The Daily times-enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1889-1925, October 11, 1889, Image 1

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VOL 1-NO 139. THOMASVILLE, GEORGIA, FRIDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 11, ’889 5.00 PER ANNUM Our lev Prints AND Fancy Dress ginghams Arc acknowledged to be the handsomest in the city. They are selling rapidly, especially those splendid patterns we offer at 8o a Yard. Make your selections before they arc picked over too much. Our Fancy Ribbons 3 INCHES WIDE, • - Which we are offering at the marvelously low price of 25c a Yard, Are the talk of the town. If you have not seen them yet, it will pay you to call at once and inspect them. For lO cts. We will sell you a beautiful Ladies’ Union Linen Hem stitched Handkerchief, which is certainly the best value over offered in Thomasvillo. For £> cents You can buy a nice colored bordered handkerchief, plenty good enough for the children to lose at school. We have an elegant all wool Saxony wove Jersey at the as tonishingly low figure of $1.00, Never before sold for less than one dollar and fifty cents. These are' but a few ofcthc plums we have in stock for our friends; and lots more to show, if you will just take the trouble to come and look at them. We intend to'make things lively this season, and we have the goods and prices to do it with. We extend a cordial invita tion to all to visit our establish ment, whether you buy or not. We are always glad to see you and show you what we have. No Fence Law- Suppose northern and western far mers come down here and find they could buy ttiese Thomas ebunty lands at five dollars per acre, jind would be at no expense in fencing out their neighbors stock from their crops. They would say, ‘’This is the country for me. I am getting old, and neither I nor my children are able to cut down trees and split rails, and here is a country where all I have to do is to build a cow pen for my cows and oth er stock, keep them out ot other peo ple's crops and other people keep their cattle out of mine.” Then the remaining money left, af- iffcr the purchase of the land, would be used in putting up a snug, little house and garden and other useful fixtures. These farmers would all have fami lies, wives and children, and school houses would be built in every neigh borhood, and all the white children would receive their share of the edu cational fund provided by the state. Then you would see the southern half of Thomas county, which is the best part of it, "bud and blossom as the rose,” as the poets say, and every land owner in all that region, and his wife and children would he happy. There are thousands upon thous ands of acres of good lands in that part of Thomas county upon which there is not sufficient timber to fence it as the law requires, and these lands are not fit for anything in the wqrld now, except to pay taxes on them. But if there was a no fence law there, the farmers from the north and west and the upper Carolines' and Georgia would seek them, pay a rea sonable price per arre for them, build houses, rear families, churches and school houses and make it one of the most desirgble.regions in all the coun try. Their children would receive and .enjoy the benefit ot the common school fund, and the tax payer would feel that while he had a burden to carry in the shape of taxes, his children would reap some of the benefits therefrom. But how is it now? No farmer from any other part of the country, with comparatively small means, is willing to buy land and settle down upon a hundred or two acres upon which there is barely enough of timber for, firewood, while the law require, him to fence in his land and crops, to keep some worthless cattle and hogs from outraging it. Another terror to the stranger is, that in addition to what 1 have already described, he will be surrounded by neighbors of a different color from his own, and with whom he does not wish to establish social relations. The only way for our people to reap their proper advantages and avoid impending diffi culty, is to get in a position, legally and socially, suited to the exigencies by which they are surrounded. You may say what you please about the Yankee and the negro, but when it comes to the real test, it will be found that the Yankee has no more use socially lor the negro than we have. We want them for laborers, but the idea that by their presence among us, and their votes, the interests ot the good people of this county are to be sactificed or lessened, is preposterous. The whitechildrenof thiscounty,whose parents pay. the taxes and carry upon their own shoulders the burdens ot society and government, are entitled to protection in all their material in terests. In my judgment, the best investment a white man in the south ern portion of Thomas county, who loves his wile and children, could make of his vote, would be to cast it for no fence at the coming election. Experience. 132 BROAD ST. English pheasants flourish in Geor gia. The New York dandies who own Jekylisland, imported .127 pheasants two years ago. Last year* over 1,000 birds were raised, and this year there are tully 4,000 birds on Jekyl Island. The imported parents pf these birds cosf $2 each, and they are too rich for the ordinary citizen’s appetite; McDonald Dots. McDonald aud the surrounding country are on a boom. Dr. Harris’ drug store and office is completed and it will be a credit to any town. Messrs. Brice & Adams, have pur chased a lot from Mr. Roberts, and will erect a large store soon to enable them to accommodate their growing trade. McDonald is gradually draw ing out from a “broad place” in the road. Parties from a distance are making inquiries for small placesnear McDon ald ; that’s'what builds up a town, and our neighbors should he. ready to sell them at reasonable prices. When our streets are opened and laid off this fall, McDonald will look quite townisli. Messrs. Pleasant Adams, and C. W. Holloway, are attending the S. G. A. College at Thomasville. The Mc Donald" hoys have always made their mark, and these young men will hold up their reputation. Messrs. John aud Jim Roberts, who completed their course in Thomas- villc last year, both have fine schools now, the former is teaching at Cal vary near Cairo, and the latter is principal of the Worth Co., school at Sumner Ga. We learn that Prof. W. G. Cren shaw has a class at Cairo, in penman ship, “Will” carries the pen graceful ly- ' Our clever friend, Mr. Tom Gandv, is now carving beef at Thomasville, and we commend him with his good qualities aud honest dealing to the peoole to whom he offers his services. Messrs. Brice & Adams store came' very near catching on fire a few nights ago, which was done by a box of matches which caught from rats cut ting them, it is supposed. The fire burned the box of matches, and also burned the paper off of several doz. packages, smoking up the goods, and went out. Mrs. Dr. Harris, and sister, Miss Lela Stevens, will visit relatives in Atlanta and take in the Exposition. This is her first visit home since she has become Mrs. H. Alisa Mamie Barnes, a charming and most lovable young lady of Quit- man, is teaching a class in music at Lebanon Academy. The citizens of this neighborhood are so highly pleas ed with her services that they are thinking of making au effort to se cure her services in connection with the Literary school' next year by at taching a room for the music depart ment, to the academy. d: d. p. Support Homo Newspapers. The Macon News very properly says that “the responsibility for sustaining a live newspaper in any locality de volves upon the entire community. For merchants it is the best medium for reaching the people. A well- worded and well-displayed advertise ment in a newspaper draws more trade than all the circulars they can issue or haud bills and sign-boards they can post iu their counties. The merchant should therefore advertise liberally, and also influence his customers to take the paper he uses ns his medium, Tho latter will respect his opinion, and follow his advice, and then, as tlicir- families read from week to wJek the miscellaneous columns, they will be insensibly led to feel many new wants that he can supply, for every good newspaper contains items what other, peop'e, the wqrld over, are wearing or eating, or What tools they are using, or what new household stuff or labor- saving machines have been intro duced, and reading about these things creates a desire for them that will eventually lead to their purchase.” Athens will soon have a thorough sy-tem of electric fire alarpns. ■ ^ President Nunnallya wants §10,000 for a new building foj the Mercer University. Old Hymns. From the Tribune of Rome. Few people pause to admire the poetry in the old hymns which they sing 4 often, or to ponder the his tories connected with them, through the lines of which we get glimpses of the lives of the writers—theiV joys and sot rows, their hope aud despair. They mean more than the written words— more than Ac pra:30s they render— more than the sweetest music with which they are ushered through the thrilling aisles. Perhaps everybody is familiar with the history of that pa thetic gem, “I would not live always,” which breathed the language of a heart forsaken by earthly love, and with Dr. Watt's— “IIow false arc all things here below, How false and yet, how fair ! Each pleasure hath its poison, too, And every sweet a snare. The fondness for a creature’s love— How strong it strikes the sense! Thither the warm affections move, Nor can we call them thence.” This was written after the doctor, then a very young man, had been jilted by his lady love. Then there is the “Rock of Ages,” “Jesus, Lover of My Soul,” and a host of others, all teeniiug with interesting personal ex periences—especially that beautiful hymn, “Jesus, I My Cross Have Taken ” And their poetry! Do we ever pause to think of that? In their stan zas, often set to mournful music, we find such grand lines as “Bring forth the royal diadem And crown him Lord of All.” and the “groves of Sharon” smiling on “the silver-mantled plainsand yet the fine poetry of Heher’s—. “From Greenland’s icy mountains, From India’s coral strand.” What can be grander than the closing lines : "Waft, waft, ye winds, the story, And you, ye waters—roll 1 'Tis like a sea of glory— It spreads from pole to pole!” “On Jordan’s stormy banks I stand,” is rnpturous and spirited in move meDt, and teeming with benlitiful imagery—there is in it the roar of the tempest—the dash of the waves on the strand, and the lifting of “a wistful eye” to the unimaginable glories of the home beyond embodies all the love nnd longing of a lifetime ; and in the second verse we have a beautiful panorama of "Fields nrrayed in living green And rivers of delight I” There is the sonorous sounding of •‘How firm a foundation, ye saints of the • Lord." with pictures of “rivers of woe” path ways of “fiery trials,” the confusion of the wicked and the triumph of the faithful. The “One sweetly solemn thought” of Alice Cary is full of pathos and poetry. Thousands of like instances might he cited in tho poetry of these beautiful old hymns, but space for bids. Immortal as the works of Homer aud Shakespeare, they will go ringing down the ages, making music in tho hearts of millions, comforting the distressed, strength ening the faint-hearted, and sweetening the pathway to the world beyond with their silver sounds, until th&ir melodies shall mingle with the .loftiest music of the harps of heaven ! TIIE PKESIDEIVTIAI, DILEMMA. From tho Chicago Herald. It bothers me, and, by my soul, I'n^ata loss to fill up that hole. Tom, Dick and Harry refuse To place themselves in Tanner’s shoes. But, since I call the fact to mind, He left no shoes when he resigned. I feared they all would speak at once, But weeks are creeping into months, And still no one is like to come To fill the Tanner vacuum. I wish I had a kith or kin Who had not yet been counted in— A nephew, cousin, aunt or brother— 'Twould have been filled without this bother. LEVY’S Latsst Success, Gov. Gordon Fixes a Thanksgiving Day for the Farmers. Atlanta, Ga., Oct. 9 —The gov -ernor to-day, at the request ot the far mers’Alliance and the State Agricul tural Society, issued a proclamation calling on the people to observe Nov. 17th as a special Thanksgiving day tor the bountiful harvests. At the town cf Smyrna, on the Western and Atlantic railroad, near Marietta, to-day,' Hattie jSegars, a pretty and popular young lady, aged 17 years, of thjt place, was run over by the Marietta accommodation and re ceived injuries from which she died in -a few hours. To Prove That the Earth Turns. A German educational journal pub lished in Frankfort gives the follow ing directions for. proving that the earth “does move:” fake a good-sized bowl, fill it nearly full of water, aud place it upon the floot of a room which is not exposed to shaking or jarring from the street. Sprinkle over the surface of the water a coat ing of lycopodium powder—a white substance which is sometimes used for the purposes of the toilet, and which can he obtained at almost any apoth ecary’s. Then upon the surface of this coating ot powder make, with powdered charcoal, and straight black line, sayan inch or two in lenth. Having made this little black mark with the charcoal powder on the surface of the contents of the bowl, lay down upon the floor, close to tho bowl, a stick or some other straight object, so that it will be exactly paral lei with the mark. If the line hap pens to he parallel with a crack in the floor, or with any stationary object in the room, this will serve as well. Leave the bowl undisturbed for a few hours, and then observe the position of tho black mark with reference to the object that it was parallel with. It will be found to have moved from east to west.—that is to . say, in the direction opposite to that of the move ment of the earth on its axis. The earth is simply revolving has carried the water and everything else in the bowl around with it, hilt the powder on the surface has been left behind a little. The line will always be found to have moved from cast to west, which is perfectly good proof that everything else has moved the other way. BROWN AND BETTERMENTS. The Committee Declines to Call at the Senator’s Hotel. Atlanta, Ga,, Oct. 8 The joint committee to ascertain and receive the betterments claims of the lessees of the state road met to-dav, but the claim was not pul in. President Brown advised the committee this morning that he desired to present a written claim in person, but his infirm ities led him to ask the committee to meet at a hotel instead of at the capi- tol building. The commitec declined to take this step, but, on the contrary, agreed that there should be no person al conference whatever with the les sees, and that all communications from them must be submitted in writ ing. The lessees were notified of this action and given until next Tuesday to put in then claims. The Negro and Republicanism. A few days ago a member of the White Man’s Republican club, of Houston, Texas, said : “The southern negro is as free a^ you or I, but he is not reliable. He votes as often with the democrats as with the republicans. He should be disenfranchised.” That is what seems to be coming to the re publican party. As. long as the negro could be depended on to vote the re publican ticket, nq republican said a word in favor of disenfranchisement, but when he began to vote the demo cratic ticket about as often as the re publican ticket, then the republi can leaders wondered if it was not a mistake to bestow upon him the right to vote. If the negro is disepfanchts- ed tt will be by the republican party -FOR- 1,11 READ, READ! And Profit by the Same. GUARANTEED, EVERY PAIR, Or Monet) Refunded. BLACK HOSIERY. // VCR THE GREAT SUCCESS Which our “Onyx” Dyed Hosiery met with last season, and the univer sal satisfaction given by these abso lutely fast dye goods has stimulated us to still further improvement for this seas,,11, by producing tho goods from Ingrain yarns, thus giving greater strength and wearing qualities to the fabric, and at the same time re taining all tho excellent qualities of dye, which have been so thoroughly tested and approved in previous sea sons. Try a pair of Onyx, and you will never wear any other stocking, for every pair is warranted not to stain the feet and clothing, and to withstand tho effects of perspiration as well as repeated washings. Furthermore, any pair not found as represented, re turn them and your money will b*e refunded. None gentiiuo unless stamped with above trade-mtA. FOR SALE ONLY BY I. Le?y £ Co., Mitchell House Block