The Daily times-enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1889-1925, August 15, 1890, Image 4

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jGERMETUER# i NATURE'S REMEDY I J Is ft flr*t-clftM prlontlfle preparation, the l " result of Dr. King’s untiring labors and J 4 resetlrches following after Ha firry, De- f 1 goer, Brandtiett, Pustuer, Koch, Ml«iuel , 4 and other Illustrious compeers, whose la- f * hors substantiate, us held by the French * T Academy of Science, that “disease germs F J may be not only attenuated untU nearly L w harmless, but may be revivified by degrees f £ and given the most virulent character.” || <| —ROYAL GERIWETUER— such as Rheumatism, Indigo? 4 troubles, Headache, I.lver, lllndder, and Kidney, diseases,' C hills and Fever, i n- ^ 4 tarrh, 'Paralysis, Asthma. UronchitlH. f 1 Coughs,Incipient Consumption,all Rtood , • and Skin diseases, Female troubles, etc. ? j It cures by purifying and correct Inga dis- l ® eased condition of the blood. It builds up r J from tke first dose, the patient quickly L * feeling Us Invigorating and health-giving £ J Influence. It Increases the appetite, aids x J digestion, clears the complexion, purities , C the blood, regulates the liver, kidneys, Ji 4 ^ etc., and speedily brings bloom to the i cheek,strength to the body ami Joy to the P heart. Por weak and debilitated females L It Is without a rival or a peer. ~ J If you are suffering with disease, and x J fall of a cure,send stamp for printed mat- , f ter, ccrtiflcates, etc. It is a boon to the jl J suffcriiv? and the wonder of the century. , t) For sale by King’s Royal Oermctuer p j Company, Atlanta, Ga., and by druggists, c T| Price $1.50 per concentrated bottle, which P J makes one gallon of medicine as per dl- L reetlonsftocompauying each bottle. Can F .be sent by express c. o. i>. if your drug- k gist can net supply you. fcuymrvw;VWV^ has hlsnnmc warranted, and, every pair and price stamped on bottom. W. L. DOUGLAS $3 SHOE GENTLEMEN. Viuo Call and Laced Waterproof Grain. The excellence and wearing qualities of this shoo .-rnnot be better shown than by the strong cudorso- •nents of Its thousands of constant wearers, i g* ,00 Ciennlne Iland-sewed, an elegant and stylish dress Shoe which commends Itself. 00 Iland-aewed Welt. A fine calf Shoe se unequalled for style and durability. go Goodyear Welt Is tho staudnrd dress Shoe, at a popular price. . . 1*2.50 Policeman’ll Hlioe Is especially adapted for railroad men, farmers, etc. All made in Congress, button and Lace. $3 & $2 SHOES ladies, iare oecn most favorably received since introduced and the recent Improvements make them superior io any shoes sold at these prices. Ask your Dealer, ami If he cannot supply you send direct to factory enclosing advertised price, or a •"“’■MTOfaLAB. llrockton, Mas*. Curtright & Daniel, Agents, Thomasville, Ga. PR0F1-SSIONAL CARDS. 1* t H. Bouehelle, M. T). OFJPIC’E: At Residence on Remington Avenue, east of Hnnsell Street. ij» m. McIntosh. Physician «& Surgeon, Thomasville, Goorpcia. tyOFKlCE over Btark’s, corner Ilruail anil FlctcberStreeu. W. URUCB, M. D. Office, up-stairs. Cot nor of Broaii;and Hotelier etreetf. [ou ■M-Syl Cp S. DEKLE, M. D., Office in Hayes building. Jtosldouce—Corner Colloga avenue and Rag n oils street. Telephone Us. mnunlcatlon, No. 23 for night Man as a Houskeoper. "My wife is nwny on a vacation,” said a householder yesterday, "and for once in my life I’m keeping things en tirely in my own way up at the fami ly mansion. For the benefit of scorces of husbands whose wives arc away, I will give the method by which I man. age to keep comfortable: “In the first place, I expect to dirty up every dish in the house. As soon as I oat my breakfast I pile the soiled dishes over on a side table, there to remain till my wife returns. 1 also expect to sleep in every hod in the house I have already slept in two beds, and a sofa, and have two more to fall hack on as a reserve. I do not bother myself about making the hails. I try to feed the birds every day, hut I forgot for three days re cenfly, and when I finally oamc around poor Tom was e Id. My -hirts and things 1 pile up wherever I irnv ehancc to need thorn I believe, also, that I have heaped up a few pairs ofod socks, etc., under the piano. I plead guilty to leaving a few stray cigar slumps boro and tlicic over the house, also to the pulling down, acci dentally, of three shelves in the china closet, leaving considerable ruin in my.wake. In defense I would state that I was looking for custard pie which I'understood my wife had con cealed under a platter before she left for her mother’s in the east. Maybe the ladies begin to think that a man never knows anything about house keeping anyhow. That is where they are mistaken. He knows enough (as 10,000,000 men will testify) to have his share of freedom and solid home comfort while liis wife iB away. P. S—The other bird has just died.— Detroit Free Press J II. COYLE, L>. l>. S., Resident Dentist, Thomaevlllo, { • Georgia. Offers his servicesto tb citizens of Thom- Seville and vicinity. Office hours—Front 9 ft. m. to 1 p. m., and omStoftp.ra Office—On Jackson street. g G. McLENDON, Attorncy-at-Law, TbouuvvlUc, - - • Georgia. Prompt attiutio i g.v ;:l ti all business cq ■Hi to him. . , unite—Uvi r Watt's store, cji tier llruad ana bMkMMtrceu. all RudVrer*, I’RK'XC •I.OO. ■> J.Coutki, TfesnaovUle Ga. ) WITT’S SPgOlFIO. A I rouble-some skin dlsenso I caused me to scratch for ten 'months, mid has been cured by a lew days use of S. S. 8. Jr. II. Wolff, Upper JIarlboro, Md. Swift ^^pecific. I was cured several yean ago of while swi:;:,m in r.iy leg by the use of 8. S. S., mid have find no symptoms of any return of tho disease. Jinny prom inent physicians attended me and all failed, but S 8. S. did the work. Paul W. Kirkpatiuck, Johnson City, Ten. Treatise on Blood Skin Discosc( moiled free. Swift Specific Co., Atlanta, OnA THE SHORT LINE —TOVU.I,- POINTS WEST. THE ALABAMA Midland Railway Company. We take pleasure in announcing to our friends •if tho travelling and shinning public, and con necting lines, that the Alauatua Midland lly. Is notv completed between Montgomery. Ala. and llalnbridge, Oa. ... Through schedules covering both freight and passenger business have been arranged with our connections at Montgomerv. Ala., ami lialn- bridge, Ga. The Alabama Midland Ky. in con junction with its connections at Montgomery and lJalnbridge, opens up A Short Thoroughly Reliable, mil Direct Houle, between all points in Florida, south and south west Georgia, the Houtli Atlantic Sea Hoard, New York, Philadelphia, Boston, Baltimore, etc., etc., and Montgomery, Mobile, Birming ham, New Orleans, Memphis, Nashville, Louis ville, Evansville, llendervon, Owensboro, Cin cinnati, St. Louis, Chicago, Kansas City, and to points in Texas, Mississippi, Kansas, Mis souri, Arkansas, etc., ate. It is the purpose of this comnany to gi quicker and moro reliable service, than h heretofore existed, in passenger traffic between the points named, and to, at all times give passengers such inducements in the way of ad ditional comfort, and attending to their wel fare generally, and in the safety of their bag gage etc., as will, we hope make oars a deserv edly popular route. We purpose giving all shipments of freight intrusted to our care, no matter how small, care l ul attention, and to see that same are prompt ly delivered at destination. If shiiqieis desire, wo will keep them advised bv wire of tho whereabouts of their freight, and of delivery to consignee. We intend making a speciality of the melon, orange and vegetable business‘from points of production, and without hesitation, guarantee the shippers of these commodities, quick time and intelligent handling of their shipments. The Alaba ua Midland Railway is equipped with ample itupply of rolling stock, including fruit ears, etc., and is laid from end to end with sixty pound steel rail. \\ ith such ft road and such an equipment, we feel that we can without hesitation solicit, and hone to obtain, a liberal share of the patronage of traveling and ship ping public. For information in reference to rates, routes, schedules etc., etc., please address the under- sigeed. B. DUNHAM, Gen'ISupt. HAIDEN MILLER, Gen'I. Fr’tand Pats. Agent. MONTGOMERY, ALA., or W. S. GATES, Traveling Agent, Thomatville, Ga. COMMISSION MKRCJi'-M 1 OLIVIT BROTHERS, WHOLESALE rOlltllSSIIIN MIMAMS, 335 Washington Street, • • NEW YORK. Pears it Special .v. Rufi'i- In permission to Timks-Kn- TKRPitisF. ami local shippers. July 1 Rin McAlister - bros. COMMISSION MERCHANTS. I’litshurgh, Fit, SPECIALTIES. MKJAOfS and PK.AliS. REFERENCES: Diiqucano National Rank, Various K\;»rcs* ntnl Freight Agent*, Pitts burgh. Tiines-Enterpriso, Thoni:isvil!e, Ga. juno ’27 d-w -in J. II. Goilf INiillultMT. M. II. Cisanoki.i. GKOOK8dlI.KY, .In. G0I1LINGII0UST, SlTILL’Y & CO. WHOLESALE FRUIT and PHODUCE Commission Ivlerehanls, 520 E. Pratt Street, Baltimore, Mil. REFERENCE: Peoples’ Bank. SPECIALTIES: Southern Fruits nail Vegetable, Georgia and South Carolina Watermelons, fuly 27 d-w 2ni John Stout, I’UODUCE COMMISSION MERCHANT,J| 329 Washington Street, New - - - York. Melons]aml Pears Specialty. PROMPT , SALES - AND - RETURNS, 0 20 d-w till Sept 1st Geo. W. Davison & Co. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, ' 45 and 47 Poydras St., Now Orleans, La. MELONS A SPECIALTY REFERENCE! Hrailstreel anil Germania National Bank of New Orleans. july 17 d-tv 2m SUMMEhS, MORRISON & CO., OOMMISSON MERCHANTS, 171 South Water St., Chicago, Ill, MELONS ami PEAKS UINDEED to BEST ADVANTAGE. Refers by permission to Timk.s-Extkufrisk. july 10 d-w 3m. Wo charge no cartage, and make prompt returns. PIKE & RANKS, Commission Merchants and Dealers in FOREIGN & DOMESTIC FRUITS, MELONS & PEARS SPECIALTIES, No. 98 PARK PLACE, Bet. Washington anil West Sts., New York. REPRESENTED BY John "W. Mitchell, May 15 d-w ThonmsviRe, (in. Established ISC,. John H. Newton, COMMISSION MERCHANT ■ Pears and Melons a Specially. 311 Washington St., formerly Is:: Read St., Yew York, - Y. Y. The above old established and responsi ble house solicits consignments of Fruit and Truck. Returns tr.adc promptly. The fi nancial standing of the house affording ab solute security to growers. Prices tele graphed daily to Reese k Mason, where HARKING PLATES AND INFORMATION may be had. dAwtm WHITE & PAYNE, Colton Fatlon anil Commission Mcrdianos, HELONS AND PEARS SPECIALITIES. Nos. 11 and 13 Roanoke Doek, Norfolk, Va. REFERENCES: Norfolk National Bank, Bank ol'Commeree, Burruss Son At Co., Bankers, Norfolk, Bank of Quitman, Quit- man, Ga. John Yule, WHOLESALE DEALER IN Fruits & Vegetables, Knoxville, Tenn. Represented in Georgia and Florida by E. P. Fcarn. 7 13 tf W. I. Scarborough, COMMISSION MERCHANT, 21 Mai-kct Slrcel, Knoxville, Tenn. I make special lies of PEARS* and MELONS, jnne 20 d 11 w 2m. Lcavo St Augustine via J HI A .k H It lilt Leave Palatka union depot............. • Arrive Hampton Junction F C & 1 depot Lv Jacksonville. FC& Pdepot i^eave Lake City Junction F C k P ltL Arrivo Jasper J uuction 8 F 4 W HR Arrive Valdosta “ ** Arrive Tifton Junction B 3\ Lit Leave Tif ton ** “ Arrivo Cordcle Junction S A k M lty Leave " " “ Arrive Macon union depot A. Willing Suicide. Life Insurance cannot compensate for grief: the empty chair at the table, the fire-ride, nnd In the office. Why not enjoy life when the fortune is made? What i; good to-morrow, must be better to-day. Begin in time to build tip your rystein anil spirits, and dispel disease by taking some wholesome anil harmless alterative. There is nothing so good for Catarrh, Rheumatism, overworked system, and all blood affections, as W.W. CSo— route cilia! bidyto vigor ? Wd jpu fj^ve renewed vitality' Mi jfottr (Wind (fpoiTutlly ? r-tgs.ncd, returned, . to Nghlly wreijfh ! T oalimonials Birmingham, Ala ,Oct. 2:i,’89. ;*. John R. Garrett, Sec'y and Treat. IF. W. C. Co. Dear Sirj—Having given your W. . C. a thorough trial, I can cheer fully r.-pommend it to all suffering with Liver Troubles. It has dono mo more good than a barrel of so- called remedies, and I feel like a new man. I pronounce it tho truo and only elixir of life. Yours very gratefully, A. W. BENTLEY. W. W. C. for sale by all druggists. Manufactured by Wooldridge's Wonderful Core Co.. Columbus, Ga. Ppssinger Scliedulo Georgia Southern & Florida Railroad Nuwancc River Route to Florida. Taking effect July Gth, 1890. Standard Time, 90th 3 GOING SOUTH. Leave Macon, Union depot..... Arrivo Cordelc, Junctions A k M By Leave Cordelo “ ** , Arrive Tiftou Junction B k W By Leave Tlfton, “ t ** •••;*•• Arrivo Valdosta. Junction S F *V 3\ By.... Arrive Jasper “ “ Arrive LakoClty Junction F C k 1 RU Arr Jacksonville FC A P depot.... Arrivo Hnmpton Junction 1* C k PRu Arrivo Palatka union depot........... •• Arrivo 8t Augustine via J St A & H R Ru.. No. I ..11 toum.. 139 pm. .. 159 pm., . 3 26 pm... ... 3 26 pm. .. COSpIll. .. 6 IT pill ,.. 7 23 pm . Vo. 3 .. 7 0» pm.. .. i»41 pm. .. u 44 pm.. . 1118pm.. ..11 18 am.. .. 1 01 am.. .. 2 11 am.. .. 3 22 am . - .. 6 35 am .. 6 01 am. .. 8 00 am.. ..10 10 am- No.11 .. 510/1111 . 1 iiOpra .. l uopm . 5 53 pm . 6 00am ..1) 49am .. 2 5i)pm .. 5 20pm GOING NORTH. .12 12 1 53pm. 2 08 pm.. 3 24 pm., . 3 24 pm. . G 45 pin. . 7 5u pm. .10 40 pin.. .11 51 pm. . l ul am.. . 2 39 am.. . 2 39 am . . 4 01 am . . 4 01 am. .. 6 30 am ■ 1010am . 12 40 am . S 05 pm 8 30 pm .. 5 00am .. 9 46am . 9 46 pm .. 3 30pm Pullman Palace sleeping earn on trains Nor. aland4. All traluH arrivo and depart from union depot ^ Mnco pt Nos. 11 aud 14 acconi- modation’tralns! wlilciTarrivo and depart from Macon Ju net ion A C. KNAPP, Traffic Man , Macon, Ga. J- 1. HO -L. Gen, lass. Agt., Macon, ua. ALABAMA MIDLAND RAILWAY, j Time c.trd in effect July lath, 1#00, WKST HOUND. Lv Thomasville, S, F. k W 7 “ Bainhriilge, A. M. By # * Donulsor.villr 4i Dothan Ar 1 - 1; Lv Oxark (dinner) 1- 1 “ Troy - 38 V Ar Montgomery r * 00 11 (JOIN(I KAHTi Lv Montgomery. •• Troy.. Ar Ozark Lv Ozark (dinner “ Dothan “ Donalsonville. Ar Bainbridgc Lv Bainbridgc, H. F. k W. Ar Thomasville, Alabama Midland trains arrive and depart from union depot Montgomery. Haidkn Mjllkh, G. F. k I*. A. B. Dunham, Montgomery, Ala. Gen. Swpt. J. I Real Estate Agent THOMASVHjLB, ga. Its over Reid k ful;t!|.pcr s Drug Store, Broad SI * I !.Wlo» wlnwo •ystoius ura | I am now prepared to buy or sell, (or other oartics, all kinds ot town or country real, B* estate- and lmve on my list a good assess- I meat ot botli kinds. Strict nnd close atten-1 tion to the business will lie my aim, nnd 1 respectfully solicit n slinre of the business ot the community- nugfa polamietl and whoso blood *—mal Irrognlart- v. ABBOTT’S^/ BUNIorJS|*fcfcWiTHOUT *NO WARTS^^^** 5 *" PAIN. IIPPMAN BROS. DRUGGISTS. PROPS, SAVANNAH', CA Si*5™£niin^proportluo utl*. p!V" PrlcidJ^Asb," 'toot atnl UutaMitim. TheBestSpring ©MEDICINE® InTHeWo^'ldIs AS A SPRING MEDICINE'.TO CURE ANDTONE UPTHE GENERAL AILMENTS 0FTHE SYSTEM,TAKE Cannot Cause Stiiciure. Painless to Use. Fries, $L Sola by all Druggists Sent Is Blais p»i£« with Bobber Syrisgo lor $1.60 LIPPMAN BH08., Proprietor*, vtnoir 'or.E sKuaoisia, Llppman Block SAVANNAH. 0A. TO MELON SHIPPERS SEASON 1890. For Best Results Ship your melons to all Eastern points —VIA— The Atlantic Coast Despatch, A11 liail Line. NO TRANSFERS. Through Ventilated Oars QuickcMt Time. The Fruit shipped by you is delivered to your Northern Agents iu good Condition For information, ltntes, etc., npply to J. W. Morris, Agent, Quitman Ga. Geo. W. Taylor, Agent, Valdosta. Ga, W. W. Davies, Gcn’i. Agent, No, 02 Bay St., Jacksonville, Pin. H. Walters, General Manager. T. M. Emerson, G. F. A, Wilmington, S. C. july 14 d-w 2ni THE:-: TIME To Buy The Good Book says there is a time to do all things. The time to buy REAL ESTATE is when nobody else is buying. When money si scarce. When othrs want to sell. When youT oth er business is dull and your mind is free from worries. When the market is at the bottom. When all things indicate a sure and early advance. All these conditions are filled now in Thomasville. , I offer to-day ele gant fronts on Para dise Park, cheaper than they will ever be bought again. A fine business lot 40 feet front on lower 1 Broad St. ; The cheapest Farm in the country, quali ty considered, 111 1-2 acres, 3 miles out on Magnolia Road. Five acre triaugu- lar tract, just beyond Carroll Hill, on Jones Bridge Road. Finest corner lot in Fair View; south ern exposure. Neat cottage, cor ner lot, in East End. Fine suburban place ten acres of ground, in Magnolia Place. Cheap cottage in Tearnside. Desirable lot on Clay St. Cheap lots on Hayes St. If you will cali “on me, I will convince : you, that I mean busi ness. I will also be glad to insure your life or your property. Real Estate and Insurance Broker Thomasville* Ga,