The Daily times-enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1889-1925, October 28, 1890, Image 3

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SOME PLAIN TALK. A dollar saved is a dollar made. the question arises. How am I to save th«" f dollar. -WELL, we— H. WOLFF & BRO, THE LEADKR.S OF LOW IMUCKfc, Propose to save you this dollar. WHEN? WHY IMGIIT NOW. This Yery Week. The different de partments of our stores are now full and complete with the most fashionable and seasonable goods. THI~J WEEK We shall offer special inducements to pur chasers. In Our Clothing House We will offer some real choice values. WE HAVE HERE The Nobbiest flotliins in Town. The handsomest shirts, and the toniest neckwear. The best under wear and foot wear, and our Hat Depart ment is complete. SEE OTIS $4 HAT. NVhat is the use of paying $5 for a hat when you can get the same for $-f. THIS IS PLAIN TALK. Space permits us to go into details, but just try us. IN OUR DRYGOODS HOUSE Your kind inspec tion is invited. Re member no one shall undersell us. We Have tlie OooiIh THEY ARE FOR SALE. They Shall be Sold. Our Dress? Goods Depart ment is always in the iead. Remember special values this week. UP A The biggest thing in town. One entire floor to this line. LOW PRICES Shall be the ruling feature. CALL ON US. We are catering lor you) trade. H. WOLFF & BRO. TIlK I.KAOKRSOI' LOW PRICKS. 10J and 111 15ROAI) ST. THE DAILY TIMES-ENTERPRISE. TUESDAY, OCTOBER 28, !800. I.OCAI. SCHEDULE. ARRIVAL AND DEPARTURE OF ALL TRAINS TO AM) FROM TIIOMASVILLK SCARRYIXM PASSENGERS 5-7 JSBW TRAINS POIl BAINBHIDGK, No n. For Bainbridge Lv... 7 20 a m No 0. From “ o o.t i» ui PROM SAVANNAH AND TflE EAST. Xu 5, Pas.cnccr Ar... «»>»« Xo 7. UMsenecr......... w ' 4 45 !, m Xo 17, Freight anti Acc n Ar... 4 45 p m .oHSAVANNAII AND THE EAST. «... .. I.v...l2 02p in j,,'... G 3.5 p 111 No IK, Fgt ami Arc Lv... 7 Oii am KliON AU1ANV, ATLANTA AND WESTERN POINTS. xS M.'. . I .' ieSf . ng . Cr .'.V:.V.V.'.V. .'.'.V Ar.'.'.'« 00 a ra roll ALHANT, ATLANTA AND THE WEST* 01 N 0 5 H KNOX’S NEW YORK HAT’S. TTsTE SOLE AC^EITTS IF’OZES THE _^L1oot7-o Lv£ost Coim.forta.Tole £Ea.t “On Eaitli.” CTTZEeTiKXg-kt dz zD-A-asriiEini. H 3 0 H IB 108 BROAD STREET. ...Lv. 2 12 pi No 33, Passenger No 33, Passenger FROM MOffTICELLO. No so, Passenger No 82, Passenger Ar roll MONTICHLLO, No 81, Passenger J*'’ • ; ■= • No 29, Passenger |jV * * *' ° u FROM CIIATTAIIOOCIIEK AND NEW ORLEANS. N# P, Passenger \ r • • • 11 ?J,}[!" No 18, Freight ami Ace Ar... a a iu VOB ClIATTAIIOOGflLK AND NEW ORLEANS No T, Passenger }‘V • ■ • j* 1° P ,n No 17. Fght and Acc Lv..■ 8 Oop m At the opera house to night. Go and see pretty Het-y Clijce to night. The Hussars deserve a packed house to-night. The Grand jury will resume its woik this morning. Secure your seats for to-night, before the choice ones are all taken. Thomas county will flatten out “Brother - ’ Matteson on the fill oi November. You can enjoy the play and aid the Hussars by going to the opera house to-night. Do both. Messrs. J. S Miller and I,. H. Webb, of Camilla, were in the city yesterday, stopping at the Gull. Boston will have a railroad show, including Museum, Menagerie, Hip podrome, &c., on the 5th of Novcm- A large blue heron was observed playing over the city yesterday bound for away down South. I he “squawk of wild geese will soon be beard. John Cassidy, who plays “All Lin' in Ilcttie Bernard Chase’s production, is one of the best Chinamen on the American stage. His songs, dances and imitations bring down the house at every performance. The Globe,Bainbridge, says: "Hon. Robert G. Mitchell, Sena tor from Thomas county, is a candi date tor Speaker of the Senate. We know the genial gentleman is fully qualified for the high position, and trust he will be so honored. No one is more deserving or would preside with greater impartiality, dignity and harmony.” Wherever “Boh” Mitchell is known he is appreciated. No man in Geor gia would bring more honor to the position to which he aspires. Pretty Hettie Bernard Chase. Knoxville (Tcnn.) Tribune. One of the most charming women on the American stage is Hettie Bernard Chase. She has fine tal ent and though very young has already been remarkably successful. The people of Knoxville are delighted with her as evidenced by the cordial reception extended to her last night at Stanb’s Theatre. She appeared last night as "Little Dar” in “Lncle’s Darling,” the play written expressly for her by C’has. W. Chase. Had her reputation not already been establish ed, her successful appearance in this drama would have placed her in the front rank. She is full of life ns a cricket, and this fine character affords opportunity for tho display of those fine traits of character which makes a beautiful woman appear lovely.— Though it is only acting her heart and soul seems to shine through it. IJer songs, dances and banjo playing captivated the audience. Good Men for a Town. The only meu of worth to a town, says an exchange, or community are those who forget their own selfish ends long enough, aud who are liberal enough in their ideas, to encourage every public and private enterprise; to push ail projects calculated to build up the town and enhance its importance. The enterprise and push of a town or community con stitute the foundation of its perma nent success. A town may as well preparo for its funeral as to become, indifferent tq the enterprises in its midst. Men who come to a town to make it their future home, who can not look far enough before them to see that money placed judiciously in a public enterprise will he increased an hundred fold in the appreciation I of their property, ar* to'bo pitied. I They are Of the class who ate ready | to take all they can of some one else’s I building enterprise, hut they are not I willing to do anything themselves.— I Ex. TAX NOTICE. THIRD AND LAST ROUND. I will be fit the following places on dates named for the purpose of receiving tuxes and registering the legal voters ot 1 honuis county. Duncanville, Monday, Nov. 2rd East Glasgow, Tuesday, Nov. 4tb Metcalfe,Wednesday, Nov. Mil McDonald. Thursday, Nov. Oth a. m. Patten, Thursday, Nov, fltli I>. '»• Chastain, Monday, Nov. loth Ochtoekonec, Tuesday, Nov. 1 It* 1 . Meigs, Wednesday, Nov. 12th Cairo, Thursday and Friday, Nov. 13 Jc 1-1 Spence, Monday, Nov. 17th Boston, Thursday k Friday, Nov. 20 .t 21 The T..x and Registration hooks lor 1800 will positive close Dec. 20th. 4 p. in. P. S. Ilr.t.Tit, T. C. T. (. And Registrar. The Germ Tltcury. The medical fraternity now recognizes that the derm theory is the correct one. Ilr. King's Koval derincteur goes to the ro-d of all disowcJ, Try it bottle. Sold bv 7 17 tf R. Thomas, Jn* NOTICE. It is ordered by the hoard of Bond t'om- ii.issioners Thoniasvillc Distiict, that all tho overseers of said district do at least one days' work on all the public roads in said district, and remove nil straw, leaves and trash, and patch up had places for the com ing full a- d winter travel, and make returns bv December the tirst. N. E. Tciinee, f.'Jim’n. B. It. C. T. D. G. M. Oct. 11, 18'JO. Kindergarten and Primary School- Improved methods of object teaching, to gether with more advanced work, terms moderate, Mary I'. IIarnls, tf Dawson St. Shiloh’s Couch and Consumption Cure is sold by us ou a guarantee. It cures Con- sumutioii. For sale by Hicks k Peacock. Important to the Public. We beg to state that we have beei :ij. pointed sole agents in Thoinnsville, Ga , '*-i the celebrated “I W. Harpers” Mm** Sour. Mush Whiskey. Tins insures tc •> ;r customers for future the finest of the wo? Id renowned whiskies of Nehon Comity, Koi. tucky, and the one whiskey tint is «i*vm put upon the market until it id thorough!? matured by age. The attention of I'hvsi ciaiis is called to its great purity. 0. W. WIGGLVS A CHILD KILLED. Another child killed by *ho use of opiates given in tho form of soothing syrup. \\ liy mothers give their children such deadly poison U surprising when they can relievo the child of its peculiar troubles by using l>r. Acker’s Baby Soother. It contains no opium or morphine - Sold by Iteid & Culpepper. 10 You Will Do theSamo Thtng. Holt’s Dyspcpic Elixir 1ms proven a great blessing to sull'ering humanity; has cured more cases than perhaps any other prepera uon on the market; *11 who hnvo taken it testify to its virtues* U you still doubt ask your druggist to show you testimonials If you are troubled with any of the follow ing disease it will cure you: Dyspepsia, In digestion, Liver Complaint, Constipation, Jaundice, Headache, Heartburn, < hronic Diarrhoea, Kidney Disease, Heart Troubles. Yellowness of the .Skin, Brown Splotches, Torpidity and Asthma, if complicated viifi Dyspepsia* la abort it is a specific tor all diseases arising from adisorded condition oJ the stomach and bowels. Manufactured by Dr. Holt’s Dyspeptic Elixir Co., Montezuma, Ga. Price $1.00 Bottles double former size. For sale'bv all druggists. The First Step perhaps you are run down, can’t cat, can’t sleep, can’t think, can’t do ;myhing to youf satisfaction, and you wonder what ails you. You should heed the warning, you are tak ing the first step into Nervous Prostration, You need a Nerve Tonic and in Electric Bit ters you will find the exact remedy for re storing your nervous system to its normal, healthy* condition, rturprtsln,: 'results lid- low the use of this great Nerve Tonic and Alterative. Your appetite returns, good di gestion is restored,and the Liver and Kidneys resume healthy action. Try a bottle. Prico 50c. at 8. J. CasscPs Drug .store. Croup, Whooping Cough an Bronchitis immediately relieved by Hhiloi. ure. i t j sale by Hicks k Peacock*. A Spring Medicine. Nothing so efficacious ..s P. P. P. f"’ a spring medicine at this season, and for t til ing up, invigorating, ami ns a strengthencr and appetizer take P. P. P. It will throve olF the Malaria, and put you in good condi tion. P. P. P. is the best spring medicine in the world for the different ailments tlie sys tem is liable to In the spring. Mr. C. B. Jone , of Spring Hill. Iowa, says: **I haved used Chamberlain’s Pain Balm tor severe and painful burns with better etlect than anything else I have ever tried. It re lieves the pain instantly and cures without leaving a scar.” Pain Balm is one ot the most useful medicines that any family »’.n he provided with, especially for Rheuma tism, lame back, sprains, bruises, tooth-ache, ear ache and like ailments. One application will relieve the pain and a fair trial insure a cure. 50 cent bottles fur s*i« by McRae Bros. WHY WILL VOL* cough when Shiloh’s Cure will give immediate relief. Price 10 cts , 50 cts., and $1, For sale by Hicks and Peacock. For old Sores, Skin Eruptions, Piuioles, Ulcers and Svphillis, u?e only P l*. P., and get well and enjoy the blessing only to be derivvd from tte use of P, P. P. {Prickly Ash, Poke Root and Potassium). If people would take the advice of McRae Bros, trie druggist they never would start on a journey without a bottle of Chamber lain’s Colic, Cholera and D.arrha a Remedy It ran always he depended upon aud is pleasant to take. L. - B. * M, ■ Hi NEWSI'AI’KU ANNOUNCEMENTS AlfK GOOD GUIDES, BUT YOUR OWN CLEVER JUDGMENT IS FAR BETTER. THERE IS SO MUCH POOR MILLINERY SOLI) NOWADAYS AT HIGH PRICES, THAT PEO PLE KEEP TRYING DIFFERENT I)EALEUS TILL TIIEY FINI)ONE THAT IS DEPENDABLE. YOU'LL BE PLEASED WITH THE VARIETY AND HIGH STANDARD OF MY STOCK AND X E W TIM M MI X(! S. UN LESS M Y HATS PLEASE YOU IN COST AND IN SERVICE, CONSIDER ME ALWAYS READY TO MAKE SATISFACTORY AMENDS. ANOTHER LOT “NELL BLY” CARS .JUST IN. CHEAP TOO. THIRD LOT THIS SEASON. CALL EARLY. 1 WANT YOUR TRADE, AND WILL DO EVERYTHING RIGHT TO MERIT IT. Mr.;, Jennie OmitoII. LOWER BROAD MILLINERY HOUSE. * tlAw For Dyspepsia, and liver complaint you have a printed guarantee on every bottle of .Shiloh’s vitalizer. It never fails to cure. For sale by Hicks k Peacock. As a general liniment for sprains »*r.d biuises or for vheumaiUm, lame "back, defj seated or muscular pains, Chamberlain Pain Balm is unrivalled. For sale* *y McRae Bros. A great spring medicine is P. P. P. the greatest blood purifier in the world, as hosts of people in the city where it is now man ufactured c testify, Board in the Country. A few boarders can he accommodated at Jersey Farm, one half mile cast of the city. Location high and healthy, and near the pines. Board substantial, including the host of milk and charges moderate. tf nuclilen’ft Arnlcn aolvn. The Best Salve in the World for Cuts. Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fcvei Si'rc:*, Tetter, Chapped Hands. Chilblains Corns, and all Skin Kruptions, aud positive!? »'ires Piles, or no pay required. It is guar uuto' d to give perfect satisfaction, or mono} refunded. Price ‘25 ccut3 per box. For snh by S. J. Caesels Drug Store. A nasal injector free with each bottle ot Shiloh’s Catarrh remedy. Price 50 cents. For sale by Hicks k Peacock. OUR VERY BEST Peoj.le confirm our statement when we say that Dp. A eke Us Knglish Remedy is in every way superior to any and all other prepara tions for the throat and lungs. In whoop- ingcough and croup it is magic and relieves n: once. We offer you * haiiijiIc bottle free Remember this remedy is sold under a posi tlve guarantee by Reid k Culpepper, Dr. Holt's Croup and Cough Syrup pre vents and cures croup. Mo care no pay. Manufactured by Dr. Holt s Dyspeptic Klixir Co., Montezuma, Ga, CAN,T SLEEP NIGHTS Is the complaint of thousands sufferinc from Asthma, Consumption, Coughs etc. (ml you ever try Dr. Acker’s Mn^lisli Remedy,' It i- the heat preparation known lor all lung Troub les. Sol i mi a positive guarantee at 25c. and Reid & Culpepper. la.-tiny ml frit grant s. For sale ‘•Hackmetack,” perfume. Price by Hicks k I Vaco For lame back, side or chest, use Shiloh's Porous Plaster. Price 25 cents. For sale by Hicks k Peacock. A DUTY TO YOURSELF. It is Mirprislng that peoplo will use a on. in,m, ordinary pill when they can secure a vr«’• u tide Hnglish one for the same money. Di. Acker’s KnglLsh pills are a positive euro toi sick headache and all liver taouldes. They nr* small, sweet and easily taken ami do not grit e .Sold by Reid & Culpepper. J Nq Mercury, No Potuah, No mineral Poisons. A concentrated cx tract of native roots anil Kerbs, invigor rting a v.orn-out .vstem, rekindling the lustre of health in the cheeks, routing rluumatism from old joints, and knitting new flesh thereto. Tho real Elixir of Lite. A harmlosa and wholesome alterative is WooTdrldgo'a Wonder- ful Cura A Good Day’s Work. Weakness of itself is not a disease. It is however a most distressful symptom* Alas! how many wearily drag themselves about, every effort giving them distress, existing without any of the pleasurable sensations of robust health. Are you in this condition! Why ! There is no excuse for feeling mean and miserable. Remove the cause of your distress, which undoubtedly is a state of blood impurity and h disor c*l syitcm. How ? Why by doing ns others have done. G. W. Chandler, Red Fork, Ark , writes: •*I was so weak that it was only with great effort that I could «lo anything. 1 u-cd sev eral hott'es of Botanic Blood Balm, and can now do a goo*l day's work.” “Able to to a good day's work !' Is there not someth;*,g sweet ami refreshing in that expression ! Strength to vigorously do this or that. St: i-ngtJi that is only overcome by natural fatigue* Strength that when ex pended, is by rest and nature tally renewed. Such will he your reward if you give B. II. B. a trial. II. B. Randolph, Brunswick, tin., writes: “I was under the care of xrne different doc tors, hut notone did me the good that P.Gta - nie Blood Balm has done me.” Please read carefully every w«»rd in tin* following article. A. F. Prevatt, of Tiimnas- ville, is the only agent in this cuunty for Paul Julies 01*1 Monongaluda Rye Whisky, and it cannot he obtained from any oth r source; now if you ar*: overworked, or bro ken down in health, from any o’b* r cause, a pure, honest, wholea.ineptimulant \\ ill <!■> you more good than anything else you could possibly oht iin. and a '".ire old Rye whisky is the most vhuii some stimulant produced. Paul Jones Old Monongahela Rye is tin* highest grade of whisky distilled in the United States; it is endorsed aud highly recommended by connoisseurs, chemists ar d physicians throughout the Union: it is an old, rich, mellow.I'alatable Rye Whisky, and made its national H-juRation solely ac count of its high qualilv. A. P. PKKVATT, Sole Agent, Thoina3- ville, Ga. April y We want every mother to know that croiiji can be prevented. True crouj» never ap pears without a warning. The first sympton is hoarseness: then tin* child upj.e.irs to have taken cold or a cold may have a*vup*. - panied tin* hosirseness from tlie start. After that a jafuliar rough cough is <lcvcio|i('l. which is followed by the croup. Tho time to act is when the child first becomes hoarse, a few do>YS of Chamberlain 3 Cough Reme dy will |'rev* lit !!..• i.ttaek*. Kveti af't* r a rough cough has a;>|icare*l, the disease may he pr**vent**«l l»v using this emedv as di rect* *1. For sale by McRae Bros. The Rev. Geo. II. Thayer,of Bourbon, lud., says*. "Both myself aim wife owe our lives to Shiloh’s Consumption Cure. For sale by Hicks k Peacock. GEORGIA Thomas’ County. Court of Ordinary, of'said Co., Oct. term On. J. if. An-Icy, administrator of the estate of J. H. Jcrdon. deceased, has in due form applied for leave to .m 11 the lands belonging to said estate, to-vvit: One humlred an«l ibirte«'ii acu-s, i.•«•:« *.r less, of lots of land numbers 81 nun * in the Rtth district of Thomas county, (la . known as tho home place. Notier of said application having been published as requir ed by law and no objection having been filed, it is ordered that John H. Am-ley, ad- minstrator of th«- estate >f J. II. J«»r*!.;i:, have leave to sell said land. Jo.. S. M k a KILL, Ordinal v. Thc’grand^openingji*'! ovor,"Jand MISS LAURA JONES Is now I’cuily t.isliotv ■ t!t-j Iiaiul- simu'st lint s ot MILLINERY GOODS Ever setn in TlinrnasvilU'. E.'ivy- tliiiii; new ami stylish. No tfouliiu to show gooils. Satislaction putu s.nteoi. Prices will coiiqmro with the lowest. ij. scu\Ui> r, —UKOl'KIKTOItE Tlioiiinsvillt*ItoltliiiirWorks, THE OUTFITTERS, You will find the most complete Manuf'aetui er MINKitA! and Dispenser «>f >(>L WATFRS, carbonated ' The New Dlsoovery. You have heard your friends and neigh bor* talking about it. You may yourself be one of the many who know from person al experience just bow good a thing it is. If you have ever tried it, you are one of its staunch friends, becansc the wonderful thing about it is, that when once given a trial, Dr. King’s New Discovcry ever after holds a place in the louse. If you have never used ii and should be afltictcd with a cough, cold or any throat. Lung or chest trouble, secure a bottle at once uud give it a fair trial. It is guaranteed every time, or money refunded Trial Bottle* Free at S. J.Casscl's Drugstore. King Royal Germeteui*. The new remedy that is so highly recom mended by Dr. Hawthorne and Rev, Sam Jones. Asthma, Diarrh*ra, Indigestion and all Malarial diseases Sold by 7 17 tf R. Thomas, Jb. "N A T IJ R A 1, < r A S imported from the Mineral Springs on the Rhine, Germany. ON DRAUGHT: COOA-COLA, The Genuine “Ideal Brain Tonic.’’ Will relieve almost any headache in 10 to 15 minutes. The New Mexican Beverage, Non-Alcoholic. Delicious. “Fi ui-Mi/.!” Cooling. Vitalizing. Ice Cream Parlor, Specially littv.l up for the hu-coiumoilutioa of ' FRUITS AND CONFECTIONERIES, Fancy Good*, Cigars, Tobacco, etc. aiiisliu-t ion Guarantcoil. ull-y In the state for Gents, Youths, Boys and Children. Wo lead in quanti ty, quality and, most important of all, in low prices. Fine suits, eatchy neckwear, fine under wear, all wool sanita ry underwear. Soft hats, stiff' hats, plug luits, c : garette hats, and all kinds, sizes, shapes and shades of hats. Overcoats! The season is ap proaching- when you will need an overcoat. The weather prophets say that the weather will be unusually cold within the next few weeks, so it behooves you to prepare for liaory winter’s chill ing- blasts by provid ing yourself with one | of our comfortable, | neat fitting and jjsty- j lisli overcoats. We have them in all j weights, sizes and prices. Just see our I goods and get our prices and you will be surprised at the j quality and quantity ; of winter clothing | carried by us. We I are selling cheaper 1 than any body in town. Clothiers and Furnishers, 1106 BroadlStreet, •) ThomasiUli, 6a.