The Daily times-enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1889-1925, November 29, 1889, Image 4

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■ * £ w H * Rather Mixed. In an English country church the curate hat! to give out two notices, the first of which was about baptisms, arid the latter had to do w.ith a new hymn book. Owing to an accident he inverted the order and gave out as follows: “I am re quested to announce that the new hymn bock will be used for the first time in this church on Sunday next, and I am also requested to call attention to the delay which often tikes place in bringing children to he baptised; they should be brought on the earliest day possible. This is par ticularly pressed on mothers who have young babies.’’ “And for the information of those who have none,*’ added the rector, in gentle, kindly tones, and who, being deaf, had not heard what had been pre viously s.fd— “and lor the informa tion of those who have none. 1 may state, if wished, they can be obtained on application in the vestry, immedi ate y after service to-day. l.imp ones, one shilling each; with stiff backs, two shillings.” Do not be disheartened because you have failed onee,Twice or three times, but press onward; make tip ymirmind to gain a certain point, and gain it. Do not stop till you see failure disap pearing and success fairly in your hands. It must come, sooner or later, if you only make up your mind not to be beaten. Jt matters not how poor von may he. Once overcome the dis appointment of failure and you have attained success.—Voting Ladies Jour nal. —CARBONATED WITH - NATURALGAS .Imported r'roiti the .Mineral Springs on the Rhine, Ger many, on draught at L. St Mineral W ater For the Liver and Kidneys. For sale at L. sSOiaODSS. “WHAT ITIEDZCIIVES ARE I7XGST CALLED FOB?” ackofl tlu* reporter of an old drutfpist. “Dr. IMorcc's preparations,” he replied. “They are sold under a positive jruar- antce that they vvill, in every ease, jrive satisfaction, or the money is promptly re funded. Ilia * Favorite Prescription, for oil those chronic weakne*-' . nervous and other derangements peculiar t> women, is used with unfailing i inp’-down sensatii nesses common most perfect of and str«*njrthcns i inand for it is cm xvKk scorch of <:;.* Returning aftei the > “the c ruble umher ■eak back, 1 bMiliiritit s and weak- sex. ami beinjj the medicines builds up ire system. The de- aii'l I am conversant •d by it.” v moments' absence, . but Dr. Pierce's (Jolden M<*.iicnl Discovery outsells them all and it h th • only blood-ptirifler out of the many which 1 am < blared to keep upon my shelves, that is guaranteed to benefit or cure in all e::**s for whi«di ^it is recommended, arlced the old tren- -coated * Pellets’ put up by Dr. l'ieree lead all others, both in amount of sales and the treneral satisfaction they Rive my customers.” Copyright, P-38, J.y WORLD’S DlS. MED. ASS'N. • In the line •able case of fa- proprietors of Dr. Sage's Catarrh Kwr.cdy. Hy its mild, soothing and healing properties, it cures the worst eases, no matter of how lung Standing. Hy druggists, .*>0 cents. Florida Trunk Line. FLORIDA CENTRAL & 1 Peninsular R. R. Standardi:nc Used—Oct. 20.18S9 ■i aii, in in., i.v T (Hip 11 4.-19 I.V ii aiiiii eT:i I.v H lll'l' 12 4-Jp I.v e-'-.U 1 —“|> Ar ;».v*j» l42pAr 0 30p 2 27]> Ar 11-jap 3 02p Ar 110a -12i»p Ar f> -12p Ar C.lOn Ar 0 lop Ar Ar 1 SOp G b'a Ar 1 » G 40a Ar 12 521- 5 00a Ar 1" 52a 2 50a Ar 10 2.3a 2 00a Ar 007p 12 Ola Ar SOOa ii 20]) f» lOn Jacksonville Ar Wildwood Ar Panasoftkee Ar SumterviHc Ar St. Catharine Ar Lacooclieo Ar Dade City PI a | 13 | < 0 *p 11 43a Lv 0-ia 2 top Lv Ma 322p Ar 10 43a 4 12p Ar .. 4 13p Ar .. 7 OOpiAr t City iek^oir-iile Waldo rainesvillc Archer i; oop Ar 5 lf»p Lv 4 00p 'YLLL jjl. Ar If-V (Ill'll Arl(i:i'.|i :i np Ar II Mini Usup I.V s i-KI 12 151' PltOFESSIONAI. CARDS. aim & oulpeeteb’s 120-122 Broad St., - Thomasville, Ga :School and Blank Books, Stationery,: Of every style. Pianos and Organs, Sheet Music, Etc. JAJR. IN MIND > -THAT THF.Y HATK T1IE- Handsomest and Best kept Drug Store INT GEORGIA, Win re you can find fresh and pure drugs and get prescriptions compounded ra all hours lav or night, by competent Pharmacists. They use only Squibb’g preparations in the prescription department and guaranty goods and prices. ilSIIEi c& LTLPEPPEB, 120-182 ISroa<3 St LADIES, Before you buy you Winter Dress Goods, it will pay you to give us a call. We have just received another lot oi the latest patterns of Dress Goods and Trimmings. If you are in need of a Corset, we can supply you with the well known brands, G. P., P. D., J. B., and WARNER’S. We call special attention to our com plete stock of Ladies and Misses Hose, which we guarantee to be fast colors. If these goods fade, bring them back and get your money. Come and look at our Plushes, Jackets,Wraps, Cloaks, Underwear, Blankets, Comforts, Etc. L. iSEYEBMAH & BE0THEB, LEADERS OF FASHION. » 10 27a i 11 28a 112 r»2p i 2 02p l 3 03p i 4 UOp Ar 11 2N Lv 10 Of i I.V Odd; TTriinM Nos. 1. 2. TTk b». Li, i » 3,4. 24, 23, 30, daily except ropl Monday. _ “ IKK NANDI \ A AM , 31 daily ill** s 43 i '' -"rT Lv 7 13a ! 11 O' The Drummer’s Home. NEW Gulf House, THOMASVILLE, GA, Will open for the reception of guests DEC. 1st. New and Modern Throughout. Ele gant Rooms, Single and cn Suite. S. T. PHILPOT & CO., nov2otf Proprietors. ti.GQ. Gl. daily. N.>: T.laily D? 7:13 a.m., SWor'l.-an* Expn-**. *n*.ru*d and quickest line to all Middle and Florida points#, Pensacola, Mobile ami >cv Orleans 7 :13 a. in. an A 7:00 p. m. trains o< n n**ct throuRh to Th'»masvllle, M**nttfonu*iy Nashville, St. Louis. Cincinnati. Chicago, an all points North and West. Arrive at u-Jo p in. and 3.45 p. in. 11:45 p. in. Mall and Express f. r all point. South, Gainesville. Ocala. Leesburg, l av. iv* Airnpka, Orlando, l’anasoffl:***! t.~t. Cat a line Dade City, I lant City. Arrives at 1 :V> p. m, 7 :()0 p. m. Local, connects through b*r al points South. Ocala, G iliieavlllc, L , 'o*hur£ Tavares, Orlando, Taro n Springs. Souther land, St. Petersburg, and Tampa. Arrives a 0 CO a. m. Cumberland Rout** Express, con nects at Fornamllna with steamer City of Krunswlck, dally, for Brunswick, Macon, At lanta, Chattanooga, Louisville, Cincinnati St. Louis and Chicago. Arrives 12:51 p. m. 4:iH) p. in. Fernandlna Mall and Express, daily, connecting Thusday with Mallory 8te“~ ers for Now York. Arrives 8:50 a. m. This now service gives perfect connect!*..*.* at Kaldwln for all points North and West, Via Callahan to all points North, East and West. Via Fernandlna, connecting with Str. city of Brunswick, for Brunswick, Macon, Atlanta ami all points North and West. D. E. MAXWELL, A.O. MACDONELL, Gen. Manager, G. P. & T. A. N. 8. PENNINGTON. Traffic Manager. Notice ol‘ dissolution. The firm ofG. E. Clew is k Bro., is this day tlUiclved hy mutual consent. G. K. Clcwis will continue the hnsiuess and assume • ail liabilities and retain the assets of the late firm. G. E. Ci.kwih, ^ novl9-30d. John Ci-kwid. Car Load Mules. 1 have a car load of fine mules just from _-Columbia, Tenn., which I will be glad to (ultgellto those needing them. I will be in Thoroasviile this season, and can be found at the Kentucky Stables, where I shall keep my stock. J • C. Obb. 5 t&Jh* noT24-tf Biggest and Best Stock DRY LUMBER IN SOUTH (JKOIHi'A. I have live liumlrrd thousand feet of Standard Mouldings, Which I will Fell at a rare bargain, in fact it will save purchasers money to =cc me be fore placing their orders for lumber of any kind. Jos. L. Beverly, (Successor to Fife & Beverly.) MKKTS - - GA.. Thomasvflie Variety WORKS. Reynolds, Hargrave & DaYis, Prop’rs. Manufacturers and Dealers ROUGH & D1LE LUMBER. ED I.ATII KS. l’lL'K ITS, SHINGLES, MOULDINGS, liltACKKTS, SCROLL WORK, MANTLES, li A LUSTERS, STAIR-RAILS Newel Posts, OFFICE, CHURCH & STORE, Furniture. STORK FRONTS, W i iv Screen Dimrr, unit Windows, Saab, iiinl TO ORDER. STAIR BUILDING, AND INSIDE HARDWOOD FINISH A SPECIALTY. SSrCORUESPONDENCE SOLICITED. BY FA 16 THE ROUTE —TO— NEW YORK OR BOSTON SAVANNAH —AND THE— OCEANSTEAMSHIPLINE —OF THE— Central Railroad of Georgia. j. s. Real Estate Agent, THOMASVILLE, GA. Office over Rei«l & Culpepper’s lira? Store, Broad St. I am now prepared to buy or sell, for other parties, all kinds of town or country real estate, ami have on my list a good assort ment of both kinds. Strict and close atten- on to the business will he my aim, and spectlully solicit a sluice of the business o (immunity. nugHStf MEAT MARKET We desire to notify those who are winter ing in Thomasville, os well as our old cus tomers, that we make a specialty of keeping the YKKV BUST OF MRATS of all kinds, which we sell at reasonable prices, and de liver at any residence in the city. A per sonal inspection of our market on Jackson street (the stand formerly kept hy Mr. Bone) is invited. novfitf F. F. Horn k Bro. Stenographer and Type-Writer. Mr. Joseph M. Dreycr otters his services to the public as a stenographer and type-writer All work promptly done and satisfaction guaranteed’ Apply to or address, JOS. M. DREYER, At McIntyre k McIntyre’s office. 131J Broad Street SUMMER EXCURSION TICKETS Now on sale at reduced rates. Good to retusn until October 31st, 1889. Magnificent Steamers and elegant ser vice. Free from the heat and dust incident to ail-rail routes. If you are sick the trip will invigorate and build you up. Go east by sea and you'll never regret it. Passengers, before purchasing tickets via other routes, would do well to inquire first of the merits of the Route via Savannah. Further information may be had bV apply ing to the Agent at your station, or to M. S. BELKNAP, W.F.SHKI.LMAX, General Manager. Traffic Manager E. T. CHARLTON, CLYDE BOSTICK, ' Gen. Pass. Agent. Truv. Pass.JAgt., Savannah Ga. Whiddon House (Opposite I'lney Woods Hotel.) THOMASVILLE, - GA E. B. Wkiddon, Prop. This house, located In Iho most deslr- &Me and central part of the city. Is now and complete In every particular. Fur nished In the most elegant manner and provided with nil conveniences of mod ern hotels. The menu is perfect,*nnd the Borvlco rendered hy trained andipo- Uto servants. Terms reasonable, and prices graded according to accommoda tions furnished. Carriages from the honso meet all trains.. 1 declO-ly Dissolution. The partnership heretofore existing be tween Bass k McKinnon, is this day lissolv- ed by mutual consent. Mr. B. A. Bass will continue the business at the old stand. Our books will be found in the 1 ands of Mr. J. N. McKinnon at the old str id, and we earnestly request all persons i idebted to us, to come forward and settle Ik tore the first of January, after that time all unsettled claims will be placed in the hands of an officer for collection. B. A. Bass, - J. N\ McKinnon. Calling attention to the above, I desire to say to our old customers, and the public generally, that I shall continue business in the same line, at the same old stand, adding the new feature of Commission Business to my other line. Prompt and careful atten tion will be given to the sale and purchase of all goods entrusted to me, and satisfaction in every particular assured. B. A. Bass. Thomasville, Ga., No. IP, t&al. fin. M. M. T, HUTGiilNGSON, oi' Lake City, Fla., 30 Years in the Practice of Medicine, Offers his professional services to tiie citi zens of Thomasville and surrounding coun try. Office, 2nd door over A. C. Brown’s store, and A. C. Brown's residence on Daw son street. d&wtim Sept 17. DR. A. B. COUCH, Modern - Pathology, - Hew - Remedies, DIRECT TREATMENT, Oiler * his professional services to the t iti- zens of Thomasville and surrounding coun try. Office over Steyermau’s store, Broad street, Thomnsvillo, Ga, 9-3.d&wly W. r. SNODGRASS. 15. F. HAWKINS ejXODGUASS k HAWK 1X6, is Attorneys-at-L;i\v. Office . Formerly occupied byjEnterprlso of- rp m. McIntosh, Pliyxieiiin «& Surgeon, Thomaevillo, Georgia. fiyOFFICE,over Stark’s, corner; Broad and Fletcher Streets. W. 1). MITCHELL, R. G. MITCHELL. J^ITCIIELI, & MITCHELL, Attornoys-at-Law, Thomasville, * * Georgia. W. BRUCE, M. I). Office, up-stairs. Coiner of Broad and Fleiehcr streets, fang 15-’85-3y] S. DEKLE, XI. b.. I Office in Hayes Building. Besldenco—Corner College avenue and Mag nolift street. Telephone communication, No. 2o for nigh. T. J)R. JOEL Ii. COYLE. BEITW' THOMASVILLE, GEORGIA. OFFICE. Ilrua(l|St..;ovcr:rickctt’9. e. McLEN'DON, Attorncy-at La w, Thomasville, I- > Georgia. Prompt attention given to all business cn- mcr Broad and trusted to him. Office—Over Watt’s store, Jackson streets. J II. COYLE, I). IJ. IS.. Rcsidfont Dentist, Thomnsvillo, * Georgia Offers hta services to Hi clti/.ona of Thom-* r.svllle and vicinity. office hours—From 9 a. m. to 1 p. m., *»nd from2 to 6 p. m. Office—On Jackson street. Men&Lenct Contractors & Builders THOMASVILLE, GA. L!Wo will h* glad to make contracts f-»r, or sunerlntond, all classes of buildings, public or private, In either brick or wood. Will fur nish plans and speciflca'lons If required. If you want any building done call on us, and wo will submit estimates whether contract Is awarded us or not. We will guarantee satls- factlen In all our work. Wc refer to tho many buildings erectsd by us In Thoioasrllle, and to all parties for whom we have worked. nShop on Fletcher st., 2nd door from Broud“ Thomasville, Ga., April .1,1889.J H. S. Eaves, CONTRACTOR anil BUILDER Themasvlllc, Georgia I will be glad to mako contracts toi the construction of all classes of buildings, pub- 11.* and private, In either brick or wood. 1 will guarantee In every instance to give satisfaction. Beslgns and plans drawn and careful estimates made. MY Motto—Good, honest work at lair prices. If you want any building dome call on me. I will submit estimates whether contract Is awarded mo or not. I refer to the many public buildings erected by mo In Thomasville and elsewhere, and nil parties fo whom I have worked . B. 35. FUDGE, VIIOMASVILLE, GA., DEALER IN HARDWARE Stoves, Iron, Tin and Hollow Ware, Gis al Spill Goods of all kinds, anil agent for King’s Powder Co. B. GOLDBERG, AUCTION and commission bouse. A Inroe lot of 3-lb can tomatoes just re ceived en consignment. I offer them a $1.25 do?.. Also ft large lot of vinegar of fered at 25 cents per gallon. B. GOLDBERG’S Auction and Commission House. Lower Jackson, second door from Cotton Warehouse. 13sepJm OF- L The old Coohe place, on Madison street, lot 105 feet front on Madison street and runs back to S. F. & W. It. A large but not new house, price £2,500. Terms easy. One and one-half acre corner lot on Stephens St., beyond Albany railroad; 2 houses, 1 2 stories, price $2,000. Terms easy. The Bill Bryant place, on Jackson st., in Fletcherville. opposite the campus and near the depot and the South Ga. College, a large lot, fronting 117 feet on Jackson street, and running back 700 feet. 6-room dwelling, nice little pear orchard, first class neigh borhood and a very valuable lot; price $2,000. Terms made to suit any bona fide buyer. A new 4-rootn cottage, on large lot in Fearnside; price $1,400. Terms easy. Corner lot in East End, new 5 room house, besides (lining oom and kitchen. Price $1600 Terms easy Lot on Young St., 210x210 ft, four room house, nil for 81001); t cash, bal ance in two payments, with 8 pr cent interest. A bargain to any one wish ing h cheap homo. 3 beautiful vacant building lots on Haves and Calhoun sts. 70x106 ft.,'at $250 each. On easy terms to those who wish to improve them. Elegant residence lot on Clay st., near Hardaway, 70x 207, first class neighborhood; price only $4oo. 5 small tracts of land, from 1 o to 25 acres in each piece, in less than two miles of tho courthouse; price $30 per acre. Easy terms. Besides the above, J have many city lots, improved and unimproved, for business or residence, inside or outside lots, big and small lots, lovely suburban places and farms and plantations all over the county for sale. Any prospective buyer, who wishes to get the best and most for his money, would act very imprudently to purchase at least before talking with me. t 4 room houso in Fearneide, uufur- uished, at 810 per month. 4 unfurnished rooms, up-stairs, new and elegant neighborhood, Dawson street, at $20.00 per month. No children wanted. Large Furnished House, close in on Jackson street; 8 1-2 rooms. Price, $500 lor the season. Upstais of house on Calhoun street. Furnished house in East End, 5 rooms besides dining room and kitchen, at§$50 per month. i i. MaMte, HEAL ESTATE BROKER, Thomasville. G*eoi’"ia