The Daily times-enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1889-1925, May 03, 1890, Image 4

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GEORGIA—T'aomas County. Ordinary's Office, April I, * 1 800. To all whom it may concern : George F. Boone, administrator on the estate of Sarah L. Boone, deceased, has ap plied to me for letters ot from said administration and I will pass upon his application on the first Monday m July next! at my office in Thomasv.lle, said county. 90d JOS. S. MERRILL,'Ord’y. GEOUGIA—Colquitt County. To all whom it may concern: L. 1. .uc- Rae, executor of the last will and testament of Mrs. Mary S. Allen, late of said county deceased, having duly executed the pro visions ot said will, he will make *l’|d'«»' tinn to me for letters of dismission from said trust and 1 will pass upon tl.e said ap plication the first Monday :n May next. ^ I89 °- S G. GREGORY. Ordinary. “ p. in. 8 th. nth. 10th, 12th, n. ir. “ p. m. 13th. 17th, n. m. “ p.m. TAX NOTICK. First Round. 1 will be at the following places for the purpose of Receiving Tax returns and re turns of the mirage and product oi the farm, orchard, manufactories and mines, for the year 1890. gEC()}fD R0 UND. Murpheys, Monday May 5th. Ochlockonee, Tuesday “ mil. Meips, Wednesday. “ * m Spence, “ Cairo, Thursday, Duncanville, Friday Metcalfe, Saturday McDonald, Monday Ways, “ Boston, Tuesday East Glasgow, Saturday Wm. Vnughu’s “ THIRD 4ND EAST. Boston, Thursday East Glasgow, Friday Ways, Saturday Murpheys, Monday Ochlockonee, Tuesday -■• Spence, Wednesday “ Cairo, Thursday “ 2 '-'- Duncanville, Friday “ 9. Metcalfe, Saturday “ 31- I will he in Thomasvillc court week and three days in a week (Thursday, Friday and Saturday) in the month June.^ T. R. T. Co. The Marshall House, SAVANNAH, GA. Under next) Mciiuigcinent. LEADING HOTEL. finest location with broad piazzas commanding a grand rle\r of the fashionable promenade, ths Broad ly of Savannah Cuisine and service equal to the best northern hotels. 1T1.L. HARNETT BE MARCIIED WITH SBEBStAN TO THE SEA $ Trudged nil the way on foot, over mountain and through morass, carrying knapsack ana gun, slept on brush heaps to keep ou £ mud, caught cold, from the effects of which his /riends thought he would never recover. Lingering with Sow consumption fbr.many years, ho saw Dr. Pierce s Golden Medical Dis covery advertised in a country newspaper, and ho determined to try it. A few bottles worked a change; Bix months continued use cured him. Always too independent to ask his country for a pension, he now says he needs none. He helped save his country, he saved himself! Consumption is Lung-scrof ula. For scrofula, in all its myriad forms, the “Discovery” is an undmaled remedy. It cleanses the system of all blood-taints from May 22. 23. 2G. rrut, ana mnarcu uiiincnus. +*>**»IP**T®Ilte©d to benefit or cure in all diseases for which it ir recommended, or money paid lor it will be refunded. Sold by druggists. Copyright, 1888, by World’s dis. Mrd. ASS’lf. DR. SAGE'S CATARRH REMEDY cures the worst eases, no matter of how long standing. GO cents, by druggists. ip M McINTTOSH, PliysiciBo <& Surge©**, Thomasvillo, Georgia. jgy-OFFICE over Stark's, corner Broad and Fletcher Streets The Glenn House Passenger Depot, BOS TON, GA. G GLENN Proprietor Table supplied with the best the market Tonis. Every attention paid to the com- ,rt of guests. Commercial men s patron ;e s, ecialt' - . N. S. Eaires, CONTRACTOR and BUILDER. fThomaavnie. Georgia, l will be glad to make contracts foi the construction of all classes of buildings, pub lic and private, in either brick or w ood. I will guarantee In every Instance to give satisfaction. Designs and plans drawn and careful estimates made. My motto—Good, honest work at # fair prices. If you want any building done call on tne. I will submit estimates whether contract Is awarded me or not. I refer to the many public buildings erected by me in Tlrma»vlll® and elsewhere, and allpartioo r v hem I have worked Established 18G5. John H. Newton COMMISSION MERCHANT, 311 Washington St., lormerly 183 Read St New York, - N. Y. The above old established and respomi- blehouse solicit! consignme ts of Fruit and Truck. Returns made promptly. The fi nancial standing of the house affording ab solute security to growers. Prices tele graphed daily to Reese A* Easou, where MIMING PLATES AND INFORMATION; nay be had. <Jiw4m THOMASVILLC NATIONAL BANK, . L.’JUTem. , A. T. McIstybe, President. Vice-President Jas. A.BbAxdon, Cashier. Capital Surplus $100,000. i hr tionB havo prompt attention. NEW jetion and Commission House, C. & A. T. SNODGRASS re opened at the old Bank stand on Jack, i street, where they will receive all con. nments, and give personal and prompt ention. Having secured the services ot n vular Auctioneer, persons having goods iiipose of will do well to Me os. We will I at any plan in Thomasvillc. Liberal ranee* mad, on non perishable consign- sts for thlrtydays. Auction at store on nrdsyl and Wednesdays. 2m PROFESSIONAL CARDS. n, of pnrest ray serene. Look! ^ \v. BRUCE, M. D. Office, up-stairs. Coiner o! Broad and tletcher streets. [an* 6 ’85-3yl N.G.TULLIS, M.D. Regular Practitioner. Special Treatment io Throat and Lonfi^ itn Oxjgcn. FFICE—Cor. Madison and Jefferson streets, THOMASVILLE, OA. HOURS—1° to 12 A. M. and 2 to 4 I*. M, s. DEKJLE, M. D., Office in Hayes Building, Rostdence—Corner College avenne and Mag 11 Telephone communication, No. 25 for night Read! T. TAYLOR, M. D., physician and surgeon, Office over Reitl & Culpepper's,Thom asvillc, Ga. , JOEL B. COYLE- ©ENTIST THGMASVILLB, GEORGIA OFFICE, Broad St., over Pickett’s. J II. C'OYLE, D. D. S., Resident Dentist, Thomasvillo, • Goorgla. Offers his sorvlces to th citizens of Thom* asvlllo and vicinity. , Office hours—From 9 a. m. to 1 p. m., and from 2 to 5 p. ra Office—On Jackson street. W. D. MITCHELL, R- G.'.MITCHELL J^JIXCIIELL & MITCHELL, Attorneys-at-Laiv, ThomasvUle. • Onorgla. L. A. DREYER, auctioneer,will sell on Saturday, the 26 th instant, on Watt’s Corner, to the highest bidder, one * second hand two horse wagon and one 2nd hanc. two-seated, exten sion top surrey. Any one want ing property of this sort had better be on hand at twelve o’clock sharp. L. A. DREYER, Auctioneer. s, G. McLENDON, Attorncy-at-Law, Thomaavllle, - I- • Georgia. Prompt attention given to all; business en- u omcJ-0 U ve“watt'sstore, corner Broad and backsonstrcets. I BigCMstheackOw^ I leading remedy for ... P7w unnatural discharges ■ Pj _V,*i r nVyb^B private diseases of mtn. — aoiwW certain cure for the debiU- f c^suuwr*. ■ fating weakness peculiar ■ , — to women. I»i>7 „ I presort bo it end f Ml site I TheEvwsCheuim^ fa recommending It to % Ca0IKSATI,0 * n «'«"** «**™- *W** J. 8. Cn.soU. Th.nm.vHIc Ga. THE GEORGIA HEDGE COMPANY. Merits of our Hedge. It is tbe cheapest fence. It is most durable. It is not affected by fire, windjor flood. It has no posts to rot. Stock can not rub it down. It protects itselt. It slop trespassers and hunters. It can not be carried away for firewood. It takes but little room. You can cultivate close to it. No weeds to be kept out ot the corners. It lasts for generations. You never lay out one cent for material to repair it. It’s ornamental to any farm. It is mule high, bull strong and pig tight. Parties desiring more information regard ing tbe Hedge Fence can call on or address Cspt B. H Mariott, Hotel Maiury, James K. Perry, Stuart House or Ben F. Dodson, Hotel Wbidlcs And 60 many otherwise beautiful forms, faces and figures are lost to view, the thlfl and haggard look denoting an Impoverished condition of the Blood, Rheuma tism, Kidney or Bladder troubles, Scrofula, etc., etc., when a sure and safe remedy Is txt hand. TOR im-HAPPINESS To Old and Joung I Co. t Columbut, (*<*• s: —Last Spring I was suffering very mnoh With "sm: hardly able to set about and attend to my and my gencrM heaflh was bad. vrten I was ta- CBAwronD, Ala., October 10, 1889. IF. IT. C. Co., Columbus, Ga. Gkntb : — biminess 1 ami mv general"health was bad, when J waa In- duccd to’try W. W7C. iWooldridgo’s Wonderful Cure,) aud mu“t.a 0 y‘SatT niwfed as well a. I evjrdtd.noa&jof —. —-——I——Rheumatism, and my general health Is better than it nas been for years, and I would ndviso all who apflbr from Timmmnn.m to give W. W. C. a trial. Yours respeotfully, JOSEPH M. LAMB. W. W. C. for sale by all Druggists, Manufactured by WO#ldridge’S Wonder* ful Core COis Columbus, Ga. When your pos sessions have been turned to ashes there is great com fort in having a policy in the ATLANTA, CHATTANOOGA, KNOXVILLE, CINCINNATI, LOUISVILLE, ASHEVILLE. nmnuiinY o, i89Q. I,cnvc Jacksonville . , Leave Way cross . . . Lcnvc Jciup Arrive Blacon Leave Macon Arrive Atlanta Leave Atlanta Arrive Rome Arrive Chattanooga. • Arrive Knoxville. . . . Arrive Louisville • • • • Arrive Cincinnati. . . . fliOO p.m.. . . 11 >40 p.m.. • . liSO . 0i45 n.m.. . . 7i03 n.m. , .10:25 am.. , .11:00 mm.*. . .. 1:45 p.m.. . 5:00 p.m.. 7:00 aim’. 4:80 p.m. 8:10 p.m. 11:00 p.m. 2:10 a.m. 0:15 a.m. 7:85 n.m. 0:40 p*m. 7:80 p.m* Apply to Ticket Agents throughout Florida or to C N KIOtIT, B. W. WBENN, tlitt’Oen'l PaM. Agfc 0<, Kl!r,»vV l i'i n i C TE/i<° , ‘ Atlanta Oa. * Knoxtills. Tenn. TheBestSprihq ©MEDICINE© InTHeWorld 15 AS A SPRING MEDICIN E,TO' CURE ANDTONE UPTHE GENERAL AILMENTS 0FTHE SYSTEM,TAKE Cotton Seed Oil Hills Wc are making various sizes from th Plantation Mills of 5 tons to the large city mill of 50 tons per day. Our mills lmvc all the latest Improvements in machinery, and produce the very best results. Send for circular. Card well Machinery Co., Richmond, Vn„ Tkomasville Variety WORKS. Reynolds, Hargrave & Davis, Prop’is 'Manufacturers and Dealers ROUGH & D REED LUMBER. LATHES, PICKETS, SHINGLES, •JOULDINGS, BRACKETS, SCROLL WORK, MANTLES, BALUSTERS, STAIR-ItAILS N g wel Posts, OFFICE, CHURCH & SI ORE Furniture. STORE FRONTS. Wire Screen Doors nnd Windows, Sas Doors nnd Blinds STAIR BUILDING AND INSIDE HARDWOOD FINISH SPECIALTY. g©-CORRESPOKDENC tCLl EMORY SlBfindwanderinf cnr*d. Boo Vs 1 named •Jin ono reading. Testimonials from all 221 parts of tho globe. Prospectus post i bs^tSiSissssMfA RUNS Room sleepers, uinmg '** latest design, between Chicago and Milwaukee aud St. Paul and Minneapolis. Fast Trains with Vestibuied Drawing Room Bleepers dining cars coaches of the latest desigi. between Chicago and Milwaukee and Ashland and Duluth. „ Through Pullman Veitlbule Drawing Room and Colonist Sleeps via the Northern Pacific Railroad between Chicago and Portland, Oro. Convenient Trains to and from Las tern, West ern, Northern and Central Wisconsin points, affording unequalled service to and from n au- kesha, Fond au L»c, Oshkosh, Neonah, Men- asha. Chippewa Falls, Lau Claire. Hurley, Wis„ and Iron wood and Bessemer, Mich. For tickets, sleeping car reservation, time tables and other information, apply to Agents of the lino, or to tickot Agents anywhere in the United States or Canada. 8. R, AI.NSI.tE, H. C. BARLOW, General Manager. Gen I Trafllc Mgr, 1/JUI8 ECKSTEIN. Ass’t Gen’l Pass’r andTkt, Agent. ffllMVAVKIE, WII. LATOjN ICE *.• COIV1PANY ICE MADE FROM DEEP WELL WATER, CHEMICALLY PURE. delivered; anywhere in the city. QIVE ORDERS TO WAGONS AND MAIL DIRECT (TO W. S. KEIFER, MMAGEB, Cannot Cause Stricture. Painless to Use. Frleo, SL. flold by all Druggists. Bent to slain paebsgn with Rubier Syringe for $1>6P v.».ruTBiiiS!5I5!S5H^TO!!^SS l ^S eUloa. li.rcerUI rolwn, T.ttcr. K^«-«<x v p. rTV. U a powerful tonic and an •*g*Ugjli-*BEl3Si I Ittn an Impnmcondition dnv to menmnial L,p ^ZLTi2Mfs r ^ or8 ' Lipprnan Block, SAVANNAH* GA* -:SDN:- Fire Insurance Go. OF LONDON. ESTAALISHED 1710. STATEIVIEN1 United States Branch. JANUARY 1, 1890. ASSETS: United States Bonds, • 8636,060.00 Bonds and Mortgages on N. Y. City Real Etate, 678,000.00 Cash in office and Bank, 245,715.65 Cash in Agents’ hands, 221,509.16 Real Estate, 149,756.23 Interest due and accrued, 25,290.01 81,956,331.05 liabilities. Unpaid losses, 8124,820.49 Reserve for Re-Insurance, 961,322.68 All other liabilities, 52,578.00 Surplus, 81,138,721.17 $817,609.88 INCOME. Cash Premiums rec’d, * SI ,211,377.00 Interest received, 72,791.75 81,284,168.75 expenditures. Losses Paid, 0795,100.56 All other expenses, 417,305.10 81,212,405.66 Excess of income over ex- . penditures, 871,763.09 TRUSTEES IN UNITED STATES. Geoiiue D. Morgan, Chairman, Henry M. Alexander, John J. McCook. J. J. Guile. Manager, Secretary jj--*'”' Fbajikmj( . Secretary Metropolitan Dept., J. J. Purcell. Assistant Secretary, W. F. Bingham. 1. M. Matte Agent, Thomasville, - Ga.