The Daily times-enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1889-1925, July 25, 1890, Image 1

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* ). <ii TIIOMASVILLE, GEORGIA, FRIDAY MORNING, JULY =25, 18H0. $5.00 PER ANNUM A I iOh j i elt Wiint At 1 LAST SUPPLIED. Ladies Underwear, A Full Line Just Received LOHNSTEIN’S SKIRTS, GOWKS CHEMISES Etc, Fql’ loss MONEY than can buy tlic goods and make them. LADIES A'v respectfully juvite4 to*!n- sjvjct- these, Satisfaction Guaranteed at l'6x Broad Street. I LETTER FROM WASHINGTON | The Great Capitol Building and Other Public Buildings—Miles and Miles of Asphalted Streets and Boulevards—Uncle Sam’ Great Money Vaults —Heaps of Gold and Silver—The Washington Monument— Bright and Dark Pictures. \V.,“i virrojf, I). ) Ju'y 20, 1800. ) Times Esteuukixe . Where them's ?■> much to t *'l it is difficult to begin. Wr*h"tg.'»n H* been rillcl the Paris of Amerir i, and as Paris is the finest city in the world, so Wash ingtoa is the most beaut’tV! city in America. The \'sitor : s inipr, r 1 with its niilr t on nr'cs of rspha'ted streets, not only the great avenues and finer st'eats, lint even what would he back sir. jts 'i o'her cities i- paved. These clear ..month pave meats makc-Wi'shi-iglyn the home of the bicycle anil tricycle. Semes of cyclers, mule und female, chii 1 2 s' an gliding along the avenues like flying creatures at aU hoc.,. The pav» merits also give this city thed'sl'm lion of being the lust stronghold of the roller skats. A hoy can skate here to his hearts content, miles it lie chooses, without stopping, orpny'og for admission. Among the pnlilie hi> :, d : ng Capitol is grandest of them all A noble sl-ucturo it is; fit dumid'e lor the government of the greatest of reptile lies. It steads :, i the midsts of the noblest ot grounds, on a hill 110 feet high. In iti, a few inches over 751 feet, nearly twice the d* tnnee ncrcss one ot Thomnsville's blocks. It’s greatest brendtli is 1124 h .*t. It corers-ll-V acres of grdund niu| cost 813,000,000. There is a central portion, which Sn the old Capitol, built of yellow sandstone, .h\tt lV>v; painted white This stone came from a little Island in Virginia bought by the Uni' 1 Stat" i Government, for 80,000, in 1701. There are also two immense wings nr extensions constructed of white Massachusetts marble. There are around this imposing structure 100 fluted monolith marble colonies from Maryland. Inc long rows of these beautiful columns ca' 1 up d-earns of Ibe o|d Grecian tempi* i. The groat biil'dlng i''*es iuto p'i im mense dopic, which is surmount'd by a bronze statue of Freedom, lfli feet high. To the top of the statue it m 288 feet, lacking one inch. Inc U’nat * JJhH : r Hone wing, the House of Representatives in the other. The building is ventilated by menus of drafts of a'- forced through it by slemu eng'nrs, plac 'd in the basement. The nir is drawn through great stone a : - towers placed out '*i the gardens. One ignorant of the - " use, would take them for monuments of some kind, but they are hollow, and open at the top, and the air forced through them through subterranean passages. All the public buildings cannot he mentioned in detail. There arc some 16 or 17 of them, and fevers’ are ex tremely handsome. The army and navy build'ng is said to lie one of the most beaut' o’ houses in the *vholp world. It cost 810,750,000 ; eovcu 44 acres; list two miles of cowidou, 566 rooms, ft elmtON PPtl evety con veniences The tni'ti TiOi uiy building : s of Virginin free stone, and Maine gran ite. It is 582x500 feat, and cost nearly 87,000,000. The pa<li room is a marvel of beauty. In the hr k> incut of this building can he : ien some of Uncle Sam’s cr ih. Over 800,- 000,000 in silver isstnckpJ up In oqc pile. It is packed 81,000 in a sack, two sacks in n box and pile 1 one box on top of the other like so much Horsford’s bread preparation- 1 am told this is tho hugest vau't iu the world. There 's another vau't *n the basement outlining over $85,- 000,000 of gold and silver. The viiiitsarc litl'e more than immense 'on cages, through the lattici of which the lioxcs can he t :n. I askeil a pouer, a good look'ng colored man who had followrd us, if it had ever occuved to h'm that a dozen detcim'nt i men might enter the bu'M'ng, and ci ny oft some of this wealth; that I saw no good reason why it could not be done. He re plied, touch'ig me on iiiyfninnd lifting h's coat so rs to show a r. ■ volver, that there were many things I did not s tlmt there were armed men s.itiou 1 a" ti rough the bui'd- ing; that there were 2500 employi ,-s in the hoc mi, and tint itcorns itcd by telephone with the police stations in every devotion. I I-id exjee'* 1 to find guards of sold'erg in unifoim with ioa F I carbines, promenading the r >iiidolj. i only saw revere 1 ne groes hi ci'.'-’.ensclothing,silt'ng about ♦he vau'ts ; th •» have pistols and ate the guards. I saw the h’l's stamp:d . with the President’s rial, cut r u* uler, count 1 into piles and brnded : nto hales ’ : ke snia'I bundles of merchandise. Each parcel is count'd over by rjveral lady clerks, who draw 81 if00 t > 81500 a yea'- sr’•••/. 1 wa*esj ,>ii> ,| y ' it rest 'd in the de- s 'uci'on of tho wot.i out b : "s. From 8300.030 t > 8700,030 in new b'"s arc i su< I dr'ly. Ivotn a qua' ter to a half nd'Hon do’h.'s in worn out and mu l i hi led bi'ls are destroyed every day. These me carefully classified and neatly packed into uniform pack ages ; tho pack nges ore then split by a snutp knife the long way in two equal pm,a, and the; : halves letickct- cd and packed nuew, one hu'f to ho sent to the . c -reta'y of State Dope-, meut and counted, and *he ntY*r to ho retained and counted by tho Tretis” uiy Depai .incut, when the two counts arc cli iked and must agree. The halves a-c then puncht.l by a ma chine tint pit's holes through theic packages, when it : i pc x 1 over to the macerating room and ground into pulp. 1 begged for a stnr’l qui i*'ty of tins pulverized cash, hut it was firin' ly refused as contrary to orders. Then there is tlie Pension Office Budding; hut 1 have no heai t to t s'! on what a scale Uncle .Sam dispenses Ids hundreds of ro"’'oi.s of bounty. 01 course every touiist v'-'n the White Hove, Nntiop->l Mr rum, Smithsonian Institute, und va-ious other places of importance. Ol all the monuments iu 'Vs des- t :- icd to be monument ' ci.y of *he New World, l will only a dude 11 the peerless obelisk erected to do lionor to the pcorlc's Wp"’ ,i ng‘ m. It is built of wh'l; imirble, on the spot selected by Wrdvngtiu h'-nsell, a gently ti- sing h : " on the banks of the Potomac river. It is 555 feet high, and cost 81,130,000, 8900,000 of which con- grr-'s conti ibuted. The wfllli a >’® 15 feet tlijyk a} tho bottom, and grow tYnucr as it Uses, being 18 'nch- - on 'he top. 1 ne top : s reach 1 by r \ el evator which consumes li"'f an hour n making the trip, 0 minutes going up, !) minuter coming down, and 10] minutes at the top. What app ;a s ei with i'vericd footmen, at ;1 l others in pla'ncr i!gs; scores pregl'd'ng by on bicycle, wh ! 'e great numbers P’-od *'ie thorougl fees. WV-'nt , n niUbl i,o a heaut'i'.’' city to ,: ve 'n. Uncle Sam >s on easy task mc-ter ; he beg' is work at 9 and knocks of! at 3, and pays for ten hours, besides gi* 'og a i hour or so for lunch and gossip die 'ug the day. Wu<b : ng.on -i rapidly becoming a resident r city for people who have in comes; rct : * 1 officcu and officials gen era''y, br -'dn others of sma’ieror lar ger 'ncomes. Rents a» j comparative ly low, mo-kefs a-j tine and cheap, taxes low, and society exiremely dem ocratic.* ■ j Jj 9 ' f I j 1 < I In 1810, the city had 8,208 inhab itant*; 1820, 13,274; 1840, 23,364; I860, 61,122 ; 1870, 109,190 ; 1880, 147,307, and at present about a quar ter of a million, and still growing up- 'dlt* But let it not be forgotten, toiling brethren at home, thntthereis a da-k side tn a'’ this pomp and show, case nudcomfoit. There n-e disappo'nt- nients and heart aches; blasted ambi- tiors and iti’aed hopes ; wrecked "ves c id ph-enz'r 1 brai"siiuxed in a" this gilded'ife, and now und then coming t i *'ie Hunt to be gossiped about, and then forgotten. Yea, verily, the population of this great city is largely a shifting crowd. The generations are for but a few years, oftentimes a twelve months w'" complete the offi cial ex'sienc?, and the hopeless aspi rant dis-ippe->-s from Washing-on life forever. E. M. M. Too much raiu for cotton. I. -t cveiy one ontrol t'te'r temp3: U.duy. See notice of a diy goods salesman wanted. What’s become of that propo. 1 ar tillery company. 1 t Hob Mitchell’s friends r?''y to h's support to day. Hec special not'ec of mcct'ng of Jmpi «v 1 Order E 1 men. Secure your setts for Laly Aud ley't Secret, next Thu lay n'ght. Someboy w''' have to pay for the cig; , at Reid it Culpepper’s t? n'ght. The guesses wi” bo canvassed F.jnk Wa’ker’s Thonv' *t' , ’c friends regi.-t ttint he wrv not nominat- 1 at Talle hr »r j on Wrlm hy, for the lcgis'ature. To mot row the executive committee will meet at the court house, consoli date flic returns of the primary, and deela-c the i Mrs. Joseph 1*. Sm'»h and cKhlren are speudiug the summer at Jones boro. O.ur postmaster *i now playing the role of a bachelor pro tim. The farmers ot Thomas county r-e in a prosperous condition. They ate, mosi ef them, praolica’ly out of debt; and the crop outlook 's mcs. flatter- ;, 'g- Judge Merrill received a letter yes- Pear Quotations. New York, 1 July 24,1890. j Special to Timrs-Exterprisk. PEARS—Receipts to day 350 bar rels, 1700 crates. Barrels selling for ?4.50@85.50. Crates, ,$1.2.5@$1.50 for choice stock. WATER MELONS—Arrivals 10 cars, 815(0.825 per 100. Omvit Bros. THE 1 BALTIMORE PEAR MARKET Baltimore, Mu., ) July 23rd 1890. f Special to Timks-E.nterprise : Pea'S in barrels pjll'ng 85 to 86, in crates, 82. GOHI 'VtiltOItST, Son i *.v A C.i. Who Can Beat it t Mr. W. B. Dukes, of Chodrn, £3nds the Timeb-Fstepup'se a speci men of h's fodder. The specimen is fresh and green and, evident’y, not fu’'y maturad. It mcasur- ’ five ft at long. T P M-. Dukes’ coin is *n keep ing with h's fodder, he will not bnvc tod-aw on W- -tirn coin c-ibs for h's bread. i.i *i ii i terday from Met..'1. Hcs hobnoL ■oni the ground tj he fip" l black i,. . , . , . . .. .. . , lung with the Canucvs nway up ■* squares at the summit, p-e windows - -- J 1 Just'co M-i'lin, with two other fr. holdeis, w'M hold the clect'on t< day. Sonic a''inncs mn'i wri bc'ng lookel for yesterday allcrnoon, to act rs one of i he managers. Thomas* ilia bps su'd to the conn- tty: we r-c going to suppoit Ivey and Pa-ker, and wo a-k you to stand by Mitclic". The town, and the town distiiet wt'l jcdccm their propo sition. And we be"evo the counti/ will stand by Mitchell. Messrs. Ivey and Parker w ;, l get a ti’’l votj in Thoraa'ir’"o today. 'Ihei'' votiw' 1 ! ho larger here than in any other d : «trict. Tho town has sn'd it would suppoit them, and the pledge w'U be redeemed. Let hope that our country friends w'U fco equa'ly libera' towa -d Boh M'tche". Fred I/ihr i.cin is not or'y a good merchant, but lie is a successful fi*m- er, as a splendid sj c'men of a cotton stalk “which huug on h's outer wall” yesterday, can testify. It conta'ucd fifty odd bolls, some of them oj :n'og, and was grown on his plantation, live miles out of town. Mr. Lohnstein, judging from his success ‘a tanring, is eligible to membership in the r’’?- 1* \ Hon. JC'ope Ei'as, ot Fir ik''n, N. C., is a candidate tor congress iu b's district. The convention to deter mine who sbn'l lead the democrats meets in Asheville on th* 2nd of August. Mr. Elias has filled many important positions of trust aud respon sibility, and he has, in every instance, a ^quitted himself wcl'. He is one of the hiightest, brainiest young derac crats in the old North State, and if nominated, w'U carry the mountain count'es with a whoop. The gentle man is a brother of Mr. Dave Elias and of Mrs. 1.1 ny, of tb's pines. SPECIAL NOTICE. Applicants for membership in the through which t’|p ohiei rer MU look out pver the great city aud surround ing couptry. From such a height the stree's sick into mere roadways, the bu'id'ogs u*-c dwt’-f* 1 in s'ze, and grown men look like pig.n'ri creeping ong. But what ot the p' >p(e \\h.c live 'n these liuu(lreds of blocks of red brick houses, and v* theta leagues of con Montreal. Miss Mamie is v'siting friends i'l Mich'gjn. We have been hoping that proper.y owners would fi" up the unsightly gaps in the concrete pavements on Broad St. this summer. It is not loo late to have the work pet formed yet. It would improve Broad St., very much. Mr. I. Levy has gone to the northern markets, where he will remain 8 or 10 weeks, in order to buy the fall stock of Dry Goods and Clothing. The people of Thomasville may ex pect to find a very superb stock at Levy’s Dry Goods House this fall, as Mr. Levy will neither spare time or taste m selecting them. In the meantime the balance of the summer stock will be closed out at a very low figure. LEVY’S Dry Goods House. Improved K 1 Men are exp icted to I s present t. nicht (Friday July 25th) at Masonic Temple at 8 o'olook. J. E. B. Love., P S. to 275. Cairo disiiict ! s a hummer. And they arc dyed in tho wool demo- era' v Next to the Thomas*i"c dLtiiet, Cairo district shovrtt tb« largest white crctc 1 streets? To one strol'mg up registration, their, figures running up and dow.i lliesa boulevards ip tho la- ter hours of tha af.ciaopn, Wr ! h'ng- ton seems to approaih the famous El Doralo; nobody 's hung.y, tired, or i'l did; no men houses visible; uo jck women or crying babies—at least none arc scon. Eveiybody's tak'ng his e-’se; some nredtt'ng read'ng 'n the yp-ds and g.-ps.s plats 'a front of the'r liomn, or chatting with thei • neighbors, some arc riding in cai.Iag- Tho following paragraph pregnant with wisdom, 's applicable to Geor gia and Thomas county. The Time;- Union, Jackson*He, says: The first duty of a good cit'ieu is to attend the primaries of Ids pn'.y. There *s where popular government begin*, SIGNAL SERVICE BUREAU —AT R. Thomas ir’r 1’6 Broad Street C.S.Bondurant Volunteer Observer Weather HttHelin for ihe SO hours rnutng at 7 o’clock 1*. M., July, 23 1890. TrvrsiuTDRS. 7 a. in yi 2 1>- ni .1111" 74 7 p. m 72 Maximum for 21 hours v g, Minimum “ “ “ 71, Rain-fall ....'.'.0.74 ^Showers stationary temperature. O HOUR IA—-Colquitt County. Ordinary's office, July 20, 1*90. J. It. Fields, guardian for the minor heirs of M. Smith, deceased, haring- applied to me for leave ti sell the land tielonging • 1 aaid minors, I will pass upoa the same at roy office on the first Monday in Fiptember, next. S. (!. (iaaaiHV, C.diuary, C.O.