The Daily times-enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1889-1925, December 05, 1889, Image 3

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We are still dis playing the hand somest stock of PINED RE S S GOODS, with the Latest Trimmings to Mat ch, ever shown across a Thomasville Dress Goods Counter. No cheap trash, but GENUINE IMPOR TED MATERIALS; Fresh Desirable Goods such as the people want, at prices to suit the purchaser. Two Hundred Rolls Carpet in Stock and in Tran sit. The most Com plete Stock in Southern Georgia. This Department is our “JUST PRIDE.” Besides giving you the Largest and Best Selection, our prices are away down below other houses. Lace Curtains, White and Colored Quilts, and House Furnishings Gen erally. Your Patronage Solicited, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 5, 188£. Local Schedule; Passenger for Savannah Lv... 6 3.) p r Passenger from Savannah Ar... i 00 a i: Fast mail for Savannah . • • Ar.. .12 05 p r 1 “from “ Ar... 131pt “ “ from Savannah Lr... Passenger from Albany Ar... 5 20P* Passenger for " « “ for “ Lv 4 50P*; Freight and Acorn, for Albany Lv... 5 45p* •» •» •• from “ Ar... 7*uai Freight and acoora. from Wayc..Ar... 4 50 p r .? .« «i for Chatt. Lv... 6 00 p r •» *• “ for Wayc....Lv... 8 00ar u *. •• from Chatt. Ar... 6 30 a r THOMASVILLE AND MONTICELLO. Freight accom. for Monticello Lv.. .8 45 a r u I* from “ . ...Ar...coo p r Fast mail for “ ■ • -LV...2M P J “ “ from “ .... Ar..l2 10 p r SIG-NAL SERVICE BUREAU AT R, Thomas Jr’s - 126 Broad Sired. C- S- Bondurant Vounteer Observer Weather Bulletin for the 24 hours ending at 7 o’clock I\ M., Dec. 4, 1889. TkMPERATLKiC. 7 a. f 5 ™ 7 p. Maximum for 24 hours *••• 70 Minimum “ “ “ 41 Rain-fall ! Indications: Fair weather , j continued, stationary tan- peraturc. Mr. Wiley Pittman went up to Ochloclonce yesterday. The sewer from the Gulf house reached -Oak street yesterday. Mr. William Campbell went up on the Albany division yesterday. Mr. C. B. Townsend, of the Stand ard Oil Co., is in the city. Mr. J. H. Jnrrett, of South Caro liua, is stopping at the Whiddon. Mrs. Dr. A. P. Taylor and so:i re turned yesterday from a visit to Ca tii i 11a. Mr. Thomas Mahlmi, of Philadel phia, is night clerk at the Piney Woods. ' e are glad*to learn that Dr. Bow er,, who has been ill for a day or two, is improving. The Thompson Opera Company were (juartered at the Stuart and Whiddon last night. Miss Goodwin Sapp returned last night from an extended trip to Eu- faula and other places. Mrs. Hattie A. Sawyer, of St. Louis, arrived last night, and is the t guest of Mr. E. O. Thompson nud family. J. T. Burke, who has been at the Piney Woods every season since it opened, is head porter there again this season. '1 he violators oi the cigarette law are in trouble. We understand a number of true bills have been found for violations of this new law. Mrs. C. H. Harris and daughter, Miss Minnie, of New York, returned yesterday and are at the Stuari. They spent last winter here at the Stuart. Dr. T. S. Hopkins returned last night from Milledgeville, where he has been attending a mcetiug of the trustees of the State Lunatic Asylum. Justice Z. E Norton, of the 753rd district, G. M.. has resigned his office, and hereby recomraeuds His friends to | vote for W. H. Collins to fill that po- ! sition. OUH CHRISTMAS STOCK OF LADIES’ AND GENTS’ FIFE slippers BY FAR Is the Handsomest Ever Shown in Thomasville. »®‘CALL AND SEE US. DTTRTRIGHT & PA.TSrTEE L Jt08 Broad St. A JEW FEATURE! We have added a nice line of Fine Cutlery embracing all sizes, prices and styles of Pocket Knives, Fine Scissors and Razors, all warranted, and when not as represented will be replaced without further cost. See them. Some People Need Mineral Waters And we can supply all first class waters-fresh. Being sole agents at this point for* read i an Waukcshavr and Bowden Llthia 47 aters. Sec ond to nono, ---AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN Thompson’* Br.llllne Arsenic, Congress, Blnsvthorn, Apolinnirla, Ilunjmll, Blue Lick, Beep Koch, 8EI.TZRB AND VICIIV, We can offer inducements on all. in any quan tity that Is worthy of investigation. Remember the “old style Long Frice” is a thing of the past with us. Any goods not in stock furnished at qul ckest telegraphic time. Every attention shown visitors in all depart ments. ... , ,, stamps and Postal Cards sold. Prescription department in charge of a regular Licensed and Registered Pharmacist who uses only absolute pure Drugs and Sqnibbs, Marks and such other Chemicals. 1 McltAE BROS. Leaders of Styles and Low Prices. 109 & 111 BROAD ST | Two handsome row boats have been 1 brought from St. Paul, Minn., by Mr. ' H. E. Thompson and party, to be 1 used on Lake Miccosukie, in hunting ducks this winter. | Mr. John W. Masury and family i arrived from New Y'ork yesterday. ! A sister of Mrs. Masuiy accompanies ' them. They drove out to Cleveland ! Piuk, Mr. Masury’s winter residence. , All will welcome the party to their southern home. ‘ Mr. B. A. Bass returned yesterday from New Y'ork aud Baltimore, where he has been laying iu a large stock of goods for his house. He says he thinks he has bought too many - , but he will be the more eager to sell them. He says the weather up there was fearfully cold or he would have re- 1 mained longer. 1 Furniture, j Attention is called to the adver tisement of L. F. Thompson & Co., 1 who have a splendid stock of furniture i of all kinds, aud will bo glad to fur nish catalogues of styles and prices on | notice. Call and see them, or 3cnd ! for catalogue. Orange Blossoms. Last night, at the Methodist church, the Rev. G. G. N. McDouall, offi ciating, Miss Aletiiea Piiilpot and Mr. Geo. W. Ferrell were mar ried. „ Before the hour for the ceremony, 8 o’clock, large numbers of the friends of the bride and groom gathered in the spacious and brilliantly lighted edifice. Promptly at the hour the cou ple entered the right hand aisle and marched down to the altar—the cyno sure of all eyes—where stood the min ister, ready to tic the silken knot; in the meantime a wedding march pealed forth from the organ, obedient to the touch of the organist, Mrs. Julia Robinson. The ceremony uni ting the two as mau and wife was impressively performed by Mr. 'To Donell, when the couple retired from the church by the opposite aisle. The ushers were Messrs. W. R McIntyre, C. II. Young, Mitchell B. Jones and C. S. Bondurant. They accompanied the couple tb the altar. A reception followed at the home of the bride’s mother, a splendid sup per being spread for a few invited guests. The couple were the recipients of a number of very beautiful aud appro priate wedding presents. Miss Philpot has been a general favorite here since her adveut iuto Thomasville society two years ago, while the groom is one of the leading merchants of the town, and popular with everybody. May the future have in store long life and unalloyed hapnines3 for the newly married cou ple. In Court, Yesterday was consumed in the argument of the Cone-Clewis case, Capt. Hammond occupying the fore noon, aud Hon. A. T. McIntyre the afternoon. Both were able and ex haustive speeches. The case went to the Jury last night. The criminal docket will be taken up this moruing, the first case being that of Cone charged with the killing Harper. It is not known, however, whether the ease will be tried at this term or not If it is it will consume the balance of the week. Cheap Millinery. The attention of the ladies is called to the advertisement of Miss Laura Jones. She will offer, for the next ten days, her splendid slock of fash ionable Millinery at greatly reduced prices, in order to make room for a large stock of holiday goods which must have room. This is a rare op portunity for ladies to get millinery goods of all kinds, at greatly reduced prices. Miss Laura never says she is going to reduce prices without, doing Now is the time to secure bar gains. Sec advertisement. . GAS BILLS. Hereafter all gas Bills n list lie fettled by the 15th of each month. OdcclOt Tiio.marvii.le Gas Works. private boarding. On Seward street, 2nd. door northwest of Warren, (next door to the Misses Uhler.) The house and furniture new. ROOMS COMFORTABLE AND SUNNY, table unexceptionable, Terms moderate. Apply on the premises or nt the office of Mitchell k McIntyre. nov9-3m. MIIS. GEO. CARROLL. Sugar still declines. Go to Pickett’s cash store and get 13 lbs granulated for $1. "Watch them slide.” Notice to Tax Payers and Voters. Notice is hereby Riven that the Tax and Registration hooks for the year 1889 vvill positively close-on Friday, lice. 20tli, at 4 p. III. Can be found at my office in Thom- nsville from now until the close. Respectfully, 1>. S. IIEATII, T. C. k Registrar. Nov. 26, 1889. .Silver-relief novelties in Book Racks, Smoking Sets, Sconeers, etc. JhRGI-.R. In stock and prices of Diamonds, I can compete with any house in the state, and any one contemplating making a purchase can he con viuccd of that lact. 1 have not taken advantage of the rise in Diamonds, hut will give purchasers the benefit of it. JERGERS. Seamstresses Wanted. I want four or five good seamstresses to work on coats, pants and vests. To good hands good wages will lie paid. JOHN KENNY, 81 Broad St., riiomasville, Gn. 75 cents doz. for sweet corn in 2 lb cans at Pickett’s, PROF. E. I). BALDWIN Announces that he will tic glad to repair and keep in tune, Pianos and athcr musical in struments and give instruction in music in its various branches. Orders lett at Geo. Foam's real estate office, or through the post office, given prompt attention. 7oct tt For Rent. Furnished house in suburbs, fix rooms well furnished, good water, will rent rcnion- nble to a good party. Apply to Mas. Bulls Lins, Magnolia Avenue. Ham! Good, sweet bam,at way down prices, at Pickett’s. Sec him. are daily receiving -OF- BOARD IN THH COUNTRY. A few persons desiring the quietude of the country and the aroinu of the pines, can be accommodated at Jersey Farm. Gentlemen, not sick enough to require special attention, preferred. 29octf Look out sharply for your interest. Pickett is going to cut everybody’s prices this week Groceries must get down so’s people can live. PIANOS AND ORGANS W. S. Brown, *the Jowoler, has se cured the agency for all the first-class Pianos and Organs, which ho is soiling at the lowest prices for cash or on long time. Those desiring to purchase will do well to learn his prices and terms. ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. Will be sold, on the first Tuesday in January, 1890. beforo the court house door. In tho town of Thomasville, Thomas Co., Georgia, tho follow ing oroi.erty to wit: 400 1-2 acres, more or less, of lot of land No. 281 in tho 13th district or Thomas county. Also 355 acres, raoroorlcss, of lot of land No. 318, in tho 13th district of Thomas county. All sold as tho property of tho estate of Dan McIntyre, decease d, late of said county. S. L. HAYES, Administrator do bonis non. GEORGIA—Thomas County', Ohdinary’s Office, Doc. 4, 1889. All persons interested are hereby cited to ap pear at my oflice on the first Mohday In Janua ry next, 1890, to show «aus«, if any they have, why letters of administration on the estate of Mrs. II E. Rlackshoar should not be issued to R. 13. Mardre, public administrator. Jos. S. Meukill, Ord’y. Arrivals at the Piney Woods. Mr. M. E. Magar, wife and chil dren, of Cleveland, O., were the first to register at the Piney Woods yes terday. The others who registered were Dr. J. Ohage, of St. Paul, Minu.; and Mrs. C. S. Burbank and Miss L. M. Delana, both of Milwau kee, Wis. The house has been put in tip top order, and will fill up rap idly. 'Arrested. Edmond Williams was arrested day-before-yesterday charged with larceny from the house, to the amount of over 850. The larceny was com mitted at. Cairo. Ho was lodged in jail here, where he will meditate on the uncertainly of life, and the cer tainly of nunishment for crime. Country Board. Good board, with ni.-c country fare, be had at Dr. J. B. Watkin’s residence, .Sun- dale, oue-milc and a half from court house,at moderate rates. Carriage rides tree, every other day. Good hunting and sport ground. Apple on the premises or address Dr J. B. WATKINS, nov2Sdtr Thomasville, Ga. ” \V A N T K. G. II. Wyant, the Upholsterer, wants to lay Carpets, Wool at 75 cts., Brussels at $1; wants to re-upholster your parlor furniture; wants to make over your mattresses. Call at Ainsworth's Grocery. 26oct 3m FortheN it 10 Days For the next ten days i will sell millinery goods at prices never before fold at in Thomasville. My stock of Holiday Goods must have room aud Millinery must go. Every lady should call nnd see what heavy reductions are being made. My stock is all new and fashionable, but it is large, and must be sold. Am going to paralyze prices. If you don't believe it call nnd bo convinced. Remember that these bargains will only he offered for the next ten days. Miss Laura Jones- dec5-d2twlt HOUSE FOR RENT. A seven-room, well furnished house, corner of Crawford and Fletcher streets, for Rent. Apply on premises, or to Dr. T. S. Hopkins. Fall AND Winter CLOTHING! and our line ot Light GEORGIA—Thomas County*. D. R. Griffin, 01 said countr, has applied tome for the guardianship of Cora L. Griffin and An- nie GrilUn, minors, and I will pass upon said application at my oflice on the first Monday In January next (1890). ^ MEIUULL, Ord’y. CHRISTMAS CARDS AND BOOKLETS. Miss Addic McClellan has a nice lot of Christmas Cards and Booklets. Call and sec them. Also all the Northern papers, decleodtf Ladies’ Chatalaine Rags in beautiful de signs and all leathers. These arc entirely new and the thing. JERGER. I have a hundred other articles o( different designs, all appropriate for holiday, bridal and complimentary gifts, too numerous to detail, JERGER. LOWER BROAD M1LL1MERY! 1 MILLINERY!! We still keep up the racket of sell ing lor lower prices than was ever known in Thomasville lor fine milline ry. The past month is our best. We can only explain it by the truths set forth in this space every week. We claim to sell the best goods at least prices and are prepared to back up the assertion. Money saved is made. 25c., 50c., 75c. or $1 on every purchase counts up immensely in the long run. Again, I want your trade. I work for it and ask for it on the basis of mutual interest. When you need headwear please don’t forget Lower Broad. New hats are in, and also a nice line infants’ caps; just the 'thing to keep baby’s head warm this winter. Youre, anxious to please, Mrs. Jennie Carroll, Lower Broad Milliner. 1 have carefully selected goods to suit the most fastidious tastes and all purses; goods for all classes. JERGER. Call and get OUR Prices before buy- ing^at ANYBODY’S Cost Prices, and we will SAVE YOU MONEY Clothier?, andiJFurnishers, iOQ St. Thomasville, Gal