The Daily times-enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1889-1925, November 09, 1889, Image 3

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THE DAILY TIMES-ENTERPRISE. SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 1889. In Which Every One is Interested. We mean our elegant NEW STOCK of J. S. Turner’s, Jas. A. Banister’s and Stacy Adams & Co.’s Shoes for Men, and Bennett & Barnard’s and E P. Reed & Co.’s Ladies Fine Shoes, of which we are SOL.E AOENTS. CTTRTRIGKHT & DANIEL-, SIGNAL SERVICE BUREAU ——AT—— B. Thomas Jr’s 1 J2G Rroad Street. 0. S. Bondurant Vou n t c or Obs or vcr Moquette Carpets, Yelvet Carpets, BodyBrusselsCarpets Tapistry Carpets, Three-ply Carpets, Two-ply Carpets, All Wool Carpets, Four-fifths w’l Carpet Three-f’thsw’l Carpet Half Wool Carpets, One-Th’d w’l Carpets, One-fo’th w’l Carpets, Cotton Carpets, Hemp Carpets, 108 HROAT) STREET. Weather Bulletin for the 24 hours ending at 7 o’clock P. M, Nor. 8, 1889. Teupiratobk. Why It Wat Turned off. The reporter obtained the following facts in regard to the turning off of the water from the stand pipe, and the condition of the supply at present, trom Manager Thompson yesterday. It was half past eight o’clock Thurs day night when the water began to flow. The stand pipe at the time Maximum for 24 hoars. Minimum “ “ “ . Winter Indications: Rain to mor row. Southerly winds' The stand pipe at the time contained ninety-one feet of water, by half past eleven the water had run GIVEN AWAY! Mr. Sam Moore, of Monticello, was in town yesterday. The Episcopal church will be occu pied early in December. • Several visitora arrived last night on the Albany train. ol Moultrie, 1 Barrel Flour. 1 Box Tobacco. 1 “B” Ham. 1 Box Cigars. FBJBE TO ALL, Mr. A. D. Patterson, was in town yesterday. The Cora Van Tassell company stopped at the Stuart last night. A few hats changed hands here on the result of the Ohio election. Mr. Jacob Rupert, of York, Pa., is at the Whiddon for the winter. Tho ladies will make a thorough of the town next Tuesday. One Entire Floor side and out. While the painting is being done, the big pump, the capaci ty tit which has been increased from sixteen to twenty-six strokes to the minute, equal to one hundred and thirty gallons, by the addition of an air chamber and other improvements, will be run day and night. By what is known as the Holly system, forty- five pounds presure to the square inch will be kept up, which is equal to the pressure from the tower, and in case of fire everything will be as safe as before. Dr. J. H. Boozer and family, of Americus, passed through the city route home from a visit The attention of those desiring board for the season is directed to the advertisement of Mrs. Carroll, who has moved into a new house on Sew ard street, and fitted up for the accom modation of winter guests. The library is in luck. Capt.Hicks Condemned the Car. Inspector Ori condemned the mail and express car on the fast mail from Savannah as soon as it arrived here serious canvas Mr. M. D. McKinnon has returned from a business trip to Savannah. Mr. Frierson Scott, of Quincy,Fla., was in the city a short time yester day. The fence or no fence question is stirring up the country soutli of the railroad. Dr. Hinton passed through last night eri route to Bainbridge.; from Macon. Mr. Gunn will turn the completed Gulf house over to the lessee next week. There was only one ease before the police court yesterday, and that was continued. It will not be long until Christmas. There’s just stacks of fun in store for the boys. King and Parker will have the DEVOTED TO yesterday, on account ot break underneath the car, which he considered dangerous. The train was delayed here hall an hour while the contents were transferred. Mr. J. S. Montgomery and Mr. E. M. Mallette have sold the Mitchell place, on the Magnolia road, near the city, to Mr. T, J. Horn. This is one of the cosiest suburban places anywhere to be found, and Mr. Horn will make it still more valuable. The time of Bishop Beckwith’s an nual visitation has been fixed for the 29th of January, He will hold con firmation services and will also, in all probability, dedicate the new Episco pal church on, the occasion. The good Bishop will receive, as he always does, a warm welcome inThomasvillo. t - Manager Thompson, of the Water Works, says that he often has com plaints from parties who take water, that the fountains stop flowing. He says this is caused by air filling the pipes, and can easily be remedied, is the parties, when they fail to get water, would leave their pipes open so that the air could escape. We take the following from the Philadelphia Musical Journal: “Miss Ida G. Snell, of Brockton, Mass., a graduate of the New England Conservatory of Music, has accepted n position os teacher of vocal and in strumental music in a private school at Milford, Del Miss Snell is a care ful, conscientious and painstaking teacher, and the Milford institution is to be .congratulated upon securing such an efficient directress for the musical department.” Miss Snell is kindly and pleasantly remembered here, having been at one time principal of the musical depart ment of Young Female College. Judge Hansell, Col. A. T. McIn tyre, and Court Stenographer J. M. Dreyer, returned home from Brooks court on the fast mail yesterday. Judge Hansell adjourned court over until Monday, when he will again take np the criminal docket. There was not much criminal business trans acted this week, only two-cases being tried. The Arrington case,was poet poned until next term. The case of the State vs. Abe Stevens, charged with the murder of his wife, was tried, two days being consumed in his trial. The jury, after being out all night, brought in a verdict yesterday morn ing for involuntary manslaughter in the commission of an unlawful act. The Largest Stock! The Best Assortment! The Newest Styles! .The Lowest Prices yesterday, en to Bainbridge. Messrs. Tat and Cooper Sheftal, both of whom have lucrative positions on railroads in Texas, are spending a few days here. Miss Laura Jones is fully sustaining her well earned reputation for keeping the latest and most fashionable lines of millinery goods. Sam Cassels, notwithstanding 'his lame foot, will turn out on the 15th, with the boys. But he won’t try to ride a Texas pony. Not much. Rev. Theodore Reed, who was at one-time Rector of St. |Thomas church, died very suddenly at Bladensburg, Md., last Sunday afternoon. Work on the boulevard, from Greenwood to Col.McIntyre’s is rapidly progressing. Every one hopes to tee It extended to the Smith road. Groover, Mrs. S. S. Ought to give us the Carpet trade of of this section, PRIVATE BOARDING. On Seward street, 2nd. door northwest of Warren, (next door to tho Misses Uhlcr.) The house and furniture new. HOOKS COUrORTAULS AXD BUNNY, table unexceptionable, Terms moderate. Apply on tho premises or at the office of Mitchell A McIntyre. noY9-3m. MRS. GEO. CARROLL. AND WE ARE GETTING IT MAGNIFICENT LINE OF finest fitted np restaurant in this end of tho state. Miss Ella B.Mytts, of York, Pa., is among the guests at tho Whiddon for tho season. John Stark is keeping np the' name by running a first-class confectionery establishment. ‘ “ " : * ■■ ■ - Quite a delegation of ladies from Quitman were shopping in Thomas- idlle yesterday. Mr. Bass is doing yeoman service in working Tip the barbecue. He is a worker from away back, Thomosville has no time to loose,^if she would be ready for the thousands Prices before buy ing at A HOUSE TO RENT. A now and comfortable residence, con taining four bed rooms, parlor, dining room and kitchen, neatly furnished, situated on Dawson street, opposite Yonng Female Col lege. Will rent for four months or longer. Terms moderate. Apply to the under signed on the premises, or to this office. 2 wd. Miss Nellie Bird. PROF. E. D. BALDWIN Announces that be will he glad to repair and keep in tone, Pianos and ather musical in Btruments and give instruction in music in its various branches. Orders left at Geo. Fearn's real estate office, or through the post office, given prompt attention. 7oct tf ALSO A FULL LINE OF Cost Prices, and we will Mrs. E. A. ; . Gaulding, and M ss Rosa Lee McCall, Straw Mattings, Floor Oil Cloths. 75 cents doz. lor sweet com in a lb cans at Pickett’s, of Quitman, were in the city yesterday. The ladies stopped at the Stuart. Mre. A. H. Hall, of Waycross, passed through the city yesterday, en who will be here next Friday. Rev. Robert H. Harris will return to Columbus to-day. He will bo accompanied by Mrs. Maggie Hail. Broad and Jackson streets should be illuminated by. arc electric lights, when the Piriey Woods Hotel opens. The “Lost in Londen” Company were at the Stuart yesterday en-routo for Bainbridge,where they played last night. - ■ - Messrs. E. C Ferguson, Jr., and Geo. E. Holland, of Millan, Kan., were in the city yesterday, en mute to Texas. The reputation, of Thomasville is involved in that barbecue aud dinner next Friday. It must be made a suc cess. We have been requested to ask the management of tho Stock Breeder’s TO ROAD OVERSEERS. The road overseers of Thomasville district are hereby ordered to pat their roads in good condition at once, raking ont the leaves and trash from the ditches, andrepalrlngal! bad plaees. The wintvr travel is upon ns and the work most bo done at once. Make your returns to tho commissioners by 251h of November. N. E. TURNER, Ch’n B’rd Rood Coins., 637 Du. G. M. route to visit her mother in Texas. Several of her friends here met her at tho depot. M. J. M. Senn, -of the Western Union telegraph office here, left yes- MONEY CHOICE MILK. Boarding houses, private families or sick persons, desiring a pore and superior article of milk, can be (applied by callliw at or ad dressing Jersey Farm. An inspection of the herd is cordially invited and preferred from oil before making engagements for milk. , oct29tf terday for a trip to Jacksonville, and The time tc|bi probably St. Augustine. He will be gone until Monday. We hope to see the representatives of the press of south Georgia, and elsewhere as well, here on the 15th. Come, gentlemen, you will be given one square meal, at least. And that Is something to a newspaper man. It has been suggested, and tho sug gestion Is a good one, that Gov. Gor- W£BTZ A SOJT. don appear on hone-back in die pro cession next Friday, instead of in a carriage. It will remind the veterans of shot and shell and whistling min- Fair, if any purses will be offered for trotting races, on the 15th. It would be very interesting to get upsome trotting races. > of shot and shell and whistling nies, to see General Gordon at their head again. ' :? and Low Prices.