The Daily times-enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1889-1925, April 18, 1890, Image 4

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Leave Wnyeru** Leave Je»up . . . Arrive Macon . . . Leave Macon . . . Arrive Atlanta ■ ■ Leave Atlanta. . Arrive Rome . . . Arrive Clinttammt Arrive Knoxville Arrive Lnulflvllic. Arrive Cincinnati. Pullman Buffet Cars Cincinnati to Jacksonville Both Trains. 1 I I NEVER I n BEEN [KNOWN .701 STAIR B3UILDING AKI) INSIDE HARDWOOD FINISH SPECIALTY. ■ Clc G bMgiven un!v«r* satisfaction in tkt Jl to 6 cure of Gor.jrrhcea an* PjjjStSsuSi. 1 * « 1 prescribe it and f Icolsafelnrecommtnd- Inc It to all suffsrsra. *• STOXEB, U. IClnclnniUj^, * D.citor, IN. PRICK, 81.00. BjW iy «•• J.D. C'lUWli, ThomiMTlIlr, Ga. pgy-UO'lRK L’JA.IKn’ GEORGIA—'Thomas County. AU parties having claims against the cs talc ol II. U. Butler, late of Thomas county . deceased, are hereby required to file the Mue.e, in terms ol the law, and those indebt ed to said estate to make immediate pay ment. F. II. BUTLER, Administrator. ThOOMfUl*. Ga., April 14, ’90-304 EMORY rendering enred. Bonks learned ' mailing. Testimonials from all of too globo. Proapcctua POST »*n| on application to Prof, istta, 837 Fifth Are. New York. LIPPiYIAIi BRC^. WHOLESALE XV lippman Block, I... - J 'immmrn UASY TO INCITE, DIFFICULT TO DISPATCH. “The mm lit the Arena.’’ The indiscretions of Youth and Age alike easily poison t! o blood, hut it is not SOthsily cleansed. Rheumatism, Scrofula, Syphilis, Catarrh. Kidney and Hladdcf Troubles can be cured by the use of WooWritige's IVeaticrfd'i'jire. when your pos- .ssions have teen ! . a- d tc a s h e s m: .’o in great eom- vmg i tne jv dream tho other night tw a prize-lighters* ring, and i It atood u doughty little ii-f. and deliberately knocked •. a aeon: or more of big, Mows. MR they advanced to i:s it.j f!»• *y were in sire, tho •veil m■»»•■■» than n match for r-> funny that Jcnks woko nw.mnta for tho dream by imm] buny-lookin;. fiio nttuck. Cl valiant liigmy j them. It was ; •sip laughing. I Certiucato of m. H. Bfandrord, Associate Justiuo cl Ci I have been a great sufferer for a number of years from I ire Insurance Go. iLiOnrDonr. WTAALISHEI') 1710. the fact that I. • had j Pinn, after try lie:- lie nst come to tho oonclu- irl.v < very big. drastic that. Pierce’s Pleasant r tiny Sugar - coated >ck out” mid beat all They are the original have Buffered from a general letting down of the systei bottles of your medicine, with marvelous results, and c Purgative !*: Granules, e:i* the big pills I and only gem Buffering from these complaint May 15, 1SS9. iver Pills. diich contain Pol- ask for Dr. Pierce’s Sugar-coated Pills, W. \ v. C. lor sale by all druggists. Wonderful Cure Co., Columbus, G- iuanu l.itff One a Dose. mhmmml IV UiUn-.n Ilond n ell o 9 /Jfs S>1 ••.iiiohn, CoiiKtipa* ft Vt/ /Wk ( J 'on. fr.diffcatioiiy Bil« IV \SeMJeP ‘<m < At luck a, and all de yr* w.’A*; r.nigemei'ts of tho stomach ^ mm XrSP* and bowels, are promptly ”** relieved and permanently cured by tho use of Dr. Pierce's Ploasani Purgative Pellet*. They ar* gently laxative, or stroigflf cathartic, wording to si//* nf dose. SrnnSR, Cheapest, fSaslest to Like. ->cents a vial, by druggists. INVESTORS l< L\ A I, CARDS. STATEMENl ip M Mol.VTOSH, Physician c& Surgeon, Thomosvillo, Georgia. ^-OFFICE over Stark’s, corner Broad and Fletcher Streets. ti sauted &<aU»KfSraiiclt. JANUARY 1, 1890. ' , yTqJf W. ISIIUCJf, M. D. ! Office, up-stairs. ATLANTA, CHATTANOOGA, KNOXVILLE, CINCINNATI, LOUISVILLE, ASHEVILLE, PBBR.TJAB.Y 0. 1890. ASSISTS : 1 niti d iSialc.j Ponds, - 5086,060.00 [ymU and Mortgages on ^ 11, t.-her strict*. nuf TAKE NOTICE. i-y in;.'* uiiu mortgages on ^ N. Y. City Real Etate, 0/8,000 00 i usli iii office and Batik# 245,715.65 Cadi in Agents’ hanchs, 221,509.16 iu III Estate, 149,750.23 Ini; rest due ami accrued, 25,290.01 8:00 p.m. SI 956,331.05 Jack LIAIllMTIKH. iji>[ ;<i*l losses, 8124,820.49' Reserve for Re-Insurance, 961,322.08 All other liabilities, 52,578 00 Apply to Ticket Agents throughout Horlua or FRANK M. JOLLY, District PnsRonger Agent No. 75 West Buy St., Jackson villi', Fla. C. N. KIGIIT, B. W. WRENN, Asst. Gon’l PnnH. Act. Gen’l Passonger Agent, Atlanta, Ga. Knoxville, Te.nn. 81,138,721.17 $817,609.88; Surplus, McDonald Dots. Our farmers have been a little s'o>v (.•riling in their crops, notwithslat’d'nu I Ihe'i^rl that we have had no r.i n *1 sprit* 10 retard their progress. The soil was, for a king while, at the firs’ of 1 lie season, loo dry and hard to plow, so they were late getting ready to begin planting. On last Saturday the dwelling ol ihe venciable Mr Brinkley Gandv was burned, together with his smoke house nod ail Ins store of provisions. From the dwelling only the bed cloth ing and wearing apparel were saved. 'I lie congregation of Lebanon cl.iir. Ii, on Sunday, made a liberal contribution in aid of the dtstriss-.d aid the immediate n iglibors met on Monday to build another house. Miss Sallie Reddick, of M orven, u the guest of lur .sister, Mrs I). I) Peacock, and Miss Seta Dallas of her ststtr at rs. \V. L Adams. The vicinity ol McDonald has surely bten doing its share to wards swelling the nex’ census. It may no' generally he known that within attending distance 1 f McDonald, the c .arc three schools, each with an attendance of between fony and sixty pupils. McDonald would he a fine place to locate a high school. l’eaccck and Rcnlroe have learned that it is best first to he sure of a supply of vatcr and then locate a st-am saw mill. They hope, however, to be ready at the new location to fill orders in their line by the tenth of May. The people in our vicinity .and a along the line seem to be more inter ested in defending themselves against the injury possible to be done them than in securing either the road itsel or the benefits possible to be received from the operation of the railroad now proposed to be built by the Quitman Lumber Company. Mac NEW Auction and Commission House C. & A. T. SNODGRASS Have opened at the ohl Bank stand sun street, where they will reeeiv^ ?iffiimcnt5, and .give personal and prompt attention. Having secured the services of: popular Auctioneer, persons having good: to dispose of will do well to sec us. Wc will sell at any place in Thomasville. Liberal advances mode on non perishable consign ments for thirty days. Auction nt Ftorc on Saturdays and Wednesdays. Established 18G.\ John H. Newton COMMISSION MERCHANT, all Washington St., formerly 18.1 Read t?t. ; It. Y. New York, Tlic above old established and responsi- bleliousc solicits consignmc ts of Fruit and Track. Returns made promptly. The f: nancial etvnding of the bouse affording ab solute security to growers. Prices tele graphed daily to Reese k Eason, where MARKING PLATES AND INFORMATION mr,v b* bad. d&w-jai THOMASV1LLE NATIONAL BANK, 8. L.;iu ykm. A. T. McIntykk, Vice-lTe»id< nt on, Cashier. $100,001). A general hanging business. Collec tions have prompt attention. THE GEORGIA HEDGE COMPANY. Merits'of ourlHedg?. It is the cheapest (cnee. It is mcSt durable. It is not affected by tire, wind or flood. It has no posts to rot. Stock can not rub it down. It protects itself. It stop trespassers and hunters. It can not be carried away for fire woo 1. It takes but little room. You can cultivate close to it. No weeds to \^kept out of the comers. It lasts for iterations. You cever lay out one cent for material to repair it. It’s ornamental to any farm. It is mule high, bull strong and pig tight. Parties desiring more information regard- log the Hedge Fence can call on or address Copt. B. II Mariott, Hotel Masury, James K. Perry, Stuart House or Ben F. Dodson, Hotel Wbiddon. t ’85-uyj N. G.TULLISjIVLIX l!”guhir I’laclitioiiur. Special Treatment to Throat £ond Lungs ith Oxygen. streets, OFFICE—Cor. Ma'llson and Jeffersi THO.MASV1LLK, GA. HOURS—10 to li» A. M. ard 2 to 4 P, (/flico lit Hi,yes Duililina u«r College avenue and Mn»* nunloatlon, No. 2'» tot night fkAsldonco — Coi L<»lla e t root. Tjlephoao c. mi ^ T. TAYLOR, M. IL, PHYSICIAN AND Sl'IIGLON, Office over Rciil & CuliK’iipcrVl'liom- asville, (!*._ J)li. JOEL F3. COYLE . IkEHTlST THOMASVILLE, GEORGIA OFFIt’R. Broad St., over Pickett’s.’ J If. COYLE, D. d. s., Resident Dentist, W. 1). MITCH KLI., It. (J. .MITCHELL “Aif ITCIIELL & MITCHELL, Attomeys-at-Law, Thomasville. • Ooorgla. For the next 20 days I will offer some fine bargains in Town Lots and Suburban property This is no idle talk I mean business square up. There never was a more favorable time in the history oi Thomasville to in vest than right now. Call and get a bargain. LATO IN 1 A ICE v COMPANY ICE MADE FROM DEED AVEI.L WATER, CHEMICALLY l’URF. DELIVERED ANYWHERE IN THE CITY. OWE ORDERS TO WAGONS AND MAIL DIRECT SUislofe. Painless io Use, Cannor Gausn imm I'acme- i, : J A-,;OG' P°3iri i"" r '• ■\ ti «'Q g iDAYSg^':-'^: Price, JL. lieldbya Slain sadase T?itis J'r' rxco.M K. L'a. ii I’remiutiis rec’d, 81,211,377.00 I ii tercet received, 72,791.75 ' 81 284,108.75 Dr-s-es Raid, All oilier expenses. nXt’KXDITl'RES. 8795,100.50 417,305.10 81.212,405.66 Excces of income over ex penditures, 871,763.09 TRUSTEES IN UNITED STATES.. McLENDON, Attorncy-at-Law, Tuoiuasvllle, ... Georgia. given to all business en- REAL ESTATE 158 Broad St. ThoiuaMTille, • da. rompt nttent usted to him. Office—Over Watt’^store, corner Broad and hacksonst recta. W. C. SNODGIt.vsS B. F. HAWKINS. NODGRASS & HAWKINS, S' At torn ey s-at-La w. i Forinerly.oocupliHl by Enterprlaejor N. S. Eaves, ' and BUILDER. Thomaavlllo, Oeorgla, 1 will bo glad to nmko contracts (oi the construction of all cIhhhch of buildings, pub lic ami private, lu either brick or wood. I will guarantee In ovory instance to give satisfaction. Benign* and plans drawn and careful estimates made. My Mottu—Good, honest work at fair prices. If you want Any building done call on rue. I will submit estimates whether contract Is awardell mo or not. 1 refer to the many public buildings erected by me In Tlmaevllle and elsewhere, and all parties r e bom I have worked W. S. KEIFER, MAMttER, Gkoiiue D. Moikiax, Chairman. IIkxiev M. Ai.kxandeii, John J. McCook. Thoniaavillc Variety WORKS. Reynolils, Hargrave & Davis, Piop’is Manufacturers and “ J. J. Guile. Agency Dept., Mounts Fkankli.v. Secietafv Metropolitan Dept., J. J. PlIKCEI.I.. A-'istant Secretary. W. F. Binoham. KOUGllI At DREED ‘LUMBER. h ATI IKS, PICKETS, SHINGLES, •J0ULD1NGS, BRACKETS, SCROLL WORK, MANTLES, BALUSTERS, STAIR-RAILS N c wcl Posts, OFFICE, CHURCH & STORE Furniture. STORM FRONTS. Wire Screen Hours and Windows, Doors and Blinds lanugci -----• .ixbiaaci] i I 1 Agent, Thomasville, - Ga.