The Daily times-enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1889-1925, September 13, 1890, Image 2

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THE DAILY TIMES-ENTERPRISE John Triplett, Editor and Manager? .the Outside” the Atlanta Journal, says Political bossism is to be despsied SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 1890. D*ij.t Times-Ektbbpbis* in publish'd everj morning (Monday excepted.) The Wiklt Times-Estebpiuse is published every Saturday morning. Subscbiption Rates. llA.iiV Times-Kntebpbise $5 00 IV BELT “ 1 00 Daiit Adtebthiho Rates. Transient Rates.—$1.00 per square for the Itrst insertion, and 50 cer.ts for ea-.h subse quent insertion. O ic Square, one month, - - - - j$ 5 00 l»ur Square, two months .... 8 00 l)a* Square, three month i, - - - 1- lino Square, six months, - - - - 20 00 One Square, twelve months, - - - 35 00 Subject to change by special arranf ement. JOHN TBIPI.HTT, Bus. Hun A Ringing Editorial. Under the head of “Bossism From Notice to Advertisers. To insure insertion, all changes for standing advertisements must be baud' ed in by noon of the day before. Everett was nominated in the 7th yesterday. And he should be elected. The theatrical season south prom ises to be a ver brilliant one. There is said to l>e a “courteous coolness” between Reed and Blaine. It reaches at times the freezing point. Miss Rose Elizabeth Cleveland, sis- /'ter of Ex-president Cleveland, has " sailed for Europe und will spend some time abroad. Several members of the Young Men’s Democratic League wi’l request the league to invite Gov. Gordon and Hon. Thomas M. Norwood to engage in a joint discussion at DeGive’s Op era House, Atlanta. The Alliancemcn of Screven county met the other day and passed some resolutions. They wind up with the following: Cotton in the bale, money in the pocket: Bahy in the cradle, pretty wife to rock it. That’s neat, but not gaudy. The Augusta Chronicle has the av erage Maine voter down fine. It says: “The simple yeomanry of Maine still fight again and again the battles of the "rebellion,” will vote for the farce known as prohibition, which docs not prohibit, and will still cheer those who flaunt the threadbare bloody shirt.” One-third of the fools in the coun try think they can bent a lawyer in expounding the law. One-half think they can beat the doctor in healing. Two-thirds of them think they can put the minister in a hole preaching the Gospel, and all of them think they can bent the editor running n inewspaper.—Exchange. A lady in Washington has a color ed cook who evidently don’t know much about the culinary art. Sever ml dnys since the dusky damsel was given two chickens to cook for dinner, and was told to fry one and smother the other. When the meal was being served the lady noticed that only the fried chicken was on the table, and on inquiring after the other fowl this is the reply received: ‘‘I is done it ’tween the feather beds to smother it, but it ain’t dead yet.” The Americus Recorder, says: "Capt. Harry Brown’s editorial on Gov. Gordon seems to be getting him into hot water with the press of the State The press don’t like some of h!s insinuations, ns the following pertinent question from tho Columbus Enquirer-Sun shows: "Does the editor of the Alliance Farmer propose to read out of the Democratic party all who see proper to support Governor Gordon for the United States Senate ?” under all circumstances, A local boss is hateful enough. How much more so is bossism ora the outside, where men hundreds of mile away, and bound by no local tics or interests, seek to interfere with the affairs of a community ! Such is the spectacle we see to-day as regards the United Stales Senator- ship from Georgia. In Washington City is Dr. Macune, of the Alliance national committee on legislation, publisher of the National Economist and advocate of the tax on cotton seed oil. This Dr. Macune, who is not Georgian, and who has no feeling nor interest in common with the people of Georgia, is the author of ihe noted “suh-treasuiy plan," which is his es pecial pet. Macune’s National Economist pro. claims that the farmers of Georgia must reject John B. Gordon for the senatorship. They must repudiate their comrade in arms, their gallant leader in war, their staunch friend in peace, because he will not indorse in detail’Dr. Macune’s financial scheme, Gordon does not suit the man who, sent to Washington to represent the farmers, helped to put a tax on south ern cotton seed oil and who stood by and let the Republicans give western farmers free twine for their wheat, yet denied southern farmers free bagging for /heir :otton! Dr. Macune was born in the West. His sympathies are with the west ar.d his work is for the west. He knows nothing about Geor gia and cares nothing for Georgia. He cannot get from this state a wot shiper nor a pliant tool to help him with such schemes as his tax on cot ton seed oil. The people of this state want and should have a senator who is with them in interests and in senti ments, and they will repudiate this at tended bossism from the outside. TAKE IN THE SPRING. I Nature should be assisted in the spring to throw off tho heaviness of , the sluggish winter circulation of the Iblood. Nothing ,docs it so well, so prompt or so safely [as Swift's Specific. I havo used S. S. 8. for a number of years, and consider it tho best tonic ami blood remedy that I ever used. In fact I would not attempt to enter upon a spring or summer in this climate with out it. H. W. Coleman, Of ColcmaD, Ferguson & Co., Dado City, Fla. Our book on Blood mid Skin Diseases mailed free. Swift Specific Co.. Atlanta, Ga. Jaal-ly . D. HEADLY, UNDER HOTEL BRIGHTON, Practical Watchmaker and Jeweler, Alligator and Fish Scale Jewelry —ANI) OTHER— Florida Cnriosii itvs. fieri', IVa' hcs and Jewelr* Repaired. d&w -27*ljr DOWN B. D. FUDGE, THOMASVILLE, GA. —DKALHB IN— HARDW-A IRE STOVES, IRON, Buggy and Wagon Materia Tin and Hollow Ware, Guns and Sporting Goods (Of nil kinds, mill ago [lor King’s Powder Co. BEYERLY & BURCH, -DEALERS IX- Rough and Dressed Lumber of all Kinds Mill located 8 miles north of Thomasrille, Wc will deliver lumber any where in the cisy or on board cars at the J VERY LOWEST LIVING PRICES. Thnnking our patrons for pnst favors, we nsk S continuance ot the same, promising fair, squnic. upright dealings in every par ticular. Wc guarantee prices and quality, and respectfully solicit n share of the public patronage. BEVERLY & BURCH, THOMASVILLE, GEORGIA. 9-3d&wtf Cotton Crop Conditions. Washington, Sept. 11.—The sta tistic il returns of the Department of .u- Brand Central Hotel, A Reapportionment Bill- Washington, Sept. 10.—Repre sentative Dunnell of Minnesota, chair man of the house committee on the eleventh census, to-day introduced nn apportionment bill on the basis of one representative for each 180,000 of pop ulation. This would provide for a to tal representation of 354. Under this apportionment, Alabama, California, Colorado, Michigan, Missouri, New Jersey, Oregon, Texas, Washington and Wisconsin would each gain one member; Arkansas, Illinois, Kansn and Pennsylvania each two, and Min nesota and Nebraska each three. The only states to lose representatives would be Ohio and, Virginia, which would each lose one. vorable for cotton than those of Au gust. Ou the Atlantic coast the rains, following a season of drought, have caused rust and shedding of leaves and fruit. The impairment of condi lion has been eight points in South Carolina and Georgia, and nine in Alabama. Local reductions aro re ported in North Carolina, though tho average is but slightly lowered through heavy rains and cool nights. The general average is reduced from M9.5 to S5.5, which is a fraction lower thaD September, 1889. The figures arc: North Carolina 95, South Carolina 87, Georgia 86. Wyoming’s Election. Cheyenne, Wy., Sept. 11.—The first state election in Wyoming came off to-day. The utmost enthusiasm was shown by both political parties, but it is doubled whether the vote will be very large. The Australian ballot system was introduced for the first time with the registration system. The republicans claim tho state by 1,500, while the dcmocints claim it by from 800 to 1,500. This is on the governorship. The belief here is that the republicans stand a better chance of securing the legislative ticket than governor. Something New in Iceberg8. .Several hundred tourists who came home Monday on the Anchor line steamship Devonia were treated to a fine show of icebergs off the banks at noon last Thursday. The’steamship passed within a mile of three glisten ing bergs, and everybody crowded to the starboard rail to sec them. The two were over 200 feet long and nearly 200 feet high. The third was of unique mould. It consisted of two almost perfect pyramids, 100 feet in height, joined by mi icy bridge about 400 feet long. A. W. PALIN & BRO.’S Carriage Shops. Lower Broad Street, Thomasvillo, Ga. EVERY DEMCBIl'TION OF CARRIAGE AND WAGON REPAIRING, HORSE SHOEING, ETC., Done nt rensonnlile rates. Having recently purchased n number oi labor-saving tools, and having the Best Equipped Shops n Southwest Oeorgi-i, wc are prepared to do all kinds of work in our line with dis patch and neatness. apl22d&wly “W AIjT i r—iIEP-A,")-- 3 Thomasville Marble Works Jackson and Stephen Sts. Monuments, Tablets and Headstones iMatblc, American and Imported and in Granite. Satisfaction Guaranteed Aldrich & Morse, Proprietors. une 18 lyd&w, WAYCROSS, GA. With Electric Lights. is now open, and I would be pleased to havo my Thomasville friends and others stop with me when they come this way. All my help is experienced. The dining room is under the supervision of that effi cient stewnrd, Syl. B. Van Dyke, of New York All correspondence promptly an swered. Special attention paid to ladies with children. Bates $2.00 to $3.00 per day. D.J McINTOSH, 4-19-dfcwly Proaafca. Tax and Registration Notice. -WRST ROUND, i will he at the following places on dates named below for the purpose of collecting the and registering the legal voters of Thomas county for (he year 1890. Respectfully, P.S. IIkxth, T. C. T.C., And Registrar, Duncanville, Monday,Sept. 8th. East Glasgow, Tuesday, Sept, 9th. Metcalfe, Wednesday, Sept. 10th. Ways, Thursday, Sept. 11th. Iioston, Friday. Sept. 12th. Murphey’s, Monday, Sept. 15th. Ochlockonee, Tuesday, Sept, loth, Spence, Wednesday, Sept. 17th. Cairo, Thursday, Sept. 18th. Express e Express < EXPRESS OFFICE HOURS. closes for Bainbrldge, (is.,.. 0:30 a. in. press closes for Albany, Ga., and points reached via. Albaqy, (fa., and Monticollo, Fla 7:45 a. in. Express closes tor Sav -nah and tile North, train No. S, No. 8 carries northern matter II :00 a. m. Express closes for the West No. 7, this train does not take matter for llalnbrldge.aa., 1:15 p, m. Express closes for Savannah and Florida, train No. 8 S :W p. m Patrons of this Company please observe the above. J. E. REYNOLDS, Her. 6-5-1* A School in Agriculture. Atlanta, Ga , Sept. 12.—The trustees af the state university were in scciet session to day, seeking to de vise a way in which means may be obtained to set in operation a practi cal school of agriculture on the farm of the university ns a part of the ag ricultural college. Nothing hrs yet been agreed upon. DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP. The firm of Holler k Hawthorn, of this city, photographers, 1ms this day been dis solved by mntuai consent. The business will he continued by Mr. A. W. Holier, and all accounts due by or to the late firm will be settled or rccievcd by him. Parties indebted to the firm of Mol. ler k Hawthorn ate respectfully requested to settle their accounts befo.-e the Is', of Oct. next, to avoid having them placed into an Attorney’s hands for collection. A. W. HOLLER, JAS. HAWTHORN. Thomasville, Ga., Sept. 8th, 1890. Albert Washington A Libel for divor vs. V Titos. Supr. Ct. Ap MaryM.Washington J Term, 1890. It appearing to the court from the return of sheriff that the defendant in the above stated case resides out of the state, she is hereby notified to be and appear nt the Oct. term, 1890, of said court to answer Petitiqn- ers Libel. In default the Petitioner will he allowed to proceed. 11 is ordered that service in this case he perfected by publica tion of this notice twice a month for two months in the paper in which shciilTs ad vertisements are published for said county. T. N. Hopkins, A. H. Hasiill, Petitioners AUy. Judge, S.C.S.C. A true extract from the minutes. J. W. Gboovkr, Clerk S. C: T. C. A. S WHITE, Contractor & Builder. THOMASVILLE GA.' Careful and personal attention 'pain to all work, and satisfaction guaranteed inbolh work and price}. H'ljl hp glad (o make estimates for you. My aim is tft please gty patrons. 7 10. d<tw Cm’2 •fames <* ribbon. CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER, THOMASVILLE, GA. | I will beglat] to xnnk ccntracts for, or perintcnil, all classes at buildings, nubjiepr private, In either brick or wood. Will furnish plans and specifications if required. If you want any bunding done call on me, and I will submit estimates whether contract is awarded me or not. I will guarantee satisfaction in •U iny work. I refer to tho many buildings erected by me in Thomasville, and to all parties for whom I have worked. Shop on Fletcher street. 2nd door from Broad. Thomasvillo Ga., April 15, 1890.; ly ; Young Female College thomasville, ga., The Twenty-Firsts Annual Session I—WILL OPEX- September 3rd, 1890’. TERMS MODERATE. Teaching thorough, (Helpline firm, but kind. For full information ap ply for catalogue io .7X0. E. BAKER, 8-12-lin President. Is. (SCHMIDT, s fEorniETon- Thomasville Bottling Works, Manufacturer and Dispenser of SODA and MINERAL WATERS, carbonated with NATURAL GAS imported from the Mineral Springs on the Rhine, Germany, ON DRAUGHT: COCA-COLA, The Genuine “Ideal Brain Tonic.” Will relieve almost any headache in 10 to 15 minutes. The New Mexican Beverage, Non-Alcoholic. Delicious, “Frui-Miz!” Cooling. Vitalizing. Ice Cream Parlor, Specially fitted up for th« accommodation of Ladies. FRUITS AND CONFECHONERIES, Fancy Good,, Cigars, Tobacco, stc. Satisfaction (Guaranteed. Can be boughtjnowhcrc at this Price except from L F. Thompson & Co. 4an$:lr Broad Street. A Mutual Pleasure. Nothing pleases a business man so much as to please hie patrons and friends. WE ABE JUBILANT. Our Customers are Better Satisfied Our Sale Has Been An Immese Success. STACKS OF GOODS HAVE GONE. But we have plenty stacks left for our friends. COME BOIO AND SEE US. Wo havo bargains in all departments. The ladies will find a feast. The gentlemen a rich harvest, THINK OF IT, The best^all round stock in the city to choose from, and every thing at cost FOB SHABP CASH. L. STEYEEMAN ft BRQ, Brimful of Bargains and Promoters of Popular Prices. AO OolcL Storage Company Ice Made From Distilled Water Pure and Sparkling. Delivered Anywhere in the^City. Give orders to Wagons or mail direct to W. S. KEEFER, Pres, and Mang’r,