The Daily times-enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1889-1925, May 22, 1890, Image 2

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Spoken Like a Lee. On llie recent visit of the New Eng land editors to lioaiioiike,, ex-Gover- nor Fitzlmgli Leo coni|iIetelv won tlieir hearts. The Puritan scribes looked with Tmu-Emmiu It published | some curiosity upon this reprcwmtu- crv morning (Monday excepted.) I tivc of the historic family of cavaliers, W'Ykkly TiMKs-KNTei.rn.sB is ,midis',ed | , m ,„,, j s forever linked with i»rr Saturday morning. ! . . . . . . the glories of the union, and with the SensenirTioN Uatbs. _ | heroism of the lost cause. They won- l oo j dered what ho would sny, and a cold | formal welcome would not have sur- Dailv Advkbtis Mi Uatbs. ! , )ri , C( | tll0 ,„. t ransient Rates.—$1.00 per square tor the | . . , ..... tirst insertion, and 50 cei ls for cu ii subsc-1 Eut the knightly \ irglllian rose nt insertion. ! above the petty isues of parties and sections. in a tew manly words lie said that the north and south had been THE DAILY TIMES-ENTERPRISE j JOHN TRIPLETT, - - - Editor. •S. 15. BURR, • Business Manager. TillTiSDAV, MAY 22, Item. Timks-Estkrpiusf, Out* Square, one month, - - - • $ . r > 00 •Jne Square, two month? - - - - 8 00 Square, three month t, - - * 12 00 Oi.c Square, six month?, - - - • 20 00 «>m* Square, twelve niout*ip, - - - 35 00 Subject to change by special nrranj; ement. •*. B. BR11R. ItaNlncM Malinger. Turner Talks. Hon. H. G. Turner gave the re publican tariff tinkers, and, inciden tally, the sub treasury plan, sonic sturdy blows, iu the house, yesterday. The Constitution's correspondent says: Mr. Turner, of Georgia, came to the front with a good, practical tariff speech in which lie scored the repub licans for their efforts to oppress the farmer in the formation of the tariff bill. He first opposed the sub- treasury scheme, hoping that his con stituents would never put their farm products in the hands of the republi can party, which lias carried on all the fiscal operations of the country, and has caused the present contrac tion iu currency. The farmers arc asking relief, he said, but instead they should be asking the government to take its hands off their pockets. He wanted to know, while they were providing for a bounty on sugar, why they did not provide for a similar one or; cotton and corn and wheat. He hoped the time would never come when the farmers would be Mie bonds men of the administration. He then brought in the main feature of his speech, which was that while the. use ot fertilizers had nearly doubled the cotton crop the republican party had determined to tax the farmer for j Sorrow am * physical enaiching his soil. Iu Georgia over 200,000 tons were consumed annually. Under this bill it was proposed to tax sulphuric acid one quarter of a cent a pound. The acid is iudispcnsable to fertilizers, and the tax would amount to $25 a ton on fertilizers. You tax cotiou bagging, he said, you tax iron ties, and now you propose to tax everything that goes to make up a bale of cotton. The tax on sul phuric acid alone would cost the farmers of Georgia 8500,000 a year, one-half as much as the entire state tax. On the citizens of his county alone lie said the tax would he 8.1,000. This bill, he said, would put millions of dollars tax on the farmers which had not been borne by them hereto fore, for sulphuric acid is now taxed. It was wickedness. Mr. Turner strewed a few hayseed in his remarks, but it was one of the most practical arguments yet made, and it showed up the policy of the republicans to put every possible burden upon the people of the south, because they are democrats. He indeed scored some master blows upon the republican leaders who bad formulated the bill. Garfield's Body Moved taught in different schools, hut both wore honest. Ho had tested the fight ing qualities of Massachusetts, and knew her courage. He also said that Virginia had no other ambition now than to go side by side with Massa chusetts as generous rivals in the march of progress, contesting for the crown of success heart to heart and shoulder to shoulder. Such words w ill hasten the coming of the era of good feeling and frater nity so earnestly desired by all patri otic Americans. It is to be hoped that they will awaken a responsive echo among the granite hills of New England.—Constitution. She Cannot Attend. Mrs. Davis writes the following let ter: Beatvoii! Hursi:, May 10, 1890. —To bis Excellency, Governor 1’. 5V, McKinney, President of Lee Monu ment Association.—Dear Sir: Please accept on the part of my daughter, who is still in France, aud from me, my sincere thanks for your kind invita tion to be present at the unveiling of the statue of our great general, R. E. Lee. Ilis name is the proud heritage of all southern people, ami our whole family feel intensely gratified by the knowledge that a fitting monument lias been reared to perpetuate bis wis dom ami valor, iu the beloved city that lie so long and ably defended. infirmity will prevent my being with you. I trust that nothing will mar the grace aud dignity of the ceremony over which you will preside, and to which the southern people have looked forward with such glad expectation. Belicv me, dear sir, yours faithfully, .Mrs. Jkiteksox Davis. EEEF-.--E00L! KEEP TO THE BIGHT. Do not be imposed on by any of the numerous imitations, aub'tlmioi, etc., which aro flooding the world. There is only ono Swift's Spcciflc, end there is nothing like It. Our remedy con tains no Mercury, Potash, Arsenic, or any pois onous substance whatever. It builds up the gen eral health from the first doso, and has never failed to eradicate contagions blood poison and Its effects from the system. Bo suro to get the genuine. Send yoor address for our Treatise on Blood and Skin Diseases, which will be mailed free. SWIFT SPECIFIC CO.. Atlanta. Ga. NOTICE. The Melon and Fruit Growers Assoeia- tion, of Boston, request the growers of Brook?, ‘Lowndes and Thomas counties to meet in (juitnian, Friday May 30th, at 1ft o’clock. At this meeting matters of importance will he discussed. All growers are earnestly solicited to attend. E. R. Wiialkv, T. T. Stephens, Secretary. President. WALKER COUNTY, GEORGIA. 22 Miles South of i Chattanooga, Term IN LOOKOUT VALLEY, ' hi the line of the Chattanooga Southern Ry.T Is destined to he one of the most important nianufactiiring cities in the South. The location, consisting of IC00 acres, which has hern secured I * v the managers of the KEN SINGTON LAM) COMPANY, of Chatta nooga, Tenn., is surrounded hy inexhausti ble deposits of coal and iron, equal in qual ity to that of any section iu the great min eral belt of the South. Manufactured Iron, Cotton. Leather, etc., can be produced cheap er in KKXSLXGTOX than nt any point in the South, and it-= raiircad service will be unsurpassed. YOHJI EATABLES BY BUYING To Teachers. On the 17th of June next, the Trustees of the South Georgia College will elect.* President. Correspondence is solicited All communications, together with testimo nials, should be addressed to WILLIAM D. MITCHELL, Chairman Committee. Thomasville, Ga., May 17, 1890-1 m A. W.PAL1K&BRO.’S Carriage Shops. Lower Broad Street, Thomnsvillc. Ga. IIVEItV DESCRIPTION OP CARRIAGE AND WAGON REPAIRING, HORSE SHOEING, ETC., Done at reasonable rates. Having recently purchased a number of labor-saving tools, and having the Best Equipped Shops in Southwest Georgia, we arc prepared to do all kinds of work in our line with dis patch and neatness. apl22d&wly The Biggest in the World. Ni:w York, May 20.—A Herald special from Pittsburg, Pa., says “Haifa million dollars will be invested in the erection of a tin plate mill in this vicinity if tho McKinley tarifl hill passes. It will lie one of the largest in the world. J. Davis Lewis, formerly a tin plate manufacturer in Wales, is at the bead of the projected enterprise, O, yes, the McKinley tariff - bill will put millions in the pockets of the projectors--at the expense of the people. Words of Wisdom Hon. Roswell P. Flower, of New York, recently said in a speech in congress: It is a safe doctrine to assume Mr. Speaker, that this Government should do nothing fur the people that, May 20—A special to i tlle P=°P ,e «"> 1,0 ,)cttel ' for thcn " tho Inter-Ocean Irom Cleveland says: i sc ' vcs The remains of the late President James A. Garlield, were quietly re moved from the public vault in Lake View Cemetery, to the crypt in the Garlield monument, shortly after midnight last night. The secret of tho removal of the remains was in accordance with the wishes of Mrs. Garlield, who opposed any demon stration or show. The new sepulchre of the martyred President is access ible to all. A strong railing will lie erected around the casket to prevent any one troin approaching nearer to it than 10 feet. The New York World’s Washing ton correspondent suggests four men as possible leaders of the Democratic party in the House, namely, Crisp, ol Georgia ; Mills, of Texas ; Wilson, of 'Vest Virginia and Breckinridge, of Kentucky. It will he noticed that these arc all Southern men. Macon is going to oust the gam blers. This should have been attended to long since. | Truer words were never spoken. Bayne, the Pennsylvania bantam, whom Bynum, of Indiana, denounced as a “liar,” in the bouse, on Saturday, apologized and took bis mess of crow on Monday, when be saw the flashing blade of Wilson, of West Virginia, gleaming and glittering in the fray. The Democratic Executive Commit tee. I'oksytii, Ga., May Hi.—The dem cratic executive committee of the state will meet on the 21st instant at 11 o’clock a. m., in the capitol, ill the city of Atlanta, to lix a time for hold ing the gubernatorial convention, and to consider such other matters ns may properly come before it. Every mem ber is earnestly requested to attend. Roiikkt I,. Bkk.nkk, Chairman. It is said that thirty-eight members of the Louisiana legislature have pledged themselves to vote against the lottery scheme. This is more than one-third aud will defeat the bill. B. D. PUDGE, THOMASVILLE, GA., DEALER IN HARDWARE Stoves, Iron, TILK Kensington Land Go Solicit? correspondence with manufacturers generally ami oiler liberal inducements to those comemjdating the removal of their establishment? or the building of new fac- toiie? inj this prosperous section of the country. Sale of Lois at Kensington July 1st, 2nd and 3rd. Arrangements for reduced rates of tare will be perfected. Pamphlets descriptive of Kensington and it? surroundings may be had by addressing Kensington Kami Co. CHATTANUOCA, TENN. F. K. PEMItKRTD5• Pres., (off. It. Pe tu be rtou & Co., bunkers. Chat tanooga, Tenn. President of KcusinKton Iron iY coal Co., Vico President of Chatta nooga Southern Railroad.) C. K. JAM liN, V. PrfHl.. (of Robertson & -lames, bankers, New York, President of Chattanooga I’nion Railroad and Chatta nooga Southern Railroad.) W. W. IIA It It IKON, '2nd V. Pratt., (of Franklin Sugar Refining Co., t Plilla., 2d V. President Chat tanooga Southern Railroud aud Konslngtou Iron and Coal Co.) FLOYD S. PATTKKMOft, Ncct’y. find Trent*., (Sco’ty, and Treas. Kensington Iron and Coal Company.) REFRIEERATORS! L. Thompson & Co. Tin and Hollow Ware, Gis ifl Sprtii Goods of all kinds, and| agent for King’s Powder Co. Cannot Causi Stricture. Painless to Use. Price, $L. Sold by all Druggist3. Sent la Slain package with Rubber Springe lor $1.59 Montana, Washington and Oregon. A comet mnp ol the northwest will show that the .Northern Pacific railroad traverses the central portion of Minnesota, North Da. kota, Montana nnd Washington lor n dis tance ot nearly 2,000 miles; it is the only railroad reaching Jamctown, Bismarck, Miles City, Aillings, Livingston, Bozeman, Mis soula, Cheney, Davenport, I’alousc City, Sprague, //ltzvillc, Yakima, Ellensburg, Ta coma, Seattle and ill fact nine-tenths of the northwest cities, towns, and points of inter est. The Northern Pacific is the r.hortcst trans continental route from St. Paul nnd Cliicauo to Helena, Butte, Anaconda, Dccr Lodge, Spokane Kails, Walla Wnlln, Dayton and Portland, and the only one whose through trains reach any portion of the new state of Washington. Land seekers purchasing Pa cific Coast second class tickets via. St. Paul and the Northern Pacific have choice Irom that point ot free Colonist Sleeping Cars or Pullman’s Tourist Furnished Sleepers at charges ns low as the lowest. For the benefit of settlers the Northern Pacifi. also gives a ten day stop over privi lege on second class North Pacific Coast tickets at Spokane Falls and each and every point west, including over 125 stations iu Washington, thus enabling persons seeking a home to examine this vast ttrrilory with out incurring an expense of from $5 to $25 in traveling on local tickets from point to point. insure for yourself comfort and safety by having the best accommodations ull'urdcd, thereby avoiding change of cars, rc-chcck- ngot baggage, transfers nnd lay overs cn route. Money can he saved hy purchasing tickets via. St. Paul or Minneapolis and the Northern Pacific. For Maps, Pamphlets, /fates and Tickets enquire ot your nearest Ticket Agent, any District Passenger Agent of the Northern Pacific //ailroad ; or Cuas. S. Fr:t:, General Passenger and Ticket Agent, St, Paul, Minn. L. Sel i midt, I’ltOPKIKTUIt Thomasville-:-Bottling WORKS, We have also in stock CHINA MATTINGS, of pretty designs, Window Shades, Furniture of all descrip tions. COFPI1TS, Sash, Blinds, Boors, Paints, Oils and Glass. WHAT IS CARBOLINEUM AVENARIUS? [Registered] It Is a Wood and Stone Preserving Com pound Oil Slain, applied with an ordinary brush. It is guaranteed to preserve any kind o. wood, above or under the ground or water, for at least fifteen years, and keep oil* nil kinds of insects. It Is used by the U. S. anti almost all foreign Governments; Telegraph, Telephone, Railroad, nnd other large Corporations, us well ns all Real Estate Owners, where It Is kept for sale. For further Information und CUWlars please address or cull on Mauufiietuier and Dispense MINERAL WATERS, ea of SODA and tonated with NATURAL GAS, imported Irom the Mineral Spring? on the Rhine, Germany. IS DRAFGIIT COCA-COLA, The Genuine ‘‘Ideal Brain Tonic.” Will relieve almost any headache in 1ft to 1 minutes. The New Mexican Beverage, Non-Alcoholic. Delicious. ii L F. Thompson & Co. ILTIEW GOODS —-A.T— Frui-Miz!” Cooling. Vitalizing. Ice Cream Parlor, Specially lilted up tor the accommodation of Ladies. FRUITS AND CONFECTIONERIES, Fancy Good}, Cigars, Tobacco, etc. Satislaution Guaranteed. Jones. Smith. Shiloh's Couch ami Consumption Cure is roW hy us on a guarantee. It cares Con sumption. For sale hy Hicks it Peacock. Come and Examine our Stock of Sateens, Chailies, Ginghams, Batistn, Lawns, and Percals. ALSO OU. - ’ IMMENSE STOCK OF "White GroocLs. 'Ve call .special attention to out- JOB LOT of WHITE GOODS for twelve aud n half cents; they arc equal to any sold for twenty cents. Come and lock for yourself. Look! Look.! Look ! Our New Spring Clothing is here. Now remember that the entire stock is new, and will be sold as cheap as possible. L. STEYERMAN & BR0., THE SLEEPL J AND RESTLESS DRY-GOODS! MERCHANTS. .J. S. Real Estate Agent! THOMASVILLE, GA. Cice uvfr lleid k [Cil;< typer s Brig Store, Broad St j 1 urn now prepared to buy or sell, lor other parties, nil kinds ot town or country real estate aud have on my list u good assess ment of both kinds. Strict and close atten tion to the business will be iny aim, and I respectfully solicit a Glare of the business o! the community. uug^S & LTVESHT FEEDSTABLES Bro. Jones is an Alliunccmuu nnd trades with B. A. Bass. The result is obvious— he’s fat ami prosperous. Smith trades elsewhere, the moral jou cun readily see: If you want io prosper trade with B. A. BASS. Brick! Brick! 100,000 first-class Brick now ready for delivery. Parties supplied expeditiously and at reasonable prices. Apply at my yards or address me through post Office. - JOHN P. AUNOLD.J i Thomasville, Ua., April 29, d&w tf. | Fine Teams, wilh careful drivers. OUR AIM IS TO PLEASE OUR PATRONS. JACKSON NT , Thonin.vtlt-,:«,n. .'tty