The Daily times-enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1889-1925, October 18, 1889, Image 1

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VOL 1 —Ts O 135, THOM ASVILLE, GEORGIA, FRIDAT MORNING, OCTOBER 18, ’889 5.00 PER ANNUM Letter. We have heard people wonder why it is that at Lohn stein’s you can al ways find more customers than at any other place in town. This question we can easily answer: The people like to trade at Lohnsteins store, 1st. Because they receive every possi ble attention and consideration from the proprietor, as well as from the salesmen. 2nd. Because they find a better selection of goods at Lohnstein’s than at any other place in town, and Last, but not least, because a dol lar goes farther and reaches deeper at Lohnstein’s than anywhere else. Politeness,square honorable dealing, excellence and great variety of stock, small mar gins and quick sales; These are the cardinal reasons for our flattering and unprecedented suc cess. And the good work still goes on. Come and see us this week. We will divide profits with you. Dry goods, cloth ing, shoes, hats, complete in every department. Bar gains in every line. They are waiting for you. Come and AUTUMN LEAVES. Autumn leaves are falling Softly to the ground; Angels sad are calling: “Come,” to weary hearts, with mournful sounds— Solemn sound. Autumn leaves are sailing Slowly through the air; Loving hearts.are failing— Azrael hovers, beck’ning,'everywhere— Everywhere. Autumn leaves are dying With the waning sun ; Broken hearts are lying, Gathered to their kindred, one by one— One by one. Autumn leaves are speaking To the many souls, Phantom pleasures seeking, While life’s river swiftly onward rolls— Ever roll*. But in warp of sadness Hope e’er interweaves. Golden weft of gladness, As we ponder on the autumn leaves— Dying leaves. —Emile Pickhnrdt. BROWifSBETOMENTS. THE SENATOR SUBMITS HIS AR GUMENTS IN WRITING. The Claim of the Lessees $887,412—The Lease Now in \oguc First Passed by a Republican Legislature and Signed bya Republican Governor—The Inventory. Atlanta, Ga., Oct. 15.—There was au interesting gathering in the Senate chamber this afternoon when the joint con 'erence committee met to receive the claims of the. lessees for betterments. Senator Whitfield pres ided over the meeting with dignity and courtesy. The Senate chamber was well crowded tvith members of the legislature anti others. Senator Brown was present, flanked by G’ol. Stahlman and Boykin Wright, one of the counsel for the lessees. It was decided, after the written clnim was submitted, that the written argument of President Brown for the lessees might also be submitted, owing to President Brown’s feeble condition Both these matters were presented to the committee. they are to return the road at the expiration of the lease in as good con dition as it was when received. The word “condition” is the pivotal word. If the state demands the road back in a better condition it violates the con tract. The state has no more right to receive the road back in better condi tion than the lessees have to return it in worse. THE INVENTORY. The lease act required an inventory of the property made by a commission and recorded in the office of the sec retary of state and* filed in the execu tive office. The lessees stand ready to comply essentially with that invento ry. Whatever surplus there is over will belong to the lessees; and no lawyer who values his reputation will insist that the state has a right to take it from us without paying for it, merely because we have used it on the track of the road during a portion of the lease. So with the other im provements made by the lessees. • NEW SIDE TRACKS. We have done most of the grading and laid the crossties and iron on twenty-three miles of additional side tracks. , What right has the state to claim that these side tracks belong to her ? It has been said by many who opposed the claim of the lessees/ that they had made money out of it. President Brown admitted the fact, but said the lessees had the right to make it, and they had made it fairly and honestly. He described the men who took the lease, and said they would never have taken the road in its condition without the prospect of making money, and a largo sum of money. THE TREE QUESTION. ing a new lease to settle this question, as the state would be embarrassed at every point unless there wa s an honest settlement with the present lessees. TIIE EFFECT ON DIDDERS. A corporation which will probably bo a competitor for the new lease is largely interested in this scttlemeht. Tt was also stated that if the Rich mond and Danville and the compan ies controlled by it, and the Louisville and Nashville, should not bid, but should pool to throw all the traffic controlled by them over the East Tennessee road, no company could afford to pay the minimum price it is proposed to ask for the new lease. They could thus do the state more harm in a single winter than it would cost to pay the whole claim for bet terments. brown’s LOVE FOR GEORGIA. The argument of President Brown closed in these words: “I am a Geor gian, and nearly all my life has been spent in the state. I feel the deepest possible interest in her posperity, her honor, and her glory, and, as a Geor" gian, I shall blush for shame if it should be justly said that she has repudiated a just aud honest claim which, upon every principle of equi ty and justice, she was bound to pay.” The committee took the papers, and Senator Whitfield will call a meeting to-morrow to decide what to do with them and what report to make. FORSAKEN FLORIDA! AMOUNT OF THE CLAIM. pluck them, will pay you. It Ihe Great Leader and Benefactor, 132 BROAD ST. The itemized claims of the lessees aggregated 8887,412,25, which in eludes the expenditures for the im provemeut of the tracks; for the depot buildings, bridges, locomotives, cars, machinery, grading in and about Atlanta, changing the gauge, and taxes paid in Tennessee, the latter item footing up to the expiration of the tense 8136,522. The written argument submitted was bulky, covering twenty three pages of close type-written matter. brown’s EXPLANATION. In his argument Senator Brown began by saying that as president of the company he desired to protect its interests, and that other agents and attorneys of the company and'of those interested iu it arc here to aid in its protection. Under the contract the lessees are bound to pay into the treasury of the state, at the end of each month, §25,000 rental, and also to return the road and its appurtenan ces at the termination or forfeiture of the lease iu as good condition as it was received. The only cause of for feiture is failure to pay the rental within twenty days after the end of each month. The lessees have promptly ' paid this rental. Another company made a higher bid, in which the law was not complied with, and a strong opposition sprung up on that account to the present lease after it had been granted by the company. CONFIRMATION OF TIIE LEASE. After a thorough examination by the legislature the lease was confirm ed. The lease was made by an act passed by a republican legislature, signed by a republican governor, and confirmed by a democratic legislature and democratic governor. The terms j of the lease have been faithfully com- I plied with so far. No one denies that The true question is not what wo have made, but have we complied with the contract so far, and do we offer to comply with it the balance of the lease ? While we may not he permitted to go into the courts to set up our rights to the full extent of the improvements made, and may not be legally entitled to pay for all the bet terments placed upon the road, we are entitled iu equity and natural justice to be paid the difference in the condition ot the road, which we esti mate at more than 81,000,000, but we are willing in settlement to take less. The lessees as willing to settle for the betterments are reported by the commission authorized by the last legislature. . THE AMOUNT RETORT ED. The amount reported by that com mission was 8750,889, In addition to this amount the lessees claim that the state should refund them the amount of taxes paid by the company in Tennessee, which under the con tract they were not legally bound for. If the state agrees to settle on this basis then the company will deliver the road with its appurtenances in its condition, either to the state or the new lessees, if there should be such, when the present lease expires. THE TERMS OF PAYMENT. As to the terms of payment the lessees arc willing to leave that to the state; the payment cither to be made out of future rentals, or in 4 per cent, bonds, or in money in any otherform. The lessees further say they are will ing to submit the whole question to arbitration, the arbitration to be selected by the state, or they will leave it to any intelligent court the state will throw open. Outside of a settlement the lessees clnim that they could reduce the rolling 6tock and road to their original condition. TnE TENNESSEE TAXES. As to the Tennessee taxes, a levy could be made ou the state’s property in Tennessee. But the company desires no litigation with the state, and will have none, if it is possible to avoid it. We only want a fair, honest, and just adjudication of our rights. Wc do not want to be hung up in a long litigation with the state. It was then argued that it would be to the advantage of the state in mak- A Specimen of Alligator Gall and Citrus Choek. - ■from the-Loutivllle Courier-Journal. . The mayor of Pensacola has put him self to the trouble of writing a letter to the secretary of state calling the attention of that functionary to certain geographical eccentricities in the line of travel marked down for the international congress. Our inno cent Floridian, observing that, though including twenty states of the Union, this chart de voyage does not touch a Bingle southern state, has the effron tery to offer a protest, or something of that sort. Such a case of case-mated hardihood has not appeared since the present administration came into office; though it is natural that it should emanate from the land of alli gators and porcupines, and be hurled upon the powers that be at very long range. Let us hope that Mr, Blaine will take it os a joke. Truth to say, the Courier-Journal did not fail to note the exclusion of so great a section of country from the secretary’s program for his Spanish American guests immediately upon its publication. But we said nothing. We have grown so used to that kind of thing that in its line nothing sur prises us. Under the existing order, the country is run, primarily of course, for the Grand Army of the Republic; but, next after the Grand Army, for New England, then for Pennsylvania, and, finally, for the president aud his iugeniousprivatesecretary. It would be strange if upon the general cartel, Mr. Blaine should omit to engraft himself and get iu his work. Hence all the yankee states have a whack at the gentlemen with sombreros, though the season is over both at Newport and Bar Harbor, and, having ex hausted exhibitory possibilities of the east, our excursionists arc carried west as far as the good city of St. Paul, whose name at least will com mend it to their pious homage, and brought thence back to Washington by way of Omaha, the refuge of hus bands who have discovered disagreea ble truths at home. The Mammoth Cave, we are glad to see, is put down en passant for a peep at Mr. Blaine’s congress; for which let us down on our marrow-bones and give thanks to the Plumed Knight, who had always had a soft spot for Kentucky. But, ex cepting the all-night run through Missouri, and the dash across the Pan-Handle of West Virginia, no time will be wasted upon the vanish ing civilization of the too, too Solid South. What is our worthy mayor of Pen sacola kicking about any way ? It is true, perhaps, that these foreigners might have been interested in the capital of the defunct confederacy, with its surrounding battle fields; an inspection of the pine land and rice fields of the Carolinas, with a look upon Charleston; and even a detour down into Florida itself. Savannah offers attractions at least equal to Kalamazoo. Then, there are 'New Orleans, not to mention Mobile and Birmingham and Texas, Hell-for Sartin and Hot Springs.—but what of them? The “protected industries” of Macon and Augusta, tho “protect ed leanings” of Chattanooga and Atlanta, might, indeed, have pleaded for them. But the secretary of state doubtless thought it best not to quit God’s country, nor run the risk of the shot gun policy in any of the states lately in rebellion. Lot Florida bide her time. Her time will come. The South wants none of the meretricious aids to her development of which Mr. Blaine seems to think the East and West stand in such need. We have the climate and the soil, and the rest will come. Let the poor devils, for whose exclusive benefit the administration has planned this trip, make all they can out of the artificial advantages a one-sided political arrangement can throw their way. God and nature are on our side, and, in tho long run, they always win. DEMOCRATIC SOCIETIES. Letters From Cleveland and Randall to a Convention. Philadelphia, Pa., Oct. 15.—Ihe first general assembly of ‘cratic societies of Pennsylvania began •to day in tho ^Thalia theater in this city. Over 800 delegates, represent ing democratic clubs in all parts of the state, are in attendance. A number of distinguished demo crats are present, including Hon. W. L. Scott and Hon. E. A. Bigler, can didates for state treasurer, Ex Liet. Gov. Cbauncey F. Black, president of the democratic societies presided. A LETTER FROM CLEVELAND. The following letter from cx-Presi dent Cleveland was read: New York, Oct. 15, 1889. Hon. Chauneey F. Black: My Dear Sir—I am sorry that 1 shall not be able to be in Philadelphia at the general assembly of tho demo cratic societies ot Pennsylvania on the 15th inst., and cannot, therefore, attend the meeting which will follow that ajsembly. My estimate of the value of these democratic societies as agents for the instruction of the people ou political topics and for the accomplishment of legitimate political work is well known, and there never was a time when, in the interest of good government and the national prosperity, they were more needed. The condition of political nflairs is such that the attention of all demo crats should be directed to the en forcement of tho distinctive principles of the party, and in my opinion this is no time for a search after make shifts and temporary expedients. We, as a party, are fairly enlisted in the cause of tho people, and patriotism, duty and party success require that we should he consistent and steadfast. All personal aud selfish aims should be subordinated. I confidently ex pect that in the work we have iu hand our democratic societies will ex hibit au efficiency which will be gratci fully acknowledged by all who have at heart the welfare and posperity of the American people. Yours very sincerely. Grover Cleveland. randall’s letter. The following letter was received from Hon. Samuel J. Randall: Washington, D. C., Oct. 7, 1889. To Hon. Chauncey F. Black: My Dear Sir—Your letter asking my presence at the general assembly of the democratic clubs of Pennsyl vania, to be held at Philadelphia ou the 15th inst., received. I shall go to Washington before that time, and cannot accept, but appreciate your courtesy. 1 hope the meeting will be successful iu every particular. Organ ization is what is needed in our state, and every effort in that direction should receive the encouragement and support of every democrat in our g<5od old commonwealth. Yours truly, Samuel J. Randall. -A.- Now Going on -AT- ILEIWSTS DryMsHsw. Our «Mr. Levy having closed out, while in N e w York, large lots of Wanting Jackets, New Markets, lodjeskas. ALSOU LARGE LOT OF Misses’ and Childrens’ Cloaks & Reefers, direct from the manufacturers, we feel confident in as serting that our Prices on them are FAR BELOW the cost of manu facture. Call early before the choice ones are picked over. Levy’s Mitchell House Block.