The Daily times-enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1889-1925, April 17, 1890, Image 2

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THE DAILY TIMES-ENTERPRISE. JOUNTRfrLETT, - - Editor. .*>. 1J. BURR, - Business Manager. THURSDAY, APR 11, IT, 1800. Daily Tiitxs-EiiTtnrmsii is published every morning (Monday excepted.) The 'Vkcklt Tixns-EsTr.nrmsr is published a very Saturday morning. Subscription Ratbs. Da,i.y TlMBS-EsTERPniSP, . . . W RKLY “ ... Daily Advisrtis no Ratkp. t'rniuient Rates.—$1.00 per square Tor tlic tirvt insertion, and r»0 rerts for c;v h Fill qtirni insertion. One Square, oue month, - - - • $ . r » One Squire, two months - - r - - R Dnu Squire, three month i, - - O',.- Square, six months, - - One Square, twelve moulds, - - Subject to change l>y special arranf -merit M. D. HITRR, ltunlnrxi .llnnnicr, PA r LT K N I»ATTERIXG S. FARMING NEWS. Raymonil Comes to Town and Has His Picture Taken-He Missed His Calling — Disastrous Fires. •20 00 They Will be True. Fid Lewis, otic ol the strongest Alliance men in the state, says: “If the Livingston gang intend to force Democratic Allianccmen choose between the Democratic party and the Alliance, so he it. Living ston cannot Tillmanize the Demo cratic party of Georgia.” We do not believe that the clear headed Alliancemen of Georgia will attempt to cripple or defeat the dera ocratic party. It has been their shield and protector, and they will not allow any order to sever their con nection with the only party in the South, which offers them protect^ against evils greater than any which confront them trom an economic stand point. The democrats of Geor gia, whatever'may happen, will stand together so long as they arc menaced with the problem of self preservation They cannot, they will not, go off af ter strange gods. The reasons which have made the entire South solid will solidify the democratic party of Georgia. And this means 99 per cent of the best clement in the state A Tribute to Mr. Randall. The Philadelphia Record, speaking of tho late lamented Samuel J. Ran' dnll, says: Sir. Randall was a horn leader of men. Strong, pushing, impetuous in his likes and dislikes, firm in his con Victions, unselfish and honest in his purposes,*he compelled the following of lesser men and attracted the com rndeship of his equals, lie knew no classes. The friends lie had, in what ever rank of life, he tied to him with hooks of steel. He was known of all familiarly as “Sam Randall." His distinguishing characteristics were his masterful manliness and unswerving integrity. There Were More. The Clerk of the Bon Air, Augus la’s new hotel, couuicd sixty million aires, not including himself, in the hotel lobby the other day. They were, probably, members of the Geor gia Press association, returning home from the Sunday bull fight in Ha vana. It turns out the six or seven hun dred millions in the U. S. treasury could be stolcu at any time. ' A dis patch from Washington, says: The treasurer, of the United States has asked the House committee on appropriations to put through the House immediately a special appro priation to enable him to strengthen the old treasury vaults, in which are deposits aggregating $1)00,000,000. He had experiments made recently, his suspicions having been aroused as to the security of the vaults, which are of a style twenty-five years old. His expert bored a hole through the vault wall in seventeen seconds, and made the hole largo enough to crawl through in seventeen minutes. Prac tically the contents of the vaults were .at his disposal, including 8250,000 in greenbacks in acorncrsix feet Equnre. The facts caused great excitement. The guards about the treasury lmvo been doubled. The thieves stand a ipighty good chance to get at the boodle anyhow, even alter the vaults arc strengthened. They will break in through the lobby which swarms in W ishington. McKinley is having a hard time with bis tariff bill. The republican party is having a hard time generally. The people are repudiating it in the East and West. The South never embraced it Patten, Ga., April loth, 1890. Eiiitoii Timks-Entmifmiisi: oo Encourngn a modest man and he vain; don’t encourage one and lie gets mad. Wc are aware of the fact that the less wc try to* dc ccivc people tin: more they will think of us. 'J'lie bulk of the cotton crop of this section is planted and it is a large one. Mr. E. C. Redfearn has G5 acres planted in cotton, J. M. Gandy 10. Wo also have some hog and hominy farmers, among whom wc mention Uncle Boh Redfearn, ho never fails. We had a very dis astrous forest fire in Ibis section ou the 10th inst. Mr. Dan Williams lost nearly are the fencing around his farm; others lost some but not so seriously. The farmers helped each other, however, and the damage was soon repaired. Wc arc needing rain badly in this section. The Quarterly meeting of the Greenfield circuit con venes with the Pleasant Grove M. E. Church, April 23rd. We extend a special invitation to the editor ns wc expect to retaliate when the S. Si. Convention meets in your city. Wc spent some pleasant hours in vour city last week. Wc don’t visit it often aud it builds up so fast that wc hardly know the place until we get up on Broad st, where wc can se.c the Mitchell House. Wc like to go to Thomasville any way. Her citizens arc not nil puffed up with pride, They don’t pass you walking at the rate, of five miles an hour and if you ask one for a bit of information about some one or something about town, he wont stare at you as if you were a heathen (Jhinamnn, qnd tell you to go to the city officials. No sir. The big monied men, men of influence, greet even the poor down trodden farmer with a pleasant smile nnd a genial good morning. We did not know that tho Times had moved; we saw the old sign still there, so walked in to settle with the editor for our subscription, before yvo saw the mistake. The gentleman in pointed over towards tho old jail, nnd before wc had time to seiche sign on the new Times-Enteki-risk building, wondered if (.’apt. Triplett had bought the old jail and transformed it into an cdilc rial den. But we soon saw the building. As we were walk ing down Jackson street wc decided Yvo’d put oil airs, and walk like city folks, hut wc forget and was soou dividing our time looking at the graud display of goods ou Levy’s corner, and the picture of Two old Grouics on a brick wall at our left. While thus engaged we stumbled, into a Photographers tent, nnd before wc could get up lie had taken our picture. (The next time yvc go to Tliomasville wc expect to see our- silvcs all dressed up aud ornament ing some public building ) When yvc got on the street again we Yvere con tented to lie our own rustic self. As wc stepped into the business office wc stood with Yvonder and admiration at the transformation around us. Tho editor was not in, but the young mnu that sits at the receipt of custom was, aud lie receipted us for our eubscrip tion. Wc asked him how he liked newspaper work. Well, you would I (ions not believe it, hut he burst into tears and said he did sigh to he on n farm. We did not question him further, seeing that the subject was a painful one. As we hade him good bye, nnd ishcil him a prosperous journey through life, wc fell to thiuking. What queer ideas some folks have, for instance here was the young man, all dressed up in broad cloth, his hands ns fair and tender as a womans, actually grieviug to get on a farm, plow a mustang nnd have ft bunch of razor-hacked hog., squealing after him at feeding time. He felt like lie could take any common piuc land and make a brilliant sucecss^i farm ing; while 1 yvun trying to farm and felt like I bail missed my calling. With juBt a little practice we thought that we’d have been a smarter lawyer than Bob Toombs ever dared to he, and a bigger liar than Bill Nye. c fairly loughed to fill that young tion .of knowing that in that brief space of time Yve had settled the race problem for ever; reunitedjjlhe north nnd south ; and made Geo. W. Peck look so little that you’d have to ad just your glasses to see him. Ever thine, Raymond. P. S.—The dwelling, kitchen and smoke house of Mr. Brinkly Gandy, who lives on the Airline Road, 2^ miles from Patten, was burned on the 12th inst. The fire caught from tho stove piping. The family were all present, hut could not extinguish the flames; most of the furniture, bedding, Ac., was saved, but many valuables in the way of souveniers and keep sakes, which cannot be replaced, were lost. Another, a new ly built tenant house, of Mr. Dun Vanns, on the Coffee road, 14 miles from Thomasville; nnd 3 miles from this place, was burned on the same day. Raymond. B. D. FUDGE, THOM ASVTLLE. GA., MATTINGS — dealer in- HAKDWAEE Stoves, Iron, Tin and Hollow Ware, King's l?j.t ids, andj agent for Powder Co. J.LBeyerly A Bro. A NICE ’ASSORTMENT IN STOCK. Call and examine for yourselves. -DEAI.FJtS’ IN San Francisco, April 15.—The steamer San Juan, from Panama, reports that the severest earthquake shock ever experienced on the isth mus since 1882, occurred there recent ly. The shock lasted five seconds. Columbus, Ga., April 15.— A. N. McDonald, manager of the bucket shop at Americus, was arrested in this city this morning at the instance of Mr. Hargiss, of Americus. BETTER THAN GOLD. RESTORED HER HEALTH. For 29 years I suffered from Isoils, erysipelas and other blood affections, tailing during that tirao great quantities of different medicines with out giTing mo any pcrceptlblo relief Friends forf iced mo to try 8. ». S. It improve* -on ' start, and after taking several >- '* <r . *d my health as far as I could hop.*; for a5 agr, which is now soveuty-flvo years. j. Mn». 9 M. Lucas, Bowling Green, Ky. ' TreJlLlae on Blood nnd Skin Dlw»*w» mailed frCO. - UVVIFT bPLClFl J CO . :'inta, Ga. LUMBER, Turned Work, Laths, Etc. MEIGS, GLA, Wanted—Everybody to write or see us before placing or ders for lumber. We still have thousands of feet of the Best Dry Lumber in South Georgia. We carry in stock and in large cjuan titles anything wanted in lumber, and are fully pre pared to furnish dressed and matched lumber, and in fact, in almost any shape desired. Mouldings turned and Scroll work done in best style. Jones. Smith. tiro. Jones is an Allianceman and trades with B. A. Bass^ The result is obvious— he's fat and prosperous. Smith trades elsewhere, the moral jou can readily see: If you want to prosper trade with B. A IS ASS. THOMASVILLE NATIONAL BANK, AYR*, A. T. McIntyre, rrunidiwt. Vice-President. ,Jah. A. HrAnimkv, Cashier. isrillo, Maw Albany ft Chicago Ry. Co. ffifl?» THE PEST and;most— Direct Route! ] aOM ALL PRINCIPAL POINTS IN THE SOUTH TO CHICAGO AND . THE NORTHWEST- . Wz through exprcAB trains daily, with Pull tjan Palace BuffotSlocpIng Cars by night, and Chair Cars by day, botwcou Cin cinnati and Chicago, Iudianapo Us and Chicago, and also be; twoon Louisville and; Chicago, where close con nections aro mndo for St. Paul, Fargo, Blsmark, I'oi load, Omaha, Kansas City, San Francisco and points Intermediate-- FW Fast Mail .•onvlng Louisville, Dallyoxcopt Sunday, at 7*83a. m. Cincinnati!, Daily,oxceptSunday, At • :45. Arriving at Chicago at C :55. The mbst rapid servlco ever attempted do twee a the Great Commercial Cities on the Ohio IUvor and Chicago. gf' -hrough Coupon Tickets, Bnggngo chock ed to destination, aud your safoty and com fort provided for, aro among the points that have mado the MORTORT ROUTE Universally aud dosorvcdly popular. H B. CARSON, Vico-pros't and Gon'l Mgr . 3. A cDOEL, Gen'l Traffic Manager, E. BARKER, Gen Pass Agt. It r V. CLADING. Passenger and Freight Agt. 158 Broad St.. ThomnsvlUo Ga. MATTINGS Pretty Patterns in Stock. SMYRNA RUGS. A few more of those 45c Holland Shades, 7 feet long on spring* rollers. Call and make your selection before they are all gone. WHAT IS CARBOLINEUM AVENARIUS? [Registered] It Is a Wood nnd Htone Preserving Com pound Oil Stain, applied with an ordinary It Is guaranteed to preservo any kind o. wood, above or under tho ground or water, for at least fifteen years, and keep oil’nil kinds of insects. It is used by tho U. S. and almost all foreign Governments5 Telegraph, Telephone, Rallrond, nnd other largo Corporations, as well ns All Real Estate* Owners, where it Is kept, for snle. For further Infonnntlon anti CtFOTNluni ulcusc address or call on L F. Thompson & Go. ItTZETW 0-00103 —AT— Capital Surplus $100,000. A general banking business. Collec- have prompt attention. NEW Auction and Commission House. C. & A. T. SNODGRASS Have- opened at the old Bank stand on Jack- soil street, where they will receive all con signments, and give personal and prompt attention. Having secured the services ol a popular Auctioneer, persons having goods to dispose of will do well to sec it,. Wc will sell at nny place in Tliomasville. Liberal advances made on non perishable consign ments for thirty days. Auction at store on Saturdays nnd Wednesdays. 2m Established 18Gj. John H. Newton, COMMISSION MERCHANT, w mans position three hours, and write one editorial, and have the satisfac- .111 Washington St., formerly 18:i Read St., New York, - Y. Y. The above old established and responsi- blchousc solicits eoosignmc ts of Fruit and Truck. Returns made promptly. The fi nancial standing of the house affording ab solute security to, growers. Prices tele, graphed daily to Reese k Eason, where JIARKINC PLATES AXD I.XFORMATIOX may be had. ' d&w-lm RBONATED WITH— u. SCKmDTS. NATURALGAS Imported from the Mineral Springs on tho Rhine, Ger ms ny, on draught at SCHMIDT’S. DRINK Glen Springs Come and Examine our Stock of Sateens, Ghallies, ' Ginghams Batiste, Lawns, and Percais. ALSO OUR IMMENSE STOCK OF "White GroocLs. Wc call special attention to otir JOI! LOT of WHITE GOODS for twelve aud a half cents; they are equal to any sold for twenty cents. Como and look for yourself. * . LjOoTsl! Look! .‘Look. I " Our New Spring Clothing is here. Now remember that the entire stock is new, and will be sold as cheap as possible. L. STBYERMAN $ BRO. THE SLEEPL IT Real Estate Agent THOMASVILLE, GA. Bite over^Keid li filji'fffn Dm; Slow, Broad St parties, all kinds ot town or country real. estate and have on my list a good assess ments! both kinds. Strict and close atten- > llon t0 t,ic lmsincM n il1 Lc my Mm, and I Min©r8jl lAt S/tOX* * RespectSolicit a t hare of the business ot Foj the Liver F01 sale at.