The Daily times-enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1889-1925, December 10, 1889, Image 1

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SSS 9* § m & VOL. 1 —NO 170. THOMASVILLE, GEORGIA. TUESDAY CORNING, DECEMBER 10, '.880 IS5.00 PER?ANNUM GEORGIA’S GORDON. Highest Honors Ever Paid a Southerner. Chicago, December 5.—The echo of Gov. Gordon’s speech is still sound ing here. Laudations are on the lips of all parties Ladies and men, young men and old, are enthused ns this people never were iu the history of this state. You know something of General Black, the late commis sioner of pensions, under President Cleveland. He is perhaps our ablest and most eloquent citizen. You re member he came very near being nominated for vice president with Cleveland. Well General Black did not say more than we all feel here when lie- publicly pronounced it the “Mars Rill speech of the post-bellum period.” At a supper at the Iriquois club General Black said: ‘‘No one ever heard of a Persian returning to Athens to talk Thermopohc ; no Pole ever went into Russia to laud the cause of fallout Poland ; no French man ever crossed the English channel and thnllcd all England by discussing Waterloo; but here in our midst is a southern .soldier who, coming into the heart of the great north and grandly defending his own cause, literally carries captive by his majestic utter ances a whole people, without distinc tion of party.’ Hou. Carter Harrison said, it was a speech which ought to be repented one hundred times and in every city and town. Hon. Frederick Winston, ix-United States minister to Persia, Hon. Lyman Trumbull, ex-Senator Doolittle, of Iowa, and everybody else, is talking in the same way. A prominent republican said that he did not believe another man living could talk about the south-and slavery as Gordon did to a Chicago audience and yet not only give no offense to any one but absolutely arouse the wildest enthusiasm among his hearers. He said ‘‘of course we could not agree to all he says ; but Gordon made a powerful impression on this whole peo ple.”—Atlanta Journal. Trusts in Danger. Three bills against trusts were intro duced into the senate on the first day of congress, one by a republican sena tor and two by demociatic senators. Doubtless bills having the same ob ject will be introduced into the house. The haste to introduce bills of this kind, shows that the hostility to trusts throughout the country is very strong, and also that there is an imperative demand that congress should make a supreme effort to get rid of them. Congressmen understand that the widespread dissatisfaction with the condition of affairs that make trusts possib'e, may result in retiring con siderable of them from public life, if a law against trusts is not enacted promptly. The sufferers ^om trusts have im mense power. The alliances are thinking of uniting with the labor or ganizations, and if they should deter mine to do so, they could throw the elections to whichever party they pleased. The farmers and working- men are at present debating the ques tion in St, Louis as to whether they shall join hands together against all who, in their opinion, are hostile to their interests. It is not to be wondered at, there fore, that the politicians are anxious to put down trusts, or do anything else that the alliances and labor arganiza- tions want done.—News. The Cuthbert Liberal rises right anti says : In President Harrison’s message wo find the following sentence : But notwithstanding all this, in many parts of our country where the colored population is large, the people of that race arc by various devices de prived of any effective exercise of their political rights and of many of their civil rights. All of which is a lie, Brother Har rison, if you are an elder in the Presbyterian church. Lincoln and Davis. The two great leaders of the histor ical drama of the war between the states will soon meet on the shores of eternity. The tragic denth of Lincoln, just at the dose of the dreadful strife, was de plored by the press and people of the south, and ever since that time, not in one single instance, has the press ot the south resorted to abuse or censure for tne man, although an enemy of the sou'll,who was upheld as a statesman of the highest type by the southern peo ple. Often in the columns of the southern press have we seen articles commend ing the virtues of the dead statesman, that would arouse the enthusiasm and win the app'ause of any citizen of the north. Now, let us draw a contrast. The leader of the other side, a statesman, contemporary with Lincoln and just as great, whose quiet, seclud ed, inoffensive life, tor the past quarter ol a century, lias kept him from public notice, whose statesmanship was cloud ed by disfranchisement, and upon whom the obliquy and shame of a na tion was placed, and never withdrawn —this groat man, accepting his fate as peacefully and unmurmurtngly as a little child, lies dying at his home in the sou'll This is the signal for part of the northe-n press to attack this man, whom they have even denied citizenship, and heap upon him such terms as “rebel’' and “traitor.” This abuse would come in poor taste even it it were deserved, but unmerited and undeserved, it comes like a crushing blow from a tyrgnt to an unoffending subject. The south, seeing the virtues of the leader on the other side, applauded and commended hintTHittTF<T cTTanty" of this people, who, laying aside nil sectionalism, have thrown the mantel of charity over past differences, is now rewarded by abuse for a statesman who they honored, and who always merited the honors shown him. The people, valiant in war and strong in peace, have taught a lesson that finds a precept in the life of the hum ble Christ, and meeting, as it has, the scorn and Contempt of the people who could themselves profit by the exam ple of our people, verily it can be said ! “And now abideth Fault, Hope and Charity, these three; but the great est of these isCharity.’’-Albany News. Mr. Davis has gone, gone to meet the men of the great revolution, who preceded him to the spirit world. And Abe Lincoln, honest Abe Lincoln,— may we not reasonably suppose?—was among the first to greet die Southern Chieftain, as he stepped on the other shore. There was never any hatred Lincoln’s heart for the' men ot the South. His charity embraced the world. It is only the little vindictive spirits who have nursed hatred in their hearts against a people who have fully and fina’ly accepted the results of the war. The Chandlers, Canfields, Forakers and Shermans will not b happy tn Heaven—if, perchance, they should reach there—if Jefferson Davis is there. They would want to deny him citizenship in that heavenly- land, as they did on earth. No plum met line is long enough to measure the meanness and narrowness of these people. Items from the Camilla Clarion : Married on the titli inst., at the residence of Mr. Rosier Wingate, Miss Mary E. Shiver to Mr. Dock Boker, of Thomas county, Rev. K. B. Carroll, officiating. The many friends of Miss Anty Underwood regret that the state of her health has compelled her to take temporary leave of obsence from the Waycross High School and spend a few weeks at home. Hon. Kope Elias, who is announced as a candidate for congress iu North Carolina, is a brother of Mrs. I. Levy and Mr. David Elias, of Thomasville, whose many friends down this way wish tho talented Israelite abundant success. Tribute to Mrs. J. A. McKee. Thrice, iu as many months, has the angel of Death visited our little band, taking each time the best. Funeral bells are always sad, but when they sound forth the tidings of a Christian’s death, above the sadness rings out the triumphant shout of defiance, O, death, where is thy sting? O, grave, where is thy victory? True.thegrave holds the body, lmt the sou! still lives. Death has only drawn back the cur tain of time, and our friends have passed into eternity—very near all. Their light of time is extin guished, but full well we know the light of their Christian lives shall burn and glow until the end of time, and in eternity many that were drawn them to seek the Father of Light, shall, in His presence, sing songs of praise and gratitude to Hint that their lives were touched by those of Mrs. Hattsell, Mrs. Hickson and Mrs. Mc Kee. We are glad that their names are on our roll hook. Were wo not already fully persuaded of the right eousness ot our cause, knowing them, their love for the Master and their zeal in obeying His will, wo could hut feel that the cause of the W. C. T. I . is the cause of God. O’er the life, cut short in its prime, we bow sorrowfully yet submissively to the mysterious providence of our Heavenly Father. When the aged, matured Christian, sometimes weary with watching and waiting, is called, praise seems most appropriate. To tho venerable companion of oor esteemed sister we extend deep sym pathy. In liis hours of loneliness and grief may it cheer him to know that not only we, lmt hosts of friends, ten derly share his sorrow. W.C. T. U. ThoraasviHc. - - Turner to Get a Place. Washington, Dec. G.—One of Speaker Rcei^s difficult problems isjto arrange the democratic representation on the ways and means committee. There were eight democrats on tho ways and means committee in the last congress and five republicans. There will only be five democrats on the next ways and means committee. William L. Scott is the only member of tho committee not re elected, hut ns Mr. Carlisle is to go on tho com mittee ns the leader of the democrats it will be necessary to omit three of the remaining democrats. W. C. 1’. Breckinridge is likely to go on the committee on the judiciary, and so may Mr. Turner, of Georgia. The choice of the three members to go is among Mr. M. C. Milieu, C. R. Breck inridge and Mr. Bynutn, for Mess."'. Mills and W. L. Wilson seem likely to remain. Mr. Miffs insisis that Mr. Carlisle shall take first place on the democratic s'de. Mr. Carlisle insists that Mr. Mills shall Mr. Carlisle wiff piobnbly yield. The Washington correspondent o; the New York World interviewed congressmen the other day as to lite r p r efcrencc for a site for the world’s fair. More than half of those inter viewed refused to express themselves, but of those who did, sixty-seven fa vored Chicaao, forty-eight New York, twenty-two St. Louis and thirty-six Washington. Only one Georgia member is quoted, and he favors New York. When it comes to voting, how ever, New York will doubtless be in the lead, for it is very apparent that if we arc to have a fair on a large scale, New York is pre-eminently the place for it. The Weekly Sentinel, of Augusta,in discussing the emigration scheme, asks this perplexing question : "If the negro should emigrate, where can he go to? ’ The editor declines to speculate, but thinks thiat the negro race is here to stav, and that this is the best place for him, the land of his birth. HOUSE FOR RENT. A seven-room, well furnished house, on corner of Crawford and Fletcher streets, for Kent. Apply on premises, or to !>r. T. llopkins. Baby oneSolidRash Vgly, painful, blotched, mnllcloun. No rent by day, no peace br night, ttortora ami all remedie* failed* Tried Cntlcu< ra. Effect Mnrrallnua. NareahUllfe, Cured by Cuticura Our eldest child,*now six years of ago, when an infant six months old was attacked with a virulent, malignant skin disease. All ordinary remedies lailing.we called our family physician who attempted to euro it; hut it spread with al most Incredible rapidity, until the lower por tion of tho little fellow’s person, from the mid dle of his hack down to his knees, was one solid rash, ugly, painful, blotched and malicious. W had no rest at night, no peace by day. Finally, we were advised to try the Cuticura Remedies. The olTeet was simply marvellous. In three or four weeks a complete cure was wrought, leav ing the little fellow’s person as white and healthy as though he had never been attacked. In my opinion your valuable remedies saved his life, and to-day he is a strong, healthy child,perfect ly well, no repetition of the disease having Boy Covered With Scabs. My hoy, agod nine years, has been troubled all his life by a very had humor, which appeared all over his body in small, red blotches, with a dry white scab on them. Last year he was worse than ever, being covered with scabs from the ton of his head to his feet, and continually growing worse, although he had been treated by two phoslcians. As a last resort, I determined to try tho Cuticura Remedies, and am happy to say they did all that I could wish. Using them according to direction, the humor rapidly dis- anpearoif, leaving the skin fair and smooth, and performing a thorough cure. The. Cuticura Remedies arc all you claim for them. They are worth their weight in gold. GKO. F. LEA VITT, No. Andovor, Mass. Cuticura Resolvent. Tho new Blood Purifier and pun-stand bestof Humor Remedies, internally, and Cuticura, the great Skin Cure, and Cuticura Soap, an exqttis ite Skin lleautllicr, externally, speedily, per nut nentlv. and economically cure in early litn itch ing, burning, bleeding, scaly, crusted, pimply, scrofulous, and hereditary humors, with loss of iding years of torture and dislig- I Lit tbi; hlldliood are permanent, bold everywhere. Price, 1 2.V\; Resolvent, $I.<W>. Prej Drug and Chemical Coupon Send for “II ‘ *’ G4 pages, 50 illustr. eura, 50c.: Soap il by the Potter i, Boston, hue Skin Disjas ml loo testimonials. uUSkin.'i alp pn- HOW MY SIDE ACHES. A'-liing Sides and Back, Hip, Kidney, ml Ftarine Pain*, Rheumatic, Sciatic, leuralgic, Sharp and Shooting I’nins, clirvctl in one minute by tho < i Anti-Pain IMittler. 25 ets. Inherited IS loot! Poison. How many people there arc whose dis tress from sores, aches, pains and eruptive t mlcneies are due to inherited blood poison. Had blood passes from parent to child, and it therefore is the duty of husband and wife to keep their blood pure. This is easily accomplished by a timely use of B. B. B. (Botanic Blood Halm). Send to tho Blood Balm Co., Atlanta, for book of most con vincing proof. James Hill, Atlanta, Ga., writes: “My two sons we*e afllictcd with blood poison, which doctors said was hereditary. They both broke out in sores and eruptions which B. B. B. promptly controlled and finally cured completely.'' Mrs. S. M. Williams,.Sandy, Texas, writes: “My three poor afllictcd children, who in herited blood poison, have rapidly after a use of B. B. B. It is a Godsend.” J. R. Wilson, Glen Alpine Station, N. 0\, Feb. 1 .’I, 1885, writes: “Bone and blood poison forced me to have my leg amputated, and on the stump there came a large ulcer, which grew worse every day until doctors gave me up to die. I only weighed 120 pounds when.I began to take B. B. B., and bottles increased my weight to ISO ids and made ine sound and well. I •r knew what good health was before.” TASH GROCERIES, While not in the ring yet, arc in town by a large majority, and can point to friends and acquaintances in nearly every household in Thomasville. Are you one of its friends ? If not, make it’s acquaintance at once, for it will . ave you money. It’s competitors will, sometimes,—when you stand by and make them do so—meet it’s prices, hut just its soon as you quit watchiug them they will charge you the same old-time prices. .Send and get it’s prices and compare them with your book, and don’t fail to find out how much more it’s competitors charge for Raisins, Currants, Citron, etc., for making your fruit cako than it does. Respectfully, M. P. PICKETT. |{nrkl«*n’» Arnicn Salve. The Best Salve in the World for Cuts Bruises, Sorts, Fleers, Salt Uheuin, Fever Sorts, Titt’T, Chapped^Hands, Chilblains Corn?, and all Skin Eruptions, and positively urea Piles, or no pay required. It is guar- .nleed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by S, J. Cassels, Drug Store. Worth Knowing- Mr. W. H. Morgan, merchant, Lake City, Fl.i., was taken with a severe cold, attended with a distressing cough and running into Consumption in its first stages. He tried many so-called popular cough remedies and steadily grew worse. Was “educed in flesh, had diiliculty in breathing and was unable to sleep. Finally tried Dr. King’s New I)is- ove r y for Consumption and found inline- lia'e relief, and after using about half a lozon bottles found himself well and has had no return of the disease. No other medy can show so grand a record of cures, as Dr. King's New Discovery for consump tion. Guaranteed to do just what is claim ed for it. Trial bottle free at S, J. Casscls’ Drag -Store. KARI.Y OATS. All parties to whom I engaged the early oat for seed, are notified that l am ready to lelivor the same. The yield having proven better than I expected, I can also furnish a few other parties. Apply as soon as possi ble, if you would he supplied. It is the best C...I/ oa: Uat I ever planted, and yielded mo e than the old reliable rust proof oat last season. J. T. CHASTAIN. Latest Designs! LARGEST STOCK! Lowsst Prices! -FOR— FOOTWEAR —AT— Near Post-Office, ELEGANT STOCK OF FANCY .'.SLIPPERS FOR Ladies AND GENTS. A DESIRABLE XHAS GIFT. AT City Shoe Store, Near Post Office.