The Daily times-enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1889-1925, February 23, 1893, Image 1

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«visa w. - k i, ; ( >Uil 1 V 4.JI • . • * f- *-?’;$ -**> ■ VOL. IV—NO. 164 THOMASVILLE, GEORGIA. THURSDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 23, 1893. 16.00 PER ANNUM i -i LOCAL HAPPENINGS. The News of the Day Told in Brief—Peroonals, Etc. Thomasville is modest: She has not asked for a cabinet place. A Communication. rroraUM^hMDutiU* Review. VJ I see that a member of the city oounpilhas introduced an ordinance imposing a local tax of $20 upon: all physicians doing practice in thp city limit#, -4hile ! in every other “calling” It was a legit holiday and the I lt dksrimTnates against the itinerant. , i banks were closed yesterday. I This is. "protection” with a ven- AjjU" - — geance. No doubt ••Justice,” the 1 See notice ol child’s tau c .lored I writer oi the first artide on the sub- sack lost. Reward'offered for retarn I ject of “protection, n /eeb flattered at t'to this office. I this pronipt wet jrfj recognition, hot, :———~ , it neither protects the Doctor nor the The stars and strips floated from I people. Any quack can raise the thetall flag staff m the court Jhpnse ^ Bam 0 , $2 0. This floes not fill equare yeeterdsyinhonor of Wash- places the noble ington s birthday. * j profession on a level with trades, Rev. Father Alex. J. Semmes, J PMdans want law. which^will at If you want something nobby, | Sh4rD ’ G *- au " •' lhc Ca,h ' ££ ^Molicchnich this morning and to-mor- tb«M competitors are honorable, in- ntce and the latest,*#o hare it row morning at 8 o’clock. teliigeotgentlemen; and, the people „ j-* ,_ . , I —. I should want laws which would insure Come and look. Spring goods I. i*g^ renew our suggestion | their lmiiig planed in the hands of that sign boards be put up at proper J *nch l n time of dire distress and death, places all aronnd the boulevard. I As another has suggekted, this is a This should foe done for the convens matter with the state; but, nnforth. ienoe of the publio. I nately the legislature!* usually large- — ■—— . I ly composed ,of illiterate hayseeds, The Guards, under command ofjwho would rather be treated by.a | Capt. Hansel), and the Cadets, under I vendor of qnSck nostrums than by an Cspt. Siubbs, were out on parade yes- [enlightened physician, hence no laws terdsy aft.-rnoon'in honor of Wash\ I of protection arS created, iogton’s birthday. | It la always a pleasure to meet at u rZ or '. i l ^e bedside such men as Metcalfe, Mr Chu. Wolfle, who h*s com.W eW>8cottlmd ^ ther ^ pletcd the conrse at the Thomasrille L,™ whohave practiced here; and it School ot Shonhaod and Typewriting, j,, ^ condemn unlaw fau accepted a positron as stenogra- | fal proMoos , aotlI md ntaae co ^ 1 arrmni LStepman&Bro. 159 BROAD 8T. ' AMONG THE HOTELS. Rotate and Personals picked up by the Reporter on His Dally Rounds There will be a progressive euchre party at the Mitchell House this even ing. i ••• ■ ThSro will be preaching at the Catholic ehnrch this morning, to mor row and Sunday at 8 o’clock. -, | *** , - Mr. Chas. N. Nelson, of Minnesota, arrival yesterday and joined his wife aod daughter at the Mitchell, '* f« . i' •** Among yesterday’s arrivals at the Mitiury. were Miss M. 0. Butler, Hoson. N. Y ; Augustus Newell and wife, Chicago. ■ *** Mrs. H. M. Hanna and maid, Miss Hanna, Miss. Kate Hanna, Miss Peehln and Miss Marguerite ~ Fechin, of Cleveland, Ohio, arrived jederday and are'at the Mitchell. V Clothing, Gents’ Furnishinfifs, pher at Wa,cross with the Southern | 8 ultation kith mountebanks. The Express Company. - iquestionable methods sometimes n, , .1 adopted * by medical men, resident Every one has encoqntfng words Md nonree!denti ^ „ f „ for the Baptists .in them efforts to | t j, e ^ of thg proteslontMt Among the arrivals at the Stuart yesterday were Messrs. C. H. Pearson, N. Y.£W, P. Spalding, Savannah; A. B. Burnett, Troy, Ala; John B. Maxwell, Columbus; H. L. Ettipger, N. Y.; B. P. 'Brown, Nashville; James M. Clarke and wife. Key West, and W. C. Eeekeler, Cincinnati. build a newchurch. 1 words are not enough, they should U emi mA for;them nnd| gJB have substautml «d from the c,t,sens g* th# flMjl thil „ pl /J ^ of the town. And we are quite sure | M B money machine, earing 1 little for the glorious privilege of healing the sick aod ; preventing disease. No Our Clothing Store is now l the y will get it. filled with .an elegant stock, of I Tfaedato for the library entertain . .. , - , .0,0. .. I ment is'Friday, March 3rd. It prom who oomes here to practice Men’s and Boy’s Spring Cloth. i9es tb ^ one < f the pleMantcat e *^ nls wiU b, treated otherwise than as a ing, consisting ol the follow-Jot the season. The ladies who haveIgentlematr if his past and present . " ' - * I charge of the arrangements will do- j re* 50 ” 1 * entitle him to it Those who mg well known mates : I vote their time and talent to make “opt petty means ot soliciting pat- . • i : U -.. - la success. | ronsge and those who have gone away Schlos Bro. & Co., Strouse I , —" ——r:—, I and wilfully misrepresented the . I Mr. J. WjlUe Guildioucb, repre-1 healthfnln«M «r & Bro., Hamberger Bros, and Iseming Mabel Page, was in the cit y L xpect at • h#n ^ j,'JJJ yesterday. Thesdate. for^the return L* fitt> ^ bn tdo not lengagement of the little lady is March ) U<]k 0D iess you are spurred. rnense stock of Balbrigganlnewplay ••Musette,” iu which she I A Primary for Postmaster. Underwear that will be sold at j ***“ lh — bre l!. e rol !- Wf - «he,uDder.igned caodiditesior u , 1. I We have been shown socae very I postmaster UDder the Cleveland ’ *d- remarHabiy low prices. I pretty amt unique pottery work exiJ^hdWttWi 1 , after due deliberation, • ; . I outed by Mr. George FJetcher. It 1 desire that a primary be held at the We.also nave a full line of I counted of vases, flower trinklets, I w “ rt house on Saturday, March 41b, fohn B Stetson’s Hats andl flta ' mad e ThomuviUe clay. Mr. ,8 93> 10 decide who mgy be the peo- JOhu 9,,BMI s^BatS has fousd a day bsrt^ choice at Thomas- Stacy Adiams and' Jarars I peculiarly adapted to this industry. M 11 *.. 0 *- Means’ Shoes I Ho Is doing and showing sample work) It is agreed that whereas, so many fat the Bone building on Jackson |candidates are running lor this office, I street. The ladies would be interest-1 ** ^ f* 1 ** primary so as 10 avoid | od in seeing the work. I any confusion, and we respectfully dexanderyesterday. It wasthesame VZZ , . L. ;iL r fill 1 & Bra. CORNER BROA^r* JACKSON | old story.with new characters. Wife’s f J'* ^ I noWthfulncss, jealous husband ^ ^ ^ ” murderour knife. Iv« | this office wiii not be further antagon- STREErS, - j~.. I murderour knife. Ivey was the Lohnstein’s Old Stand. • * -freremy. The latter wu badly punlah- fed. A warrant for assault with intent | to murder was at first taken out for | Ivey, but this was finally compromised | to assault and battery. He was fined feed by any of the les# fortunate can- W. M. Reuse, M. A. Fleetwood, D. Lee Switzer, B. C. Ingalls. The menu cards at the Piney Woods Hotel yesterday, were very tasty and appropriate to the day and occasion. Washington’s birthday is always cele brated at the -Piney Woods in a charm ing manner. The splendid bill of fore was printed on the inside page of a beautiful folder, on the first page of the cover ol which is lithographed _ picture ol the “Father of his Country.” Surrounding this, in gilt, are the words: ••Borh Feb. as, 173a, Westmoreland Oo. Va,, on the banks ol the Potomac. Feb. a a, 1893, Piney Woods Hotel, Thorn as ville, Ga.” The following ex« cellent menu adorned the third page of the inside folder: BlaepotnU.'DNp Shell. Cream of Chicken a la Relno, — * Consuming Deillfnnc- BonchSee ofBlirlmp, Champignons table Celery • Spanish Olive* Drolled l’ompano, Colbert Cocnmben Fotatoew Clintcnu Saddle of.Mntton, Jardlnlfro Yoans Chicken Fried, A la Maryland. Chartreu»o of I’artrldgo A la Moderns : f l’cnchcs llaComiO «o*st Rib* ofN.Y. Beef Spring Lamb, Mint Sance Bed Head Dock, Currant Jelly PUNCH X L’AN’tSETTE t A Good Suggestion. “The re 1 ■ la I would like to tee passed,” said Colonel George H- Jones, the principal keeper ot the penitentiary, yesterday, “and that is a law for the protection of the people against lawless characters. Some member of the legislature should in troduce a bill making it compulsory for the sheriff of eaoh county to keep a pack of bloodhounds st the expense of the county. They would bo very valuable in recapturing escaped con victs and prisonen breaking jail. They could be used to advantage in running'down house burners, and would more than pay the cost of their purchase pud keep.”—Atlanta Jour nal. Thomasville. and Thomas county should adopt this suggestion, whether other towns and counties do or not. The presence oi a paok of bounds here would deter criminals from commit ting many crimes. Accidental Shooting. ‘ Fred Tate, a negro boy, was shot yesterday by Matter Frank Witham. It was purely accidental. Both boys were In the kitchen of the Palmetto Hou#e. Fred was busy about the fire and Master Frank was examining his rifle, a- light Remington of only 22 calibre. Iu attempting to let the hammer down to the safety notch the rifle went off. The bullet penetrated Tate’s left side three inches above the heart. Dr. J. G. Hopkins was quickly summoned, and under his care the wounded boy is resting well. Dr. Hopkins does not consider the wound dangerous. The bullet has not been probed for. Fred is only about ten years old, and is small for his age. He is the son of Richard Tate -who lives out’near the old , Fair grounds, ' E. M. Mallette has sold that lino lot on corner of Broad and Clay atroeta, known at the old Levy house lot to Mr. O. H. Keep, the great shirt manhfecturer of New York. The lot comprises half the block, and Mr. Keep will erect an elegant winter home with all modem ■ conveniences.' He is a welcome addition io the northern colony in Thomasville.. Natnro sliount be aaststod t; throw offlmuuri- tics of the blood. Nothing does it so well, so safely or so promptly as Swift’s Specific. UFB HAD NO CHARMS. ■fetal »lltl iMluUl I-l" -. Ip- |c ,“oise^ssia^^jsxis^tsg ...mterful nedicineBJOh5a.1c a comj'lore Oar book «o Stood udl.U* Hta* wltal fee. GW I FT SPECIFIC CO.. ATLANT/. CM. Boned Turkey unx Pi,(ache* Head Checao A la Qelte Mayonnaise of Chicken Plalu.Letluco SUITS If ADR TO OHBER.' .OOiti ......... .. , JoeLovenatein, of Savannah, was $» to include costs, or three months Uakfog bands with hi. Thomssville on the gang. iriends yesterday. The handsome-stars and striDes run I - f 1 | up 00 the flag staff At the court house j ,A “ t * Saperintendent Aveilhe and yesterday In observance oi George I Master of Transportation, Washington’s birthday, was presented I Hutchens, of the S F. A W. Railway, to the city in 1886 by Mr. A. W. Hast-1 were In the dl I J«*terday. tings, a gentleman from Boston, Mass. »•- .1. -, . . . ilo making .he gilt to the city Mr. I Hastings mentioned the national holt- , M ^ B S v . D Brk ,» , C ? 7> d»j*onwhichitir,.to b. « K d. U L^ta!,^iSSSiSSSS also stipulated that the flag should be ^ _ in , he personal keeping of one of. he W °“ *" deI, «^ I policemen. PoHcraun Coyle wuap-1 - I printed custodian of the colors. It The school children enjoyed a holl- I hu been used by the military on seftr-1 day yesterday on account of Wash- la! occasions. J I iogtoq’s birthday. Boiled New Potatoes, Sweet Pototoa, Baked Sweet Potatoes, Stewed Tomatoes, Boiled Bloe, Hubbard Squash, ■ Green Pee*. Cocoanutl'uddlnj, Banco A l’Orango Apricot Fie. Lemon Meringue Pto, Lady Cake Assorted Cake, PetlUFonre BouctaCcs 4 ur Vanllto Rhine Wine Jelly, Nougat, Mcrlngno GlaoCe’aox i'ntJses. Assorted Nnto, Raleint, Fl*e, Pi American, Edam, Sate and Roquefort Cbccso Mrs. George A. Ingalls, of Chicago, arrived yesterday from Jacksonville, where she had gone early in the 1 son, and is the guest of Mh. B. C. Ingalls and Prof. Iogalls, on College avenue. Late arrivals at Misses Hiller’s are Mrs. Fannie T. Ballard and MraChas. T. Ballard, three children and maid, Louisville, Ky.; Mr. W. F, Comith, Brooklyn, E. D.; Mr. Frank & Staf fer, Brooklyn, E. D. “Orange Blossom" the common scum Female Remedy, is sold and recommended by all druggist*. Jw: Why that b, wntifnl •pc-on of Tbom tsvllle which it Kk eJuractcrisv’c oi the JU.. only 3.50 if that does not . nit there are other ‘ DO YOU 18 AST IT? WHAT? THAT <fWT*UB SPOOf AT fancy goods r 0 Randall House. (Oppoaite Piney Woods Hotel) Thoroughly renovated and roinniUbed throughout, it now open for Boarders. Artesian Water, Hot end Cold Baths', Electric Bells. Carriage* meet every train, table and service first date- {©“Transient custom solicited. • noTS-tl Lost On lion tad ont to Own Arre: sack. Leave ait this i ward. a drive about town ( a child's tan colored co and -obtain re- n. SI S-ss- g “s'lajS rt-v- -.3 3.5^ o * 3 b5: o- m 2.^2 •0 «> 5' j> it ^ S' n S. ^ £♦ S- tr 3 — > H.“ m <* s ^ o p a lil&ffS- » 5 p H.O 2 g ® o' S £L p “t J_y. CD C/5 Jr* ^ ’ o o (o s cr p «? nrr.--~v o- 5: § O ? Sr»2 - ^ rrvj P < g §•• s ® 0 g o' '% * 3 p ap'd CD CD PS O I K| <& g O p* P# © p o p W VI * ml - 3 frr? O p r f) s-gasOS-E mti o c n P o.|« 0 w Edwin O. Burt & Co’s Shoes^nd Oxfords for Ladies in Common Sense and Opera styles at Curtright & H H > i M ffl Jw.;