The Daily times-enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1889-1925, June 24, 1890, Image 3

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W, K. T. B. S. Wolff On, FOR THIS WEEK. Special Bargains —IN— S A TINES, MESS GOODS, WHITE GOODS, LINEN LAWNS, Embroideries Etc. Our Stock is unusually large for this SEASON of the year and to reduce same SPECIAL CUTS WH 1514 KADIS. Remember our Hosiery and Corset DEPARTMENT. Ladies buying traveling Dresses should see us to save money. w. K. T. B. H. WOLFF & The Leaders of Low Prices. THE DAILY TIMES-ENTERPRISE. ALBERT WINTER, City Editor. TUESDAY. JUNE 24, 1800, LOCAL SCHEDULE. ARRIVAL AND DEPARTURE OF AI.I. TRAINS TO AND FROM TIIOMA8V1I.I.K carrying passengers INS l oll BAINERIIMiK, , ...Lv... 7 20 a m “ \r... 5 65 |> in FROM SAVANNAH AND THE EAST. No ft, Passenger Ar... 0 60 a in No 7, Passenger Ar... 148 p in No J7, Freight and Acc’n Ar... 4 4ft p m FOR SAVANNAH AND THE EAST. No 8, “ Lv... 12 02 pin No 0, “ Lv... 0 35 p in No 18, Fgt ami Aec I* *v... 7 06am FROM ALBANY, ATLANTA AND WESTERN POINTS. No 34, Passenger Ar... 610pm No 64 Ar... 0 00a m FOR ALBANY, ATLANTA AND THE WEST. No .'13, Tassenger Lv... 8 30 a in No 63, Passenger Lv... 5 45pm FROM MONTICKLLO. No /0, Passenger Ar... 11 30 a in No 82, Passenger Ar... 6 30 p in Foil MONriCKI.LO. No 81, Passenger Lv... 212 p in No 20, Passenger Lv. .. 7 55 a in FROM CHATTAHOOCHEE AND NEW ORLEANS, No P, Tassenger Ar... 11 37 p in No 18, Freight and Ace Ar... 5 30 a m for Chattahooc hee and new Orleans Sign of the BIGr BOOT, " SPECIALTIES FOR THE WEEK: Ladies Dongola Kid Button, all lasts and sizes $2.25 Gents’ Genuine Hand Sewed Shoes $4.00 One lot Genuine French Kid Ladies Shoes to close out at Factory cost $2.50. SPECIAL SALE OF OXFORD TIES. ZEIGLER BRO’S. SHOES A SPECIALTY. CURTEIGHT & DANIEL, 108 Broad St. HOTEL ZMIOlsTTIE SALTO OPENS JULY 1st, 1890. An Ideal Summer Resort. Railroad Direct to Hotel. Special Rates to Families. For circular and other information, address. HARVEY S. DENISON, Manager. BYRON 1<\ DENISON, Asst. Manager, Huntsville, Alabama. THE GUARDS AT HOME. What They Saw And Say, The Guards, ouc and all,are cntliu siastic ovc their trip, and each mem ber thinks lie had the finest time. The following arc a few oi their expres sions and impressions: ‘•Augusta did us proud.” “Wc were the people.” “Our boys were the jolliest set in camp.” “Augusta has more pretty girls than any place in the state. “Camp Richmond is beautifully sit uated.” “The Columbus Guards had a piauo in one of their tents. Oh ! they were dudes.” “We did not have much trouble ob taining the countersign, but one night the crowd thought it would go with out pnsscs, but they were all taken in by the guards.” “The guard house was full nearly nil the time.” “The cavalry camped some distance from the infantry, and they captured every one of the latter they could, and after taking away guns, would send him back to their company with a tale of woe.” The guards were the greatest ene mies the boys had. All of the crowd want to go again, and many ot the boys will cherisli a ribbon or (lower giveu him by the girl he left behind. All day Sunday the hoys staid at home and slept off the fatigue of the night before. The trip, going and coming, was a hard one. An all night ride, without sleeping car accommo dations. In the afternoon a few of the Gunrds were on the street, and wher ever you saw one, lie was sure to be surrounded by a crowd, and he was tnlking for all he was worth, of his adventures at Augusta. To most of the boys camp life;was a new experi eiiec, and the chnrm that belongs to it always, did not fail to attach to it in their cases. It is a matter worthy of comment that not one of the companies from South Georgia was mentioned by the Augusta papers, though the 7th Georgia Battalion was certainly on a par with any command in the en campment. The Guards were popu lar with the other companies of the Battalion, and nearly all of the stall offices were chosen from our home company. Lieut. T. N. Hopkins was quartermaster Sergeant A. A. Riley wns quurterinastcr Sergeant on the staff, and nt one time noted as Ser geant major, I)r. J. G. Hopkins was acting Surgeon of the Battalion, and Capt. Miller acted as adjutant of the Battalion, part of the week. Master George Hopkins was the youngest soldier in the encampment, and lie was very popular with the ladies of Augusta. The experiences of the camp will serve as matter for talk for weeks to come with the boys. Tliomnsvillc gladly welcomes her soldier boys home again. The railroad representatives of the lines in favor with the melon ex change have nothing tif do but lie happy. The melon and railroad solicitors went out on the early morning trains yesterday, in every direction. Thom- asville is Sunday headquarters for these gentlemen. There was no police court yester day morning. Geo. M. Davis, of Florida, was in the city yesterday. Miss Juiia Evans left yesterday morning for a visit to Albany. Mr. Manny Dreyer is off for a week or ten days visit to Cumbarland Is land. Mr. Sam Cassels is home for the vacation. He went from Athens to Augusta, and took m the encampment with the Guards. Col. W. S. Ivillingsworth, of South Carolina, who is on our road in the interest of Gohlingshorst Schley <i Co., Baltimore, spent Sunday at the Gulf. The house and the man are well watched, both being reliable and active, two qualities that will be appreciated by shippers. Mr. J. C. Cochran, representing Summers, Morrison & Co., Chicago, is in the melon belt. Messrs. S. M. A Co., have handled a.large volume of business from tiiis section for several yeirs, and their best friends are those that have shipped them. This is the highest praise that could lie bestowed on a business house. L. 8. M. H. Twelve Good Rules. 1. Do nol persuade one to buy what they don’t want. 2. lie unselfish. Have courage to speak the truth about your goods. 4. Do not shirk the details of business, 5. If you arc to blame, do not put the fault on some else. 0. Give every customer polite careful at tention. 7. Execute orders promptly. 8. Do your work well. o. Fill engagements punctually. 10. Help others. Thus you arc jure to help yourself. 11. Sell low. High prices do not make friends. 12. Let your customers feel that you are to lie depended on nt all times. These arc the cardinal maxims at our little store on Lower Broad. On this basis wc ask your trade. Call on us. Wc have som.c special summer bargains in Millinery. Mrs, Jennie Carroll, Lower Broad Millinery House. The Augusta and West. Florida Railway does not propose to do any newspaper blowing, but the Timer- Enterprise speaks by authority when it says that the outlook for the road is all that its friends could de sire. Parties wishing to spend tiie summer in a pleasant North Georgia town, will please nddross, ilox 7a, Summerville, Ga. 21, d It. To the Voters of the 637th District. I am a candidate for the office of Justice of the Pence, at the election to he held, Saturday June 28th, and respectfully solicit your support if elected, 1 shall perforin the duties of the office faithfully and impartially. Very rc.-pectfully, F. W. Y OUNG BLOOD. G-10 d&w Jul}’ 1st. To the Voters 637th Dist. G. M. I hereby announce myself a candi date for Justice ot the Peace, 637th District G. M., the at election to he held on 28th inst (June), and respect fully ask your support. Lkihiens Dkklk. Stuart Houso Barber Shop. This first-class shop will be open the year round. Hair cutting 25 cents, shaving 15 cents. Work guarattecd to please a” (life me a call. Prof. W. II. Owens, 5 28tf. Proprietor. Gkntlkmkx—I have silliered for years with a kind of Tetter, or breaking out nil ov er my body and at times these small pimples would terminate in boils. While traveling in the South last year I had occasion to try a Dottle of P. P.P., which wns reeomme ited to me by a friend, and to my surprise i t help me so much that I got six bottles mor«, and after taking the full contents, I felt better than I bad since the beginning of my t zouble, and while 1 have no symptoms ot t ine dis ease returning, I am still using the wonder ful blood medicine at intervals, and tm fully satisfied that I will be entirely cui of a diseaso that for fifteen years tas trou'ibtedme. I cannot express my gratitude to yi jot for so wonderful a benefactor ns your 1 \ P. P. (Prickly Ash, Poko Root and Pofwaium). I am yours truly, Jacat Pkthi is, Traveling Sale man. Savann ah, CUi. CAN.T SLEEP NIGHTS? Is the complaint of thousands suflcirfnp; from Asthma, Consumption, Coughs etc. Did you ever try Dr. Acker’s English Remedy? It is the best preparation known for all Juuig Troub les. Sol 1 on a positive guarantee* aU 25c. and Reid •& Culpepper. 8 GENERAL DELIVERY. I hereby announce to the public that I air prepared to do a General Delivery business in Thoi.iasville and vicinity, running three drays, which are under the management of experienced and careful drivers. Rates ar reasonable as circumstances will allow. Z. T. MILLS A I*. Tliomnsvillc, Ga., May 20th 1800. lIucItlen’M Arnica Waive. The Rest Salve in the World for Cute Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hand! Chilblains Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guar anteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by S, J. Cassels, Drug Store. There would he far less complaint against the whiskey business if people who drink would demand aline whiskey, of a standard brand, and accept no other. There arc many straight and well matured whiskies on the market, hut no other stands so high with the medical fraternity,and with connoisseurs, as the celebrated I. W. Harper whiskey, of Nelson County, Kentucky. The genuine I. W. Harper is sold only by C. W. Wiggins Thomasville. Ga. Dr. ACKER’S ENGLISH PILLS and pure. For Are active, effective and pure. For sick headache, disordered stomach, loss of appe tite, bad complexion and biliousness, they have never been equaled, either in America or abroad. JScId by Reid k Culpepper. 2 Will you suffer with Dps|K*psia and Liver Complaint? .Shiloh’s Vitalize!* is guaranteed to cure you. For sale by Hicks k Peacock. A prominent Railroad Superintendent, living in .Savannah, and suffering for years from Malaria and General Debility, says, on having recovered his health by th-c use of P. P. 1\, thinks that lie will live foi ever, if he can always get P. P. P. Tliij party's I name will be given on application. Is Consumption Incurable? Read the following: Mr. C. H. Morris, New ark, Ark., says: “Was down with Abscess of Lungs, and friends and physicians pro nounced me an Incurable Consumptive. Begin taking Dr. King’s New Discovery for Consumption, am now on my third bottle, and able to oversee the work on my farm. It is the finest medicine ever made.’’ •ssc Middlcwart, Decatur, Ohio, says: “Had it not been for Dr. King's New Discov ery for Consumption I would have tiled of Lung Troubles. Was given up by doctors Am now in best of health. Try it. .Sam ple bottle free at S. J. Cassel s Drugstore Hon. W. V. Lucas, Ex-Stntc Auditor of Iowa, says: -I have used Chamberlain's Cough Remedy in my family and have no hesitation in saying it is an excellent reme dy. I believe till that is claimed for it Persons afllicted by a cough or cold will, find it a friend." There is no danger from, whooping cough when this remedy is freely given. 50 cent bottles for sale by McRae* Bros. BThe Greatest Discovery of the Age, Dyspepsia, is perhaps the most prevalent of all chronic diseases, and one too, up to present time has ballled the skill of the most eminent physicians, nearly nil the proprieta ry medicines have been tried and failed. After spending years of study Dr. Holt has as length succeeded in getting up a remedy, (Dr. Holt’s Dyspeptic Elxir), that has never failed to cure in a single instance. If you suffer with this disease try one and he convinced. It is one of the best Liver Medicines known to the profession. Liver Complaints, Comstipntion, Jaundice, Head ache, Chronic Diarrlma, Yellow Skin, Brown Splotches and Asthma, if complicated with indigestion, if you arc troubled with any of those diseases it is a safe and certain cure. Manufactured by Dr. Holt’s Dyspeptic Co., Montezuma, Ga. Price $1.00. Bottle double former size. For sale by all druggists. Dr. Holt’s Croup and Cough Syrup pre vents and cures cioup. No cure no pay. Manufactured Dr. Holt’s Dyspeptic Elixir Co., Montezuma, Ga. Shiloh's Couch and Consumption Cure is sold by us on a guarantee. It cures Con sumption. For sale bv Hicks k Peacock. Group, Whooping Cough and Bronchitis immediately relieved by Shiloh's Cure. For sale by Hicks k Peacock. For lame back, side or chest, use Shiloh's Porous Plaster. Price 25 cents. For stile by Hicks k Peacock- WE CAN AND DO Guarantee Dr. Acker’s Blood Rlixir, for it. lias been fully demonstrated to tlio people of tills eouutry that it is superior to ali other pre parations for blood diseases. It is a positive ‘turn for syphilitic pdisoning. Uloers. Erup tions and I’bnples. It purifies the whole sys tem and thoroughly hudds up the constitution. Reid & Culpepper. Hair all gone, scalp covered with eruptions, and pains in nil ofliis limbs, a dreadful case of disease, yet P. P. P. remained master of the situation, a cure was affected, and the patient, the marshal of Monticello, Fla., says his hair has grown out, and that he is a well man. This cure spread tar and wide, and now the drug stores of Monticello buy P. P.P. in large quatitics. That hacking cough can be so quickly cured by Shiloh’s Cure. We guarantee it. For sale by Hicks k Peacock. No Mercury, No Potash, No Mineral Poisons. A concentrated ex tract of native roots and herbi, invigor ating a worn-out system, rekindling the lustre of health in the cheeks, routing rheumatism from oldjoints, and knitting new fiesh thereto. The real Elixir of Life. A harmless and wholeaomo alterative to Wooldridge’BjgondQr- fal Cura Tiie following item, clipped from the Ft.. Madison, (Iowa,) Democrat, contains in formation well worth rem«ml>ering: “Mr., John Roth, of this city, who met with nu ac cident ii few days ago spraining and bruis ing his leg and arm quite severely, was cured by one 50 cent bottle of Chamber* Iain's Pain Balm.” This remedy is without, an equal for sprains and bruises and should have a place in every household. For sale by McRae Bros. IS LIFE WORTH LIVING? Not if you go through tlio world a dyspeptic .Dr* Acker’s Dyspepsia Tablets aro a positive cure for the worn forms of Dyspepsia, Indigestion. Flatulency ami Constipation ^Guaranteed and. sold by Reid & Culpepper. 6 Sleepless nights, made miserable by that terrible cough. Sholoh’s Cure is the remedy tor you. For sale by Hicks k Peacock. Shiloh's Yitalizer is what you need/or Constijmtion, Loss o* Appetite, Dizziness, and nil symptoms of Dyspepsia. Price JO and 75cents per bottle. For sale by Hicks k Peacock. Electrio Bitters. Thi* remedy is becoming so well known tnd so popular as to need no special men tion. All who have used Klcctric Bitters sing tiie* same song of praise.—A purer medicine foes not exist and it is guaranteed to do all t.'iat is claimed. Klcctric Bitters will cage all diseases of the Liver and Kin- mys*, will remove Pimples, Boils. .Suit Rheum *md other affections caused by impure blood Will »Dive MaJariu from the system and pre vent as well n* cure all Malaria fevers—For rare of Headache, Constipation and Indiges- rion try Electric Bitters--Entire Satisfac tion guaranteed, or money refunded. Price 50 cts. and §1.00 per bottle at S. J. Ccssel’s Drug store. Corn, Wart9 and Bunions Removed quickly anil surely hv using Abott's East India Corn Paint. Justus sure ns hot weather conics there will he more or less bowel complaint in this vicinity. Every person, and especially families, ought to have some reliable medi cine at hand for instant use In case it is needed. A 25 or 50 cent bottle of Cham berlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Rem edy is just what you ought to have and alii that you would ncod, even for the moo8 severe and dangerous eases. It is the l»est r the most reliable and most successful treat ment known and is pleasant to take. For sale by McRae Bros. Please read carefully every word in the following article. A. F. Prevatt, of Thomas ville, is the only agent in this county for Paul Jones Old Mouongahela Rye Whisky, and it cannot ho obtained from any other source ; now if you are overworked, or bro ken down in health, from any other cause, .u pure, honest, wholesome stimulant will do ijstti more good than anything else you could possibly obtain, and a pure old Rye whisky • is v-’c most wholesome stimulant produced, i Pan I Jones Old Monongahela Rye is the highest grade of whisky distilled in the United States; it is endorsed and highly rccommnridcd by connoisseurs, chemists and physicians throughout the Union; it is an old, rich, mellow,palatable Rye Whisky, and made its national reputation solely on ac count of its high quality. A. F. PREVATT, Sole Agent, Thomas ville, Ga. April 20-*.y 4,’atarrali cured, health and sweet breath secured, by Shiloh’s Catarrh Remedy. Price 50 cents. Nasal Injector free. For sale by II icks k Peacock, THE FIRST"SYMPTOMS OF DEATH. Tired feeling, dull headache, pains in va rious parts of the body, sinkingjat the pit of the stomach, loss of appetite, feverishness, pimples or sores are all positive evidence of poisoned blood. No matter how it became poisoned it must he purified to avoid death. Dr. Acker’s English Blood Elixir has never . failed to remove scrofulous or syphilitic poisons. Sold under a poeiliv* guarantee at , Reid JfcCu Ipepper •* PROVIDED WE iHAVE NO'K COLD. OUR Siiriii Clin has corne d NO MISTAKE HERE We have used unusual care in selecting stuffs and fab rics and we have the -Nobbiest Stock- in town. No IdleBoast The gentlemen already know wc are headquarters for FurnisHing Goods. Latest Style in SCARFS, COLLARS. iGentlemensjNotions. The Lords of Creation Are not as whimsical as the dear : ladies in the matter ol ‘‘Notions,’’ bur we can suit all tastes. Don’t W ear Y our Old Tile Clothierr. and Furnishers, 106 Broad treet • • Thomasville, 6i