The Daily times-enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1889-1925, August 15, 1890, Image 3

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THE DAILY TIMES-ENTERPRISE. FRIDAY, AUGUST 15, 1800. LOL'A I. SCHEDULE. ARRIVAL AND DEPARTURE or ALL TRAINS TO AND FROM THOMASVILLK CARRYING PASSENGERS NEW Til AIM* »Y»B DAINBBIIKJE, Nor.. For Balnbrldg* Lv... 7 20am No.*;*}tftt ' A*....0 55pm FROM SAVANNAH ANH TIIK EAST. No #, Paitcngcr ''' ? 52 ? !5 No t.'PaXfecnnr Ar— **}P“ Nolf,migHl*nilAco’i Ar... 440pm - " TOR SAVANNAH AND THE EAST. Nos, •• Lv...12 02pm No (I, •• LV... 0 35pm No IS, Fft ?nd Ace Lv... 705am FROM Al.nANV, ATLANTA AND WESTERN HUNTS. No 34, Passenger Ar... 510pm NoM.*...... Ar... 0 00a m TOR ALBANY. ATLANTA AND THE WEST. No 33, Passenger Lv... 5 30am No 53, Passenger Lv... 215pm FROM MONTICELLO. No*0, Passenger * r -a m No 82, Passenger Ar... 5 30 p in FOR MONTICELLO. No51, Passenger Lv... 2 12 p m No a», Passenger .Lr... 7 55 a m FROM CHATTAHOOCHEE AND NEW ORLEANS. No t, Tassenger Ar...U37 p m No 15, Freight and Ace Ar... 5 30 a in for Chattahoochee and new Orleans No7, Passenger Lv... 2 10pm No.17, Fght and Auc Lv... OOOp m Patten Patterings. Patten, Ga.. 1 August 13, 1890) Editor Times- ••Inteiifbise: Qtjr. facilities for gettiug news is rathQC blunt, and still the flesh is will ing. Fodder pulling is over. A few peafs are waiting for n ri:e in price. The farmers are jerking the fleecy staple out with a rush, that means •peace and prosperity. E. D. Redfcarn hoisted the banner of progress at Patten —a new 15 horse power engine—and ginned out two bales on the 4th iust. Who can beat it? Not long ago a gentleman in a dis tant stato wrote to the P. M. at Pat ten, wishing to know about the scene ry and hotel accommodations at. this place. We failed to get a copy of the P. M's. reply. We ore anxiously awaiting the cen sus, returns of PatteD; guess they will be a stunner. Our section is not the only oue that is getting a “hump” on it. . A little business took us to McDon ald last week, and were astonished to see the progress the place is making, without the aid of railroads or navi gable waters. Among the places of business we note the large store ot Brice & Adams, a millinery store and a drug store, all doing a first-class business, and a Doctor of whom any community might be proud. Give our little town of McDonald a rail road and a public grind stone, and you Rfill soon see a town. A lpng, lean, troubled looking man stepped into a dentist’s office once, and flajd to the “man of steel “Are you the tooth puller ?” The dentist told him he pulled teeth So was asked how much he charg ed ftwlgaid 81.00. 'How long will it take,” said the suf ferer, as he rubbed the blood from the seed warts on his hands. "P,” said the dentist, “something lesa'lhon a second." “Well,” said the man of pain, “if it don't-' take longer than that, Pll go back, to neighbor D. He only charges SO' cents, and will drag me aronnd the room two or three times, and earn his money.” Wonder where Capt. Triplett is by this time. When last heard from he was passing Ochlockonce on his way to Albany, wearing a smile as long as the Lord’s Prayer. Guess when he was ushered into the presence of Gen. Gordon, it, lengthened out as long ns the tail-of a comet. The Capt. is a Gordon man, and never fails to get in -his work, for the beloved old Gen. There is a screw loose in justice somewfejfe. Woolfolk still thinks of death from natural causes. Hang the devil incarnate. Minister.—Say, sonny, can you toll •me where Solomon’sTemple was ? little Boy.—Of course I can ; on Side of Ms head, where everybody else’s is; you must take me for a fool. —Stolen. Patten has ginned 4 bales up to date, and bought the second bale sold in the county; bought ot Dennis Pon- decAAiMtUth. ; H"-’. winfgep action? How’s that for the Raymond. • The mayor’s matinee, with an entire change, of programme, but with the same old offenders as prominent actors, will come ofLthis morning. t« O 4 ‘ <3 l ' Ochlockonee Dots. Hurrah for Ochlockoneo! Your peucil pusher hears that we are to have a paper printed here this winter. We nrc getting uppish, “we is.” Miss Agnes McAliley, of Bristol, Fla., is visiting her auut, Mrs. John Barwick. Miss Nellie Alexander, of Tiiomas- ville, lias charge of a flourishing little school at Stubh’s school house. Mr. G. M. Bullock and family spent several days with Mr. aud Mrs. J. W. Isom at “Woodland,” their pleasant country home, last week. Our jovial marshal, O. G. Fleet- wood, is making improvements on our streets. Mr. R. A. Perry left Monday for a visit to Cordele. He expected to take in the big barbecue on the 12th. Mr. R. J. Jackson is running the construction train this week, and Mr. Allen Perry has charge of this section during his absence. Mr. Dunbar, the popular represent ative of Woods, Garnett A Co . Sa vannah, was in town Monday. Mrs. M. E. Godwin has returned from a visit to Cairo. Quite a number of pears arc being sent from this place The genial faces of Messrs. Tom Call and Joe Gilbert nrc seen on the S. F. & W. road, after several weeks rest. “Sweet William” grows in popular ity ns lie grows older, and the girls say he is young yet. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Isom spent Monday witii Dr. Baston’s family. Messrs. Carlton and Hendry, of Taylor county, Fla., are visiting rela tives in this community. Mr. D. C. McCroskey has been very fortunate in disposing of all his lum ber on the yard, and Mr. Bullock now has charge of the mill, and is niakiug preparations to gin cotton. Dr. Bullock is visiting his mother, in Quitman, this week. A delightfully cool and pleasant wave struck us Monday night. Tues day was a bright and beautiful day. Mr. Arch Watson and wife, have como to live among us again, to the delight of their many frieuds. They are stopping at the Perry House. Mr. Ben Singletary has moved to towu. We welcome his pleasant family, Messrs. J. W. Isom, Muck and Bill Bullock, and Bro. Underwood of the Clarion, had a fine fox chase Monday morning. Bro. Underwood is like a young hoy when mounted on his sad dle, and enjoys it immensely. Mack Bullock captured the fox. The last seen of Bro. Underwood, he was pull ing on the train with the fox ami six fine hounds. Subscriber. Among the Courts. Valentine Carr plead guilty to as sault and battery before Judge Mitchell, Wednesday, in the county court, and was let off with the costs. Starling Smith, who was arrested last Saturday on a serious charge, was released at the preliminary trial betore Squire Martin. Justice Martin had a peace warrant case before him yesterday morning. The parties were from Cairo. The defendant wasacquittcd, and lie in turn swore out a warrant for the prosecutor for carrying concealed weapons. Tho latter then retaliated by charging the other with malicious mischief. Stabbing Affraa. Late Wednesday afternoon David King severely stabbed another boy, Fne Conley, in the back, the knile entering near the spine making quite a painful wound. Dr. Ramsey was called in and dressed the wound. He says it will not prove serious unless internal bleeding resu'ts. Both of the boys are about fourteen years of age. Attention Hussars. You arc hereby ordered to appear at your armory this Friday afternoon at 5 o’clock, for the purpose of mount ed drill, without uniform, with sabres. By order of K. T. Maclean, Comdg. J, T. G’urtruiiit, O. S. At Greenwood. Judge Hopkins is preparing to make some noticeable improvements out at Greenwood. An attractive cottage will be built, and some new additions made to the old residence. Z EIGLER BROTHERS OXFORDS. Have just received a full line of Ladies, Misses 4 and Childrens Oxford ties. CURTRIGHT & DANIEL, 108 Broad St. L. B. M. H. o A store much talked of is much sought after. We have given good cause, ns nothiug adds so much to this end like giving full large value for every dollar received. That store will be found even if it is hidden away on a side street or at the lower end. We have some extra bargaius this month, baigains that are so in fact. Doesn’t matter what you want, we do the work quickly, in latest style and you pay less than ever before for sum mer millinery. Untrimmcd lints fiom 15c 25c 40c 60 SI. up. Trimmed hats from 25c 45c 70c 85c SI. up. Finer nats and more elaborate trimming in proportion. Ribbou, Flowers, Plumes, Infants caps, Veiling, and all the odds and ends of a well kept millinery store at prices that will certainly surprise you. Call in nnv time. A welcome and kindest treatment awaits you. Mrs. Jennie Carroll. LOWER BROAD MILLINERY HOUSE, FOR TAX ASSESSOR. Wo arc authorized and requested to announce the name of WILLIAM li. WYNN as a candidate for Tax Assessor of Thomas county, subject to the action of the democratic party.* Wanting. During the epidemic of flux in this county last summer, I had hard work to keep n supply of Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy on hand. People often came ten or twelve miles in the night t® get a bottle of the Remedy. I have been selling patent medicines for the last ten yacrs and find that it has given better satisfaction in cases of diarrhoea and flux, than any other medicine I have ever handled.—J. H. Ben- ham. Druggist, Golconda. Pope Co., Ill. Over five hundred bottles of this Remedy were sold in that county during the epidem ic referred to. It was a perfect sncceess and was the only remedy that did cure the worst cases. Dozens of persons there will certify that it saved their lives. In lour epidemics of bowel complaint this Remedy lias been equally successful, 25 and 50 tent bottles for sale by McRae Bros. Shiloh's Cure will immediately relieve croup, whooping Cough and Bronchitis. For sale by Hicks Peacock. IS LIFE WORTH LIVING? Not If you go through the world a dyspeptic .Dr Acker’s Dyspepsia Tablets are a positive cure for the worst forms of Dyspepsia, Indigestion. Flatulency and Constipation* Guaranteed and sold by Reid & Culpepper. 0 Life, Health and Strength. Apalachicola, Fla., Feb* 17, 1880* Messrs. Lippmun Bros., Savannah: Dc?ar Sirs— I will write to you to inform you that I was afflicted with Blood Disease. I tried one bottle of* 0 0 and it gave me no rel ! ef. I was in bed seven months. I tried prominent physicians, aud they could not do me any good: I saw your advertisement of P* P. P. in the Apalachicola Times, and thought I would try it. The bottle I got to night makes seven or eight, and, oh, how good I feel* I have been up ever since and at my business—lumber inspector. You may publish this if you desire. I have in formed my friends that P. P. P* is life, health and strength. M. P. Bolden. Doubt no More. Any one wanting one large, ami three small gas chandeliers with fixtures com plete, and one large latest improved orna mented coal stove, with 75 feet pipe suita ble. for church or public building, can get a bargain by caking on C.T. Stuart at hotel. Call any time and examine. Will he pleas ed to show them. 8 14 dlw. Catarrah cured, health ami sweet breath secured, by Shiloh’s Catarrh Remedy. Price 50 cents. Nasal Injector free. For sale by Hicks k Peacock. * THE WAR IS OVER. The Jackson Street Grocer has come to the front and will sell If there was ever any room for doubting Dr. Holt’s Dyspeptic Elixir curing Dyspep sia it has been entirely remove 1, having been tested in hundreds of cases and never failed to make a cure in a single instance. This disease has baffled the skill of the most eminent physicians. I)r. Holt's Dyspeptic Elixir is the only remedy known that will cure every case. It is a specific for all dis cuses arising from a disordered condition of the stomach, bowels and kidneys. It cures Headache. Constipation, Liver Complaint, Jaundice, Heart Trouble, Sallow .Skin, Brown .Splotches on Skin and Asthma if complicated with indigestion. Manufactur ed by Dr. Holt’s Dyspeptics Elixir Co., Mon tezuma, Ga. Bottles double lormcr size. Price $1 00. For sale by all druggists. G It A NI * LA TED SC G A It FOR THIS WEEK. 14 POUNDS $1.00. 1. P. E. FOR SPOT UASII. A. C. Brown, 8-12-31 153 Broml St. Notice to Road Overseers. Tliomnsvillc <listrid, oil account of fodder pulling, pear gallicring and rain, the tlnio heretofore allowed to put all public roads in first-class or der will lie extended to 1st Septem ber. Overseers will work and make returns to the commissioners In terms of the law. Fail not under penalty of the same. Courts will be held 1st and 3rd Momlavs, until September 1st, 1890. N. E. Turner, Chairman Road Commissioners, Thomasville District. June 26th 1890. d&tv till Sept. 1st. To-Day's Arrivals. Krcsli Lemon and Vanilla Wafers. Armour's Canned Meats, Wilson's Wafers. Apalachicola Oysters. A. U. Ilnott'N, 8-12-31 153 Broad St. Sleepless nights, made miserable by that terrible cough. Sholoh's Cure is the remedy (or you. For sale by Hicks k Peacock. City Taxes. Books now open, give in your city Tates, tf K. T., Clerk. P. P. P. is tlic greatest blood purifier of the nge, the best of humor of the skin, scalp and blood, whether itching, burning, scaly pimples, scrofula or hereditary, when all other remedies fail- nucklen’. Arnica Salre. The Best Salve in the World for Cuts Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Knit Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guar anteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by S. J. Cossets Drug Store. The Germ Theory. A Scrap of Paper Saves Her Life. It was jmt mi ordinary scrap of wrapping paper, hut it saved her life. She was in tho Inst stages of consumption,told by pt^-sicians that sho was incurable and could live only a short time; she weighed less than seventy pounds. On n piece of wrapping paper she read of Dr. King's New Discovery, and got a sample bottle; it helped her, she bought a large bottle, it helped lie- more, bought an other and grew better fast, continued its use and is now strong, healthy, rosy, plump, weighing 140pouuds. For fuller particulars send stamp to W. II. Cole, Druggist, Fort Smith. Trial Bottles of this Wonderful Dis covery Free nt S. J. Cnsscls Drug store. King Royal Germeteur. Tlic new remedy tliat is so highly recom mended by Dr. Hawthorne nnd Rev, Sam Jones. Asthinn, Dinrrhiea, Indigestion nnd all Malarial diseases Sold by 7 17 If I!. Tiiomas, Jn. DO NOT SUFFER ANY LONGER. Knowing that n cough can be checked in a day, nnd the first stages of consumption broken ir week, we hereby guarantee Dr. Acker's Eng. .'.1 Cough Remedy,and will re fund the money to nil who buy, Like it as per directions, and do not find our state ment correct. For sale by Itcid k Culpep per, 1 That hacking cough can he so quickly cured by Shiloh’s Cure. We guarantee it. For sale by Hicks k Peacock. No Mercury, No Potaah,_JNo Mineral Poisons. A concentrated ex. tract of native rootc and herbs, invigor, iting a worn-out system, rekindling the lustre of health in the checks, routing rheumatism from oldjoints, and knitting new flesh thereto. Tho real Elixir of Life. A harmless andwholeapme alterative is Wooldridgo'a Wonder ful Cura Dr. ACKER’S ENGLISH PILLS Arc active, effective and pure. For sick headache, disordered stomach, loss of appe tite, had complexion anil biliousness, they have never been equaled, cither in America or abroad. Held by Reid k Culpepper. 2 A course of P. P. P, will banish all had feelings, nnd restore your health to perfect condition. Its curative powers nrc marvel ous. If out of sorts nnd in had humor with yourscli nnd the world, take P, P. P., nnd become healthy nnd rational. The medical fraternity now recognizes thnt the (lerm theory is the correct one. Dr. King's Royal Germeteur goes to the root of all diseases. Try a bottle. Sold by 7 17 tf R. Thomas, Jn. ARE YOU MADE miserable by Indiges tion, Constipation, Dizziness, I.oss of Appe tite, Yellow skin? Shiloh's VDnliztr is a positive cure- For sale by Hicks and Pea cock. Inflamatory Rheumatism iscutcdbyP- P. P. (Prickly Ash, Poke Root and Potas sium). Physicians have been consulted and -.0 no purpose. As a last resort patient takes P. P. P. nnd gets well. Hosts of cer tificates to this cITeel are in possession of the manufacture!s, nnd will lie shown on appli cation. Will yon suffer with Dpspcpsia nnd Liver Complaint? Shiloh’s Vitnlizcr isguarnntced to cure you. For sale by Hicks k Peacock. Eupepsy. This is what you ought to have, iu fact, you must have it, to fully enjoy lile. Thou sands are searehirg for it daily, nnd mourn ing because they find it not. Thousands upon thousands of dollars are spent annually l>y our people in the hope that they may at tain this boon. And yet it may be had liy all. We guarrantec that Electric Bitters, if used according to directions nnd the use persisted in, will bring you Good Digestion and oust the demon Dyspepsia and install instead Eupepsy. We recommend Electric Bitters for Dyspepsia and ail dicases of Liver. Stomach ami Kidneys. Sold at 50c. and $1.00 per bottle by S. J. Cassels Drugstore. GENERAL DELIVERY. I hereby announce to the public that I nrr prepared to do a General Delivery business in Thomasville and vicinity, running three drays, which are under the management of experienced nnd careful drivers. Rates ar reasonable a3 circumstances will allow. Z. T. MILLS AIL Thomasville, Ga., May 20th 1890. To Rent. The brick store house|on corner of Broad and Fletcher streets, now occupied by Joshua Carroll & Son, is now for rent from tlic 1st day of September. A good perma nent tenant will be given liberal terms. Apply to DR. \V. W. BRUCE. 8-3-1m WE CAN AND DO Guarantee I)r. Acker’s Jlhiod killxir, for it has been fully demonstrated to tlio people of this country that it is superior to all other pre parations for blood diseases. It la a positive cure for syphilitic pdisonlng. Ulcers. Erup tions and ruuples. It purifies the whole sys tem and thoroughly builds up the constitution. Reid & Culpepper. Shiloh’s Catarrh Remedy—a positive cure for Catarrh, Diphtheria and Canker-Mouth. For sale by Hicks k Peacock. Bright’s Disease. This insidious ailment, it too long neglect ed, will undermine the strongest constitution nnd bring the victim to n premature grave. Heed the timely warning, and regain health nt once by a use of the proper restorative, that great strengthencr of Hie urinary and digestive organs, B. I*. B. (Botanic IllooJ Balm). David Itunkle, Cullman, Git., writes: “I used a hundred dollars worth of medicine for Bright’s disease, but it did me no good. I then took IL B. B., which relieved me. My appetite is restored nnd I urinate with out pain.” J. A. Maddox. Atlanta, Ga., writes: •! h id great trouble in passing urine which was filled with sediments. My back and loins gave me much pain anti I lost my ap petite, strength and flesh. I became nerv ous and unable to sleep soundly.. Two bottles of IL B. ?L gave me entire relict.’’ Thomas Williams, Shoddy, Tcnn., writes: “I was troubled with severe kidney com plaint and confined to my bed. Six bottles of B. IL IL made a well man of me.” As a general liniment for sprains and biuiscs or for rheumatism, lame back, d.ccp seated or muscular pains, Chamberlain’s Pain Balm is unrivalled. For sale by McRae Bros. Please read carefully every word in the following article. A. F. Prcvatt, of Thomas- villc, is the only agent in this county for Paul Jones Old Monongahela Itye Whisky, and it cannot be obtained from any other source; now if you are overworked, or bro ken down in health, from any other cause, a pure, honest, wholesome stimulant will do you more good than anything else you could possibly obtain, nnd a pure old Rye whisky is the most wholesome stimulant produced. Paul Jones Old Monongahela Rye is the highest grade ot whisky distilled in tlic United States; it is endorsed and highly recommended by connoisseurs, chemists and physicians throughout tho Union; it is an old, rich, mellow,palatable Rye Whisky, ami made its national reputation solely on ac count of its high quality. A.F. PREVATT, Sole Agent, Thomus- ville,Gn. April 20-1 y Mr. John Carpenter, ot Goodland, I ml., says : “I tried Chamberlin’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, for diarrhoea and se vere cramps, and pains in tlic stomnchc and bowels with the best results. In the worst cases I never had to give more than the third dose to effect a cure. In most cases one dose will do. Resides it’s other good qualities it is pleasant to take.” 25 and 50 cent bottles for sale by McRae Bros. A CHILD KILLED. Another child killed by tho use of .opiates given in tho form of (toothing syrup. Why mothers give their children such deadly poison is surprising when they can rolieve the child of its peculiar troubles by using Dr. Acker’s Baby Soother. It contains no opium or morphine Sold by Reid & Culpepper. 10 Florida’s Sanitarium. Delightfully situated on the Imuks of the far-farmed river in song, ‘*The Suwanee,” locution high and dry, perfect freedom from fogs and malaria, with all the comforts of a first-class resort. Water particularly adapted for Dyspepsia. Bright’s Disease, Rheumatism and all blood poisons. Two-thirdS of the guests who re sort there arc it filleted with Kidney troubles and go away cured. Main buildingsof Coquina rock aul brick, surrounded on all sides by neat cottages anti groves of live oak nnd pine. Hot and cold water direct from the Mineral Spring iu each roou nnd bath room and closet in each cottage. The overflowing attendance there the past winter has induced the company to commence the erection of twelve additional cottage?, which with an annex building add 40 new rooms to the present accommoda tions. The bathing facilities at the Springs will also be greatly increased and the jkjoI enlarged. As a summer rciort it has all the require ment ot the Springs in Virginia and Tennes see, with the additionol advantage of being nearer home. Excursion tickets on sale over all princi pal roads at greatly reduced rates. For further particulars address, L. W. Scovillk, May 30 d-w 3m Suwanee, Fla. Grand Central Hotel, WAYCROSS, GA. With Elucti-io Lights. Is now open, and I would bo pleased to haYc my Thomasville friends and others stop with me when they come this way. All my help is experienced. The dining room is under the supervision of tlmt elti- I cient steward, Sri. B. Van Dyke, of New ! York All correspondence promptly an- i swered. Special attention paid to ladies ! with children. Rates $ to §.1.00 per j day. D. J MdNTOSU, I 4-19-dAwly rrcgriwMi I —WILL MAKE A- If you don’t go to The outfitters for everything you need in —AND— LIME. They keep the Largest, $est, and Cheapest stock of goods in the city. They also carry a full line of UM BRELLAS, " THUNKS, VALISES, SACILELS, HAND BAGS, &c which they are selling—like everything else’ Cheaper than Anybody in Town. Their slock of II ATS i.s the largest and most com plete in the city, embracing all the latest styles ancl shapes. In NECK TIES, SCARFS, DUDE ROWS, COLLARS. CUFFS. HAXDK’ES., SUSI'EXDERS, ETC., ETC. Their stock is acknowledg ed to be the handsomest ever seen in this city. When you want anything in their line, hunt them up. They will deal fairly with you and give you ti bargain. They keep EVERYTHING usually kept in a lirst| class Clothing and Gents Furnish ing Goods establishment. Clothiers and Furnishers, 106 Broad Street) • ThomauiJ^ It