The Daily times-enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1889-1925, December 07, 1889, Image 3

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THE DAILY TIMES-ENTERPRISE. ALBERT WINTER, City Editor SATURDAY, DECEMBER 7, 188£. Looal Schedule. Passenger for Savannah .Lv... 6 35 f Passenger from Savannah At... 7 00 a Fast mail for Savannah Ar...l2 05 r “ “ “ “ Lv.. .12 35 p ‘ “ from “ Ar... 1 31 r “ “ from Savannah i...Lv... 200|i Passenger from Albany Ar... 6 20j Pan r for from .Lv... 830a We are still dis playing the hand somest stock of FINE DRESS GOODS, with the Latest Trimmings to Match, ever shown across a Thomasville Dress Goods Counter. No cheap trash, but GENUINE IMPOR TED MATERIALS; Fresh Desirable Goods such as the people want, at prices to suit the purchaser. Two Hundred Rolls Carpet in Stock and in Tran sit. The most Com plete Stock in, Southern Georgia. This Department is our “JUST PRIDE.” Besides giving you the Largest and Best Selection, our prices are down below other houses. Lace Curtains, White and Colored Quilts, and House Furnishings Gen erally. Your Patronage Solicited, .11 20 a 4 50 J Freight and Acorn, for Albany Lv... 5 45 p “ •• from “ Ar... 7 20 a Freight and aeooin. from Wayc..Ar... 4 50 j “ “ “ for Cliatt. Lv... 6 00 j " <• “ for Wayc....Lv... 8 00a “ »• “ from Chatt. Ar... 6 30 a THOMASVILLE AND MONTICELLO. Freight aceonj. for Monticello LV...8 45 a “ “ from “ ....Ar...6 00 f Fast mail for “ ....Lv...206 y. “ “ from “ ....Ar..l210 ji SIGNAL SERVICE BUREAU * AT R. Thorau Jr's - 126 Broad Street. O. S. Bondurant Vounteer Observer Weather Bulletin for tlie 24 hours ending at 7 o'clock I’. M., Dec. G, 188P. TKStPKRATCRrf. 7 a. 45 2 p. in 71 7 p. m G1 Maximum for 24 hours 71 Minimum “ “ “ 42 Rain-fall j Indications: Rain and Rain ' warmer weather for to day. Vote for no fence to day. To day will decide the fence ques tion Preaching in all the churches to morrow. There was no police court yesterday morning. Christmas Puck is now 1 din sale at the hook stores.^' , ;• i'$ •; ; A curiosity store would probably pav well here in the winter Mr. D- A. Finlayson, of Monticello, was in the city yesterday. ,f ’ “Larking,” a splendid comedy, at the opera house next Tuesday night. Voruedce’s Eclipse Stables, hustler. He is a OUR CHRISTMAS STOCK OF LADIES’ AND GENTS’ FIFE £3 Xi I IF IF IE IR, S —*BY FAR •The Handsomest Ever Shown in Thomasville. tore ALL ATsm SEE THEM. CURTRIGHT & DANIEL, 108 Broad St, A ITEW FEATURE! We have added a nice line of Fine Cutlery embracing all sizes, prices and styles of p ocket Knives, Fine Scissors and Razors, nil warranted, and when not as represented will be replaced without further cost. See them. Somo People Need Mineral Waters And we can supply all first class waters-fresh. Being sole agents at this point for Arcadian AND WHOLESALE DEALEUS IN Thoni|>flon’H Dr«inlne Arsrsle, Congrra*, Haw!horn, Apolinniria, Ilunyndi, Bine Lick, Deep Bock, NELTZRR AND VICIIV, We can offer inducements on all, in any quan tity that Is worthy of investigation. Remember the “old stylo Long Trice" is a thing of the past with us. Any goods not in stock furnished at qul ekest. telegraphic time. Every attention shown visitors in all depart ments. Stamps and Postal Cards told. Prescription department in charge of a regular Licensed and Registered Pharmacist who uses only absolute pure Drugs and Squihhs, Merks and such other Chemicals, McRAE BROS. Burglary About 3 o’clock Thursday morning, Mrs. T. J. Jeter, on upper Broad street, was awakened by a noise, and discovered » negro bnrglkr. who was in the ball, reacbiDg v f^r:.Mr v ..Jeter’s pants with n Idrtg pole with a hook in the end. The thief bad succeeded in getting Mr. Jeter’s shirt, and was eachtug after Iris panlloons when dis covered. Mrs. Jeter jumped up &nd .•an after him as be ran .down the ha)l nud out the back door. Awakening Mr. Jeter he ran around to tlje back RobertTc'aggett » the drummer for rJirSl burglar, and stabbing him three times in the back. The shirt was dropped and the thief, making a bold break for Mr. W. A. Griffin,wife and children. fled over the lelK;e and a wav, of Tallahassee, were at the Stuart Th(j haye been put on ,,0^ yesterday. a „J t |, e matter kept quiet up to this Boys who wish to buy cigarettes time, in an effort to catch the thief, now find some difficulty iu perfecting the transaction At the Piney Woods Mr. Francis C. Barlow, one of the Sheriff Patterson, of Bainbridge, lending lawyers of New York, accotn was iu the city yesterday, as a witness p a „i e( j by bis son, Robert L, arrived n the Superior court. Capt. Albert Winter, city editor of the Times-Enturpkise, returned last night from Chicago. Dr. Hinton, presiding elder of this district, is in the city, the guest of Mr. T. C. Mitchell and family. Several new shade trees were set aW ay out on Dawson street, near the. Pres- J byterian church, yesterday. Leaders of Styles and Low Prices. >9 4& 111 BROAD ST Mr. Buck Ellington, the well known tobacco drummer, of Winston, N. C.. calling on his patrons in the city. The next attraction is the Mortimer Comedy Company. The -bills an nounce that'they will be hero Tues day. We regret to learn of the death of Henry Gay, Ordinary of Colquitt county. He was a most estimable citizen. The morning train from Savnnnah was over three houiB late yesterday. The noon train was also considerably behind time. Jackson street, near the stables, is turned into a wild west show every day, i by the lassoing and breaking of Texas stock brought here. Mr. Charley Tuttle has moved his jewelry and novelties from Dr. Gas- sadys into Mr. H, E. Dekle’s, on lower Broad street The court was engaged all day yes terday in the case against Cone for killing Harper. The easel will be continued again to-day. The “World” theatrical company passed through yesterday, en route from Americas to Bainbridge. They return and play here Jan. 6th. Captain Fleming and Messrs. Du- Bignou, Erwin and Kingsbery, took a turn around the boulevard to day. They were Relighted with the drive. Mr. M. A. Williams, an aeronaut, will canvass the town for a subscrip tion which will enable him to make a balloon ascension here next Thursday. It would draw a birr crowd. yesterday, also Mr. S. S Jewett and wife, of Buffalo, N. Y. Mr. Jewett is a leading manufacturer and banker of that ciiy. They are guests of tho Piney Woods. Capt. R G. Fleming and party were registered at the Piney Woods yesterday. Old Coins. Capt. J. L Finn,in hunting through his treasure box on yesterday unearth ed a lot of old gold and silver coins that are valuable, among them one Spanish coin of 1790, and some rare English coins that would be highly prized by those who make a business of keeping such things. Such things are rarely seen iu a printing office, and never belong to the editor. He has to spend it before he gets it, gen erally. Secure your seats for "Larking,” by tho Morfimer Comedy Company, next Tuesday night. There was a most enjoyable im promptu musicale at the Stuart, Thursday evening. Mrs. John Coyle rendered some delightful music and songs. Reports have reached here to the effect that a corps of engineers are locating a lino from Tifton to Thom asville. The Georgia Southern ap pears to be iu earnest in the matter. Mr. Chas. M. McGche^nd daugh ter, of Knoxville, Tsnn., arrived last night in a private car. They are located at Wolcott Hall, in Fletcher- ville. The Mortimer Comedy Company will appear in “Larking” at the opera house on Tuesday night, the 10th inst. It is said to he a splendid com pany and a roost amusing comedy. It will he seen by reference to our advertising columns that Messrs Joshua Carroll & San have purchased the business of Mr. J. O. J* Lewis, on the corner of Broad and Fletcher streets, at Bruce’s corner. Messrs. Carroll will endeavor to please all rokn nnll .-»n thorn in fffind. fVfiflh ETOOds. .iThanksgiving Turkey s Cranberries. J. L. & W. A. PRINGLE. BROAD ST Thomasville Left Out. Capt. Triplett:—On my way north a few days ago, I heard a con versation between a Pullman car con ductor and a passenger. The passen ger asked the official why it was that be paid for the Pullman to Thomas ville and only got it ns far as Way- cross. The official said that he could not tell why a car was filled at New York for Thomasville every day and it was used for Florida after reaching Waycross; that the management had threatened to discontinue the car un less they carried it to its destination, hut still it went to Florida. He further stated that a few days ago at least half of the passengers who were going to Thomasville decided to keep the car to Florida, and give up their trip to Thomasville. Mr. Editor,why this discrimination against our life- giving, life-preserving climate. Yoms, B, | It was Mr. Johu T. Miller, and not Mr. Win. J. Miller, who was thrown from his horse uud had liis arm bro ken, oil Wednesday afternoon. \\ e broke the wrong man’s arm in the notice which appeared yesterday. The evidence in the ease of the State vs. Cone, charged with killing Harper, was closed last evening. The argument will begin this morn ing. The state will conclude. Prob ably two speeches will be made on etch side. The college boys improvised a hare and hounds chase yesterday afternoon Lucius Taylor, Tom Houston and Lester Ainsworth were the hares. A pack of boys followed them, after giving them ten minutes tho staTi. The result of the chase lias not been reported; but it is fair to assume that some tall running took place. An attempt was made on Thursday uight to set fire to the South Georgia College. The attempt was made about 9 o’clock. A gentleman pass ing saw the fire and gave the alarm. when one of the school boys ran over and put out the fire. It was a das tardly attempt to burn a public build ing. There is an utterahseuce of any motive for the crime. Among the many pleasant parties that went to the sugar boilings Thurs day evening was one that went to the hospitable homeofMr. Frank J. Winn. All who have ever been entertained at this grand old ante helium house know just how the guests were enter tained. The pleasant face of Mrs. Winn was ihissed, she being in town, but Mr. Winn did the honors of host to perfection. He not only filled the guests with cane juice and beer, hut filled several bottles to be carried home. The ride to and from there was very much enjoyed, the night being perfect. Amid songs and laughter the party arrived home about 10:30. The party consisted of Mrs. Hopkins, Mr. and Mrs. Mallard, Mr. and Mrs. Elias, Mr. and Mrs. C. N. Graves and Mr. I. Levy. We Give it up. We should like to be able to nnswer our correspondent, “B,” as to why Thomasville, with all of its advan tages. with its magnificent hotels and ciowds of tourists coming here—or who would come here if they had equal opportunities for doing so—we should be glad to solve the problem, why we are thus placed at the great disadvantage which he points out, but wc give it up. We have so often called attention to this matte, and plead with the powers that be that it would he useless to go over the same e.rgumenis again. We are simply powerless, and will have io accept (he few crumbs which fall Bom the table, while other poio », points not more nti, active and not any hotter patro nised, arc accorded facilities which arc persistently denied us. Let hope that this state of things will not last always. Since the above was in type, we have teen Captain Fleming, General Superintendent of the S. F. & AV. Ry. He assures us that a train will he put on to remedy the AVnycross con- ncr.tio.i by the first of January; and that, if possible, he will have it put on at an earlier date. Captain Flem ing lias always been the fast friend of Thomasville, and we feel sure that lie will do everything in his power to remedy the wrong being done our town. Accidentally Killed. On Thursday evening, near Chas tain, in this county, AVill Noling, a negro man, while fooling with a gun belonging to Whitfield McNeil, and in the attempt to pull it towards him while it was laying on a log acciden tally discharged the piece by striking tint hammer and the contents went into his head, killing him instantly. Cor oner Johnson investigated the affair, and the jury’s verdict was in accord ance witli the above facts, as witnessed by several negroes. The City Shoo Store. Attention is called to the advertise ment of the City Shoe Store, I. Levy & Co., who arc receiving and have in stock one of the finest lines of ladies’ and gents’ shoes to he found in the south. You will be sure to find some thing to please you in their stock, and polite and attentive salesmen to wait on you. Call and see them. FKE8H ARRIVALS CRYSTAL WAFERS, COCUANUT MACA- Rl ION'S, VANILLA A LEMON’ WAFERS. FRENCH CANDIES. IMPORTED CIGARS. NEW ORLEANS BANANAS. AT A. C BROWN’S, THE JACKSON ST GROCER. 7d3t Private Boarding. Parties desiring board in a private family can find sunny rooms and good board for $8 per week a-JH. T Mash’s, corner Smith av enue end Hansell street. TGdeltv For Rent. Furnished house in suburbs, six rooms well furnished, good water, will rent reason ably to a good party. Apply to Mrs. Hills Linn, Magnolia Avenue. are daily receiving Fall AND Winter CLOTHING! and our line ot Light -AND 1 MUST GO! Call and get OUR Prices before buy ing at ANYBODY’S Cost Prices, and we will -A.VE YOU MONEY Glothierf. andilFurnisfiers, loa St. Thomaaville,