The Daily times-enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1889-1925, April 25, 1890, Image 4

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*’8the Use? the New York Wcrld. What's the use o’ weltin' till a fellir’s dead 'nd gone before bia better qualities jou mention ? Of lettin’ him go all through life without a cheerin’ word, 'nd showin’ his remains remarked attention ? . t Of pastin' by n dozen men, hard-workin , sober, poor, ’nd like as not discouraged half tu death, Tn help n drunken loafer constitutionally tired, Extremely weak in principle ’nd mighty strong of breath? What's the use o' practicin' economy «t hum, 'nd settin’ up the drinks down town with all the hoys ? Of cuttin' down your grocer's bill 'nd fillm up the slate of some Teutonic dealer in amber colored joys .’ What’s the use o' tliinkin that folks wont size y' up for whot y’ really are, no mat ter what y' claim ? Or that you're got a cunnin’trick that ot icr fellows hnin’t, and so arc good deal sharper in life's game? What’s the use o' snyin’ that the world owes y' a livin' nnd settin' down ’nd waitin’ for yer pay 7 Or calculatin’ rrovidcncc 'll rain down bread an’butter, 'nd nil yo’ll have tn do'll he tu grab 'nd ent away ? What's the use o' talkin' religin tu a man who's had a deacon sock it tn hint in n trade? Or tliinkin' that a minister can preach a well when lie is livin’ on faith diimplin s ’nd missionary aid? ’Nd What's the use o’ tliinkin' that when we come tu die, sumhow, by hook or crook we’ll enter heaven, When all through lile the most: ot us ha c traveled t'other way—I ruthcr gue.s 'boot six days outer seven. Wilmam Edwabii Pnxxtt. BE HUHCDED WITH snEItlttAl* TO TI3E SEA| Trudged nIMlie way on foot, over mountain nlfl inenas lIKMigTii lit nuuiu Ht;»vi »vwiv.. Lingering with Plow consumption for many ycara, he saw I)r. Pierce's CJolaen Medical Dis covery advertised in n country newspaper, and ho determined to try it. A few bottles worked a chance: six months’ continued use cured him. Always too independent to ask his country for n tension, he now sayB he needs none. Ho hcl|><’d save his country, ne saved himself! Consumption,is Lung-scror- ula. For scrofula, iti nil its myriad forms, the ‘•Discovery” is an lUKHumlwl remedy. It •cleanses the system of all blood-taints from 'guaranteed ma, ana Kinarcu auincnus. to benefit or cure in all diseases for which it V recommended, or money paid for it wui be refunded. Sold by druggists. Copyright, 188*, by WORLD’S IMS. M*D. ASS'H. DR. SAGE'S CATARRH REMEDY cures the worst cases, no matter of now long Standing. 50 cents, by druggists. professional cards. A Genuine Republican. _ M McI NTOSH, Sitting Bull is one of the Sioux Iu- A . dtnus who dislikes to work and is in p]iysici»H «& Surge©** favor of the government taking care Thomasville, Georpria. If hTm Sitting Bull would make a (^OFFICE over Stark’., corner Broad and Ot him. raiuiufe A.UI I I . lctclier strcei8. first-class republican.—New Orleans States. Fletcher Streets. w. \v. BRUCE, M. D. One Who Fell by the Way. History keeps on repeating itself. Office, up-stairs. The wayfarer fills among the thieves • with astonishing regularity, ^ 'he i XULLIS/M. D. few and the Levi and the good Sama- . va . / itan go through h.s pockets to sec if | Regular I tact,lionet. Cot nor rl Broad t lctcber streets. [au, the thieves have left anything.—Hous ton Post. Special Treatment to Throat aud Lungs ritfa Ox> According to accepted tables for moitality the last survivor of the war of the Union will expire between 1840 and 1830. It is Senator Ingall’s cal culation that by ihat time a grateful couniry will have spent 84,000,000 in pensions. - OFFICE—Cor. Madison and .Jefferson streets, THOMASVILLE, GA- HOURS—10 to 12 A. M. and 2 to 4 1*. M. s. DEKLK, M. D., Office ill Hayes Building Read whstW.W.C. has dono tor Ex-Governor J. IB. Smith . and'have^tricT^i^myynrfaof medteinea recomm«i(jM by phyfliciaiiflmi^othortro^hia^sj^^ great faith in its use, ami believe it {areeommended by vour company. Columbus, Oa., Juno 7, J88J. W W C. for sale by all druggists. Manufactured by WooldridjO ® Wonderful Cur© Co., Columbus. Ga. 9 FAST TRAINS ATLANTA, CHATTANOOCA, KNOXVILLE, CINCINNATI, LOUISVILLE, ASHEVILLE, FBSILTJAH.Y Op 1800. Residence—Corner College avenue and Mag Q T«d/phcmo commualoatlon, No. 25 for night 11a . Cottonseed Oil Mills We are making various sizes from th Plantation Mills of 5 tons to the large city mill ol 50 tons per day. Our mills have all the latest improvements in machinery, and produce the very best results. Send tor circular. Oardwo-l Machinery Co., Richmond* Vo. ^ T. TAYLOR, M. D., PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Office over Rei.l & Culpepper’s,Thom asville, Ga. J)R. JOEL B. COYLE. DENTIST THOMASVILLE, GEORGIA OFFICE. Broad St., over Pickett’s. PW IDILV^ WlTHOU 1 ^ PAIN. II. COYLE, D. D. S., Resident Dentist, UPPMAN bnoi ORUSSlSYS Part'd SAVANNAH. C-A Established 18G5. Thomasville, * Georgia. Offers his services to tn citizens of Thom* asvillo and vicinity. , Office hours—From u a. m. to 1 p. m., ana from2 to B p. m Office—On Jackson street. L. A. DREYER, auctioneer,will sell on Saturday, 1 the 26th instant, on Watt’s Corner, to the highest bidder, one second hanc. two horse wagon and one 2nd hanc. twb-seated, exten- sioh top surrey. Any one want ing property of this sort had better be on hand at twelve o’clock sharp. JohnH. Newton, | COMMISSION MERCHANT, W. D. MITCHELL,! R. 0. MITCHELL J^ITCIIELL & MITCHELL, L. A, DREYER, 311 Waihington St., formerly 183 Read St., HewYork, - N. Y. The above old established and responsi- bleh ouse solicits consignme ts of Fruit and Truck. Returns made promptly. The fi nancial standing of the house affording ab-, solute security to growers. Prices tele graphed daily to Reese & Eason, where MARKING PLATES AXD^l.AFORlIAtlOS Bay he had. diwtm Attorneys-at-Law, Thomaavllle, • Georgia. Auctioneer. g ij. McLENDON, Attorney-at-Law, Tliomasvllle, - .- Georgia. Prompt attention glveu to all. business en- a *0(BceioTcr Watt's store, corner Brood and haclcsonstrccts. THOMASVILLE NATIONAL BANK, I W. C. SNODGRASS B.|F. HAWKINS. gNODGRASS & HAWKINS, Attorneys-at-Law. a. r*llavra, £371 A. T. McI.vttbb, President. Vice-President. Jab. A. HbAN'DON, Cashier. omoc ("VFormerly.oecupled by Enterprise of- flees Capital • $i00,000. Surplus • 2? N. S. Eaves, | CONTRACTOR and BUILDER. '.ThomsaviHe, Ocorgltts from any other. 1 have diseases in which its x JAMES M. SMITH. Fire Insurance Co. THE RUNS Lrave Jacksonville - Leave WaareroM • Leave Jcsup Arrive Macon Leave Mneon Arrive Atlpnto Leave Atlanta. . • • Arrive Route Arrive ChottanooffR • 8:00 p.m.. . . 11:40 p.m.. . 0il5o.m. . . 10:40 a.m. . 0:15 n.m.. . Arrive Arrive Knoxville g®J Arrive Louisville. - - Arrive Cincinnati • Pullman Buffet Csra otuulunMI to Jaolc.onvIUo on AMTmTkETA^mrThmglout Florida otto Fast Trains with Pullman Vcstibulcil Drawing Room sleepers. Dining cars and coacheslof latest design, lictwcen Cliicago nnd Milwaukee nnd St. Paul and Minneapolis. Fast Trains with Vostihuled Drawing Room sleepers dining cars coaclics of tlic latest design between Chicago and Mtlwaukooand Ashland and Duluth. .... , „ Through Pullman Vostlbulo Drawing Room and Colonist, Sleeps via the Northern 1 acme Railroad between Chicago and Portland, Ore. atlroad between Chicago and 1 ortianu, uro. Convenient Trains to and from Eastern, west ern, Northern nnd Central Wisconsin points, affording unequalled service to and from Wau kesha, Fond du Lsc, Oahkosh, Neenah, Men- asha. Chippewa Fulls, Eau Claire, Hurley, Mis., and Ironwood and Bessemer, Mich. For tickets, sleeping car reservation, tlmo tables and other information, apply to Agents of the line, or to tlckot Agents anywhere in the C 't»r ,,a ' H- C,BARLOW General Mamgen ECKS&mV * ' Ass’t Gcn’l l'ass'r and Tkt. Agent. IllILWAUKIE, WIS, United States Branch. JANUARY 1, 1890. FRANK Gen’r PaR8en«er ICnoxvillb, Txax. latojn 1^ CE C0IV1PANY ICE MADE FROM DEEl’ WELL WATER, CHEMICALLY PURE. ASSETS : United States Bonds, - 8636,060.00 Bonds and Mortgages on N. Y. City Real Etate, 678,000.00 Cush in office and Bank, 245,716.65 Cash in Agents’ hands, 221,509.16 Real Estate, a. Interest due aud accrued, 25,290.01 LIABILITIES. Unpaid losses, Reserve for Re-Insurance, 061,322.68 All other liabilities, 52,578 00 DELIVERED Cannot Cause Stricture. Painless to Use. ANYWHERE IN THE CITY GIVE ORDERS TO WAGONS AND MAIL DIRECT ITO w. S. KEIFER, JIASAGEK, Thomasville Yarietj - WORKS. Prlco, 8L, fioldbyallDrnesIsts. Sonlla Blaln package with Rutter Syringe for $1.60 Reynolds, Hargrave & Davis, Prop’rs* Manufacturers and Dealers ROUGH & DREED lumber. LATHES, PICKETS, SHINGLES, .JOULD1NGS, brackets, SCROLL WORK, MANTLES, BALUSTERS, STAIR-RAILS I rid Chronic JMt Inv-J A general banking business. Collec tions nave prompt attention. i I will be glad to make contracts fot the construction of all classes of buildings, pub lic and private, In either brick or wood. NEW Auction and. Commission House. C. & A. T. SNODGRASS lc and private, In either brick or wood. | I will guarantee In every Instance to give satisfaction. Designs and plans drawn I and careful estimates mado. I my motto—Good, honest work at lair prices. If you want any building dona call on me. I will submit estimates whether contract to award* na or not. I refer to contract is awwucu . - **— r x bom I have workad * lift?c opened oi tlic old Dank stand on Jack-1 ton street, where they will receive all con- •ignments, and give personal and prompt I attention. Haring secured the services ot a popular Auctioneer, persons haring goods to iispote t ' 1 " ’ sr.-ntl ftuuiuiuvi, e—" I wui.|a»e of will do well to see us. We will tell at any place In Thomasrille. Liberal I •drancee made on non perishable coniign- ats for thirty days. Aoctlon at store on | Ats and Wedatsdayt. 2m I Big O has siren onlrst" ■ sal satisfaction to the 1 cure of Oonorrhcsa end I Gleet. I prescribe Real fed safe Inrccommsad* Ing It to all Bufftrara. M A. J. STOHKB, Oe Dsciteff Wo PRICE, 81.«*. Gold by <m jf.S. CaaaeU, Thomasrille, On. N e vvel Rosts, OFFICE, CHURCH & STORE Furniture. STORE FRONTS, ssr.truIUlos.pth..n«m rywij^ K ... a nrtAM Anri VV r indo\vS. fc’flS |gj^^jmpur»e«nJmotMlMtoroen« Wira Screen Doors and \N indows, Doors and Dlinds STAIR BUILDING and inside hardwood finish SPECIALTY. OF BONBON. EST A ALISHER 1710. STATEMENT 81,956,331.05. Surplus, 81,138,721.17 $817,609.88 income. Cash Premiums rec’d, $1,211,377.00 Interest received, 72,791.7o 81,284,168.75 expenditures. Losses Paid, in All other expenses, 417,305.10 81,212,405.66 "-assr*"'- TRUSTEES IN UNITED STATES. Managor, George D. Morgan, Chairman 1Ienrv-M. Alexander, John J. McCook. J. J. Guile. Secretary AgciicjrDopt., Morris Franki.i*.- Secretary Metropolitan Dept., . J. J. Purcell. Assistant Secretary, . F. Bingiiam. E, 1. Mate Agent, i Thomasville, - Ga iin an blood ClOMBillg |cp-cORRESPONDENCE SOL EMORY UP ^MS 8 DtSS?^t. ,or8 ’ Uppman Block. SAVANNAH, QA.