The Daily times-enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1889-1925, November 14, 1889, Image 1

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VOL. 1-NO 158. THOMASVILLE, GEORGIA, THURSDAY MORNING. NOVEMBER 14, ‘.889 $5.00' PER ANNUM AT When out shop- ping, ladies will do well to drop in at LOHNSTEIN’S and inspect the va rious lines of new goods, just being opened. They are very handsome and at very attractive prices. " We are very busy and havn’t time to say much about them in this issue, but will be sure to please you if you will give us a call. Respectfully, 111! uvuuuvvm, TheTGreat Leader. andlBenefactor, 132 BROAD ST. The Colored People of Thomasville —Their Schools, Churches, etc. [Continued last week.] On the other aide of town is another school, nearly as large as that on Claystreet, (I mean in attendance) taught by Mr. M. J. Jone3, who is also lending his fine abilities to the elevation of his race—indeed it is a rivalry between himself and Prof. Rice, as to who will have the laurels. Jones is a splendid teacher, and un derstands how to teach the “young idea to shoot,” but until he erects a building that lays “Clay street in the shade,” I must confess him beaten. There are several other smaller schools scattered over the town, but space forbids further mention, all of them keep open for 'nine months. With such an array of schools and workers, there can be no excuse for ignorance. Everything appears favorable for the advancement and development of the negro. Theso schools receive much encouragement and material aid from the whites of the city. It is a grand thing to get help, but it is among? the things possible to get too much. I heartily despise the man that is content to play the injured and helpless mendicant, who by a few strokes of his brawny arms oould re lieve himself, and in so doing, stand in the dignity of a man—not a beggar. It is a noticeable fact that our people throw away in folly, more than enough to build and maintain every school house. In addition to our public schools, we have a “public library,” named after that statesman and prince among orators, Hon. Frederick Douglass. Mrs, B. Chace Wyman, of Valley Falls,' R. I., became inter ested in the colored youth of this .city, ened by smoke and age and, in no sense, should it represent the fine looking, intelligent crowd that meets within her walls. St. Thomas has been, ever since the war, favored with “first-class”, and able men; so much so, until she is like a spoiled child. An old charge like St. Thomas that allows the most popular bishop that Georgia has had, to come and spend a day or more in their midst without any demonstration of respect, needs indeed to question their loyalty. There are, in.this congregation, some of the beat workers in the city, who know better. Awake my dear sister and shine! Don’t “sulk in your tents,” better things are expected of you. The other churches are endeavoring to push to the front with good pastors. There are many other places and per sons, suoh as stores kept by colored men, homes, etc. But I do not wish to weary you. I am constantly asked, by many of our people, nboutemigration. ‘‘Going to move all the colored folks oil by themselves.” “Fifty million dollars appropriated by Uncle Sam to move the black folks,” etc. Many of them aro under the impression that they will be compelled to ncove; and others express a wish to go. I was born and raised in the Sunny South, and here is my home. Under her sod rests the bones of 'my father, a sister and a brother. My brothers are here, aud an aged mother, whose hairs are bleached by many suns, and much toil, for she was a slave. This is our home, and no congress can ever make mo leave it, by pacific law, This is my home, I know no .other, and if I must go, it will be by force of arms. No, the government has no such intention. What if congress this excellent and most / iato flft milUo[ laudable work last March. Thehbra- those to go, bythe time it ry is fully worth every cent of 81,000, if.ndt more. It has nearly 800 vol umes of choice and selected works, carefully selected by that lady, assist ed by her husband. Since its open ing 900 volumes have been read, and it has now over 200 regular readers. Mr. Editor, you would be astoaished at the variety of tastes in the readers. But few of them pick out the non- instructive bookand to the credit of the library, be it said, there is not a trashy novel or book in the whole number. As I said-before, all the books were carefully selected by the accomplished and refined Mrs. Wy man. At present, the library is in the Clay street school building, and open every Wednesday. It is con trolled by a board of trustees: R. R. Downs, President; J. C. Walton, Secretary; Chas. Rico, Librarian. The other trustees are Mack Davies, J. C. Few, S. D. Roseborough, M. J. Jones, Randall Mitchell, Messrs. Sykes, Linton, Adkinson, and one other, whoso name I cannot rocol. lect. There are about seven churches, and two missions in Thomasville. By rights of precedence, number and wealth, the African Missionary Bap tist, ranks first. They have for their pastor a brilliant, talented, young man, a graduate of the Atlanta Semi nary, by the name of Rev. S. A. Broadnax. He stands high, and -is much respected by all classes. Ho considered himself a failure until be got to perambulating around Brother Flipper’s congregation in Atlanta, and carried off one of his prettiest, accomplished and most agreeable lady members, she is also g graduate. The Baptists are prepairing to build a seven or ten thousand dollar church. They are able to do it, and have just the pastor to lead them on “to victory grand,” if too many “advisers” and “big men” do not afflief t^e project. May God deliver thpm from such running sores, the bane of all iruo progress. St. Thomas’ A. M. E. church, is next in consideration, with n good membership, well to do, quito industrious, but lacks the truo essen tials of loyal African Methodists. The church house is too small, hlack- would be divided up, thore would not be enough to buy a spavined mule or horse to eaob applicant. Any negro that leaves his home for a strange land, depending upon “Unde Bam to clothe and feed him,” is a consumate fool. "By the sweat of your brow” alone, will any man eat bread. We will find plenty of hard work in any clime and ony land. The tree that bears “batter-cakes, on the banks of the river of Molasses,” is not on this terrestrial ball, I do not believe, either, that the wealth and gentry of the south would have us go; and, at the same time, I do not believe that they are doing all they can to allay the spirit of fear and unrest that has taken hold of our people. That our people feel in secure is true. That they have occn sion to believe that they are aliens in the land of their birth, is also true. That they feel helpless os a leaf before the storm, is also true. But the more thoughtful, the honest, hard working sons of toil, do not look to the northern fields for a refuge. Under God they look to the classic browed, noble, Christian men and women, such as Rev. A. G. Haygood, and many others, to stretch forth their strong arms in their defence. They look td the brains and influence of the strong to rise in their behalf, and we believe it will be done in this beautiful south land, and the time will yet come, when we and our children shall stand beneath the folds of the nation’s flag, and say truly, “This is my own, my native land.” ft. ft. ftowwa Denison spent $ia,ooo last spring in bringing in the Eastern capitalists’ excursion there and entertaining them. Their investments in Denisgt) amounts to nearly $1,090,900. A Denison bankep says the banks of Denison could have well afforded (by reason of the increased deposits they have se cured) to foot the entire bill Of $13,- ooq. There is a lesson in this for Ter rell and other towns.—Terrell (Tex.) Star. •. - 'j; • : • Thomasville can digest the above. It contains food for thought. An Important Law. One of the most important laws passed byjthe Georgia Legislature this session, concerning the business affaire of the people was signed by the Gov ernor on the first day of October. The law provides a specific change in the existing law governing the re cord of tranfers and liens, and defin ing explicitly when such transfers and lines shall take effect against the third party. Section first provides that deeds, mortgages and liens now required to be recorded in each county shall take effect against third parties only from the time they are filed in the clerk’s office for record. The record shall show the day and hour of filing. Section second requires .that the clerk of the superior court of each county shall keep a general execution docket for such papers, and that no money judgment obtained within the county of defendant’s residence shall have a. lien on the property at issue, unless the execution shall be entered upon thi3 docket 10 days from the time the judgment i’b rendered. The lieu shall date from the entry of the judgment. Section third provides, as against innocent third parties, no money judgment obtained?in any other coun ty than the one in which the defen dant resides shall have lien upon the property in any other county than where obtained, unless the execution bo entered upon the execution docket of the county where defendant re sides, within 30 days from the time the judgment is rendered. Section four provides that this act does not affect the validity of a deed, mortgage or lien between the parties thereto. Section five provides for a feo to be paid the clerk for filing and recoil ing. Section six provides that this act shall go into effect three months after it is approved by the Governor. Section seven repeals all conflict ing laws. This act will be in operation on January 1st, 1890, as it was approved October 1st Obituary. Bryan.—Mrs. Mary Lucy Bryan, nee Smallwood, was born October 20, 1855, and died in Thomasville, Ga., September 7, 1889. She was married! to W. D. Bryan May 26, 1872; joined the Methodist church in 1873. During the 18 years that the writer has enjoyed her friend ship not one unkind or uncharitable word did shentter. About a year ago the angel of death took her sweet babe, and many times the rod of af fliction has been laid upon her and her loved ones, but never a word of distrust or murmuring passed her lips. Quietly, pntienly and cheerfully she lived, teaching by her life the lessons of Christianity. She was a loving helpmeet to her husband and a de voted mother. Her greatest desire, was to havo her family a Christian family. To this end, though uot able to attend regularly herself, she en deavored to have her children go to church and Sabbath-school, and was careful to instil principles of right eousness into their minds. Though far away from her kindred and friends of her youth, nothing that affection could do was left undone by friends. We grieve with the striken husband and five motherless children, but rejoice that they can feel that wife and mother is safe in the home of the saved. Friend. The construction of the electric railway at Macon is progressing rap idly, and by the middle of next week great progress will have been made, and at least two miles of overhead wire hung. Ochlockonee Dots. The health of our town is good. Ira Dekle left Monday for Bacon- ton, on business. He will be absent all the year. Mr. Charlie Buckhalt, of Dawson, is visiting his brother, W. H. Buckhalt. There will be servises at the Meth odist, church Saturday and Sunday by our popular pastor, J. W. Foy. Let every one come out. May Dekle returned from Ocala, Fla., Saturday, where he has been spending some time. His friends welcome him home again. I)r. Baston returned from Augusta Friday. He reports a pleasant trip. Quite a crowd of young people went down to the cane grinding Thurs day evening, at the pleasant home of Miss Dekle. Mrs. J. W. Isom and Miss Minnie Baston went up to Albany Wednes day on a shopping expedition. The ladies are making a mission ary quilt. Let every one take interest in it. ’Tis for a good cause. Our prayer meetings have gone down. We should re-organise and take more interest in the good work Mrs. Keatin, of Florida, is visiting her mother, Mrs. Curry. We are sorry to learn of the illness of Mr. T. E. Collier’s baby. Subscrider. The Ware County Sunday School Association will hold its third annual convention at Waycross on Friday, Nov. 32 and on Saturday and Sunday following the district convention will be in session. Prayer In the Morning. As the Oriental traveller sets out on his sultry jourpey overturning sands, by loading up his camel under the palm tree’s shade, and fills his water flagon from the crystal fountain which sparkles at its roots, so does Christ's pilgrim draw his morning supplies from the cxhaustless spring. Morning is the golden hour for prayer and praise. The mind is fresh; the mcr< cies of the night and the ressurrection ot the dawn, both prompt the devout soul to thankfulness. The bouyant heart takes its earliest flight, like the lark, toward the gates of heaven. One of the finest touches in r Bunyan’s immdrtal allegory is his description of the Christian in the chamber of Peace, who “awoke and sang,” while his window looked out to the sun ris ing. If ever the stony statue of heathen Memmon made music when the first rays of dawn kindled on its flinty brow, surely no Christian heart should be dumb when God causes the outgoings of the morning to rejoice. —T. L. Cuyler. Finan-Shearing. Walking down Hill street yesterday morning, a gentleman was hailed by a “brother in black,” who said KB wish ed to consult him on a matter of busi ness. Stepping aside with him, he stated his case thusly: “Boss, Ise been farmin’ dis year on shears, and I ain’t persactly satisfied de way things cum out. You see, Mr. Rose rented a piece of lan’ fur two bales of cotton, an’ den me an, him farmed on shears. I done all de work, furnished de mule an’ found misef, an' made seben bales of cotton.” “Well,” said the gentleman,“that was very good. What was the trouble!’’ "Well, yer see, boss, I paid de rent, two bales—paid fur joanna one bale; den Mr. Rose took two bales an’ I got two bales. Now, boss, what I wants to know is what dat white man done lur dem two bales of cotton!” “Well, I suppose he did the finan* ciering.” “Well, well, boss, fore God, I’ll never farm on shears again, spec ially when dere’s any finan-shearing.’ —Griffin Call. We have heard of. a man who when asked, last fall, if be wasn’t afraid the caterpillars would eat up his crop, replied “they will have to get up a new kind of caterpillar be fore they will find one that can eat up my crop betore I do. I generally eat up my crop before the first bloom opens ana most of it is eaten up bo- fore it is planted. Td like to see the catterpillar that can cat up a crop before it is planted Cntubert Lib eral. THE LEADING IN THE CITY. Still another in voice of choice dress goods just received. Our Ladies’ Broad cloth in all the leading colors is certainly worthy of your attention. We are 50c. per yard under New York retail prices on them. In Carpets and Rugs we down ev ery in this market, and we invite a comparison of pric es with other and larger markets. In Ladies, Hisses and Children’s Wraps we are head quarters, as we are in everything else pertaining "to our line. Levys Mitchell House Block*