The Daily times-enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1889-1925, November 09, 1889, Image 1

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Stas WMSg ig® §t! i®SS ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ if* V _: 5 f - 11 VOL. 1 --KO 154. THOMASVILLE, GEORGIA, SATURDAY MORNTNO, NOVEMBER 9, !889 $5.00 PER JSJTF m When out shop ping, ladies will do well to drop in at LOHNSTEIN’S and inspect the va rious lines t>f new goods, just being opened. They are very handsome and at very attractive prices’ We are very busy and havn’t time to say much about them in this issue; but will be sure to please you if you will give us a call. Respectfully, i m uuuuywm, TbelGreat Leader, and Benefactor, 132 BROAD ST. OLD THINGS AND DEAR. There is no song like an old song That we havo not heard for years; Each simple note appears to throng With shapes that swim in tears. It may hare been a cheerfull strain, But ’twas long ago That glee, grown old, has turned to pain, That mirth has turned to woe. There is no friend like an old friead, Whose life-path meets onr own, Whoso dawn and noon, whose cyo and end Hare known what we haTe known. It may be when we have read his face We note a trace of care; ’Tis well that friends in life’s lost grace bhare sighs as smiles they share. There is no lore like an old lore; A lost, may be, or dead; Whose place since she has gone above, No other fills instead. It is not we’ll ne’er lovo anew, For lifb were drear if so, But that first love had roots that grew Where others cannot grow, There are no days like old days, When we, not they, were young; When all life’s rays were golden rays And wrong had never stung, Bear heart I if now our steps could pass Through paths of childhood's morn, And the dew of youth lie on tho grass Which Time’s fell scythe has shorn I Old soitg, old friend,'old love, old days; Old things, yet never old; A steam that’s dark till sunshine ploys' And ciinnges it to gold; * Through all winds memory’s rircr on, ’Mid hanks ot soro regret, But gleam’s on the peaks o' tung-agone That softcus sadness yet. THEIR FAULTS AND VIRTUES What One ot Their Race Has to Say About Them. Aw interesting article on tho status of th# colored race in' Thomnsville, appears in tho Southorn Christian Recorder, of latodnto. It was writ ten by a prominent colored clergy man of this place. Hero is the arti cle: Mr. Editor : I do not know that much is known of our little city,—in fact it is my opinion, that two little is known of the Sunny South, at any,rate by both northern whites and blacks; tho for mer believe that all Southern whites are lawless and the latter (with few exceptions) believes that their breth ren in tho South are a set of igno ramuses and lacking manhood. A fellow, hailing from the "north,” by the name of Anderson, lecturing in our churches here, told me to my fhee, while in my house that, "You should go east and north, hear some lectures, and then you will know n good lecture when you hear one,” He also intimated that he must greatly simplify his great learning (?) in order that bis poor brethen could under- stand. Of course he was making a very great sacrifice in coming to la bor in our midst, having refused char ges that offered him from three to ten thousand dollars in England and elsewhere. He spoke contemptuous ly of the Hon. Frederick Douglass who lectured here, sometime before, calling him “old Fred.,” that himself had the reputation in the north of to* tally eclipsing the oratory of "old Fred;” Talmage hod a big name, but if ho could not preach a better ser mon than Talmoge he would throw up his credentials, etc., etc. I suppose . the gentleman referred to, left here a sadder and wiser man: such is to be hoped at least, Thomasville, is on the South Flori da & Western R. R., in tho southeas tern portion of Georgia. She has about 7,000 inhabitants, a little over one third of her population are col ored. This place is a popular resort. Northerners come here in great crowds filling to overflowing the large hotels and other houses open to re ceive them. . The town is beautifully laid off and surrounded by the tall, waving pine trees. The city is lighted with gas and electricity; in fact she has all modern improvements and deserves the appellation of the “Yankee Para dise.” The Mayor, Hon. H. W. Hopkins, is not only a progressive man, alive to every interest of this fast growing city, but he is a perfect gentleman, and I believe particularly a friend to the Negro race. There are many of his kind. The genuine aristocrat and high bred of the south ern whites, are generally so. So far as I can see, there is manifestly but little discrimination between thoraces. They are alike served at the soda fountains, saloons, stores, etc., and labor sido by side. It was a north erner who advertised fur brick ma sons, saying, "None but whites need- appty.” . , There is one thing here though' that sticks me, and that is the “chain gang.” It is to be seen any day on the Btreets, always with none other than blacks in it. Horrible things are l>cing told about tho treatment of the prisoners. Last winter n gen tleman caused the arrest and dismis sal of one of the “overeecr8”Jbr the cruel whipping of one of the prison The negro is not altogether a pau per here; ho is credited with property valued at 81-50,000 and over, perhaps 8200,000. The Messrs. Zoke Ham ilton, Randall, Mitchell, J. C. Few, Gen. Linton, Jim Adkinson, niid many others are individually worth all the way from four to ten thousand dollars. These men, by habits of in dustry, hard labor and economy since the war, beginning perhaps without a dime, have accumulated their pos sessions. As they have done, others couljl have similarly prospered. There are plenty’of whisky saloons, and they are well patronised by tho negro, believe they aro nlwa_,.,. There are frotn six*to ten livery sti bles hero, and every Sunday they are emptied by “cuff,” who-toils and sweats all through the burning rays of an almost tropical sun during the week, to hire a fine buggy to roll Dina around, in borrowed glory, from “early morn till dewy eve,” while the class of men wo havo mentioned above takes it afoot, while their stock rests in pastures or stalls at home, and they themselves spend the day in tho various churches or with their families at home. It is no use to dilly-dally over this matter, there is a class of negroes that will pros per and do well anywhero, while the buggy, ball, theatre, and excursion crowd will always "make Rome howl” about hard times and other hobgob lins, The man, black or white, that thinks he is going to receive the same recognition when he is a non-proper ty holder, ns the man who owns broad acres and has a bank account in thiaxountry, 1 say he is a “blamed fool.” As an educational center, for our people, Thomasvlllo is being rapidly developed. There are many fi no, well managed schools hero. The Connecticut Girls Industrial Boarding School, established and controlled by the American Mission ary Association ranks first It has eight highly graded and well quali fied lady teachers, of whom Mrs. W. L. Gordon is principal. Under her excellent management tho school has greatly prospered. I think, last term, the school enrolled 300 pupils. The girls are taught, besides|the coihmon branches, sewing, music, cooking, housekeeping, washing and ironing, and fancy needle work. Tho school is out on the suburbs of the town, nicely situated, healthy placo, physi cally and morally. AU in all, it is doing a grand work, and tho patrons ore highly pleased. God bless those ladies. Next in importance is tho Clay Street School, with Mr. Chus. Rice, a classical graduate of Atlanta Uni versity, as principal. He is assisted by bb handsome wife, also of Atlanta University, she having taken the Nor land course, and, in the primary de partment by Miss Benetta Mitchell, a modest, unassuming little lady, who hails from Mrs. Gordon’s department of the Connecticut School. The school is well filled and they have a'handsome, new building up in town, valued at 81,200. I think I can safely say that the honor of erect ing this building is chiefly due Mr. Rice. He is quite a worker, and should have the united thanks of our peo ple. Associated with him in this grand work, and who contributed more largely than others are Messrs. J. C. Few, Randall Mitchell, Geo. Linton and many others ot the com munity, who are hold in grateful re membrance. Although our people generally, are well to do, and could have easily done it themselves, yet to their beggardly shame, the most of the money used in the erection of the school was given by northern friends. Mr. Rice "and lady are members of the A. M. E. church. He is n local preacher. [To be continued ] Georgia’s Heroic Dead. Tho Recorder on Sunday referred to a visit mode by the Georgia delega tion on their trip to Ohio last Sep tember to Johnson’s Island in San dusky Bay, where arc buried the gal lant soldiers of the south, who died there while in confinement ns priso ners of war. The wooden headboards which mark these graves, aro fast de caying. and tho names thereon are becoming obliterated. In a short timo there will bo no possibility _ of identifying them, unless some action is speedily taken. It was resolved by the Georgia delegation who visited the island that on their return home tho newspaper men should bring the matter to the attention of thoir respec tive readers with tho view of raising.a fund sufficient to replace the dilapi dated wooden headboards, marking the graves of Georgia soldiers with neat marble slabs. This determination ia now about to bo put into execution; a movement to that end having been inaugurated at on informal gathering of the Georgia-Ohio delegation at the State Fair last week, at which it was resolved to ask contributions to place headstones on the graves of our fallen heroes. It is thought that 8500 will place a neat stone at every grave. Subscriptions havo already been made in Macon, and lists have been opened in other cities. Americus will certainly contribute her quota of the small amount required for a purpose which ought to commend itself to our people. .We would ask our ex-Confederate veterans and our citizens generally to give ready response to this appeal. Contributions should be voluntary, and we deem a canvass unnecessary. Those who arc prompted by a memo ry and regard for our patriotic dead can call at the Recorder office and leave such amount as they feel willing and able to give. The object is too sacred to he attained by importuning. -Americus Recorder, And this comes from Col. W. L. Glessner, editor of the Recorder, a northern man who has made his home in Georgia. We would suggest that the re-union of the ex Confederates of Thomas county here, on the 15tb, would be a most timely occasion for us to contribute our share to the worthy work. Who will tako charge of this part of the programme ? Preserving the Forests. Hon. Carl Schurz, in speaking be fore the American forestry congress, said: "What, made me a forestry man is the conviction I formed when in official position as a practical pub lic man, that the destruction of the forests of the country will be the mur der of its future prosperity and pro gress. This is no mere figure of speech or rhetorical exaggeration, but I mean exactly what I say.” Premising with the assertion tbatno country ever so prosperous could vio late the laws of nature with impunity, the ex-Secretary of the Interior said that in their reckless destruction of American forests the lumberman wastes os much as he sells, the settler or miner devastates whole mountain sides to get a few sticks, the. timber thieves pilfer at their pleasure, while tho tourist accidently fires hundreds of miles of forest by carelessly leaving a camp fire burning. Good Use For House Slops. From the American Agiicnlturist. If you save all the slops from the house, the wash-water and suds of sundry occasions daring the week, you will find that you have a supply of nutriment nt hand to draw upon which is far richer than you had any idea. It will not make a poor soil permanently rich, hut it will af ford sufficient nutriment to nourish such plants ns you grow in it during tho summer in a very satisfactory manner. We planted some annuals on a stiff clay that had been thrown out of a cellar. We water them reg ularly with suds and slops, nod they surpass in growth and florif- orourncss those grown in the gar den. - "At South Salem, Ross county, Ohio, Miss Ella Wilson, a popular young lady of the neighborhood, is reported os being at the point of death as the result of internal injuries caus ed by being hugged too tightly by Will L. Lavery, a young man. The girl, in fun, threw a glass of water on young Lavery, and he gave her a tight squeeze. As he is a veiy stout man, hes queezed a little too hard, and broke something. The girl fainted, and for a long time was in an uncon scious state, but may recover. The young man is broken up over the result of what he intended as merely a little fun.”—Ex. This ought to be a worniDg to young men. They were climbing up the moun tain side, and coming to a steep place he deemed it proper to assist her, and turning, said: "Please give me your hand?” "Oh!” she replied, with a blush, “this is so sudden. You must ask papa.” THE LEADING IN THE CITY. The Colored Legislator’s Speech on The Law. Tho following is the speech of Me- Iver, the colored member from Lib erty county, on the dog law bill. He is anxious to havo it printed: “Mr. Speaker, it gives me much pleasure, sir, to address an able speaker as thou art, sir, expert in all customs. It gives me pleasure, I say, sir, to ad dress you. I stand before you, sir, as Paul did before Agrippa, sir. I was once fur the tax of dogs, but when I found my constituents are against it, sir. I am against the dog tax, sir, because the dog is the poor man’s property. Ii a dog is vicious, put the buckshot to him, sir. What would some of the poor country people do without a ’possum dog? A ’possum in a poor man’s home is like a stall' beef to you, sir. So I hope this honorable body will vote down the dog tax, sir. When the yankccs left us we had neither a hoe nor an ax. If it had not been for our good friends what would have become of us? Multum in parrox. Let the man who wants nobody to differ with him, go to the graveyard. The dead keep silence, and have no interests or convictions that clash with his own. Tho intolerant man can hold high sway and have great satisfaction in the cemetery. But among the living who struggle and think and have a right to speak, and an obligation to act their con clusions, he must make up his mind to meet many men who do not look through his eye-glasses; and if he will only accommodate himself to iriction, it will polish his own sides, and remove the rust, and warm his own metal, and kindle the electric current which blesses and impels the world.—Rome Tribune. Mrs. Briske—Johnny, did the doc tor call while I was out? Little Johnny (stopping his play)— Yes’m. He felt my pulse and looked at my tongue, and shook.his head and said it was a very serious case, and he left this prescription and said he’d call again before night. Mrs. Briske—Gracious me! It wasn’t you I sent him to see; it was the baby. Still another in voice of choice dress goods just received. Our Ladies’ Broad cloth in all the leading colors is certainly worthy of your attention. We are 50c. per yard under New York retail prices on them. In Carpets and Rugs we down ev ery in this market, and we invite- a comparison of pric es with other and larger markets. In Ladies, Misses and Children’s Wraps we are head quarters, as we are in everything else pertaining to our line. i * „