The Daily times-enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1889-1925, December 05, 1890, Image 2

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THE DAILY TIMES-ENTERPRISE lohn Triplett, Editor and Manager. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 5, 1880. Daily Times-EntbrpRis* 11 published every morning (Monday excepted.) I'he Weekly Times-Esteri-uise is published every Saturday morning. Subscription Rates. Daily Times-Kxtf.rprise, . . . $5 00 '•V xkly “ 1 00 Daily Rates. IVnnsieut Rates.—$1.00 per square for the liril msertion, nnd 00 cents for cn h sulise- juent insertion. Due-Square, one month, - - - ■ $ 5 00 One Square, two months - - - - 8 00 One Square, three month t, ... 1: Old Square, six months, - - - - 20 00 One Square, twelve uiontis, - - - 35 00 Suhiect to change by special arranf «ment. JOll.N rttlt'l.n r, tins. Man, Notice to Advertisers. To insure insertion, ail changes for standing advertisements must be hand ed in by noon of the day before. It begins to look as if Mr. Parnell would retain his leadership, Mr. Gladstone’s opposition to the contrary notwithstanding. To-morrow and Monday a ill show the usual absentes from the legislature. But they will draw their pay all the same. A fixed salaty is the remedy for this state of things. Every one looks hopefully and longingly forward to brighter, better, happier days. Alas! how many are doomed to bitter disappointment. Anil yet what a sweet and blessed thing hope is. It is folly to talk about a third party. There arc only two great parties, the democratic party and the republican party. Third party advocates may be found North and West, but the South will stick to the democratic party. From the Albany News and Adver» tiser: I litre are two things that always make a man dream—mince pie and love. .Married people, it is said, live lon ger than single one?. It seems lon ger, anywav, to unhappy couples. And Mr. Turner is a married man, too. An Estimate of Harrison, Based on his Message. The Atlanta Journal, in noticing the,’president's message, thus refers to it and its imlior: Here we stand in the midst of a new generation twenty-five years removed from the war. The whole country is bent on business and good feeling. Along comes a president who received a hundred thousand fewer votes than his opponent and who got into office by accident. By the while people of the country he was utterly repudiated. But he is supposed to be president of the whole country, including the great south, about which he knows nothing and about which he has sought to learn nothing. Filled whh the falsehoods that parti sans have set afloat, this narrow-mind cd mail, who ought to take a broad view of things that concern a great country, sits down and without reason writes a slander igainst a great sec tion. Truly, he is the smallest yet! Let us ail hope that the next presi dent o! the United States will be a man who can see all that there is in this magnificent country and that he will not, through ignorance ai.d prejudice, slander any of its people nor seek to stir up hate for political purposes. Suwanee Fitted the Line. "Uiil you ever hear how ‘Suwanee River’ was written?” “Don't think I ever did.’’ ‘‘Well, Steph Foster—Stephen C. Foster was his lull name- -was in the zenith of his popularity when lie wrote the words,” said my friend to me. He bad written the song in the frame house on Sandusky street, Alleghany, but he couldn’t find the name of a river that suited him. Fi nally he went over to the office of his brother, Morrison Foster, sat down on his desk and said : ‘Morrison, I've got a new darky song here, and it’s complete except the name of the river. want a Southern river with only two or three syllables. Give me one, won’t you?” “Morrison suggested several, but they didn’t suit. Then lie took down an atlas, ran his eye over a map of the Southern States lor a few min utes and finally said : ‘There’s a river in Florida by the name of Suwanee, F UK IT I TUBE, 175 BROAD STREET, MASTJBY HOTEL BUILDING. LARGE ANTIQUE OAK BEDROOM SUITE With two extra large French Glasses, for only #29.50; WOIFH #45. This pattern of suite can only he found at Other styles in “Solid Oak" Suits for 3320.00 $523.00. ELGIN BUTTER. C-H CD •-i U1 CD <0 W £ c+- c4- ® hi □T- X. BALL <2z ZBIESO’S-, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCERS. 11 G d 5m ESTABLISHED 1841 Use Pure Hogs Lard and Star Hams Burckhardt’s Premium Leaf Lard- Is guaranteed to be seed oil or beef tallow. made adsolutely of hog's fat. No cotton Revised tables giving the final count of the population ol the country nave been made public by the census office. This count makes the population of the United States 62,622,250. This is an increase of 141,110 over the to tal as previously announced. To this should be added the 200,000 left out ol the count in New York City. Porter’s figurers, like his parly, are not reliable; though the latter regularly re lies. Facts About Fasting. Signor Succt’s effort to go without food for forty-five days will probably be successful. The s gnor has been fasting nearly three weeks, and while losing weight, is still strong and well. Unlike Dr. Tanner, Succi aoes not hu-band his strength by lying in bed, He takes regular exercise under guard. He drinks water and smokes cigars. The water supplies a slight degree of nourishment, and the tobacco lessens bodily waste. It is a well-known fact that a man of great will power can work for many hours without food. This suggests the explanation of Succi’s power. For many days ^before his fast his mind dwelt on it, and unconsciously he accu mulated a supply of nervous energy. Now, as Ins body becomes exhausted, hepaltially stops the waste of tissue with tobacco, replaces the water he evap orates by taking more water, ana sup plies the waste of muscular tissue with his stored up nervous energy. His re serve of fat, ot cour.-e, gets to the lungs to supply carbon lor oxygena tion.—Constitution. If any additional testimony is want ed, as to the causes which enables a mm to live many days without food ask an editor. He has experience. Persons of No Account. From tie llriliin News. It may be admitted that the census is defective to the amount of a few mil- lions, but when we think of all those persons counted every ten years who are of no account at any other time, it would seem that the figures are quite Urge enough. how will that, do?’ “ ‘That’s it, that’s it,’ exclaimed the song writer, jumping from the desk. ‘It's just what I want,’ and picking up a pen inserted the name of the river that has since become the title of one of the sweetest and most pathetic of melodies. I be lieve that .Stephen C. Foster never thought very much of the piece him self until after it had taken its place among the popular songs of the cen tury.—Philadelphia Press. The Capitol Grounds. The action of the house yesterday in passing the bill to appropriate $18,000 for the permanent improve ment of the capitol grounds will be generally approved. Georgia has the handsomest state capitol ever built in this country for the same amount of money. It is a thing of beauty, but it will never ap pear to its best advantage until the grounds arc properly improved. For such a work $18,000 is a moderate sum, and there is not a thoughtful citizen in the state who will object to it. We must make our beautiful capitol and its beautiful surroundings worthy in all respects of the great people whose public spirit made it possible.—Constitution. The people of Georgia will cordial ly approve the appropriation. In fact it should have passed the last legislature. Negroes Dreaming of Africa. Atlanta, GA.,Dec. 2.—So far from subsiding tremendous excitement prevails among the more ignorant negroes here on account of the pro posed scheme to take them to Africa by;way of Savannah for 81 a head. In some quarters of the city there is datigger of being mobbed if one ven tures to discredit the wisdom of the enterprise. The negroes are selling their household goods and making every arrangement to leave at an early date. The allair begins to look like something more than a mere pet ty swiudler’s scheme. PIBST ZMZZEZD-^X-tS.. At Cincinnati 1870-81-72-73-74 75-70-79 80; Vienna, Austria; New Orleans 1884-1885; Ohio Valley and Central State Fair; Piedmont Exposition 1887-88-89, and nineteen others. More medals awarded to this lard than any other. Swan’s Down Patent flour is the best. L. SCHMIDT, ETROFIUETOItE: TII0MASV1LLE UOTTLING AND CIDER WORKS,! Jackson - - - Stx-eot, Manufacturer nml Dispenser of SODA WATER, GINGER ALE, Etc., Etc. Mineral Waters, Carbonated with natural gas, imported from mineral springs in Germany, IN SYPHONS OR ON DRAUGHT. A FULL LINK OF CONFECTIONERIES, FRUITS, NUTS, RAISINS, CIGARS, TOBACCO & FANCY GOODS always on band. Prices ns low as anybody in town. Call and sec me J. R. BURCH, DEALER IN— Rough and Dressed Lumber of all Kinds Mill located 8 miles north ol Tbomasvillo I will deliver lumber any where in the city or on board cars at the VERY LOWEST LIVING PRICES. Thanking my patrons fur past favors, ‘I ask a continuance ot the same, promising fair, square, upright deilings ia every par ticular. I guarantee prices and quality, and respectfully solicit a share of the public patronage. j. it. BUitcir, THOMASVILLE, GEORGIA 0-3diwtl THE-:- WILLOWS. COR. JACKSON AND SEWARD STS. Is now open for the season. It has I,right, sunny rooms, with open fires, hath rooms with hit ami coM water, closets, po lite and attentive servants. Table supplied with the best of this and other markets, Terms from ten to twelve dollars per week according to location of room. 11 15 3ut d Mks.T. J. Voiko. THOMASVILLE LUMBER COMPANY Srhmidst, Murray & Simons, Prop's. —DEALERS IN— ROUGH andDRESSED LUMBER, LATHS, SHINGLES, ETC. MANUFACTURERS —OF FICE KTS MOULDINGS, BALLUSTEKS, STAIR RAILS, NEWEL POSTS. BRACKETS,;,' And all kinds of SCROLL WORK. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED I11 every particular. Correspondence solicited. Out of town orders prompt ly filled. —OFFICE— Corner Stephens and Jefferson streets. 11 13 ly "H D. FUDGE, THOMASVILLE, |G A. DEALER IN— H-A-IR/D'W’ A R, E STOVES, IRON,a Buggy and Wagon Material Tin ami Hollow Ware, Guns and Sporting Goods or all kinds, and agent for King’s Powder Co. Janl d ly AUCTION AND C0MM1SSI0M HOUSE. Jackson St. next to Watt's Coknek. I will have regular sales every Saturday, nnd sell real estate and live stock. I make a specialty of selling household nml kitchen furniture, stoves, carpets and merchandise of every description. Consignments colicit- cd. Prompt returns nnd satisfaction guar anteed. 10 3 Cm L. A. DnEVEtt. OAKSUITB —FOR- SEE THIS Improved Rocker with a rod which guarantees Rockers never to get loose. ID is x-i B h* jj 0 w 0 H Pi Pt 'll Id H 0 M og W |H B 1- 1 1 01 SIDE BOARDS AND HAT RACKS AT COST If you will bring money with you, we will sell you furniture at you own price. MATTINGS AND RUGS CHEAP. Our stock of Sash, Blinds, Doors, Paints, Oils and Glass cannot be equaled in the city. WALL PAPERSTILL AT 5cAROLL L F. Thompson & So. Our'Mr. Steycrrnan has jus returned from Mew York, where, he has bought a complete line of the very latest things out in pall and winter goods, WHICH MUST TIE SOLD, and in order to sell them lower than any one else, we propose to sell them only for the cash. You can get more goods from us with the cash than any other house in town. Let everybody come ami oring their pocket books, j or we most positively will not charge any goods until January 1st, lSgo. (Respectfully, L. STEYERMJM & (B'RO. AND Cold. Storage Company Ice Made From Distilled Water Pure and Sparkling. Delivered Anywhere in the City. Give orders to Wagons or mail direct to W. S. KEEFER, Pres, and IVlang’r, all