The Daily times-enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1889-1925, August 01, 1890, Image 4

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IT.,. Thsy Cannot Be Bought. ;.o l 'ii cori'cspomlrut "1 Mur mi :. .1 j i 'pii i* in TO THE AFFLICTED. • The Jtloott mid the Stomach if the l.i/e—thc w 'ft 'ft f ft DB. KIHSTG-’S ROYAL GERMETUER 'Most blood purlfler nnd norm do- A ,1 the nco. It tones tlio sp.madi. , s the nppetite, purities Hjp wrf- -fi j lions nrnl quickly .nnd permanent!.' '’" r ’/ >, oil Mood, stomach, kl'ino.v, M.oddir. Ih or, J and tomato diseases. Asa tonic It M " it >• (t § on I ti rival In lb t? medico. II Is a soverclsn K never falls to enre rltenmatis •jj paralysis, insomnia, dyspep S •Jon,debility, palpilatb K lion. IT. 3V. Orndy sa; , timet Thule ct all remedies." >5 Itcv. Sam. I’. Jones says! "I n isi' sniterlns wife bad access to that indigo atnrrli, «*tc. It is tin- r ' % ' f ITeV. 3. r.. nan-tliorne says: "It has f • brought certain and radical cures to bun- • • «lrt*tls in Georgia ami tithor States." T. Mrs. El In IL Tonnont. Editor Tcniwnt i y Home Magazine, says: “Its tame has -• S spread like a prairie tire.” JJ J)r. Jas. Young, the great tomperanre ^ •ctnrer, says: “Oh! that every afflicted mn and woman could get this grand rein- A ilv.” hi Thousands of others attest its virtues 2 nnd sound its praise, ij if you nrc sick, do not despair till you Ti have tried Germetuer. It has performed ^ cures that astonish tl; V. lfv p’s Royal Germct Company, Atlanta.Ga.. nnd by druggbts. ) Price ?1..V) per concentrated bottle, which J makes one gallon of medicine ns per di- r4 tlonsaccompanying each bottle, be sent by expr cist cannot supply you. J* ith disease r end stamp for printed 1 | certificates of woi sale by K id fail r drug- |( j P. ■ ilicitt .1 .ri.i-ii: ii "t Sj-i'iie -I I.U't. ! tttv Ion!:: .j .. .it lit!' jrrenuwt r: ! tijvpt ill" l-'.i: ii.oi-f' Alliance in •« | jn t!:C S di: . ti.til mt c ( "iiriij: l!u‘ | A i li inr • I pH'Iin pijtl iltnil Tliie Ip rivyp'iuili'iit, .til' II. II. l ailunJ. ! Stull'S ill lill I'HIIIH' 1 lilt, lilt lit pIHliill.lll I ' tl. c M-bl i't.iii ulu'i'cvcr tin: Ai.i IIa is I'liiittl lu In i.' Ii ■ In* Iwr.-m ; m l v, Alliiim'Cim ii mini liavi' tltc local iiliii'i'i. In il zuit'S 1 • c tiiiaii'- i . S .Titli Ciiri.liiia cm'i v p is'. inus'i-r .i <• :;lli‘iipp"i'aisl l*y 1!a: r ; **• i-- n ... .i' tills j.rg:in:j:.iiAiii \\Y i!. iicliuve lii.a I’ '• Hut pis. i .^penker Red "ii. Ii a ilmt this sii'n iuc will work,;r... Im vi u.'pi hns his nnme ii in wmiiiHii; - nrrnntcd. nnd r il price Mumped < W. L. DOUGLAS $3 SHOE FOR CENTLEMEN. Fine Cnlf nml J.need Waterproof Crain, The excellence tngl verier qualities of till, shoe caunot lie better shown than by the strong «—• treats of its thousand* of constant wearers. ».00 Genuine llmul-srwrd. an elegant and * -• •-•* which commend* Itself. A line ealf .Shoo ‘urablllty. standard dress ’ shoe, at n popular price. . . , JO.CO Polienmiin 4 M Shoe Is especially adapted O for railroad men. farmer*, etc. All made lu Congress, button and Lace. $3&$2 SHOES ladies, nave been most favorably received since introduced id the recent Improvements make them superb ^5'^ styHsh dress Shoe . Sju.00 Ilnnd-urwccl Well. A line calf unequalled for stylJr.ud durability. SgtCO Goodyear Welt Ms the stnudard COMMISSION MERCHANTS. OLIVIT BROTHERS, u!im,r.s.u.-: combisshiy iiF.Rcn.iMs. wa.*!.!•• g!on Street, • - NEW YORK. IVnrrt ;v f^pooial'.y. Iti'l'rr l>‘ penniseimi to 'I’imks-Kx- TKItl’ItlSK Hltli loclll ellipplTe. July 1 Urn McAlister - ijros. COMMISSION MERCHANTS.^ I'ueburgh, Pa SPECIALTIES. MKI.l )> K Mini I'KA IiS. REFERENCES: H v..i!..n«! I: ! Vniiotti .in I I’rei^lit A mt . !’fs* S br.rgli. T?nt“i ! -K:itt rpri'C, Tlit»in .*vil!c, ^in. ert» of <ttMirgia null S.uithC';tn»».n:t j if Di'iiii'C.iiv, -mil c.i unit Im w.'ii iwi hv pod 'llii w orgovrir. nful p...-ii : mi - Ddimiiint-- in tin: S-iiitli nrc* ililKiin^ iiiidii^ tin m.-clvi'.-', 1ml in ilit I'lidii "i the force liil! ami llie; ecclioiill login n lion of ike Ki'i'il I l-iypison parly, tlio DeniocaU will never iliviilu ami lot in a Trojan horse. The fanners of Georgia arc the hack bone of the Democratic party in this slate. They may lie misled at limes, but they always get r glit, and they never afterwards trust the men who deceived them. We look with interest at the distribution of postofliecs among Alliancenicu. Southern farmers arc not made of the treacherous stuff that the llced-llarrisoii combine seems to believe them I" he —Augusta Chroni cle. How is YourBiood? I had a malignant breaking out on my leg below the knee, nnd was cured sound uid well with two and a bait bottles of 8. S. 8. Other blood medicines laid fail ed to do me any good. Wili.C. Beaty, Yorkville, S. 0. I was troubled from childhood with an aggravated case of Tetter, nnd three Lotties of 8. 8. S. cured me perma nently. Wallace Mann, Jluurwillc, I. T. Our nook on Blood and Skin Diseases mailed free. Swift Sfecific Co., Atlanta, Go. .1 11. Oniii iso M :lc : iN-oei.i. OK,HIKi>,'III.F.V, .III. GOIILINHIIOHST, SCHLEY & CO. WHOLESALE FRUIT and PRODUCE Commission ^vlocoltimis, 520 B. Pralt Street, Hnltiinore, Mil. REFERENCE: People*’ Rank.; SPECIALTIES: Houtlicrn Fruits and Vegetable, fieorgiu and South Carolina Wiitcrnulou?. july 27 d-w 2m John Stout, PIIODUCE COMMISSION MEIK’llANT, 329 Washington Street, Jfcw - - - York. Melons and i’ears Specially. PJtOMI’T - SALES - AND - RETURNS.; G 20 d-w till .Sept 1st Geo. W. Davison & Co. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 45 and 47 Poydras St., Yew Orleans, La. MELONS A SPECIALTY REFERENCE: llrivljlrcct nml Gcrmniiin National Rank of New Orleans. july 17 d-w 2m SUMMITS, MORRISON & CO., COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 174 South Water St., t hicago, 111. MELONS and PEAKS IIVN0LE0 to BEST ADYVNTAfiE. Refers by permission to Timks-Estkiumgsk. july 10 d-w .'Im. to any shoes aoM at theu . Ask your Don hr, and If he cannot supply you send ilrert to factory enclosing advertised price, or u octal for ord£r yyUtll.AS. nrocktao. Nuns. Curtrigli! & Daniel, Agents, Thomasville. Gj. I’ltOI’l' SSK IN A !. 1! l)s. li. 1 louclu-'lle, M. IL UFFICUK: At Rfsiden on lleiningttm of Hansell Street T. M Me-1 N'TOSLI, Physician «& .Surgeon, Thomasville, Georgia. 5 ^-‘OFFICE over Stark’s, corner Rroad and Fletcher Streets. w. \V. ilKL'C ; M. I>. Olliue, up-stairs. met „> Ui-.i'l a*i1 i I.-: Im tUviU. lu»F S-Jy! s. Di.lil.K. M. IL, O.lidu.ii ll.Kcs Huildir.g. si'l’Vi •,»—'J »: u-r <• C.logj avenuo and Sing !e*i i'»:n •v»m u i r. • vt ia. N ». ii for night ■ II. COYl.K, I>. !». S., Itosiiiciit Dentist, ■ t*\ ill'* and vicinity. t»m« e hour*-i ron 0111*1 to 5 p. Ml Oflloo-'Jn I t ** mi olid of Thom- 1 p. in., and 3. M- I.KNOOX. AUonu'v-dl.-L'.iw, I'H H, J. i'NMfll, I'iioin; ,'| iiit*ine*4 en- ner 11roiul uu<l Rig C3 h thorcknowlcdgcd trading n im dy f«»r all the unnatural dlselntrgos and prlvat.i dll. o*e*(.f men. A certain run* for the dt hiU- tat^iig weakness pteulUr I pre*-rit>cltnn<1 feci *«afe C-3^ In ri-cominrudinK 5t to all *uMerer*. J STONfR.M 0,0(C«r'r,Iil Mold liy llruBKhla. It’E THE SHORT LINE POINTS WEST. T. Trcsident Harrison’s ability to see from under his grandpa’s hat lay In the virtue of the third bottle of w, \V# C. ... It builds up the system, purifies the blood, fattens the lean, and makes alive rtn inactive brain. A sure Kidney and Bladder Remedy. Read whit W. W. C. has dans lor Ex-Gnernor J. M. Smith I take great pleasnro In aaying that the medicine tou pmw, *. »n “y opinion, an cxcel. lent romedv for many diseases. Ihare taken it for Indigestion to which Ihavo been subjeet for years, nnd have found great relief from ita uso. I havo suffered much from Rheumatism also, and havo tried many sorts of medicines recommended by physicians and others for this disease. I liavo experienced luoro relief from tho use of your preparation than from any other, I havo great faith in ita use, and hclievo it the best modiclno prepared for the diseases In which Its uso is rerommended by your company. Respectfully, JAMES M. SMITH. Columbus, Oa. % June 7 t lSS9» Manufactured by Wooldridge's W. W. C. for sale by all druggists. Wonderful Cure Co.. Columbus. Ga. TO ibLOK SHIPPERS SEASON 1890. For Best Results Ship your melons to nil Kaslern points —VIA— The Atlantic Coast Despatch, A11 Rail Lino. NO TRANSFERS. Through Ventilated Oars ^iiiclicsl Time. The Fruit shipped by you is plolivc red tv) your Northern Agent* in goixl Comlilion For infornmtion. Rates, etc., apply to J. W, Morri9, Agent, Quitman Ga. Geo. W. Taylor, Agent, Valdosta. Cn, W. W. Davies, tien'l. Agent, Nu, O'J liny St.. Jacksonville, Kin. H- Wallers, Ceneral Manager. T. M. Emerson, G. F. A. Wilmington, X. L’. july 1 I d-w 2m THE Ali ilS LYI 4 K.-tiihlialuxl 1805, John H. Newton, COMMISSION MERCHANT, Pears and Melons a Specialty. Midland Railway tom|iany. The above old cslahlislicl «ntl responsi ble house solicits consignments of Fruit and Truck. Returns n.mle promptly The fi nancial standing of tiie house afibrtling ab solute security to growers. Brices tele graphed daily to Reese & Mason, where AND INFORMITIOA : Si.oo. tillr We take pl« asurc in aniioum lng t«» •mr friends of tho travelling and *lili»pin“ puhlic, and n»n- nccting lines, that tho Alahama .Midland Ky. is now completed between .Mmitpoiicrv, Ala. and llainhrhljtc, Oa. ThroiiKb schedules covering both freight nnd passenger business have been arranged with our connections at Montgomery Ala., and Rain- (•ridge, Ga. Tin* Alabama Midland Ky. in con- junction with it* connections at Montgomery and liainbridge, opens up A Short Tlmroojhlj lirliablr, if J Hirer! Houle, between all point* in Florida, south nnd soutlu west Georgia, the South Atlantic Sea Roerd, New York, Philadelphia, iloston, Baltimore, etc., etc., and Montgomery, Mobile, Birming ham, New Orleans, Mcmphi*, Nashville, Louis ville. Kvansvilie, lleudcrwon, Owensboro, Cin cinnati, St. I^mi*, Chicago, Kansas City, nnd to points in Texas, Mississippi, Kansas, Mls- «ouri, Arkansas, etc., ate. It Is tin; purpose of tills coinuany to give (piickcr and moro reliable *orvicc. than has heretofore existed, in passenger traffic between the points named, and to, nt all times give passengers sucli Inducement* in tiie way of ad ditional comfort, and attending to their wel fare generally, and in the safety of their bag gage etc., as will, we hope make ours a deserv edly popular route. We purpose giving all shipment* of freight intrusted to our care, no matter how small, can* I ni attention, and to sen that same are prompt ly delivered at destination. If shinpois desire, we will keep them advised by wire of tiie wherealsmts of their freight, and of delivery to consignee. We intend making a speciality of the melon, orange and vegetable biudness from points of production, and without hesitation, guarantee the shipper* of these commodities, quick time and intelligent handling or their shipments. Tiie Alaha na Midland Railway is equipped with ample supply of rolling stock, including fruit ears, etc., and i* laid from end to end with sixty pound steel rail. \\ ith such a road slid such an equipment, we feel that we can without hesitation solicit, and hone to obtain, a liberal share of the patronage of traveling and ship ping public. For information in reference to ratrs, routes, schedules etc., etc., please address the under- sigeed. B. DUNHAM, Gcn'ISupt. HAIDEN MILLER, Csn’I. Fr'tand Pais. Agent. MONTGOMERY, ALA., or W. S.’GATES, Traveling Agent, Thomajviile, Ga. Wi- cluir" ' no r.irinpe, nml nuike prompt returns. PIKE & BANKS, Commission Merchants and Dealer? in FOREIGN & DOMESTIC FRUITS, MELONS & PEARS SPECIALTIES, No.g8 PARK PLACE, Uni. Washington ami West Si*., New York. REPRESENTED BY John \V. Mitchell, May I5d*w Tlioinaavillc, (ia. ALABAMA MIDLAND RAILWAY. Time mini in i-ir.ct July l.ltli. IK!H>, wnsr noyxu. I.v Tuumasvilb', S. F. i W 7 20 « n “ Italnbrblgr, A. M. Itv 'J ‘>‘» «■ u '• D„naUor.ville 1* -">1 « a 11 10 n m Ar 0/..irl; 12 15 !> 1,1 LvO/.ark (niam-r, ,,.,,,-12 4:. p m Troy 2 38 p ill Ar Montgomery ’> Oil p m no xo CAST. I.v Moutgomvrv 8 oO a in •• Troy 10 22 i in Ar Ozark 12 IT. p m hv Ozark (clinnvrl 12 43 p m " Dotlian 1 48 p m •* Donalsouvillo 3 no p m Ar Itainbriilge 4 no p in hv Ilalnbriilge, S. F. ft W 4 IS l> m Ar Tliemaarillr,, 55 p m Alabama Midbinil trains artivv ami dcpait from union ilcpot Montgomery. 11AIOKN, (i. F. A I’. A. li. Di-SUAM, Montgomery, A In, (Ion. Supt. IAKKI.VC PLATES may be bail. dkwlm WHITE & PAYNE, rollon Fartom and Comnii'sion Herrhino*. MELONS AND PEARS SPECIALITIES. Nos. 11 and 13 Roanoke Dock, Norfolk, Va. REFERENCES: Norfolk Rank, Rank of Commerce, Rurruss .Son k Co., Bankers, Norfolk, Rank of Quitiuan, Quit- man, (ia. John Yule, WHOLESALE DEALER IN Fruits & Vegetables, Knoxville, Tonn. Kcprcjentcd in Georgia and Florida by K. P. Fearn. 7 13 tf W. W. Scarborough, COMMISSION MERCHANT, 21 Market Slreel, Knoxville, Tcnu. I make Kjici'ialtic* of PEARS and MELONS. June 20 <1 ll tv 2m. Gribben & u„. lU u, CONTRACTORS & BUILDERS, THOMASVILLE, GA. We will l cglad to make c« ntractH foi perintend, all classes of building*, imbllc c* private, In cither brick yr wood. Will furnish plans and apcclrtcatloni* If required. If you want any building dune call on us, nml wc will submit estimates whether contract is awarded OB or not. We will guarantee satisfaction in all our work. We refer to the many buildings erected by us in Thomasville, and to all parties for whom we have worked. Shop •ticet, 2nd door from Broad. Thomasville Ga., April 15,1890. The.B’est Spring Medicines InTHeWorldIs A5 A SPRING MEDICINE',TO CURE ANDTONE UPTHE CENERAL AILMENTS OFTHE SYSTEM,TAKE Price, $L. Sold bp all Druggists. Sentln slain paeV7lth Bobber Syrlnso for 51.59 cu? L E j m rbratclaniendorM ... and prcscrlbo It with great eatlnfnctlon for thq cure j all ft»rm« end etacoe of rrlwarr. Beeopdary aad Tet taws. Coax- i, Tottor, 8c(iMhoHU, •««..e‘ _ •nlc nit.l at> M »ei»ll»nt ay nod and whoso blood ties aro pi cnlUrly beneltleU by tho wonderful ionic and blood cleanMiiff properties of t. V. P., Prickly Ash, Poke P P. P. CUR” .Vs pepsIA LIPPMAN BROS., Progrlotors, ■\Vn0t.K3A tic DUUOOIET3. Llppman Block. SAVANNAH. GA. THOMASVILLE VARIETY WORKS. Reynolds, Hargrave & Dayis, Prop’rs Manufacturers and Dealers ROUGH & DUESSKD LUMBER. LATHES, PICKETS, SHINGLES, •MOULDINGS, BRACKETS, SCROLL WORK, MANTLES. BALUSTERS, STAIR-RAILS .N e wel Posts. OFFICE, CHURCH <£ STORE Furniture. STORE FRONTS, Wire Screen Doors nnd Windows, Sus Doors and Blinds STAIR BUILDINT AND INSIDE HARD\V00D?l NISH SPECIALTY. (6TCORRESPONDENCE 3):. 0:r : > n . Tj I a i J. To Buy A. W. PALIN & BRO.’S Carriage Shops. Lower Broad Street, Thomasville, Ga. ft VERY DESCRIPTION OF CARRIAGE AND WAGON REPAIRING, HORSE SHOEING, ETC., Done at rcatonnblc ratvs. Having rcvcnily purchased n number ot Libor-raving tools, nnd having the Best Equipped Shops lu Southwest Georgia, wc arc prepared to do nil kind! of work [in our line with <!i*> patch nnd neatner*.- upl22d&wly The (*oo(l Book says there is a time t,o do all things. The time to huy EAL ESTATE is when nobody else, is buying. When money is scarce. When others want to sell. When your oth er business is dull and your mind is free from worries. When the market is at the bottom. When all things indicate a sure and early advance. All these conditions arc filled now in Thomasville. I offer to-day ele gant fronts on Para dise' Park, cheaper than they will ever be bought again. A fine business lot 40 feet front on lower Broad St. The cheapest Farm in the country, quali ty considered, 111 1-2 acres, 3 miles out on Magnolia Road. Five acre triangu lar tract, just beyond Carroll Hill, on Jones Bridge Road. Finest corner lot in Fail* View; south ern exposure. Xeat cottage, cor ner lot, in East End. Fine suburban place ten acres of ground, in Magnolia Place. Cheap cottage in Fearnside. Desirable lot on Clay St. Cheap lots on Ilaycs St. If you will call on me, I will convince you, that I mean busi ness. I will also be glad to insure your life or your property. Heal Estate and Insurance Broker Thomasville, ** Ga.