The Daily times-enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1889-1925, December 07, 1889, Image 1

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inltxnnm THOMASYILLE, GEORGIA. SATURDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 7, '88!) $5.00 PER ANNUM LIST OF REGISTERED VOTERS Oflho Ciiyof Thcmasvillc, Ga., for the Year 1889. .1 R Ale .."-'(’e .A A II A 'nstvo- h, .) D A ■( .-ew « II B A ’nstvo in. B D A ’i'-wo • l>. C C A.'r’ iso ’, HJAcV, LII Doc ”c'e B Amos Bo, .1 E Bi ke, J -J B 1 . ' - ea ' . A7 AV Be. .'e AV II lie cl' AV 11 B- j-j, 8 1! Eu I’ S Bowc . E L Bi ot. V- AV AV li acc, AV S Brow ; . N .1 B ow n. F II Bp 'eu, TJB II, AV B Blau', AVLEa i, C 8 Bom u -'. ’ J Ci II. • , J A I!--. 'i(*o i, A C B ii iv .i. T E BI. el: l ea.'. J A 11. e RC Bn' o. • I! .1 15 ; tc, B F Be -mr , 8 AV Bt kc, AV l> L o ', 1 hum, n Bi ke , AV "1. n D li- a i T J Bo ;om>, T> II Bone Cooke A II 8 c C-. 1 'C 1 )C ,,J T MR C i '0 E Coi'l.e , J. C. Cone .1 J Ci hit JG Co- " a "■ J AV Ch’ '< -I',.I B C. -el- S J C'isb.-, A AV Camp.-ot' AA’m Co- V AV P Chi. ke II 8 Co ic, AV L C'twit;Be: • eg.' Covlo, .1 B C'etV'S, -Joii-i Ci i' oil, Joshua C'et/ts, J M Co- le. J II C'e.wL, Ci E Cba-e C AV C' i e u,'im. II E Cave, A M Ca o' 1, G AV II C. m''. AV IJ Ch..s .’-I, II M Dl'lon, J AV D Dat’ci iu • , A C Del.'e II E I)rklu It L Davies AV E De'-'e T 8 Diri'cr, L A Del.'e J i'l Dak'o L D klu. Kobe l D-ckciiMiii, It C Dukh- Imu.i'i l)nv - AVA El o k Dav'c E K ko.-, AV C 'in. '('son AA’ I Eh‘c , M R E: es NS Ev. JasF F'acl wood M A F Fc- !• G AV Fi«"..IL - Fo- G AV • « H'v ch M M Fauee , AV II F'tMier A '•'all's, FC Fi'Hiiktio Eve-e-t Fuss. Jose h Fa" is, G P Go” A J G G'b k-u, ■, B Ci’fib) Isuat G ooveu. J AV G cc .i B AV (lr. ves C 'f.-ics > G; Mill, C It Gi. u-ina.i, M L Goi'CiOu, T M Go'doc j, B line '• P S H Ho-.t - ii s T S 11 r 'ii 1 ih i cv : E Ilaeij « S II u i C AV 11. moiid, AV M Hu s*. J A llat’t" N Ho iki-is J G He ’a , G AV Ho'u.ipii BF Ho, II AV H.tves, S L II. -isc 1 . A II llopkiii- F AV He A'jcft Hopki-'-, T N Ile.isc". C Ho'low.- J A Harley, P N Hcudo e i.G'o AV 8noil« i ass, C Si'), dietary, T S S-rilo , E M 8-pi i i h. AV C Spair, John Sm i.h. Redden Spi-.z, AV A Sla k. G.I Silver beig, A S Sievei «i»pu, S Sll'i-l" c , J D 8 e .•ciman, L Sr. u'isOii, 8 S.n - e, John Snvt •» Redden ir ' K-m iili, .1 P SIP' “ F II Si i olid n ;, A R •le e , L II Je je ' cv.'s .le gc -.1 A Jones 8 A K Kr’ o ,-AV S L L J I’’ Lewi- J O.T 'ey.-. ( Jj'ii oi>. J L Lew, E S M Mr * i , c. AV It M-k i"0'i, J B Mou. J S Ms.i.|.o. It B Mash, If T MMz T Mi.t 'tel', ' p G M< Dor M. A Malic i, S L M Crn •' J E Mi rlic 11 Henry Mcl'i o.'i, T SI Slo-ie., A AV Sir-Dor ;alil. Folic.’ M:"r (' .IS MerLce’i, K T .Too-., .loo i SI Jaeoitl c, G II Jon s A It Jor_,Qi .1 Ko -e. ’, J T Les o', It E Loul, S A Lr in .0 It C LoVn'or, G SI Le Jff Mi’ 1 -! ’. Wi-lmm M. II B Mi e-c" T C SI< nee .1 A Sir-o .1 SI Moore J AV Mri'c e E SI Slot'. d .1 s McRae F B Mer !!■, .1 II M : l- , J. soer • Moore, A .J SI i 11c-, AIc.’iiMU.e Mi-Kin ion, T I) Me -i" .1 S Mi lie". AV II SlacDo-icll. GO X SIo e o> sc, A AV McK’ 'nor. I 1 a D N Newborn, AV C Notvmr i, A E O O 'VCi, .1 E OB ie i, John Oh), Clia les P Piii'poi, S T SO He. C G T T'loni-ison, C B T< v'o , AV J Tnomas, AA r F Thomas It Jr ThoiP'isoii, E O Tay’o . A 1* Too : G B T'loni'ison. L F T io'e .To -i V Vandyke. F M W AAMcott J L "Wise II AY’iggbjs, C AV AVm e. JE SA’a -o II .1 AA'att. Jus AV'son. F nnk L AA r h - ' ikeu, E D. AVIdddonEB AA’oo in, G F AV’ghtAP AV'po, T D AVa'if s, B F AVo’fT. H AVright, B H AVolfr, Charles AA r r'<xdon R F AVcrc ..PR AVti'ke •, B P AA’eit. J T AVer.z M N AVard AV R AVi'^ugham, AV L Y Young. S T Young, T J Yon lg. C H COLORED. A S.kinsoi, J II A'I- • An an Atkinson, Hack B li on e, lew's Iloo' c , l' unison Haco - Sun il. owe. A SI Ilrooks, Geo Beinc., Lou's li’OH-n. John lioonc. Al'et r. nee v;cl I, .1 A li aecncP, Charley C .r.e -, J W Cai.c , J SI Cn'cli .Miles D. i ie« SI G Do wilcl 1 !’e‘er Drn'c's . e.see D'roo, Sam EA wr i s Cc.iib; few, F at.ii AV SI Or • . S r Gib i. Si OSes Ga jo s, Jam ( ! json, j. ek ii'.o i, E-.eHe -i'lon, J ■'sou IJenvf lien. :y Job 1 li ya - -, Joe lii - ip- AV'IMam A lie-1- ,• Tom l!n ; 'cy l.f-il Brown, Geoigc line Clin''ey Brya.'i, Esse.: Bo,-von, Sam B-uinie-, SIo s c (.a), Clin ley Ci e», Cha 'ey Crlv' • John Cone, Lcowd D Dn.'s Sum D,.vis, Po-'-e Dnwsey T'eev *> - wm Dads, Albe . E Ed wards. Si 330 F F one 'et Lev'. Flow; s • e 1 Fredo 'e\ 'den G “ . • \ flee i. r.'chr-d > | G, e;n- y, AV ' "am : C-’eliiinjr J'.n 0 ey, AV H Dm -ey, AV Howard, Kobe’, , Herring, J C Ilende.son. William I'owerd, Robe t. Jr IiuiUc., Am'cison Howard, Alex llni : s Geo Hr. t, Ci arles How.-.ri' Sem Kntici. Ant ew Pa eel' J C Pi- ip: n AVR, J T Ferhci, C S Pr.M- Pol'n-d, Jolm Pa- '.ci, Job-i I Pa kc-,Johi F Pi "SOU, A C P.-V'e,E R Prcv. i, A F Paine, TS Parker, AV II PI -li:.AV C Pi H i, A II Pi-in, A AV Priii'ilo J L Rnnisce. II C Rockwell. AV II Rotors. AV II Reid J AV elevens J J Sturdevant, L J Spitz, L J Stansel, J M P"' tile, AV A . Q Qi'jqii: C B R Rcmi j on, E S I tee c. AV M Rif Lev, S RHey, A S 9mith, Achilles Smith. Junius Sheffield, D J Snodgrass, W C Jolinso I»e*i Johnson, C’o je Jo ip-i, An»on Johnso i, Lump James. Ja.lson. SVf^t Joh ’son, Fiant C Jo ici, M J K IT's, Vols . L . brs, “ci»B he3.e. r , Anos ' * E VV t Lemons. J’isee Lin! n, A C M ?-ie> , Panda 1 I'oti.oc, TV 'am M* c.iei 1 E J Mod e, B*' 1 * Mil*er, Wa en Mo on, Jce Mi clie ', J II A 'nse.y, ~*c c* Millie'*, J T A»c7.eoiH. Dawson McL-oja, S J M- ’lie* . Homer Mo”, G G il' che l, T'm McNe'i', O om N Neely, Fa'n o Orr, John P Pettis. James Pa’ne /'Va:k Pondtn. Robe-1 PrP.e, Jc«»ee Plicc, Sam Po e , Ca'v ; »i Pcei;, Dee ’*3 R r'ci, Cne.« r ' Raws, Hii' a u He'.., W H Ro.e James R. 'uurl, S R Roge.s, PoMa.d Roval. Geo go ('awls, ’'aol s S. n m S .i »i^«r TV B SV x, To;c S.even^ Cco gc •Sna ue, Cha -ey Sm*' 1 *, Boston S.'wh Hen y Sco w, Hen y* S'.oi,l* Jake Scot TN'fSw £ rilii, Ed Smuh, C J Smith, Sa ima S.rrv A ired . Sharpe. George T Tevior, G L Tbonns, Sam Taylor, Jei Tbomnton Kociman The im- Dan'el Tn.e, R-cl.a u V A r 'ckciS, Slack w AVrlto i, JC Wa oa, Char 01 Washing on. Jo-dan AV ! ’ ; aros, Eu Word, Tom AVe is, Se.n Wi'Mams, J W Wi-son Jim AV'liams. Wesley AViniibon. Eomeiu Wl'son, Ko'oei'i WH-lams, G W. Y Yoeng, Tw'gs Yoi' -g, Fed To-i'l, white .-. 219 Tor-, coloet. 1B1 To n- e-gicga.e -ISO Tiiomasvlli:. Ga., Dee. 2, '89. Ties cc 'fie« that ihc above is a .'ue a--d co .ec. '1st or the: en'siereu to era o'l’hom- astil'e. Ga, Jas. F. Etass, Itcgisi y Clerk. No Fence a BlB?c‘ng. Thomas rouniy is soon to vote on the no-fence question. That staid and substantial neighbor can learn a lesson of wisdom and profit by the example of Dougherty. As long as our farmers were compell ed to keep up fencing in the western part of this county, lands gradually depreciated, but s nee the no-fence law went into operation, the rich lands of west Doug-'City have gradually ap preciated in value, and plantations that were a'most deser ed before, are now filled with tenants. 'I he timber that was required keep up the fencing annually is left standing, and is g owing more valua ble each year. There was a large number in this county who opposed the no-fence law for vaiious considerations, but all agree now that it was one of the best steps the county ever made in the way toward progress. Tbo whole principle that unde -lies this question proves that the law and custom ’equiring a man to fenc; other people’s stock out of his crops is a pervertion of natural rights. No man has a na.utnal right to to o hi; cattle to "graze on another’s possession, and when it comes to requiring a whole county to keep up fencing at a cost of 1,50,000 annually to keep 85,000 worth of cows and hogs from eating up the product of the labor of the county, it is simply preposterous. The old fence corners in Dougherty have made enough cotton within the past two yen's to pay for every hog and cow in AVest Dougherty. AVe call the careful attention of to ithe above from fib* Aibriy i Jews nnd Advertiser. AVberever tried the no-fence Jaw has brought blessings and prosperity to the farmers. It would be a positive calamity if the no fence law should faitl South of the railroad. That po-tion of the cou-ity, or at least a good a 1 ea of it, hi been down at the heel, so to speak, over s'nce ihc war, but with the incubus of the old rotten fences 'cmovcd lelieved of the er- pense of keeping".hem up, that tion of the county w : U, if .henr.-fenee law is adopted, bloom and blossom J ; kQ the lose. Let everybody wo k and tn'k for no fence. The London co respondent of the New Ye.1c T'mes says : “If (he pres ent Pope lives three or fou- years longer, it is not al! improbab'e tv-at a strong party will have arisen in the mean time, disposed to make Cardinal Gibson Pope, and move the who'e pc- pal establishment over to America. Even now there is considerable soecu- lat've ta'k about this in responsible Catholic circles, where it is clearly rec ognized that Italian bigotry, narrow ness and insincerity are suffocating the church. A very little more of this son of thing will turn the peo ple’s attention to the possible alterna tive outside of Rome.’’ At the recent Catholic celebration in Baltimore, tlie.e was a premonition of such a desire in some ot the speeches, in which the rapid growth of Cathohcism in Ameri ca was presented in a forcible and convincing manner. The subject is a momentous one, and possesses no lit tle interest to the religous denomina tion's in this country, as we’l as to the people in general. There is said to be a young man at AVest Newton, who, when he goes to see his girl, is compelled to split vybod, carry in coal, run errands and work in the garden by the girl's mother, before he is allowed to do atiy courting. AVe should think that, when he had ali ihese tasks accom plished it would be time to go home to breakfast; but perhaps he is per mitted to remain until the morning meal is prepared, and is made to help the girl washes the dishes. He snys he won’t kick so long as the old wo man doesn’t send the girl to bed and insist on being courted in her place. Norristown Herald. The Monlicello Girl. Several times we have had some- tlvng to say -about the “boys,” but not a woid about our lovely gi-Ia. One has to only have a glimpse of the Monlicello girl to ho convinced that she has few equals in grace and beauty. AVhat is grander on a December day—sunshine everywhere —/lowers on r'1 the corners, in the button holes, on the breast of fuir young girls. The streets are alive with merry shoppers; the air gay with the vivacity of their voices. She is here, there, everywhere—the Monti- ceUo g’rl—with her graceful move ments, her expressive gestures and her eyes holding a myriad of change ful glances in their dangerous depths. Place her elsewhere, her identity will stand forth distinct from nil others—as a tropical bird in the midst of our native warblers; but here she is only one of many—a type, not an exception. You meet her again on the street with her friends; girls like herself, slender, rounded, small of hand and daily of loot; pure, pale ski-is of creamy tint, with eyes that twinkle like the brightest stars, while the teeth gleam like pearls through the pat ted ruby of the lips. As a rule Montieello’s girls are pretty; when handsome, they are simply resplendent. Sec them iu the ba'l room with the ample masses of their hair crowning each shape'v uncovered head ; light, music, (l-ess, flowers, all add their charms. Every face is aglow with life, every move- meat full of repressed vivacity ; each gesture ot the ever restless bands eloquent with expression; they are all so alive—the very air seems to palpitate with the ardor of their being. The music stirs them to their depths, thrills their souls, excites their emotions, makes their hearts throb and their blood run faster. The Monticello girl is musical if anything; if not in performance, then iu taste, judgment and appre ciation. She expects to be waited upon, and generally receives the full meas ure of her expectation. Very sweet; ve.y helpless and very pretty is the Monticello girl, She all that now, for this is the heyday of her youth; this is her season of indul- gence, to be tended, petted and cared for; to be flattered, courted and waited upon; to be flower-decked and ad mired. But the springtime of youth lasts not always, so we will stop before we reach the state when the Monticello girl emerges into an old maid.— AVeckly Constitution. Some interesting news comes from Hayti this month, which will furnish a delicate problem for secretary Blaine to tackle. It is stated that the Hayt : ans a;e very indignant at the appointment of Fred Douglass, the well known leader of the colored republicans, as minister to that country. General Hyppolite, the new president of Hayti, has refused to treat with Douglass, and snubbed him when presented. Mr. Blaine is in a predicament about the matter, as it knocks 'n the head his pet scheme to secure a site tor a coa'- ! ng station in Hayti. It is undcstood that Douglass will be mildly requested to resign, and a pale-faced republican will be substituted. Other countries are represented in Hayti by distin guished white^men, and the Haytians, although q1 the negro race, think it an indignity for the United States gov ernment to send to their court a negro and an ex-slave. The situation is in teresting.—-Enquirer-Sun. Briggs—“I have been hunting all the morniog for a friend of mine, Boggs, but I can’t, find him. I wish he wasu’t so much troub'e to get hold of when I want him.” Boggs —“I’ll tell you what to do. The next time you see him, Briggs, borrow ten or fifteen dollars. After that you can't walk the streets with out running over him.”—Time. Latsst Designs! LARGEST STOCK! Lont Prices! -FOR— FOOTWEAR —AT- Near Post-Office. ELEGANT STOCK OF FANCY.', SLIPPERS FOR Ladi@s AND GENTS. A. DESIRABLE IAS GIFT. AT City Shoe Store, Near Post Office.