The Daily times-enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1889-1925, April 03, 1890, Image 4

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Ladles, beware bnw you carry vour pockelbooks in vour hands. The •*n;inlilic thief now comes atony' bc-idc \on and touches your wrist w it!i a piece of metal which i- rlmrgrd w i11• electricity. It shocks ton vioh-mlt and hurls the purse from your hand. The thiol snatches it up ami is otf lie- fore you can recover from your dizzi ness. Many robberies have been committed in this way recently. S what the Alliance is going to 1 do, and after it proves to lie a sucres will come in. If all were just such there would have been no Alliance. It lakes men of courage to face consequences. “WI5AT MEDICINES ARE MOST CAIiLED FOR J» REAL ESTATE Valuable Property For Stile oeltril the reporter of nn olit (iruvclst. Dr- fierce'." prepnratlonit," lie i Tlie Alliance warehouse at I trifliu, Ga., lias received netrrly twdv thousand bales ofootlon this season. It has $4,500 in bank and all expenses paid, and lias declared a dividend of forty-five cents per bale, which amount goes to the members of the Alliance. A company have offered to take all the garbage of the city of New York and cremate it at the same rate now paid for towing it out to sea as food for the fishes. This might be done in all cities. Private families might largely do away with Hie necessity of the public cremation by consum ing much of their own garbage. Put somebody will probably find in the course of a few years that garbage is capable of being turned into fcrlilizcr of great value. A good deal ol newspaper comment is excited by what is said to lie the change of heart of Senator Allison, ol Iowa, on the tariff question. Prom being a thorough protectionist, a year ago, he lias now decided dial the country has come to a point where tariff mvisionis necessary. In a gen eral way the senator would follow the senate tariff bill ast year, but he thinks business' changes in the coun try since that was pas.-cd.have made changes in it also necessary, 'filings could goon the free hsi now that were not put on that list then, and oilier articles could he reduced. Mr. Allison is satisfied there should lie a deep cut in the duly on sugar, sav 45 per rent. replied, - - - ■ a runuivc grnatr* Aiiteo that they will, in every cog* gly© tatigfaction,or the money ia promptiy* IW _ funded. JIis Favorite Prescription/ for all those chronic weaknesses, nervous and other deramremcnU peculiar to women, is used with unfailing success. It cures weak back, bcar- Inff-down sensations, irrcjfu lari tins and weak- nesses common to tho sex, and belnjr thi most perfect of tonic medicines builds ud and strengthens tho entire system. Tho do- mand for it is constant, and I am convoruont wwl» scores or eases cured by it." moments' absence, Returning lifts*. the venerable wieldcr of the pestle remarked! the number of mraapArillns and other. s2 oilled, t blood medicines is legion; but Dr. Pierces Golden Medical Discovery outsells them all ami it is the only blood-purifler out of the many which I am obliged to keep upon my shelves, tlmt is guaranteed to benofltor cure in all eases for which it is recommended. or innnnv vitntl frit* if la n ® or money paid for it is refunded. “ In the line of Pills,” remarked tlio old tlemen, ” the litDe SugarTcoa^d put up by Dr. I lerce lead nil others, both In amount of sales and tho general satisfaction they tfive my customers.” Copyright, im, by World’s DiS. Med. ASfl’N. for nn incurable case of Ca«- tarrh in tho Vlcad by the proprietors of Dr. Sage’s Catarrh Remedy. By its mild, soothing and healing properties, it Cures the worst eases, no matter of how Iona Haudiug. By druggists, 50 cents. EMORY Mind wandnring cared. Books learned in ono reading. Testimonials from all P»rts of tho giobo. Prospectus post inmwkssional hands. “Listen to my tale of woe, Johnnie, and his sisters too, 158 Broad ITlioiiia.Hvillc. 40 acres one-fourth mile from cor porate limits on road leading cn from Remington avenue, nearly all in high state of cultivation, 405 LeConle, 26 J)U. ,I<)EL 13. COYLE KEXTIKT TIIOMASVILLB, GEORGIA <)FFICR. Broad;St;overjPiekett’s. JN. G. TULLI8, M. D. KVirtilar I*rat:lltionc;r. ial Treatment to Throat and Luim U'FK’B— Cor. Madison and .Jrllcixtii st TllOMASVILLE, GA. HOURS—10 to 12 A. M.: ml 2 to 4 P. M. A. T. TA Y 1,0if, M. D., 1 ’ JIY -! f i Ofiiee over l.’i id nsville, i t t. 1) Sl’ItGEON, ;■'■ !>: er’s/L’lioin- Rnrtletto, 10 Duchess and 60 Keifer pear trees. All the pear trc-cn except the Keiffcrs are !) to 12 years old and in full bearing; 100 wild gootte plum, and l.'il improved peach tri es, all hearing; 2-3 of an acre in fine straw berries, 1 2-3 acres in Delaware and 1-3 of an acre in Hartford?, Ivc seedlings and Concord grapes; also a very valuable arbor of Sciinpernoiy grajies, containing 3 acres in splendid condition, and full hearing. This property would bean excellent in vestment for any one wanting a fruit and vegetable farm. Price reasona ble. 16 acres on cor. Remington avenue and Mitchell st., beautifully situated, high and rolling, all within the city limits. The depot of the Ga., South ern & Fla. R. R. will be locate 1 on or very near this property. Price 610,- 000. 1 lot on Love st., 100 feet front, 240 feet deep. Choice property 60 per foot front. 1 lots on Crawford st., 65 ft front each, 180 ft dee)), to an alley, only l blocks from business center. Will K*J«>as<> false Note, yourW. W.C.. with .. D...IV ro.invc hi.-t proposition, and am l.» .lay, i t n pounds more than I di<l before coimm i Columbus, Ga., March JC, 1S33. W. W. C. for sale by all Druggists, ful Cure Co., Columbus, Ga. ■1 1 .*',! v, ■ ■ Wonder- Travel Homeward VIA R CENTRAL .R. R OF GEORGIA. WHY? BECAUSE IT IS TilK SHORTEST AM) HIT REST ROUE. 1 iitiilt d mid <•• In* ;•» ami Mi wnukec StlMdulo i.r» liffcei March I, 2VIO. LATONTA ICE COMPANY ICK MAI>10 FROM DI'.KP WELL WATER, CHEMICALLY JTi:i;. DELIVERED ANYWHERE IN Till'. CITY. J ll. C -11,1' nitist, Tkotnauvllle, Offer- l.ih m i vIccm aevllle i.» n vicinity. Office 'ndllh—I'l l >||| ;• /». lrnni2to ftp. jn Office— C l. J:h k.HOU atm V/. C. SNODO UaJ- a D. F. HAWKINS. gNwDGHA.SS A HAWKINS, Altunieys-at-Law. t’..rui“!'iy 4 occui>lt»(l by^Eniorprlfu GIVE ORDERS TO WAGONS AND M All. DIRECT W. S. KEIFER, KANKjEIt, Thomnsvillc Variety WORKS. Reynolds, Hargrave & Dayis, Prop’is Manufacturers and Dealers ROUGH & DREIi LUMBER. LATH ES, PICKETS, SHINGLES, MOULDINGS, BRACKETS, SCROLL WORK, •MANTLES, BALUSTERS, STAIR-RAILS Newel Posts, OFFICE, CHURCH & STORE Furniture*. STORE FRONTS, Wire Screen Doors ami Windows, *Sn Doors and Blinds T. Mol MTOSM, •Phy.Hir.htn «s& Sus’^etm, Themaevillo, Gcortriu.B enfr -OFFICE.over Stark's, corner Broad and - Fletcher Streets.* w. iV. I! It LCD, ,M. I). Cdlioc, up-stairs, tiier v* lit i.jd 1'i* tclui Mrocte!' "[uny T. Di.KU:. M. D„ odice in Hayes Building tl mico—Corner College avenue and Mag it vet. p i *u > « mitnu nIoaTlo.i, No. 23 lor ulght 1 lot onLuvc st., 105 ieo: front, 140 feet deep, beautiful lot. 16 acres just outside the cc; - porutc limits, ou the road to Mr. ,3. R. Yan- Duzer’s elegant country home, 12 acres in fine state of cultivation, bal ance timber; nice tenant hon-e und fences all in tiptop order. 1 lot ou Love st., very choice 120 ft front, 240 ft deep. Price tvasona ble. I lot on Dawson st., 103 f; front, 420 ft deep to Y oting st. Some choice hearing fruit, trees. T his lot is very desirable. Price 61 .COD. 30 acres 2 1-2 miles from .'fitch,R House, in the forks of uw not'd pub lic roads, elegant location; v<; y high and attractive. 5 lots on Chestnut st., 62 it front, 150 ft deep to an alley for 5150 each These lots arc absolutely worth double the money. 3 lots on nortli Dawson ft., bS feet front, 1!I0 ft deep, to an alley, for $250 each: very cheap. North Daw son is a beautiful street. 10 acre tract ou Magnolia ave., 250 to 300 beautiful pear trees of different vaticlics coming into bearing. Flow ers and shrubbery in 'abundance. Handsome new dwelling of 0 rooms erfeet order, servant’s liouc.', barn ami other outbuildings. Isay, with out fear of contradiction, that this is tho most attractive suburban home for sale around Tlioniasville- Price low. Queen and Cresent Route, DOUBLE ;daily: VIA MACON AND A fLANTA. jiiiS ! A-iil.'in '•ilcd Drawiii. Boom • i;irln*M of tIi»* latest •hit Mi!\vaii!;*c and I'D* Northern '.lellic ::•> and 1’orllan'. Ore. ol Irom Uastein, West r;d Wisronshi pints, I,v Allunv.. Ai- Macon.. - Atlanta. •• Maiictta . ft JO a r .1100 a t ..12 20 p ] . 5 00 p l 0 4ft p 11 ml I'm Neenali , i I in let. “ Cincinnati Pull III without chan 12 01 h ' - ‘*14 1' «3*l» .12 0C r 4 H a l M 7 30 P 1 Sleepers from Albany to Cincinnati 3 4ft a in train. ;.\ BLOW, Louisville and Nashville Route. 1 oiler for sale 8337 acres of Georgia pine lands in one body in Decatur county. The body begins within one mile of the town of Bain bridge, the county „ site, across the the Mint river, and fronts four miles on that river, on which the steamers ply daily. For several miles this land lies within a half mile of the Ala. Midland R R. The projected B. C. & C., which stands a very good chance of being built will run directly through it- About 2-3 of tho land is tine original pine which has never been turpentined. The balance has been cleared ana once produced fine crops of corn, cotton, tobacco and su gar cane. The soil is a gray ish sandy loam irom a depth of 10 to lo inches on red clay subsoil. There arc no swamps, even the river bank being high anddiy These lands would be a valuable investment. Sold only together at §2 5f per ttcrc. V.. 1). MlTt 11 KLL, It. G.'MITCIIKLL 1 HC.'IELL & MITCHELL, M : Attorn ys-at-Law, ThomaavBB*. - • Georgia. & McLendon, iiftfl t > Itim. Attorncy-at-Law, as v: I it-, • Georgia. t<> all bu-sinc.HH cn -<>v«*r Watt’s Htorc, coiner Broad and 5 lovely one-acre lots on Voting st., handsomely dotted with be.iiitil'til pine trees, at a low down price. 10 acre tract cor. Young andiSprtiee sts., just outside the corporate limits. New 3 room house and well fenced. Nearly all in cultivation. PoTm nice pine timber. Splendid lonition. 1’riee 61,800. 1 \ acre tract cor. Magnolia ore- am Maple st., 2 tenant houses ; all under new fence and in high state c-*ciilti- vation ; 200 2 year old LeCctPo pear trees; fine oak grove for building site. This is a lovelv snot and i- very cheap at 81,500. ' ' Two 7-acre tracts on YV ig st., tlmt would make beautiful lomes. This ground is especially adapted to the growth of penrs, plums, peaches, small fruits and vegetable?. 1‘riee SI00 per acre. 10 very handsome lots in T' covered with stately pines. 1 to I acre each; high and dry. Price$250 to 8300 each. Fresh leal Market. STAIR BUILDIN G AND INSIDE HARDWOOD FINISH SPECIALTY. D. C. BLANTON, Upper End Market House, Jackson Si. Thomii«vilMs €«n., Annofinrcs tu tip* public tlmt he keeps at all time# a line escort merit of Western und Georgia Meats, »C ORREflroKDEKCE SOLICITED. Pork, Sausage*, etc., which he sells at rca- sonaltlc prices. Satisfaction puarantccd anti the best of attention. Meats <lelivere<l prompt ly. Call and see me! IcbJ 2-acre lot cor - Magnolia itnd ana- wood aves., with new 5-room cottage. The lot niccl v fenced and all ret with fiuit trees, (lowers and shrubbery; this pi ice will make a charming home and very cheap, price 81,800. 2 of ti e most complete and attract ive homes ou Dawson street, very reasonable. Every one knows J.hat Dawson is decidedly the best resi dence street in Thotnasvillc For the first time 1 oiler Magnolia park for sale. It has noopial around this town for beauty and convenience to the city. You go out the best residence street in the city to retch it and see nothing unpleasant to the eye on the road. It is the place of all places for some gentleman to L lihl a handsome winter home. It to itains 12A acres and I will sell foritsu than I its value. \ \ u. !K.\L KSTATK liROKFR, Macor. A HRUsla S puiTanbun,' Day coaches ThoiiiaHVllle to Albany, Albany lo Macon. SlffpliiK cars to AugUHta. Day coachen lo Hpartanbug und Ashovllle. i’lisscrisers, boorc purclmsiii^ tickets via other roiitcu, would do well to inquire first of the merit** of the above Roates. CECIL CABBETT, W. F.H1IELLMA.V, (inncml .Vi.'>naj.Oi - . Triillic Mnnngvr E. T. CHARLTON. J. V. Mil AW, Gen. Puss. Agent. Trav. Pass. Agt., Baraatiab (in. LIPPNIAN BHOS., Progrlotoro, WHOLESALE DaUOOlSTS, Llppman Block, SAVANNAH, GA. Argument. A. and II. (aged 35), have each a yearly casli balance of 8350. A. deposits his in life insurance. Ik deposits his in a savings bank, h Roth die at the cud of tho first year. A.’s estate receives 810,- 00b R’s estate receives only 8350 plu> one year’s interest. b- Roth live through tlie20 years. Ihc insurance company returns A’s deposits with compound interest (so that his 810,000 insurance costs him nothing); nr it gives him a paid up policy for nearly, it not quite, double the amount of his first policy; or it gives him his dividends tor the pe riod in cash, and a paid up for hi first policy. The bank returns R’s de posits with compound interest, hut assumes no guarantee of assurance during the 20 years. The company guarantees (after 3 years an equitable paid up policy tor ml premiums received, if the insured istunable to continue liis payments. He is thus entirely protected against loss of deposits. R, however, has the power to draw ms money from the bank whenever he finds himself in straitened circum stances, leaving his family unpro tected und defeating his original in tention, * * The proportions hold good for ■ J^rcr smaller amounts than 810- The Mutual Life Insurance com* pauy of New York, issues a very lib* oral policy. k M. MALLETTE, Agt, .-*■8 -