'-’Stf Brown's Iron Bitters is a specific in all cases of swamp fever, intermittent fever, and malaria of any name. Low marshy ground, stagnant pools of water, decaying vegetable matter, change* of climate while suffering from general debility, all produce malaria. Brown’s Iron Bitters cures all forms. Don’t use quinine. It creates constipation, pro duces headache, and not infrequently rheu matism and neuralgia, Brown’s Iron Bitters | never does. It will cure them.