The Daily times-enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1889-1925, November 05, 1889, Image 2

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THE DAILY TIMES-ENTERPRISE. JOHN TRIPLETT, - * - Editor, a B. BURR, - Business Mnnaapr. TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 1889. Daily Tucis-Enteuhiiss Is published every morning (Monday exenpted.) The Wotly TumB-EKTSRPWSi is published every Saturday morning. Sucscmmox Ratis. Daily Tinis-Esirarnis*, . • ■ W:RKLY « • i • $5 00 . 1 00 Daily Advkbtis mo Rates J Transient Rates.—$1.00 per squat* for the first insertion, and 50 cei ts for ea-n subse- uent insertion. One Square, one month, - • * * * :: One Square, two months - - - - 8 00 One Square, three month i, - - - 12 Ono Squatb, six months, - - - • 20 00 One Square, twelve montsis, - - - 35 oo Subject to change by special arranj ement. The Earlh in a Tremble. Sr, Lou/9, Nov. 2.—A shock of earthquake was felt in several locali ties in this city about 2 o’clock this morning. There was emno trembling of horses and rattling of household goods, but no damage was reported. ‘ JL-JNOiS SHAKEN UP. Cairo, Ill., Nov. 2.—A heavy shock of ca'lhquako, accompanied by a low report, was felt here at 1:50 this morning. It was about one min ute in duration. The direction was from southwest to northeast. No damngo is reported in this vicin’ty. The shock was felt at Jacksonville, Ill, at the same moment. H. B. BURR, Business Hnnnccr. To-day will clear the political skies in Virginian, New York and Ohio. Virginia will mash Mahone, and for- aker will have a close call—if he is not defeated. Tho Piedmont's Receipts. Atlanta, Nov. 2.—Manager Cohen furnishes to-night the following finan cial statement of the Piedmont Expo sition, which has been a pronounced success: Receipts from all sources, $78,000; expenses, $55,000; net re ceipts, $28,000. If the betterments question is not adjusted it is certain to go into the courts. Then why not smit it by resolution of the legislature, to the Supreme court. That tribunal will have to pass on it in the end, if it is not adjusted. With the betterments shadow resting on the road, it cannot be leased as well af if the question was settled. Thanksgiving Day Fi::od. Wasking-on, Nov. i.—The follow ing proclamation, setting apart Thurs day, Nov. 28, as the day of national thanksgiving, was issued late this afternoon: A Big Fire at Key West. Jacksonville, Fla., Nov. 3.—A Key West special to the Times-Uniohsays: • Del Pino Bros’ immense cigar facto ry, containing over 1,000,000 cigars, large quantities of Havana tobacco, was completely consumed by fire this morning at 1 o’clock. The loss is $120,000. The insurance is $50,000, in one policy. How much more could not be learned, Del Pino, Sr., being absent in New York. By the President of the Uniicd States: A PROCLAMTION. A highly favored people, mindful of their dependence on the bounty of the Divine Providence, should seek fittiog occasioned testify gratitude and as cribe praise to Him who is the author of their thany-blessings. It behooves us then to look back with thankful hearts on the past year and thank God for his Fi.e Painis Macon Red Macon, Nov. 3.—Fire winch broke out at 2 o’clock this morning in third story of the Central hotel on Poplar street, destroyed the hotel building and stocks of Siesel & Hecht, whole sale hatters; N. A. Gam & Co., whole sale liquor and c’gar dealers; A. W. Tutner. wholesa'e tobacco dealer, and G. W. Etheridge & Co’s, saloon. The total loss is nearly $94,000. The in surance is $50,000. The budding was owned by J. S. Schofield. His loss is $30,000 ar.d h ; s insuracc $15,000. infinite ;j mercy in vounchsafing to our l^nd enduring peace, to our people freedom from pestilence and famine, to our husbandmen abundant harvests and to them that labor, re compense for their toil. Now, therefoie. I, Benjamin Harri son, President of the United States of America, do earnestly recommend that Thursday, the twenty-eighth day of this present month ot November, be set apart as a day of national thanksgiving and prayer, and that the people of our country, ceasing from the cares and labors of their working day, shall’assemble in their respective places 'of worship and give thanks to God, who has prospered us on our way and made oqr paths paths of peace; beseeching Him to bless the day to our present and future good, making it truly one of thanksgiving for each re united home circle as for the nation at large. , In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the United States to be affixed. Done at the city of Washington, this 1st Jay Of November, in the year of of our Lord 1C89, and of the inde pendence of the United. States the 114th.., Benjamin Harrison. By the President. <"■ James-G. Blaine, Secretary of State. The Legislature Votes $16,000 to a Colored Institution. Some time ago the Atlanta Univer sity, colored, forfeited the $8,000 per annum, appropriated by the stale, by introducing while pup : !s. The legis lature appropriated, tho money accu mulated, $16,000, and w' continue the appropriation of $8,000 per au- num, to the Brown Mo. -is College, which educates colored pup' s exclus ively. The colored member from McIntosh, Mclver, mode a speech on the bill. He sa ; d: “My race needs education. My race needs instruction; and if we get good teachers, we can have a peaceful and respectable country. [Applause.] Without them, si’, ell wi'lbe *n con fusion. “It is inconsistent for the two races to be educated together. If amalga mation sets in between the two races there will not, there cannot, be ]>eaoe. The only way to get peace, sir, will be to perform such laws as w :, l be res pectable for the state.’’ [Great ap* plauso.] A letter was read from Bishop Gaines, indorsed by Bishop Turner, both of the African M. E* church, in which the h'dl was approved. It passed by a vote of ayes 107, nays 10. The supposition that cigarette smoking affects the brain is all non- Thoso who have brains do not them.—Gorham Mountaineer. The Farmers’ Alliances of the southern slates have called a conven tion, to meet at St. Louis, Dec. 7tb, to endeavor to find a practical solu tion of the bagging problem. All the cotton exchanges in the country have been invited to send representa tives to this meeting. A Noble Woman Gone. Died, at her homo near Miccosukee, Saturday, Oct. 2Gtb, Mrs. Mary S. Turnbull, the wife of Theodore Turn- bull. This good lady has been for years an invalid, but the nnaouncement of her death was a sad surprise to all. She had just returned f om a trip to St. Augustine in company with her husband and daughter. Shortly after her arrival home the summons came. Only four weeks ago, a lovely daughter, in the full bloom of young womanhood, was peacefully laid to rest, aad now the dread messenger spreads the sombre shadow of his wing over this house hold agaiu. Mrs. Turnbull was a most admira ble woman. She honored every po sition in social and domestic life. Her life was radiant with Christian virtues and her sacred and motherly influence lit up the homo circle with aglow of genuine happiness which few homes ever know. She had for years been a member of the Mctho dist church, and an abiding faith which sustained her through life fur nished a solace, even in death, which only a Christian-can know. On Sunday last- at one o’clock, her remains were tenderly laid to rest in our city cemetery. Out entire com munity feel the greatest sympathy for the bereaved husband and daugh ter, who are bowed ’.1 grief.—Monti- ceVo Tribune. How Marriage AIFects Some Peo ple. Judge—“You are n freeholder." Prospective Juryman—“Yes, sir," Judge—“Married or single?” Prospective Juryman — “Married three years ago last month.” Judge—“Have you formed or ex pressed any opinion—” Prospective Juryman—“Not for three years passed”—Terre Haute Express “My dear,” said an impecunious, but affectionate, young lawyer to bis youdg wife, as he putbis arms around her waist, “what ft the difference between me and a dollar b ! .'l ?” “A dollar,” answered his wife, “is worth one hundred cents, while you are not worth one cent. Is that it, William r “No,” he said in a hurt tons, “one a legal tender bill, and the other is tender legal Bill.”—Yankee Blade. A DIALOGUE. MIS. M. (Vl8''iINn MBS. W.) Mrs. w.—Have, yon bought yonr winter hat yeti Mis. M.—No, but I will get it next week. Where did you buy yours? Mrs. W.—From M s. Co: oil, on Lower It oad. Jlis. M.—You dir,? Wbv, i thong'll you always Laded at the same old olaco. Mis. 'V.—I did led a bed auont changing,'mt it was a case of dollaisr.goins. scn.imcnt. Vou know which is hound to win. Mrs. M.—Yes, but do you really tnink Mis. Carroll sells lower than others? Mrs. W.—Tlilnkl 1 know it. Tho finish and style of .Ids hat (exhibiting hat) was said ‘o be cheap at $6.00 by others. I be gan to think so too., but decided to look over Mrs. Carroll’s slock,and was astonished to find that she would sell me this hat nt $3, first asked, neatly one-hal' less. Mis. M.—I have heaid n number of Indies speak of her nice work and low pi ices, and this confirms It. She seems anxious for our pntionage, ioo. Mrs. VV.—Yes, X ?‘ke .hat. I like io help .hole who try lo help themselves ; n that way. I would advise you to buy your hat there. M.s. M-—( ce a'n'y will. Am glad you fnobo o * - be mat. eo. She came, she saw, she conquered her >, eiudirc against trediog-'or sentiment. Low prices will win, and must win. Polite at tention and kindest welcome for all. Call eu-i see me. An Awful SoreLimb Skin entirely gone. Fluii n Jims of dt. diminished one third fln.izn* iti.n hopeless, dared br the Un it Remedies 1b tire months. Cured by Cuticura Mi’s. Jennie Carroll Lower Broad Milliner. Bncklen’s Arnica Halve. The Best Salve in the World fur Cuts Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guar anteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by S. J, Cossets, Drag Storo. 75 cents doz. for sweet corn in 2 lb cans at Pickelt’s, Cash groceries bound to win. Watch the figures at Pickett’s. CHOICE MILK. Boarding houses, private families or sii k persons, dcBirlng a pure and superior article of milk, can he supplied by calling at or ad dressing Jersey Farm. An inspection of the herd is cordinlly invited and preferred from ail before making engagements for milk. oct29tf Look out sharply for your interest. Pickett is going to cut _ everybody’s prices this week - Groceries must get down so’s people can live. CITY TAX. The time for paying your city tnie* is at band. Please call at my office at the cotton ware house and scstlc before execution Is Issued. Office hours 0 a. m. to 6 p. m. a as. F. Evans, City Tr. Ham! Good, sweet ham ,at way down prices, at Pickett’s. See him. A HOUSE TO RENT. A new and comfortable residence, con taining four bed rooms, parlor, dining room and kitchen, neatly furnished, situated on Dawson street, opposite Young Female Col lege. Will rent for four months or longer. Terms moderate. Apply to the under signed on the premises, or to this office, 2 wd. Miss Nellie Bibb, WANTS. G. If. Wyant, the Upholsterer, wants to lay Carpets, Wool at 75 cts., Brussels at $1; wants to re-upholster your pallor fqrniture; wants to make over your mai.rcsses. Cali at Ainsworth’s Groeery. 26oct 3m Brace Vp. Von are feeling depressed, your appetite is poor, you arc bothered with Headache, you arc fidgety, nervous, and generally out of sorts, and want to brace up. Praeo op, but not with Stimulants, spring tpedipjnes, or bitters, which have for their basis very cheap, had whiskey, and which stim ulate you for an hour, then In worss condition tbnnbcforc. What you want is an alterative that will purify your Dlood, start healthy action of Liver and. Kidneys* restore yopr vitality,and give renewed health and strength Such a medicine you will find in. Electric Bitters, and only 50 cents a bottle at 8. J. Cassels’ Drugstore, fypyth Knowing. Mr. W. H. Morgan, mejcjpint, Lake City, Fla, wus taken with a sever* W>4, «tll< - Jlatnaiainfv nnilffh And nintimff lflto lIUlOJ bU'tiWICU JJVJ Uilll vwugu -WT-W steadily grew worse. Was reduced in flesh, Btradily giun WV»«»V. linn -«»v— — --I had difficulty in breathing and was unable to sleep, . finally tried Dr. King’s New Dis covery for Consumption and found imme- dia'o relief, and after using gboijt half o dozen bottles found himself well and has had no return of tho disease. No other remedy con show so grand* record of cures, u Or.King’s flpvr Discovery for consump tion. Guaranteed to 44 Jwt 7 Fhat eUi “: cd for it. Trial bottle free «t 8,/. C#2!f)*’ Drug Store, Sugar still declines. Oo to Pickett’s cash store and get if lbs granulated for $i. “Watch them slide.” PIANOS AND ORGANS W. 8. Brown, the Jeweler, has se- cured the agency for aU the first-class Pianos and Organs, which he Is selling 9t too lowest prices for cash or on long time. T&osp qeolrlng to purchase wlU J| [Q * Lla nulAAO SW/I IaMHQ For three years 1 was almost crippled with an awful sore leg from my knee down to my ankle, the skin was entirely gone, and the flesh was one mass of disease. Some physicians pronounced it incurable. It had diminished about one third the size of the other, and I was in a hopeless condition. After trying all kinds of remedies and spending hundreds of dollars, from which I got no relief whatever. I was persuaded to try your Cuticura Remedies, and the result was as follows: After three lays I noticed a decided change for the better, and at the end of two months I was completely cured. My flesh was purified, and the bone (which had been exposed for a year) got sound. Hie flesh begon to grow, and to-day, and for nearly t o years past, my leg Is as well as over it was, sound in every re spect, and not a sign of the disease to bo seen. 8. G. AHERN, Dubois, Dodge Co., Ga. Skin Disease 17 Years. I havo been troubled with akin and scalp dis- ease for seven een years. My head at times was one running sore, and my body was covered with them as large as a half dollar. I tried a with them as large as a hair dollar. I tried a great many remedies without effect until I used fhe Cutloura Remedies, and am thankful to state that after two mouths of their use I am entirely cured. I feel It my duty to you and the public to state the above case. L. R. MCDOWELL, Jamesburg, N. J. Another Marvelous Cure. The Cuticura, Cuticura Resolvent, and Cuti cura Soap have brought about a marvelous cure in the case or a skin disease on my little son eight years old. I nave tried almost all reme dies and also the most eminent doctors, all alike failing, except the wonderful CuMcura Reme dies. ED N. BROWN, 720 N. 10th St., Omaha, Neb. Outloura Resolvent. ~ The new Blood Purifier and pnreat and best of Humor Romcdles, internally, and Cuticura, the great Skin Cure, and Cuticura Soap, on exquis ite Skin Beautlficr, externally, are a positive cute for every disease and hnmor of the akin, scalp, and blood, with loss of hair, from pimples to scrofula. Sold everywhere. Price, Cuticura, 60c.: Soap 25o.; Resolvent, ,1.00. Prepared by the Potter Drug and Chemical Corporation, Boston. ty-Send for “How to Cure Skin Dlsiases,” 64 pages, ISO Illustrations, and 100 testimonials, niUFLES, black-heads, red, rough, chapped, ■ lln and oily skin prevented by Cutloura Soap. b-J’ the Cutlcttrn Anti-Pain Plaster- rst and only Instantaneous pain-killing -FOR- Two Weeks Only I offer the business of the ECLIPSE STABLES FOR SALE—Horses, Vehicles, Harare', Of fice Furniture and everything pertaining to the business; not becauso it has not paid. It Is the best business in Thomarville for the capital invested. The books of the Stable will show that this stable has paid well from tho start I offer it on account ot business engagements that will prevent my giving proper attention to it, which will be explain ed to purchaser. Will withdraw the offernlter the time named. Terms: one half cosh, balance twelve months, with 6 per cent interest, secured by property sold, or other of equal value. My business engagements require ft prompt sole; a bargain will be given to early applicant. I mean business; p'.easo do not apply unlcsi you do. If not sold, the stables will be put in order for the winter’s business with fifty head of good horses, under its former successful manager, Mr. M. R. Elder. 2nov-2w-d H. W. HOPKINS. EARLY oats. All parties to whom I engaged tho early oat for seed, are notified that I am ready to deliver the same. The yield having proven better than I expected, I can also furnish a few other parties. Apply as soon ns possi ble, ■* "* -, if you would be supplied. It is the best rly oat that l ever planted, and yielded more than tho old retiablo rust proof oat last season. J. T. OHASTAIJf. OLD HOFFMAN HOUSE RYE, Pure and Unadulterated, For Sale By 21m A. F. PREVATT. Tax and Registration Notice. Third and Last Round. I will be at the following places on my3d and last round, on the dates named below: Duncanville Uonday. Nov. 4tb. nday, No Metcalfe Tuesday, Nov. 5th. East Glasgow Wednesday, Nov. 6th. Boston, Thursday and Friday, Nov, 7-8. aday McDonald Monday, Nov. 11, forenoon. Ways Monday, Nov. 11, afternoon. Kilby Murpheir’s Tuesday, Nov. 12th. Ocklockonco Wednesday, Nov. 13th. MelgsThursday, Nqr, 14th. Sptnco Wednesday, Nov. 20th. . Cairo Thursday and Friday, Nov. 21-22. P. S- Hsim, T. C. Registrar. «o»fastoi» Blond Pl«cqse». Ulcers, sores, pimples, Itch, salt rheum, etc,, are evidences of contagious blood diiu- case. it is manifestly a dnty to eradicate blood poison from the system by a use of B, B. B. (Botanic Blood Balm), thus enabling the sore places to hool,and thereby removing all possibility of other members of the family becoming likewise afflicted. Send to Blood -Balm Co., Atlanta, Ga., for a book that will convince. J. H. Outlaw, Mt. Olive, N. O, writes: ,, I bad running seres on my shoulders and One bottle B. B. B. cared me entire- tP. L. Johnson, Belmont Station,Mfgr^ltei, •*B. B. B. bss worked on mp like a cfpm', My bead and body was covered With sores^ and my hair came out, but B. B. B. hcalc me entirely, W. J. Kir unto, Hutchens, Tex., writes: “B. B. has cored my wife of a large nicer on Her leg that doctors and all other medicine conld not M. J. Rossman, a prominent merchant qf Greensboro, Ga, writes: “I know of several cases of blood disease speedily cured by B.B. Two bottles cured a lady of ugly scrof- • > sores.” >oUon effected cue of the most jr^PUr* tent ever came' *- BOARD lNTHE L C6pNTffY, A few persons desiring the qnletnde of the country and the aroma of the pines, can be accommodated at Jersey Form. Gentlemen, not sick enough to require special attention, preferred. 29octf SEED-:-0ATS. 2,000 Bushels Texas Rust Proof Seed Oats. 1,000 Bushels Thomas County, Rust Proof Seed Oats. 4,000 Bushels Feed Oats. 600 Bushels Damaged Meal, for Stock Feed. SIX Car Loads Prime Hay. All just received and for sale at reasonable prices by JOHN T. WEST. Thomasville, Oct. 24-10t —CARBONATED WITH— NATURAL GAS Imported from the Mineral Springs on the Rhine, Ger many, on draught at L. SCHMIDT’S. DRINK Glen Springs Mineral W ater For the Liver and Kidneys. For sale at L. SCHMIDT’S. THE BEST Direct Route I ALL PRINCIPAL POINTS IK BOOTH TO OglOAQO AND where oloso cop. nectlons are mode far St. Paul, Fargo, Blemark, Pol- tend, Omaha. Kansas city. Ban Pr an Cisco land pslnts intermediate— Mew Fast Mail, Leaving Louisville, Daily except Sunday, at t -SO a. m. Cincinnati!, Dolly, except Sunday, .... -- - UK at 7:15. arriving at Chicago at S:! The meet rapid service aver attempted bo- OhfaBlrejiSMT^^ “““ ° ? 8“ U3*7 hrough Coupon TIckeU, Baggage check ed to destination, and your solely and com fart provided far, are among the points that have made the MONOIi ROUTS Cnbrerjolir ep,4 popular. mt tAgt. Hr. Joseph H. Drcyer offers his services to guaranteed' Applj^to or address, OS. M. DREYBR, At McIntyre Ic McIntyre’s offico. 131} Brond Street REAL ESIiTE TAMABLE PROPERTY OFFERED BY 158 Broad St., Mitchell House Block. 2 lots on Love St., 95 feet front, 240 ft deep. 1 lot on Love St., I05 feet front, I40 ft deep. j lot on Love St., 120 feet front, 250 ft deep. The above lots are good enough and the prices reason able. 4 lots on Crawford St., 65 ft front, 18o deep, to an alley. These will not remain un sold long, at the price they are offered al. Only 4 blocks from business centre. 1 lot on Dawson St, 105 ft front, 200 ft deep, to an al ley. 1 lot on Dawson St., IO3 ft. front, 420 ft deep, to Young street. These are royal lots, and the only two now for sale on Dawson, the best residence street in Thomasville. 6 lots on Chestnut St., 82 ft front, 150 ft deep, to an al ley, for $i60 each. They are absolutely worth double the money. 3 lots on north Dawson St., 88 ft front, lgOTt deep, to an alley, for $250 each. These are beauties, and very cheap. North Dawson is a beautiful street. 6 lovely one acre lots on Young St., handsomely dotted with beautiful pine trees, at a low down price, 10 acre tract, with good 3 room house on Young St., just outside corporate limits. The corporate limits, S., F. & W’ railroad is the west boundary, nearly all in cultivation. Some fine timber. Price low enough considering the fine location. 51-2 tract corner Magnolia ave. and Maple st. 2 tenant houses; all under fence. 200 2-year old LeConte pear trees; fine oak grove for building site. This is a lovely spot, and is worth lots of money! but I will sell it right to a good man. 2 7-acre tracts on Young St, that would make beautiful homes. At a reasonable price. 10 fine lots in Feamside, covered with stately pines, at $250 each. "Worth a great deal more money, 2-acre lot corner Magnolia and Linnwood aves., witn new 5-room cottage. The lot all set with' fruit trees, flowers and shrubbery and will make a charming home. io-acre tract on Magnolia ave., 250 to 3OO beautiful pear trees of different varieties, flowers and shrubbery. Hand some new 9-room bouse in perfect ’ order, servant’s house, barn and othep outbuildings,' al) new and in first class order. This is the best and most at tract suburban home for sale around Thomasville, Best of reagopg given for selling. Price low. All the property I offer for sale is gilt edge. I don’t deaf }n apy pfhej: sort. Let me snow it to you &pd pf gop- yjpeed. O’EOHO’ffi F2EARIT, 168 Broad St., • Thomasville, Ga