The Daily times-enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1889-1925, April 04, 1890, Image 1

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V'OL. 1—KO. 275 I’llOM AS VILLE, GEORGIA, FRIDAY MORNING, AP-KIL 4, I8D0, $5.00 PER ANNUM SOMF SIDKWALK TV'*'.I 5\ Filler ;md A i• -1 i ’< ■ i loiYers. A I'lTilV roi.niX OF \ !-T.\ ll!S Local News Told in Brief, Pun gent Paragraphs for c Benent Men i'ied Bibb, yestciday. MiJiiicr You city yesterday, T. I. I>ni' r, the tit the Busy Women. it) the city 'if, Metcalfe. wa-; m the ty yesterday. V, liu'icck, Uchlockon iy yesterday. P. K-ih- uait visit Valdosta, ua- h The News of the Day New Sntteens, New Cliallies, New Gingham?, New ! Jress Goods, -New Silks. New Laces, New Kmluviidorics, New Trimmings, New .Mulls, New Nainsook, New Cambrics, New 'Pi-ices. New Customers. Somethin g new and interesting- every lay for everybody at 15o:h the polic-.- ai d cniniy will be session this morning. Base Ball. A game of bn',* ball will be played Saturday afternoon between the colored nine of lidlilehttn, and a nine here. The game will be called at 2:30, and w:11 no doubt draw a large crowd. Continues to Improve. Mr. Shuman who was so seriously shut at Aiieilla a few days ago, con tinues to improve slowly. It is stated that his Iricmls and relatives have of fered a reward of £500 for the capture ami apprehension of Moses Linton who did the shooting and then made his escape. Mr.. I,. V.Vdir relumed ;t to \ibatiy. i, Si. I’ait'. Minn.. ,1 s vesli id. 11. !.- letui m d iaM ' - ' j M 1 a mone day. |. I .a die The Miii-in the 1 i'll ',' \\ f'ini.i 1:1:1V artu .'.ml e Ark , the d Iasi ml T. i. Ham mnii.]') he p f .11 rati s to tr .0 larks n.-. ■ era mi 142 J 5 road St .Mrs. I ('. On- Wilcox eounty, came down yesiudav and is visiting ! 'nil D in K "i ..ree pi- ed tinoiigh : ca'.v ai-.tii:,:! 1 -. i.irii'e fumi Atlanta his oid lion.. , l.iji'.'i'; n Mrs. O. Swilt, and v/rs. J. M. bekle o have beeii on a visit 10 relatives at Tampa, Ida., i- iuriird yesterday Kv. T. K. idler, who lias been ■ ending .1 lew days in :lie c.iy, re i'i 1 . o i ' '. am..... icsurd.iy am moon. (i. W. MeCumoek, ot Mi. Sterling, y. who ha-. Inn spend I’g the id'.r iii., .1 1, \ ,'sk relay alKrnoon Mi.. J. I. Swe it, id iVaycross, is at e S.u.'it. Sin comes hi-re to place r.til under 11 ...fueiii ofjrr. Run- 1. .Misa Katie Roddenbin ry. daughter ol I >r. Ruducubcrry, of Oehlockouee, who has been v,siting relatives in the city returned In me e terd.iy. A case- u: beer came to grief while being transferred from the car to an express wagon, last night, it fell on the platform, and ur.adiing the contents, beer flowed like water. Mr. S. 'i. l’liilpot and charming In ido returned Wednesday nigh,l from a I 1,dal tour of the ptineipa! places of interest in Florida. They were re celling die congratulations of their many friends yesterday. file llaakiusville (tin.) Di-palrh •sa\ -: Tin’ Allianceim.'li should be earefill how they nllu'iV II,e mini.: id' their order used to fiirlhcr the interests of olll- e'-seL'Iuii's. There is nothing wrong' in Alliani'emeii seek ing ollii e, but they ought not to ride into oUioe 011 the shoulders of the Al- 1 liance. A Day on tbe Lake. A picnic party from the Stuart con sisting of Misses Lula, Jessie and Ella Stuart, Jlo.-a Dupe!, llaltimnre, and Rachel Mo.-cly, of Tallahassee, ncconi panied by Messrs. IF S. Williams, of New York, Perry Duerhofcr, Louis ville, and Ardie .Smart, went, down to Microsiikec Lake, Thursday They report a delightful day on that beau tiful sheet of water. We refrain from telling flic number of lisli they claim to lmvc captured. State S. S. Convention. The members of the committee of arrangemi it's ini' the meeting of the State Sund.iv S.-hool Convention, arc Merchants Week. Visitors (especially ladies) will find the Marshall House— with its spacious, full length piazza — Admirably located or viewing ninrdi gras and all othir parades during Merchants Week in Savannah. The Variety Works. We noticed yesterday, a large (quantity of manufactured work for the new Quitman Hotel being loaded here. It is the work of our Variety Works, who are reaching out and do ing considerable business with our neighboring towns. It is a pleasure for us lo hear testimony to the satis factory manner in which they execute their orders. They give entire satis faction in every ease, and have built up a reputation in their business, that gives them all they can do. We are glad of their success. The new slate of Wyoming is to I start ofl with some other peculiar | institutions besides the national park. It is to have woman suffrage and an educational test for voters. It will be a sort of suffrage experiment station. Ileing a good republican state it will not come under the operation of the Federal force bill, which is designed only for bad democratic states. SIGNAL SERVICE BUREAU AT II. Thomas Jr's-120 Broad Street. C. S. Bonrlurnnt Vountaor Obsorver I Weather bulletin for tin* 2.'» Injure ending I 7 o’clock I*. M., April 2, 181*0. TKM PK:t ATI Jlri. Palmer—Richardson. A pretty home wedding took place at the Inline of Mr. and Mr- C. M. Ilaud.s, 101 -S Michigan avenue, at I o’clock Tuesday afternoon, the con tracting parties being Miss Ellen Rich ard-on and .Mr. W. L. C. Palmer, for tnerly of Th iniasville, Ga. The house was decorated with cut flowers and tropical plants, and mellow lights east their soft glow over all Mrs Rolluinii I'.'ipiesti'd to atlend a inci ting at Kv- ph ycd Mcmlel-solm’s wedding march, i ]>. m Maximum tor 21 hours., Minimum “ “ “ .. Il:» ill-fall Imlirutioiis for r THE GEORGIA HEDGE CO Merits ofouc Hedje. NY. ans iV Maclean’s ofliee, cotton ware house, this Friday, I’. M., at -l.o'O o'clock. Any person in tore-ted in the matter, not a member of' the <: tcc will lie gladly we lom-d : COMMITTEK. .S. I, Hayes, W. W. Williams, 15. I’. Walker, C. H. Williams, T. C. Mitchell, •T. 11. Chisholm, .1. II. Merrill. T J. Rail, J. F. Evans, W. M. Reese, K T. Maclean, J. >S. Montgomery C arlrs P. Hansel!, Chairman. after which Dr. Vassal' of the First Baptist church performed the simple marriage service. Many handsome gifts were hi stowed by admiring friends. Mr. and Mrs. Palmer have gone to Canada, 'lie home of the bride, for a short visit.—Kansas City Times. Mr. Palmer’s friends in this, his old home, lender lies', wishes for the health and hnppinc.-s ol hi nself and his fair bride. Progressive Euchre. The progressive euchre party given bv the Indies of Pine Summit Wednes- First of the Season. 'his is the season when the littk brown buds are bursting into green day night was one of the most on- tufts of leaves and the dogwood tree Ijoyahle events in society circles given has cast its showy banner lo the wood , this season. land breeze. It is the season of which Miss Lily Moreau, ot New York poets love to -mg and "the young j city, won the first prize for the ladies, man’s fancy fondly turns to thoughts : and Miss Jeanette Lund,of Cleveland, of love.’’ K is the reason when the lone fisherman likes to angle in shady nooks and around mossy banks‘for the unsuspecting briglu-eyed perch and the brave but foolish trout It the season wu it birds nu’e and build their nists logitiv r, teaching a lesson Irom the great I) iok of nature to the foil)wise sons and dati u* men. It is a 1 .so he season when the gem-runs human iieiiis seeks lo mani fest its joy in the congenial compan second Miss Jessie M. M. Miller wits the recipient of tiie booby. Mr. I». Smith, jr , carried off the first jiri/.o fur the gentlemen, :>i:d Maj. Moore, of New York city, mtoi d. The booby lei! to the lot < f I>r (i <). The fbllowin plaveis oeeu | pied the Mix table?: S A. Smith. Miss Diekiuan; U Smith, jr., Miss Lily Moreau; O O Jones, Mrs. Oalihn; Joe Ball, Mrs. .Moreau; John Stark, .Mrs. Palmer; It is the elicapn.-t ft wo. It is most durable. It is not a lice ted by lire, wind or Hood. It 11ns no |hi?Is to rot. Stork can not rub it down. It protects itself. It stop trespassers and hunter.-. It can not In- earned uwjiy for fin wool. Ii takes but little room. You can cultivate close to it. No weeds to be kept out of the corners. It lasts for generations. You never lay out one cent tor material | to repair it. It s ornamental to any farm. I: is mule hi"li, bull strong and pi" tight. I I’aflics desiring more information regard ing the Hedge Feuee can call on or address | (’apt. I’». II Marion. Hotel Masitry, James > K. IVr r y, Stuart House or lien I’. Dodson, I Hotel wiiiddoti. |At LEVY’S. A job of 200 pieces Embroideries positively 25 per cent under Tal lin. I At LEVY’S. 20 pieces Angora Homespun ■Suitings 15c per yard. At LEVY’S. Wc have made a large pursue of Roys Ivncc Pants from 4 to 14 years, which arc now being of fered much under regular prices. Call early, they are selling rapid* !y. At LEVY’S. Have you seen our French Batistas, our Domostic and French Ratines, our Foreign and American Challies. Nono pret tier and cheaper in the land. TAX NOTICE. First Round. vill he at the following places for the purpose of Receiving Tax returns ami re turns of the mruge and product of the farm, orchard, manufactories and mines, for the year 18f>0. Ways, April, Thursday 10. Hast Glasgow, “ Friday 11. Holton, *• Saturday 12. Murplieys, * ; Monday 1 t. (•chlorkonce, * Tuesday la. Sp-nce, “ Wednesday I*;. Cairo. “ Thursday 17. Duncanville, “ Friday IK. Metcalf, “ Saturday If*. I will be iu Tboumsville court week and three days in a week (Thursday, Friday anti Saturday) in the month ot June. J. F. McCann, T. n. T. Co. ionship of friends, n the woods in sh.-i ! M ill Dali, Mrs Dutlcr; Mxij. Moore, de l gltns, on leaf iG'fwn banks, where 1 Mrs. Frances Hicks; Mr. Deck, Miss t!»e wtl.,1 gejdiyr.* blow fie.-h and pure ,'Coiry Hicks; Mr. Alible, Miss Hattie suohhirc 1 Smith; Oilie Hull, Miss Lily Smith; the blue [Joe Robiu.-on, Miss llirdie Smith; ’ Mis-c-.s Jennie M. Miller and Ji ani'tle ■ 'i c.hiin | Land. w. re | t The g\mn ended at i I o'clock, after upon t'nv cheek and heave fails uniioi'itamiiiali'il frun empi lean. .Such a day and such a was Wednesday ia-:. anil the generous souls which prompted its inception and graeitj;! i-eeulion. A picnic in the woods and by the wind ing Oclilockonec is always a joyous affair and it is safe to say the one tendered their friends by Miss Annie Aikwtiglit and Misses l’el and Birdie Woodson, was filled brim lull ol pleas ure and happiness,even as the baskets yesterday from a pleasant trip were filled to overflowing with the j tu Jacksonville, St. Augustine aud more material good things of life. In i other points in Florida, addition lo the kind hostesses the fob j Quite a numbiT attended Hie clay lowing ladies and gentlemen partici | pigeon shoot by the Cun Club ycsier- pated, anil the writer feels sure every | day afternoon, While no records were one of them will agree with him in the broken every one shot well, and held | which I't'fri'shmiii\s were served, fid- i lowed by a nm.-t delightful impromp. 'tu dunce. Mr. A. 15., of l’caro, III,, is among the latest nrrival^ot tourists at tiie Whiddon. Mr. and Mrs. William Mitchell re- [At LEVY’S. Plenty Dry Goods in town—yes, but few to compare with oun. Having established an outlet for lino goods wo can nfford to buy, and do carry the finest line in tho city. Our popular low prices for fine goods insures a ready srde for them. At LEVY’S. Wc have brought out an unusual large and exquisite stock of White Goods. Our goods in that line must he seen to bo appre ciated. [At LEVY’S. The prettiest spring goods al ways sell out early in the season We wou'd advise our friends to call early to select their wants for the season. We olfer at all times the most goods lor the least money. LEVY’S Hrc. June? i3 an Allijiu.-puiaii aa l tr uitb II. A. lids-’. Th'. 1 result D obvio lies Ini au'i prosperous. Nniitb ira'ie.s rise tv here, I be in oral toil can rejulily see; If you want to prosper trade with | 52. a asms. above belief: Mrs. Clifton, Misses Kate Griffin, Lula Linton, Cora Wal ker, May Henchman, Lilly Smith and O, Lord; and Messrs. Love Wilder, W, J.. |’,all, j. O. 15x11, j, L. Pringle, Kenna, C'adcr Parker, J. T. Curtriglit and E. M. Mallette, i "i tl,o li'lumphol’tin; people, not only unity of purpose, but unity of action, i- imperatively needed, the sooner this harmony is secured, the easier the accomplishment of the un dertaking will he achieved. Rvery day lost, strengthens the work of the enemy. up their average. Editor Triplett, and Seneca Burr, •!>., who have been enjoying the pleasures incident to the Georgia Press Association junketing in Florida and Cuba, returned yesterday, after a most pleasant trip. George II. Tilley who holds the position of treasurer and secretary of the rioutliern Express company ar rived last night to accompany his family who have been spending some time in the city, to New York. They leave to-day. THE E. T, VA. & GA., Ry. System I THE ON’I.V SHORT AND DIRECT LINE I To TIIE NORTH and EAST AM) THE RESORTS OF THE t'aroiinas, Tennessee and Virginia,] Pullman Finest Vestibule Sleepers Between Jacksonville and Cincinnati, Atlanta and Knoxville, Rome and Philadelphia, Knoxville and Cincinnati, Rome and Washington, Chattanooga and New York Without change. For further liitorrautlou jily to C. N. KNHiUT, A. O. 1*. Atlanta, 0’a. H W WRKXX lien 1 Fan. x K t. U T., V. a d. System | Kmxrille, Tenu. HOUSjE, hitchei.l;uo06S to