The Daily times-enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1889-1925, October 30, 1889, Image 4

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•—7—* Watch the Nurses. The following timely editorial ap peared in the Savannah News of Mon day last. We have seen something of this kind in Valdosta. Mothers, read it: “Some sort of society to prevent cruelty to children seems to be needed in this city. The; Morning News has from time to time recorded instances of brutal treatment of children by col ored hoys and men, such as the strik ing of a child with a rock ar.d the throwing of a carriage and baby in front of a team. Occurrences like these are rare, of course, and the per petrators of such acts are pretty cer tain to be punished, but the abuses which young children suffer at the hands ol their colored nurses are not rare, and the most of them are not noticed nor corrected. People pass ing through the public squares, where the children are sent to get fresh air, have frequently seen colored nurses slap children mercilessly and other wise abuse them. It is an every day occurrence. There are some kindly disposed, responsible colored nurses in the city, but there are a great many more who have no just conception of their duties, andjwho, by maltreatment make the children afraid of them, as the surest means of having an easy time. They speak roughly to them, and in a fit of passion strike them. They leave them to take care of themselves, and between ill treat ment and neglect, children often re ceive injuries Irom which they do not recover for a long time. It would be better for them to be unprovided with nurses, and to get into the open air only when they could be taken out by some member of the family, than for them to have such nurses. Negro girls are frequently hired out as nurses by their relatives, who take their wages, and in such instances they are very indifferent to their duties, and JJare cruel to the children placed their charge, because they are dissatisfied. The mothers of these children are partly to blame for this state of affairs They are too anxious to escape the care of their little ones, and when they employ a nurse they feel that their responsibility has been in a great measure placed upon other shoulders They allow their children to remain too loDg out of their Sight, and are not diligent in finding out what kind of treatment the nurses give them. The abuses alluded to need correc rection, and parents should do much to conect them."—Valdosta Times Figures That Stagger. From the New York World. At the close of tho fiscal year there were on the pension list 489,729 names. This is 2,000 more than the standing army of Germany. It is nearly a quarter of a century since the close of the war, and yet there were added to the list of pensioners during last year 53,675 names, against only 16,000 dropped—a net gain of 37,000. There are still pend' ing. 479,000 original claims, besides the requests for rcrating. Tho amount paid for pensions dur ing the year was 888,275,112, and the heavy disbursements in July and August indicated an expenditure for the present year of fully 8100,000,- 090. This exceeds by nearly one- half the entire cost of the government before the war. It overtops the cost Of the standing army of Great Britain and nearly equals that of France, The payments on pension account since 1861 are 81,052,218,413—al most os much os the present amount of the public debt. The increase of pensions has outrun, in recent years, the diminution of the interest charge. It is not strange that Secretary No blc called a halt. Daniel Webster, in one of his speeches, sgid there were three things he wished to impress on the mind; of pupils. First, you cannot learn with' out your own efforts. All the teachers in the world can never make a scholar of you if you do not apply yourself with all your might. In the second place, be of good character and good behavior, a boy of strict truth, honor and con- cience in all things. Have but one rule, and let that be always to act right and fear no'thing but wrong doing. _ Woman is an enigma. She will (see a frowning world and cling to the man she loves through the most bitter period of trial and adversity, blit she wouldn’t wear a hat three weeks behind the style to save the govern ment.— Munsey’s Weekly. HE SKABOHED WITH SHEEHAN TO THE SEA; Trudged all the way on foot, over mountain and through momas, carrying knapsack and gun. slept on brush heaps to keep out of the mud, caught cold, from the effects of which his friends thought he would never recover. Lingering with slow consumption for many years, he saw Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical Dis covery advertised in a country newspaper, and ho determined to try it. A few bottles worked a change; b!x months’ continued uso cured him. Always too independent to ask his country for a pension, ho now says ho needs none. Ho helped save his country, he saved himself 1 Consumption is Lung-scrof ula. For scAfula, in all its myriad forms, the “Discovery" is an unequaled remedy. It cleanses the system of nil blood-taints from whatever causa arising, and cures all Skin and Scalp Diseases, Salt-rheum, Tetter, Ecze ma, and Kindred ailments. It is guaranteed to benefit or cure in all diseases for which It is recommended, or money paid for it will bo refunded. Sold by druggists. Copyright, 15S*, by World’s Dis. Man Abs’n. lint wit —CARBONATED WITH— NATURAL GAS Imported from the Mineral Springs on the Rhine, Ger many, on draught at L. SCHMIDT’S. Mineral W ater For the Liver and Kidneys. For sale at L. SCHMIDT’S. fresh meats. We will open, Monday, April 1st, at the place lately occupied by Mr. P. H. Bone a fine stock of fresh meats. Beef, Mutton and Pork. Our meats are from our own farms, fat, nicy and sweet. We will he glad to receive onr patronage and will serve you with the est meats at the lowest possible prices. F. P. Hobs b Ba J. S. MONTGOMERY. Real Estate Agent, THOMASVILLB, GA. Office over Reid k Culpepper’s On; Store, Droid St I am now prepared to buy or sell, forothcr parties, all kinds of town or country real estate, and hare on my list a good assort ment of both kinds. Strict and close atten tion to the business will be my aim, and I respectfully solicit a share of the baldness of the community. aagJStf Florida Trunkline. Florida Central —AND— { Peninsula Railroad. Foruirrlr the F. R. Sc IV, Co, Standard Time Used—June *,1889. | KOUTPEllN DIVISION I 8 | 5 00 p loos a,Lv Fernandlna Ar 7 00 p 1145 n Lv JackHouvllle Ar C 30 pi 11 27 a' Lv Crtllnhan Ar 8 30 p 12 42 P 1.V Baldwin Ar 9 25 P I 27 P: Ar Lawtoy 1955 pi 1 42 p Ar Ktarke A U 30 p "'** 1 20 a; oui i'. 1 10 a! 4 29 p> . 3 50 aj 5 42 p Ar 5 10 a! OlOpiAr com 6 40p\r 9 42 ft! 8 22 p AT Wildwood Ar Leesburg Ar Tavares Lv Prlando Lv I vis 305pi 830a 1 50p 610a 1 53p 6 40a 1242p 5 00a 1158a 3 55a Aril 28 a 3 30a 10 52 a 2 60a 10 23 a 2 00 a 907 p 12 01 p 8 t*0a 9 20p 7 35a| 7 65p 710 a 7 OOp 545 a 4 OOp Lv Jacksonville Ar Lv Wildwood Ar Ar Paucsoffkoo Ar Ar Sumtervlllo Ar Ar St. Catherine Ar Ar Laeoochoo Ar !■ r Dade City Ar Ar Plant City Lv CEDAK KKT DIV. | 14 610a 84lp 800p 730p 640p 6 OOp !£* 7 00p 5UOa 5 40 a; G 10 a 7 15 8 05 n 8 60 n| 1030 a 7 00 p 1145 a Lv Jacksonville AT 160 p «10 a G 00 k; 4 10 p Lv Waldo Arl035p,IjWp 5 10 ai 4 53 P Ar Gainesville Ar 10 45 I 5 42p;Ar Archer Lv 6 12 p Ar Bronson AT ......— 18 jAr Cedar Key Lv 830 o| "I i j”westeum division I 2 1 10 7 15 a Lv Jacksonville Ar 940 a| 2 80p 825 a 12lip 7 48a, 7 <0 P 9 05 p 10 40 p 11 58 p 104 a 4 10 a 6 10 a 8 00a 9 20 a 8 00 _ 9 36 a 10 27 a 11 28 a 12 52 p 2 02 p 3 03 p 4 00p ... Baldwin Ar Ar Lake City Ar Ar LlvoOsk Arl323p A l Madison Ar 1115 a Ar Montlcello LvloSOa Ar Tallahassee Lv Ar Quincy Lv A r River June. Lv 320 p 385 p 108p \96Q&\ 857a 800a 705a 2 45 p 1 40 p 1122 a 955a 815 a 025a 820a 150a 1205a 1,2,7, 8, 9. 10,13,14 Dally. 62, and 63 Dally. 3.4, 23, 24, Dally, except Sunday. 30 Dally except Sunday. 31 Dally except Monday, 60 | C | rEHN Arinin A aan JACKSONVILLE BRANCH | 5 | 61 8 45 p-4 30 a Lv Jacksonville Ar850a-0j)0 10 05 p-C 00 a Ar Fernondlna Lv 715 *-4*30 5 and 6 dally, excopt Sunday. 60 and 61 Sundays only. ^ TUBJNK. Glen Springs 7:15 a. m., Now Orleans Express. Shortest and quickest line to all Middle and West Florida points, Pensacola, Mobile and New Orleans. noct through to Thomas vlllo, Montgomery. Nashville, St. Louis. Cincinnati.Chicago, and all points North and West. Arrive at 3:40 p. m. and 3.45 p. m. 11:45 p. m. Mall and Express for all points South, Galnesvlllo, Ocala, Leesburg,Taveres, Apopka, Orlando, Panasoffkee (St. Catharine) Dado City, llant City. Arrives at 1:60p. m, 7:00 p. m. Local, connects through for all points South, Ocala, Gainesville, Leesburg, Tavares, Orlando, Tarp-m Springs. Souther land, St. Petersburg, and Tampa. Arrives at 6:10 a. m, 11:45 a. m. Cumberland Routo Express, con nects at Fernandlna with steamer City of Brunswick, dolly, for Brunswick, Macon, At lanta, Chattanooga, Louisville, Cincinnati St. Louis and Chicago. Arrives 1:50p. m. 4:80 p. m. Fernandlna Mall and Express, dally, connecting Tuesday and Friday with Str. St. Nicholas for Savannah and way land ings. Thursday with Mallory 8teomers for Now York. Arrives 8:50 a. m. Sunday train leaves Jacksonville 8:45 a. m. This now service gives perfect connections at Baldwin for all points North and West, Via Callahan to all points North, East and West. Via Fernandlna, connecting with Str. City of Brunswick, for Brunswick, Macon, Atlanta and all points North and West. Daily Special to connect at Fernandlna for Boat with Brunswick, Ga. Leave Jacksonville 9 05 a m; Lve Fernandlna 100 a m. ... An-lve Fernandlna 10 25 a m; Art Jackson ville 12 29 pm. V D. E. MAXWELL, A. O MACDONELL, Gen. Manager. G. P. A T. A. N. S. PENNINGTON, Traffic Manager. J. W REID. Agent at Thoraasvllle. Ga. PASSENGER SCHEDULE — AND — FREIGHT SERVICE In Effect Feb. 2G, 1889, via The ItAII.KO.YI>. Suwance River Route to Flonda. Standard Time same as Macon city time. GOING SOUTH. I GOING SOUTH Lv Macon 4 00 pm •• Sotkco 4 IS pm “ Avondnlo ...4 30 pm •• Wellston 4 44 pm " Bonaire 4 5fi pm '• Kathleen 5 07 pin ■■ Ttvoln 518 pm " Grovanla 5 30 pm Elko 3 47 pm Cnadllla.—6 07 pm Plnehurst...O 30 pm •• Findlay 638 pm •• Vlonna 40 pm " Blchwood...6 49pm •• Cordolo 7 33 pm '• Wonona 7 33 pm “ Arnbl .7 47 pm •' Bakota .8 01 pm " Ashburn 817 pm " Sycamore...8 23 pm “ Inaba 8 30 pm ■< Chula. 8 53 pm ■■ Tilton .310 pm " Eldorado.....9 40 pm ’• Laconta 10 00 pm '• Sparks lo 13 pm *■ Adel 10 30 pm ■' Oirnoor... „10 40 pm <• Bablra 1055 pm 11 Mlneola—4113 pm ArVald6eta....US5pn Lv Valdosta. ...515 am " Mlneola 5 35 am " Balilra 5 54 am •• Oxmoor 5 09 am “ Adel _.._* 49 am Sporka 57 am •' Laconto 7 09 am ■■ Eldorado..._7 39 am “ Tilton 7 59 am “ Chula. ....817 am “ Inaha 813 am " Sycamore....* 44 am " Aehburn 813 am “ Dakota .908 am " Arnbl ....933 am " Wenona. 9Mam •' Cordolo .0 47 am •' Rlcbwood .10 00 am •• Vienna 10 09 am '■ Findlay 1031 am “ Plnehuret.10 39 am “ Unadllla....l0 43am “ Elko .1103 am " Orovaula .4110 am “ Tivola 41 tl am '• Kathleen ...1143 am ■* Bonaire 11 It am “ Wetlston..~13 05pm •• Avondale ...1318pm " Sofkee..—43 3* pm Ar Macon ,1345 pm Faesenger trains arrive and depart from Union Passenger depot at Macon daUy. Freight received and deliver* 1 at Central Railroad Warehouses. Local freight trains leave Macon dolly St 5:00 a. m.,and arrive dally at 8 :SO p. m. For further Information apply to your sta- A. O. KNAPP, Traffic Manager, Macon, Go. tlon agent or to TO THE NORTH AND NORTHWEST —THE— Li. & N. LOUISVILLE S NASHVILLE RAILROAD, —IS THE— SHORT LINE, —WITH — THROUGH SLEEPING SAR$, FROM ALBANY TO NAHKVII.Iiljg' t And but one change to And other northern cities. Always ask tor tickets via the Louisville A Nashville B. R. For any information, write to C. P. ATSIORE, Oen. Pass. Agt. Louisville, Kjr. Parties having friends in the North should advise themjto take this rout* to JThomsa- vlllc during the coming season. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. DR. M. M.T. HUCHINGSON, of Lake Olty, Fla., 30 Years in the Practice .of Medicine, Offers bis professional services to the citi zens of Thomosvillc and surrounding coun try. Office, 2nd door over A. O, Brown's Store, and A. C. Brown’s residence on Daw son street. d&w6m Sept IT. DR. A. B. COUCH, Modern • Pathology, - New • Remedies, DIRECT TREATMENT, Offers Ills professional services to the citi zens of Thomasvillc and surrounding coun try. Office over Steyermau’s store, Broad street, Tliomasville, Oa. 9-3-d b w 1 y W. 0. SNODGRASS. B. F. BAWKINS jgNODORASS & HAWKINS, Attorneys-at-Law. ■Jl M McISTOTSH, Physician <& Surgeon, Thomasville, Georgia. HyOFFICE. over Stark’s,(corner;; Broad and Fletcher Streets. W. D. MITCHELL, B. G. MITCHELL. PITCIIELL & MITCHELL, M 1 . Attorneys-at-Law, Thomasville, • • Georgia. W. BRUCE,, M. D. Office, up-stairs. Comer of Broad and Fletcher stroots. [aug 15-’85-3yl - - ' Fp 8. DEKLE, M. D., Office in Hayes Building. Bcsldonco—Corner Collcgo avenue and Mag nolia street. Telephone communication, No. 25 for night alls. J)R. JOEL B. COYLE ©J3NTIST ' THOMASVILLE, GEORGIA. OFFICE. Broad St .lover il’lckett’s. g G. McLENDON, Attorney-at-Law, Thomasville, . - - Georgia. Prompt attention given to all business en- trasted to him. _ , . Office—Over Watt’slstort), corner Broad and Jackson streets. J li. COYLE, L). I). S.f Resident Dentist, Thomasville, • Georgia Offers his eorvleos to th citizens of Thom 1 asvIUe and vicinity. Office hours—From 9 a. m. to 1 p. m., and tromstosp.m. Office—On Jackson street. GiMMeM, Contractors & Builders THOMASVILLE, GA. We will bo glad to make contracts for, or superintend, all classes of buildings, publlo or private, In either brick or wood. Will fur nish plane and speolBca'Ione If required. It you want any building dono call on ue. and we will submit estimates whelhor contract la awarded ns or not. We will guarantee satis faction In SU our work. Wereter to the many buildings erected by us In Thomasville, and to all parties for whom we have worked. Shop on Fletcher si, 2nd door from Broad. Thomasville, Go., April 8,1889. N. S. Eaves, CONTRACTOR and BUILDER Thomasville, Georglo I will be glad to make contracts tai the tenstructlon of all classes of buildings, pub- lie and private, In either brick or wood. 1 will guarantee In every Instance to give satisfaction. Designs and plans drawn and careful estimates made. Mr Mono—Good, honest work at fair prices. It yon want any building done call en me. I will aubml. estimates whether contract to awarded me or not. I refer to the many publlo buildings erected by me In Themasvllle and elsewhere, and all parties tor whom % have worked' BY FAR THE lest ul fapt Ftungn ROUTE! -TO-; iff YORK OR BOSTON ^IS VIA— SAVANNAH —AND THE— OCEANSTEAMSHIP:-: LINE —or TM— Central Railroad ol Georgia. BUMMER EXCURSION TICKETS Now on sale at reduced rates, flood to rttnrn until October 31st, 1889. Magnificent Steamers and elegant ser vice. Free from the heat and dust incident to ail-mil routes. If yon are siek the trip will invigorate and build! yon up. flo east by sea and you’ll never regret it. Passengers, before purchasing tickets via other routes, would do well to Inquire first of tfie merits of the Route via Savannah. Further information puv ba hod by apply ing to the Agent at your station, or to VaBBLKNAP, W.F.8BBLLMAN, General Manager. Traffic Manager, E.T. CHARLTON. CLYDE BOSTICK, Gen. Pass. Agent. Tnv. Paso, Agt, Savannah 0*. THE PEST Direct Route PROM ALL PRINCIPAL POINT8 IN THECSOUTH TO CHICAGO AND THE NORTHWEST. vo through oxpreos trains dally, with Pull man Palace Buffet Sleeping Cars by night, and Chair Cars by day. betwoen Cin cinnati! and Chicago. Indianapo lis and Chicago, and also bo tween Louluvillo and Chicago, where close con nections are made for St. Paul. Fargo, Blsraark, Pol- land, Omaha, Kansas Olty, San Francisco land points Intermediate— New Fast Mall, Leaving Louisville, Dally ezeept Sunday, at T’SOa. m. Cincinnati!, Dally,except Sunday at 7:45.. Arriving at Chicago at 0:55. The most rapid aervlce ever attempted De tween the Greet Commercial Cities on the OhlolUver and Chicago. 49-1 hrongh Coupon Tickets, Baggage chock ed to destination, and yonr safety and com fort provided for, are among the points that have mode the MONOH ROUTE Universally and deservedly popular, OHN B.CARSON, Tlco-prcs’t and Gen'l Mgr W. H. McDOEL, Gen’l Traffic Manager, E. O. MCCOBMICK, Gen.l Passenger Agent B. W. GLADING. Passenger and Freight Agt. 158 Broad St. Thomasville Ga. W&iddon House (Opposite Plnsy Woods Hotel.) THOMA8VILLE, - GA, E. B. Whiddon, Prop. This house, located In the most desir able and central part of the city. Is new and complete In every particular. Fur nished In the most elegant manner and provided with all conveniences of mod ern hotels. The menu is perfect,land tho service rendered by trained andtpo- Ute servants. Terms reasonable, and prices graded according to accommoda tions furnished. Carriages from the house meet all trains.. doolO-ly B. XL FUDGE, THOMASVILLE, GA DEALER IN HARDWARE Stoves, Iron, luggjMifign HitultK Tin and Hollow Ware, Guns i of all-kinds, and agent for King’s Powder Co. ptt3 -dSm GEORGE FEARN, UAL S8TAT1ASMT, OFFICE 11 MITCHELL MOUSE BLOCK, Ciij ui Coutq Prepert; for Salt, HOUSES RENTED And Vase. raid. LOANS NEGOTIATED. Bring me a description oi you property Thomasville Variety WORKS. Reynolds, Hargrave & Dalis, Prop'rs. - Manufacturers and Dealers ROUGH & DRE El) - LUMBER. LATHES, PICKETS, SHINGLES. BMODLDINGS, BRACKETS, SCROLL WORK, MANTLES. BALDSTERS; STAIR-RAILS Newel Posts, OFFICE, CHURCH <fc. STORE, Furniture. STORE FRONTS. Win Screen Doors and Wipdpjvs, Sash, Doora and Blinds TO ORDER. STAIRBUILDmG, AMD INSIDE HARDWOOD FINISH \ SPECIALTY. ae*COBRESPONDEHOB SOLICITED, -OF- i H. Mete, The old Cooke place, on Madison street, lot 105 feet front on Madison street and runs back to S. F. & W. R.^. A large but not new house, price $2,600. Terms easy. One and one-half acre corner lot on Stephens St., beyond Albany railroad; 2 houses, 1 2 stories, price $2,000. Terms easy. The Bill Bryant place, on Jackson st., in Fletcherville. opposite the campus and near the depot and the South Ga. College, a large lot, fronting 117 feet on Jackson street, and running back 700 feet. 6-room dwelling, nice little pear orchard, first class neigh borhood and a very valuable lot; price $2,000. Terms made to suit .any bona fide buyer. A pew 4-room cottage, on large lot in Fearnside; price $1,400. Terms easy. ' Corner lot in East End, new 5 room house, besides dining room and kitchen. Price $1500 Terms easy > 3 beautiful vacant building, lots on Hayes and Calhoun sts. 70x196 ft., at $250 each. On easy terms to those who wish to improve them, Elegant residence lot on Clay st., near Hardaway, 70x 207, first class neighborhood; price only $4oo. 5 small tracts of land, from l0 to 25 acres in each piece, in less than two miles of the courthouse; price $30.per acre, Easy terms. « Besides the above, I have many city lots, improved and unimproved, for business or residence, inside or outside lots, big and small lots, lovely suburban places and farms and plantations all over the county for sale. Any prospective buyer, who wishes to get the best and must for his money, would act very imprudently to purchase At least before talking with me. t Four furnished rooms, upstairs, parlor and kitchen privileges down stairs, elegant neighborhood, Dawson street, for rent at $67.50 a montlj. This is a bargain. Nice, new, furnished cottage on Monroe street, close in, 4 rooms and kitchen, $300 for the season. 4 unfurnished rooms, up-stairs, new and elegant' neighborhood, Dawson street, at $20.00 per month. No children wanted. Large Furnished House, close in on Jackson street;, 8 i-a rooms. Price, 3>S?q tor the season, Lgrge 7 roojn house onMadi son street, near center of towp, at $20.00 per month. This is a desirable and cheap house. Upstate of bouse on Calhoun street. Furnished house in East End, 5 rooms besides dining room and kitchen, at $50 per month. mi tote mom, Thomasville. G-eor<ria.