The Daily times-enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1889-1925, April 03, 1890, Image 3

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Spring’ 1890. THE DAILY TIMES-ENTERPRISE. ALI5EIU' WINTER, City Editor. TI:I'nSi).\ V, A Pfllfj .‘5, 1800. I or \L SCIIEDCLi:. \\U 11V AI • AND 1>F.Pa KTI’IIK o v A lA. TRYIXS T" AM) FROM THOMASVILLE < A RRVI XI J IWSSEXGKRS Sign of the BIG- BOOT. SPECIALTIES FOR THE WEEK: Our “Leader” Ladies’ Kid Button Shoes $2.50 Worth §3.00. “ “ Gents’ Calf, sewed Shoes 1 nn “ 4.00 0 La: ■'st Dry Goods House in the City a id tin Leaders of bt !es- .W.VAII AND THE KAST. .Ar. Your cspn'iol si 110»11 i«' >: i is caJIeJ If tiKignificout Him* of* now Spring oss Goods .lust opened. II. WOLI’T & DIM). Ar. oen/rcr Ar. •ight .'.ml Arc’ll Ar.. big* Washington Sleeper •• It s \ V A N X All A M > T11 K BA S' r. r> 5 a m 1 32 P III X 10 p 111 •1 ir» p ni . I.v . ft 13 a m .12 35 p m . (» 35 p 111 1 Thosasville to Wosh- * WKSTKltX POINTS. ..Ar...11 25a 1 .Ar... 5 20 p 1 I THE WEST. Gents’ Calf, sewed Shoes 3.00 Agents for Knox New York Hats. CTXRTRIOHT & DA NIKI.. 108 Broad St. Substantial, Elegant New. fin Ideal Winter and Spring Resort. HARVEY S. DENISON, Manager, HUNTSVILLE, A LA I1AMA. ■The ■ fur CASH M ICI.’K OMr.!!!:- .livss Fabric tills spring ar ONLY I.v us. The ih.'-igii.-are ver neat anil flviish. II. WOLFF & into. MuNTHT.i.I.O. i AM* NEW oil LEANS. Ar.. .12 05 p r li 00 p I The Public—Ladies, Gentlemen, Children and Visitors are cordially invited to see tlie NEW CM A LI.! KS — Imported and lies lie are great sellers ihis sea or the newest patterns yon will nr house headi|iuirter.-. II. WOI FF & m:i A FEW PAVEMENT imp Goods, embracing drugs, chemicals PCK-UPS- new remedies, line perfumery, lead- ’• ! ing medicines, sponges, fine pocket i •' ! ! knives and nice fresh toilet 'd i HAPPENINGS ABOUT IN THE 1 i CITY YESTERDAY. I being received every day now at Mcltae ]5ros., Mitchell House Phar macy next to P. ()., direct from the manufacturcrc which enables them to sell all very Town Topics Talked About Personal Paragraphs and Social Gossip--Some Other lltmo of Interest, tile. WASH GOODS—T l.i .r he one in which wa-li lake no second place. Ail li fabrics in our establishment. II. WOLFF.'; -on wih mis wil: ■ nrwe- 10A! ISKOII >lilli l i'' ■ \ i .nel-oine slock of eiubroi eleil u i:li great care, .in i II. WON'T Hon. Hubert G Mitchell went over to Hainliridge vesterdav, on business. I - ‘ - * Capt. 8. F. Kingsbcrry, counsel for ; the S. F. it W. Ky., was in the city i yesterday. j Local mail is very light ju-t now, and the hotels show small arrivals. The China trees Of 13 A1*. And thereby offers inducements to their customers on everything, com pared with the extortionate prices competitors charge for goods. niutdmg. oulrieht ? show no signs of they are killed “KI HIDI'K AN I >Y l'i" —The lies! in the la a-' nail I.v II. tVOl,l-T ilOSUiltY arc for sale “Haiti and eonler” are the sigmil of- liee predictions with which the public s encouraged. The. corridors and verandas of the Mitchell House were deserted yester day. The house will lie all life and bustle another season. II. W'll.r . r I to port e. I : t I - .cason. II. W< >I.FF A IlitO. Patten Points. Pattk.v, Ga., April 1, 1890. I-Mitor Timks-Kxtemi'hisk : With the absence of frost for two Fridays, the spring poet bobs up with the annual greeting. The farmers of this community ! mean business, and arc hard at work j putting in their crops. A meeting of the citizens and the Quitman Lumber Co., took place at | the county lino school house, to dis- | oust the propriety of building a rail- I road from some point oil the S. F. & i W. Ily., to McDonald, Wc’havc not learned the result of the meeting. Wo are glad to learn that Mr. D. j). Peacock, of McDonald, who has been very sick for some time, is impro v.ii:. The festive hook agent is very nu merous in our section, and carries his Willing to “Drap the Case.” “ A good story is told of an old negro in Albany, who was brought upon a charge of stealing, and tried in supe rior court during Judge Wright's time. * The case was presented to the court by a prominent young attorney, the solicitor, and the old negro was or dered to stand tip. “Have you a lawyer?” asked the court. “Nnw, salt!’’ “Aro you able to employ one?” “Nnw, sail!” “Do you want a lawyer to defend your case ?” "Not pcrtieklcr, sail.” "Well, what do you propose to do about the ease ?” “ Wc-ll-li,” with a yawn ns it wea ried of the thing, “I’m willin’ter drap de case, s'fur us Pm consumed.” This brought down the house, and it was some lime before order could be restored. GENUINE Indian River Orange Dundee Orange 'Marmalade, Park and Tilford Cigars, JVEaillcUi’cL Gandies, The<most select stock of Fancy Gro ceries in the city at J. L. & I. A. PRINGLE. BROAD ST Fickle April’s Weather. The hydrographic oflicc sends out this tort cast for April: Westerly winds, of less force, how ever, than during the month just passed, will prevail over the transat lantic steamship routes cast of the Goth ling nailed to the mast head; not the i meridian; west of that meridian, and I skull and cross hones for his motto, j but the regular old death head, with big letters which read “From Pole to j Pole.” j Candidates for the General Assem- | bly are looking around and repairing j their femes. The major portion of j them don't want the oflicc, but use the (ill I hltU’k* (doll*. \\V co (■:• 11 ami >»••• u* i* now i’ll!| •iliallv invi! idI com- Mill l«» H. lOUAc 111 Broad St. “chestnut” "Many Voters,” while en gaged !u -com ing the country and talk ing ‘alliance" to liegtiile the granger in voting tor him. In the meantime, the aspiring candidate confidentially informs you that the country is going to the bad with unreasonable velocity, and that he is the only mail in Thom as county that can can save it from utter ruin. In view of this fact, hois willing to sacrifice himself for the interests ot the dear people; i. c. three dollars per day, present or abscnt > and a railroad pass. Yours in fond memory, Haymonii- Winter still lingers to vex the uiild- eyed young spring. A severe snow storm has been raging throughout the Northwest and we are getting the ef fects of it here. along the Atlantic coast of the United States, the winds will be variable. Gales may be expected about once 5 week north of the 32d parallel. Hut few northers will he fel^inthc Gulf, and those' which occur will be of less duiation than earlier in the season. T he northeast trades, having reached their southernmost point during March, will this month begin to ex tend farther north. Icebergs and field ice may he encountered between longi tude 40° and 50° W., as far sou'll as latitude 41 0 N. Fields may also be met with inshore as far west as the 65th meridian. Considerable fog will be experienced off the Grand banks and the coast of the United States as far south a Hattcras. THE FIRST SYMPTOMS OF DEATH. T*red feeling, dull headache. puins ir lions J .sills of Hip Roily, sinking ut the j»it of the stomach, loss of appetite, feverishness pimples or suits are all positive evidence of poisoned blood. No matter how it became poisoned it must he purified to avoid death Dr. Acker’s English lllood Elixir has never tailed to remove scrofulous or syphilitic poisons. Sold under a positive guarantee at Itei l Sc Culpepper’s. 4 ItrnvwR Her Youth. Mrs. Phoebe Cheslcy. Petcrspn, Clay Co., Iowa, tells the following remarkable story, the truth of which is vouched for by the residents of the town : “I am 73 years old. hare been troubled with kidney complaint and lameness for many years; could not dress myself without help. Now I am free from all p in and soreness, and am able to do nil my own housework. I owe my thanks to Electric Bitters for having renew ed my youth, and removed completely all disease and pain.” Try a bottle. fiOc and $1, at 8. J. Cassels’ Drug Store. W. W. O. for weakly females. THAT TERRIBLE COUGH In the morning, hurried or diflicult breath ing, raising phlegm, tightness in the chest, quickened pulse, chilliness in the evening or sweats at night, all or any of than are the first stages of consumption. Dr. Acker’s English Cough Remedy will cure these fear ful symptoms, and is sold under a positive guarantee by Reid Culpepper. To the Public. Remember that 1 can insure your i against death and old age, and your hou.- and goods against fire and lightning. E. M. MALLKTTE, Worth Knowing* Mr. W. li. Morgan, merchant,'’•Lake City, Fla., was taken with a severe cold, attended with a distressing rough and running into Consumption in its first stages. He tried many so-called popular cough remedies and steadily grew worse. Was -educed in flesh, hud difficulty in breathing and was unable to sleep. Finally tried |)r. King’s New Dis covery for Consumption and found iinmo- dia‘c relief, and after using about half ft dozen bottles found himself well and has had no return of the disease. No other remedy can show so grand a record of cures, as Dr. King’s New Discovery for consump tion. Guaranteed to do just what is claim ed for it. Trial bottle free at S, J. Cassels’ Drug Store. A Sure Kidney and Bladder OUR has come. NO MISTAKE HERE Wo have used unusual car® iu selecting stuffs ami fab rics and wc Tiavo the -Nobbiest Stock- in town. No IdleBoast The gentlemen already know wo are headquarters for FurnisHing Goods. Dr. ACKER’S ENGLISH PILLS Ar»* active. eftiTtive anil [Hire. For sick headache, disordered stomach, loss ol appe tite, bad complexion and biliousness, they have never been cipialed, either in America or abroad. Sold by Reid k Culpepper. - In# Rooms to Rent. Four nicely furnished rooms, ready for housekeeping, will he rented front May 1st to November. Enquire at Library. tf. Jcrse liUAIlI) l.\ Tllti COf.NTIlY. i re arc now a few vacant rooms at v Farm. Those who may desire to close the season among the pines will find this a pleasant home. Fare substantial, pure milk plentiful and rates reasonable. Apply at this office or at the farm. Theso are Straight Papers and Must Carry Conviction The value of a recommendation depends wholly on the giver of it; as spurious and alleged testimonials ate as plentiful ns the leaves in Yalhimbrosa *»r the sands on the sea beach. When a gentleman of swell promi nence however, as the lion. W. II, Wilder, mayor of Albany, Georgia, speaker, his words carry weight with them. 11c says “I tillered fifteen years with Rheumatism and u that time tried ail the so-called specified I could hear of. One of them cost me $*3.00 bottle for nine bottle and yielded no relief. My grandson who runs on the B & W. Railroad finally got u e a bottle of I*. I*. I*, [prickly ash, poke root and potassium] and induct'd me to try i(. The first bottle show ed its remarkable effects ami after using ti for a short time the Rheumatism disappeared and I feel like a new man. I take great pleasure in rreoiiimeding it to Rheumatism suflercrs. Allmnv, Ga. W. 11. Wilder. ABBOTT’S EAST INDIAN CORN PAINT Is a quick cure for Corn*, Bunions and Warts Dealest Style In SCARFS, COLLARS, Gentlemens Notions. The Lords of Creation Are not as whimsical as the doar ladies injjthejjmatterof “Notions,’’but we can suit all tastes. For anaomio popplo W. W. O. la a boon. “ George II. Coy and family, of Canada, who have been here all sea son stopping at l’inc Summit, left yes terday. They express themselves as more than pleased, and very much benefited by their stay in Thomasville. To night the Musin concert will conic off at our Opera House. All the members ol the company arc ar tists and the richest musical feast of | F. C, Scott, Florida, was at the the season may be expected. j Whiddon yesterday. Mr. J. C. Repass, who was formerly with the railroad telegraph service at this point, but who now hold the posi tion of chief of the 5th district, with headquarters at Jacksonville, paid the city a short visit yesterday morning. L. li. M. II. (Spring Goods.) Is not dead nor sleeping, but busy as a bee the past mouth selecting and buying goods. We lmd for a while to vacate our cosy corner in the T.-lv Now we are hack again, and the counters ami the shelves of L. li. M. II. (Spring Goods.) are crowded with the cream of selected bar gains in all the nice new millinery which go to make up fashionable headwear. The experience and success of L. II. M. II. (Spring Goods.) in catering to the wants of the good people of Thoniasvi’ile and country in this line is well known. We sell honest goods at hon est prices, and cheerfully use every effort to always please vou L. li. M. H. (Spring Goods.) Wants your trade and wants it had. Call and see ns anyway. Wc arc always glad to show our goods, and won’t be a bit vexed if you buy elsewhere. We d<5n’t expect all the trade, only ask for a portion, BI T WE DO WANf a’siiark OF YOURS. Mis Jennie Carroll, Manager Lower Broad Millinery House. DO NOT SUFFER ANY LONGER. Knowing that a cough can be chocked iu a day. and the first stages of consumption broken in a week, we hereby guarantee Dr. Acker's English Cough Remedy, and will re fund the money to all who buy, take it as per directions, and do not find our state ment correct. For sale hv Reid Sc Culpep per, 1 line It lei Arnica Salve. The Best Salve in the World for Cuts Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles, or 110 pay required. It is guar anteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by S, J. Cassels, Drug Store. THE GREAT SOCIAL REQUISITE. ••Blue Blood” is still an essential part of the great social question, but after all pure blood is the key of life, and P. I*. P. has achieved phenomenal success as a purificant and corrector of all ailments arising from bad blood and its contingent unhappy ef fects. For sale by all druggists. OUR VERY BEST People confirm our statement when we say that Dr. Acker’s English Remedy is in every way superior to any and all other prepara tions tor the throat and lungs. In whoop- ’ngcough and croup it is magic and relieves at once. We offer you a sample bottle free Remember this remedy is sold under a posi. tive guarantee by Reid Sc Culpepper. i —