The Daily times-enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1889-1925, December 12, 1890, Image 3

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■ i - . . THE DAILY TIMES-EHTERPRISE. FRIDAY. DECEMBER 12, 1890. LOCAL SCI1KDUl.R. ARRIVAL AND DEPARTURE o» ALL TRAINS TO AND FROM TIIOMA8VILLE CARRYING PASSENGERS sew thai; .» roa baisbbidoe, No 5. For Bainbridgr Lv... 7 20 a m NoC. From “ ” Ar...5 55p , FROM SAVANNAH AND THE EAST. No 5, Pas^enRer Ar... 6 60am No7. Passenger Ar... 148pra No 17, Freight nn«! Aec’ii Ar... 4 45 p ra FOR SAVANNAH AND THE EAST. No 8, “ Lv...12 02 pm No 6, “ Lt... 635pm No 18, Fgt and Acc Lv... 7 05 a in FROM ALBANY, ATLANTA AND WESTERN POINTS. No 34, Passenger Ar... J»4?P*» NoM. 7 * Ar... 0 00am • FOR ALBANY, ATLANTA AND TI1E WEST. . No S3, Passenger Lv... 8 30 a in No 53, Passenger Lv... 2 15 p m FROM 31UNTIOKLLO. No "0, Passenger Ar...ll 30 a m No82, Passenger Ar... 5 30pm FOR UONTICELLO, . No 81, Passenger «Lv... 212pm No 29, Passenger Lv... 7 65 a ra FROM CHATTAHOOCHEE AND NEW ORLEANS, NoP, Passenger .......... Ar...11 37 p No 18, Freight anil Acc Ar... 5 30am for Chattahoochee and new Orleans No7, Passenger Lv... 2xl(>i>m No 17, Fcht and Acc Lv... 0 00 p m Office hours W. U. Tel. Co. Beginning December 1st, the efiice hoars at the Western Union Telegraph Office for the season, will be ns follows: 7:30 a. m. lo 10 p. tn. The Sunday hours: 7:30 to 11 a. m. and G;30 to 0:30 p. m. Visitors are re quested to register their address, to insure prompt delivery. Any iuattei tion on the part of any imployecof the company should he promptly reported at this office. C. A. Dkishcr, Nov. 30, 1800. Manager. The fox huuters will probably have i jneel Christmas ir Now Years. Policemen hog the warm spots on the Jee side of big buildings "theto nights. - “Open tho door,” “walk in,” nud “please close the door” are familiar signs just now. rapidly Tho hotels aro filling up with visitors. After the holidays the tourists will bo flowing south. ‘ad” of E. Attention is called lo the M. Alallette offering a small farm rear town for rent. It is 1 very desirable place. the Rose Osborn in “Satan, next attraction. T’,ii3 play has made a hit throughout the country, and ought to draw a good house Wedues day night. . club. The Clarendon has u guu They propose to make a trip to tho lake shortly to iu terview tho ducks, and may challenge the Thomesville gun club before tho seusou is over. Ochlockonee Dots. Look out for winter. The boom goes on. Our people will buy aud sell Oclio- lockonee dirt. Mr. W. H. Boswell, of Meigs, has purchased a lot, and wri!l at once begin erecting a hand some residence. He and bis charm iug family havo rooms at the Perry House for tho present. Mr. Ira Deklo has purchased the lot owned by Mr. S. Medullar and is making many nice improvements. J. E. Stephen} is enjoying the com fort of a new homo. Mr. W. H. Buckbalt has. rented his plantation three miles from town to Messrs. Wabingham and Whitten from near Cairo. J. R. Taylor has moved into his -egidence new *. . , *<iu is to bo with you on And “Su. . the 17th, eh! M. ‘ ? ., , ''«<fe>vu to see Well, wc won t co._ •,, ___ j him. lor wc can hear his cli-. mean his tongue, rattling oh. than we like. How strange some people delight in mischief making aud vile gossip. J. H. Anderson spout several days in Jacksonville, Fla., this week. Mrs. Mose Daniels, who has been spending sumo time with L. D. Joues Bad family, has returned to her home in Atlanta. J. R. Munrose, our clever depot Bgent, thinks we have a fine country, and is much pleased with his new borne. A big hotel would be a winning "card for Ochlockonee. , Several of our young people enjoyed n candy pulling at tbo residence of Mr. and Mrs. Bratc Singletary Fri day evening of last W6ek. Mrs. V. Whitfield has returned from a visit to Boston. Mr. James Bullock and wife, of Cordele, is visiting relatives in this community. Subscriber. Immigration to the South One week from to-day the Southern lnter-8tate Immigration Convention will assemble at Asheville, N. O. It will be a considerable body in num bers and in other respects. Every southern stale will send delegates and, as a rule, they will be men of' brain and influence. Gov. Northon has nominated four bright newspaper men to represent Georgia at large, and two delegates from each of forty-four senatorial districts. The general ob ject of the convention will be to con sidcr the best meaus 'of indu cing de si ruble immigration to the South Several conventions havo hitherto been held which had thi3 purpose, but not ono of them, wo believe, has over beon productive of any tangible result, The South offers excellent opportuni ties to intelligent, sober and law abid ing immigrants, and efforts to encour age people of Ibis kind to come and make their homes hore deservo tho hearty support of tho southern people The Asheville convention will prob ably be the best body that ever took up this question and we trust that it may be able to set on foot some plan by which tho South will ho bcue- fitted.—Telegraph. -*»•••<>— , Wado Hampton. That tht3 great man, the man who has led the people of South Carolina in war and peace, who shed his bio id foi them and redeemed them from the horrors of reconstruction, should be defeated by representatives of the peo pie of that slate for Senator, surpasses belief. And yet it looks as if they were going to send him to the rear. The following is the latest from Col umbia: Columbia, S. C., Dec. io—The general assembly met in joint session to day to elect a United States sera tor to succeed senator Wade Hamp, ton. The result of the first hallo' taken was: Irby Donaldson 45 Hampton 42 J. J. Ilcmphil) 3 Smalls These are strange days, when such men as Wade Hampton, are fb be gacrificed. . - — Editor Walsh Decliens. Washington, Dec. 9.—Patrick Walsh, editor of the Augusta Chroni cle, who was appointed by President Harrison as the Democratic member of the Warm Springs Indian commts sion, called upon the President to-day to pay his respects, return his thanka for the boner conferred, and to decline the appointment on account of business engagements. It will require several months for the commission to perf >rm the duties assigned, ana Mr. Walsh finds that he cannot spare so much time from his business. The two Re. publican members have accepled and are now in Oregon awaiting the com ing of the Democratic members. The Cotton Statement. Washington, Dec. 10.—The re turns to the Department of Agriculture of the value of the cotton on plants lions this year are nearly the same as last year. The avenge being quite as high as the average farm value of previous crops, 8 610 cents per pound. As he average export price sligTily exceeds 10 cents, thii makes the cost of shipment by wagon, railway and steamer, the drayage commissions, ner I compressing and other expenses. nearly one a half cents per pound. The “Hub” Democratic. * Mass., Dec. 9.—Complete Boston, «\ tt hews, dcm., for may- returns give M. rcp 3 nd citizens’ or 32,307: Merrill. • / , ticket 19.688; Sharpleib **,319, as. Matthews’ plurality is . ’ , against 5,460 for Hart, rep., am, ^ zens’ ticke' last year. The board v. aldermen elected comprises seven reg ular democrats aud three regular re publicans, with two members whose names were both on tickets. People passing along Broad street are struck by the large amount of holiday goods displayed by onr mer chants. Notwithstanding the de pressed condition of the money mar ket, there arc more goods and better goods exhibited this season than ever before. To substantiate the above assertion, we would cite the readers attention to the elegant establishment of Mr. Jos. Jergcr. A look into his store will convince the most skeptical of the tiuth of the above. You can find there all the latest novelties in Xmas goods, articles to suit all classes and purses. His stock was selected with the utmost care, and no pains or expense were spared to give tho people of Thomasville the opportunity of making their selection from tho most complete stock to be found in the South*. Drop in when you are passing. Mr. Jergcr will be glad to welcome and show you through. 3' UST RRI For the Holidays. Miss Laura Jones hits opened the largest stock of toys, gifts, etc., ever shown t> this trado. Iler stock was selected in New York in perapn, and embraces everything from the smallest doll to the Eiffel tower, tbo hy est thing out. She would be glad-to have everybody call and inspect her goods. Prices way down, v 3t 111 w sun The prettiest line of Gent’s and Ladies’ Slippers for Xmas ever brought to Thomasville. Call and examine them. cTJEeTzeia-no: css SIGN OF BIO rtED BOO X\ Tho DeafRear. That sounds miraculous, and yet one may become temporarily deaf on accont of blood poison settliug i» the ear, and then find quick relief by using 0. B. B. (Botanic Blood Balm). John W. Weeks, Decatur, On., writes: “Six months ago I had a pain in my car and in a few days it discharged matter. Then i grew deaf and conld not hear at all. I be gan the use ot B. B. B. and the running of my ear soon ceased and I now hear, while my health is much improved and I fell lull of gratitude to Qod and to the proprietors of so good a remedy." S. M. Ellis, Atlanta, Ga., writes: “B' B, B. cured me of most Btubborn eczema. 1 had doctored it without success for twelve years. ’ W. II. Davis, San Marcos, Texas, writes: “I am rapidly recovering from blood poison by use of B. B. B. NOTICE. from Dec. 1st, wc will sell goods far spot cash only. With good goods and low prices, wc cannot nlford to keep hooks, This applies to all, Respectfully, Lei: ft BcTT0f.rn. tf Toys for the children and fine presents for the grown people, at Reid ft Culpepper’s, TO RENT. Four furnished rooms with or without kitchen prcviieges, on easy terms. Apply on the premises, Warren street, third door from Seward. 11 C tf d Tho five cent counter at Reid & Cuipep per's is filled with ten cent, toys. Ecst furnished house in town to let. Cor ner Clay and Crawford streets. Sec T. J. Bo.toms. 12 9Gtd Go out to see the display of Christmas goo is at Reid & Culpepper's. LOST. A bunch of keys, on Broad street or Rem ington avenue. Finder will he rewarded by returning tho same to 12 D tfd Tins Orricr. (iKntckmkn—I lmvo suffered foi years with kind of Tetter, or breaking out all over my body in boils. While traveling in thtSouth Inst year t had occasion to try a bottle of B. It. B„ which was recommeidcd to me by a friend, and to my surprise it helped mo so much that I got six bottles more, and after taking the full contents, I telt better than I had since the beginning of my trouble, and while I have no symptoos of tho disease re turning, I am Btill a using the wonderful blood medicine at intervals, and am fully satisfied that I will be entirely cured of a disease that for fifteen years has troubled me. [ cannot express my gratitude to you for so wonderful n benefactor as your P. P. P. (Prickly Ash, Poke Root and Potassium). I am yours truly, Jacat Petkbs, Traveling Salesman. . Savannah, Go. MeritJWIns. We desire to say to our citizens, that for years wc have been selling Dr. King’s New Discovery fer Consumption, Dr. King’s New Life Pills, Bucklen’s Arnica Salve and Elec tric Bitters, and have never handled remedies that sell as well, or that hare given such nnivcrsal satisfaction. Wc do, not hesitate to guarantee them every time, and wc stand ready to refund the purchase price, if satis factory results do not follow their use. These remedies have won their great popularity purely on their merits. S. J. Cassels, Drug gist It will pay to call in at Reid & Culpep per’s, and see tbiir holiday goods,* if you don't buy a cent. We hear from a private source that Reid ''spiaj A.Culpepper have a nicer display of goods than over before. Curo Your Corn9 By Using Abbott's East Indian Corn Paint for Corns, Bunions und Warts, it is great. Prop in and select your presents tit Reid A Culpepper's and have tnem bid aside. Ladies’ European Party. Of four-months next season. Address Mrs. Lonisa Myers, Thomasville, Ga. 11 9 ltd Judging from Ihe crowd at Reid A Cul pepper’s. trade must bo oa a l oom. It is worth money to sco the crowd at Reid A Culpepper’s. Catarrah cured, health and sweet breath secured, by Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy. Price 60 cents. Nasal Injector free. For sale by Hicks A Peacock, The GermJTheory. The medical fraternity now recognizes that the Germ theory Is the correct ono. Dr. King's Royal Gcrmetcur goes to tho roo f all diseases. Try a bottle. Sold by 7 17 tf It. Thomas, Jb. ARE YOU MADE miserable by Indiges tion, Constipation, Dizziness, Loss of Appe tite, Yellow skin? Shiloh's Vitaliztr is a positive cure- For sale,by Hicks and Pea cock. Mr. Jos. S. Harrison, Columbus, Ga., says his wifo had Dyspepsia for several ycaan in its wost lorm—could retain nothing oa her stomach' Dr; Halt's Dyspeptic Ellzlr cured her permanently. For sale by nil Drugists. Sleepless nights, made miserable by that terrible cough. Sboloh’t Cure is the remedy for you. For sale by Hicks A Peacock. Uaelsjen’a Arnica Salve. The Best Salve In the World for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Ilanda, Chilblains Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cores Piles, or no pay required. It is guar anteed to give perfect satisfaction, or monej refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by S. J. Cassels Drug Store. The Greatest Discovery of the Age. Dyspepsia, is purhaps the most prevalent of all chronic diseases, and one too, up to the present time has bnflled tho skill of the most eminent physicians, 1 early all the pro prictnry medicines have been tried and fail ed. After spemdng years ot study. Dr. Holt, has at length gucceded in ge.ttlng up a remedy. (Dr. Holt's Dyspeptic Elixir), that has never failed to curo in a single instance. If you suffer with this disease try one bottle and be convinced. It is one of tho best Liv er Medicine known to the profession. Liver Complaints, Chronic, Diarrhcon, Yellow Skin, Constioation, Jaundice, Headache, Brown Splotches and Asthma, if complica ted with indigestion, if you are troubled with any of those diseases it is a safe and certain cure. Manutactcrcd by Dr. Holt' Dyspeptic Co„ Montezuma,Ga. Price $1.00. Bottles double former size. For sale by all Druggists. Dr. Holt’s Croup and Cough Syrup pie- vents and cures croup. No curo no pa Manufactured by Dr. Hall's Dyspeptic Elixir Co., Montezuma, Ga. G, W. FERRILL/S 1TDRE >: I 1G7 BROADSTREET, OPPOSITE MITCHELL SELLS BARGAINS IN ALL KINDS FURNITURE, MATTRESSES, SPRINGS, CHILD’S' CAR&AGE8, CARPETS,. MATTINGS, OIL CLOTHS, WINDOW 8HADE8, LACE CURTAINS, CORNICE POLES. PICTURE FRAMES, MOULDINGS AND SEWING MACHINES. FINE STOCK OF ■WALL PAPER AT PRICES TO DEFY COMPETITION. Ssuslh., DDoors and IE31In.d.s.. -> WINDOW AND PLATE GLASS. RED ROOM SUITES FROM fft.M UP. Money saved by giving me a rail and comparing prices. Csusla. or Xnsta,llrra.erLt's. 111 tt A Safe Investment. Is one which is guaranteed to bring you satisfactory results, or in ease of failure return of purchase price. On this safe plan you cun buy from our advertising druggist bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, lt is guaranteed to bring re lief in every ease, whoa used for any affec tion of Throat, Lungs or Chest, such as Con sumption, Inflammation of Lungs, Bron chitis, Asthma, Whooping Cough, Croup, cto., etc. It is pleasant and agreeable to taste, perfectly safe, and can always be depended upon. Trial bottle free at S. J. Cassels druf store. llnir a I gone, scalp covered with erup tions, and pains In all of his limbs, a dread ful case of disease, yet I'. I’. P. remained master of the situation, a cure was affected, and the patient, the marshal of Monticello, Fla., says Ids hair has grown out, and lie is a well man. This cure spread far and wide, and now the drug stores of Monticello buy P. P. P. in large quantities. Shiloh’s Catarrh Remedy—a positive curo for Catarrh, Diphtheria and Canker-Mouth. For sate by Hicks A Peacock. How it Operates. From the St. Paul Globe. The farmers’ wife or daughter has not been regarded as specially ex'rav agant in wearing a black alpaca dress on occasions. She has had to pay a' duly pf 60 per cent on the material therefor and now this is raised to 100 per cent. But the wife of the rich man can still get her black silk at a 50 per cent duty. But then women are not expected to understand thetarifi. Kindoi v,arten and Primary School. b -etbods of object teaching, to- improved n. advanced work. Terms gethcr with more moderate, tf -oil need for 'Mzzineis, 10 Mast F. Barnes, Dawson St. Shiloh’s Vitaltzer is what Constipation, Loss of Appetite, and all symptoms of Dyspepsia. Price and 75 cents per bottle. For sale by Hick. A Peacock. King Royal Gcrmetcur. The new remedy that is so highly recom mended by Dr. Hawthorne and Rev, Sam Jones. Asthma, Diarrhoea, Indigestion nud all Malarial diseases Sold by 7 17 tf R. Thomas, Ju. Shiloh’s Cure will immediately relieve croup, whooping Cough and Bronchitis. For sale by Hicks & Peacock. Please read caretnlly every word in the fallowing article. A. F. Prevail, of Thomas ville, is tbo only agent in this county for Paul Jones Old Monongahela Rye Whisky, and it cannot bo obtained from nny other source; now if you are overworked, or bro ken down in health, from any other cause, a pure, honest, wholesome stimulant will do .yon more good than anything else you could jiossibly obtain, and a pure old Rye whisky is the most wholesome stimulant produced. Paul Jones Old Monongahela Rye is the highest grade of whisky distilled In tho United States; it is endorsed and highly recommended by connoisseurs, chemists and physicians throughout the Union; it it an old, rich, mellow,palatable Rye Whisky, and made its national reputation solely on ac count of iu high quality. A. F. PREYATT, Sole Agent, Thomas ville, Ga. April 20-iy Corns, Warts and Bunions by using Removed quickly and surely Abott’s East Indian Corn Paint. That hacking cough can be so quickly cured by Shilob’i Cure. We guarantee it. For aale by Hicks ft Peacock. * Mr. C. A. Thomas, Henry county, Ala., ssys: I sutSrcd with Dyspepsia for two or three years, after despairing of getting well. A few bottles of Dr. Holt’s Dyspeptic Elixir cured mo perfectly. For sale by all drug- gisU. Will you suiter with Dpspepsia and Liver Complaint? Shiloh’s Vitalizer is guaranteed to cure you. For sale by Hicks ft Peacock: RECEIVER’S SALE. ’§ACHANCE A magnificent stock of Clothing, Gents Underwear and Furnishing Goods, Hats etc., etc., to be closed out at Jobbers Pivces. COUNTRY MERCHANTS Should take advantage of this offer. 'They' will be given Special Rates on 'Lots. This stock was bought by C. H.*Young & Co., a^nd now must be sold. Goods sold by the suitor in' quantities to* suit piir-. chasers. w. r. McIntyre, Receiver. VALUABLE PROPERTY FOR SALE. SAW MILL, GIN AND LAND. The following property can l»e had at a bargain, to-wit: One 60 horse power engine, (little out of repair,) three good 4 feet circular saws, one 14 inch stab saw, one 14 feet butt saw, saw machinery good with 40 feet carriage, one 70 saw cotton git. “Massey,” with feed at- in go the forks of the Thomas and Quincy, Cairo and Tallahassee roads, near Duncanville, Thomas county, Ga. Parlies desiring to look at the property can call on Mr M. M. Ki&chcn. on the place. For terms and prices call on or write to W. M. McIntosh, St., Tallahassee. Fla. 11 20 Jmd. J. R. BURCH, DEALER ix-a m Mill located 8 miles north ot Thomasrillr I Wilt deliver lumber any where in tic city or on board cars at the VERY LOWEST LIYIHG PRICBS. tachmcnt (not in good order,) one cotton >ress (not worth much,) one grist mill, (36 nch Munson, iron case and stand, revolving bottom rock, in splendid condition.) said t > be one of tho best mills in the county, one old log cart, an old. lot of block and 'tackle, shafts and pulleys. Ninety-Uvt acres of laud, with one 3 story gia house and three habitable cabins on it. The gin house is in splendid condition. The land lies betwee Thanking my patrons for past favorSL H ask a continuance ot the same, promising fair, square, upright dealings in every par. titular. I guarantee prices and qaalltr, patronago, J. U. BURCH, THOMASVILLE, GEORGIA. 9-JdftwU