The Daily times-enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1889-1925, October 25, 1889, Image 2

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*r ‘ ' . '■SHasSe —- THE DAILY TIMES-ENTERPRISE. JOHN TKIFLETT, - - - Editor. S. B. BURR, - Business Manager. FRIDAY, 00 TOBER 25, 18S9. Daily Tiues-Enif.rprise i'i published every morning (Monday exempted.) The Wiskly TiMKB-EtiTEnrRiaK is published every Saturday morning. Scbscbiptios Rates. Daily TViies-Entebpbise, .... $5 00 Wiskly “ 1 00 The Reraters Disgorging—A Monument to Cox—Stanley Heard from—The pan-Amerloans in tho Wild West— Brunswick Celebrates tho Completion of Another Railroad—Col. Bird, ex-U. S. Marshal, not to be Arrested, And no Charge Against Him. Daily Advebtis no Rates jTransient Rates.—$1.00 per square for the first insertion, and 50 cci ts for ea- h subse- uent insertion. One Square, one month, - - - One Square, two months - - One Square, three month i, - - Oi»o Square, six months, - - One Square, twelve moot is, - - Subject to change by £ Jecial arranf ement M. B. BlTKBs RnsIncM* Monngcr, % 5 00 8 00 12 00 . 20 00 35 00 Gov. John B. Gordon Coming. In response to an invitation of the committee, Messrs. H. W. Hopkins, K. T. MacLean and W. R. McIntyre, Gov. Gordon writes that he will be here on the 15th of November. And the veterans of Thomas county will give him a rousing welcome. Let the old Confederates, their sons, wives and daughters, come and greet the man who received all his scars in front. Gordon will be here. This is enough, in itself, to draw thousands. The house has passed a bill re-estab lishing the office of State geologist. Seosible. There appears to be a matrimonial epidemic in Savannah, judging from the number of marriages reported iD the News. It is rather late in the season for an epidemic; however, the danger probably is now passed. It may breakout next spring. Very likely. Savannah has invitedtheGovernor, Senate and House of representatives to visit that city, at the close of the session, and the invitation has been accepted. The well known hospitali ty of the Forest City is a sufficient guarantee that the distinguished visitors will be royally entertained. The best thing that has been writ ten in reference to Governor Hill’s supposed innuendo on the subject of cyclopedias in his Atlanta speech, is the following from the New York Herald: “We. do not believe that David B. Hill will occupy as large a space in the encyclopedias of thefuture as Grover Cleveland.” LATEST TELEGRAPlilC NEWS. SNOW AND SLEET. The State fair is now in full blast, and the exposition is said to be the best seen in Macon for years. South ern Georgia is well and largely rep resented. The State fair is mainly the peoples fair aud should be patron ized by every section of the State. Every Georgian ought to take a pride in its success. The Pan-American congress tele graphed Secretary Blaine from Chi cago that they were not tired of the trip as has been reported, and were much pleased with the cordial manner with which they were being received and the attentions which have been paid them at every point visited. I is generally known that this distin guished body of foreigners will visit the South later in the season. They will learn when they come among us something of the wonderful progress being made by the South, its possibili ties and prospects. They will learn something, also, of that hospitality for which the South is so famous. Washington, Oct. 23.—It is un derstood that two of the employees of the pension office, whose pensions were rerated, have been officially re quested to refund to the government the extra money paid to them on ac count of such rerating. Charleston, S. C., Oct. 23.—The letter carriers of Charleston, in res- ponce to a suggestion from the letter- carriers of New York, met to day and contributed 82 each to the fuud for a monument to the late Samuel S. Cox. Berlin, Oct. 23—A cable dispatch has been received from Capt. Weiss- mann stating that reliable news has been received concerning Emin Pasha, Explorer Stanley, Signor Casati, and six Englishmen. They are all ex pected to arrive at Mpwapwa in the latter part of November. St. Paul, Minn., Oct. 23—The pan-American route has been changed slightly so as to allow a visit to Kan sas City. From the twin cities the special goes to Omaha according to announcement, and from there to St. Louis, where a stop of only one day is to be made, instead of two as here tofore announced. The trip is to be made across (he state to Kansas City, and thence to Sprinfield, Ill., and east as announced. Brunswick, Ga., Oct. 23.—To-day has been a jubilant one at South Brunswick. The last spike was driven in the South Brunswick Terminnl railroad, and this evening the first through train from Waynes- ville arrived. Its arrival was greeted with a blaze of fireworks, blowing of Whistles and a general jollification. The employees, of the road gave themselves up to enjoyment, and were treated in a royal manner by their employers. It is understood that the extension to Cordele will soon be built. no charges agains col. bird. Jacksonville, Fla., Oct. 23.—In your issue of this day you have a tel egram dated at Pensacola, in which you say it is rumored that the republi cans bring charges against ex-Mar- shal Bird, that he is to be arrested on an alleged charge of being short in his accounts, and that his whereabouts is unknown. All this is erroneous. Col. Bird is now at Waldo, about fifty miles ltom here, and there are no charges against him. Philip Walter, Clerk United States Court. Ocala, Fla., Oct. 23.—Col. Bird ex-United States Marshal, has been shown the telegram published in the Morning News of to-dav, and pro- nouces it false from beginning to end E. A. O. Mundee. Pensacola, Fla., Oct. 23.—Tele graphic advices from Jacksonville, to day, are to the effect that there is . no touodation for the rumors concerning Col. Bird. Cumberland, Oct. 23.—There was a general fall of snow in this section this morning, it being the first of the season. The mountains are covered with a coating of white, while a heavy northeast wind prevails. All along the line of the Western Maryland rail road a storm existed. Pecksnifflan Pretenses. The Milwaukee Journal, one of the ablest, as it is one of the .fairest, of our northern contemporaries, enter tains the clearest' conception of the relations which the two sections of country bear to the so called “race issue”, we have read in some time. In a lengthy article discussing the in dustrial status of the negroes, North and South, the Journal avows that the North is no place for the negro ; that while he may be allowed to com pete with white labor in the little, trifling, unskilled employments, he is shut out from auy but the most menial aud least profitable service. While, the Journal says, in the south ern states negroes arc becoming car penters, blacksmiths, brick-masons, and filling other positions where something of skill and education is required, if they should venture to enter such fields in the North, they would be driven out by the mob t These indisputable facts have been referred to by the southern press time and again. The best habitation for the negro in all this country, or all the habitable globle, indeed, is tho South. There may be a few ill-in formed and rebellious negroes who dispute this axiom, but a little expe rience in some northern community would soon convince them of their error. It is always “God bless you, my brother in black,” at a safe dis tance. In the North the negro may saw wood, curry horses, shine boots and shoes, and perform other trifling aud precarious offices, but when (in any number) he applies himself to the higher avocations which if he fol low, might compete with the whites of that section, he is very soon advis ed to seek a warmer climate. His pecksniffian friends are very willing he should fathom all the depths and shoals of wealth and honor, and be come a governor, a senator, a judge or a skilled mechanic, as long as he operates south of the old dividing line. —Times-Union, Jacksonville. conclusively that, notwithstanding the crops have been cut short by dry weather, our farmers are in better condition than ever before. Quite a nu mber of our citizens took advantage of the cheap rates to the metropolis on Tuesday, and are visit ing the exposition this week. John R. Singletary, Cairo, Ga., Oct. 23rd, 1889. Newspapers Free! Skins on Fire. . P A •aaialnif If Ahln« ItHnilii'F iimll Send Yocb Own Name and address and those of 5 to 10 of your friends or neighbors, on a postal card, or otherwise, and a copy of the Savannah Weekly News will he sent to each address free." - Agonizing, itelilng, burning and bln-.d- las Zruna io Ita nonlalncza. * THE WEEKLY NEWS Those who know the spotless repu tation and high character of Col.Bird, of Florida, will not be surprised to see,under the head of latest telegraph ic news, 0 positive denial of anything wrong in his accounts with the gov ernment. Is a Business and Family Newspaper lor Country readers. It is the largest weekly published hi the south—IC large pages. It is splendidly gotten up and carefully edited. If you have- never seen a copy of it send for one and you will pronounce it to be the big gest nnd best newspaper you ever read. Address The YVcclily Now.. NnYnnnnh, On. Bcmedie. lor SO. Cured byCutienra. I am cared of a loathsome disease, eczema, in its worst stage. I tried dilferent doctors and been through the hospital, but all to no pur- oose. The disease covered my whole body from the top of my head to the noles of my leet. My all t ’ * ‘ “ “ “* hair my head to the boles of my leet. My u came out, leaving me a complete raw sore. After trying everything I heard of your Cuticura Remedies, and after using three bot tles of Cutlcura Resolvent, with Cutlcura and Cutlcura Soap, I find myself cured at the cost .. An V .an.ll.l n/,f .ullllAIlf tt,ft Plltl. Mince meat, condensed, is sold in neat packages, for convenience of housekeepers, at Ball’s. 25 3t Bneklen’. Arnica Halve. The Best Salve in tho World for Cuts Bruises, Sores, Dicers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cores Piles, or no pay required. It is guar anteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by S, J. Cassels, Drug Store. 300 spare ribs just received at Red Front Grocery. oct25-3t. Fancy Flour called “White Silk,” at Ball’s. 25 3t SEED-:-0ATS. p, I find myseir curea at me cost of about $6. I would not be without the Cuti cura Remedies in my house, as 1 find them use ful in many cases, and 1 think they are the only skin and blood medicines. 18AAC H. GERMAN, Wurtshoro, N. Y. Burning and Itching. I was sick in the fall of 1888 with ft burning and Itching So bad that In three weeks I was covered with a raah, and could no. sleep nights or work days. Some doctors thought it might be salt rheum (eczema), and said they had nev er seen any thing like it before. I received no help from any or them, or from any medicine that 1 could get hold of until 1 tried your Cutl cura Remedies. After three weeks’ use I was able to work, and kept getting better, until I am now entirely cured. I recommend thorn to all suffering with skin diseases. C. E OSMER, Taftsville, Vt. . = Most Iir.ense Itching. I have used the Cutlcura Remedies success- fully for my baby, who was aflllcted with ede ma, and had bucu intense itching that be got no rest day or night. j The itching Is and Spare ribs, r.ot the extreme spare, but juicy nnd sweet at Red Front Grocery. oct25-3t. Buckwheat! Buckwheat! at Ball’s. 2,000 Bushels Texas Rust Proof Seed Oats. 1,000 __iby is cured, and is now a healthy, rosy- cheekeu boy. MARY KELLERMAN, Beloit, Kan. Cuticura Resolvent. The new Blood Purifier and purest and best of Humor Cures, internally, and Cutlcura, tho f treat Skin Cure, and Cutlcura Soap, an ezquls- te Skin Beautifier, externally, Instantly and OPERA HOUSE Bushels Thomas County Rust Proof Seed Oats. speedily and permanently cure the most ago- nizing. itching, burning, bleeding, scaly, erust- nizlng, itching, burning, Dieeax*. b , ed and pimply diseases and humors of the skin, scalp, and blood, with loss of * Blaine’s Foreign Policy. Washington, October 15.—Three items of Secretary Blaine’s proposed foreign policy were thus briefly out lined recently by a friend of his whom he has honored not only with his confidence, but with an office: 1. To annex San Domingo its a country to Florida, and to work to ward the acquirement of Cuba. 2. To annex Hawaii as a country to California, Oregon or Washington. 3. To support Corea against China in spite of*the efforts of China, now making through the new minister here to tarn the United States against Corea, and especially to snub the Co- rcan legislation so that it may be withdrawn. fl«q Domingo and Hawaii are to be opened up to discontented negroes. Of coone hie pan-American plans pre dominate. Treating the Insane. An interesting experiment is being conducted near New York in the care and treatment of the insane patients of that city. A farm of neatly 1,000 acres was purchased fifty miles out, and the harmless insane have been put at light farm work. The idea originated with the county board of charities and correction, who thought it would relieve the overcrowded con dition of the asylums and furnish the unfortunates with a beneficial employ ment which might assist in their cure. At present 311 insane patients are at work. At the outset many of them objected to following agriculture as a business; urged that they knew noth ing about farm work, and asked to bo put at other trades, but by judicious management they were won oyer to it, and they now take a strong interest in their work. That healthful out door labor is more beneficial to traota- blc insane patients than the usual confinement of an asylum is hardly to be doubted, and the Now York experiment may prove to be a valua ble method of ameliorating their con dition.—Ex. Wasihngton, Oct. 23.—Snow is re ported from Baltimore, Philadelphia, and yarious points in the interier of New York and Pennsylvania. A tew flakes fell here also, mingled with rain which prevailed all day. Harrisonburg, Va. Oct. 23.—A terrific storm of rain, snow, hail and sleet has prevailed here for the last twenty-four hours. At times the wind blew a perfect hurricane. Winchester, Va., Oct. 23.—It snowed here the most of the day with the thermometer near the freezing point. Thirty-six years ago to-day snow fell here to a depth of fourteen inches, breaking down trees andsltrub bery. At last accounts Mr. Stahlraan had not tom up the tracks of the W. & A. R. R. And he wont. One John B. Gordon, governor of the State of Georgia, is standing guard over that ONE NIOBLT ONLY MONDAY, OCT- 28, 4,000 Bushels Feed Oats. 600 , hair, from pim ples to scrofula. __ Sold everyvrbere. Price, Cuticura, 60c.; Soap 250.; Resolvent, $1.00. Prepared liy the Potter Drug and Chemical Corporation, Boston. iruR and Chamlcal corporation, Boston. Ep-Sendfor“How to Cnio Skin DIsiasos,” 64 pages, 60 Illustrations, and 100 testimonials, IHJFJLE.1, Black-heads, red, rough, I In and oily skin prevented by Cntici Engagement ot the Bright, Handsome little Bushels Damaged Meal, for Stock Feed. SIX Car Loads Prime Hay. And her excellent company in her new suc cess, by Howard P. Taylor, author Caprice, May Blossom, &c., All just received and for sale at reasonable prices by JOHN T. WEST. Thomasvltle, Oct. 24-10t The time for paying your city taxes is at hand. Please call at my office ot the cotton ware house and sestle before execution is issued. Office hours 0 a. m. to 6 p. m. Jas. F. Evans, Citv Tr. The Little Sinner. New Songs. New Music. New Specialties. Imillinery Seats niw on sale at Reid & Culpepper’s. TO-DAY’S ARRIVA N. 0. Bananas, Apples, s Miss Kate Collins, I will be at thc-following places on ray 3d and last round, on the dates named below: Burbank Potatoes, Onions, Cabbages, Codfish Herring, New Catch Mackerel, Fresh Green Pickle3 in bulk, Fresh Oat- Flakes, Buckwheat. MITCHELL HOUSE BLOCK, THOMASVILLE, G-A., Is now receiving a most elegant assortment ot all kinds ot Millinery Goods, snch ns are usually kept in a first-class establishment, consisting of Something new In Plug Smoking Tobacco, HATS, BONNETS, PLUMES, Another shipment of Cigars. No trash to offer at catch penny prices, but Always good fresh Goods at A C. BROWN’S, 23 3t Tho Jackson St. Grocer. Gloves, Laces, Embroideries, Ribbons, he. in fact anything yon would likely find in a millinery store. ii ‘WHENIII BUT Especial attention given to Dress-making in all its branches. Call and examine goodt and prices. octl9-tf Cairo Dots. Considerable commotion was creat ed in our little city last Thursday evening, when it was learned that Mr. Algiers’ house had been burglar ized in broad open ‘daylight, nnd rifled of 843, besides two good revol vers. Suspicion pointed to Fanny Griffin, who lived near by, and she was arrested and arraigned btfore the magistrate and ooromitted to jail to await the action of the grand jury this week. The pistols were recovered. The many friends of Dr. Will Davis will be sorry to learn of his continued illness, but we hope to seo him up and around. Mr. R. M. Griffin, an old and respected citizen of our little village, is lying very sick at his home. Mr. Haynes Singletary, while sit ting in his front piazza last Wednes day, was taken suddenly with vertigo, and fell from his chair, sustaining serious injuries in the head, causing partial paralysis of the vocal organs. Miss Mollie Mock, a charming representative of tho 17th, is visiting Mrs. Richard Davis. Capt. J,. B. Wilson, editor of tho Whigham Advance, paid our city a flying visit on Monday. Our merchants report better collect tions than for years, showing very My new hat for this season, it must be in the latest style, with rich trimming, and elegantly finished; nothing shoddy about it. Am willing to pay well for it, but aot for the reputation of the biggest stock and the finest goods, as some claim ” Thus talks a sensible buyer who is able to have what she wants. Another says: "Lillie and Julia and Eva must all have a new hat and baby a new cap. My! expenses will run up and income small! I must really look about and get the best goods for low est price, where I trade without fear of being overcharged.” Any one who talks or thinks like this is my customer. They are looking tor bargains in the millinery line and they will naturally incline to Lower Broad. They will open on or before Oct. 18th, with a fall line of Clothing, Hats, Gent’s Furnishing Goods, etc., at aovertiaing prices, on Jackson street, near Bread. Look out tor the big York and Baltimore Clothing House sign. Thomasvlllo, Ga., Oct. Hi, ’S3.IBootlm A nice new lot ladies underwear, all grades, styles and prices. This is be coming a popular department, because I sell these articles for less than they can be made at home. Millinery opens with a rush; 84 hats the past 4 days! This is a fair record to begin with. The goods and prices speak for themselves. Havn’t time tor a formal opening. Am open every day in the week. Glad to see you any time, and so thankful for a share of your trade. Call in. WILL ARRIVE THIS WEEK, Mrs. Jennie Carroll, Lower Broad Milliner. LOOK HERE. You can buy at Pickett’s Cash Store: 3 lb Tomatoes at 3 lb “ at Early June Peas at Sugar Corn at Lima Beans at Succotash at Salmon at Sardines—imported at 3 lb cans Alligator Oysters i6jjc can i lb cans Alligator “ o8Jc can x lb cans Lunch Tongue 35c can 3 lb cans Corned Beet at aoc can 3 lb cans Eng. Lun. Meat 30c can Small cans Potted Ham 75c doz Cooper, Cox, or Nelson’s Gelatine ' 150 pkg Respectfully, tf M. P. PlCgE-TT, 8c roe 15c can roc can 15c can 17c can ifijjc can 15c can Dress-Making. WAIT FOR THE NEW YORK AND BALTIMORE CLOTHING HOUSE. Mercurial Poison. Mercury ts frequently injudiciously used by quack doctors in cases of malaria and blood poison. Its after effect is worse than the original disease. B. B. B. (Botanic Blood Balm) contains no mercury, bat will eliminate mercurial poison from tho system. Write to Blood Balm Co., Atlanta, Ga., for book of convincing proof of its curative vlrtno. A. F.Britton, Jackson, Tenn., writes: "I caught malaria in Louisiana, and when the fever at last broke, my system was saturat ed with poison, and I had sores In my moqth and khots on my tongue- I got twe bottles of B. B. B., which healed my tongue and mouth and made a new man of me." Wm. Richmond, Atlanta, Ga., writes “My wife could hardly seo. Doctors called t syphilitic Iritis. Her eyes were In a dreadful condition. Her appetite falied. She had pain in her joiuta and bones. Her kidneys were deranged also, and no one thought she could ba cured. Dr. Gillam recommended B. B. B., which she used until her health was entirely restored." K. P. B. Jones, Atlanta, Ga., writes 1 “I „as troubled with copper colored eruptions, loss of appetito, pain in back, aching joints, debility, emaciation, loss of hair, sore throat, and great nervousness. B. B. B. put my system In fine condition.” TO THE NORTH AND NORTHWEST —THE—, L.&JST. LOUISVILLE & NASHYILLE RAILROAD, —IS THE— SHORT LINE, —WITH— THROUGH SLEEPING SABS, FROM ALBANY TO And bat one change to LOCMTILI.E, CINCINNATI,™^ ioo . And other northern cities. Always ask for tickets via the Louisville A Nashville R. R. For any information, write to C. P. ATMOBE, Gen. Pass. Agt. Louisville, Ky. Parties baying friends in the North should advise thereto take this rente to {Thomas? Title during the coming season. ■ore Iron, head io- fret. Hair Bone. Doctors nnd hospital* fall. ried or* erythins. Cured bj tho Cuticura I STRAINS weak kidneys, K alns rellev- ib Cullen* Planter. 25 cents. CITY TAX. Tax and Registration Notice. Third and Last Round. Duncanville Monday. Nov. 4l!i. Metcalfe Tuesday, Nov. 5th. East Glasgow Wednesday, Nov. 6th. Boston, Thursday and Friday, Nov. 7-8. McDonald Monday, Nov. 11, forenoon. Ways Monday, Nov. 11, afternoon. Kilby Murphey’s Tnesday, Nor. 12th. Ocklockonee Wednesday, Nov. 13th. Meigs Thursday, Nov. 14th. Spence Wednesday, Nov. 20th. Cairo Thursday aad Friday, Nov. 21-22. P. S- IIeitii, T. 0. Registrar. " •WITH THE Biggest and Best Stock OF DRY LUMBER IN SODTH GEORG’A. I hnvo five hundred thousand feet of Standard Mouldings, , ■ ■ Which I will sell at a rare bargain, in fact it will save purchasers money to seo mo be fore placing their orders for lumber of _any kind] Jos. L. Beverly, (Successor to Fife & Beverly.) MEIQS - - GA., WANTSD X Pianos & Organs A Large Lot of Gents’ Furnishing Goods just received to be sold at a sacrifice at ■JJ1 B. GOLDBERG’S action nnd Commission Danse. Lower Jackson, second door from Cotton Warehouse, 13sep3m PIANOS AND ORGANS W. 8. Brown, the Jewoler, has so. cured the agency for all the first-class Pianos and Organs, which ho is selling at the lowest prices tor cash or on long time. Those desiring to purchase will do well to learn hia prices aud terms. Wander! nl Care*. W. D, Hoyt h Co., Wholesale and Retail Druggists of Rome Ga., says: We have been selling Dr. King’s New Dicovery, Electric Bitters and Bucklen’s Arnica Salve for four years Have never handled remedies that sell as well, or give such universal satisfac tion. There have been some wonderful cures effected by these medicines in this city. Several cases ot pronounced Consump tion have been entirely cored by use of a few bottles of Dr. King's New Discovery, taken in connection with Electric Bitters. We guarantee them always. Sold by S. J, Cassels. Personal. Mr. N. II. Frohlichstein, of Mobile, Ala., writes: I take great pleasure in recommend ing Dr. King’s New Discovery lor Consump tion, have used it tor a Bevere attack of Bronchitis and Catarrh. It gave me instant rriiet and entirely cared me and I hare uot been afflicted since. I alio beg to state that I had tried other remedies with no good re sult. Hare also nsed Electric Bitters and Dr. King’s Now Life Pills, both of which I can reccommend. Dr. King’s New Discorery for Consump tion, Coughs and Colds, is sold on a positive guarantee, free Tfiql pottles a) 8. J,Cassell Drug Store,