The Daily times-enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1889-1925, November 06, 1889, Image 2

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THE DAILY TIMES-ENTEBPRISE, JOHN TRIPLETT. - - - Editor. S. B. BURR, - Business Manager. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER C, 1889. Dyrev TiuM.EnTiRrni3C In published crerfinoming (Monday excepted.) The Weekly Tiuss-Estbspeib* is published crery'Saturday morning. _ Sussobiptiok Rates. DAitrYiifis-EirrsBPniSK, . . . W . KlfLT “ . . • $5 00 . 1 00 Daily Adyertis so Rates (Transient Rates.—$1.00 per square tor the first insertion, and 50 cci'ts for ea h subsc- uent insertion. One Square, one month, .... $ 6 00 One. Square, two months - - * - 5 0® OiflOtuI*, three month i, - - : 12 00 Oi5f Square, six months, - - - - 20 00 On0Square,twelvemonths, • » - 35 00 Subject to change by special arranf ement. M.B. nOBB, Business HnnnEcr, DEMOCRATIC GAINS. TAMMANY HALL ELECTS TICKET BY 35,000. ITS Now York Safely Democratic—Tho Old Dominion Still in the Demooratio Column—Tho News Fa vorable from Ohio. Savannah, Ga., 10 p. m.—Editor Times-Enteehrise—At 10 o’clock to-night news from the election in Virginia, New York and Ohio is of the meagerest sort possible. The weather is pleasant everywhere and a heavy vote has been polled in Ohio and Virginia: the latter state is considered almost sure as having gone democratic, and the outlook in Ohio is very hopeful for tho democrats, as a great deal of scratching is reported among republican voters. - No forecast of the result iu New York has been yet received. 1N9 trouble at the polls is so far reported from any point in Virginia. Later : Bulletins just received, says : New York Suu claims that NeW York has gone democratic by 10,000 majority, also reports heavy democratic gains comipg in from Virginia. 1 ' New York, 10:30 p. m.■Tamma ny hall elects local ticket by 35,000 majority. Albany, will "handle 50 000 bale* of cotton this year. Albany is a pushing town. The great Cotton Seed Oil Trust, is said to be shaky. Let us hope that it Will'shake to pieces. *'■ There hasn’t been a Georgia duel in Alabama, for 'three or four days. What’s the matter! ■ jr, ■ t"—— ~ . A contemporary adopts as a motto ■<oHts town: ’‘Plan, pluck and push-” We commend these three p’s to Thom- asv.ill;. It is a good motto. l '- _. * ; A man was sentenced to sixty days imprisonment, in Dover, N. H., the 7 Ojh?r day- for taking an umbrella, ^tyost righteous judge! La th'd good riiorit go on. ~ ^ :3L ; ® ' McDonald, of Ware, had one of'the commandments, the fourth, read to the house, on Monday. The geotle- man from Ware had to explain to sev eral members the authorship. Dispatches from Atlanta, say that each branch of the legislature will insist on its position on the i^k;> bill. Yes, and some will simply riMwt in order to prolong die session The people insist upon an adjourn ment. Harrison intimates that he is debted to the Lord for his election. Mistake, Benjamin, the Lord has nothing to do with corrupt politicians You are indebted to boodle blocks- of-five Dudley, and to pious Wanama- maker’s $400,000 corruption fund, for your elevation to the presidency. It Looks Bright. We publish some cheering news from Ohio, New York and Virginia. While nothing definite is contained in the dispatches, all indications point to tt democratic victory in both New York and Virginia. Ohio is largely republican, but it seems that many of them have scratched Forakcf badly. Campbell baa certainly pushed Fora- kcr close to the wall, if indeed he has not pushed him to it—or even over it Upon the whole the outlook is most flattering. The democratic party still livea. THEY STEAL A STATE. Heavy Rains at Mariana—Tho pan-Amer- loans at Porkopolla—Tanner Sulks— The Lumbermen to Meet—Harrison Preparing Hia Messago—The House Ready to Adjourn. Mariana, Fla., Nov. 4 —A con tinual rain for thirty-six hours ceased at 11 o’clock p. m. Saturday night. The whole country is flooded. Nu merous washouts have delayed traiua twelve hours. Cincinnati, Nov. 4.—Tho interna tional excursion party breakfasted at Lexington this morning, visited Ash land, and arrived here between 5 and 6 o’clock this afternoon. A cannon salute greeted the visitors at the de pot Washington, Nov. 4.—Oue re publican who did not go home to vote, although ho was told his vote was needed, was Corporal Tanner. He said, when asked about it: ,- No. Fm not going. I don’t take much interest in politics just now. I’m rest ing.” Helena, Mont., Nov. 4.—The state canvassing board met at 10 o’clock to day and finished the can vass of tho state vote. Silver Bow county was counted as canvassed by its board, thus electing the entire republican state ticket, except Toole for governor. Montgomery, Ala., Nov. 4.— The lumbermen of Alabama, Mississ ippi, Georgia, and Florida will meet here on Dec. 1. Tho meeting prom ises to be the largest of the kind ever held east of the Mississippi. A num ber of important matters will be con sidered. -Letters from 150 mill men have already been received signifying their purpose to attend. Washington, Nov. 4.—Four weeks from to-day congress meets. Preparations at the capital, at the white house and in the departments are actively making for that day. The President’s first draft of his mes sage is complete, and bos been read to all the members of the cabinet. He is now incorporating such suggestions os they have made and he has approv ed, by way of improvement. He wants to have it in shape this week, so that he can confer with the repub lican leaders in congress about it ns they arrive. Twenty Nine Mangled Corpses. Glasgow, Nov. 2.—Twenty-nine bodies-have been recovered from the ruins of a portion of Templeton’s carpet factory, which was crushed by foiling walls yesterday. It is now definitely ascertained that the total number of killed is thirty. COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. Cocxcil Room, 1 Thomasville, Ga., Not. 4, 1889./ Council met in regular session, Mayor IIop- kins presiding. Aldermen Wright,Hayes, Jerger and Merrill present. Dr. McIntosh and Win, Campbell, of the Board of Health present. Minnies last meeting rend and confirmed. Alderman Hays, of the fi?e committee re ported that the committee had enquired in to the matter of baying new truck for the Rescue Hook and Ladder company, nnd found that the now truck would be as heavy as the one they now have, and in view of the present financial condition of the city, he reported adversely ia the petitioa. Alderman Merrill offered the following in accord with recommendation of the Board of Health: That the city lay a 12-inch sewer from Jackson Btrcct down Oak street, to Jeflerson street, to be a part of a main line of sewerage lo be hereafter extended. And that the mayor be authorized to have a Burvey made iu order to lay this properly for that end. Adopted. Matter of furnishing water to East End, was referred to water committae. On motion of Alderman Ilayes, Drs. J. T. Culpepper and F. B. McRae were elected to fill vacancies in the Board of Heilth. Following accounts ordered paid: H, Wolff & Bro., 16,55; Jno. Miller, $93; Tbomasrille Times, $33; Jno. Spair, $12; J, H. Davidson, $15; E. S, Law, $10; Willis Scott, 50c; James Watt Ic Bro., $21,04. Conncil adjourned. K.T. MacLean, Clerk. FOR SALE. One large, fine gray horse, aix years old, ono second hand buggy in good order, one second hamPtwo horse surty. If you want a bargain apoly eorly to 1 l-4-6t.d Geo. Fears. “Blocks of 5” puzzle, 10 cents, at Reid & Culpeppers. nov3-3t, Harrieon and Blaine puzzle, 10 cents, at Reid & Culpeppers. nov3-3t. $75.00 to $250.00JLSSS working for us. Agents preferred who can furnish a horso and give their whole time to the business. Spare moments may be profit ably employed also. A fewcanvasers In towns and cities B. P. JOHNSON & CO., 1000 Main St. Richmond, Va. N D —Please state age and business experi- nce. Never mind about sending stamp for reply. r. F, J. k Co. WSRTZ SON, Tioiffllle novelty WORKS. Having recently remodeled an 1 Improved our place of business on Jackson street, we are now better prepared than ever to do all kinds of repairing of furniture, trunks, va lises, keys, cutlery, musical instruments, guns, pistols, locks, and In fact any kind of repairing. All work warranted satisfactory in every particular. sc 5oc4t The Marshall House, TOE PRIDE AND OLD TIME FAVORITE HOTEL OF SAVANNAH. ODER THE PERSONAL MANAGEMENT OF Soctf «. L. HARNETT. MEAT MARKET We desire to notify those who are winter ing in Thomasvillc, ns well as onr old cus tomers, that we make a specialty of keeping the VKRY BEST OF MEATS of all kinds, which we sell at reasonable prices, and de liver at any residence in tho city. A per sonal inspection of our market on Jackson street (the stand formerly kept by Mr. Bono) is invited. . nov5tf F. P. Hons & Bio. A DIALOGUE. SIRS. M. (visiting mbs. w.) Mrs. W.—Have you bought your winter hat yet? Mrs. M.—No, bat I will get it next week. Where did you buy yours? Mrs. W.—From Mrs. Carroll, on Lower Broad. Mrs. M.—You did? Why, I thought you nlways traded at the same old place. Mrs. W.—I did lccl a little bad about changing,but it was a case of dollars against sentiment. You know which is bound to win. Mrs. M.—Yes, but do you really think Mrs. Carroll sells lower than others? Mrs. W.—Think! 1 know it. The finish and style ot this hat (exhibiting hat) was said to bo cheap at $5.00 by others. I be gan tn think so too, but decided to look over Mrs. Carroll's stock,and was astonished to find that she wiuld sell me this hat at $3, first price asked, nearly one-half less, Mrs. M.—I have heard a number of ladles speak of her nice work and low prices, and this confirms it. She seems anxious for our patronage, too. Mrs. W.—Yes, I like that. I like to help those who try to help themselves in that way. I would advise you to buy your hpt there. Mrs. M-—I certainly will. Am glad you spoke of the matter. She came, she saw, she conquered her prejudice against trading for sentiment. Low prices will win, and must win. Polite at tention and kindest'welcome for nlL Call and sec me. Mi’s. Jennie Carroll Lower Broad Milliner. Board of Health. TnoMAsviLLE, Oct. 29,1889. Called meeting Board of Health, Resolved,. That Mr. James Watt, of the Gulf House and the 8., F. & W. By. Co., be required at onco to make their kitchen and soil pipe waste to empty in the branch on Jackson street, by proper sewei con nection, and the town from that point • 1 * c,lon - provide proper sewerage to where the jail and Stuart House pipes empty in the branch. T. M. McIntosh, M.D. 8. J. Gamblh, President, Secretary. W. Campbell. —FOR— Two Weeks Only I offer the business of the ECLIPSE STABLES FOR SALE—Horses, Vehicles, Harnesj, Of fice Furniture and everything pertaining to the business; not because it has not paid. It is the best business in Thomarville for the capital invested. The books of the Stable, will show that this stable has paid well from the start I offer it on account ot business engagements that will prevent my giving proper attention to it, which will bo explain ed to purchaser. Will withdraw the offer after the time named. Terms: ono half cash, balance twelvo months, with 8 per cent, interest, secured by property sold, or other of equal value. My business engagements require a prompt sole; a bargain will be given to early applicant. I mean business; please do not apply unless you do. If not sold, the stables will he put in order for tho winter’B business with fifty head of good horses, under its former successful manager, Mr. M.R. Elder. 2nov-2w-d H. W. HOPKINS. Bachlcn’s Arnica Halve. The Best Salve in the World for Cuts Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Halt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guar anteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by S, J. Cossets, Drug Store. 75 cents doz. for sweet com in 3 1b cans at Pickett’s, Cash groceries bound to win. Watch the figures at Pickett’s. CHOICE MILK. Boarding houses, private families or sitk persons, desiring a pure and superior article of milk, can be supplied by calling at or ad dressing Jersey Farm. An inspection of the herd is cordially invited and preferred from all before making engagements for milk, oct29tf CITY TAX. The time for paying your city taxes Is nt hand. Please call at my office at the cotton wnio house and Bestle before execution Is issued. Office hours C a. m. to 0 p. m. Jas. F. Evans, City Tr. WANTS. O. II. Wyant, the Upholsterer, wants to lay Carpets, Wool at 75 cts, Brussels at $1; wants to rc-upholstcr your parlor furniture; wants to make over your mattresses. Call at Ainsworth’s Grocery. 2Goct 3m Gleet ion Notice. An election will be held on the first Saturday In December, in the following territory of Thomas couni county eaat ir. In the following territory of nty, viz: an that portion or the , of the Ocblockonce river, and south A W. Byi the northern boundary of eing tho northern boundary of.the right of way of said railway, and bounded aa follows: On the north by the S. F. A W. Byi on the caet by Brooke county; on the south 6y the Florida line, and on the west by the Ocb- lockoneo nver. All five bolder*, who or* legal in Ocorgla, are entitled to vote at aaid a. The election ahall be held under the rule* governing elections for the General As- K^MSit7Sf«h»t2 court house. Bach voter ahall have printed oy written on bla ticket: “For Stock Law,' 7 or “Against Stock Law.” The retoma shall be -node to the Ordinary of Thomas county, who . hall canvass and consoli date the same, and declare the result by publl- efitjop in papery of said county. An Awful SoreLimb Skin entirely gene. Flesh n Bines of die ease. Log dlmlnlehedone third Ineize. Condition hopeless. Cured by the Ca lico r a Remedies in two months. Cured by Cuticura For three years 1 was almost crippled with an awful sore leg from my knee down to my ankle, the skin was entirely gone, and the flesh was one mass of disease. Some physicians pronounced i t incurable. It had diminished about ono third the size of tho other, and I was in a hopeless condition. After trying all kinds of remedies and spending hundreds of dollars, from which I got no relief whatever, I was persuaded to try your Cuticura Remedies, and tuo result was as follows: After three lays I noticed a decided change for the better, and at the end of two months I was completely cured. My flesh was purified, and the bone (which bad been exposed for a year) got sound. The flesh begon to grow, and to-day, and for nearly t o years past, my leg is as well os ever it was, sound in every re spect, and not a sign of the disease to be seen. S. G. AHERN, Dubois, Dodge Co., Ga. Skin Disease 17 Years. 1 hare boon troubled with ekln and scalp dls- case for seven cen years. My bead at tiroes was oue running sore, and my body was covered with them as large as a half dollar. I tried a great many remedies without effect until I used the Cutioura Remedies, and am thankful to state that after two months of their use I am entirely cured. I feel it my duty to you and the public to state the above case. L. R. McDOWELL, Jamcsburg, N. J. Another Marvelous Cure. The Cuticura, Cuticura Resolvent, nnd Cuti- ettra Soap have brought about a marvelous cur. in tbo case of a ekln disease on my little son eight years old. I nave tried almost all reme dies and also the most eminent doctors, all alike failing, except the wonderful Cuticura Rcmo- ED N. BROWN, 720 N. 16th St., Omaha, Neb. Cuticura Resolvent. Tho n«-- Blood Purifier and purest and best of Homor Remedies, Internally, and Cuticura, tho great Skin Cure, and Cuticura Soap, an exquis ite Skin Beantliler, externally, are » positive core for every dlseaso and humor of the skin, scalp, and blood, with loss of hair, from pimples to scrofula Bold everywhere. Price, Cuticura, 50c.; Soap 25c.; Resolvent, *1.00. Prepared by the Potter Drug and Chemical Corporation, Boston. K£r-Send for “How to Cure Skin Dlssases," C4 pages. 60 Illustrations, and 100 testimonials. HOW MY BACK ACHES, tho Co lie urn Anti-Fain Plaster, and only Instantaneous pain-killing EARLY OATH. All parties to whom I engaged the early oat for seed, are notified that 1 am ready to deliver the same. The yield having proven better than I expected, I can also furnish a few other parties. Apply ns soon ns possi ble, If yon would be supplied. It is the best early oat that I ever planted, and yielded more than the old reliable rnst proot oat last season. ~ J. T. CHASTAIN: OLD HOFFMAN HOUSE RYE, Pure and Unadulterated, For Sale By 2 lm A. F. PREVATT. Draco Up. Yon ore feeling depressed, your appetite is poor, you are bothered with Headache, you arc fidgety, nervous, and generally out of sorts, andwant to braco up. Braco up, but not with stimulants, spring medicines, or bitters, which have for their basis very cheap, bad whiskey, and which stim- ulatoyouforjm hoar, then in worse condition thanbefore. What you want is an alterative that will purify your blood, start - healthy action of Liver and Kidneys' restore your vitality,and give renewed health and strength Such a medicine yon will fiod in Electric Bitters, and only 60 cents a bottle at S. J. Cossets’Drug Store, Worth Knowing. Mr. W. H. Morgan, merchant, Lake City, Fla., was taken with a severe cold, attended with a distressing cough and running into Consumption in its first stages. He tried many so-called popular cough remedies and steadily grew worse. Was reduced in flesh, had difficulty in breathing and was nnable to sleep. Finally tried Dr. King’s New Dis covery for Consumption and found imme diate relief, and after using about half a dozen bottles found himself well and has had no return of the disease. No other remedy can show so grand a record of cures, as Dr.King’s New Discovery for consump tion. Guaranteed to do jnst what is claim ed for it. Trial bottle free at S, J. Cas*els’ Drag Store. PIANOS AND ORGANS W. 8. Brown, tho Jowelor, has se- cured the agency for all the first-class Pianos and Organs, which he Is selling at the lowest prices for cash or on lor- tlmo. Thoso desiring to purchase tv- do well to learn his prices and terms. Ham! Good, sweet ham,at way down prices, at Pickett’s. See him. A HOUSE TO RENT. A new and comfortablo residence, con taining (bar bed rooms, parlor, dining room and kitchen, neatly famished, situated on Dawson street, opposite Young Female Col lege. Will rant for four months or longer. Terms moderate. Apply to the under- sinned on the premises, or to tble office. 2 wd. Hitt Burn. Look out sharply for your interest. Pickett is going to cut everybody’s prices this week- Groceries must get down so’s people can live. I ' -CARBONATED WITH— NATURAL GbAS Imported from the Mineral Springs on the Rhine, Ger many, on draught at L. SCHMIDT’S. DRINK Glen Springs .Mineral Water For the Liver and Kidneys. For sale at L. SCHMIDT’S. THE BEST AND MOST Direct Route! PROM ALL PRINCIPAL POINTS IN THEiSOUTH TO CHICAGO AND THE NORTHWEST. wo through express trains dally, with Pull man Palace Buffet Bleeping Cara by night, and Chair Oars by day, between Gin- clnnatU and Chicago, Indianapo lis and Chicago, and also be tween Louisville and Chicago, where oloso con- necUona ore made for St. Paul, Pargo, Bismark, Pol- land, Omaha, Kansas City, Ban Pranolaeo land pelnta Intermediate— New Fast Mail, Leaving Louisville, Bally except Sunday, at 7 -30 a. m. Olnclnnattl, Dally, except Sunday. at7:15. Arriving at Chicago at 4:68. Tho most rapid service erer attempted be tween the Great Commercial OlUes on tho Ohio River and Chicago. *9-2 hrough Coupon Tickets, Baggago check ed to destination, and your safety and oom fort provided for, are among the points that have made the MONON ROUTES Universally and deservedly popular. OHN B.OARSOS, Vleo-pres't and Oon'l Mgr W. H. ltoDOEL. Gen'l TraMo Manager, Tax and Registration Notice. Third and Last Round. ' I will be at the following places on my 3d and last round, on the dates named below: Duncanville Monday, Nov. 4th. Melcalfe Tuesday, Nor. 5 th. East Glasgow Wednesday, Nor. 6th. Boston, Thursday and Friday, NoV, 7-8. McDonald Monday, Nov. 11, forenoon. Ways Monday, Nov. 11, afternoon. Kilby Murphey’s Tuesday, Nov. 12th. Ocklockonce Wednesday, Nov. 13th. Meigs Thursday, Nov. 14th. Spence Wednesday, Nor. 20th. Cairo Thursday and Friday, Nov. 21-22. P. 8- Hsitb, T. O. Registrar. OontBClene Bleed Disease*. Ulcers, sores, pimples, Itch, salt rheam, etc., are evidence* of contagions blood dis ease. It Is manifestly a dnty to eradicate blood poison from the system by a use of B, B. B. /Botanic Blood Balm), thus enabling the sore places to heal,and thereby removing all possibility of other members of the family becoming likewise afflicted. Send to Blood Balm Co., Atlanta, Qa., for a book that will convince. J. H. Outlaw, Mt. Olive, N. C., writes *‘I had running seres on my shoulders and arms. One bottle B. B. B. cared me entire- * y L. Johnson, Belmont Station,Mlsr,writes. “B. B. B. has worked on me like a charm. My head~ and body was covered with sores, and my hair came out, but B. B. B. healed mo entirely,’’ W. J. Kinnln, Hutchens, Tex., writes: '‘B. B. B. fit* cured my wife of a large ulcer on her leg that doctors and all other medicine could not care.’’ M. J. Rossman, a prominent merchant of Greensboro, Oa, writes: "I know of several cases of blood disease speedily cured by B.B. 3. Two bottles cured r lady of ugly scrof ula* skin sores.” W. O. Birchmote A Co., Maxey, Ga., writes "B. B. R, In curing Mr. Bobu Ward of blood potion effected one of the molt wonderful cure* that ever came to oui knowledge.” BOARD IN THE COUNTRY. A few perions desiring tho quletudo of the country and the aroma of tbo pines, can be accommodated at Jersey. Farm. Gentlemen, not sick enough to require special attention, preferred. Sugar still declines. Go to Pickett’s cash store and get 13 lbs granulated for $1. “Watch them slide." REAL ESTATE VALUABLE PROPBRTY OFFERED BY 158 Broad St., Mitchell House Block. 2 lots on Love St., 95 feet front, 240 ft deep. 1 lot on Love St., I05 feet front, I40 ft deep. 1 lot on Love St., 120 feet front, 250 ft deep. The above lots are good enough and the prices reason* 4 lots on Crawford St., 65 ft front, 18o deep, to an alley. These will not remain un sold long, at the price they are offered at. Only 4 blocks from business centre. T lot on Dawson St., 105 ft front, 200 ft deep, to an al ley. 1 lot on Dawson St., IO3 ft. front, 420 ft deep, to Young street. These are royal lots, and the only two now for sale on Dawson, the best residence street in Thomasville. 6 lots on Chestnut St., 82 ft front, 150 ft deep, to an al ley, for #i60 each. They are absolutely worth, double the money. 3 lots on north Dawson St., 88 ft front, I9O ft deep, to an alley, for $250 each. These are beauties, and very cheap. North Dawson is a beautiful street. 6 lovely one acre lots on Young St., handsomely dotted with beautiful pine trees, at a low down price, 10 acre tract, with good 3 room house on Young St., just outside corporate limits. The S., F. & W- railroad is the west boundary, nearly all in cultivation. Some fine timber. Price low enough considering the fine location. 51-2 tract corner Magnolia ave. and Maple st. 2 tenant houses; all under fence. 200 2-year old LeConte pear trees; fine oak grove for building site. This is a lovely spot, and is worth lots of money, but I will sell it right to a good man. 2 7-acre tracts on Young St., that would make beautiful homes. At a reasonable price. 10 fine lots in Fearnside, covered with stately pines, at $260 each. .‘Worth a great deal more money. 2-acre lot corner Magnolia and Linnwood aves., with new 5-room cottage. The lot all set with fruit trees, flowers and shrubbery and will make a charming home. 10-acre tract on Magnolia ave., 250 to 3OO beautiful pear trees of different varieties, flowers and shrubbery. Hand some new 9-room house in perfect order; servant’s house, bam and other outbuildings, all new and in first class order. This is the best and most at tract suburban home for sale around Thomasville. Best of reasons given for selling. Price low. All the property I offer for sale is gilt edge. I don’t deal in any other sort. Let me show it to you and be con vinced, G-EOUGB FEATtH, . 168 Broad St., - Thomasville, Ga •i ■H Mm