The Daily times-enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1889-1925, November 09, 1889, Image 2

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THE DAILY TIMES-ENTERPRISE. JOHN TRIPLETT, - - - Editor. S. B. BURR, • Business Manager. SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 1889. Daily Tuies-Esiebprisk is publish'd every morning (Monday excepted.) The W«EXtY Tibbs-Enterprise is published every Saturday morning. Subscription Rates. Dailt Times-Entebprise, . . . W ewlt “ ... $9 00 . 1 00 Dailt AnvsnTis no Rates iTransient Rates.—$1.00 per sqoare for the first insertion, and BO cei ts for ca n subsc- uent insertion. One Square, one month, - . - • $ 5 00 One Square, two months - - - - 8 00 One Square, three month i, - - - 1J 00 One Square, six months, - ... 20 00 One Square, twelve months, - - - 35 00 Subject to change by special arranf *ment. ft. It. Until, Unslncss ilfnnnser. Campbell was loaded. senators and lieutenant governor, and 0 > clock nt the Clymer mansion, Rev, adjourned until Monday. The house Geo A Dougin officiating. Among made its temporary organization 'per- — - - — Mahone is too dead to skin. Will the legislature adjourn to day* Cleveland tariff reform will be the rallying cry, in 1892 Think of Iowa wheeling into the democratic column. It is enough to take one’s breath away. Savannah will entertain the govern or, members of the legislature, and manent, swore in officers and adjourn ed until Monday next. No one hopes for a proclamation of admission now until next Monday or Tuesday. Chicago, Nov. 7—A dispatch from Bismarck, N. D., says: “Monday was the last day of the territorial govern ment of Dakota. At 3 o’clock sharp the territorial governor, secretary, auditor and attorney general stepped down nnd out, and in turn the bonan za farmer, John Miller, and his staff The Elections, A democratic governor, a democrat- other guests, in royal style, next week, of officers took their places. ic legislature and a democratic United Pittsburg,Pa., Nov. 7—Miss Kate States senator are the results of last 1 Tuesday’s election in Ohio. In Iowa It would have done one good, who Dfexel> iecond daughter of the late F. had the itch, to have received the A j} rexe ] ( the well known Philadel- a democratic go.vcrnor is elected, and scratching administered to Foraker last Tuesday. phia banker, nnd heiress to about Iowa is the banner republican state of 86,000,000, took the white veil of a the west. In Virginia the corrupt use The Girls'Industrial School, with an noviate nt the convent of the Sisters of money and of federal patronage by appropriation of $35,000, has been es- of Mercy in this city this morning, the unscrupulous Mahone, has resulted tablished in the old capilol building at The ceremony, which was conducted m a revolt against his purposes and Milledgeville by Archbishop Ryan, of Philadelphia, his methods that give the democrats and Rt. Rev. Bishop Phelan, of this and overwhelming victory. In New The legislature has passed a bill city> Wfls very i mpre gsive and particu- York and New Jersey the democrats prohibiting any newspaper from ad- j ar ]y exclusive, none but the nearest have more than held their own, and in vertising lotteries. We shall gladly an( j j enregt ro i a tives and friends of ‘he other states where elections were and cheerfu[ly comply with the law. jj, e postulant being permitted to enter Cleveland’s reception in Washing- the sacred walls. She becomes known Ton yesterday, where he went to attend simjdv fis Sister Catherine, the marriage of ex-Secretary Bayard, Helena, Mont., Nov. 7.—The showed what a hold he has on the Silver Bow mandamus case was fin people. ished to-day, Judge do Wolfe deny' -• “ . jug the right of the minority of the Mahone lied during the campaign, ^ rf canvasser8 t0 appea l f rom and now ho lies in his political grave. the order of tho court directing the And he will lie until he’s cremated. flnnv|1BOI8|0 count the vote of Tun This last process will take place— well at some time in the future. Much unction and deep ferver will characterize tho devotion of the dem ocrats on Thanksgiving day. The “amens” from the democratic corner will be loud and deep. With all of the late Mr. Tilden’s ability and shrewdness as a lawyer, he couldn't draw a will to stand. His Very Dry. Candidate Thomas, of the New York ninth congressional district, was a very dry man before the recent election, and now that it is over he is dryer than ever. LATEST TELEGRAPHIC NEWS, CLEVELAND IN WASHINGTON. A Boy Eaten By an Alligator—Soon to Bo Atlanta, Nov. 7.—-The senate the State of Washington—North Da- passed a icsolution to-day to adjourn kota In tho Union—Turns her Back on the World and Sixty Milllons-Tho Democrats Hoid on to Montana. Brunswick, Ga., Nov. 7.—Last conference committee on the lease bill Tucsduy a negro hoy, named Thomas It is likely they will agree. Washington, of Camden county, was The Cavaliy Regiment hill passed captured and eaten by an alligator, the senate yesterday afternoon. Capt. It is without doubt the most horrible Gordon will be its colonel, form of death that ever came to light in this section. Olympia, W. T., Nov. 7.-The . of .„ ou . Xho8 . F . Bayard, to senate met to-day and swore in the Migg May Clymer( tooU placoat i senators and lieutenant governor, and 0>clock at tho Clymer mansion, Re' those present were ex-President Cleve land, Mr. nnd Mrs. C. S. Fairchild, Mr. and Mrs. Don M. Dickenson,nnd all the members of ex-Secretary Bay ard’s family from Preston and Wil mington. The briae was given away by her brother, W. B. S. Clymer. After the ceremony and reception, the bride and groom left for the north on an extended bridal tour. held the returns show nothing to en courage the republicans. It was the democrat’s day. Eaerything that was gained is theirs; everything that was lost is the republicans’.—Telegraph. nel precinct. Tho court issued a mandatory order, aud Messrs. Hall ano Irvin counted tho vote of the dis puted precinct for McHatton, the democrat. This decision also covers the legislative contest, and by it the democrats secure ten of tho eleven members of the Silver Bow delegation. The contest is now ns to the certifi cates of the members of the legisla ture. After the states canvassers will has been broken, and clt 7 adjourned the secretary of state issued New York loses millions thought to (.(jrtfficjttes of election to the members have been givsn to a public library. tary’s certificates. Washington, Nov. 7.—No greater Mr. Thomas went into the campaign demonstration of kindly feelinshas as the standard bearer of the prohibi- over been shown to any ex-President tion party. He had the courage of and his wife by tho people of Wash- his convictions, and the fact that his ington than were exhibited to-day. opponent was Amos Cummings, with From early morning until they left the Tammany democrats at his back, this afternoon, they were receiving did not daunt him in the least. • constant attention from friends. They >*«*• at^offlcc'at thcVtton . , , , ., j ware house bh<1 scstle before execution is The prohibition champion believed divided the honors with the bride and i sa ued. Office hours 0 a. m. too that the time was ripe for reform. He groom at the wedding, where they appealed to the dry men to get to- met many of tho people whom they gettaer and snow the wet men under most desired to see. Hon. George with a shower of ballots. Bancroft, who has admired Mrs. WANTS. G. II. Wyant, the Upholsterer, wants to ..... _ lay Carpets, Woe 1 , at 75 cts., Brussels at $1; For a time there was music in the Cleveland ever since she came here, wants to rc-upholstcr yoar J^ nit “*rt , , • ti t 1 . t __ wants to maice over > our nuHurasess umi air, but alter the election the vote was especially glad to see her again. at Ainsworth’s Grocery. 20oct3m stood: Cummings, 15,518; Thomas, 24. AB day tag •adlers “jj* Ham! Good, sweet ham,at way down Mr. Thomas has one consolation, for Mr. and Mrs. Cleveland, and gifts — . - • • Mr. Thomas has one consolation, for Mr. and Mrs. wevetanu, ana gui» ftt p jck j u . g< See hin) he is still dry. Nobody doubts that, of flowers were piled up everywhere — Under the circumstances he made a on the first floor of the house of ex- oinvCo remarkably good fight, and if the pro- Marshal Wilson, where they were Mrs. Ph°ebe Chcsley. Petcrso ^Gl r Co remarkaDty good ngtlt, ano 11 me pro- juarsum I» *.»**, j Iowa, tails the following remarkable story, hibitionists fail to nominate him for entertained. One florist seat up a the truth of which is Touched for by the governor at the next election, it will be wagon load of ordere at once. Every- with kidney complaint because they haven’t sense enough to body said in one phrase or another, on d lameness for many years; could not know a dry man when they meethim “Ihope we ^11 soon have you in in the road.—Constitution. Washington ogam, at winch the do ftll m j own housework. I owe my Clevelands smiled. No one was more thanks to Electric Bitters for having renew- v anil rnmnrpfl rnmnletclv fill — Clevelands smiled. Pio one was more thanks to Electric mtters lor naming renew- What Cleveland Says. pleased to Bee thc cx-President and Washington, Nov. 7.—In an in- n ;f e than the old employes at the ,1, at 8. J.Cassds’ Drug Store, terview on the election results, ex- White house, for all of whom they wmi* w.i»i. t . President Cleveland said last night: foqaired. Mr. w. n. Morgan, merchant, Lake City, . idOTmluu U toglh l»T«aed Ik. * J 0 „ .US, — «5«S“SKEJSJSCiMJH reform has at length leavened me ® ’ . , I Consumption in Its first stag..,. — m. to to-Ttari* Q~ M.~ say that I am satisfied with the res tilts. ^ countryman, who hails from gad difficulty inbreathing and was unable The vei^ to Vh^U indicates that .outhwest Georg.#, and came to At- tlio south u still faithful to the dem- hma to take in the exposition, went au* e relief, and after using abont half a indent Harrison has nothing to After eyeiog the building critically remedy can show »o grand a record of cures, The triumph of democracy in f t m ; Dllte5 he sa id : »Dr. Kiag-a New Discovery for consnmp- aud Iowa creates a feeling of lu “" uu ‘‘ , ’ . ... I tion. Guarantec<l to do just wlmt Is claim- bite “Great Gosh! wouldn’t she hold a I ^ for lt Trial bottle free at &, J. Cossets' pile of shucks!” | Drug Store. ITS LAST EXPIRING DAYS. The Legislature Dies Hard, But it Will Hardly Survive the Winter. Saturday at noon. Senators Shannon, Alford and Hall, with Representatives Patterson, Gam ble, Berner and Francis, nre the new Hon. Thos. F. Bayard Married Washington, Nov. 7.—The mar The Marshall House, THE PRIDE AND OLD TIME FAVORITE HOTEL OF SAVANNAH. • UNDER ME PERSONAL MANAGEMENT OF ffl. L. HARNETT. MEAT MARKET We desire to notify .those who are winter ing in Thomnsvlllc, ns well os our old cus tomers, that wc make a specialty of keeping thc VSRY BEST OF MEATS of all kinds, which wc sell nt reasonable prices, and de liver at any residence in the city. A per sonal inspection of our market on Jackson street (the stand formerly kept by Mr. Bone) Is invited. novStf F. P. Hob* A Bto. Uuclilcn’s Arnica Halve. The Best Salve in the World for Cuts Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever of the legislature, including six repub- Sores, Tetter. Chapped Hands, Chilblains Q ., t,„,„ Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and positively licans, of the Silver Bow delc 0 ation. cures pji c8| or no p ft y required. It is guar- The clerks of the different counties anteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money had already issued certificates, and refund^ Price 25 a.nt. per box. For sal. the dcmocrats clect refused the secre- by 8, J. Cassels, Drug Store. Cash groceries bound to win. Watch the figures at Pickett’s. FOB SALE One large, fine gray horse, six years old, one second hand buggy in good order, one second hand two horse surry. If yon wont bargain npnly early to 11-4-Ct.d (iso. Fbabb. CITY TAX. The time for paying your city taxes is nt Jis. F. Evans, City Tr. An Awful SoreLimb Skii entMrnaaJtaii n flu «f dia- case. Left diminished one third Inalze. ScdMMi Mwlsn. flared hr the Ca- licara Bemediea in two month.. Cured by Cuticura For three yean 1 was almost crippled with an awful sore leg from my kneo down to my ankle, the skin waa entirely gone, and the flesh waa one lt Incurable, _ the el» of the other, and I was in a hopeless condition. After trying nil kinds of remedies and spending hunctreda of dollars, from which I got no relief whatever. I wae persuaded to try your Cutlcnra Remedies, and the result was aa follows: After throe .lays 1 noticed a decided change for the better, and at the end of two months I was completely cored. My flesh waa purified, and the bone (which had been exposed for a year) got aonnd. The flesh begon to grow, andto-day, and for nearly tio years post, my leg 1* os weU as ererlt was, aonnd in every re spect , and not a sign of the disease to be seen. 8. G. AHERN, Dubois, D6dpe Co„ Ga. Skin Disease 17 Team. I have been troubled with skin and scalp dis ease for seven cen years. My head nt times was one running sore, and my body was covered with them ae large as a half dollar. I tried a great many remedies without effect nntll I need the Cuttoura Remedies, and am thankful to state that after two months of their nso I am entirely cured. I feel lt my duty to yon and the public to state the above case. L. B. MoDOWELL, Jamcsburg, N. J, Another Marvelous Cure. The Cutlcnra, Cuticura Resolvent, and Cutl cnra Soap have brought abont a marvelous cure in the case of a skin disease on my little son eight years old. 1 gave tried almost all reme dies and also the most eminent doctors, all alike failing, except the wonderful Cutlcnra Reme dies. ED N. BROWN, 720 N. 10th St., Omaha, Neb, Outloura Resolvent. The new Blood Purifier and purest and best of Humor Remedies, internally, and Cuticura, the great 8kin Cure, and Cnticnra Soap, an exquis ite Skin Beautlfler, externally, are a positive core for every disease and hnmor of the sUn, scalp, and blood, with loss of hair, from pimples ooiu every wuere. x'neo, uuucuru, oee,j ooap 25e.; Resolvent, 81.00. Prepared by the Potter Drag and Chemical Corporation, Boston. BT'Send for “How to Cnio Skin Dlssascs," 64 pages, 60 Ulnstratlons, and 100 testimonials. I and oily skin prevent! , HOW MY BACK ACHES. [ Back Ac to, Kidney Palns,and Weak- I ness,Soreness, Lameness,Strains,and | Pain relieved in one minute by 1 the Cntlcnm Anti-Pain Plaster, and only Instantaneous pain-killing —FOR— Two Weeks Only I offer the business of tho ECLIPSE STABLES FOR SALE—Horses, Vehicles, Ilarncsj, Of fice Furniture and everything pertaining to the business; not because it has not paid. It is the best business in Tbomarville for tho capital invested. Thc books of the Stable will show that this Btable has paid well from the start I offer it on nccount ot business engagements that will prevent my giving proper attention to it, which will bo explain ed to purchaser. Will withdraw thc offor after the time named. Terms: one half cash, balance twolvo months, with 8 per cent, interest, secured by property sold, or other of equal value. My business engagements require a prompt sale; a bargain will be glvon to early applicant.. I mean business; please do not apply unlcsi yon do. If not sold, the stables will he put lu order for the winter’s business with fifty head of good horses, under its formor successful manager, Mr. M.R. Elder. 2nov-2w-d H. W. HOPKIN& EARLY OATS. All parties to whom I engaged the early oat for seed, arc notified that I am ready to deliver the same. Tho yield having proven better than 1 expected, I can also furnish a few other parties. Apply as soon os possi ble, if yon wonld be supplied. It is tho best early oat that I ever planted, nnd yielded more than the old reliable rast proof oat last season. J. T. CHASTAIN. OLD HOFFMAN HOUSE RYE, Pure and Unadulterated, For Sale By > A. F. PREVATT. LOWER BROAD NOTES. A DIALOGUE. UBS. n. (visiting hbb. w.) , Mrs. W.—Have yon bought your winter hat yet? Mrs. M.—No, bat I will get it next week. Where did yon buy yours? Mrs. Wv—From Mrs. Carroll, on Lower Broad. Mrs. M.—Yon did? Why, I thought yon always traded at the same old place. Mrs. W.—I did feel a little bad about changing,bnt It was a ease of dollars against sentiment. You know which is bound to win. Mrs. M.—Yea, but do you really think Mrs. CMrroll sells lower than others? Mrs. W.—Think! I know it. The finish and style of this hat (exhibiting hat) was said to be cheap nt $5.00 by others. I be gan to think so too, bnt decided to look over Mrs. Carroll’s stock,and was astonished to find that she wsuld sell me this bat at $3, first price asked, neorly one-half less. Mil. M.—1 have beard a number of ladies speak of her nice work end low prices, nnd this confirms It. She seems anxious for our Mrs^wj—Yes, I like that. I like to help those who try to help themselves in that way. 1 would advise you to buy your hot there. Mrs..M-—I certainly will. Am glad yon spoke of the matter. She came, she saw, she conquered her pr^ndlce against tredlngfor sentiment. Low prices will win, and must win. Polite at tention and kindest welcome for nlL Coll and see me. Mrs. Jennie Carroll Lower Broad Milliner. PIANOS AND ORGANS W. 8. Brown, tho Jeweler, has so- cured the agency for nil the flrst-elnss Pianos nnd Organs, which he is selling at tho lowest prices for cash or on long time. Thoso desiring to purchase will do well to learn hts prices nnd terms. Look out sharply for your interest. Pickett is going to cut everybody’s prices this week Groceries must get down so’s people can live. -CARBONATED WXTH- NATURAL GAS Imported from the Mineral Springs on tho Rhine, Ger many, on draught at L. SCHMIDT’S. DurrsrK Mineral Water For tho Liver and Kidneys, For sale at L. SCHMIDTS. THE PEST Direct Route I FROM ALL PRINCIPAL POINTS IN THEtSOUTH TO CHICAGO AND THE NORTHWEST. wo through express trains dally, with Full man Falaoe Buffet BlnpIngOare by night, and Chair Oars hr day, between Otn- clnnattt and Chicago, Indlinapo- • lie and Chicago, and also bo twoen Loutsvlllo and Chicago, where eloao con* nectlens are made for Bt. Paul, Fargo, Bl.mark, Pot- land, Omaha, Kansas city, San Francisco land points Intermediate— New Fast Mail, Leaving Louisville, Dolly except 8andsy, at . JO a. m. Clnctnnxttt, Dally, except Sunday, at 7:45. arriving at Chicago at S :SJ. The meat rapid service ever attempted be tween the Orest Commercial OlUos on the Ohio River nnd Chicago. Ag-2 hrough Coupon Tickets, Baggage cheek- MONON ROUTES Universally and deservedly popular. OHN B.OXR30N, Vlce-prea't and Oen'l Mgr W. H. HcDOJSL, Oen’l Trsko Manager, E. O. MCCORMICK, Gen.l Passenger Agent. Contagion! Bleed Diimeee. Ulcers, sores, pimples, Itch, salt rheum, etc., are evidences of contagious blood dis ease. It Is manifestly n dnty to eradicate blood poison Rom the system by n use of B. B. B. (Botanic Blood Balm), thus enabling the sore places to heal And thereby removing all possibility of other members of the family becoming likewiso afflicted. Send to Blood Balm Go., Atlanta, Ga., for a book that will convince. J. H. Ontlaw, Mt. Olive, N. O, writes: •'! bad running seres on my shoulders and arm*. One bottle B. B, B. cared me entire ly.” L. Johnson, Belmont Station,Miss’,writes, •'B. B. B. has worked on me like a charm. My head and body was covered with sores, and my hair came oat, but B. B. B. healed me entirely;” - . T . W. J. Kinnin, Hutchens, Tex., writes: “B. B. B. has cared my wife of a large nicer on her leg that doctors and all other medicine could not care.” M. J. Kossman, a prominent merchant of Greensboro, Gn„ writes: “I know of several cosca of blood disease speedily cared by B.B. B. Two bottles cared n lady of ugly scrof ulas skin sores.” W. 0. Birehmote & Co., Mnxoy, Ga., writes: “B. B. B., In coring Mr. Robt. Word of blood poison effected one of. the most wouderfu cures that ever _ came to oat knowledge.” Tax and Registration Notice. Third and Last Round. I will bo nt the following places on my 3d and last round, on the dates named below: Duncanville Monday, Nov. 4th. Metcalfe Tuesday, Nov. 5th. East Glasgow Wednesday, Nov. 6th. Boston, Thursday nrld Friday, Nov, 7-8. McDonald Monday, Nov. II, forenoon. Wsiye Monday, Nov. 11, afternoon. Kilby Murphoy’s Tuesday, Nov. 12th. Ocklockonce Wednesday, Nov. 13th. Meigs Thursday, Nor. 14th. Spence Wednesday, Nov. 20th. Cairo Thursday and Friday, Nov. 21-22. ■ . P. S’ Ueitii, T. C. Registrar. BOARD IN THE COUNTRY. A few persons desiring the.quietude of thc country and tho aroma of the pines, uu. be accommodated nt Jersey Farm. _ Gentlemen, not Sick cnough to require special attention, 20octf Sugar still declines. Go to Pickett’s cash store and get 13 lbs granulated for $1. “Watch them slide.” OFFERED BY 158 Broad St., Mitchell House Block. 2 lots on Love St., 95 feet front, 240 ft deep. 1 lot on Love St., I05 feet front, I40 ft deep. J lot on Love St., 120 feet front, 250 ft deep. The above lots are good enough and the prices reason able. 4 lots on Crawford St., 65 ft front, 18o deep, to an alley. These will not remain un sold long, at the price they are offered al. Only 4 blocks from business centre. 1 lot on Dawson St., 105 ft front, 200 ft deep, to an al ley. 1 lot on Dawson St., IO3 ft. front, 420 ft deep, to Young street. THese are royal lots, • and the only two now for sale on Dawson, the best residence street in Thomasville. 5 lots on Chestnut St., 82 it front, 150 ft deep, to an al ley, for JU50 each. They, are absolutely worth, double the money. -3 lots on north Dawson St., 88 ft front, I9O ft deep, to an alley, for $250 each. These are beauties, and very cheap. North Dawson is a beautiful street. 5 lovely one acre lots on Young St., handsomely dotted with beautiful pine trees, at a low down price, . 10 acre tract,, with good 3 room house on Young St., just outside corporate limits. The S., F. & W- railroad is the west boundary, nearly all in cultivation. Some fing timber. Price low enough considering the fine location. 51-2 tract corner Magnolia ave. and Maple st. 2 tenant houses; all under fence. 200 2-year old LeConte pear trees; fine oak grove for building site. This is a lovely spot, and is worth lots ot money, but I will sell it right to a good man. 2 7-acre tracts on Young St., that would make beautiful homes. At a reasonable price. 10 fine Tots in Fearnside, covered with stately pines, at $260 each. Worth a great deal more money. 2-acre lot corner Magnolia and Linnwood aves., with new 6-room cottage. The lot .all set with, fruit trees, flowers and shrubbery and will make a charming home. 10-acre tract on Magnolia ave., 250 to 3OO beautiful pear trees of different varieties, flowers and shrubbery. Hand some new 9-room house in perfect order; servant’s house, barn and other outbuildings, all new and in first class order. This is the best and most at tract suburban home for sale around Thomasville. Best of reasons given for selling. Price low. All the property I offer for sale is gilt edge. I don’t deal in any other sort. Let me show it to you and be ^con vinced. GEORGE 2TEAR1Y, 168 Broad St., • ThomaeviUe, Ga ■ ffl