The Daily times-enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1889-1925, August 21, 1890, Image 3

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IHfcPJWfX TIWES -enterprise. THURSDAY, AUGUST 21, 1890. LOCAL SCHEDULE. arrival AND DEPARTURE of all trains T0 A VP FROM tiiomasville carrying passengers 'XBW TBAi.V* I'OR BAIXBBIDOK, an^ B Pf^r.r.::::l:::S?: ; :»S* P 2 «MH»ATAXXAII ASll TTIT. EAST. No* Fasvuger... £?"’ lSSnln FOU SAVANNAH AND TUB BAST. „ Lv... 12 02pm „ Lv... 035pm MojflLvgttndAco. UT... T05am tmoic ALDANT, ATLANTA AND WESTERN POINTS. 3«. U“« n 8 er ; ;;;;;;;.v;;;; a/.;: e m S m roil Albany. Atlanta andtiib west. No 33, Passenger • ;; 5 “ JJ £ No 63, PMteager POOH MONTICF.LLO. Ar...1l 30a m Ar... 630pm No HO, Passenger.. No 82, Passenger.. FOB MONTICF.LLO. No 81, Passenger '{?“*?»{ No », Passenger Lv * * * 100 * FBOMCHA.TTAIIOOCHF.E AND NEW OBLEAX*. v n • paiscnccr Ar... 11 37 pm Noli. Freight and Acc Ar... 6 30am fob Chattahoochee and new Orleans No7,.Passenger .Lv... 3 10pm tWIT. Fcht and Acc ...Lt... OOOp m 1 ' The Electric Light Bug. The electric light bug. n big, ugly fellow about two inches long, with a yearning after electric lights, which dives him his name, has often been . tho occasion of comment aud specula' ttoii. He was never met with until the electric light made its appearance, aid it is a matter of curiosity ns to bpj» he spent his evenings before the electric lights came into use. (The Chicago Inter Ocean has been investigating the identity of tho bug, hs all strangers should, and the scien tists have located him. After night fall he is drawn to tho lights by the glare from his watery home. It is the fr-rgest United States representative of •the genius Belostoraa, the same family to which the bed bug and field chinch, the .ouse and the squash bug belong- So his'relations are not such ns to commend him, i. c.: tho hemiptorous group Nepid®. This particular bug fives in sluggish streams, marshes and swamps. Ihe light attracts him, which he haunts until tired out, when ho falls* to the pavement. The body of the insect ends in two respiratiog tubes. It is provided with a suctoral tube through which it re ceives its nutrition in a fluid from plants or aquatic animals. ■ VTheinBectswhich have sometimes hqen scattered over the pavements on Broad street, ten or twenty to the lamp, are not very dangerous to man unless they succeed in inserting their Robert G. Mitchell Nominated at McDonald. McDonald, Ga., > August 16th, 1890 $ The delegates from Colquitt, Thom as and Brooks counties met to-day at McDonald, to noraiunte a democratic candidate for state senator in the next legislature. Tho convention was composed of the following delegates: Thomas county—Messrs. D. L. Vann, J. L. Hall, W. J. Burney and Arthur Patten. Colquitt county—Messrs. F. J. Walker and A. J. Rogers. Biooks county—Messrs. Timothy Brice, D. F. Chapman and W. T. Gaulden. Upon motion of Mr. Arthur Pat ten, Mr. F. J. Walker was made chairman, and Mr. W. T. Gaulden, secretary. As it was Thomas county’s time to furnish the state senator, Mr. Arthur Patten spoke as follows: Mr. Chairman :—The result of the recent primary election in Thomas county has conferred upon mo a priv ilege which I appreciate beyond measure; the privilege of nominating to the high office of scnatr.r from this district, a man whom you all know, your friend and my friend, and the friend of every one worthy of his friendship. Clean handed and clean- hearted, he has discharged every duty, and performed with fidelity every trust delegated to him. He is honest, capable and brave, and a gen tleman from his feet to his crowD, from his heart to his tongue. Mr. chair man, that which was said of this na tion’s first chief executive, may, in a modified sense, be said of him: ’‘First in peace, first in war, first in the hearts of his countrymen.” I esteem it an honor, sir, to submit to tho conven tion, the nnme of Hon, Robert G, Mitchell, of the county of Thomas, and I move his nomination by accla mation. This motion of Mr, Patten was promptly seconded, and his speech was heartily applauded. The dele gates from Brooks and Colquitt thank ed Thomas county for presenting Hon. Robert G. Mitchell for nomina tion, and said ho was their first choice ZEIGLER BROTHERS OXFORDS. Have just received a full line of Ladies, Misses and Childrens Oxford ties. CDRTRIGHT & DANIEL, 108 Broad St. More Excursions, prbm now untii after the first quitp |.Biimh«F of poiofed excursions will bp L £}ne or two will pass through Ifiiffiorroiy. The crowd? thqt comp here on toys ,M e always bodied well hire, and few cases of disorder is reported, but in some cities they give the police ' considerable Messrs. Sam Wolff and W. L Wil lingham left yesterday for Boston to take,charge 0 f Wolff’s branch store "ere. _ ; ^aines K. Bibb and family, and ® ng beak into the skin of the hand, for the position tich a case a very painful wound The convention then unanimously if made. A milky fluid is injected into tho hurt and the pain is followed by stu por from the fluid. These bugs nre Vilify rapacious and capture and des troy large numbers of small fishes, wa ter beetles and larva-, which it easily dp P8 with its largp poy er ‘ ul 1 ? enk - , prey is held between ite forelegs while juioe ftf tl^e victims ore extracted. It is a brown black in polar and quite flgjlQ }p swimming, flying or walking. Its element seems to be water and the paddleshaped arrangements of its hind fogs shows this. t/'fhe frequency of these bugs in the summer and the curiosity with which bro; encountered will doubtless make this article interesting.”—Au gusta Chronicle. i' This bug hns become familiar to our readers, since the introduction of tfipjCleetrio fight into Thomosville. Numbers of them may bo seen flying , thfjr are L. B. M. H. A HAT BUYER TALK. “I like to deal at that store” said Mrs. M, “because I have never hail to complain.” “I thought you found some objec tion to your spring hat” replied Mrs. H. „ , . , So I did, but it was my fault in hav ing the trimming put on in a way which Mrs. Carroll said would not look well” , Still that was a com plaint, wasn t ! “Not against the store, and besides Mrs. Carroll made the necessary changes without charging a cent extra” aud continued Mrs. M, “I am certainly pleased with my treatment there nnd advise all my friends who wisli satisfactory headwear to buy from Mrs. C.” “I expect to give her my order lor a fall hat” said Mrs. H,“l have want ed for some time to give her my trade. “You will be pleased I know, good morning” and Mrs. M, passed on. Wo hope other Indies will come to same conclusion. Our foil stock shall bo complete aud to all tho now styles and novelties. You want to save money, thnn patronize L. B. M. H. the coming season. Summer millinery still going, tt you need any don’t forgot to call cn»- ly as convenient. Ladies from the country are cordially invited to stop and sec mo when they come in town. Mrs. .Jeimie'CtuToll. LOWER BROAD MILLINERY HOUSE, Eupepsy. This is what you ought to have, iu fact, you must hare it, to fully enjoy lilc. Thou sands arc searefiing for it daily, and mourn ing because they find it not. Thousands upon thousands of dollars arespent annually by our people in the hope that they may at tain this boon. And yet it may be bail by all. We guarrniiteetliat Electric Hitters, if used according to directions nnd the use persisted in, will bring yon Good Digestion nnd oust the demon Dyspepsia nnd install instead Eupepsy. We recommend Electric Hitters for Dyspepsia nnd nil dionses of I.ivcr, Stomach and Kidneys. Sold at 50c. nnd $1.00 per bottle by S. J. Cnsscis Drugstore. IS LIFE WORTH LIVING? Not If you go through tho world a dyspeptic .Dr Acker’s Dyspepsia Tablets aro a positiro cure for tho worst forms of Dyspepsia, Indigestion. Flatulency anilConstlpatlon* Guaranteed and sold by Reid & Culpepper. 0 King Royal Germeteui*. The new remedy that is so highly recom mended by Dr. Hawthorne and Rev, Snm Jones. Asthma, Diarrhira, Indigestion nnd all Malarial diseases Sold by 7 17 tf K. Thomas, Jn. A full stock of drugs. Any body’s cash prices met. S. J. Casskls, 8-19-lw 118 Broad St. To-Days Arrivals, FRESH CODFISH. NEW IRISH POTATOES. BED ONIONS. MESSINA DEMONS. DRIED APPLES. And some rare, bargains from -i bankrupt stock. A. C. Biiown, oan.’o tDB Broad St. Frosh Fall Seed. No Mercury, No Potaah, No Mineral Poisons. A concentrated ex tract of native roots and herbs, invigor ating a worn-out system, rekindling the lustre of health in the chocks, routing rheumatism from oldjoints, and knitting new flesh thereto. The real Elixir Of Life. A harmless and wholesome alterative is Wooldrldge|H^WOndorj thl Cura Please read carefully every word in the following article. A. F. Prevail, of Tliomas- villc, Is the only agent in this county for Paul Jones Old Monongaheln Bye Whisky, nnd it cannot bo obtained from nny other source; now if you are overworked, or bro ken down in health, from nny other cause, a pure, honest, wholcsomcstimulant will do you more good tlinn anything else yon could possibly obtain, nnd a pure old Bye whisky is tile most wholesome stimulant produced. Paul Jones Old Monongaheln Bye is the highest grade of whisky distilled in the United States; it is endorsed and highly recommended by connoisseurs, chemists ar.d physicians throughout the Union; it is an old, rich, mellow,palatable Bye Whisky, and made its national reputation solely on ac count of its high quality. A.F. PBEVATT, Sole Agent, Thomas- ville, Ga. ;April 20-:y] Mr.’John' Carpenter, oljGoodland, Ind., says:* “I tried Chamberlin's Colic, Cholera nnd Diarrhoea Bcmedy, for diarrhoea and se vere cramps, nnd pains in the stomaclie and bowels with tho host result!. In tho worst cases I never had to givo more thnn the third dose to effect n cure. In most cases one dose will do. Besides it’s other good qualities it is pleasant to take.” 25 and 50 cent bottles for sale by Me-Bac Bros. Mattie Bibb, went up to' Camilla ^sterfiay morning tq see siplf , _ f We will duplicate any 'body’s prices in tills section of country on job work, ROd guarantee our work to be first dam in every. respecL A protracted meeting will begin at Jig Creek church, op f riday. A largo S KHjrjll j&lp ^ttendance op Sjuft- | general parties speak of goipg Among the well known and popular traveling men in the city yesterday, we’fibffcfed Jake Menko, ol Macon, and Maney Engle and E. M. Sargent, of^manah. - . 0(1 1 Dominated Robert. G. Mitchell by ac clamation, amid great applause. Messrs. Chapman, ratten aud Rog ers, were appointed a committee to notify Mr. Mitchell of his nomination and ask his acceptance. The chairmen of tho executive com mittees of Thomas, Colquitt nnd Brooks oounties were made tho demo oratlo exeoutivo committee of this senatorial district, Tho Timks-Entkrprisk, Quitman Press, Berrien County Pioneer and Boston World were asked to publish these proceedings. Tho convention then adjourned. F. J. Walker, Chm’n, W. T. Gaulden, Scc’y. Camilla Clariou, Valdosta Times and Adel News, please copy. Mr. fy. G. who has been sick, but is now recuperating, will j>o to Valdosta to-day. Robert Dekle, Jr., went up to Ca milla yesterday to attend an entertain ment theje last (light, l|ev8. Stephenson and Reynolds have hpen parrying on a series of in teresting meetings at Fredonia church, five miles fiom town, A considerable amount of interest lias boon shown, and good will result. Mr. T. F. Kirkland and family, who have been here some time, le|t yester day morning for Fort Valley, where they will locate. Mr. Kirkland has been employed on the S., F.- & W. Ry. as engineer At last the railroad yard here will have what the yardmen have long wished for, a pusher. The engine is a new one, and Engineer Ilare has been sent to Savannah to bring it out. He will arrive to-day, A pusher is much more convinect than the road engine for filching t^ips and cars. The union meeting uf the Mercer Baptist Association will he held with Huramorhill church, commencing ou Friday, and including tho 5th Sunday in this month. A largo crowd will be in attendance. Summerhill is sur rounded by a thrifty, hospitable pco- Kutn Bliss, Turnip.’, Cabbaged S. J. Gasskls, 3.10.1* 118 Hroatl St. FOUND. A pair of spectacles on Rcmjngtqu Aye. Thursday evening lust. Tl^e q'yncy <:<iq get them by proving property nqd paying for this m], Cfttarrab cured, health «nd sweet breath secured, by Shiloh’s Catarrh Remedy. Price 50 cents. Nnsal Injector free. For sale by Hicks k Peacock. (To Rent. The brick staro house on corner of Broad and Flotoiier streets, now occupied by Joshua Carroll k Son, Is now for rent from tne 1st day of September. A good perma nent leuant will be given liberal terms. Apply to DB. W. W. BBUCE. 8-3-1m EVENING TELEGRAM. PLUMB GOOD'CIQARS AMI SOUND TOOTH TOBACCO, At A. C. BROWN’S, 8 19 3t. 153 Broad street. That becking uougli can be so quickly cured by Shiloh’s Cure. We guarantee it. For sale by Hicks & Peacock. I^otice to t$Qac| Qveraeers. Thoiqasvillc district, on account of fodder pulling, pear gathering and rain, the liiqe horctqmro allowed to put all public roads in first-class or der will he attended to 1st Septem ber. Ovorsoors will work and make rolurus to tho commissioners in terms of tho law. Fall not under penalty of the same. Courts will he held 1st and fil’d Mondays, until September 1st, 1890. it. K. Turner, Chairman Road Commissioners, Thomasville District. June 26th 1890. 4*w fill Sept. 1st. “NOTICE^ All parties not baying Jia;d their street tax, within tQ days, will assemble at Mar. ket House for work 02 streets. W. II. MITCHELL. 8 15 lOd Acting Chmn Street Com P. P. P. is tho greatest blood purifier of the age, the best of humor of the skin, scalp and blood, whether itching, burning, Sfqly pimple*, scrofula or hf,r.e<ntary, when All othej ft.iflod^ea fait’ Ul ’ ' Ilncklen’a Arwlew <•*!»•, The Best Salve in tho World Oir Out* Bruise*, Soros, Ulcer*, Halt Rheum, F-- rcr Sore*, Tetter, Chapped Bend*, Chilblains Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guar anteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money reminded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by S, J. CasseU Drug Store. Slmoh'd Catarrh Remedy—a positive cure for Catarrh, Diphtheria and Canker-Mouth. For’sale by Utcks k Peacock. A course of P. P. P, will banish all bad feelings, nnd restore your health to perfect condition. Its curative powers arc marvel ous. If out of sorts nnd in had humor with yourself nnd Ihe world, take P. P. P., nnd become benlthy and rational. Will you suffer with Dpspepeia nnd Liver Complaint? Shiloh's Vltaliicr isgunrnntced to cure you. For sale by Hicks k Peacock. DO NOT SUFFER ANY LONGER. Knowing that a cough can be checked in a day, and the first stages of consumption broken ir week, we hereby guarantee Dr. Acker's Eng.i»hCough Remedy, and will re fund tho money to all who buy, tako it as per directions, and do not find our state ment correct. For snlo hy Held k Culpep per, 1 Doubt no More. If there was ever any room for doubting Dr. Holt’s Dyspeptic Elixir curing Dyspep sia It has been entirely remove 1, having been tested in hundreds of cases and never failed to make a cure in n single instance. This disease has hafllcd the skill of the most eminent physicians. Dr. Holt's Dyspeptic Elixir is the only remedy known that will cure even-ease. It Isa specific for nil dis eases arising from a disordered condition of the stomach, bowels nnd kidneys. Tt cures ileadarhe. Constipation, Liver Complaint, Jaundice, Heart Trouble, Kqllow Skin, Brown Splotches cm "qi,iu and Asthma if complicated with indigestion. Manufactur ed hy Dr. Holt’s Dyspeptic Elixir Co-, Mon- tetuina, (in. Battles double former site. Price $1.00, For sale hy all druggists, A Scrap of Paper Saves Her Life. It was just an ordinary scrap of wrapping paper, but it saved her life. She was iu the laststagesof consumption,teddby ptfysiclnns that she was inenrablonnd could live only a sliori time; she weighed loss limn seventy pounds. On a piece of wrapping paper she read of Dr. King’s New Discovery, and got a sample bottle; it helped her, she bought a large bottle, it helped lie- more, houglit an other aud grew better fast, continued i‘,s use ami is now strong, healthy, »osy, plump, weighing HOpoq^da. For fuller particulars send slipup to’W. II. Cole, Druggist, Fort Smith.' Trial Dottles of this Wonderful Dis covery Free at S. J. Cossels Drug store. During the epidemic of flux iu tins County last summer, I had l,aid work to keep a supply of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy on hand. People often came ten or twelve miles in the night iu get a bottle of tlic Remedy. I Wife teen selling patent medicine: fur the lust ten yacrs and find that it ha: given better satisfaction in ca§cs of diarrhoea nnd flux, than nny oilier medicine I hare ever handled.—J. H. lien- ham. Druggist, Uolcunda. Pope Cn„ ill. Over five hundred bottles of this Remedy were sold in that county durlug tile epidem ic referred to. it was n perfect succecss and was the only remedy that did cure the worst cases. Dozens of persons there will certify that it saved their lives. In four epidemics of bowel complaint this fiemedy has been equally succoss(uh 2j and 50 lent bottles for !jaU hy McBac Bros. huiloh’a Cure will immediately relieve croup, whooping Cough and Bronchitis. For sale by Hicks & Peacock. (.ifo, R«altfi anti Strength. AcalaciBVola, Fla., Feb' 17, 1830 Messrs. Lippman Bros., .Savannah t Dear Sirs—I will write to you to inform yon that I was afflicted with Blood Disease. I l\.ied ano bottle op* * ' and it gave me no reFcf. I wits in bed seven months. I tried prominent physicians, and they could not do me nny good:' I saw your advertisement of P’ P. P. in the Apalachicola Times, and thought I would try it. The bottle I got to night makes seven or eight, t-nd, oh, how good 1 (eel- I hays been ijp ever since and at rty business—lumber inspector. You may publish this if you desire. I have In formed my friends that P. f, p- is file, health and ulrength- M. P. Boluen. Important to the Public. We beg to state that we have been ap pointed sole agent* in Thomasville, Ga., for the celebrated “I. W. Harpers” Hand Jlade Sour Mash Whiskey. This insures to our customers for future the finest of the world renowned whiskies of Nelron County, Ken- tacky, and the one whiskey that is never put upon the market until it is thoroughly matured by age. The attention of Physi cians is called to its great purity. C. W. WIGGINS. Dr. ACKER’S ENGLISH PILLS Arc active, effective ami pure. For sick headache, disordered stomach, loss of appe tite, bad complexion and biliousness, they have never been equaled, either in America or abroad. Sold by Reid k Culpepper. Tho Germ Theory- ^The medical fraternity'now recognizes that tbo Germ’ theory is the correct one, Dr. King's Royal Germeteur goes to the root of all diseases. Try a bottle. Sold by 7 17 tf It. Thomas, Jb. ABB YOU MADE miserable liy Indigc3 tion, Constipation, Dizziness, Loss of Appe tite, Yellow skin? Shiloh’s Vltalizcr is a positive cure- l-’or sale hy Hicks and Pen- «ock. TT Inflftmatory Rheumatism is cured by I*- P. P. (Prickly Ash, Poke Root ami Potas sium). Physicians have been consulted anil to no purpose. As a lust resort patient takes P. P. P. and gets well. Hosts of cer tificates to this cflcct are in possession of the manufacture!s, and will he shown on appli cation. —WILL MAKE A- If/yoifdon’t|go to The outfitters for everythin you need in Bright’s Disease. This insidious ailment, il too long neglect ed, will undermine the strongest constitution nnd bring tbo victim to a premature grave. Heed the timely warning, nnd regain health at mice by a use of the proper restorative, that great Btrcngtlicncr of the urinary and digestive organs, II. B. U. (Botanic Blood Balm). David Uunkle, Cullman, Go., writes: '■! used a hundred dollars worth of medicine for Bright's disease, hut it did me no good, i then took 11. B. 11., which relieved me. My appetite Is restored nnd I urinate with out pain.’’ J, A. Maddox, Atlnnta, Ga., writes: “I h td great trouble in passing urine which wns filled with sediments. My back nod loins gnvc me much pain nnd I lost my np- petite, strength anil llesh. I became nerv ous nnd unable to sleep soundly. Two hollies of B. II. B. gave me entire relief,” Thomas Willinmi, Shoddy, Tcnn., writes: “I was troubled with severe kidney com* plnint anil confined to my bed. Nix bottles of B. B. B. inado a well man of me,” As a general liniment lor sprains and biuisci or for rheumatism, lame back, deep sealed or muscular pains, 1 Chamberlain's I'ain Balm is unrivalled. For. ids by McRae Bros. -AXD— Sleepless uighis, made miserable by that terril\lo umgh. Sholoh’s Cure is the remedy fur you. For sale by Hicks St Peacock. WE CAN AND DO (iuaranten iff. jAok«M\ORil<M><l Klixir, Tor it \ta» been fully deiiionstrated to tin.* people of IhV* conutry that it U superior to all other pre parations for blood diseases. It is a positiro cure for syphilitic pdisoning. Ulcers. Krup- lions and Pimples. It purities the whole sys tem and thoroughly builds up the constitution. Held & Culpepper. A~CHILD KILLED. Another child killed l>y the use ol ophite* given in tho form of soothing syrttii. Why mothers give their children such deadly poison is surprising when they can relievo the child of its peculiar troubles by using l»r. Acker's Baby Soother. It contain* no opium or morphine Sold by Reid Culpepper. 19 Shiloh's Vitalizer is what you need for Constipation, t.033 of Appetite, Dizziness, and all symptoms of Dyspopsla, I’rico 10 and 75 cents per boWo. For sale by Hicks k Peacock, Florida’s^Sanitarlum. Delightfully situated 011 the banks of the far-farmed liver In song, ‘’Tho Suwnnce,” location high and dry, pcrtcct freedom from fogs and mnlarin, with all the comforts of a first-class resort. Water particularly adapted for Dyspepsia, Bright's Disease, Rheumatism mid all blood poisons. Two-thirds of the quests who re sort there arc afflicted with Kidney troubles and go away cured. Main buildingsof Coquina rock un i brick, surrounded on all sides by neat cottages and groves of live oak and pine. Hot atnl cold water direct from the Mineral Spring in each toon and bath room and closet in each cottage. The overflowing attendance there the past winter has induced the company to commence the erection of twelvo additional cottages, which with an annex building add 4G new rooms to the present accommoda tions. T'ae bathing facilities at the Springs wilt also be greatly increased aud the ;>ool enlarged. As a summer reion It has all the require ment Ol the Mprings in Virginia and Tennes see, with the odditionol advantage ot being nearer home. Excursion tickets on sale overall princi pal roads at greatly reduced rates. For further particulars address, L. W. ScoviLLih May 30 d-W 3m Suwancv, Fla. Gents Fnmisbin|Gftods LINE. They keep the Largest, Best, and Cheapest stock of goods in the city. They^also carry a full line of • UMBRELLAS, K TRUNKS, VALISES, SACHELS, HAND BAGS, &c, which they are sellin everything else Cheaper than Anybody in Town. ZE3I ATS is the largest and most com plete in the city, embracing all tho^latest styles and’shapes. In NECK TIES, SCARFS, l)UDE|BOWS, COLLARS. CUFFS. II A.VOICES" [SUSPENDERS, ETC., ETC. Their stock is acknowledg ed to be the handsomest ever seen in this city. When you want anything in their line, hunt them up. They will deal fairly with you and give you|a bargain. They keep EVERYTHING usually kept in a tirstj class Clothing and£Gents Furnish ing Goods*establishment. ClYlg&ft. Clothier* and-Furnishuit Broad Street, • ThomuilUi t