The Daily times-enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1889-1925, August 27, 1890, Image 3

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THE QAU.Y TIMES-ENTERPRISE. i.ij WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 27, 1800. |,OUAli SCHEDULE. ARRIVAL AND DKPaUTURE op ALL TRAINS TO AND FROM TIIOMASVII.LK CARRYING 1'aSSENGKRS SEW TRAINS FOR DAISBIUDOE, No5. For Bainbrltlge Lv... 7 Warn No*. From “ 6 65pm rjlOiS SATANNAIl AND THE EAST. NoB, PUMiigor Ar... 6 50am No7. Pamnger Ar-" ] j*P|" No 17, Freight and Aco’n Ar... 4 45 p m TOR SAVANNAH AND TUB EAST. No I. “ Lt...12 02 pm No IS, Fgt and Acc Lv... 705am FMH ALBANY, ATLANTA AND WESTERN POINTS. No 64, Passenger Ar --- 5 10 p m NoM ... Ar... 6 00am FOR ALBANY. ATLANTA AND THE WEST. No 33, Passenger Lv... 8 30 a m No 63, Passenger Lv... 215pm FROM MO NTH! EL LO. No SO, Passenger Ar.. .11 M a m No 62, Passenger Ar... 5 JO p in FOR MOXTICELLOo II, Passenger fv... 2 12 p m N« », Passenger •• 7 65 a m VBOM CHATTAHOOCHEE AND NEW ORLEANS. * Nst, Passenger Ar...ll 37 p ra Ne 11, Freight and Acc Ar... 5 30 a m for Chattahoochee and new Orleans N«7, Passenger 2 10pm No 17, FghtandAcc ...Lv... COOp m Mr. Tom Bottoms is now with the Troy Steam Laundry. Mr. Ed. Gaines, of Winston, N. C., is stopping at the Gulf. Mr. C. L. Sims and son, of Boston, were in the city yesterday. Ikjy. R. L- Roddenherry, of Valdos ta, was a guest of the Gulf yesterday. Mr. Joshua Barrow, one of the most respected citizens ot Cairo, was in town yesterday. Parties who have seen it, say that Bob Alexander has oue of the finest pieces of cotton in the county. f hqiflggvillc could—if she would— ^ild a cotton factory. Will she do jt? It would cut the gordian knot. Mr. M, Y. McIntyre is at home. Young hnq taken a high stand among the leading business men of Savannah. Will ?Jitoholl, an( l 1>° * s a l ,ar ^ one to down, says that Mitchell & McIn tyre will duplichte anybody’s prices on cotton. The council showed their apprecia tion of Policeman Brown’s faithful- flees by ordering that he be paid for the time he hits hern sick recently. Ml- Robert Deklc received au order for some lumber yesterday from Ire* jaflc|. It was sent by Mr. Wra. Mil ler, the contractor, who has been sum mering in the “Emerald Isle.” Harriet Calloway is the woman who is out on bond charged with taking the money from Mrs. J. T. Kottman, Her trial comes off in the Superior court at the October tefifl. tphe candidacy of Hon. Robert G. Mitchell for president ofithe Senate, is taking well. He has received very encouraging letters from different parts of the state, and he will make a splendid race.—Americug Times. JJqp. Robert |j. Mitcholl is receiv ing very encouraging letters from all over the state, in reference to his can- (jgey for president of tJ)o Spnate. His popularity is only bounded by his ac quaintance. Mr. S. W. Baker, our well known railroad contractor, left Monday for Savannah with an outfit of wagons, mules and implements, to take a con tract on the South Bound Ry. j^essfs. Ratry and Sa» Ijaker, Jr., ggeompanieA him- There are some fine specimens of corn grown by Dr. McTycr, on' exhi bition at R. Thomas’ drug store. It- shows what care in the selection of ceed gn4 good cultivation will da. Hr. MoTyer cultivates all his crops well, and is careful in the selection of seeds; and, consequently, he has good crops. A new plHn ot sprinkling the streets will probably be adopted by the coun cil. Owing to the present arrange ment, and dry weathep the m^ch^nts sflY theif stocks arc considerably 4 am * |ge^ by dust! The matter of pur- phafing a sprinkler was referred to Mayor Hopkifl? find j\l(lpfmap fiay c 6- ' Qnp qfjh° large cottages, at the rail road crossing, on Hanscll street will bo moved from its present location to near Remington Avenue, so as to turn the ground over to the Georgia South ern & Florida, as it is in the roads, right-of-way. Barns, cottages and gther buddings along tho route wil} he move!} also shortly. Mr. John S. Culpepper. The attention of the democratic vo ters of Thomas county is called to tho announcement elsewhere of Mr. John S. Culpepper. He announces himself, as a candidate for Tax Receiver, at the ensuing election in January, sub ject to the action of the democratic party. No man in the county appre ciates more fully the importance of preserving democratic unity in Thom as county, than Mr. Culpepper. If nominated, he expects the full vote of the party, and if not, be will, like a true democrat, support tho nominee. Mr. Culpepper is an old and highly respected citizen of the county. He has lived here all his life, and the peo ple know him. And those who know him best, like him most. If elected to the position to which he aspires, he will make a faithful and conscientious officer. See his announcement. Legal Blanks. The attention of Justices of the Peace, lawyers and others is ended to the extensive line of blanks kept on hand at this office. We have County Court Fi Fas, Justice Court Fi Fas, Mortgage Fi Fas, Cost Fi Fas, Affi davits County Court, Attachments, Petitions County Court, Summons of Garnishment, Justice Court Sum mons, Search Warrants, Criminal Warrants, Distress Warrants, Possess ory Warrants, Warrantee Deeds, Mortgage Deeds, Sheriff’s Deeds, Ad ministrator’s Deeds, Bonds for Titles, Blank Notes, Complaint for Notes, Replevy Bonds, Mortgages (long and short form). Witness Sub poenas, Magistrates Subpoenas, Crop Lieus, Garnishment Affidavits, Claim Affidavits, qtc. Any special form will be printed on short notice. Our prices for the above arc very low. Special prices made to parties huyiug in quan tities. • They Are Very Near It. The Atlanta Journal says: Much interest is being manifested in tho winner of George Muse’s fifty dol lars in gold, which wsu offered to the person guessing the closest to Atlan ta’s population. It will take an exact official poun( to decide tho matter. The Journal pnbfisbes the panics of 4Q ur 5Q gucsscrs, aud.saysthc winner is included iu the list. Among them we notice the uarao of Tommie Bcasly, of Boston. Tommie, we hope you’ll get the prize. Levy’s Dry Goods House. Attention is called to (hp n*tv ad. of Messrs. I. Levy & Co. in this morn ing’s paper. Their bargain sale of clothing, furnishing goods, etc., will continue for the balance ot the week only. They still have some rare bar gains left. Mr. Elias informs us that they will be in their qe\y q^ar^q by Mpfldfiy, 6epf. J, whepe thqy will dis play the handsomest line of clothing, furnishing goods, hats, etc, ever shown in Southwest Georgia, Read the afi. — -r. r , Mr. P. D. Headly. Attention is called to the advertise ment of this gentleman, who has opened a jewelry establishment in our city. He is located temporarily in Fleisher’s harbor shop, under the ho tel Brighton. Mr. Headly makes a specialty of alligator and fish scalp jewelry and other J?lorida cqrjngjtipg, and also does all kinds of repairing on watches, clocks, jewelry, etc. Mr. Headly is a very pleasant gentleman and we hope he will do well here. Call around and see hint, ——v The region around ThomasviUe will ship more watermelons next year than ever before in one season. And if the crop is properly handled, and there is no reason why it should not be, it will pay. The Boston Work} ^ayg; A charming young lady visitor at thc'hotac'clf pr. M. R. Mallettc is the latest accession in (he domain of Boston’s society. She came to mW additional finppjnpsg to the hqartg qf ifi'e fpn$ parpnls. Ifhe Wqrld tenders Congratulations. Wq again, apd it is ahouf seven: teenthly, beg to remind property own ers on east side of Broad street, that the gaps in tho concrete pave ment should be closed up. And this reminds us that some repairs on up per Broad might be profitably made. Thpre aye a few ugjy Scales & (fee pnvcfupnts which should bo mqqdec). ZEIGLERBROTHERS OXFORDS. Have just received a full line of Ladies, Misses, and Childrens Oxford ties. CURTRIGHT & DANIEL, 108; Broad St. HARVEY! THE SOUND OF THE HAMMER Is beard here, manufactories arc being built, carload alter carload ot brick, lamber and lime are on the ground and being unloaded, the streets art-being graded and paved, side walks laid; bdtMM are building and people bnylnglots, lots of them 1 It is estimated that from rtrto ten thousand people will call this home within tho next twelve months 1 . A picture? Yes, bright and spir ited:. It tiftgliifthrnerres and quickens tho tradLpUlssi- Why-should it not be true? It is possible, we' shoitld like to say possible. L. B: M.' H> cannot accomplish this, would that it could, but it proposes to rush matters in its own line. Our advertising-editor spoke the other day something about “rush ing the growler” whatever that means. It lie had said “rushing the hats” we could sympathize with him, because that is just whut wc are going to do the coming season. We arc pregaring for nbig trude and earn estly hope you will be pleased to add to a portion of it. In the mean time our stock of summer millinery is not badly run down. We arc re-ady to serve you nnd glad to do so at any time. School opens soon, wc should like to fit out nil the little girls with nice, neat school hats at such low prices they would have to study fractions to find out the amount. Cali and sen me. Mrs. Jennio Carroll. LOWEiR BROAD MILLINERY HOUSE, d&w Boys who would like to take a course in the state technological school) should be on hand, ready to stand an examination, on Saturday, the 6th of September. Mira Sue P. Blake, of Miccosukie, arrived from her Florida home Mon day nfternoon, and left yesterday morning for Chicago, via. the Alaba ma Midland and the Monon Route, where she will s t°? a weeks pre paring for her trip to China, where she goes as a missionary worker among tho heathen*. The prayers ot thous ands goes with the eqlf sacrificing lady missionary. May she add many stars to her wowu. If you try a sample bottle of Shep ard’s B. B. Cologne, you will certain ly buy a large bottle after having test ed its merits. It is an article that you never tire of. FV Sate. dwelling, out houses, nml ware house, and fencing, now on the lot recently sold by 8.1- Moore to the G. 8. k F. Ry. Co. Purchaser to remove the same at his expense. Apply to d8-27-0l ' Moore k Williams. $10 Reward. For return of watch stolen Aug. 2*, 18D0, marked ns follows; t-$>om Ida to Lizzie” on inside of case; “L. G." on outside. At . C. B. Qnx*. A full stock |ot drugs. Any body’s i'»«b prices met. S.J.Oassxls, 8-10-lw U* Broad St, To Rent. The brick ftore hotiscjon cornerjof (Broad and Fletcher streets, now occupied by Joshua Carroll k Son, is now for rent from tne 1st dny of September. A good perma nent tenant will be given liberal terms. Apply to DR. W. W. BRUCE. 8-3-1m Notice to Road Overseers. ThomasviUe district, on account of fodder pulling, pear fjfitlpsriqg and rqiii, the lime ^cwtoftfin qllqwed to nqt'fifl pquliq roads in first-class or der will bo extended to 1st Septem ber. Overseers will work and make returns to the commissioners in terms of tho law. Fail not under penalty of the same. Courts will ho held 1st and 3rd Mondqys, uqtil September Ut. I89Q. N. fi. Turner, Chairman Road Commissioners, ThomasviUe District. June 26th 1890. d&w till Sept. 1st. Syphitfs, Rheumatism, Old Sores and Ul cers, Scrofula and Catarrh arc exactly the diseases that are cured by tha( powerful medlelny, P. fi. • ' ' ' For anssmio people W.W.C. la f boon. • ‘ a ’ How I Was Cured of So-Called Cancer, hCLAfog, Ga, . Dear Sir—This is tp certify tha; 1 was a sqiTcrfr vr'<lt fi P'apc pp (nj under lip for fourteen years, and was under treatment of different physicians, but they done me no good. I bad lost hope of being cured by medical treatment. I then went to a doctor living in Florida, who treated them by art. After going to him it got welt, apparently, for awhile, bat returned os bad os ever, I then concluded to try P. P. P. (Prickly Ash, Poke Rocjt and Potassium), and after taking fire hotttti (p(n| «U<0 MO» pute4. l c’.so Gad ifn good med|clne to give a good appe tite', apd to'give proper digestiop. 1. J. SlOicKLAxp. Is Consumption Incurable? Rend the following: Mr. C.11. Morris, New ark, Ark., says: “Was down with Abscess of Lungs, nnd friends and physicians pro nounced me an Incurable Consumptive. Begin taking Dr. King’s New Discovery for Consumption, am now on my-third bottle, and able to oversee the work on my farm. It is the finest medicine ever made.” Jesse Middle wart, Decatur, Ohio, says: “Had it not been for Dr. King's New Discov ery for Consumption I would have died of Lung Troubles. Was given up by doctors Am now in best of health. Try it. Sam ple bottle free at 8. J. Cassel's Drugstore The Rev. Geo. II. Thayer,of Bourbon, Ind., says: “Both myself ann wife owe our lives to Shiloh’s Consumption Cure. (For salt by Hicks Is Peacock. DO NOT SUFFER ANY LONGER. Knowing that a cougli can be checked in a day, and ths first stages, of consumption broken ic week, we hereby guarantee Dr. Acker's Eng.u'.i Cough Remedy, and will re fund the money to all who buy, take it as per directions, and do not find our state, ment correct. For sale by Reid k Culpep per, 1 King Royal Germeteur.| The new romedy that is so highly recom mended by Dr. Hawthorne and Rev, Sam Jenes. Asthma, Diarrhoea, Indigestion and all Malarial diseases. Sold liy 7 17 tf It. Thomas, Jr. Shiloh’s Couch and Consumption Cure is sold by us on a guarantee. It cures Con- sumotion. For sale by Hicks k Peacock. A DUTY TO YOURSELF. It Is surprising that people will use a corn, nmn, ordinary pill when they can secure a val uable English one (or the same money. Dr. Acker's English pills aro a positive cure for eick headache and all liver taoublee. They are •mall, sweet and easily taken and do not gripe. Sold by Reid A Culpepper. I r Doubt no More. If there was ever any room for doubting Dr. Holt's Dyspeptic Elixir curing Dyspep sia it has been entirely remove i, having been tested in hundreds of cases and never failed to inako n cure in a single instance. This disease has baflled the skill of the most eminent physicians. Dr. Holt’s Dyspeptic Elixir is the only remedy known that will cure every caso. It is a specific for nil d is- eascs arising from a disordered condition of the stomach, bowels and kidneys. It cures Headache, Constipation, Liver Complaint, Jaundice, Ilcnrt Trouble, Sallow Skin, Brown Splotches on Skin and Asthma if complicated with indigestion. Manufactur ed by I)r. Holt’s Dyspeptic Elixir Co., Mon tezuma, Go, Bottles double former size. Price tl.00. For sale by nil druggists. A nasal injector free with each bottle o( Shiloh's Catarrh remedy. Price SO cents. For sale by Hicks k Peacock. w. w, a for weakly famaloa. For lame back, side or chest, use Shiloh's Porous Plaster. Pric* 25 cents. For sale by Hicks k Peacock. During tho epidemic of flux in this county last summer, I had hard work to keep a supply of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Rcmody on hand. People often came ten nr twelve miles in the night t* get a bottle of the Remedy. I have been Belling pnient medicines for the last ten yacrs and find that it has given better satisfaction in cases of diarrhoea and flux, than any other medicine I have ever handled.—J. H. Ben- ham, Druggist, Golcondn. Pope Co., 111. Over fiyo hundred bottles of this Remedy were sold in that county during the epidem ic referred to. It was a perfect surccess and was the only remedy that did cure the worst cases. Dozens of persons there will certify that it saved their lives. In four epidemics of bowel complaint this Remedy has been equally successful. 25 and 50 rent bottles for sale by McRae Bros. For Dyspepsia and liver complaint you have a printed guarantee on every bottle of Shiloh's vilalizer. It never fails to cure. For sale by Hicks k Peacock. OUR VERY BEST People confirtq oqr statement when,we say that Df. Acker's English Remedy Is in every way superior to any and all other prepara tions tor tho throat and lungs. In wlioop- ingcough and croup it is magic and relieves a: once. We olfer you a sample bottle free Remember this remedy is said undera po si live guarantee by Reid k Culpepper. WHY W(LL YOU cougn when Shiloh’s Cure wftl give immediate relief. Price 10 cts, 50 cts., and $1. For sale hy nicks and Peacock. ’- Iluekle n’a A rut cm Salve. Tho Best Salve in tho World for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay required, U is guar anteed to give oerfsf; satisfaction, or money refunded. Prlie 35 cents per box. For sale by S, J. Cassels Drug Store. “Hackmctack,” a lasting nni\ [fragrant perfume. Price 25 a^ by Hick; $ P^ttyOclL NOTICE. All parties not haying pa)d their street tax, within ia days, will assemble at Mar. kf t (louse for work ox streets. W. H. MITCHELL. 8 15 )0d Acting Chun Street Com. The women praise P. P. P.; for scrof ula, General Weaknessand Nervousness,In digestion, Rheumatism, and Female Com plaints. Try the great and powerful P- P. P., and then reccommcnd It to your neighbors, and you will know you hpvo \lonp a good deed. CITY TAXES. Book now open—will close September 15, 1880. Call on K. T. Maclean, City Clerk. r Please road carefully every word in the following nrtic le. A. F. Prevatt, of Thornas- ville, is l.bc on !y agent in this county for Paul Jones Old Monongahela Jly® Wuisky, and it cumnot be obtained from other source; now if) ou aro overworked, o'" bro ken down in bea 1th, from any other caus.”; a pure, honest, w. bolcsomestimulant will do yon more good th an anything else you coaid possibly obtain, ai id a pure old Rye whisky is the most wholes omc stimulant produced. Paul Jones Did Monongahela Rye is the highest grade of whisky distilled in the United States; it .Is endorsed and highly recommended by co. unoisseurs, chemists and physicians through* ut the Union; it is an old, rich, mellow,p«h itable Rye Whisky, and made itl: national re; 'Utation solely on ac count of its high qoai ity. A. F. PREVATT, iSoio Agent, Thomns- vilic.Ga. AprU20-Iy *5T OW —WILL MAKE A— Mr. John Carpent er, ot Goodland, Ind,. says: “I tried Cham berlin’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy T , for diarrhoea and se vere cramps, and pains in the stomache and bowels with tho best ri wults. in the worst cases I never had to g ivo more than the third dose to effect n ci 're- *'i most cases one dose will do. Bcsii. 'e« it’s other good qualities it is pleasant to hike” 25 and 50 cent bottles for sale by M. :Bn« Tho Germ The oi7- The medical fraternity r low recognizes that the Germ theory is th * correct one. Dr. King’s Royal Gcrmctcur g 'oes to the root of all diseases. Try a bottle. Sold hy 7 17 tf R. 3 ’uoMAS, Jii. Bright’s Disease. This'insidiotis ailment, it too 1 »ng neglect. cJ, will undermine the strongest toostituticn and bring the victim to a prcnml are grave. Heed the timely warning, and rcg'aia health at once by a use of the proper 1 •cstoraAivc, that great strengtliencr ot tho urinary and digestive orgnns, 11. B. B. (Be tiuiic Blood Balm). David Runklc, Cullman, Ga, writes: “I used n hundred dollars wortli of medicine for Bright's disease, but it did mo no good. I then took B. B. IL, which relieved me. My appetite is restored and I urinate with out pain.” J. A. Maiidox, Atlanta, tia., writes: had great trouble in passing urino which was filled with sediments. My hack and loins gave me much pnin and I lost my ap petite, strcngtli and llcsh. I becamo nerv ous and unuble to sleep soundly. Two bottles of B. B. B. gave me entire relief.' Thomas Williams, Shoddy, Tcnn., writes: “I was troubled with severe kidney com plaint nnd confined to my bed. Sixjbottles of B, II. B. made a well man of|me.” I As a general liniment for sprains and bruises or for rheumatism, Ininc back, deep seated or muscular pnins.^L'Iinmlicrlain’s Pain Balm is unrivalled., For* snie'by McRao Bros. A Bare Kidney and Blafldor Btimefly—W. W. o. Electrio Bitters. This remedy is becoming so well known and so popularjas to need no special men tion. All who have used Electric Bitters sing the same song of prnise.—A purer medicine does not exist and it is guurnnteed to do nil that is claimed. Electric Bitters will case nil diseases of the Liver nnd Kin neys, will remove Pimples, Boils, Salt Rhcuin nnd other affections caused by impure Mood Will drive Malaria Lorn the system nnd pre vent as well as cure all Malaria fevers—For cure of Headache, Constipation and indiges tion try Electric Bitters—Entire Satisfac tion guaranteed, or money refunded. Price 50 cts. and $1.00 per bottle nt S. J. Ccssel's Drug store. CAN.T SLEEP NIGHTS Isjlie complaint '.of thousands auHerlnglTrom Asthma, Consumption, Coughs etc. I)7d you ever try Dr. Acker's English; Meuiedy'/ It fa the beat preparation knows for all lung Troub les. Sol 1 on a positive guarantee mtii'.’Sc. and Relit Jk Culpepper.; Important to the Public. We beg to state Hint wc have been ap pointed sole ngents in Thomnariilc, On., for the celebrated “I. W. Harpers” Hand Made Sour Mash Whiskey. This insures to our customers for future the finest of the world renowned whiskies of Neiron County, Ken tucky, and the one whiskey that is never put upon the market until it is thoroughly matured by age. The attention of Physi cians is called to its great purity, C. W. WIGGINS. Croup, Whooping Cougli and (Bronchitis immediately relieved by Shiloir^urc. For sale by Hicks k Peacock. Florlda’sJSanitartum. Delightfully .'situated on thejbankj of the tfiv-Jarmed river in song, “Tho Suwance,” location high and dry, perfect freedorq fpom fogs and malaria, with nil the contorts of a first-class resort. Water particular adapted for Dyspepsia, Bright’; Qiiwise, Rheumatism and all blood ppikops. Two-thirds of the guests who re sort there arc afflicted with Kidney troubles and go away cured, Main bqHdingtof Coquina rock and brick. 8i;:;opaded oar all sides by neat cottages nnd groves of live-oak and pine. Hot nnd cold water direct from tho Mineral Spring in each roau and bath room and closet in each cottage. The overflowing attendance there the past winter has induced the company to commence the erection of twelve additional cottages, which with an annex building add 46 new rooms to the present accommoda tions. The bathing facilities at the Springs will also be greatly increased and the ]k>o1 enlarged, As a summer rciort It has all the require ment ot the Springs in Virginia and Tennes see, with the additional advantage ol being nearer home. Excursion tickets on sale over all princi pal roads at greatly reduced rates. For further particulars address, L. W. Scovillk, May 30 d-w 3m auto, FU If you don’t go to The outfitters for everythin you need in —AND— Gents Furnishing LINE. ■b jfeje “,Thcy kccp|tho Largest, Best, and Cheapest stock of goods in the city. They also carry a full line of UMBRELLAS, S trunks, VALISES, AGREES, HAND BAGS, &c. which they are fcllin everything else Cheaper than Anybody in Town. Thuir stock of HATS is the largest and most Jcom» plete in the city, embracing all the latest styles and shapes. In NECK TIES, SCARFS, DUDE BOWS, COLLARS* CUFFS. IIANDK’ES." [SUSPENDERS, ETC., ETC. Their stock is acknowledg ed to be the handsomest over seen in this city. When you want anything in their line, hunt them up. They will deal fairly with you and give you a bargain. They keep! ■. EVERYTHING usuallyjkept lin a first class Clothing andj Gents Furnish- ing*Goods}cstablishment.; Gloihlerr. and Furnishers, 108 Broad SAM, - Tbunaullll.