The Daily times-enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1889-1925, June 27, 1890, Image 3

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w.' K. T. B. THE DAILY TIMES-ENTERPRISE. ALBERT WINTER, City Editor. £ Wolff a k, FOR THIS WEEK. Special Bargains -IN — SATINES, DRESS GOODS, WHITE GOODS, LINEN LAWNS Embroideries Etc. Our Stock is unusually largo for this SEASON of the year and to reduce same SPECIAL CUTS WIXilj BFi MDE. FRIDAY,‘.fUNE 27, 1890, LOCAL SCHEDULE. ARRIVAL AND DKIURTUREoF AIX TRAINS TO AND FROM THOMASVIIXK CARRYING l’ASSENGKRS NF.W TRAINS FOR BAIXBltf !><■K, FROM SAVANNAH AXI> . Lv... 7 20 :i ni .Ar... 5 55 p lu IK HAST. NoA, Passenger Ar... 0 50 a ni No7. Passenger Ar... 1-is p in No 17, Freight and Ace’n Ar... 4 45 p m FOR SAVANNAH ANI> THE EAST. No 8, « Lv... 12 02 p No i :*5 p 1 No is, l-'gt and Acc Lv. FROM AI.HANV, ATLANTA AND WESTERN POINTS. 5 10 p 111 j 00 a in FOR ALII AX V, ATLANTA AND THE WEST. FIIO 31 .MOXTICF.LLO. NoPO, Passenger Ar...11 50a i No 82, Passenger Ar... 5 50 p i for monticf.llo. No81, Passenger Lv... 2I2pi No 29, Passenger Lv... 7 55 a i FROM CHATTAHOOCHEE AND NEW ORLEANS. No P, Tassengcr A "... 11 37 p i No 18, Freight and Ace Ar... 5 50 a i for Chattahoochee and new Orleans No 7, Passenger Lv... 2 10 p i Sign of* the BIGr BOOT. 3 SPECIALTIES FOR THE WKEK : Ladies Dongola Kid Button, all lasts and sizes $2.25 Gents’ Genuine Hand Sewed Shoes $4.00 One lot Genuine French Kid Ladies Slices to close out at Factory cost ^2.50. SPECIAL SALE OF OXFORD TIES. ZE1GLER BROS. SHOES A SPECIALTY. CURTEIGHT & DANXEL, lOS 13road St. safe and worthy incentive to all virtu ous acts and aspirations. .T. IL Mkriuli., | r W. M. Hammond. ) The foregoing memorial having been reported, it was, on motion of Hon, J. R. Alexander, ordered hy the court to he spread upon the docket, and to be published in the Timks-En- tkri’RISe, and that a copy thereof he sent to the family of the deceased. W. H. Birb, Magistrate Presiding. No 17, Kg hi and \ec. .Lv Remember our Hosiery mid Corset DEPARTMENT. Ladies buying traveling Dresses should see us to save money. w. K. T. B. H. WOLFF & BRO. The Leaders of Low Prices. Tiiomakvili.e, Ga., | June 23d, 18‘JO. ) Justice Court, 037th District G. M. June Term, 1890. At this term of the court, the com roittec appointed at the last May terra to prepnre and report an appro priate memorial on the life and char' acter of Robert B. Mardre, Esquire, late a presiding justice of this court submitted the following paper: Just before the opening o ( the las May term ot this court, Robert B Mardre, being one of its presiding magistrates, and a beloved member of this community, passed peacefully away at his home in this city. His illness was short, hut happily was at tended with little physical suffering Surrounded hy those lie loved most his last days were comforted by the presence and care of wife and child ren, and of devoted friends whose sor row at his sad departure, was scarcely less piquant than that of those on whom the bereavement directly fell A native of Thomas county, all his as sociations and attachments were form ed among her people, and within her limits. Connecting himself hy marriage at an early period of his manhood, with a- daughter of Josinh Everett, wealthy and influential citizen, he ap plied himself to the pursuit of agri culture, and for many years his home presided over hy a most amiable and Christian lady, was the abode of hap piness and comfort, such as is rarely realized on earth. For many years before his removal to Thoinasvillc, lie was the most prominent and influential citizen of the southern portion of the county and the lender in all good and chart table enterprises. As a magistrate, first in the Glas gow district, then anil until his death iu the city district, and for mnuy years public administrator lor the county, he exemplified in every stn- tiou the virtues that were conspicuous in his private life. Endowed with quick and clear perception of natural justice, of n patient and kindly teni per, anxious above nil things to do what was right, lie counted technical and arbitrary rules as secondary iu importance to the higher considern tions of justice and equity, nnd so the weak and the unlcnrued found equal protection at his hands with the influ ential and rich. As a magistrate, he was no respecter of persons, but gave heed to all suitors elike, and mimin' istcrcd justice without prejudice, af fection or favor. Of a tender aud sympathetic dispo sitiou, he wns always prompt to ex tend valuable assistauce, and to give prudent counsel to such as sought his advice; aud among those with whom the years of his manhood were spent, many valuable rights of property, and the rciources of families, otherwise helpless, now icst securely on settle ments undertaken at his suggestion, and perfected under his advice. His whole official life was untarnished by any suspicion of unfairness or corrup tion, and just as he saw the right aud justice of a cause, so lie ruled it. Uu this upright magistrate, this virti’ ous citizen, this nllectionnte husbar.4 an j father, this steadfast friend tfjd faith ful defender of the right, h ;w g onc from our sight, nnd from our society. Let us cherish the memory of his well spent life, aud find if, Iiia conduct a Mr. James Menzies, representing the Georgia Southern & Florida Road, is one of the most popular agents in the melon belt, and his lino is doing a good business. The Timiss-Entkr- has taken occasion to say that this new route to points both east and west, has peculiar claims on the ship pers of this section, and it seems that these claims are receiving the proper recognition. The ears of the G. S. & F. can go in any direction, which is sometimes a matter of importance. Hon. L. (). Jackson, of Baiubridge r spent Wednesday night in the city, taking the early morning train for home yesterday. Mr. Jackson has been at the head of the hoard of county commissioners of his county for a number of years, and has made a good public officer. Excursion to Pablo Beach. The Savannah Florida it Western Ry., will soil tickets for the excursion to Pablo Beach Florida nt the fol lowing rates from the stations named. Thomasyille 83.20 Cairo 3.40 Boston 3.00 Ochlockonee 3.35 Metcalfe 3.40 Whiglinni 3.50 Camilla 3.50 Bninbridgc 3.50 Monticelln 3.50 Tickets will he sold £for evening trains of June 27th, mid all trains of Saturday June 28th, and will lie good to return on all trains up to Monday ; June 30th. I W. M. Davidson, . Gen. Pass. Agent* r F. 31. VanDyku, Pass, and Ticket;! Agl., Thoinasvillc Ga. <i 20 3 t. To tho Voters of the 637th District. I am a candidate for the office o f Justice of the Pence, at the election to lie held, Saturdny June 28th, and respectfully solicit your support. If' elected, 1 shall perform tho duties of' the office faithfully anil impartially. Very respectfully. F. W. Yoi;noiu.ooi>. 0-19 d&w July 1st. IF * 1 * . “II'”’is a small word, blit it 8 prom inent in history. The late of nations, individuals bear its prefix. It is al ways with us, every tiling that goes wrong could have been better. It lias its part iu business to. See if it doesn’t lit your views of buying mil linery. IF you want a nice lint well trimm ed. IF you want it becoming to your own beauty. IF you want it, done promptly, and ready when you call. IF you would save money, and break away from the old-time prices you have had to pay. IF you wish any change made with out extra cost. IF von would be pleased to patro nize one who appreciates your trade and will do every thing right to keep it. IF you would economise during tin- dull season. IF you want to do the proper tiling in buying your milliner}’, and ‘cst tlic wisdom of the little word “IF” in your case COME; ALWAYS COMIC, TO L. ]3. M II, Mrs, Jennie Carroll, Lower Broad Millinery House. The New Discovery. You have heard your frietnls am! neigh bors talking about it. You may yourself be one of the many who know from person ni experience just how good a thing it is. If you have ever tried it, you are one of its «taunch friends, because the wonderful thing about it is, that when once given a trial, Dr. Kiug’s New Discovery ever after holds a place iu the l ouse. If you have never used it and should he atliictcd with a cough, cold or any throat, Lung or chest trouble, secure n bottle at once and give it a fair trial, it is guaranteed every time, or money refunded Triiil Bottles Free at S. J. (Tassel's Drugstore. OUR VERY BEST People confirm our statement when wc say iDbtt Dr. Acker's English Remedy is in cycry w-ny superior to any and all other prepara tions Jar the throat and lungs. In wlioop- iugnougJi anti croup it is magic and relieves = onev. We oirei you a sample bottle free l>iuenibcr this remedy is sold undcra po si lii<ve guarantee by Reid & Culpepper. Cure Your Corns By Using Abbott's Fast Indian Corn Paint for Corns Bunions nnd Warts, it is great Shiloh's Cure will immediately relieve croup, whooping Cough and Bronchitis. For sale by llicks Peacock. riceratcd sore leg, with a running sore of several years* standing, which the doctors thought incurable, and amputation was re garded as the only relief, the patient scarce ly able to walk before, now runs, apparently well. The cure was made by I*. I*. I'., and is known throughout .Savannah as one of the great cures that P. P. !\, the womb i l’ul blood medicine, has made. The First Step perhaps von are run down, can't eat, «aii’t • l<* n p, can’t think, can’t do auyhing to your HftUifnction. and you wonder what ails ymi. iVot: should liced the warning, you arc l ik ing, tie first step into Nervous Prostratimi. Yen lived a Nerve Tonic and in Electric hit ters you will find the exact remedy for re storing your nervous system to its normal, healthy condition, Surprising results ml low the use of this great Nerve Tonic mi Alterative. Your appetite returns, good I g«'Stioti is restored, and the Liver And Kid my rci Uinc healthy action. Try a bottle. Pro . at »S. .1. Cassel’s Drug store. The Greatest Discovery of the Age, Dyspep-i; present time ha •ininent physic: perhaps the most prevalent iseases. and one too, up to i bullied the skill of the most an**, nearly all the proprieta- iuve been tried and failed. After spending years of study Dr. Holt lias as length succeeded in getting up a remedy, i Dr. Holt’s Dyspeptic Klxir), that has never failed to cure in a single instance. If you sufier with this disease try one aud be convinced. It is one of the best Liver .Medicines km»u ii t«* the profession. Liver Complaints, Comstipation, Jaundice, Head ache. Chronic Diarrloia, Yellow Skin, Brown Splotches and Asthma, if com plicated with indigestion, if you are troubled with any of those diseases it is a safe and certain cure. Manufactured by Dr. l/olt’s Dyspeptic Co., Montezuma, Ga/ I’rice $1.00. Bottle double former size. For sale by all druggists. Dr. Holt's Croup ami Cough Syrup pre vents ami cures cioiip. No cure no pay. .Manufactured Dr. Holt's Dyspeptic Elixir A DUTY TO YOURSELF. It iB surprislnir that people will use a com mon, ordinary pill when they can secure a val* liable English one for the same money. I)r. Acker’s Kugli.-Ji pills are a positive cure for sick headache ami all liver taouldcs. They are small, sweet and easily taken and do not gripe. Sold by lteid A: Culpepper. 9 WHY WILL YnC cougsi when Shiloh's Cure will give immediate relief. I’rice 10 A Suro Kidney and Illaddot Remedy—W. W. O. ENGLISH PILLS and pure. For sick Dr. ACKER S Arc active, cllectivi headache, disordered . titc, bad complexion mile (nited jwld. inaeli, loss of nppe- d biliousness, they 1, cither in America id Culpepper. 2 •cry word in tho vatt. of Thomas- this county for la Rye Whisky, from any other i worked, or bro il ny other cause, timulant will do ug else you could old Rye whisky mil.nit produced, beta Rye is the • listi.led in the ii’Sed end highly urs, chemists and • I’nion: it is an Bye Whisky, ami >n ,'olely on nc- A. F. l’RKYATT, cut, Tiiomas- \pril 2u-’.y CAN.T SLEEP NIGHTS Is the i--»in|il:iinl of thousands sullorini? frol W. W. G. for xvcakly femalos. i H- find H a friend. id fragrant s. For sale late Auditor of i Chamberlain's ly and have no excellent re me dal med for it Cl. or cold will !■> danger from cm-dy is freely sale bv McRae For anoomic paoplo W. W. C. la a boon. To the Voters 637th Dist. G. M. I hereby announce myself a candi date for Justiee of the Peace, <>37th District G. M., tho'at election, to be held on 28th inf.t (June), ami respect fully ask your support. Lkiimens Dj ki.i-:. Stuart House Barber Shop.. This lir.t-clas-s shop will in- . j|tf It ,]„■ year round. Hair cutting 2.'> ecu'-' t, .lm> inn if) cents. Wort gimrnlteed to Mlcuse nil. Give me a cull. Pitot-. \Y. ii. Owe, n. ■’> 28tf. L'ropri ,-tor. GENERAL DELIVERY. I hereby announce to ’he public - t | mt | an prepared to do a General Delivery business in Thoinasvillc and vicinity, ruon , n g three drays, which are under the uiani moment of experienced and careful driver*. Hates asonablc as circnmstaiues nrLBl: dlow Z.T. W ILLS A l 1 Thoinasvillc, Ga., S3sj- •Jtfcl* The best spring medicine \ n * j, c world is I* 1* If you would be yyv \\ . ;U id in good pirits use V P P D wcak debilitated an 1 run down tak', p p p y or IX medicine to cure •nts of tho h, Poke ami tone 1h. system take l * F oot an«l Potassiu ra; sprinj • general uil- P (Prickly Tl ic Rev. Geo. II. Thayer, of Bourhoi snvs: “Both myself ann wife owe on toV?hi. ’oil’s Consumption Pure. For s llicks £ • Pew-ock. Ileads "h<- is readily t-urr- l.y P. which to. u s ami regulates the digesth creates un appetite. Did.. DO K no’ SUFFER ANY LONGER. iat a rougli can be checked in • lir-i 'tagiv* of consumption »-rk. wr lirr- l.v guarantee Dr. y, ami will r«- •:y. take it as • I our statc- .cit*. ii Ci'Ipep- A nasa» Shiloh’s ( For sale ijector tree with earl Mirli remedy. l’ri« •v Hicks Peacock. PROVIDED WE IHAVE NO ‘MORE COLD. OUR has come.S NO MISTAKE HERE \V c Iiavo used unusual cars) in selecting ituft's and fab, rics and we nave the -Nobbiest Stock- in town. No IdleBoast The gentlemen already know \v<^rc headquarters for FurnisHing Goods. Latest St .vie in SCARFS, COLLARS. iGentlemensjNotions. The Lords of Creation Are not, as whimsical as the dear : ladies in the matter oi ••Notions,” but we can suit all tastes. Hurt .lea’s Arnica Halrc, The Best S'a Ive in the World for Guts Bruises, Surety Ulcers, Sail Rheum. Fever Surt-s Tetter, \Cliti|.ped Hands, CitiliduitH Corns, tin.I till Sk in Eruptions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is Rtiiir- untet-d to uivc -tcrl ect satisfm-tiou, or uiottey refunded. Prii« 25 cents per boi. For stile tty S, J. Cassels. Drui? Store. Abbott's East Indian Corn Paint I, a quick .-ure for Fonts' Bunions mid Units There would lie fur less complaint uju-u-t flic whiskey Business it people who drink would demand it line whiskey, of a standard lirund, mid accept no other. There nr.- iti.-tny straight and well matured whiskies on tin- market, Imt no other stands so hit’ll with llte medical fraternity,and witii connoisseur.., as the celebrated I. W. Harper whiskey, of Nelson County, Kentucky. The perntim- I. W. Harper is sold only l.y <;. \v. WtMtt.vs Thomasville. (In. *-rtnjr: --Mr. i v. it It an a- - - : nnd l.r.ii--- | t' Uimini’er. ; v is without j 'and should I d. for sale 'pi-ciidiy [ Itiarrhucii K.-nt- lt is tin- Best, uvcssful treat- to take. For Don’t Wear Your Old Tile , HOT] JiL 2^E02sTTDS SJ^lsTO OPElSrS JULY 1st, isoo. An Ideal Sunn Ksr -Resort, ----- Kailio.ul Lliicct to Hotel. Special K nftss to Families. For circular and other information, a.Mivss. 1HARVEY S. DENISON, Manager. Ii Yltoisr !•'. 1JEI Asst. Manager, 1 luntsvillo, Ahibamn. I Ciothierr and Furnishers, 106 Broad treat- • Thomasville, Ga