The Daily times-enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1889-1925, July 26, 1890, Image 1

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$5.00 PER ANNUM 7' V'OL. II-NO. (!2. A liiuij i’oltWant At I “IT SlIIMMi *il>. Ladies Underwear. A Full Line Just Received —AT— LOHNSTEIN’S SKIRTS, GOWNS, CHEMISESlEtc. For less MONEY than can buy thi* goods ami make them. LADIES Are ivspe.. fully invited .ojiu- sj ct these G. >ds. Satisfaction Guaranteed AT Broad Street. TliOMASVlILK, GEORGIA, SAT URDAY MORNING, JULY 26, 1890. Thoughts For The Present Day. Mist k art nut crime.., Imt they are niiulo, imi.I the oni' < "'qu<"i t fj»'l on ttuboi.i nr'limis Laws ami customs miTiIi'c for the j.resent ago, may not meet the urJoi.' ho entirely ndaptuhle fur cmergeuoios a liuiid-ed yeats lienee. The w’s? men who 1 allied hip- i oil s'tu‘-on were men idetl anil ' ;ie, hut 'hey were motif 1 , ami it was impossi ble for fhe ino‘t sanguine of that au gust hoily, to conceive ot the vr . magcituile of th's re|iub l: i. when a hundred years shoo'd have t >’’ 1 away; it was not possible for them ' } guard against the intricate pioblems which agit".te our political, world ti - day. llut th's constitution is open os we a" know to amendment <, a id the t'mes m ;essilit; a dr ivimI lor oo- big brained men to come in a sobd pint- I'i-vs, and by wise legislation give the country harmony and proepe- tyome more. Time and again the idr i has la on advanced of o"ow ; ug ; ‘f age only to tax payers on rot! estate, but as might he expected, the suggestion wrs draw tel mi a lmwl of ind'gun- t'on. But let n leason toga*her. Tb's Iasi might evcntua"y ! >mc a blessing"* leg’slated ivselv'-i behalf of 'he poor moo. Let the demand of va'uaiioii nolVxceed $500; tb' hmd, when iteqfl !r sd, he exempt 'nm a’’ ■•tigat'oii, 'axes always except; J, what would he the rr ,.tM ? Kvety bon it th'nk'ug father cm perceive it woo'd bean i ncen , 've to economy ’n 'he’- boys Evcty b.’glit A no.lee i 'id ’u lrs ‘•l rs woo'd look forwr d proud'y to the day when ho could s.uud a man among inti), lie wait'd lopk_ .wic, yr-., n.r iy titn* t at l'Mdc"»rhefoie he wott'd spend fool’d 'y, or V-k it rcckless'y on game? of eh • ice, e -, billiards, or squander it in s- ‘oot s and other d'sreputihle r. toils, 'lhn boy who would desetve t'io ligh t ot sulfragc would always have that bright goal to beckon hint on no turning to the right or lcii, but standby foi vr d, patriotic ambition, self-respect and pi Isle ' i the resu't, woo'd surely lead that boy to tueri And liahi's of economy anil si.idy would he formed which would prove of I'fc long value; and would th's young men who hrs t.niggled t) attain th's honor he igai ■ rant of the needs and exigencies of h's country? No! “The thoughts of youth are long, loug thoughts,” rad in his em bryo state he has ponder. 1 di 'ply on the political issues of the day, aud no suave polices' fi lend woo'd have the audacity to uufold h's slimy pics to th's young American, who had ly hard toi' acquired the privilege of be coming a factor ju the interest of lrs counti f, he wan'd not da-e irs'nuata that he dc tmt 1 hint acci ts'ble to bti- bery. And the oesupation of the pet ty p )l : » ; c>an who does the d't.y work fork's pa-,'y, would ha less liicra l! ve tnnu at present. Ifsuc.i a *iw ex'-.t. I, the nos oils, float'ig ?tuiu of hums'tiiy from the guttau and slums of our cities, would cease to crawl foilh from their fi'thy laiu and t jffie thei- votes for a “schooue;" of beer, a drink of old tye, or a tew dol'f-s. In heaven’s name, what do raeu of th's elrss (and they number thou sands,) csre for th's country. But the vote of one of these besotted creatures is of the nine numeric?' va'ue rs the man whose life has been spent con- scient'ot-o'y in the service of h's state. Can any sane man r.a juslico or an io'a ot r?-”on in such a s'-itcof affa'rs. In another ration the ahs.-'d incon- giuity would excite orr sense of the ludicrous, but the re?''ly m too ’? mentable, r id we f’ul it would l.a too ghastly to rid'culc our on a skeleton. Does the right of stiff age car ->e a glow of pride to th’ill a man's he?., when he gees to the wards of our great cit'es on cl- Jtion days, and mingle with the “riff raff,’ who compose the majo.'.ty ol our volers; on these days they come 'Vom the haunts of ciimc ouds'lojaof squalor and vice, swarming !'ko spot- ti 1 toads in advance of a summer shower. To thee l’uriab’s such oect- are “ri i lettei ’ days ; to tliani they signify i-nlirn't'd '-re d-’nl-s. And iintougoi. th's lieterogencous ma-s ot squ-rin'iig humanity a-e t'- v o i lassos whoso i'gilts of suf.-ageii'e a cuiro to the upiih'ii-, and a shameful injustice to honest men. F"-the men whose c-ild eyrs gleam with a restless cunu'ug f.-om pale, uvatlcious fac- s; th's class is i at her d'tficu't; on ly a bribe of pecuniary or offic'?' val ue wl'l l ! a - *; Jpt I. Then fhe men wh-'i nat.’ktl- I id'ty deb; 1 ' ; h'nt .' om hav’ng any op't-io. s upon pa y ' Ji-, of wh’ch he hujwj noth'ig and '■ ••es 1" ; s; rid It* hut not V:.,the meu wi'h d'm meo-'-tgk-' eyj y the stigma of deg. j lation on the’- bloat id cheek pu yle w'th 'he b -ud of t'n and s' ante ; 'he'r vo‘ s c? i l j bought for any .h-ng to quench the ei.iv’ngs of *'-e firey demon they hive eg 1 in the'- ije"ng I )' . And who can look on a : me ’ : kc 'his a id di Jin it an honor to vot». lkit 'hi- loath some panoranin : s uor’-'-ng; evc.y four yea-.*, the Hint-y gon * 'trough a-i upheaval of excit mient, ilui' ig which a'' the petty mc-inn- s of hu- mac'ly *s engender.d and hrougl.t to the k.'tfare; and th's pa .y "mud throwing” is a dtsg.-ao I) our nation, aud it perve;Is the '-''leren's noh'"ty of our hoys. When the c-mpa'g.i of 1884 wr s at fever he-rt, and each pa-ty was gath- cr'ng the d' .it-,l mud pon'blc, a blight lad of thiii :jn, who ha 1 token g.-eit i it'rest in the cjnva*, hectme disgust?-.!, and c'cl wi'h fttc acorn: “Father it 'sun awfit'pity the dem- ooia t and republicans didn’t h ive some detent men to put ou their tick ets." That hoy’s soul wi i too pure and lionesv t» grasp the “tT?N of cb'i-ueiy, which pol ticia-s deem legii'nmt-J weipors of n Set. And tb's spilt of raii'-'gnant vituperation actuat.’s the eu-’-e count'/, eveiy preointi, eveiy word in our cit'es e-e hot-he Is of i lot and discord, aud money ; s pouri I out l ; ke water to buy votes, and hour '-es one of the mighty sovejs of po'itie-’ degrala- lion and t a'-t. Tl’ihai.ei ig of the lights of Ruff age w''l g.-alur'ly hut surely sap the fotinda'-ous ol “the greatest government the world ever raw.” Aud t) thoughtl.'l meu thed'-eud- l’jl question atie's, how sha" ‘h's wide sareal cat.option be avc.' d? how b.eni the tide of th's In 'hie ava'anelie of m' u'e and blor Ishi 1. Th's : s no w'M s?-‘“ii'onrl btat inciit. Facts spjak for them:jives; s 'veiy tmgacl oratjis may t 'Ive to Ir'l you intj a seu- j of s jui'etv. and slit' 1 iei of our naiior”' pros, .‘i.ty he p"i 1 mouiif'i’u high, yet the fi -Is lamain the r-nle. Wc may "sian to flight! of e!i queue s, and sof;, downy- logic may soothe us for a ('me ; hut they i '-not j ob'ito;^:e the kuowl ’ge ot theg.-eitj iuterna* sp' it of uu>-o . and npprelieu sion surging in the m'ui's aud he? Is of our people, in the yn; j 58 and 5!'who h* id the w.t .-'ugs of corn- iog d' how many were on cc'ous of the da-k pal! o( wr* and desolation bsv'ng oypr our homes? Our heir's t v 'M yet with 'he memoiy ! of fhe yens when the t:J fiend of j war held h’gh c'.t'va' through alii our I" id, a id with what rigcide ii we watch; 1 the slow u"fold'ng ofthat gigrutic r ji' who: j emhiace brought death to many a noble hen-. and the deeprs. miseiy * > many houses. Even now we ou r’uit our eyes as some d'st'ut sfra’n of music is bo:nc to us on the night brei^j and again we hear the ffe aid d'-um as it float 1 .1 out ' >m every svayi'de in the bunny dry.i of that spi'ng-t'me r» loug ago, and who w"' deny that the clout's d’ keo’-tg the pa'i'h -.l hoi'?)ti of tc day are 1 aught with If i s'ge'fi- esu of dinger 'han they were tkY.y yr'-.j rgo. And it is f'mc'b'it th : -k- : ug meu shor'd at tb’s tiitical t ; mc leg’-'utj wi jly t.> rush tb's g.. 1 for gold and g'ilter. When the sup- pns-J curcophagus of Marcus Aureli us wrs t jndered tu Andrew Jackson as b'slast i ■ it'ng place,what did 'hegrand old hero reply: “Eveiy monument erected ti pcipctuatc our heroes and sinte; men ought to hear evidence of the rconomy aud simplicity of our re publican institution, and the plainness of our citizens, who arc the sovereigns of our glorious uvion, and whose vir tue cannot exist when pomp and pa rade arc made the governing passions. It can only dwell with the people, the great lahotiug aud producing clones that foim the hones and sinews of our country Ah ! grand words, wowhy of being ut.ercl by the man whose love of count; y wasgteuter than love'of self- glut ifi cation. When he s’sod in the halls of justice, did he iguorc the in- terestof the poor mm, the “bones and sinews” of our conntiy ? Did heetoop t > inttigues and- knavery, or bow dona to mammon? At such nccusa tions a thon-md NO'S would ring out loud and long, for around h's memo- ly the aureole of pat -iotism shines as bright and strong t day ns the stars in *he hravers. Aud have we no Jackson’s in this hoi”- of extreme need? Is the love of couni the prosperity of ou? fellow ntati, a thing of the past? Surely in tb's broad land we have big-bra'ned men in whose hearts the fires of pa- I not'sin yet bu-n clear and bright, whose comb'ncd iv : sdom can untangle th's 'ntiicnte iveb of national strife and hitter cont mt'on. Tn the eyes of the (,v''v' 4 world we a'c one nation; 'u ie->''ty, what arc we? A coun'-y torn ''ly 'uto fierce and imp'acablo factious. K, E. S. Three of Them. There's hut one paper in the Second Congrc'lion?' D'shict sjppo; ’ ig the sul- treasui/- scheme—ruul that amount j to so ''tt'o that i‘c nrmc' not wo; h tnenlion. It 's now cn gaged ' t the pler-int occupat'on of eat'ngn higd'shof crow.—Ba'nb-'dge Dp nocrat. We rc proud t>r;y that Thomr ; counLy farr'shu tht..) papers, wl-'ch have f s! tntly battled against the sub-tteisury plr i. They have fought it for the rmn, tbit the me-surc was age'iSkthe best 'ntei.t’ • of the farming cle"'s. There hrs 1 :n a big revolution 'n tb's country on the measures but veiy few ndvoontj it , . I ? t now. .. 1 i M-. \V. B. B'-nd, the hero of Mtnphy's d’s rict, yes.crday wn re warded by a vote for the log'-'it.'-e in the ton a preci let. Good order, good humor, and a friendly spirit in,eked the surround ings at the corn; house yesterday, dur ing the entire day. 1., b. Thompson & Co. got in their change ol “ad” too late for this morn ing. I.ook out for it to-moirow. Big reduC'on in wall paper. It it Mit .-hei', TiM.ier, Ivey and Parker. And they wiU get the unit 1 supnoi. of the until..Tied dem ocracy of Thomas < juutv. The candidates ought to appreciate the votes cast for them yesterday. Then f lends had to brave the ele ments a" day long. But they did it unflinchingly. M-. E. L. McGutnui se,' who hn t;cu hen sonic lime' i the 'Tircst ot O'ivitt Bros., commission mer chants, of New York, left last r'ght for b's home, Hawvhorne, Fla. Mr. Ba-t Hambleton, and he is one of the solid, substantial men of the coun.y, represented the alliance cle ment on the [hoard of managers, at at the election here yesterday. It is creditable a'ikc, to both Messrs. Mitche" and Moody, who contested for Senator yesterday, that there was no mud sbng'ng. It was a clean, gentlemanly canvass. This, however, was to be expected, when two thor ough gentlemen were opposing can- didut-jj. THE PRIMARY. It is over. TtiraerJ ci“..Ics the county over whelmingly. Bob M'tcheB carries the county by a good big majmity. Me'-'s Ivey and Parker received almost a unanimous vote for the leg- 'slntjrc. As we pr: lictcd yesterday, these two gentlemen received their large,t vote : n tins precinct. Wc publish be • low the vote of the precincts as it was wired aad brought in by couriers. It is not complete, but we give is as fo'l as it wr< received. Tne democrats of the county will accept the result and loyally support every man who was nominated yesterday. The day was a most unpropitious one] or the vo* i would have been larger. Here is the vote as col'at jil by the rctu-js. Tiiom asv ,i Mil shell, 831. Moody, 17. Turner, 330. Guerrv, 17. Ivey, 303. Pcker, 304. Murphys. Mitchell, 13. Moody, 18. Tutucr, 15. Gucrry, 10- Boston. Mi* shell, 17. Moody, 79. Turner, 80. Gucrry, 16. Ca-uo. Mitche", 02. Moody, 145. Turner, 180., Mitche". 24. Moody, 10. OciII.OCKONEE. Mitchell, 40. Mocdy, 06. Tuuer, 71. Way:. “"Mitche", - - - 51 Moody, 32 Turner,! 59 Guei./, 25 East Glashow, Mi.chcll, 5 Moi ly, 1 Duncans ii.i.e. M'tchcll, 20 M ’y, 2 How The Majorities Stood. F.-of. Moody cr ied Bos.on by 6! n-njoii./; G'r'-j, ?3; Ocblorkonee, 20 Muiphy, 0; m'-'cir-j 1 's aTj-ega'. nmjc 171. Mi*-hell e '.led the t»v, i dis' ii by 314; Metc i - , ‘e, 14; Duncanville, 18 Ways, 19 and East Glasgow, 4; ma- k'ng his majr i'ies 369, This leu? i -Spcncc d‘ ,,-ict out o the calcu’Viion, as the relit; ’s fron that dis’rict have not hren rcceiv 1 Spancj will go for Moody by prob ably 50 or tiO majority. Mr. Ivey for Gordon. Goe of the incidcn*: of the clcc "on at Waj s >rday, was the pic Ig: of Mr. Ivey, to h : s fiends on the grounds, that if eleci td to the legir- P-turc he would vote for John B. Gordon for Senator. Aud in this M-. Ivey wi’l cleo-ly voi j the senti ment i of lr i cop*, 'tuen' -. The following gentlemen acted as managers and e'erks of the election at the court house yesterday : H. B. Mart'n, W, B. Hambleton, and Achil les Smith, managers; T. S, Paine, C. M. Smith and Albe.t R’ley, clerks. These gentlemen discharged the<r duty well and impartially, and to the entire satisfaction of eve./ one. Pear Quotations. New York, ) July 25,1890. ( Special to Timus-Entertrise. Pear market fi-m with goodpro.- pc:ls for next wiek. No fr'sh re ceipts to-day. WATER MELONS- Arrivals 20 cars, $15(5825 per 100. Market firm. Olivet Bros. Mr I. Levy has gone to the northern markets, where he will remain 8 or 10 weeks, in order to buy the fall stock of Dry Goods and Clothing. The people of Thomasvillemay ex pect to find a very superb stock at Levy’s Dky Goods House this fall, as Mr. Levy will neither spare time or taste m selecting them. In the meantime tho balance of the summer stock will be closed out at a very low figure. LEVY’S Dry Goods House.