The Daily times-enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1889-1925, September 14, 1890, Image 3

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THE DAILY TIMES-ENTERPRISE. SUNDAY. SEPTEMBER 14, 1800. I.OCAI, SCJIIKOUI-K. A KHIVAL AtfD DKPaRTURKop ALL TRAINS TO AM) FROM THOMASVILLK carrying passengers •ou uAiNBuiixa;, TUP. EAST. NKlf TUAIV No .ft. For Ilainhrid# No C From “ PltoM 8.VYAXS No ft, I’an^cnKor A r... 6 ftO a rn No 7, Pnssonppr Ar... 1 48 p m No 17, Freight ami Acc’n Ar... 4 4ft p m FORSAVAXXAll AND THE EAST. No 8, “ ! 2S pm No 18, Fgt and Acc Lv... 7 05 a in PROM ALBANY, ATLANTA AND WESTERN POINTS. No 34, Passenger Ar... 5 10 p m No Ar... C 00a in n»R ALBANY, ATLANTA AND THE WEST. No 33, Passenger Lv... 8 30 a m No 53, Passenger Lv... 2 15 p \ FROM MONTICELLO. No ?0, Passenger Ar...ll 30 a ra No83, Passenger Ar... 5 30pra FOR MONTICELLO. No 81, Passenger Lv... 2 12 p ra No20, Passenger..... Lv... 7 55 am THOM CHATTAHOOCHEE AND NEW ORLEANS. No f, Passenger Ar...ll37 pm No 18, Freight and Acc Ar... 5 30 a for Chattahoochee and new Orleans No7, Passenger Lv... 2 10 pm No 17, Fght and Acc Lv... 0 00 p m CHURCH DIRECTORY. Methodist:—Rev. G. G. N. Me* Donell Pnstor. Lovefeast 9:30 a. in. Preaching at 11 n. ra., anil 7:30 p. m., by Rev. J. \V. Hinton D. D. Presid ing Elder. Sunday school 4 p. in. Seats free. Strangers and visitors cordially invited. PiiESBYTEiti.vx -Jackson ami Daw son streets, ltcv. J. II. Herbenor, Pastor. Sunday School at 9:30 a.m. Services at II a. in., anil 7.30 p. ni. Prayer Meeting Wednesday at 7:30 p. m. Bai*tist—Smith Avenue. Rev. W. J. Williams, Pastor. Sunday School st0:30 a. in. Services at 11 a in., and 7:30 p. in. Prayer meeting Wed nesday at 7:30 p. in. Catholic—Corner Crawford and Jefferson streels. Services every sec ond Sunday by Itev. Father Prender- gast. Mass at 8 a. in., Sermon at 11 a. m. Quite a crowd of country people were in town yesterday. Do not set down and wait for the new road, expecting it to do every thing. Be up and doing. Surely there is t yjugh to do. Look out; there is a very dangerous ten dollar counterfeit afloat. It is on the Germania National Bank, New Orleans, and bears charter No. 1691. The silk fibers in the genuiue arc missing in the spurious note. It is laid, however, to lie remarkably well oxccuted. Judge A. H. Hansell and several members of the local bar will leave on Monday for Colquitt Court. The usual dinner will be enjoyed at Big Greek, and some of the same old sto ries told—with some new ones—on the occasion. The democratic executive commit tee of the county will be called to/ gether some time next month to fix the time of the primary election lor county officers. The wishes of the candidates will he consulted ns to the time of the election. The ladies, and every ono olso, should not fail to notice Mr. Lohn- gtein's new ad. He is receiving a splendid line of fall and winter goods. Mr. Lohnstcin leaves to-day for New York, where be will select in person, the very latest out in the world of fashion. Glen Arven. Mr. J. Wyman Jones, who Is now in Europe, hr a instructed bis agent here, Mr. J. W. Reid, to have erected at once, another high euclesurc iu Glen Arven Park, tor deer. Mr. Jones will send on three red deer, a rare species, also three white deer, to be placed iu the new enclosure. Mr. Jones will, also,send a number of English pheasant) for Glen Arven. He seems determined to make it ono of the most attractive places about town. The Magnolia. Therejarc few finer or more queenly flowers that blootn in the South'—or anywherejelBC—than the Maguolia. It blooms iu April, opening its magnifi cent white petals to the breath ot Spring. Mayor Hopkins brought a beautiful, full grown specimen of this splendid flower to town, yesterday. ' It grew nnd bloomed on one of the stately Magnolia trees standing in the grounds around “Greenwood,” the palatial country house of Mr. S. It. VanDuzer. It is exceedingly rare for this treo to bloom so late iu the fall. Judge Hopkins says, judging from the buds on tho tree, there will be blooms on it in October. A Short Crop of Cotton—The Experience of Mr. Thomas Dixon. Mr. Thomas L. Dixon, of Iamonce, was in town yesterday. Knowing that Mr. Dixon was ono of the most extensive and successful planters in this section, wo sought an enterview with him. In reply to the question: “Tom, how is your crop?” he said: “The poorest I have ever seen in my life. I have been making for sev eral years from ten to fifteen bales to the plow. This year I will not make more than three bales to the plow. I want to toll you something. I expect you will think 1 am gassing, but it is a fact. I cleared last year eight acres of the finest hammock land on lake Iamonia, and planted it in cotton. It made a fair crop. This year I took great care in preparing it; had my rows six lcet apart, plnntcd the 11th day of March, and worked it well. It has lapped in the six feet rows, and is from eight to twelve, feet high. I will not get a pound of seed cotton oil the entire eight acres. In June I felt sure I would make at least one bale per acre, but when the rnius in early summer set in, the grown bolls all rotted, and with the rain came the boll worm fly, and I think they have succeeded in finding every form nud young boll on tho farm, consequently I have the finest weed I ever saw, but no fruit. I have already gathered my wages crop and locked up my cotton bakets and sacks until next summer. “Whatnbout your neighbor’s crop?” “I don't think their crops are much better than mine, I have not seen auy c'ittou iu my section that will make ■~ore than half a crop.” The Dixon brothers are among tho best farmers in this section. They have grown immense crops of cotton on the lake, but, from the above, it will be seen that their crop is a had failure this year. The crop in this section is short; there’s no doubt about it. Society Salad. There has been soveral interesting social occasions during the past week. The society season opened with a de lightful social gathering, Wednesday night, at the residence of Mr. W. H Mitchell, on Remington avenue, and then a most enjoyablo time was spent at the pavilion, Glen Arven, Thurs day evening; but tho event of the week was" the.Gcrmnu. given by the young gentlemen, complimentary to Miss Nettie Budd, of Monticello, at the Stuart, Friday evening. Despite tho rainfall, nil the guesfs arrived, nnd the dining room of tho Stuart was tho scene of a most delight ful occasion. The guests who partici pated were: Frank Hawkins and Miss Nettie Budd; Capt Miller and Miss Annie Paiue; Frank Edmondson and Miss Olive Blackshcar; Albert Riley and Miss Annie Scott; Joe Love and Miss Bessie Hopkins; Charles Smith and Miss Mamie Blackshear; Tom Liv ingston and Miss Stella Baker; Bry ant Wright and Miss Goodwin Sapp; Frank Smith and Miss Belle Moore, of Valdcsta; Harry Kendall and Miss Ella Stuart; T. N. Hopkins and Miss Fannie Hopkins. Among thoso who were present but did not take part in the dancing were Jack Curtright and Miss Dena Mitch ell, Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Stuart, Mrs. T. N. Hopkins and Misses Lillie and Jessie Stuart. Mr. and Mrs. Stuart left nothing undone to make it pleasant for the young people, who selected tho Stu art as tho scene of tho first german of the season. The School Days Here A.gain. And we respectfully call attention of parents to our excellent stock of ZBO'JT’S 3-33.CL 3ivdcisses Ser-Vica-Tol© ScllOOl Siloes, bought cheaply and to be sold cheaply. Satisfaction with every pair. CTTZESTIESia-IHIT HDA1TIEL. A Snow Storm in the West- Sr. Paul, Sept. 12.—For once tho oldest inhabitant can give no prece dent that will even equal the early snow of this year. Snow has fallen in North Dakota, Montana, Northwest ern Minnesota and Manitoba from a quarter of an inch to several inches deep. An inch fell at St. Vincent, Minn., two inches at Lakoto, N. D.; four inches at Ardeck, N. D.; four or five inches at Halleck, Minn., and the ground was generally spread with the wintry white mantle. Charley Pendleton has “straddled,” as between Gordon and Norwood. This is not like Charley he is gen erally found in the front of every political battle. L. ■ B. ■ M. ■ H. “Not only Cheap, hut also Good I” (Do yon realize the difference betiveen the ordinary made hate and the nice styles we handle P You may think this differ ence is of no moment, hut it is really the difference between good tastes and indifferent tastes, betiveen being well dressed and poorly dressed. While others try to shoiv you hoiv fictitiously i cheap their Millinery is, we strive to con vince yon of the excellence of ours, as well as loiv prices. “Actual 'merit;' you see, is what we rely on to win and retain your custom. Mi's. Jennie Carroll. LOWER BROAD MILLINERY HOUSE. d&w WILL CLOSE. Wo wilt he closed Monday, Sept. 1Mb, on account of holiday, I. LEVY A Co. Kindergarten and Primary School. Improved'! methods of object teaching together with more advanced work, will open Sept. 21th, 1800. For further partic ulars, apply to Mart F. IUbxxs, Dawson, St. 0 12 dtf •TAX NOTICE. This is the last week. Give in your city taxes before the book close. K. T. Maclean, Clerk, tf For Rent. Mrs. M. il. S-ward’s house cor. of Craw ford and Washington. Possesion given at once. d 3t IS LIFE WORTH LIVING? Not If you go through the world a dyspeptic .Dr Ackers Dyspepsia Tablets are a positive cure for tho worst forms of Dyspepsia, Indigestion, flatulency and Constipation- Guaranteed and sold by Roid & Culpepper. 0 Mr. Randall Pope, the retired druggist of Madison, Fla., says (Dec. 3,1880) lie regards P. I’. I’. (Prickly Ash, Poke Root nnd Potas sium) as the best alternative on the market, nnd that he has seen nore beneficial results from the use of it than any other blood med icine. Dr. ACKER’S ENGLISH PILLS Are active, eflcctivo nnd pure. For sick headache, disordered stomach, loss of appe tite, bail complexion and biliousness, they have never been equaled, cither in America or nbrond. Sold by Reid A Culpepper. 2 Board Wanted. Hoard wanted in n pleasant private fami ly, on moderate terms. Apply to or address, Frank I’inkajio, Care II. Wolff A Tiro. iMMitil Shiloh’s Cure will immediately relieve croup, whooping Cougli and Bronchitis. For Bale by Hicks it Peacock. As n general liniment (or sprains nr.d htuisea or for rheumatism, lame back, dct| seated or muscular pains, Clminlicrliiii t Pain Balm is unrivalled. For sale i y McRae Bros. Important to tho Public. Wo beg to state that we have been pointed sole agents in Thomnsville, Da , ioi the celebrated "I W. Harpers" Hand Made Sour Mash Whiskey. This insures tc on customers for future the finest of the woil- renowned whiskies of Nelson County, Ken tucky, nnd tho one whiskey that is nevn put upon the market until it is thoroughly matured by age. The attention ol Physi cians is called to its great purity. O. W. WIGGINS WE CAN AND] DO Guarantee Dr. Acker's Blood Elixir, for it hrs been fully demonstrated to the peoplo ot thia country that it Is superior to all other pre* parattons for blood diseases. It is a positive cuiefor syphilitic pdlsoning. Ulcers. Erup tions and Pimples. It purifies the wliolo sys tem and thoroughly builds up thcficonstitution. Held & Culpepper. nneklea’a Arnica Salve. The Best Salve In tho World for Cuts 1 Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guar anteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by S, J. Cossets Drug Store. You Will Do the Same Thing. Holt's Dy8pepic Elixir has proven a great blessing to sulfering humanity; has cured more cases than perhaps any other prepera- tion on the market; nil who have taken it testify to its virtues- It you still doubt ask our druggist to show you testimonials. f you are troubled with any of the follow ing disease it will cure you: Dyspepsia, In- digestion, Liver Complaint, Constipation, Jaundice, Headache, Heartburn, Chronic Diarrhieo, Kidney Disease, Heart Troubles, Yellowness ot the Skin, Brown Splotches, Torpidity and Asthma, if complicated wiin Dyspepsia- In short it is a specific for all disenses arising Irani a disorded condition ol the stomach and bowels. Manufactured by Dr. Holt’s Dyspeptic Elixir Co., Montezuma, Ga. Price $1.00 Bottles double former size. For sale by all druggists. Will you suffer with Dpspcpsin and Liver Complaint? Shiloh’s Vitalizer is guaranteed to cure you. For sale by Hicks A Peacock. Catarrah cured, health and sweet breath secured, by Shiloh’s Catarrh Remedy. Price 50 cents. Nasal Injector free. For sale by Hicks A Peacock, Dr. Holt's Croup and Cough Syrup pre vents and cures croup. Mo cure no pay. Manufactured by Dr. Holt's Dyspeptic Elixir Co., Montezuma, Go. Sleepless nights, made miserable by that terrible cough. Sholoh’a Core is the remedy ior you. For sole by Hicks A Peacock. For many years Mr. B. F. Thompson, ot Dcs Moines, Iowa, was severely sfliicted with chronic diarrhaica. He says: “At times it was very severe; so much so, Hint I feared it would end my lifo. About seven years ago I chanced to pictuie a bottle ot Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera nnd Diarrhoea Remedy. It gave me prompt relief, and 1 believo cured me permanently, as I now eat or drink without harm anything I please.'-' I have also used it in my family witli the best rrsults. For sale l>y McRae Bros. A Safe Investment. Is one which is guaranteed to bring you satisfactory results, or in case of failure a return of purchase price. On this safe plan you can buy from our advertising druggist a bottle of Dr. King’s New Discovery for Consumption. It is guaranteed to bring re lief in every case, when used for any affec tion of Throat, Lungs or Chest, such as Con sumption, Inflammation of Lungs, Bron chitis, Asthma, Whooping Cough, Croup, etc., etc. It is pleasant and agreeable to taste, perfectly safe, and can always ba depended upon. Trial hottls free at S. J. Casscls drug store. How are tho Folks ? "Oh, they’re oil well except .Mother, she's shout the same. Poor Mother, worn out by household Jcares, exposure nnd overwork. No wonder site gives up at last and takes to her bed. But oh! how much brighter the family fireside would be if mother’s chair was not vacant. The Doctor’a don’t seem to be doing her any good. She says their medicine don’t scein to go to the spot. She feels so weak and longs for strength. "Oh I give me strength,” she murmurs. Why not give her the remedy her system craves? Her impoverished blood and shattered r.caves aru starving fur just such ingredients ns arc contained in B, B. B- (Botanic Blood Balm). Then try a bottle of this excellent remedy, It is truly woman's best friend. It quicker relieves pain and restores health, strengtl and Irict'oml regularity. James \V. Lancaster, Hnwkinsrille, Ga., writes: “My wife was in bad health for eight years. Fivo doctors and as maiiy more different patent medicines had done her no good. Six bottles of B. B. B. has cured her.” A Cure for Paralysis. Frank Cornelius, of Pinson. Ind. Ter,, says: "I induced Mr Pinson, whose wifi had paralysis in the face, to buy a bottle cl Chamberlain's Pain Balm. To their great surprise before the bottle had ail been used she was a great deal better. Her face had been drawn to one side; but the Pain Balm relieved all pain and soreness, and the monlli assumed its natural slmpc.” It is also n certain euro for Rhcumntlsm, lame back, sprains, swellings and lameness- M cents bottles for snlc by McRae Bros- Merit Wins. We desire to say to our citizens, Unit lor years wc have been selling Dr. King’s New Discovery for Consumption, Dr. Kiag’i New Life Pills, Bucklcn’f Arnica Naive and Elec tric Bitters, nnd have never handled remedies that sell ns well, or that have given such universal satisfaction. Wc do not hesitate to guarantee them every time, nnd we stand ready to refund the purchase price, if satis factory results do not follow their use. These remedies have won their great popularity purely on their merits, S. J. Cassels, Drug gist. ARK YOU MADEjmiscrable by Indiges tion, Constipntiun, Dizziness, Loss of Appe tite, Yellow skin? Shiloh's Vitalizir is i positive cure- For sale by Hicks and Pea cock. DO NOT SUFFER ANY LONGER. Knowing that a cough can be checked in n day, nnd the first stages of consumption broken ir week, we hereby guarantee Dr. Acker’s Cough Remedy, nnd will re fund the money to nil who buy, take it as per directions, and do not find our state, ment correct. For sale by Reid A Culpep per, 1 I’. P. I*, cures Scrofula, Salt Rheum nnd all humors, Dyspepsia, Sick Headache, Bil iousness. It cures that tired feeling, creates an appetite, strengthens the nerves and builda up the whole system. P. P. P. is uunvnlfd, and since its introduction has cured mote cases of blood disease than all the other blood purifiers.put together. Wo Mercury, Wo Potash, No Mineral Poiaona. a concentrated ex- Please read carefully every word in the following article. A. F. Prevail, of Thomas villc, is the only agent in this county for Paul Jones Old Monongahela Bye Whisky, and it cannot be obtuined from any other source; now if you are overworked, or bro ken down in health, from any otlirr cause, a pure, honest, wholcsomcstimulant will do you more good than anything else you could possibly obtain, and a pure old Rye whisky is the most wholesome stimulant produced. Paul Jones Old Monongahela Rye is the highest grade of whisky distilled in the United States; it is endorsed and highly- recommended by connoisseurs, chemists ar.d physicians throughout the Union; it is an old, rich, mellow,palatable Rye Whisky, and made its national reputation solely on ac count of its high quality. A. F. PREVATT, Sole Agent, Tliomas- villc, Ga. April 20-iy P. P. P, stimulates tile appetite and aids the process of assimilation, cures nervous troubles and invigorates nnd strengthens every organ ef the body. Nervous prostra tion is also cured by the great and powerfal P. P. P. Its effect are permanent and lasting. Capt. W. A. Abbett. who has tong bcei- with Messrs. Parcival and Hatton, Real Ks tate and Insurance Brokers, Des Moines, anil is one of the best known and most respected busiocss men in that city, says: I enn tes tify to the good qualities of Clmmberlnin'.- Cough Remedy Having used it in my family for the past eight years, I can enlely say it has no equal for either colds oi croup.” 50 cents bottles for sale by McRsi Bros. ThelGcrm Theory. The medical fraternity now recognizes that the Germ theory is the correct one. Dr. King’s Royal Germcteur goes to the root of all diseases. Try a bottle. Sold bv 7 17 tf It. Thomas, Jn. King Royal Germotour. The new remedy that is so highly recom mended by Dr. Hawthorne anil Rev, Sam Jones. Astlinm, Diarrhm.i, Indigestion nnd all Malarial diseases. Sold by 1 1? tf It.Tiiouas, Jr. That backing cough can lie so quickly cared by Shiloh’s Cure. Wc gunrantce it. For sale by Hicks A Peacock. Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy—a positive cure forCntnrrh, Diphtheria and Canker-Mouth. For sale by Hicks A Pencock. tract of native roots and herbs, invigor- zting a worn-out system, rekindling the lustre of health in the cheeks, routing rheumatism from oldjoints, and knitting new flesh thereto. Tno real gjjgte of Lifo. A harmless and wholesomo alterative is wooiancue’a Wonder* (hi Cura " Exhausted vitality, nervousness, lost man hood, weakness caused by overtaxation of the system, will be cured by the powerful P. I’. P., which gives health and strcngtli to the wreck ofthe system. Shiloh's Vitalizer is what you uccd for Constipation, Loss of Appetite, Dizziness, nnd all symptoms of Dyspepsia. Price 10 and 75 cents per bottle. For sale by Hicks & Peacock. JOB WOBK. Biggest Office, Best Workmen, Bottom Prices. Call and See Us. THE OUTFITTERS, Desire to impres upon their patrons ttinl friends, as well as the public generally, the fact that, they have the LARGEST STOCK, ^ _ f ~ ' By far, ever brought to this city, and that ;n they do not wish to carry any of it over, they propose to sell Cheaper than Anybody. —THUIlt -STOCK OF— FALL AND WINTER CLOTHING, HATS, C-A.T=S —AND— Gents Furnishing Goods Is the largest, most complete and handsomest ever offered to the Tomasville trade, and embraces all the Latest Styles Shapes and Designs. Their new goods are arriv ing every day, and arc being opened up as fast as they are received. They have all the latest novelties in Fancy Neckwear and their ass utment is pro nounced hy every one that sees it as the in Town. Betore you buy' your winter clothing, go down and look through tlicir elegant line, and don’t forgot that they are HEADQUARTERS for everything in thcir|line. Thoinasville, Ga Clothierr. and Furnishers, 106 Broad Street, • TtwminWo, Gi.