The Daily times-enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1889-1925, August 07, 1890, Image 4

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The Queen of the Antilles. ii ih«! Bo«ton Journal. iota! improbability in ilw ( <)\1MISSION MERC" ' % OLIVIT BROTHERS, . h one «>t the New Y . h j TO THE AFFLICTED • The Blood and the Stomach U the IJ/r~tht rl dcwvgannit of cither it irrodudiv Ul of dttcate.** >A JJlEh. KIHSTGUS ROYAL GERMETUERl U the greatest blood purifier and fffrm «!e- fj •troyerof the age. It tones thestomneli. J-1 Increases the appetite, purifies the seere- Uonsnnd quickly and permanently enres .J all blood, stomach, kidney, bladder, liver, ar.d female diseases. As a tonic it is with- rl out a rival In the whole range of materia in?diCA. It Is a sovereign remedy, ami never falls to cure rheumatism, nc urakda. prralysls, Insomnia, dyspepsia, indices- Mon,debility, palpitation, catarrh, etc. ; j Hon. H. W. Grady says: •* It is the / <- t { tima Thule cf all remedies.” ^ Rev. 8am. P. Jones says: “I wish e ^suffering wife had access to that t Uev. J. B. Hawthorne says: “ It hr brought certain and radical cures to hui i dr'Yds In Georgia and other States.” Mrs. Ella R.Tennent. Editor Tcnncnt jllMne Magazine, says: “Its fame h: | sr^end like a prairie fire.” i)r. Jas. Young, the great temperam lecturer, says: “Oh! that every afilicti i in and woman could get this grand i on ely.” Thousands of othc and sound its praise. If you are sick, do ; attest its t despair till yc tried Germetucr. It has performed yj ttres that astonish the world. •> If you are suffering with disease and fail J a ot a cure, send stamp f«»r printed matter. • < y certificates of wonderful euros, etc. For sale by King’s Royal Germetucr ^ Company, Atlanta, On., and l»y druggists. IMcetlJSO per concentrated bottle, which rrakes one gallon of medicine ns per dl- m rectlona accompanying each bottle. C: be sent by express C. <). !>.. if your dru gist cannot supply you. ^ SSS r S ^S dADTION warranted, lind his name and price stamped \V. fi. Dougins Shore are ntcii. mill every pair bottom. | i .. . mv, s < uricnry that a couple I I Sivi' >, c. mi- sinner* MV in ih .s l,.,,; n-iv .-n:1eav< r'ng 'oarrangefor the ! m,i« nl Cuba by the Uni ed Stales. ! s.icii a r< port is flatly inconsistent j with the Spanish character. There is | enough ol the old Castilian spirit Iclr 'in ; ; .t: iu:in^ men ol Spain to make ; die sale lor money ol the richest jI i m 'he Spanish diadem a thought ab ill in., 1.1. And besides seiiMincuta i consul, rations titers are some ‘cry pract c.d ones why Spain dcs res M rr- lain Cuba as a colony. In h. r pre en t posiiion Cuba can be \ |,I,ii iVu it-.-: benefit of Spins i m >• rl mi's, rho c t.pp rtiinilns sn.!.! !>■ I.never poll ■ should the co o > p.i • within the < irc'o ol the pr 'In- »e > - it in i ; Ae dim. There s no reas" > to bjiievi tli o .in oiler ol $203,000,- o j- would . id i with any more avor- able r • ponse (ront the Spanish gov ernment n day titan our offer ol half that sum received under I’r.sdcnt Polk’s adm ristration. But there are thousands and thousands ol Americans, win-, ui spile of cur reiterated rebuffs, coiniruL- 10 iook with longing eyes to that rich end unlortunatc isle lying temptingly within our reach, only a shop clay';; swift steaming from the coast ol Florida. *\ hether Cuba is ever destined to become politically a part efthe United St tes or not, it is a fair way to become absorbed coni- icialiy. O r aggregate trade wiilt Cui'.i w.i VJ LI d in $53,000,000 m S.^p. nh <v. is more than doubie tli- colni'j’s trade w i« ilu itmtlor • -mi;r), Spai •, .u.d five ' mes iis 'rade with England. ttllllLISALS fOHMISSlOX MKRCHAM'’, 3:ia tVimlilnglo i JSlrei'l. • - NEW YORK, j IV«:u'fs it Special’-y. |(. iVr In pi'i'inission Ii»Timks-Kv- TKltl'ltlMK anil lo.-iil shippers July 1 .’hit McAlister - bros. COMMISSION MERCHANTS. RittJuirgli, P.i SPECIALTIES. MKI.OMS and PEAHIk REFERENCES: l)iu|iieyiie National Hank. Vari hi* K\a"o an I Kri'iihl Agi'iin. I’nls- Intrgli. Ti.onnisviPr. Pa. i'i'>" .1 II. I . i: l ; III . :*r. At. II. v neson.l. <;k.>i;kSciii.kv, .lit. (lOIlMXGHOItST, SCHLEY & (T. WHOLESALE FRUIT and PRODUCE Commission Merchants, K. Pratt Street, lltilliinure, Mil. REFERENCE: Peoples’ Bank.; SPECIALTIES: Southern Fruits anil Vegetable, Georgia anil South Carolina Watermelon,, fuly *27 d-w *2in AlVUling ^•o.S.oic3Le« j Life Insurance cannot compensate for gricfT tl:c empty chair at the table, tht fire-ride, and in the office. ' Whv not enjoy life when the fortune is iv.r.dc? What:; good to-morrow, must • !> e better to-day. Begin in time to bulhl up your system and spirit*, and dispel - j disease I v taking some wholesome and harmless ai'.eralN'e. There 1* nothing so good for Catarrh, Rheumatism, overworked system, and :d! Mood affections, as ■W.Wo CS.-3— ti|d fOiibecal'ai bacl^tb vigor ' P* l* 4 ’ 2 rm0r ‘d vitiliTy t, ypeyfire /ourpnrtt opforTunity ?I _ returned, . 4y, to Jj^hlly wgi^h ! THE:-: TIME To Buy Tealunonialo i’.iKMtNunAM, Ala ,Oct. ifi,’89. Mr. John 2?. Garrett, Sec* j and, Treat. IF. IF. C. Co. Dear Sir:—Having given your W. W*. (J. a thorough trial, I can cheer fully recommend it to all suffering with Liver Troubles. It has done inn more good than a barrel of so- called remedies, and I feel like a new limn. I pronounce it the true and only elixir of life. Yours very gratefully, A. W. BENTLEY. W. W. C. for sale by alt druggists. Manufactured by Wooldridge's Wonderful Cure Co.. Columbus, Ca. W. L. DOUGLAS $3 SHOE GENTLEMEN. iiic Calf nml Laced YVatcrproof Groin. The excellence and wearing qualities of this shoe •ai*ot be better shown than by the strong emlorse- • ?s«taof Its thousands of constant wearers. jfS/O Genalne Ilnnd-acwcd. an elcaant and Xr' stylish dress hhoe which commends itself. a ,0O llnnd-acwcd Well. A hue calf shoe ^ unequalled for styltfftnd durahility. Goodyear Welt'1* the standard dress %t Shoe, at a popular price. t rj> 50 Pollceman'N Whoe Is esj»eclnl!y adapted »“ for railroad men, formers, etc. All made In Congress, Hutton ami Lace. *3 & $2 SHOES Cadies, •are been most favovnhly received since introduced sml the receut Improvements make them superior .o any shoes sold at these prices. Ask your Dealer, and if he cannot supply you send ilrcft to factory enclosing advertised price, or u W t** < o^£ fc i , oluLAS, Ilrocktoo, M..„ Daniel, Agents, Thomasville, Ga. TAKE IN THE SPRING. I Nature should be assisted in the spring to throw oS the heaviness of thesluggish winter circulation of the blood. Nothing docs it so well, so 'prompt or so safely las Swift’s Specific. Cnrtright IMIOFF SSIONAI, CA ii IJS. J t li. Houohelle, M. 1). OFFIC'K: At Resilience on Uemingto of Ilansell Sir T. M Mel S’TO.Sl I, Physician 4& Sncgeou, Thomasville, Georgia. tr*omCE over Stark',, oorner Iiroail auil Fletcher Streets. I W. BHUCli M u. Office, up-stairs. Coiner of Broad aid 1 letchcr streets, [au g ’W-3yl T. 3. DEK.I.E, M. D., Office in Hayes Building. :isr CollogJ avenue and Slag it • ti lea:e nulla stroit. „ _ # . ,. i it* «*. unaiaqliiitl »n. N *. 2» for J II. COYLE, D. D. S., Resident Dentist, Thomasville, • Georgia. Offern bin hcrvlocato Gi citizens of Tliom* »avtlle and vicinity. Office hours—From a. in. to 1 p. m., and omltoftp.m Office—Ou Jackson street. s3. r " McLKN’UON. Attoruev-at- j:iw, (ieiirgi: Thomatvlllc,. |* r .M*t attfitl»i giv -M t> all business on to .ted to him. „ , , Office—Over Watt s store, c finer broad ami siacksonttrcctM. Tfix <3 lillio acknowledged h ading *e:n« iiv f«»r all the untinlurnl dis>dmrges and |»rivittcdl*eiiR.**<if nu n. A CcrtnlDCUr# for tin* debill- ifei.4a.ri-. biting weukucts j^ruilar «sU IwatCmyr*' ^ 1 all Miffercru. 1.8TCKCR.U 0 ,Oc:u.P,ki. «ld t»> hruKKhla. Piut :: 91.00. ». J.CMsvU, Tlroiunsrilb Gn. I have used S. S. S. for a number of years, and consider it the best tonic and blood remedy that I evet used. In fact I would not attempt to enter upon a spring or summer in this climate with out it. n. NV. Coleman, Of Coleman, Ferguson & Co.. ie City, Fla. Our hook on Blood and Skin Diseases mailed free. Swift Specific Co.. Atlanta, Ga. THE SHORT LINE POINTS WEST. 'FI1K AI.A15A.11.1 Midland Railway Company. Wr take pl< asure in announcing to our frier ..I tlio travelling and shipping *1HJ, co ¥* in t ting linos, that the Alabama Mluland Ity. I* n.,w ruinplctcd lretween Montgomery. Ala. and llaiubridge, Ga. . Through schedulcB covering both freight and passenger business have been arranged with niir connections at Montgomery, Ala., and Ualn- brifige, Ga. The Alabama Midland Ry. in con junction with its connections at Montgomery ami llaiubridge, opens up A Short Thoroughly Reliable, and Direct Houle, between all points in Florida, south and south west Georgia, the South Atlantic Sea Board, New York, rhiladelphla, Boston, Baltimore, etc., etc., and Montgouieiy, Mobile. Binning' ham, New Orleans, Memphis, Nashville, Louis* vllle. Evansville, Henderson, Owensboro, Cln- ciunati, St. Louis, Chicago, Kansas City, and to points in Texas, Mississippi, Kansas, Mis- so iri, Arkansas, etc., ate. It l» the purpose of this company to gh quicker ami more reliable sorvice, than has heretofore existed, in passenger traffic between tlie points named, aud to, at all times give passengers such inducements in the way of ad ditional comfort, amt attending to their wel- faie generally, and in the safety of their bag gage etc., as w ill, wc ho|»e make ours a Uesenr tdlv popular route. We purpose giving all shipments of freight intrusted to our care, no matter how small, care ltd attention, and to see that same arc prompt ly delivered at destination. * If tdilnpc*" desire, wc will keep them advised hv wire of t..« wherealfouts of their freight, and of delivery to consignee. We intend making u speciality of the melon, orange and vegetable hiiHiness from points of production, and without hesitation, guarantee the shippers of these commodities, quick time and iiitelligent handling of their shipments. The Alalia na Midland Railway Is equipped with ample supply of rolling stock, including fruit ears, etc., nml Is laid from end to end with sixty pound steel rail. With such a road and such an equipment, wc feel that we can without hesit .lion solicit, and hone to obtain, a liberal share of the patronage of traveling and ship ping public. For iuforuiation In reference to rates, routes, schedules etc., etc., please address the under sigeed. John Stout, I’RODl’CE COMMISSION MERCHANT, 329 Washinflton Street, IVcw - - - York. Melons ami Tears Specially. PROMPT - SALKS - AND - RKTl-KNS. 0 20 tl-W till Sept 1st Geo. W. Davison & Co. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 45 and 47 Poydras St., Mew Orleans, La. MELON'S A SPECIALTY REFERENCE: Brad.trcct mid (itrnmniii Snl’unnl o' Nmv Urlemn. jiily 17 d >v Jm SUMMITS, MO PRISON & CO., COMMISSON MERCHANTS, 174 Soulli Water St., hicnRO, 111. MELONS and PEARS II INDEED to BEST ADVANTAGE. UefcMby pern.iiij*ion toTlMKS-ENTKIUMUSK. July H' ‘1-w :im. TO MELON SHIPPERS SEASON 1800. For Best Results Ship your melons lo nil K.isteru points —VIA— The Atlantic Coast Despatch, All Hail Line. NO TRANSFERS. Through Ventilated Oars Time. The Fruit shipped by you is delivered to your Northern Agents in good Condition For information, Kates, tic., apply lo J. W. Morris, Vg ent, Quitman C»a. Geo. W. Taylor, Agent, Valdosta. Gn, W. W Davies, Gtn’l. Agent, No. H2 Bay St.. Jacksonville, 1 la. H- Wallers, General Mann-er. T. M. Emerson, J K. A. Wilmington, N C. jiily 11 <!-«■ '.’in The Glenn House Opposite Passengsr Oopot, BOS TON, PA. N. Z. GLENN, Proprietor We clwrg- no cartiig.', and nink returns. prompt PIKE & BANKS, Commi.'idon Merdiants and P»nlrrs in’ FOREIGN fc DOMESTIC FRUITS, MELONS & PEARS SPECIALTIES, No. 9® PARK PLACE, Bet. Washington and West ,St?., New Yorki represented by John W. Mitchell, May 15d-w Thomasville, (la, m Kstablished 1 John H. Newton, COMMISSION MERCHANT, Pears aid Melons a Specialty. Mil Washington SI., formerly is;: Bead St., New York, - N. Y. The above old established and responsi ble bouse solicits consignments ul' Fruit and Truck. Returns made promptly The fi nancial stunding of the house allurding ab solute security lo growers. Prices tele graphed daily to Reese li Eason, where MARKING PLATES AND INFORMATION may be bad. diwJm WHITE & PAYNE, Cotton Parlors anil Comnii-sion Merrhiaos, MELONS AND PEARS SPECIALITIES. Nos. 11 and 13 Roanoke Dock, Norfolk, Vn. REFERENCES: Norfolk Bank, Bank of Commerce, Burruss Son k Co., Bankers, Norfolk, Bulk of Quitman, Quit- man, Ga. Tabl - sm.qdiiMl with affords. Every nttenth ort ot guests, age r|eeirlt** Coniu [•.e best the market p .i l to the t •ial men s natron- Regulate The Bowels. Coatlv«nc«* deranges f ho xvliolo ayu* tcin nml begets diseases, such us Sick Headache, Dyspepsia, Fevers, Kidney Diseases, Bilious Colic, Malaria, etc. Sole’ Everywhere. John Yule, WHOLESALE DEALER IN Fruits & Vegetables, Knoxville, Tenn. Represented in Georgia and Florida by K.P.Fearn. 7 13 tf B. DUNHAM, Gen’ISupt. HAIDEN MILLER, Gcn’l. Fr'tand Pass. Agent. MONTGOMERY. ALA., or W. S.|GATES, Traveling Agent, Thomasville, Ga. W. W. Scarborough, COMMISSION MERCHANT, 21 Market Street, Knoxville, Tenn. I make .specialties of PEARS'and MELONS. June 20 <1 It w Jm. TYLER DESKS—200 Now Styles. TYLER ROYAL TYPE V? KITER CABINETS, TA BLES, CHAIRS, BOOKCASES, Ac.,at Reduced Rates and Special Discounts. Cataloges for 1800 now ready. ISO paces, Illustrated. Book free; Postage 10c. TYLER BANK COUNTERS. for HI,I* Quin, »< Crlrr. rotor. l-j link frc., I. cli. TYLER DESK CO.. ST. LOUIS, HO., U.S.A. Cannot Cause Stilcture. Painless to Use, Price, $L. SoldbyaUSms^ctr. Sent in glaln package with Bobber Syringe for $1.60 ??ftKVa Pltyalclnnscmlorso nd rrrscrSbo It with ■ ill form* nml Hi!tg.»n of Prlmi satisfaction for the cures o nlcFemeleSS am, Tottor, ScAldhoad.ote.,ete. • ■ LIPPMAN BROS., Proprietors, WIIOLTirA LS DRUQOISTB. lippmnn Bloc'/ SAY ANN AH. GA THOMASVILLE VARIETY WORKS. ReynoMs, Hnrurave & Davis, Prop'rs Manufacturers and Dealers ROUGH & DRESSED LUMBER. LATHES, PICKETS, SHINGLES, .dOULDIXGS, BRACKETS, SCROLL WORK, MANTLES, BALUSTERS, STAIR-RAILS .Newel Posts. OFFICE, CHURCH & S10RE Furniture. STORE FRONTS. Wire Screen Doors and Windows, Sua Doors and Blinds STAIR N8UILDINT AND INSIDE HARD WOOD S INIS I SPECIALTY. ^■CORRESPONDENCE SObIGl i i >. A. W. PALIN & BRO.’S Carriage Shops. Lower Broad Street, Thomasville, Ga, EVERY »EHCim>T10N OF CARRIAGE AND WAGON REPAIRING, IIORSE SHOEING, ETC., Done at reasonable rutvs. Having recently purcluiscd a number ol labor-saving tools, and having the Best Equipped Shops in Sou'.bweit Gooigla, we nre prepared to do all kinds of work.fin oi r line with dis patch and neatness. apl'JJd&wly The Good Book says there is a time to do all things. The time to buy REAL ESTATE is when nobody else is buying. When money si scarce. Whenothrs want to sell. When your oth er business is 4 dull and your mind is free ’rom worries. When the market is at the bottom. When all things indicate a sure and early advance. All these conditions are filled now in Thomasville. I offer to-day ele- ant fronts on Para- ise Park, cheaper than they will ever be bought again. A fine business lot 40 feet front on lower Broad St. The cheapest Farm in the country, quali- ty considered, 111 1-2 acres, 3 miles out on Magnolia Road. Five acre triaugu- lar tract, just beyond Carroll Hill, on Jones Bridge Road. Finest corner lot in Fair View; south ern exposure. Neat cottage, cor ner lot, in East End. y Fine suburban place ten acres of ground, in Magnolia Place. Cheap cottage in Fearnside. Desirable lot on Clay St. Cheap lots on Hayes St. If you will call on me, I will convince you, that I mean busi ness. I will also be glad to insure your life or your property. E. I Maltete Heal Estate and Insurance Broker Thomasville, - Ga.