The Daily times-enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1889-1925, November 20, 1889, Image 3

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THE DAILY TIMES-ENTERPRISE. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 188£. Local Schedule; tender for Savannah Lv... CS P »r ienger from Savannah Ar... 7 00 a :n t mail for. Savannah Ar... 12 08 pm » •* « Lv...1235pm "from “ ..r..Ar... 181pm • “ from Savannah.........Lv.?. 200pm senger from Albany Ar... 820pm leaser for « .Lv... 8S0am " from « .Ar...JlMam “ for “ I.v 4 E0 p m Ipht and Acorn, for Albany Ur.... iglit andaceoro. from Wayo..Ar... 400pm " “ " for Chart.Lv... 600pm ", " •• for Wayo....Lv... 800am " *• " from Chart. Ar..., 630am THOMASVILLE AND MONTICELLO. [ght accom. for olontlccllo. ....Lv...845am " “ from " ....Ar...600pm tmalltor “ ....Lv...206p m “ from “ • ....Ar.imopm daily receiving SIGNAL SERVICE BUREAU B. Thomas Jr’s-126 Broad Sheet O. S. Bondurant Vounteer Observer Dress Goods, Carpets, Clothing, Weather Bulletin for the 24 hours ending at 7 o’clock?. M., Not. 19, 1889. Tkupibatob*. 7 a. m...., 36 2 p.m... , 82 tv i - Aft McRAE BROS. 7 p. m...... Maximum for 24 hours, Minimum " “ “ ...1 Bain-fell.,......, Winter Frost. Continued fair- weather, slightly warmer for to-day, LOWEST PRICES, PUREST DRUGS,- FULL ASSORTMENT. It pays to advertise. Opera house to night. The fill roses are in bloom. The female baseball club play here to-day. • ^ Dr. M. R. Mallettc. of Boston, was in the city yesterday. You will enjoy the play at the opera house to night. The laying ot the carpets in the new Gulf will begin to-day. There was the heaviest frost of the season yesterday morning. A new crossing from Pringle’s to Special drives in Toilet Soaps this week- 16 cents to $3.00 per dozen.—Remember w are selling by the retail a*. wholesale rates. DREW THE DOLL. ‘ Miss Clifford Copeland, Holder. Pineal .Handkerchief Extracts', per doz..$ .35 Swan Down Paco Powder, per box .15 Finest Sackctt Powders, per doz;.,. S6 i Hair brushes and all other kinds marked down. Prescription department In charge of a regular'Licensed and Registered Pharmacist who uses only absolute pure Drugs and Squibbs, Merks and such other Chemicals. McRAE BROS. Lovely New Dress Goods, by ex press, just received at . . • H. Wolff & Bro.’s. Lohnstein’s should be put down. The Episcopal parsonage on Me Lean avenue is being repainted. Mr. J. A. ‘Harper, of Indianapolis, is among the visitors at the Stuart. Jo Gilbert pulls the bell cord on the new train from here to Albany. The lowest point reached by the The Georgia Southern Reaching For Thomasville. Mr. T. P. Stanley, assistant engi neer of the Georgia Southern, and a corps of- assistants, arrived in town yesterday afternoon. Mr. Stanley was ordered, some days ago, to make a preliminary survey for ian extension of the Georgia Southern system from Tifton to Thomasville. He will com plete the preliminary work, by ex amining terminal facilities here tin- day, and return to Macon and report- His wagons and corps will be sent hack across the country to Tifton, where he expects to join them shortly, for the purpose of beginning the per manent location. Mr. Stanley, says he found a very good line in the main. We have tried to show, for a long time, that that section north of Thom asville presented splendid inducements to any company which would construct a road through it. There is a good profit, at the start, on every mile con structed, on the basis of bonding the road at $12,000 per mile, which is the amount we understand the main line of the Southern is bonded at. A Big Western House. The extensive firm of Graf, Mors- bach & Co., of Cincinnati, wholesale dealers in harness, saddlery Ac is One of the best known and most reliable firms in the great West They have built up an immense business by fair, square dealing with their patrons. The latest in Persian Silks, for Dress Trimming, just received, by Express, at II. Wolff & Bro.'s. New Carpets—200 rolls in stock— and arriving daily. The handsomest stock in southern Ga. at - H. Wolff & Bro.’s. thermometer Monday night, was 32J 0 . Misses Lula and Stella Baker are visiting friends in Brunswick and oth er points. Mr. Theodore Titus commenced studying law with Attorney T. N. Hopkins, yesterday. The lessees of the new Gulf will open the house on the 1st day of December. A permanent Driving Park Abso- Our Clothing stock is attractive,and tho cheapest in town. H. Wolff & Bro. New Ginghams, Prints and other Dress Goods just received by H. Wolff & Bro. Ladies and Children’s Cloaks and Jnekets. The largest stock in the city, consequently the lowest prices. H. Wolfe & Bro. elation is being talked ofby a number Prayer Meeting. The Methodist church will be com fortably warmed to-night, and the pastor hopes to see a large congrega tion out. Meet at 7 o’clock. Servic es one hour. Go to the opera honse to night and n “Hup Tr?qVi Vi’rifnraP Th'a n rnnr- Bee “Our Irish Visitors.” Itis a roar ing oomedy. The fence or no fence meeting at Boston on Saturday will be Well at tended. -Mr. G. H. Dickerson and Mrs. S. H. Dickerson, of Bainbridge, were at the Whiddon yesterday. Mis C. I. LaRoche and children alter an absence of several weeks, re turned home yesterday. E. B. Hornaday, the popular repre- Ladies Underwear in endless varie- •. H. Wolff & Bro. Nobbiest Neckwear in to.wn, . H. Wolff & Bro. The Gulf. See advertisement of S. T. Philpot & Co., lessees of the new Gulf. They will open the house to the public on the first of December. Messrs. Phil pot and Field are well and favorably known to the traveling public, having been in charge of the old Gulf be fore it was burned. They have a splendid house, conveniently located, elegantly furnished with all the modern improvements, and they will run it in firatclaas style. At the Baptist Ohurch. Eev. T. A. White preached a very powerful sermon at the Hantfcit church, on Monday night Business called him away yesterday, but he will return to-dav and preach again to night. Mr. White will labor with the church all this week. The meet- / ings, so far, have been well attended, and considerable interest has been shown. The church is made perfectly comfortable at night, and the pubho are cordially invited to attend during the series ot services. These, as above stated, will continue during the week. Last Night. : A few friends gathered at the resi dence of Mr. Jas. W. Dillon, last eve ning, and enjoyed a most pleasant entertainment, given in honor ot Miss Lota Harmon, of Boston, who is the guest of Miss Emmie McIntosh. Almost a Fire. Fire caught among some rosin in Mr. Ben Green’s tin shop, on Craw ford street, yesterday morning. Mr, J. J. Lungford, the young man who assists in the shop discovered the fire and quickly securing a bucket of water, succeeded in extinguishing the blaze before any damage was done. Prices before buy ing at:. sentative oi Moore, Marsh & Co., At lanta, was in the city yesterday.. Mr. Jno. S. Harris, Mrs. A. E. Bow man and Mrs. A. A. Johnson, of Quit- man were at the Stuart yesterday, And don’tforgetMurray&Murpbey tonight. The entertainment is highly endorsed by the press everywhere. Rev. E. H. McGhee, formerly, pas- Attention is called to the advertise ment of Mr. B. A. Bass, who succeeds tho firm of Bass & McKinnon, and will carry on the same business, add ing a commission business to his form er line. Mr. Bass is a reliable, ener getic business man and will do a rush ing business. Call and see him. We presume there will be a union service at one of the churches ou Thanksgiving day, Thursday, the *8th. Due notice will be given. And while op the subject we express the ~ hope that, as was the case last year, there will be a general suspension of busi ness on that day. No. 7. is getting back into her old state of chronic lateness It was after six o’clock when it arrived last even ing. We understand that No. 17 was disabled in the neighborhood of Quit- man, and this caused the detention. We understand that the new train coming in from Albany, at 11:25 a. m. will bring a sleeper direct from Cincinnati to Thomasville. The sleeper will be returned on tho 4:60 p, m. to Albany, from whence it will be taken on by the cannon ball train. Mr. Henry- Cook, of Madison; Wisconsin, arrived yesterday for the winter. He is at the Whiddon, but will domicile at the Golf, as soon as it is opened. Mr. Cook has spent 1 44L.4L:«f» Assault and Battery. Bob Coleman and Jim Loving, col ored, engaged in a fight at the San Souci bar, on lower Jackson sheet, Monday afternoon. Bob Coleman has been arrested and jailed, charged with assault and battery. Neither of the men were seriously hurt. tor of the Methodist church here, was in the city yesterday for a short time. Mr. Chas. M. Carpenter, of New York, who represents John W. Masu- Mr. and Mrs. Foltz, Miss Foltz and Mrs. Wilcox, of Acron, Ohio, and Mr. and Mrs. Knox, ot Nashville, Teun., are late arrivals at the Wil lows. ry’s oils and paints, is spending a short time in the city. The first through sleeper, from Cin cinnati to Thomasville, is expected - ' Died; Mr, Archibald Linn, aged seventy- one years, of Hartland, Maine, died at the residence of Mrs, S. H. S. Mash, in East End, Monday night at eight o’clock. The remains were sent home. He had been in feeble health for a long time. Money saved on Every Purchase, no mat* ter how large or Small. this morning on the new. train from Albany. - Mr. Frank C, Smith, of the Buck • Dissolution. The partnership heretofore existing be tween Boss k McKinnon, is this day dissolv ed by mutual consent. Ur. B. A. Bats will continue the business at the old stand. Onr books will be foand in the hands of Ur. J. N. McKinnon at the old stand, and we earnestly request all persons indebted to ns, to come forward and settle before the first of January, after that time all unsettled claims will be placed in the hands of an officer for collectior. B. A. Bass, J. N. UcKisnos. . Galling attention to the above, I desire to say to onr old customers, and the public generally, that I shall continue business In the same line, at tha same old stand, adding the new feature of OoiOussioi Bvsntxss to my other line. Prompt and careful atten tion will be given to the sale and purchase of all goods entrusted to me, and satisfaction In every particular assured. B. A. Bass, Thomasville, Ga., Nor,J19,,’89. dtnrtojanl. eye Wagon company, of Cleveland, -Mr. E. T. Blodgett This gentleman, representing the Sanford Whip Co., oi Westfield, Mass., was at the Stuart yesterday. Mr, Blodgett represents the largest whip and lash manufactory in the United States. They manufacture and handle the very best goods to be found in the markets of the country. Mr. Blodgett’s genial and popular manners, added to tho fact that he handles tiie best goods to be had in any market, gives him a warm wel come in the matts of trade every where. ' v -: ’ ; -o' 109 & 111 BRi $ 3 A. New Line for Thomasville! Jf •s * Si V In Which Every One is Interested. I C3 We mean our elegant NEW STOCK of J. S. l -| Turner’s, Jas. A. Banister’s and Stacy Adams & £ 1 Co.’s Shoes for Men, and Bennett & Barnard’s and 9 • •v E. P. Reed & Co.’s Ladies Fine Shoes, of which we * © are • 0 BOXjE AGENTS. H £ If CURTRIGHEIT & DANIEL, g. V s 108 BROAD STREET.