The Daily times-enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1889-1925, July 07, 1892, Image 2

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THE DAILY TIMES-ENTERPRISE John Triplett, Editor and Manager. THURSDAY. JULY 7, 1802. Daily Tiuis-F.htirprihi is published ererj morning (Honda/ excepted.) The Werkly Tiuxs-Eiitirfbmc is published •Very {Saturday morning. Subscription Rates. Daily Tikbs-Entbkpribb, .... $5 00 W KELT « 1 00 RUSSELL !N CALHOUN. A Review of His Speech at Leary. Daily Advertising Rates Transient Rates.—$1.00 per square for the Brat insertion, and 50 cents for each subse quent insertion. One Square, one month, - - - - $ 5 00 One Square, two months - - - - 8 00 One Square, three month'l, - - 12 00 One Square, six months, .... 29 00 One Square, twelTe months, - - - 35 00 Subject to change by special arrang ement, JOHN TRIPLETT, Bna. Man. Notice to Advertisers. To insure insertion, all changes for standing advertisements must be hand ed in by noon of the day before. DEMOCRATIC TICKET. For. President. GROVER CLEVELAND, of New York. Fop. Vice-President, A. E. STEVENSON, of Illinois. And now Savannah claims to have a third party. Atlanta is over run with school teachers this week. Tybee, St. Simons, Cumberland and all the Georgia resorts are doing a rushing business. There are more candidates political honors this year than ever before in the history of the Btate. The Constitution wants Harrison to have an opportunity of exercising his veto power on the free coinage bill. Col. Peek, the third party leader. Was seriously if not fatally iniured by being accidentally thrown from a buggy a few days ago. General Longstreet has written a book giving a true and important hutory of the late war. The manu script will be given the printer short ly- Leary, Ga., July 4ib, 1892, Special Correspondence ol the Albany Ilcrald I am aware that it is rather a late hour now to report n speech made here on last Thursday, nearly a week ago. It was a grand effort, and when I consider the marked attention paid to it and the visible effect it had upon the people at the time of its do livery, and the almost universal praise it elicited from all who were present, it commends itself to my mind at once as being worthy of more than a passing notice. The speaker, who was none other than our brave Ben Russell, of De' catur county, was almost an entire stranger in our midst. He had never met but few of our people here, aDd, although he had won an enviable rep Utation as a popular newspaper man and was extensively advertised as one of the most powerful campaign orators in the Second Congressional district, still our people were a little slow at first to take hold of him. They had been so sorely disappointed by the withdrawal of our Maj. Wooten that their enthusiasm had almost died out and they had—some of them—about decided to say, "Come and take us Mr. Stevens, and do with us what- soever thou wilt.” But brave Ben was on the watchtower. He came at an opportune time, and talked plain Democracy straight from the shoul der. He addressed a crowd of about one hundred, aDd his effort had a wonder- lul and telling effort. Hia wonderlui arraignment of the republican and third parlies, showing the fraud and Judging from the Atlanta papers, Carmencita is the biggest show that city has ever had. The great dancer is receiving a large amount of adver tising. deception practiced upon the poor and unsuspecting people of our country, and his defense of the time-honored Democratic party, showing what De mocracy had done for the Southern people, demonstrated the fact that he was master of his subject, os well as master of the occasion. Mr. Russell’s Democracy was .not qnestioned. He needed no proof. His associates are Democrats. Not a syll able of his speech was lost, and it has enthused the careless, indifferent and weak-kneed Democrats with new life. Bravo 1 Ben Russell. March steadily on, and the true blue Democrats of Calhoun county will stand side by side with you in the fight for sound De mocratic principles and common justice. K. FEATHERBONE OOBBETS senimiiiN© mmr x The most durable anil comfortable corset made. The bones arc abso lutely unbreakable. After one week's wear if any purchaser is displeased they can return the corset ami money will be refunded. Call and see them. MISS LAURA JONES, Broad Street. july.’f-tf. For Treasurer. We are authorized'to announce CIIAS.’OANDY, as a candidate for re-election to tho office of Treasurer of Thomas county, object to the action of the democratic arty Ws For Ordinary, ire authorized to announce N. E. TURNER as a cat didate for the office ol Ordinary at the rext election, subject to the action c f the democratic primary. ALDWIN -AND- THOMPSOP Iron Works, Announccmnt. The friends of ROBT. ALEXANDER;- annnounce him as a candidate for Ordinary of Thomas county. Subject to the f.ction of the democratic party. To (he Democrats or Thomas County I announce myself as a candidate for re-election to tho office of Ordinary, subject to your action. Jos.’S. Merrill., lew Boxbs. A largejfne of sizes suitable for family use, now at For Treasurer. Wc ire authorized to announce GILMORE SINGLETARY as a cardidate for the office of Treas urer at (he next election. Subject to the action ot the Democratic primary. 175 Broad Street iTasury Building. JACKSON tlTRIlET, THOMASVILLE, - - GA. I am better prepared than ever to do any aud ail kinds of repair work in iron and brass. In addition to long . cars of experience, I am fully equip ped with the latest improved tools and can guarantee ail work entrusted to me Shops in rear of former resi dence, oil lower Jackson street. Give me an opportunity to make an esti mate on yotir work. C. a. THOMPSON, Agt. d&w-tf For County Treasurer. Wc arc authorized and requested lo announce the name of JOHN F. PARKER as a candidate for County Treasurer, subject to the action of the Democratic party. M. LAYINE If you need a Refrigerator and wish, to buy one that will give you entire satisfac tion buy only a Baldwin, Baldwins are never damp. Baldwins are the only Refrigerators hav- 0* n. n^rfApf. T)y»v Ait* j • ing a perfect Dry Air Circulation, doing away with all dampness, and haying an even temperature in all parts of the Refrig erator. The Baldwin has taken first prizes at World’s Expositions and other fairs, wher ever exhibited. Here We Are! The Macon Evening News very aptly remarks that "if the energy that was expended in the prohibition fight in Augusta had been directed toward building a levee, the town Would now be safely high and dry.” And now it is said that Campbell, the newly elected Chairman of the National Republican Committee, will decline to serve. He prefers the 825,000 salary he non receives as attorney ior Armour to being at the head of the Harrison campaign. The prohibitionists have made up their national ticket. It reads thus: For president, John Bidwell, of Cal- ifornia; for vice president, J. B Cranfill, of Texas, Sam Small was put in nomination for vice-president, but received no votes when the roll was called. The Savannah Press is waging war on the vagrants and idlers in that city. Crime is on the increase in Chatham county, and the Press at tributes it to the non inforcement of the vagrant law. The Press is on the right line, aud the advice it gives to the authorities of Savannah will apply with equal force and appropri ateness to other ton ns. Mr. H. M. Comer, of Savannah, has been appointed sole receiver of the central railroad by Judge Speer. The appointment was made upon the petition of the Central Railroad and Banking Company of Georgia, and displaces the board of receivers previously appointed. This is the latest sensation in the affairs of this road, and puts a new phase on the situation. , The Third Party. The people’s party has put up for president an old political hack who haa run for president once or twice on the greenback and other issues and who has little to commend him. He baa been a perpetual candidate with his mouth open like a youDg robin, ready to catch anything that might fall into it. If the people’s party wanted to make a real vigorous crusade for the people it should have put up a young man, fresh from the people, identified with the farmer and the artisan, alive to their needs and skilled in their service. The nomination of such a man os Weaver will not carry strength or sin cerity to their movement. Weaver is not a representative of any princi ple or movement. He has been rid ing on the outskirts of several bolts and departures and now fetches up as the third choice and forlorn hope of tho people’s party The platform represents little that is catching or sound. The people's party is a faction ot opposition, not an effective army. The movement will not be popular in the south.— Savannah Press. Hot Bread and Roils Every Mornin^ At 6 o’clock. • Jackson, St. Cotton Warehonse Block -THE- 1.1. Bargain Stores Sec the Great Baspins in the Clothing Department: The plan of construction of the Baldwin is patented, and is different from all ‘other makes. A FULL AND SELEC TED STOCK OF FANCY AND FAMILY GROCERIES ALWAYS ON HAND. J. E McCants, Baker and Grocer, GET READ5T GINNING. Inspirators made u good as new. Bring your Boiler Feeds, that won't work, to me and I will make them as good os new. Mill Supplies of all kinds in stock. E. O. THOMPSON, Thomasville, Ga. junc 17-ly. It will pay anyone In want of tOUtld BO. to orrr W0 mstcl AddRM K. II. CADY, WALLPAPER Hlsb SL, Providence, B.L JACKSON STREET. JanlOly. GEORGIA—Thouas County. To all whom It may concern: Julia F. Stark haa In duo form applied to mo for permanent letters of admlnlatra.ion on tho estate of Ctaarlea G. Stark, late of aald county, deceased, and I will pass upon said application on the ttrst Monday In July, 1802. Ulven under mv hand and official signature, this 31st day o*f May, 1892. JOS. S, MERRILL, Ordinary, Boys’ flue suits from 95c to $4.00. Men’s fine Spring suits $2.25. Men’s all wool suits, all sizes and colors, regular price $8.50, selling at $5.25. Men’s all wool suits, guaranteed, Worth $17, now selling for $9.50. Men’s Pants, regular prico $7.50, now selling for $4.75. Men’s Pants from 75c lo $4.75. Men’s light Spring Coats and Vests for 85c. SSrComc and sec the immense slocks I have in my twodoublc stores The goods and prices will astonish you. M. LAVINE. Warehouse Block, Jackson St. may2l-d&ir2m. STATSME1TT OF THE CONDITION OF THE Citizens Banking and Trust Company, AT THE CLOSE OF BUSINESS, JUNE‘30, 18D2. RE-OcaOES; Loans aud Bills Discounted $105,007,93 OYor Drafts 1,511,21 Real Estate 9,717,15 Fixtures 4,‘. JC.00 Due from Htats Bank* 284.08 Due from Banks out of Stato 8,810.92 Expenses 1,008.07 Cask on Hand 10,289.98 LIABILITIES: Capital Stock paid $85,875.( I Undivided Profits 6.274.C3 Deposits 44,442.08 Demaud Certificates 1,000.0 Dills ratable 5,100.00 Total 1141,691.9 whoo Total $111,691.91 GEORGIA.—-THOMAs COUNTY : Personally appearod before me, a notary public, J. T. Culpepper, Cashier of tho aboro Dank oath says that the above Statement is correct to the host of his knowledge. J. T. CULPEPPER, P. 8. HEETD, Notary Public, Thomas Co. Go. COBRECT-Attest : E. M. MALLKTTE, ) J W. REID, J Directors. J. 8. MontgomEby, ) INSURE Your DWELLINGS, TO BACCO BARNS And Farm Property, including CONTENTS and STOCK, AGAINST FIRE AND LIGHTNING. The companies I represent arc among tho first to plant agencies In Thom- asvillc after the war, and arc known lobe strong, prompt payingcompanios. BATES EEASOITA.BLE. ju1ye-d&w-3m. SZElltH, .Aagt. Call or send for illlustrated catalogue showing over 100 different styles and sizes, also testimonials from well known people who are using Baldwin Refrigerators. - Prices, $7, §9, $10, $12, $14, $15, $17 and $22. Twelve and fourteen dollars buy good styles in Antique Oak. Only the Baldwin at '■j M ft -tr-A •& ©BIFFIN, r- > JH 113 Ga. Broad Street, Thomasville, MAN UFACTTRER AND DEALER IN Saddlery and Harness Goods -LADIES AND GENTLEMENS— sr W RI RIDING OUTFITS. —THE ONLY PLACE TO GET THE CELEBRATED— Genuine Fine Whitman Saddles and AN ASSORTMENT OF — Whips Always on Hand. Bridles, ■m City Tax. You will find me in my office Mon days, Fridays and Saturdays. Call and give in your city tax. K. T. MACLEAN, • City Clck. J. E. Robison & Co. 120 BROAD ST. Thomasville •• - Georgia, Headquarter for SCHOOL BOOK8 and STATIONERY, BLANK BOOK8, PAPER BAGS, FLOUR SACKS, , WRAPPING PAPER, TWINES, TOYS, NOVELTIES, and FANCY GOODS, BUTTER DISHES, ETC.. ETC., ETC. Views in and around Thomas- villo for sale. Juno 18 tf • ’ ./JZ/jo/ vs Jj cs f C 'of/f v/r Atlanta, Ga , 34th Year. A High Grade Business Training. School. Book-keeping, Banking, Shorthand, etc. Terms reasonable Time short. Circulars fnc. marl2-ly all Central R,R. of Georgia. E. P. Alexander. Receiver. Scceilulos from Tbomaevllle to Macon 1 At lanta, Montgomery, Asheville, Hot Spring., ala Lcavo Thomasville, 8. F. & w T 44 am Arrlro Albany, „.,io ,o a m 4 OS pm .Macon, 6.11. n. Atlair a, •• connections is made la Atlanta with B. A V. trains tor tho North and Kast. Lears Thomasvllto, 8. F. 4 w. f ,u a m Arrive Albany, « 10 CO a m “ Eufoula, C. B. B. A 13 pm Montgomery •• I 80pm Loavo Thomasville, 8. F. W 11 Si a m Arrive Savannah, •• IfOpm Loavo Savannah, O. It. B, a 10 d id Arrive Augusta, •• s 41 a m Bparrauburg, " 11< p m ’ ‘ 111 pm 2 41pm JA8. L, TAYLOlt, Oon. Pass Agent. 18. H. HABDW1CK, A. ft. P. Agent. Haunp'jfc, Go,