The Daily times-enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1889-1925, September 13, 1890, Image 4

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GERMETUER 4 NATURE'S REMEDY 4 la a firit-class scientific preparation, the result of Dr. King's untiring labors and <H researches following after Gsffrey, De- j geer, Brandtlett, Pastuer, Koch. Mlquel V and other lllnstrlous compeers, whose la- » bora substantiate, as held by the French Academy of Science, that “disease germs « may bo not only attenuated until nearly harmless, but may bo revivified by degrees A and given the most virulent character." - •—ROYAL QERMETUER— Is an Infallible euro for numerous diseases, such as Rheumatism, Indigestion, heart troubles, Headache, Liver, Bladder, and Kidney diseases, Chills aud Fever, Ca tarrh, Paralysis, Asthma, Bronchitis, Coughs, Incipient Consumption, all Blood and Skin diseases, Female troubles, etc. It cures by purifying and correcting a dis eased condition of tho blood. It builds up from tke first dose, the patient quickly feeling Its Invigorating and health-giving Influence. It Increases the appetite, aids digestion, clears the complexion, purifies the blood, regulates the liver, kidneys, etc., and speedily brings bloom to the cheek, strength to the body and Joy to the heart. For weak and debilitated females It Is without a rival or a peer. If you are suffering with disease, and fall of a cure, send stamp for printed mat ter, certificates, etc. It is a boon to the suffering and the wonder of the century. For sale by King’s Royal Germetuer Company, Atlanta, Ga., and by druggists. Price fl.SOper concentrated bottle, w’hlch makes one gallon of medicine as per di rections aocompany I ng each bottle. Can bo sent by express C. O. I>. if your drug gist can n«t supply you July iy CAUTION ,\BB bis name and price stamped m Shoes are every pair on bottom* W. L. DOUGLAS $3 SHOE GENTLEMEN. Ano Calf and Laced Waterproof Grain. Tho excellence and wearing qualities this shoe ennot be better shown than or the strong rgdorse- uonts of Its thousands of constant wearers. 'C,QO Genuine Ilnml-sewed, an elegant and O stylish dress Shoe which commends Itself. 'A ,00 Hand-sewed Welt. A fine calf flr unequalled for style and durability. 3 ,CO Goodyear Welt is tho standard dress Shoe, at a popular price. ... . , , '•9,50 Policeman*® Shoo is especially adopted mP for railroad men, farmers, etc. All mode In Congress, Button and Lace. *3&*2 SHOES ufmls. •are been most favorably received since Introduced >rd the recent Improvements moke them superior «? any shoes sold at these prices. Ask your Dealer, aud If fie cannot supply you i i»rrct to factory enclosing advertised price, or a Brockton. Bin... Cnrtright & Daniel, Agents, Thomasvillc, Ga. jnlyl-cm PROFESSIONAL CARDS. JOHN R. SINGLETARY, ATTORNEY AT LAW, CAIRO, GEORGIA. Will practice lu the superior aud county court, also In tho justice's courts. Prompt attention given to the collection of claims, and all business Intrusted to mo. 9-Mydkw -QR. J. MARION IIORROCKS, 129 Broad Street, THOMASVILLE, - - GEORGIA, OFFICE HOURS: 9 to 11 a. m., 3 to 6 p. m. on Linton mill read. ■p m. McIntosh, Physician & (Surgeon, Thomasville, Georgia. OTOFFICE over Stork's, corner Broad and Fletcher Streets. Not on a Boom. No Boom—For Itvo straight years The Kicker has persistently opposed the idea of a boom to attract attention to our town. We have seen this boom business in cores of other places, and in every ins'ance it has reacted dsias- trously. Our course has aroused the ire c riain speculators, but we shall con tmue it just the same. We've got soo acres ofcalcus pasture which we should like to depose of to some Ohio farme who wants to better his condition ar.d who cou'J le worked up to part with $3,000 in cash, hut we haven't tl e check. We own half a mile <■( sie’e h 11. which won’t even grow rattale- snakes, but we haven't the gall to boom it fo r a peach orchard A mil- 1 on years hence we may have six rail, roads here, hut we can’t force ourselves to whoop-la! hurrah! over the prospect. We own about fourteen billion dol'ars’ worth of wild-cat min ing stock, every mine being in the clouds, and but for honesty we’d pro ceed to boom and unload. We are at the head of a company to turn the Pacific Ocean into the deserts of the west—president of an artesian well company—secretary of the Great Strawberry Growers’ Association, etc., etc , but we were born honest and we can’t look a tender foot in the eye and lie to him. No, gentlemen, this town is what it is and no more. It isn’t going to be a second Chicago. It has no Niagara Falls. There isn’t even good fi hing within thirty miles of us. We simply have the great Arizona Kicker, 148 saloons, sixteen gambling houses, five stores and a population 013,800 souls most of which will take "the other oad” when the judgment day arrives That’s all, and those who don't want to c ime can stay away.—Arizona Kicker. Tlie Pullman C?r Line DETWEEN Louisvl 'Ie, Cincinnati OR INDIANAPOLIS AND CHICAGO AND THE NORTHWEST The Pullman Vcstibulcd Surv Night Trains, Parlor Clini Cars 011 Day Train. The M011011 Trains make the fastest time between the Southern Win ter Cities and Summer Re sorts of the Northwest WM.F. IILACK, (la Man.i-tr. IV. A. McDOKL, Tr. He Slu .IAS. HARK Ell, Con. I'. A., Calca-o. Kor.furtlicr information add ie*8 R.W. GRADING. Gen’l Agent. 158 Broad S , Thomasvillc, Ga J 8. DEKLE, M. D., Office in Hayes Building. Residence—Corner College avenue and Mag nolla street. Telephone communication, No. 35 for night Us. J II. COYLE, D. D. S., Resident Dentist, Thomasvllle, • Georgia. Offers his services to tb citizens of Thom sarnie and Tlclnltjr. Office hours—From 0 a. m. to 1 p. m., and omltosp. m Office—Oa Jackson street. Why, t'olonel, I never saw you d r unk before, said the New York man. Mixed drinks, sah ; mixed drinks, an swered the Kentuckian. The daw- gawnrd bartender put water in my whiskey. lie—I’m sure Cupid had nothing to da with a. anging our alphabet. She —What gives you the impression? He—If he had been doing it he would hive placed V and I much nearer each other. ALABAMA MIDLAND RAILWAY. Time card in effect July 13ib, 1890, WEST HOUND. Lv Thomnsrilln, B, F, & W 7 20 a m Bninbritlge, A. M. Ry 9 00 a m Donnleocvillc 9 51 a m Dotlmn It 10 am Ar Ozark 12 15 p m Lv Ozark (dinner) 12 45 p m Troy 2 38 p m Ar Montgomery 5 00 p m GOINII EAST. Lv Montgomery 8 00am Troy,,,.,., 10 22 a m Ar Ozark..,,,,.,,,,,.,...,,,.,,,,, 12 15 p m Lv Ozark (tinner) ,.12 45 p m “ Doilirn 1 48 p m “ Donafsonvl !, c 3 09 p m Ar Balvbiiu .e 4 00pm LvBaie'jiid e S, F. & W 4 15 p in Ar Tl’omasvUlc 5 55 p m Alabama Midland trai is ai.'.i c nnd cepait from uninn depot Monigomvy. IIaidkn Mii.ln'., 0. F. k I’. A. II. Dunham, Monl^enury, Ala, Ren. Supt. Tobe Jackson, the noted Georgia outlaw, is in the Indian nat'on, where he mrrrieJ an Indian g'-I worth $65,- 030. This suits Tobe better than dodg ing the officers of the law. -HEADQUARTERS— J58 BROAD STREET. Real Estate and Rental Agency. PINE TIMBERED LANDS, FARMLANDS, AND CITY PROPERTY. M »ney loaned on farm lands 8] per cent. 1 to 5 years time. J. E. B- Love. S. G. McLENDON, Attorney-at-Law, »om*svllle, • • . Georgia. raoiiBt attention given to alt: buslncsa'en- , me. to bin. MORELAND PARK Millitarv Academy. NUB ATUT1, CIA., A Training School for Roys. Ciias. M. Neel, Snp’t. An* i:«um THOM AS V1 LLE VARIETY WORKS. Reynolds, Eupitve fi Ears, Flop Manufacturers and Dealers ROUGH &1JDRESSED slumber: LATHES, PICKETS, SHINGLES, •MOULDINGS, BRACKETS, SCROLL WORK, MANTLES, BALUSTERS, STAIR-RAILS N e wel Posts. OFFICE, CHURCH & S10RE Furniture. STORE FRONTS, Wire Screen 'Doors and Windows, Fas Doors and Blinds STAIR HUILDINC AM 1KMDK PABDW00DFIN1SH SPECIALTY. 10-CORRESPONDBN'CR SOJilClIJED. r Ur The Best Spring ©MEPICINE© InTHeWorld-Js AS A SPRING MEDICINE',TO CURE ANpTONE UPTHE GENERAL AILMENTS OFTHE SYSTEM,TAKE "From slro to aon, grand-parent to grand-ebild, tho tils of life, nil alike 11 abject to.” Blood Poison follows through generation-, and i. the seat cf mcnv diseases. The foolish idea of bleeding a person for many i!!» Is \v rue of the highly ridiculous practices of former medical science. The Idea 1. f buibl up the system, it needs all U c ldood, and nt an early dry the per,on wh: fail 1 to take V.'. \\\ C. for any Blood Trouble, Kidney or Bladder Affliction, Uhenmatlrm, I idigestion, etc., will be as much an object of amusement as the methods < I’ the carlv physicians. Why? Because he docs’nt know agood thing (W. W. C. U) when he'sees'it. Last fall I was Buffering from General Debility, from eomo Blood Affection, nnd my wholo System was run down generally. Commenced taking your medicine, Wooldridge’s Wonderful Cure, and experienced great relief before finishing tho first bottle. 1 have used it in ray fsmtly ever slnco witb good results. L. G. BOWERS. Columlut, Oa., Jam IS, 1839. W. W. C. for sale by all Druggists. Manufactured by Wooldridge’S Wonder- (111 Core Co.| Columbus, Ga. mch-12-ly ■ Passenger Schedule Georgia Southern & Florida Railroad Nnwance River Route* to Florida. Taking effect July 6th, 1890. Standard Time, 90th Meridian. GOING SOUTH. No. I No. 3 No.ll Leavo Macon, Union depot 1110 am 7 00 pm 510am Arrive Cordole, Junctions A&M Ry 2 04pm 0 40pm 1150pm Leave Cordelo •• •' .. 2 04 pm 9 49 pm 100pm Arrivo Tifton Junction B k W Ry 3 30 pm 11 32 pm 6 copra LeaveTlfton, •• •• 3 30 pm 1132 am.... 510am Arrive Valdosta. Junction 8 F&W Ry.... 5 11pm 122 am 10 30am Leave Valdosta • •• •' 12 25pm Arrivo Jasper •• •• 0 16 pm .... 2 3 am 2 55pm Arrive Lako City Junction F C k P RR 7 23 pm 3 42 am 5 20pra Leave Lake City •' " 7 48pm ,. 3 52 an) Arr Jacksonville FC A P depot 6 3 am Arrive Hampton Junction fC & PRb 0 33pm 6 01am Aralvo Pnl&tka union depot.,.., 1115 pm 8 00am Arrivo St Augustine via J 8t A k H R RB 10 0 am GOING NORTH. No. 16 No. 2 No. 4 Leave St Augustine via J St A k H R BR .... Lcavo Palatka union depot 5 45 am 7 00 pm.... Arrive Hampton Junction Fc APdopot 7 47 am Hiupm.... Lv Jacksonville. F C k P depot 7 30 am 7 30 pm.... Arrivo Lako City •' ..i 9 50 pm 10 40pm ivc a vo Lako City Junction F C k P RR 10 00am 10 40 pm 10 10am Arrivo Jasper Junction 8 F k W RR 1102 am 11 48 pm 12 40 am Arrivo Valdosta " " .... 12 05 m 12 55am 4 10 pm Arrivo Tifton Junction B & W RR 141 pm 2 34 am 8 40 pm Leavo Tlfton '• " 156 pm 2 34 am 8 00am Arrivo Cordole Junction 8 A & M Ry 315 pm..,,.,,, 4 01am 1150am Arrivo Macon Union depot 5 45pm,...,.., 630 am 5 5pm . . . Nos. 11 and 14 aecom< modatlon trains, which arrive and dopart from Macon junction. A C. KNAPP, Traffic Man , Macon, Ga. J. T. HOiiE, Gon. Pass. Agt., Macon, Oa. THE SHORT LINE —TO ALL— South Georgia College, •Branch of : tlie|State University. Fall Term Opens First Wednesdayiin SEPTEMBER. FACULTY. Chtrlc* W. Iluisou, . Intermediate [Depart- Hits* ninlilc Willing,,, W iiu^-y Department The course of instruction will bo thorough, and strict discipline enforced. Young men will be well prepared to enter tlie University. The hoalth and morals of tl,a town are both good. Students can get heard in private families at reasonable rates. Terms $10'per Session. All students will *l>o required to pay this matriculation fee in advance, to ilje treasurer. For further particulars address CHARLES W. HUTSON. President. or WILLIAM D. MITCHELL, Hecty and Trcas. POINTS WEST. THE ALABAMA Midland Railway Company Wo take pleasure in announcing to our friends of the travelling and shipping public, and con- ncctinff lines, that tho Alabama Midland lly. is now completed between Montgomery. Ala. and llainbridse, da. • Through schedules covering both freight and passenger business have been arranged with our connections at Montgomery Ala., and Bafn- bridge, Ga. Tho Alabama Midland Ry. In con junction with its connections at Montgomery and BainbrRlgc, oppns ^p A Short Thoroughly Reliable, apd Direct Rouje. between all poll wost acorgia, SKJSf.’n.T ham, New Orleans, juumimiB, j*usuviuu. ▼Ule, Evansville. Hendprfop, Ojirensbofco, clnnatl, St. Louis, Chicago, Kansas City, to points in Tcnas, Mississippi, Kansas, Mis souri, Arkansas. oto„ ate. It is tho purpose of this oomnany to give quicker anu more rellablo sorvice, than has heretofore existed, in passenger traffic botween tho points named, and to, at all times give passengers such inducements in the way of ad ditional comfort, and attending to their wel fare generally, and in tho safety of their bag gage etc., ns will, wo hope moke ours a deserv edly popular route. ‘We-pa&'poi* giving all shipments of freight intrusted to our'earw, pp matter how small, core ful attention, amft&see that 1 same me prompt ly delivered at destination. ' r ... If shippers desire, we will keep them advised by wire of the whereabouts of their freight, and ofd< tho South Atlantic $ea Board, hilqdelphfa, Boston, Baltimore, .... Montgomery, Mobile. Birming ham, New Orleans, Memphis, Nashville, Loujs- ... *—— C U R ES , e s y P Hi L I S rhf alclans endorse r. r.F.Mi splendid combination, ““ 1 prescribe It with ereat satisfaction for tbo cares of form* and stages or rrlmary. Secondary and fwft —j Diseases. Kctema, Chronic Femalo U. plaints, llsrcurlal poison, Tottor, 8caldhsad. otc.,otc. P.P.F. Is a powerful tonic ami an excellent appltl* TYLER DESKS—200 New 8 andBpwlxtpuimaU, Ottxlo*Mf« 1890bowre*4y. UOmes.niastnted. Bsok fr-e; PmUg«10c. TYLER BANK COUNTERS. UstsoxIIfd for Style, Quality oad Price. IIl B str»Ud | a Coiort A perfect werk of Art» 110 psf rs. Desk Pree; Pestace 1ft cts. TYLER DESK CO.. 8T. LOUIS, M0.* U.8.A. r.l« G the acknowledged i 1ll . 1 * r wnedyforalltho I nnnaiiirnl dlacharires ana l* LVM.^H prlvatifillncaaesofmen. A *7 w fr. r , !aln cur ? for ‘he debill- !tk Si«tai S ^ l ffTsssas!as» i ,rs wnpr SMU-ir •l.OO. ■. J. Ca.iel., Thomurilte Gt, . ilollvcry to consignee. 4Ye Intend making a speciality of tbo melon, orange anti vegetable business from points of proditetifiB, apu witiugt hesitation, guarantee tlie shippers of these commodities, >,ulek limp nrd intelligent handling ql tbeir sbipmonta. Tbe Alaliana Midland Itallway is equipped with ample supply nf rolling stock, including fruit ears, ofc„ and U laid from end to end with sixty pound ,iecl roll. U|t|| suelia roail and aucb an equipment, wo feel that <*e can witbout hesitation solicit, and hono to 'oliUlnl a liberal share of the patronage of traveling and sblp- p'DZPhbitc, For Information |n reference to rates, rontes, schedules etc., etc., pleaso address tbo under- aigeew. B. DUNHAM, Gen’l Supt. HAIDEN MILLER, Gen’l. Fr’tand Pass. Agent. MONTGOMERY, ALA., or W. S, GATES, Traveling Agent, Thomasville, Ga. Julya ‘s>iooaaoH ‘v *a Contractor & Builder. Will be glad to make coni pacts for or superintend ALL CLASSES OF BUILDING, IN BRICK OR WOOD. T. A- HORROCKS, OF.NEKAL CQNTIUCTOIt, P O. Box 71. Thomas ville, Ga. «!»•* T ' r '' ASk, roks LI PPM AN BROS., Proprietors, WHOLEFALS DltUGOIEIS, Uppman Block. SAV4NNAII. GA. JanJl-ly Cannot Gauss Stricture. Painless to Ost Price, $1. Sold by oil Druggists Sent In Bloln package with Rubber Syringe lor S1.S0 Prof. Loisette’s MEMORY DISCOVERY AND TRAINING METHOD .In spits of adulterated imitations which miss the theory, and practical results of the Original, in spite of the crassest m9w»praacpUijysby envious would-be .__»u •—» I'D, i‘37 Fifth Avenue, G. Mellette REAL ESTATE Fire Life and Accident Insurance, RKNT AND LOAN AGENT. Offers: (1) An elegant homo on Dawson ®r re nnn Close on eas A’ ierms. Price 85,000. . (2) Corner lot, 'vith two story house, on corner of Clay nnd Craw, ford streets. Price 82,500, (3) Small cottage on Monroe street, between Dawson and Crawford. Price 81,500 ^ (■?) Corner lot, two story house, in East End. Prices and terras on in quiry. (5) One of the finest corner lots on Dawson street, vneant, 105x200 feet. Price 81,500. (6) The finest vacant buildim* lot in the city, fronting on Paradise Park, corner of three avenues, 200x200 feet. Price 83,000 (7) Small inside lot, Colton avenue, in “East End,” with small nouse on it. Price $450. (8) Finest corner lot in Fairview, corner Campbell and Law streets, Southern Exposure. Price $300 open for short time only. (9) Choice building lot on Clay street, near elegant Moss house. Price $400, Best value of anything now on the market. Besides many other lots both great and small. (10) An d acre place, dwelling and bearing pear orchard, on Carroll Hill. Price $3,000. (11) 57] acres 1)[ miles fVom Court House, leng front on Groom’s Ford road, no buildings. Prico $2,000, (12) Tracts of 10,15 and 25 acres on Southern Boulevard, nt $40.00 per —re. (13) One of tho best farms in tho county to make money on. 111^ acres, quite well improved, good bearing penr orchard, 3 miles out on Magnolia road. Price $3,000. Besides many other farms, both great and small. HOUSES TO RENT. Niue room house, all furnished except parlor, Clay street, $30.00 per month by the year. Six room house on Seward street, furnished, for the season of 5 months nt $350. Five room houso in “East End” furnished, $50,00 por mouth for not less than four months. Four room house besides dining room and kitchen, on Clay street unfurnished, $200 por year. Four room dwelling on Calhoun and Young streets, unfurnished, at $10,00 per month. Two nice furnished front rooms in “East End," sunny and bright, at $25.00 per mouth. Furnished house on Smith avenue, three bed rooms, $40.00 per month for not less than tour mouths. Little cottage, large lot, on Carroll Hill, four rooms, furnished, at $150.- 00 for the season of 5 months. Largo now dwelling, a littje out, very low to right parties. Besides other's furnished and uu.- furnished, I represent the following Insurance companies: THE SUN FIRE OFFICE OF LONDON. The Scottish Union and National Fire Insurance Co., of Endinburgh. The Guardian Fire Assurance Co., of London. The United Underwriters Fire In surance Co., of Atlanta. The grand old Mutual Life Insur ance Co., of New York. The National Acpideut Society of Now York. f l 173 Rroml Street, Thoma§vjlle ** Ga,