The Daily times-enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1889-1925, September 05, 1890, Image 3

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THE DAILY TIMES-ENTERPRISE. FRIDAY. SEPTEMBER 5, 1890. LOCAL SCI11'DU 1.1%. ARRIVAL AND DEPARTURE OK ALL TRAINS TO AND FROM TIIOMASVILLE carrying passengers NEW TItAINS Foil DAINBRIDOE. No 5. For Balnbrlclge Lt... 7 20 a m No A From “ 6 85pm FROM SAVANNAH AND TIIF. EAST■ NoB, Passenger Ar... 050am No7, Passenger Ar... jjpn No 17, Freight and Acc'n Ar... 4 45 p m FOR SAVANNAH ASI> TIIE EAST-I! No 8, “ Lv..,12 02pm No*, “ Lv... 0 35pm No IS, Fgt and Acc Lv... 7 05 a m FIMM ALBANY, ATLANTA AND WESTERS POINTS. No SI, Passenger Ar... 510pm No54 Ar... 0 00am FOR ALBANY, ATLANTA AND TIIE WEST. No 33, Passenger Lv... 8 30 a m No S3, Passenger Lv... 215 p m FROM MONT1CELLO. No M, Passenger Ar.. .11 30 a m No 12, Passenger Ar... 5 30 p m FOR SIONTICKLLO, NoII,Passenger Lv... 212pm No 29, Passenger Lv... 7 55 am FROM CHATTAIIOOCII EE AND NEW ORLEANS. No I, Passenger Ar.. .11 37 p ra No II, Freight and Acc Ar... 530am FOR CnATTAHOOCHF.E AND NEW ORLEANS Stacks of new goods are coming in. Mr. John Stark has gone to Bruns wick for a few days visit. Mr. C. H Wright, of Albany, was in the city yesterday. Thomasv’He continues to pay the highest prices for cotton. Mr. Fred Bibb, a merchant of Boston, was in the city yesterday. 8ee proceedings of the Thomas County Stock Breeders Association. Joe Lovenstein, of Savannah, was among the well known commercial men in the city yesterday. Mrs. John Duval, of Atlanta, is vis iting her mother, Mrs F. A. Fisher, and sister, Miss Irene, in the citv. The City Shoe Store presents an at tractive advertisement to our readers this morning. Read it. Let’s make the 12th of next Novem ber a Red Letter Day in Thomasville. Every citizen of the town should co operate. Mr. James N. Winn and Col. S. B. Spencer have gone into the real estate business in Atlanta. The firm is Winn and Spencer. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. W. Ferrell have gone to house keeping occupying the Brown residence, on Dawson street, recently purchased by Mr. Ferrell. Mrs. Bird and Miss Nellie have re turned to Thomasville and are occupy ing their new home, near Young Fe male College. Mr. Jesse Stringer and family arc out at Mr. Isaac Alderman’s, eight miles from the city, where Mr. Stringer is regaining strength and flesh every day. E. M. Mallette has sold the Jeffers place, on Jackson street, to Zeke Hamilton. Property on Jackson street will always bo valuable, and Zeke Hamilton is to be congratulated on the acquisition of so desirable a location. Railroad Notes. The machinery for the gates to be put in at the Jackson street crossing of the S., F. & W. Ry. is at the de pot. Six car loads of lumber from Ochlockonce, Meigs and Cairo were unloaded at the railroad yards Wed nesday and yesterday. It would ap pear by this that building is pretty brisk just now. *** The Waycross accommodation train went out late yesterday morn ing and kept a crowd of impatient travelers waiting around the depot a couple of hours. *** A good many of the railroad boys are taking a short holiday before the fall business really begins. Attention, Hussars. You are hereby required to be and appear at your armory “German Hall” to-night at 8 p. m„ for the purpose of dismounted drill without uniform and without sabres. By order of K. T. Maclean, Comdg. J. T. Curtright, O. S. Mr. Joshua Carroll went down to Boston yesterday on business. Quite a number from here visited that place yesterday. Raymond’s Budget. Patten, Ga., Sept. 1st, 1890. Editor Times-Enterprise: '■Nothing falls flatter on the hu man ear than misdiricted enthusiasm that does not awake even an echo.” The force bill is dead, but the boll worm still lives. Oh, for Reed and his gag rules, Granny Hoar and her catnip. Quite a number of our citizens attended services at Big Creek church last Sunday. They report an inter esting meeting, with between 1500 and 2000 people present Patten now runs two gins and one grist mill for all they are worth, Several of our farmers will hold their cotton, which fact speaks well for their finances. The union meeting that closed at Summer Hill church lost Sunday was an interesting one, and resulted in much good. Mr. Joe Rcdfearn’s face is the picture of fatherly pride, as he folds to his boom something new in dress goods that makes him papa twelve times. Boston World please copy. We are informed that a young lady, after reading an editorial in these columns headed, “Woman, Man’s Best Friend,” looked serious a mo ment and said: “Wonder if the editor of this paper is a single man?" Capt. you’ve made your mark in this world, The most needed labor saving im pleraent in this section ii one of Grandfather Lick Shingles wonderful clock, that in addition to keeping the time of day will rock one or more cradles. It this notice should come under the eye of an agent selling them, he will please change his com pass and steer for east Patten with all possible speed, where ho will dispose of one or more. As we are somewhat short of news notes we clip the following from the first item in the “Patten Blue Darter.” “We hasten to inform our readers that we are personally responsible for what you find in these columns, not for the truth of assertions, but as the author of its being. In questions discussed by us where quiet and in- noccnse are involved, wo shall weigh in the same balance, both great and small, rich and poor. As far as politics are concerned, wc will run it on Democratic principles, or run it in the ditch. Candidates announced for office in these columns not eligible. The an nouncements will be found in simple advertisement form “Paid for in ad vance, at the rate of ten cents per line.” Political dead beats take due notice. Friendly papers please copy, Candidates who expect to abide the democratic primary will come around to the front: independents will please come in at the bnck door. Anyone attempting to sit on us will find in due time that they have taken the alligator for a log. Bring in your spondulicks' at once. Now is the time to subscribe.” Ed. Raymond. •Uncle Abe, they tell me your col ored church is very exclusive?” “It tries to he, sah, but er white man will sneak in ercasionally— Epoch. Would you buy gold dollars for fif- ty-cents? That is what you can do nt City Shoo Store on children’s school shoes. 6t For One Quarter of One Dollar —OB TWENTY-FIVE CENTS EITHER— Times are hard and money don*t grow on trees. In order to give SPOT CASH CUSTOMERS FULL WORTH for their money, I sm go ing to turn out it 153 Blond street lor FIVE days nt the above price the follow- ing goods 1 lb green or black tea 23c. 1 “ roasted cofTco 3 and pcs glass ware 25 4 large or 7 small balls potash 25 1 doz good laundry soap 25 3 lbs good dried apples 25 3j lbs best granulated sugar 25 4 bxs imptd Penobscot sardines 25 1 yard of good plug tobacco 25 72 pcs chewing gum . 25 1 doz boxes blacking 25 These nrc.only a lew of our leaders. Na chcnanagcn, no charging, no memorandas, but for the virgin cash. A O BROWN, 153 Broad St, Thomasville, Ga. 9-4-31 Boarder* Wanted. Will take school boys or girls to board. Apply at this office. 9-4-Ot Never iu the history of shoes have we sold children’s stout serviceable school shoes so low. City Shoe Store. " fit The School JDavs Here A-gain. And we respectfully call attention of parents to our excellent stock of 23037"© a,:El.cL Zeisses SeXT7-iCa,"ble Sclxool Slxoes,’bought cheaply and to be sold cheaply. Satisfaction with every pair. CTTIEBTIEBICi-IECT DjStlTISL. HARVEY! THE SOUND OF THE HAMMER Is beard here, manufactories arc being built, carload niter carload ot brick, lumber and lime are oo the ground and being unloaded, the streets are being graded and paved, side walks laid, houses are building nnd people buying lots,lots of them! It Is estimated that from six to ten thousand people will call this home within the next twelve months. A picture ? Yes, bright and spir ited.- It tingles the nerves and quickens the trade-pulst. Why should it not be true? It is possible, we should like to say possible. I,. B. M. II. cannot accomplish this, would that it could, hut it proposes to rush matters ia its own line. Our advertising-editor spoke the other day something about “rush ing the growler" whatever that means. II he had said “rushing the hats" wc could sympathize with him, because that is just what we are going to do the coming season. Wc are pregaring for a big trade and earn estly hope you will be pleased to add to a portion of it. In the mean time our stock of summer millinery is not badly run down. Wc are ready to serve you n nd glad to do so at any time. School opens soon, we shotild like to fit out all the little girls with nice, neat school bats at such low prices they would have to study fractions to find out the amount. Call and see me. Mm Jennie Oarroll. LOWER BROAD MILLINERY HOUSE. d&w v. Columbus, Ga., Aug. 9th, 1890. Wooldridgt'n lYomlrrful Cure Co., Columbia, Ga. Dear Sirb: About three years ago I was taken with liver and kidney disease, the doctors treated me with only temporary re lief, they give mo up to die, saying that there was no medicine known to them that would do me any good. From three to five months nt a time I was confined to my bed, notable to get up when down. During iry sickness I was taken witli Diabetes ns much ns one gallon of water would pass from me during the night. I fell off until I was noth ing but a skeleton. Last march I left Thomasville, Ga., iny home, on my bed, the doctors saying that I could not possibly live to get to Columbus, Gn. When I nrrived in Columbus, I commenced to take W. W. C., I have taken six bottles up to this dnte, I nm now able to attend to my work. Up io the time I commenced to tnkc W. W. C., I had not done a days work tor 2 years. 1 have put in five days work this week. During this time I have taken no other medicine but W. W, C. I was also covered with seres from the crown of my head to the sole of my feet, suffered with a pain directly over my heart for three years that no medicine would relieve. After taking the first two bottles of W. W. C., the pain was entirely removed nod I have not felt n symptom of it since. I was treated, daring my sirkness, by Drs. Dekle, Ramsey nnd Bruce, of Thomnsville, Ga„ who can testify to my condition. 1 cheerfully recommend it to nil who suffer with liver nnd kidney troubles, to givo W. W.C.(Wooldridge’s Wonderful Cure) atrial, ns it lias saved my life Yours truly, d&w8-27-2w J. B. Jackson W. W. O. for woakly ftmaloa. Rheumatism Cured. Potrdamer’s Red Stas Store, Lake City, Fla. P. P. P. Manufacturing Co.i Gents—Have suffered with Rheumatism for some time, nnd tried great many reme dies, but could find no relief until I used your great and beneficial P. P. P. I recom mend it to suffering humanity. Yours. J. POTSDAMER, WHY WILL YOU cougn when Shiloh's Cure will give immediate relief. Price 10 cts, 50 cts., and $1. For sale by Hicks and Peacock. A CHILD KILLED. Another child .killed by tbo use of opiates given In the form or soothing syrup. Why mothers give their children such deadly poison is surprising when they can relieve the child ot its peculiar troubles by nsing Dr. Aekcr’s Baby Soother. It contains no opium or morphine Sold by Reid & Culpepper. JO A Safe Investment. is one which is gnan.ntccd to bring you satisfactory results, or in case of failure a return of purchase price. On this safe plan you can buy from our advertising druggist n bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption. It is guaranteed to bring re lief in crery ,-ase, when used for any affeC' tion of Throat, Lungs or Chest, such as Con sumption, Inflammation of Lungs, Bron chilis, Asthma, Whooping Cough, Croup, etc., etc. It is plensant and ngrecablo to taste, perfectly safe, nnd can always be depended upon. Trial bottle free at S Cnsscls drug store. Scrofula is that impurity in the blood which, accumulating in the glands of the neck, produce unsligbtly lumps or swellings, nhieh enusrs painful, running sores on the arms, legs or feet, which develops ulcers in the eyes, cars or nose, often causing blind ness or deafness, which is the oiigin of pim ples, cancerous growths nnd many other manifestations usually ascribed to “humors.” P. P. P. is the friend in need. A course of this valuable blood purifier, and you will be a well man. If you suffer from Scrofula in any ot its various forms, be snre to take P, P. P. King Royal Germeteur- The new remedy that is so highly recom mended by Dr. Hawthorne and Rev, Sam Jones. Asthma, Diarrhoea, Indigestion and all Malarial diseases. Sold by 7 17 if R. Thomas, Jr. For lame back, side or chest, use Shiloh’s Porous Plaster. Price 25 cents. For sale by Hicks & Peacock. A DUTY TO YOURSELF. It is surprising that peoplo will mo a com. mon, ordinary pill when they can secure n val uable English ono for tho same money. Dr. Acker's English pills are a posltivo euro for sick hesdacne and all liver taoubles. They are small, sweet and easily token and da not gripe. Sold by Reid Si Culpepper, » A nasal injector Iroe with each bottle ol Shiloh’s Catarrh remedy. Price 50 cents. For sale by Hicks A Peacock. — « I have a neat dwelling house and lot in East End that I can sell on extremely easy terms. E. M. Mallette. 8-29dlw To Rent. The brick store house on corner of Broad and Fletcher streets, now occupied by Joshua Carroll & Son, is now for rent from tne 1st day of September. A good perma nent tenant will be given liberal terms. Apply to DR. W. W. BBUCE. 8-3-1m For Sale. The Dwelling, out houses, and ware house, nnd fencing, now on the lot recently sold by S. L. Moors to the G. S. & F. Ry. Co. Purchaser to remove the same at bis ex,case. Apply to d8-27-6l Moore A Williams. A Sure Kidney and Bladder Remedy—W. W. O. I have R large new house a little out that I will rent to a small family who will take good care ot it at a nonrnal rent. 8-2-dlw E. M. Mallette. Shiloh's Couch and Consumption Cure is sold by us on a guarantee. It cures Con sumption. For sale by Hicks A Peacock. “A peony saved, is a penny made,” —you can save quarters—half dollars —and dollars—by buying tho boy’s and girl’s school shoes trora City Shoe Store. fit Children’s school shoes! Wc are not going to mako prices now, but break them. Twill be money in your pocket to seo us. City Shoo Store. fit A Curo for Paralysis. Frank Cornelius, of Pinson. Ind. Ter. snys: “I induced Mr Pinson, whose wife had paralysis in the face, to buy n bottlo of Chamberlain's Pain Balm. To their great surprise before the bottle hail all been used she.was a great deal better. Iler face had been drawn to ono side; but -the Pain Balm relieved all pain nnd 8orcn.ess, nr.d the mouth assumed its natural sh ape.” It nlso a certain cure for Rheumatism, lame back,sprains, swellings and lameness' cents bottles for sale by McRae Bros- For Dyspepsia and liver complaint you hare a printed guarantee on every bottle ol Shiloh’s Titalizcr. It never fails to cure. For sale by Hicks A Peacock. Eczcmn, scalp covered with eruptions, doctors proven valueless. P. P. P. was tried and the hair began to g row again, not a pimple (an bo seen, and P- P. P. again proved itself n wonderful skin. cure. Cnpt. W. A. Abhett. who lias long been with Messrs. Percivnl and Ilmtton, Real Es tate and Insurance Brokers, Ues Moines, nnd is one ol tho best known and most respected business men in that city, says : I can tes tify to the good qualities ot Chamberlain's Cough Remedy Having rtsed it in my tamily for the past eight yeairs, I can lately say it lins no equal for either colds or croup." 50 cents bottles lor sale by McRtc Bros. For ninny years Mr. B. F- Thompson, of Des Moines, Iowa, was serverely alllicted with chronic dinrrbaa-a. lie snys: "At times it wne very severe; so much so, that 1 feared it would end my life. About seven years ago I chanced to picture a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Chole ra and Diarrlnra Remedy. It gnvc me pro mpt relief, nnd I believe cured me permanently, as I now eat or drink without harm anything I please." I have also used it in my family with the best results. For sale by McRae Bros. For anaemia people W. W. c. la • Boos: ' CAN.T SLEEP NIGHTS Is the complaint of thousands suffering! from Asthma, Consumption, Coughs etc. Did you ever try Dr. Acker’S; English Remedy? It is the best preparation known for all lung Troub les. Soil on a posltivo guarantee at 25c. and Reid Si Culpepper. The Rev. Geo. H. Thayer, of Bourbon, lad., says: “Both myself ann wife owe our lives to Shiloh’s Consumption Cure. For sale by Hicks A Peacock. CITY TAXES. Book now open—will close September 15, 1890. Call on K. T. Maclean, - City Clerk. Dr. Holt's Croup ind Cough Syrup pre vents and curts croup. Mo cure no pay. Manufactured by Dr. Holt's Dyspeptic Elixir Co., Montezuma. Ga. Important to the Public. We beg to state that we have been ap pointed sole agents in Thomasville, Ga., for tho celebrated “I. W. Harpers” Hand Made Sour Mash Whiskey. This insures to our customers for future the finest of the world renowned whiskies of Nelron County, Ken tucky, and the one whiskey that is never put upon the market until it is thoroughly matured by age. The attention of Physi cians is called to its great purity. C. W. WIGGINS. 1 can sell a 37 acre tract witli a nest brand new six room cottage, u little over ~w~tn 1;'T“ one mile from the court house, on good road | e ' 10 5 years time, at $3,000. This is a bargain. I J u R Love 8-29dlw E. M.Mallette. J May JO Cm, - °' ®* Plcaso rend carefully every word in the following article. A. F. Prevntt, of Thomas- ville, ia the only agent in this county for Fnnl Jones Old Monongahela Rye Whisky, and it cannot be obtained from any other source; now if you are overworked, or bro ken down in health, from any other cause, a pure, honest, wholesome stimulant will do you more good than anything else you could possibly obtain, and a pure old Rye whisky is the most wholesome stimulant produced. Paul Jones Old Monongahela Rye is the highest grade of whisky distilled in the United States; it is endorsed and highly recommended by connoisseurs, chemists and physicians througbont the Union; it is an old, rich, mellow,palatable Rye Whisky, and nude its national reputation solely on ac count of its high quality. A. F. PREVATT, Sole Agent, Thomns- ▼ille, Go. April'20-iy; Croup, Whooping Cough nn i Bronchitis immediately relieved by ShiioL -ure. For sale by Hicks A Peacock. WE CAN AND DO Guarantee Dr. Acker's lllood Elixir, for it hiv been fully demonstrated to the people of this country that lt la superior to all other “re parations for blood diseases, lt is a poel care for —-**—■— ■" - tions and 1 tem and thoroughly Held & Culpepper. Ilucklen’s Arnica Salve. The Best Salvo in the World for Cuts Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Malt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guar anteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Prico 25 cents per box. For sale by 8, J. Cassels Drug Store. OUR VERY BEST Peoplo confirm our statement when we say that Dr. Acker’s English Remedy is in every way superior to any and all other prepara tions tor the throat nnd lungs. In whoop- ingcough nnd croup it is magic and relieves a: once. We offer you a sample bottle free Remember this remedy is sold undera posi tive guarantee by Reid A Culpepper. Tho Germ Theory. The medical fraternity now recognizes that tho Germ theory is the correct one. Dr. King’s Royal Gcrmctcur goes to the root of all diseases. Try a bottle. Sold by 7 17 tf R. Thomas, Ja. , iur niuou uiseascs. uu n jmjsiuvu syphilitic pdtsonlng. Ulcers. Erup- I Pimples. It purifies the whole sys- thoroughly builds up the constitution. “Ilnckmctnck,” a listing snil fragrant perfume. Price 25 and 50 cents. For sale by Hicks A Peacock. Merit Wins. * Wc desire to say to our citizens, Hint for years wc have been selling Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Dr. King's New Life Pills, Buckicn's Arnica Salve and Elec tric Bitters, and bare never handled remedies that sell as well, or that have given such universal satisfaction. Wc do not hesitate to guarantee them every time, nnd we stand ready to refund the purchase price, if satis factory results do not follow their use. These remedies have won their great popularity purely on their merits. S. J. Cassels, Drug gist. Bright’s Disease. This insidious ailment,it too long neglect ed, will undermino the strongest constitution and bring tbo victim to n premature grave. Heed the timely warning, and regain health at once by n use of the proper restorative, that great strengthener of the urinary and digestive organs, II. it. 11. (Botanic Bloo.1 Balm). David Rankle, Cullman, Gn., writes: “I used a hundred dollars worth of medicine for Bright’s disease, but it did me no good. I then took B. B. B., which relieved me. My appetite is restored and I urinate with out pain.” J. A. Mteddox, Atlanta, Ga., writes: “I h id great trouble in passing urine which wns filled with sediments. My back and loins gave me much pain and I lost my ap petite, strength and flesh. I became nerv ous and unable to sleep soundly. Two bottles of B. B. H. gave me entire relief." Thomns Williams, Shoddy, Tcnn., writes: “I was troubled with severe kidney com plaint nnd confined to my bed. Six bottles of B. B. B. made a well man of me." As a general liniment for sprains and biuises or for rheumatism, lame back, deep seated or muscular pains, Chamlierlain’s Pain Balm is unrivalled. For sale by McRae Bros. I have several dwellings lor rent. 8-29dlw E. M. Mallette. OTX —WILL MAKE A— BIG istake ~l Yt'-IT raw If you*don’t|go to The outfitters for everythin you need in —AND— Gents Fnrnisiiingl You Will Do the Same Thtng. Holt’s Dyspcpic Elixir has proven a great blessing to suffering humanity; has cured more cases limn perhaps any other prepera- tion on the market; all who have taken it testify to its virtues- It you still doubt ask ;rour druggist to show you testimonials. t you arc troubled with any of the follow ing discuse it will cure you: Dyspepsia, In digestion, Liver Complaint, Constipation, Jaundice, Headache, Heartburn, Chronic Diarrhoea, Kidney Disease, Heart Troubles, Yellowness ot the Skin, Brown Splotches, Torpidity and Asthma, if complicated wiin Dyspepsia- In short it is a specific for ail diseases arising from a disorded condition of the stomach and bowels. Manufactured by Dr. Holt’s Dyspeptic Elixir Co., Montezuma, Ga. Price $1.00 Bottles double former size. For sale by all druggists. -HEADQUARTERS- J68 BROAD STREET. Real Estate and Rental Agency. PIHB TIMBERED LANDS, FARM LARDS, AND CITY PROPERTY. Miney loaned on farm lands 8J per LINE. .They kcqj the Largest, Best, and Cheapest stock of good* in the city. They also cam a full line of '• UMBRELLAS, THUNKS, VALISES, SACUELS, HAND BAGS, &e. which they arc selling like everything elso Cheaper than Anybody in Town. ZE3I .A. t s is the largest and most com plete in the city, embracing all the latest styles and shapes. In NECK TIES, SCARES, DUDE BOWS, COLLARS. CUFFS. IIANDK’ES., SUSPENDERS, ETC., ETC. Their stock is acknowledg ed to be the handsomest ever seen in this city. When you want anything in their line, hunt them up. They will deal fairly with you and give youja bargain. They keep EVERYTHING usually kept in a first class Clothing and Gents Furnish- ingJGoods establishment. CIY«M Clothiers and Furnishers, 108 Broad Street, TbOBKlIJIe.