The Daily times-enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1889-1925, November 07, 1889, Image 1

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VOL. 1 --NO 152. T.50MASVTLLE, GEORGIA, THURSDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 7, $5.00 PER ANN DM =A. NT: We have heard people wonder why it is that at Lohn stein’s you can al ways find more customers than at any other place in town. This question we can easily answer: The people like to trade at Lohnsteins store, 1st. Because they receive every possi ble attention and consideration from the proprietor, as well as from the salesmen. 2nd. Because they find a better selection of goods at Lohnstein’s than at any other place in town, and Last, but not least, becausea dol lar goes farther and reaches deeper at Lohnstein’s than anywhere else. Politeness,square honorable dealing, excellence and great variety of stock, small mar gins and quick sales; These are the cardinal reasons for our flattering and unprecedented suc cess. And the good work still goes on. Come and see us this week. We will divide profits with you. £)ry goods, cloth ing, shoes, hats, complete in every department. Bar gains in every line. They are waiting for you. Come and pluck them, It will pay you. Fruit Canning. Theio is no mystery -or lack in the successful canning of fruit If cer tain rules are followed in all their details, failure is nearly impossible. Glass jars that are sealed with a wrench are a desirable kind to buy. All germs of fungus growth or fer mentation in the cans or fruit must be destroyed by heat. In anticipation of canning timo, lay all emptied cans, minus their tops, in a boiler half full of cold ammoni- ated water. When-the-water is hot remove from the fire, and when suf ficently cool take out the jars and dry them. Treat the tops in the same way. Use warm wnter for the rubber rings. Discard all cracked, doubtful tops. Remove all indentations from the tops with a tack hammer and Bee that they will fit perfectly. See that the rims of your glasses are trustworthy. Lay aside those that ore nicked for your preserves and jellies. Reject all rubber rings that are not pliable or closo fitting. It is no economy to use worn rubbers. -The fruit should be just ripe; never overripe. Cook as soon as possible after pick ing. Do not wash fruit j it impairs the flavor. If the berries are actually gritty float a quart at a timo in a deen pan of cool water. The sand will sink to the bottom of the pan. Then make a cullender of your two hands and scoop gently out of the water, shaking off the drops. Paro all fruit with a silver knife, and, ns it darkens by exposure to the air, drop each piece as pared into clear water, and prepare only the quantity needed to,ffll.two.caus. ,4' Fruit looks and is better when whole, the. juices are clearer and the flavor is more fully retained. It is difficult to cook a la'ge quantity evenly without injuring the shape For this reason it is better to cook only enough to fill a few jars at a time. In canning a crate of berries it is well to select the finest looking quarts and can expressly for simple desserts at table. Such particular canning will not be necessary for cooking purposes. Cook fruit in a porcelain lined or granite kettle. If tin is used, it should, be new. Cook evenly for fifteen minutes after it begins to boil. There is no necessity for using sugar in canning frnit, but one teaspoonful to a quart of fruit is sometimes added. When ready to can have all artioles needed close at hand. Set the can on two thiacknesses of warm wet flannel. Dip out the boiling fruit with a long handled ladle, and fill the jar to over flowing. Run a knitting needle three times down to the bottom of the filled can and liberate the air bubbles. Ihen, with a. quick moveujcqt, break the bubbles lying on fop, and seal without the loss of a second. In ten minutes tighten the tops again with your wrench, and when the cans are cool wrap in paper and keep in a cool, dry, dark plftpg. Be sure there are no seeds or sediment on the rubber ring before sealing. A funnel comes, which is a great convenience in filling the jars, Do not store your cane of fruit on a swing shelf unless you ore certain it will bear the weight. In canning berries dip out most of the surplus juice and seal, when boiling hot, in pint cons for thp children.— Ex. The Great Leader and Benefactor, 132 BROADS Not Pride, but Caution. Sweet Girl—Mother, Mr, Nicefellow is coming to take me out riding this afternoon. I may go; mayn’t li Mother—It he drives up with a span ot spirited horses you can go, but if he comes with that broken-down old d last time you shan't, other, I didn’t ever suppose have such foolish pride. , a young man who comes of spirited horses expects ith both hands.—St. Louis M T The Wonderful '.Cotton Plant. Charleston, S. C., Nov. 3 —News comes from Spartanburg, one of the best cotton-growing couties in the state, of a new cotton plant, which, if it is as claimed, will make wonderful revolution in the agricultural and cot ton oil interests of the nation. T. Fer guson, an experienced cotton planter- claims to have a cotton plant which will produce nothing but cotton seed without the lint. His statement is briefly as follows: He claims that there is a male and female cotton plant—the male being designated, he thinks, by red calks- The seeds are van colored, the Bbades being generally blue, greep and white, and of course cannot be distinctly specified, Given this fact. Ferguson commenced, some time ago, to pick out the male plants, and with the seed extracted from them, planted another patch seperately. When the crop was ready for picking, the male plants were again selected, and the produc tion of seeds planted again. This process of selecting the male plants was kept up until, at last, the lint re fused to germinate, and nothing is left in the bolls save a large amount of seed. The amount of seed contained in the boll is more than equal to the weight of seed and lint found in the average sized boll of cotton. Fergu son claims that he ran produce foqr hundred bushels of seed to the acre by his new discovery, when only thirty- five bushels are now gathered with the lint, lie lias been very careful in producing the results given above—to obliterate all traces of lint from a boll of cotton—and has succeeded in a most remarkable manner. Other ex perienced planters have been shown Ferguson’s discovery and arc much struck with it. ,... An expert who was shown the plant and bolls, says the bolls have the ap pearancc, both on the exterior and the interior, ot a regular boll of cotton after the lint has been picked out. The seed are a little larger than the com mon seed, and are perfectly free from any semblance of lint. The bolls are filled with seed, which ire as numerous as okra seed in a pod of okra. The revolution that will be affected by this new cotton plant, if it can be cul tivated successfully, will be beyond calculation. If Ferguson’s calcula tions are correct, the cotton seed oil business will be revolutionized. The planters who now raise cotton are fortunate ii they can raise aoo pounds oflint cotton to the acre. Counting the value ot cotton seed at $50 to the acre is considered a big return to cot ton planters in this state. Ferguson claims that his new cotton seed plant will yield nt least $90 an acre. This amount be says will be obtained from 400 bushes of cotton seed at twenty cents per bush el, that being the present price paid for the raw seed. The state agricul- tual bureau will investigate the mat ter. ' A Ghost Running Machinery. The machinery of the Scottford Manufacturing Company at Kenosha, Wis., has been acting very queerly for the last few nights. On the 1st of this month the watchman said that when he was down stairs the machim ery up-stairs started running, and when he went up-stairs to ascertain the cause the machinery up-stairs immediately stopped and the machin ery down stairs commenced to run, On coming down again, he saw some thing white at the other end of the, room, which vanished when he threw the rays of his dark lantern upon it. In the morning the watchman told Mr. Scottford what had happened, and the next evening Mr. Scottford stayed with the watchman. About 12 o’clock the machiney commenced, as on ia the previous night, on the second floor, and when they both went up-stairs it again stopped aud com menced down-stalre. They then went down-stairs commenced above as before. Mr. Scottford fired with ia revolver through the floor, but jt had no effect Saturday night six watchmen were hired, but when the machines started they all fled. About three month ago a young man named John Costello was killed by his clothes being caught on a set screw on a rapidly revolving shaft in these works, and beliovers in spirits do not hesitate to hold the departed spirit of the young man responsible for the phenomenal action of the ma chinery. An Eccentric Millionaire. The most eccentric millionaire in New York, says the New York 8tar, is probably Charles B, jfougs, He served ip the Confederate army under Stonewall Jackson, and is a Virginian by birth. Thirteen years ago he W08 ruineij and $50,000 in debt. To-day he is building a massive structure 200 feet deep, 75 feet front and 12 stories high on Broadway. This building will cost $2,000,000 whet) finished, and is paid for Btep by step. His business methods are unique. He has 400 employes, and pays 75 off everyday. This makes every day a pay day. Hi* annual income is esti mated at $550,000. Mr. Roues’ ener gy is wonderftil. He works from Q in the morning till IQ at night. He does not spend more than $1,000 per year oUtisideof his household expenses. His principal source of amusement is to stand on the rear end of a street car and throw dimes and nicklea to to boys. A short time ago an En glishman syndicate offered him $2,- 000,000 for his business. Straightening Things. Patrick Maginis went to confession and among many other sins, confessed to the good father that he had stolen Mrs. Muleahy’s pig, the loss of wbioh j a great blow to the poor woman. The priest looked at Pat very severely, and said: “Stole Mrs. Muleahy’s pig, did ye ? That’s very bad, Patrick—very bad. Don’t ye know, Pat, that to* steal a pig isahaynonious sin, and to steal Mrs. Muleahy’s pig Is worse? What will you say on the day of Judgment when Mrs, Mnlcahy confronts ye be fore the Lord an’ charges ye with stealing her pig—what will you say V Pat looked rather glum at this on slaught, but nt this point ho picked up and said; “Sure, your riverince, Mrs. Mul cahy won’t be there.” “Indade; an’ why not, Pat Magin is? Mrs. Mulcahy will be there and the pig’ll be there, an’ when yer asked why ye stole the widdy’s pig, what’ll ye say, I’m wantin’ to know?” “Will Mrs. Mulcahy be there ?” asked Pat, a great idea illuminating his face.' “She will," said the good father severely. “And will the pig ho there ?” “Certainly.’ 1 ‘ Then, begorra," said Pat, “I’ll say Mrs. Mulcahy, there’s your pig.” A Receipt For Love. From an Exchange. A young lady who lives at Avon dale, near Birmingham, has loved and come through the trying ordeal safely. She used the following rceipe, and commends it | Into a pint of water of oblivion put essence of resignation two grains, of patience and prudence, each three grains, and of sound judgment one drachm, Mix well, and after they have stood some time, take off\the scum of former remembrances and sweeten the mixture with the syrup of hope. Pass it through the filter of common sense by the funnel of con viction into the bottle of firm resolu tion, stopping it tightly with the cork of indifference. Take a drachm night and morning, or oftencr, if the consti tution will Dear it, reducing the dose as the desease decreases. COUNTY COMMISSIONERS. Office Board Oodntt Comin’as, \ Tuojiasvillb, Ga, Nov. 4.1880 j Board met in regular session. Present, Hon. A. P. Wright, Chairman, Bulloch,Finn, and ITnllctto. Minutes read and approved. Committee in regard to Spring Hill road continned. Chairman Bullock reports fa vorably the granting of crossing track ot S., F. k W. railroad, near Meigs, as petitioned for by T. T. Thompson and others. Report approved, uhairmatt Bollock reports favor ably to granting petition of R. N. Donaldson for private crossing: Board County Commissioners, Thomas Co., Georgia, November Term, 1880— In the matter of the application of R. N. Donaldson, for a private way across the Sa vannah, Florida A Western Railway, it is. ordered that twenty days notice of same be given to said Donaldson, and to said railway company, and after said notice is given the following named commissioners shall be ap pointed to view and lay ont Said road; Cas par Walker, Thos. Brown, Willis Singletary John I. Bryan and G. T. Hurst That said commissioners shall make out the report in conformity to law, giving each party copies of their report, sending original ropoit to this court. Hon. W. M, Hammond reports that titles to lot purchased by county from Piney Woods Hotel Co., for bnildlng a county jail, aro perfect. Report received and adopted The execution of a note for one thousand dollars in favor Piney Woods Hotel Co,,pur chase money for the jail lot,] confirmed by this board. Road petition of Mr. Surratt and others granted, )rovidcd tho county is not to bo at any expenso for the same. Petition of F. R. Chastain and others to change voting precinct and justice court to Chastain. Granted. Road petition of Thos. Chastain nnd oth ers granted, provided the county is not at any expense for the same. Petition for road and bridge by h. H, Rehbcrg, M. L. Collier, J. M. Chastain and others granted. Jndgo Mitchell reports having paid into the county treasury during the month of September $38.00, and for the month of Oc tober $54.50. Treasury statement approved: BfAtepaent of Charles Gandy, County Treas urer, from Oct. 7 to Nov.'4, 1880. 1880. DR. Oct. 7 To bal. as per last report. $ 333.34 “ W. D. Mitchell for Sept 38.00 “ Bill payable 001.61 F. P. Horne, Road Oom’r 2.50 " P. S. Heath, tax 280.02 P. S. Heath, show tax.. 18.00 $1,072.47 OR. By chain gang $ 82 95 “ pauper 72 48 “ Jail 180 72 “ roads and bridges 140 00 11 Contingent 134 34 “ Jury 344 60 By balance on hand 737 48 $1,672.47 Tuomasville, Nov, 4, 1889: Board County Commissioners: Gentlemen—For the month of Sept. I paid into the county treasury $38.00. For the month of Oct. $54.50. I have the honor, gentlemen, to be very respectfully, William D. Mitchell, Judge County Court. Tho following necounts ordered paid: L B Boucliclle $10, W Hawthorn $10.00, R Smith $6.26, Judge Mitchell $83.33, Charles Gandy $50.84, Jno Spair $79.33, j A Harst $224.20, 0 L Ward $2*.25, Robt. Dekle $70-05, Mitchell k McIntyre $77.06 C A Deisber $4.15, B O Johnson $18.00, McCrae Bros., $25.45, J A Hurst $12.15, II B Ains- worth $13.50, J S Merrill $1,00 J C k W G Lewis $10.50, R E k T O Beverly $6.25 De kle k Butler $441, J Watt k Bro. $8.70, CP Bennett $5.50, W M Hammond $10.00, Board adjourned. A. P. Wbigdt, Redden Smith, Chairman. Clerk. £m THE LEADING: IN THE CITY. What the South la Doing From the Pensacola Commercial. The south is taking care of the edu cation of her children, both white and black, and she has never asked their aid from the general government. Great Men Getting Well. Lord Tennyson, Cardinal Newman and Cardinal Manning, alt of whom were supposed a year ago to be at death’s door, seem to have taken new leases of life, and arc stronger than for a long time before. Mr. Gladstone, who will complete his eightieth year two months hence, is in excellent health, and his voice particularly is bet ter than for the last few years. So well does he feel that he has no inten tion of going abroad this winter, but will spend Christmas and his birthday at Hawardin. “Why don’t you call on Miss Brown any morel” “Well, you see, the last time I went, her father, who is a min ister, got me to subscribe $5 towards the heathen, and I’m afraid I’d have to pay it if I went again.’’—Epoch. Still another in voice of choice dress goods just received. Our Ladies’ Broad cloth in all the leading colors is certainly worthy of your attention. We are 50c. per yard under New York retail prices on them. In Carpets and Rugs we down ev ery in this market, and we invite a comparison of pric es with other and larger markets. In Ladies, Misses and Children’s Wraps we are head quarters, as we are in everything else pertaining to our line. Levys Mitchell House Block m ■