The Daily times-enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1889-1925, November 14, 1889, Image 3

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THE DAILY TIMES-ENTERPRISE. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 188E. B> flow Wr 126 Brad Stmt O. S. Bondvrant Vonntoor Observer Weather Bulletin for the 24 hoars ending at 7 o’clock P. M., Not. 13, 1889. Tziipsbatubs. 7 a. m 66 3 p. m 78 7 p. m 64 Maximum for 24 hoars - 76 Minimum “ “ " . 61 Rain-fall .24 R For next 24 hours, continued fair weather. Stationary, temperature. Dress Goods, Carpets, Clothing. The indications are up for cooler weather. One day only before the fair and reunion. Capt. Charlie Hansell returned from Atlanta yesterday. ' Mr. C. F. Randall, of Portsmouth, 0., is registered at the Stuart. Mr. J. L. Pringle returned yester day afternoon from Savannah. Miss Lota Harmon, of Boston, is visiting Miss Emma McIntosh. Mrs. Thad Beese and children re turned last night from a visit to Amer- icus. Some families are still enjoying fresh tomatoes, and other summer vegeta bles. Mrs. J. F. Drake and children left yesterday to visit friends in Bain- bridge. Mr. R. A. Lytle, a prominent mer chant of New York, was in the city yesterday. Mr. W. Thatcher, of’ Westfield, Mass., is among the late arrivals at the Whiddon. < Capt. Shuck Whitaker returned homo last night from a trip to Ken tucky and Ohio. Miss Emma Thompson left yester day morning to visit friends and rela tives in Smithville. -Capt. Wm. Hammond left yester day for Bainbridge, to attend Decatur county court. He will be absent several days. On account of pressing business, the Albany Guards write that they cannot be present at the reunion and barbe cue to-morrow. Col* A. J. Orme, of Atlanta, spent Tuesday night and a portion of yester day in this city, leaving on the noon train for Florida. Mr. H. F. Sharon, a state official of Florida, was fn the city yesterday, en route to Decatur county court, which is in session at Bainbridge. Rev. C. I. LaRoach and family have moved from Fletcherville, where they have been residing, to the Epis copal parsonage on McLean avenue. Hon. S. G. McLendon left on the noon train yesterday for points on the S., F. & W. Ry„ east of Thomasville. He will be back in time for the stock fair. Thirteen out of a possible fifteen was the splendid score made by Mr. Bob Vamadoe in the tournament practicing at the fair grounds yester day morning. The handsome doll at Messrsr J. L. & W. A. Pringle’s was drawn Wednes day night. No. so, owned by Mis9 Clifford Copland, was the lucky one which carried off the pretty prize. The lythograph work for Murray and Murphy in "Our Irish Visitors” was put up yesterday. Murray and Murphy are too well known by thea ter goers to need a recommendation. The clerk of the weather seems to be in sympathy with the Stock Breed ers. The rain yesterday morning came in the right time and right quantity to lay the dust, reoder the track firm aud insure pleasant weather for Friday. There is no doubt about the day being a big success, Rev. W. J. Williams is to com mence a series of meetings next Sab bath, assisted by Rev. T. A. White. All are cordially invited to attend, and those who attend may feel sure of hearing some forcible, soul-stirring gospel preaching, for as one of our once leading, but now retired lawyer, said: "White rumples the feathers every fire.” Winter urcen a Ague uonquerer, ouc w*e, ouc. Bradficld’B Female Regulator, $1. site, 85c. Sweet Gum and Mullein, $1 size, 75c, Sweet Gum and Mullein, 50c size, 40c. Dr. Cox’s Santonins Worm Syrup, 25c size, 15c P. P. P. $1 size, 85C.-P. E, P., $1.75 s'e,$1.50 Allcock’s Porous Plasters, genuine, 15c. Belladonna Plasters, best, 15c. „ Empty Capsules, any size, per box, 15c. Comp. Ext. Sarsaparilla, beet, 75c. Comp. Cathartic Pills, in bottles, one. 15c., Comp. Cathartic PUls, loose, per 100, 10c. Soothing Syrnp, baby’s, 15c. Toilet Soap, all styles and prices, too cheap. Remember our goods were bought to be sold, end we intend to sell them, if lowest prices and best quality will do it. These prices are for spot cash, as nothing will be charged on books at these rates for any one. Watch this spaco for bargains that will ap pear from time to time. Come to see as and tell your friends. Yours for business, McRAE BROS. DREW THE DOLL. Miss Clifford Copeland, Holder. Lovely New Dress Goods, by ex press, just received at H, Wolff & Bro.’s. They Will Be Here. The two following telegrams were received just before going to press: Savannah, Ga., Nov. 13.— General McLawe, of Savannah, and Capt. Turner, of Floyd, will attend tho reunion on Friday. Savannah has excelled herself in the entertain ment of her guests yesterday and to day. Tmplkttv Savannah, Ga., Nov. 13.—Two guns of the Chatham Artillery were shipped to-day. They will reach there to-morrow with half a dozen artillerymen. The brass band leaves in the morning. A large crowd may be oxpected from this end of the S.» F. & W. Ry. Triplett. To Housekeepers. The committee soliciting contribu tions from our homes are glad to re port that tho ladies have responded The Blue and the Gray. Uf course there are not many ex- federal soldiers in our midst, but there are a few, and still others may arrive as visitors by the 15th. Each and every one of them is cordially invited, not only to attend the barbecue, but to unite with ihe ex-confederates, march with them from the point of rendezvous on the grounds, and dine with them at a table to be set apart especially for, those who wore the blue and the gray. Let none hesitate. The invitation is to all and the welcome will be sincere. The latest in Persian Silks, for Dress Trimming, just received, by Express, at H. Wolff & Bro.’s. most liberally, and there will be an abundance of baskets furnished. As a great many have notified the com mittee that tho edibles would have to bo sent for, they are requested to have the boxes (or other articles not to be returned) ready by 8 o’clock on Friday morning, so that there will be no delay on the part of those calling. Those who have promised to deliver will oblige the committee if they will send the articles to Bass & KcKinnon’s store by 8 or 9 o’clock. Guns Have Arrived. The new guns of the Guards have arrived, and were opened and distribu ted to the members at halt past seven o’clock last night, in the Southern Ex press Company’s office. They arc beauties. New Carpets—200 rolls in stock— and arriving daily. The handsomest stock in southern Go. at H. Wolff & Bro.’s. Our Clothing stock is attractive,and the cheapest in town. H. Wolff & Bro. New Ginghams, Prints and ether Dress Goods just received by H. Wolff & Bro. A Narrow Esoapo. Inspector Orr came very near be ing badly hurt Tuesday afternoon. He wbb under a freight car fixing some of tho iron work, when some box cars, which had been cut loose from tho engine, came rolling down upon the car he was under. The first he knew of it was the shock of tho cars coming together, and he had barely time to jump from under tho moving cars, which grazed his legs as they rolled by. It was a narrow escape. ' The party of ’possum hunters who went out Tuesday night, are making up for their failure in bagging any game, by telling a harrowing tale of chasing a ghost for two hours, and finally tossing the apparation in an old colored graveyard. Our esteemed friend, Mr. N. Had- dix, shows us a letter from a Mr. Garrison, of Cheviot, Ohio, in which the writer expresses his pleasure at hearing from Thomasville through the columns of the Times-Enterprise. This,of itself, implies that Mr. Garrison is a man of culture and refined taste,but when, as he does in the same letter, he expresses his gratification "ht the defeat of Foraker and the bundling up and laying away of the bloody shirt, we know him to be a gentleman. We heartily rejoice with you, Mr. Garrison- The ladies appointed to visit all the families in the city for the purpose of asccrtaiug who would provide baskets, and those who could not conveniently furnish transportation to the grounds for the same, report a universal inter est in the matter of entertaining our guests on the xsth. The ladies are all going to be present on that day, and are all lending a helping hand. We know that the ladies in the countiy will take a like interest in the matter aud do their whole duly in the endeav or to provide bountifully and sumptu ously for the immense crowd that will assemble from south Georgia and Florida. Let everybody help and let every one attend. / Ladies and Children’s Cloaks and Jackets. Tho largest stock in the city, consequently the lowest prices. H. Wolfe & Bro. Friday and Saturday. There is a possibility of the inter est on Ihe part of visitors from neigh boring towns and counties, centering on the stock show, the barbecue and the reunion of veterns, and forget the entertainment for Saturday. It be ing impossible to crowd the original programme into a single day, the tournament, and other attractive fea tures, have been set tor Saturday. There will be ample to amuse and entertain those who attend the second day, and it is earnestly hoped that as many of our friends from abroad- as can arrange to do so will remain over Friday night and take in Saturday’s programme. All will be cordially welcomed, and every effort made by the citizens ot the town to make the stay over and the secoad day a pleas ant one. Ladies Underwear in endless varie- ’. H. Wolff & Bro. Nobbiest Neckwear in town. H. Wolff & Bro. A Card of Thanks. Dr. J. G. Hopkins has the thanks of the knights for his active and effi cient work in getting up, and assist ance in making the tournament, what It will be, a success. Knights. Prices before buy* mg at A Handsome Cosoh. The reporter had the privilege of going through the private cor of Mr. H. B. Plant yesterday. The coach has the reputation of being the second handsomest private car in tho United Stated, the first handsomest cor is the one belonging to the Pullmans. Traveling in such a rolling palace is nothing less than a luxury. The coach in charge ot J. H. Wilson, the steward, and is en route t8 Mobile where Mr. Plant and party will join it, and go on to Chicago. Cost Prices, and we will Another Accident. About 9 a. m. yesterday, Mr. Al bert Moller, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Moller^ had three fingers of the left hand cut off by a piece of machinery he was operating in the Variety Works of Messrs. Reynolds, Hargraves & Davis. The wound was promptly attended to by Dr. T. M. McIntosh and the young man taken to his father’s home a short distance from the city. The wound,. though a bad one, will not wholly impair the use of that hand, the thumb and index finger being uninjured. Albert was resting well yesterday, Col. H. H. Jones, the popular trav eling agent and racy correspondent, of the Macon Telegraph, was in the city yesterday. Both the Colonel and his paper have a host of friends in Thom asville, and we hope he may be able to remain over or return gnd take in the stock fair, barbecue and re-umon of veterans. In by-gone days, when the old south Georgia fair was in its zenith, the Colonel was a regular vis itor, and his ladle pen never tired in sounding the praise of south .Georgia and her resources, and did much tow ard making known the advantages possessed and offered by our wiregrass section. He is always a welcome visitor, and we but voice the sentiment of our people when we express the hope that he will be with us on the 151b. Money .saved on Every Purchase, no mat- ter how large w Small. MONEY exemplary young man, unu uus uu- merons friends sympathize' with him in his misfortune. The Willing Workers. This noble company of Christian aid's gave a sociable at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. B. D. Fudge, on Dawson street, Tuesday night. The occasion was a lively one and much enjoyed by a large number of young people. These entertainments will be repeated monthly, to the pleasure of all who attend. Leaders of Styles and Low Prices. Hicks k Peacock have reduced their ft- moot 30 cent books to 24 cents each. l4-2t 109 & 111 BROAD ST St., Thomasville, I A_ New Line for Tliomasville! > © 1 In Which Every One is Interested. ! s ft We mean our elegant NEW STOCK of J. S. f 1 Turner’s, Jas. A. Banister’s and Stacy Adams & f as Co.’s Shoes for Men, and Bennett & Barnard’s and • E. P. Reed & Co.’s Ladies Fine Shoes, of which we g are ' - I fl & SOLE AGrENTS. M H £ IP S CURTRIG-HT & DANIEL, a 108 BROAD STREET.