The Daily times-enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1889-1925, September 05, 1890, Image 2

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THE DAILY TIMES-ENTERPRISE .'nhn Triplett, Editor and Manager. FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 1890. Daily Times-Entyrphisk hi published every morning (Mondny exempted.) be Wikly Tmrs-EsTEiiruisB is published erery Saturday morning. SoBSCBiPTion Rates. I'A'ly Tiues-Enterpbise, . . IV .BELY “ ... $5 00 . 1 00 Daily Advkbtisibd Rateb. I’ranslent Rates.—$1.00 per square for the rril insertion, nnd 50 cei ts for e;v h subse quent insertion. «me Square, one month, - • • - J °® • tie Square, two months - - - • 8 00 i me Square, three month i, - - • 12 °® t no Square, six months, ... - 20 00 « ue Square, twelve months, - - - 35 00 Subject to change by special arrant ement. jonw TB1PI.KTT, Bob. Mon. Tommie Norwood c-a n t make it. Not much. The base ball season is about over. Thank the Lord. The Telegraph says that Bibb’s three votes are for Gordon. The S., F. & W. Ry. is going to put up a handsome new passenger depot at Monticello. There isRaum, Rum and Rebel lion in the republican camps. Let Cairo Dots. Cairo, Ga , Sept. 3,1890. Cairo is still booming. The spelling bcc to- night at the city hall promises to be a most inter esting affair. The prompter will use Webster’s blue back spelling book. A serious cutting affair occurred eight or ten miles below hero in Deca tur county, on last Thursday, be tween the Williams brothers. It seems they bad a falling out about a day’s work, which culminated in Fred Wil liams drawing his knife and cutting his brother, "Bill" Williams, in sever al places. Dr. Glower attended the wounded brother and pronounced his wounds dangerous, though not neces sarily fatal. We are sorry to chronicle the death of Mrs. Polina Baggett, which occur red at her home one mile from town on Saturday morning, after a pro tracted illness from typhoid lever. She leaves a husband and four chil dren to mourn her untimely departure, May He, who doeth all things well, comfort and console the bereaved hus band and children in this their hour of affliction. Cairo High School opened up on Monday with a large attendance. Prof. J. B. Wight and J. M. Glenn are the principals, and they are among the foremost educators in the country. Dr. Gardner and daughter, of Nashville, Tenn., who will have charge of the Cairo Grammar School, arc expected daily. When they arrive and both schools get in operation, Cai ro can then boast of as good school fa cilities as any town of its sizo in the state Wc paid Whigham a flying visit last week. Wc found editor Wilson, of the Advance, bogged up to his eyes in business. Between running a news paper and superintending the con struction of the ginery, cotton seed oil mill and guano factory, being erected there, he has his hands full, but he scents to be equal to the undertaking. Whigham is to be congratulated upon having such a public spirited citizen within her borders. We also met our friend, Hon. R. A. Connell, who has BEVERLY & BURCH, DEALERS IN Rough and Dressed Lumber of all Kinds Util located 8 miles north of Thomasville. Wc will deliver lumber nny where in the cisy or on hoard cars at the YERY LOWEST LIYIN6 PRICES. Thanking our patrons for past favors, we ask a continuance of the same, promising fair, square, upright (failings in every par ticular. Ws guarantee prices and quality, and respectfully solicit n share of the public patronage. BEVERLY & BURCH. THOMASVILLE, GEORGIA. 9-3dAwtt The "surplus” is gradually fading away. But not so very gradually, either, since we come to think of it. The senate will vote on the tariff bill next Monday. And then it will be difficult to hold the body in Wash ington. Women are coming to the front iu business life. There are nearly 15, 000 of them engaged as commercial Irnvelcrs in the United States. The democratic party of Georgia canuot afford to split. The republi cans, like the faro dealer, would take advantage of the split Huff is nominated for the legisla ture from Bibb and Pntterson is left. There will be no dud by these two during the next session. The tong session of congress is bought the Whigham Spr’tngB. and is drawing to a close. It’s demise will be preparing to build a bath houso on hailed with pleasure throughout the the site, which will be a great comfort country. The right of private judgment is God given, and no ontb-bouml organi zation can destroy it.—Millcdgeville Recorder. Will the democrats of Georgia sub mit to Republican McCune’s dictation, io the matter of electing a senator from Georgia? We do not believe they will. The Enquirer-Sun, Columbus, un der the able management of Mr. B. II. Richardson, is fast taking rank with the foremost dailies in the South. The issue last Sunday wns a daisy. The mortality of the globe is said to be sixty-seven every minute, 97,790 every day, or 35,630,835 every year. The births amount to 100,000 every day, 36,792,000 every year. Terminal Facilities for the Au gusta and West Florida R. R. The Augusta Chronicle of Wed nesday says: “Yesterday was public sales day at the lower market. The crowd in attendance was small, owing to the little property on the market, the only large sale being thnt of the city to Mr. Jesse Thompson of 62 South Common lots for 812,415.50. Mr. Thompson says the purchase of these lots is an entirely personal in vestment, but the general belief has keen that they were intended for the Augusta and West Florida railroad. This road desires a site for a terminus of Ibis end of the line and the loca tion of these lots would serve them most advantageously. They are situated between Hale, Walton and Hall streets, just beyond the Central road’s freight yard, and in the very neighborhood in which a ter minus would be most satisfactory. The Augusta and West Florida in tends to have a freight yard, erect a depot and locate machine shops in Augusta, and every indication points to these sixty-two South Common lots Tax and Registration Notice, FIRST ROUND. I will lie at tlic tallowing iplaces on dates named below for the purpose of collecting the taxes and registering the legal voters of Thomas county for the year 1890. Respectfully, .P.S. IIeitu, T. C. T.C., And Registrar. Duncanville, Monday, Sept. 8th. East Glasgow, Tuesday, Sept, 9th. Metcalfe, Wednesday, Sept. 10th. Ways, Thursday, Sept. 11th. Boston,'Friday. Sept. 12th. Murphey's, Monday, Sept. 15th. Ochlockonec, Tuesday, Sept, liith. Spence, Wednesday, Sept. ITtli. Cairo, Thursday, Sept. 18th. P. D. HEADLY, UNDER HOTEL BRIGHTON, Practical tyqtchplger and Jeweler,, Alligator and Fish Scale Jewelry —AND OTHER— Florida Curiosities. CIocks,JWatches*and Jewelr* Repaired. d&w 27 1y Thomas Sheriff Sale. FOR OCTOBER. Win be sold, before the court house door, in Moultrie, Colquitt county, Ga., between the legal hours of sale, the first Tuesday in October next, the following described prop erty to-wit: Two hundred and fifty acres of land, more or less, lying in the 8tli dis trict of Colquitt county, whereon A. W. Bishop now resides as tenant Levied on as the property of R. T. Rouse, to satisfy a Sumter county court fifo, issued at the June term of said court, 1885. Written notice given A. W. Bishop, tenant residing on said land,ns required by law. Property pointed out by plaintiff’s attorney. Also at the same time and placo, out hun dred and forty-five acres, more or less, in the southeast corner ol tat number ten in the 8th district of Colquitt county, Ga., aud also half interest in lot number five hun dred and scTcn (507;, in the 8th district of said county, the placo whereon the defend ant now claims ns the property of John A. Owens. Written notice given John A. Owens, claimant of said lands, as required by law. Property pointed out by defendants security, G.F. Cooper and Wm. McMullen. Also at the same time nnd place, fifty acres, more or less, of tat number one bun* dred nnd eighty-four (184), in the southeast corner of tho 8th district oi Colquitt county, Ga. Levied on as the property of John W. Scarborough, to satisfy a Colq ait county tax Ufa. The defendant notified iu writing. Levy made and returned to mo by J. J. Sellers, Constable. Also at the same time and place, one dark mars mule, medium size, undone top buggy. Levied on to satisfy nColqnitt superior court fifn, Issued at the April term, in favor of W. nf A. Davis vs. A.G. Dunlap nnd J. T. Dunlap. F, NELSON, Sheriff. Georgia—Thomas County. Ordinary's Office, Sept. 1st, 1800. John W. Clifford, ofsaid county, lias, applied to mo lor peimancnt letters of administration on the estato of J. M. Earnest, Jr., late of said county, deceased, and I will pass upon said ap plication at my office on the first Monday in October next, 1890. „ Jos. 8. Mebbill, Ordinary. til octO-w GEORGIA—Co.qu.ttConnt fco ^ ^ ^ Miles Monk, administrator on estate of W. Tft. Summers, deceased, has adplied to mo for lct- of df " • — til decM to the Whighamites. At an informal meeting of some the most prominent citizens of Deca tur county, held in the Mayor’s office here, on Saturday, steps were taken looking to the annexation to Thomas county ot a goodly portion of tho eastern part of Decatur county, com prising a strip of land five lots deep. Tho following permanent committee wns appointed to devise ways and V !• . .. .. . • _ ters ol dismission from snlil administration, means by which the object in View and 1 will pass upon said application at my , , , . J Office on tho first Monday in December next, could bo consummated. isso. t). o. obekobv, ordinary. W. Pearce Pres, and Robt, Ter rell, Sect. Adjunct committee, Gen eral Ragans, Sampson Williams, Council Sapp, Farman Dollar and others. Arthur Patten, Esq., and Mr. Bal four, of Thomnaville, were over on le gal business yesterday. Miss Florie Ousley, a charming re presentative of Pollen, is visiting rela tive] and friends here. Miss Henrietta Strickland and Miss Mary Dickey, two ot Florida’a lovely young ladies, are visiting relatives here. The Mayor’s levee on Monday morning, wns well attended, several hard cases being up for disturbing the good order, peace and dignity of our little village. John R. S. Vermont Elections. Burlington, Vt., Sept. 3.—Pro bably one Democratic Senator is elect ed from this county. There will be large Democratic gains in the House. Thirty-seven Democratic Assembly- men arc so far known to have been elected. There were only eighteen Democrats iu the last Assembly. “Couut that day lost whose slow descending sun Views from thy hand no worthy action done.” On Monday lost a statute went into cfleet in New York state making it a crime for a child under 16 years ot age "to smoke or make use in any v way of cigars, cigarettes or tobacco in bought by Mr. Thompson as the any public place.” ground on which this road will erect While the lows —«v •— ~ --— its buildings, although Mr. Thompson the boya, parents'eontinue to’allow, if enn * 0 sa ca “ ■ays otherwise. “ not to cncourago, the fatal habit GEORGIA—Thomas County. Ordinary's Office, Aug. 29,1890. U. F. Davis, guardian of F. II. and T. W, Ramsey, has applied to me for letters ot dismis sion from sola guardianship, and 1 will pass upon said application at my oflicc on the first Monday in October next, 1890. Jos. 8. Merrill, Ordinary. til octO-w <7 EURO LA—'Thomas County. Ordinary's Oflicc, Aug. 29,1890. F. H. Butler, administrator on the estate of H. M. Ilutler, deceased, has applied to mo for letters of dismission from said administration, and I will pars upon said application at my office on the first Monday in December next, 1890. Jos. 8. Merrill, Ordinary. GEORGIA—Thomas County. Ordinary’s Office, Aug. 29,1890. Charles H. Paine, administrator on the estato of Mrs. Ann E. Remington, deceased, has ap plied to me for letters of dismission from said administration, and 1 will pass upon said ap plication at my office on the first Monday in December next, 1890. til ded-w Jos. 8. Merrill, Ordln ary. Executor's Sale. U ndcr and by virtue of an order of the court of Ordinary of the county of Thomas, I will sell at public outcry, before tho court house door, in the city of Thomasville, on the first Tuesdsy ia October, 1890, within the legal hours of sale, all of tat of land number one hundred (100), belonging to the estate of S. S. Adams, deceased, lying in the 13th dis. triet of said county. Terms ot sale cash, til S. L. Hayes, Executor. Administrator's Sale. Under nnd by rirtue ot an order oi the court ot Ordinary ot Thomas county, Ga., I will sell, at public outcry, before the court house door, in the city of Thomasville, on the first Tuesday in October, 1890, within the legal hours of sale, the following lots and parcels oflaudbelonging to the estate of S, Alex. Smith, deceased, to-wit: Lots Nos. sixty-one (61), sixty-two (02), one hundred and sixteen (116), on-, hundred and sixty-two (162), one hundred and sixty-three S 163), two hundred and six (206), two hun- red and nine (209), three hundred and twenty-five (325) nnd one hundred and forty-five (US) acres of No. seventy-eight, (78) nil in the. 13th district of Thomas coun ty, Ga., and tat No. sixteen (16) in the 18th district of said county, tats Nos. one hun dred and ieventy-four (174) and two hun dred and ninety-seven (297) in the 17th district and one hundred (100) acres of tat No. one hundred and twenty-seven (127) in ..l jt.sJ.t .it ,.c mi. .„ it puunv onc uuaurca ana iwcniy-scven \i*i) n While the laws are trying to save the 14th district, all of Thomas county . . it Terms of gfllcCR8D. A. W.PALIN& BRO.’S Carriage Shops. Lower Broad Street, Thomasville, Ga. EVERY DESCRIPTION OF CARRIAGE AND WAGON REPAIRING, HORSE SHOEING, ETC., Done at reasonable rates. Haring recently purchased a number of labor-saving tools, nnd haring the Best Equipped Shops n Southwest Georgia, wc are prepared to do all kinds of work in our line with dis patch and neatucss. ap!22d&wly S. L. Harts, Administrator of estate oi 8. Alex Smith. Thomasville Marble Works, Jackson and Stephen Sts. Monuments, Tablets and Headstones in Marble, American aud Imported, and in Granite. Satisfaction G-uaranteed- Aldricb & Morse, Proprietors. june 18 lyd&w. A. S WHITE, Contractor & Builder. THOMASVILLE GA. f Careful and personal attention pniu in all work, and satisfaction guaranteed In both work and prices. Will be glnd to mnks estimates for yon. My aim is to please my patrons. 7 10, dibwCm James G ribbon. CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER, THOMASVILLE, GA. I will beglad to m ak contracts for, or su perintend, all classes at buildings, public or private, In cither brick or wood, will furnish plans and specifications if required. If y.u want nny building dona call on me, and 1 will submit estimates whether contract Is awarded me or not. I will guarantee satisfaction In all my work. I refer to the many buildings erected by me In Tbomasville.and to all parties for whom I have worked. 8hop on Fletcher street, 2nd door from Broad. fhomasTilla Ga., April 15,1890. lj Young Female College, THOMASVILLE, GA., The Twenty-First Annual Session —WILL OPEN— September 3rd, 1890, TERMS MODERATE. Teaching thorough, tliciplinc Arm, but kind. For full information ap ply for catalogue to JNO. E. BAKER, 8-12-ltn President. I„. SCHMIDT, -PROPRIETOR- J * Thomasville Bottling Works, Manufacturer and Dispenser of SODA and MINERAL WATERS, carbonated with NATURAL GAS imported from the Mineral Springs on the Rhine, Germany, ON DRAUGHT: COCA-COLA, The Genuine “Ideal Brain Tonic.” Will relievo almost any headache in 10 to 15 minutes. The New Mexican Beverage, Non-Alcohollo. Delicious. “Friii-Miz!” Cooling. Vitalizing. Ice Cream Parlor, Specially fitted up for the accommodation of Ladies. FRUITS AND CONFECTIONERIES, Fancy Goodi, Cigars, Tobacco, ttc. Satisfaction Guaranteed. DOWN WALL r-rZP-A-ZPZEUR, Can be bought nowhere at this Price except from L F. Thompson & Co. Broad. Street. A Mutual Pleasure. Nothing pleases a business man so much as to please his patrons and friends. WE ARE JUBILANT. Our Customers are Better Satisfied Our Bale Has Been An Immese Success. , STACKS OF GOODS HAVE GONE. But we have’plenty sticks left for our friends. COME BOUND AND SEE US. We'lhavo bargains in all departments. Tho ladies will find a feast.'The gentlemen a rich harvest. THINK OF IT, The best all round stock in the city to choose from, and every thing at cost FOR 811 ARP CASH. L. STEYERMAN Sc BR0., Brimful of Bargains and Promoters of Popular Prices. jant-ly ffiiiii AND Cold Storage Company Icc Made From Distilled Water Pure and Sparkling. Delivered Anywhere in the City. Give orders to Wagons or mail direct to W. S. KEEFER, Pres, and Mang’r, July