The Daily times-enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1889-1925, May 03, 1890, Image 2

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Nancy Hancock for herself and her minor children Phil lip Hancock an I Mollie Hancock. Action for the remoral of Trustee etc. $5 00 , 1 00 Dailt Advsbtis;xo Rates. Transient Rates.—$1.00 per square for the first insertion, and 50 cents for ea :h subse quent insertion. Oue Square, one month, - - - - $ 5 00 Ono Squaro, two months - - - - 8 00 One Square, three month l, - - • 12 00 One Square, six months, - - - - 20 00 duo Square, twelve months, - - - 35 00 Subject to change by special arrang ement, H. B. BUBO, Business Mnnngcr. The Georgia Bar Association will meet in Augusta on the 15th inst. And the Southern Cadets will not go to Kansas City. The Atlanta Rifles will make some company hus tle for the big prize. We hope the boys will bring it back to Georgia. Judge Hilton, of New York, has had Messrs. Pulitzer, Cockrell and others ol the W orld, indicted for libel. l'he World has been going for Hilton in reference ta his management of the Stuart estate. That will be an edifying spectacle to see Ingalls counting a quorum of senators, a la Reed, whenever the re publicans of that august body wishes to push a measure through. The old land marks of that body are fast being obliterated. Mr. W. P. Patillo, ol Atlanta, offers to be one of one hundred men to give $5,000 as an endowment fund for the State Unversity. It is thought that the alumni of that institution will go to work and raise the needed money. It should be done. Do You Know Where it is ? Adjutant General Kell has received the following letter: Annawan, III., April 28, 1890.— Adjutant General State of Georgia, Atlanta, Ga, Sir: I have the honor to ask the following favor of you : At the battle of Kennesaw Mountain, June 27th, 1864, we lost our colors, the 27th Illinois Infantry. We think they fell into the hands of Tennessee or Georgia troops, and are very de sirous of securing .them again. At our regimental reunion, at Dunry, re cently, it was decided to try and re cover it. Have you any information about it ? The governor of Tennessee is publishing the inquiry in all the papers of the state. I think the fol lowing on the flag is correct: “Pre sented to the 27th Illinois Regiment by Brigadier-General U. B. Buford.” Our association will feel very grateful to you if you will help us in this mat ter. I'- was a silk flag much worn. Yours truly I. G. Heaps. Pass this around, gentlemen of the press. If the flag is in existence will be returned to the boys in blue who bore it. FUDGE, M. T. Hancock, Trustee etc.J To the defendant, M. T. Hancock, Trustee etc., you are required to be and appear at Thomas Superior Court Southern Judicial Circuit State of Georgia at chambers on the 1st day of July 1890, to show cause if any, why the petition of Plaintiff's in the above stated case should not be granted as prayed for. Witness the Hon. A. H. Hassell, Judge of said Court. J. W. Groover, C. S. C. T. C. Ga- THOMASVILI.E, GA.. DEALER IN HARD-WARE Stoves, Iron, GEORGIA—Thomas County. Ordinary’s Office, April 28th, 1890. S. L. Hayes, Executor of the last will and testament of S. S. Adams, deceased, late of said county, has applied to me for leave to sell the land belonging to the estate of said deceased, and I will pass upon said applica tion at my office on the first Monday in June next. Jos. S. Merrill, Ordinary. GEORGIA—Thomas County. A. T. MacIntyre jr., has in due form ap plied to the undersigned for permanent let ters of administration on the estate of Mrs. Bnrbnry Thomas, late of said county, deceas ed, and I will pass upon said application on the first Monday in June next (1890). Jos. S. Merrill, Ordinary. Tin and Hollow Ware, eons and Sjortii Goods of nil kinds, and] agent for King’s Powder Co YOUR EATABLES BY BUYING n l2pt <J6m J. L. Beverly & Br-o & V The Women?, Press Club, of Geor gia, Mrs. E. T. Byington, president held their first meeting in ColQmbus this week. And champagne flowed Now if it had beer the Georgia press association, been, or something stron ger, would have trickled. Harrison’s tools in Florida are going to give the people of that State trouble. This is just what the repub licans want. They hope to provoke outbreaks, and then raise a howl at the North about the Southern rebels. It appears that the Louisiana press is letting up on the lottery business. The offer of the company to pay the state twelve million of dollars for the privilege of running the lottery for an additional twenty years, is a very tempting one. But the state should spurn it. The Constitution says: It was te served for the federal supreme court to deal prohibition the deadliest blow it has ever received. Chief-Justice Fuller’s decision that a dealer in a prohibition state may import liquor and sell it in its original package, even if these packages are as small as a single flask, completely smashes the prohibitory system ol such states as Maine and Iowa. The only way to establish complete prohibition, any where in this country, is to secure con gressional legislation that wilt make it 'effective, and it is not likely that congress will be on that line for a long time to come. A Big Rally. The democrats of Florida will show Harrison and his base tools in that state what they think of them at the coming election. The Times-Umon says: “Right now is the time to begin the work of rebuke. It is the duty of the democracy of Florida to roll up such a majority at the coming November election that the announcement of it next morning will be like the bursting of a bomb-shell in the administration camp. Any falling off this year from the majority of 1888 will be seized upon by the administration and its organs as a vindication of its oppres sively partisan district court, and of its Florida policy in general. The demo cracy cannot afford this. It must be aroused to action at once and roust put on its campaign armour for a long, bard fight for a majority of 16,• 000 for the state officers, and double |lwt of 18W foe its congressional can didates.” Looting the Treasury. All alarm about the surplus m the treasury is disappearing: the republi cans are solving the problem. The passage, yesterday, of the pension service bill adds $45,000, to the pen sion roll, and increased the annual expenses of the department fifty mil lions of dollar-i. And the bill was rushed and railroaded through the house, after a brief three hours debate. Reed rules. The hill authorizes the Secretary of the Interior to place on the pension roll the name of any officer or enlisted man of 60 years of age or over, or who shall hereafter reach that age, who served ninety days or more in the army, navy or marine corps of the United States during the late war, and shall have received an honorable dis charge therefrom, said pension to continue from the date of application therefor, and to continue during the life of said enlisted man, at the rate of $8 per month. It also provides for a pension to the widow of any soldier when she shall he without other means of sup port than her daily labor. ■ ^ «•» — Profanity in Congress. “Washington, April 30.—Blind Chaplain Miiburn has heard a great deal of profanity on the floor and per haps a little in the chair during the trying times of this winter. Conse quently he prayed specially to day in the House that members might be less profane, The members rather resent this. Speaker Reed is quoted as saying that Chaplain Miiburn can tell the lord all the news better than any other man he ever heard pray.” Suppose they copy the ordinance in vogue in Dcs Moines (la.) and fine congressmen for swearing. The mouant might be covered into the treasury and then paid out as pension money. No use for building new vaults for the money in the federal treasury, the pension bills passed aud pending in congress, will get away with it. That was the biggest strike record, when one million of mechanics threw down their tools yesterday in Austria. GEORGIA—Tliomas County. Ordinary’s Office, April 28tli, 1890. Bessie Manning has applied to me Tor let ters ol administration on the estate of Wil liam Murphy, deceased, late of said county, to issue to It. B. Mardre, Public Adraisistra- tor of said county, and I will pass upon said application at my office on the first Monday in June next. Jos, S. Meuuill, Ordinary. Roxie Carter I Libel for divorce in Thom- vs las Superior Court April Wm. Carter J Term 1890. It appearing to the court by return of the sheriff that the defendant is not to be found in the county, and it further appearing that he resides out of the State. It is hereby or dered that service of this writ he perfected by publication as required by law. A. H. Hassell, Judge S. C. A true extract from the minutes of said court April 2tith 18i0. J. W. Groover, C. S. C. Alice Henderson 1 Libel for divorce in vs 1 Thomas Superior, Court Aaron Henderson j April Term, 1890. It appearing to the court by return of the suerilf that the defendant is not To he found in the county, and it farther appearing that he resides out of the State. It is hereby or dered that service of this writ lie perfected by publication as required by lnw. A. H. Hassell, Judge S. C. The above is a true copy from the minutes ol the Superior Court. J. W. Groover, Clerk, BETTER THAN GOLD. RESTORED HER HEALTH. For 23 years I suffered from boils, erysipelas sad other blood affections, taking daring that time great quantities of different medicines with out giving me any perceptlblo relief Friends lnd iced mo to try S. 3. S. It Improve* . <rom ; start, and after taking several *r id my health as far as I could hope for &S a, age, which is now seventy-live years, Miu. S. M. Lucas, Bowling Green, Ky. It-’eatlse OU BVw! nr.d Skin* mated free* nv: 1’T yri£CIF10 CC -• f’.tnta, Ga. Jones. Smith. LUMBER, Mouldings, Turned Work, Laths, Etc MEIGS, GEA.. Wanted—Everybody to write or see us before placing or ders for lumber.' We still have thousands of feet of the Best Dry Lumber in South Georgia. We carry in stock and in large quan tities anything wanted in lumber, and are fully pre pared to furnish dressed and matched lumber, and in fact, in almost any shape desired Mouldings turned and Scroll work done in best style. Bro. Jones is an Allianceman and trades with B. A. Bass. The result is obvious— lie’s fat and prosperous. Smith trades elsewhere, the moral you can readily see: If you ward to prosper trade with B. A. BASS. A. W. PALIN & BRO.’S Carriage Shops. Lower -Broad Street, Thomaaville, Ga. EVERY DESCRIPTION OF CARRIAGE AND WAGON REPAIRING, HORSE SHOEING, ETC., Done at reasonable rates. Having recently- purchased a number of labor-saving tools, and having the Best Equipped Shops in Southwest Georgia, wo are prepared to do all kinds cf work in our line with dis patch and neatness. npl22dAwly Grand Central Hotel, WAYCROSS, GA. With Electric Eights. Is now open, and I would bo pleased to have my Thomasviile friends and others stop with me when they come this way. All mv help is experienced. The dining room is under the supervision ot that effi cient steward, Syl. B. Van Dyke, of New York All correspondence promptly an swered. Special attention paid to ladies with children. Rates $2.00 to $3.00 per day. D. J. MdNTOSH, 4-19-diwly Proprietor. THE PEST «—■ AND k lTOBT Direct Route! 1 AOM ALL PB1NCIPAL POINTS IN THE SOUTH TO CHICAGO AND THE NOBTHWEST. Wc through express trains dally, with Pull la an Palactf Buffet Sleeping Cars by night, and Chair Cars by day, between 0«q* clnnattl and Chicago, Indlanapo, Us and Chicago, and also be; twoen Loulsrllle andj Chicago, whore close con* noctlons are made for St. Paul, Fargo, Blsmark, Poi land, Omaha, Kansas City, San Fr&nclscc and points Intermediate— SJirsr Fast Mail weaving Louisville, Dally except Sunday, at f *80 a. m. Cincinnati, Dally, except Sunday, at 7:45. Arriving at Chicago at 0:55. The most rapid service ever attempted be twaea the Great Commercial Cities on the Ohio Elver and Chicago. tHt*. »hrough Coupon Tickets, Baggage check* ed to destination, and your safety and com fort provided for, are among the points that have made the MORTON ROUTES Universally and deservedly popular. 8. BARKER, Gen 158 Broad St.. Thomasvlll. Ga. RBONATED WITH— BOARD IN THE COUNTRY. There arc now a few vacant rooms at Jersey Farm. Those who may desire to close the season among the pinei will find this a pleasant home. Fare substantial, pure milk plentiful and rates reasonable. Apply at this office or at the farm. Gribben & Levick, CONTRACTORS & BUILDERS, THOMASVILLE, GA. Wo will be glad to make contracts for. or su perintend, all classes of buildings, public or private, In either brick or wood. Will furnish >lans and specifications If required. If you want any building dona call on us, and we will submit estimates whether contract is awarded or not. We will our work. We want any tlmatea i iU guarantee satisfaction In refer to the many buildings erected by os in Thomaaville, and to all parties for whom we hare worked. Shop on Fletcher street, 2nd door from Broad. ThomaaviUe, Ga., April 15,1130. Two (2) desirable Brick Stores for rent, on Jackson street. Apply at 158 Broad street. Apr27-dlw. NATURAL a AS Imported from the Mineral Springs on the Rhine, Ger many, on draught at i. SCHMIDT’S. ERATORS! -OF- L. Thompson & Co. We have also in stock CHINA MATTINGS, of pretty designs, Window Shades, Furniture of all descrip tions, COFFI1TS, Sash, Blinds, Doors, Paints, Oils and Glass. WHAT IS CARBOLINEUM AVENARIUS? [Registered] It is ft Wood ond Btone Preserving Com pound Oil Blaln, applied with an ordinary brush. It Is guaranteed to preserve any kind ot wood, above or under the ground or wnter, for at least fifteen years, and keep off all kinds of Insects. It Is used by tbe U. 8. and almost all foreign Governments; Telegraph, Telephone, Railroad, and other largo Corporations, us well as all Real Estate Owners, where It Is kept for sale. For further Information and QfCOlara blcaso address or coll on L. F. Thompson A Co, ZDsTZETW O-OOIDS —-A.T— Come aud Examiue our Stock of Sateens, Challies, Ginghams Batiste, Lawns, and Pereals.^ 1 ALSO our* IMMENSE STOCK Of ’ "White Groods. AVo call special attention to our JOB LOT of AVHITE GOODS for twelve aud a half cents; they arc equal to any sold for twenty cents. Come and look for yourself. IjOo3s.! Look! :Hj003s.2 Our Now Spring Clothing is here. Now remember that the entire stock is neav, and will be sold as cheap as possible. L. STEYBRMAN |& BRO., HE SLEEPL AND RESTLESS DRY-GOODS MERCHANTS. DEESTK Mineral Water Foi the Liver and liv 'ncye, Foi sale at L. SGHFIDTS. J. s. Real Estate Agent THOMASVILLE, GA. Bice over Reid k Ctlpipptr s Drug Slore, Broad Et 1 am now prepared to buy or sell, for other parties, all kind, ot town or country real estate and have on my list a good assess ment of both kinds. Strict and close atten tion to the business will be my aim, and f respectfully solicit a tharc of the business ot tbe community. nug38 Merchants Week. Visitors (especially ladies) will find the Marshall House— with it# spacious, full length piazza—Admirably located o: viewing mardi gras and all other parades during Merchants Week in Savannah. & LIYERY FEED STABLES Fine Teams, with careful drivers. OUR AIM .IS TO PLEASE OUR PATRONS. JACKSON 2 tty Thomaaville, Ga