The Daily times-enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1889-1925, June 20, 1893, Image 2

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fHE DAILY TIMES-EHTEBPRISE loon Tripicti, Editor and Manager. ' , t ■■■■ TUKSDAV. JUNR 20. 1823. Bail? TiKit-F.KTiiirRmn i» puMi.hwi urj morning (Monday excepted.) r>( Wikkly TiMM-KitTXRriuas U published every Saturday morning. HuwirtmTioK IUtw Dauv Titinn-KnTKKi'iuiii, . . A’ *XI.V “ ... *b or . 1 no llMLY itliVKHTlfUNa B»T*» I I'nnildNi Itat**.—81.00 per square lor the i,..l insertion, end r>0 cut t* for en. h .nine- juent insertion. l-lr Square, one miMttl., - i 5 00 rfquara, (Wit month. - - - 0 00 III- Square, three month*, - - - 12 00 ■i„ Square, air months, - - * - 2o OO ■t.e Square, twelve months, - - - 35 00 aid ■. t to chuDge by specinl nrrnnf sment JOHN TBII’LBTT, nuts. Mn». Notion to Advertiser*. fo insure insertion, all changed for etnntling advertisements must be hand- otl iu by noon of the day before A smile is both dear and inexpensive. Notice to office seekers at the white house : Keep off the grass. Proctor Knott, he ol Duluth fame, is spoken of as minister to Hiwaii that is if CoL Blount has resigned. The Times-Union, Jacksonville, thinks a public bath in that city would be about the correct thing. Harry Hill, it is said, will give .bond and then retire to the peaceful shades of country life. H. 1. Kimball, the great developer, is in Atlanta helping to whoop things up, II. I. K. is a whooper from away back. What if some public building in Washington, in which the office seek ers had assembled, should collapse' as did Ford’s opera house? It makes us shudder to contemplate such a possi bility. At the Big Fair. Clatecce Groover, the clever editor #fehea$uittb4 met no, i&s.feeen to Chicago. Ho gives au interesting resitiiir. of his impressions. After <?*•- Scribing the big buildings he say s: In addition every state (except Georgia) and many foreign nations have their buildings. In these build ings is everything that was ever thought of, heard of, read of, or dreamed ni. The only objection to the fair is that it is ton big, but if you can you ought to go to ece it. For theie can be seen the'people, the products, and the manufacturers of the entire world. Speaking of the cost, and this »ill interest many, Mr. Groover t-aj: From published reports and rumors wc all fe t a little trepidation in the neighborhood of our pockets and dreaded extortionate charges, but much to our surprise everything there was very reasonable indeed, as much so os one will ever find it in a large city. We bad two nice front rooms at a cost of <6.00 per week for each room. Living was very reason able. On the fair grounds are 150 restaurants, and in the city a thous and or twe more in any of which a meal can be procured at any price that suits your appetite and pocket. To give a more definite idea of the cost of the trip, the total cost for the writer and wife, deducting the rail road fare (which we didn’t pay), and sime 510 spent on theatres, did not exceed 860, and we were away from home twelve days, eight of which were spent at Chicago and the fair. No one need fear being robbed there by high prices. One can live there very comfortably on a few dol lars a day, or he can spend a few hun dred just as he likes. Sonv how the impression is gaining ground every day that Col. Blount will rcs ; gu his ministership in Hawaii, re turn to Georgia and fitog bis castor in the political ring. “Jeans" would complicate the situation. Sunday’s issue of the Constitution was an eye opener. It contained no less than 40 pages oi choice reading matter. It was the 25th anniversary of the paper. Its growth has been, like that of Atlanta, phenomenal. Cut. W. A. Huff pounded Editor Price in front of the Lanier touse, on Saturday. His sou stood by with a pistol drawn to see the job well done, Price (ought back, but it seems be g >t tlie worst of the encounter. Not even the jury will hang in the Borden case. It would not be amiss, Itoaevcr, for some ol the Fall River police to be huDg—up by the thumbs, it looks very much like they stated out to convict L-zzie Borden whether she was gu by or not. The Sandersvtlle Progress thinks that when it takes twopouods of cotton to buy one pound of meat it is lime to alopt the plan of racing an unlimited supply of hogs: ( The Progress is right, hog and hom iny is the proper platform for the southern farmers. The New York Mail and Express says: ‘.‘There is a decent way, despite the civil service reform law, by which the administration can remove repub licans from office.’’ . Point it out, pleaserwe want to see the machine in active operation. E iitor Allen has sent a challenge tryoung Huff 1 He declined to receive the communication, alleging tbat-Mr. Keuned/By whom it was sent, was not it fit bearer of such a message. Al len then proceeds to denounce Huff ip a card as a “coward.” Th'e end is not yet. Chicago, June 17.—The court of wptM*la has unanimously decided in Uyqr of the tiir being open on Sun days. The ccurt holds that the local (lvectory is hi full control, and that the government has no standing. This decision will give very general satisfaction, even to thousands of s'r.cjt^cfeurchmcn, who. hold that less harm will result from keeping the fair open than in doting it. (AU PG‘ h '1/A salt rheum, ic. [BLOOD) iRSrSsS^S from llty MMVpIn fins Tonic, and its itmost luptrnalsral Sstlisg propsrtiss iustiry ■■ in guanstssina • cars of ||| ftitMfWt ■ Price, as par Bottle, ar • Bottles for a*. ■ roa svlx ■vrmidutrr*. sM* tBte kook or woxoXuruL essu, Itwi- hBI >e«nwkk taBSw.iw.ei.. ^BLOOD BALT* CO., ATLANT*. tt», Eugene Field of Chicago pays this beautiful tribute to woman : That man (youDg or old) is fortu nate, who can interest a woman in him. We do not wonder that man is attracted to womaD, for to woman kind are accorded the gi'ts of person al beauty, of amiability, of grace, of tenderness, of spirituality, of delicacy, of graciousness—in fine, of every sweet and delectable thing. There fore, to be drawn toward one of these divinely endowed creatures is a re sult easily Jto be understood, but it passes our comprehension why, upon her part, woman tolerates—nay, even becomes assorted upon man. How little compared with the transcendent charms of woman, is there to praise in the awkward, rough, homely, hairy, uncouth, illkcmpt, selfish male of human kind. So he is happy who has a woman to love, and he is blessed who finds a woman that will love him. Be she a society or a college girl, it matters little and it differeth not; she is a woman, and therefore to be beloved and honored and reverenced and cher ished as one whose companionship is a delight, a solace and an inspiration in this life and a preparation for fur ther companionship in the better lifts beyond. Governor Fishhook, of Arkansas, says that the white taxpayers of that state pay about 98 per cent-, of the tax for the support of the pub lie schools, and that they are educat ing a larger percentage ol both white and negro children than are educated respectively in the states of New Hampshire, New York, Now Jersey, Pennsylvania, Connecticut, Rhode Island and even cultured Massachu setts. Those persons who do not wish to take Governor Fish back's word for these facts are especially re ferred to the figures set down jn the United States census. The splendid showing from Arkansas should serire to open the eyes and shut the mouths of some of the political preachers of seetionaliab Who are fbnd ol describ ing the people ol the Southwestern States as bat one removed from sav agery.—Philadelphia Record. Hie Scientific American, which is always correct, priau the following figures: x . Of the human race, 500,000,000 are well clothed, that is, wear garments oi some kind that will cover naked ness; 250,000,000 habitually go nak ed, and 700,000,000 only cover the middle parta of the body. BRADFIELD REGULATOR CO., ATLANTA, OS. For sale by to ulurait, Peacock A Co. AST BICYCLES OX INSTALLMENTS. STYLE AND MAKE. THOMASVILLE QTJN WORKS 105 Broad Street. DO YOU HAVE Cramp in Limbs? Mick’s Backache Liniment will cure you at once and per manently. 25c per bottle at R. L. Hicks & Co.’s Randall House, OPPOSITE PINKY WOODS HOTEL Will Be Open Daring the Month OFI.TUNE. TRANSIENT CUSTOM SOLICITED. RATES, $1.00 PER DAY- C G till ARE YOU GOING TO PAINT? It yon arc, wc want to say a few words to you about paints in genera), and the Arerill Paint m particular. Our long hot seasons arc pccullary trying on paint. Cheap paints are worthless, and the best white lead will “chalk off"’ in a few months. A paint that will give a satisfactory' wear bore must be especially adapted to our climatic conditions. The Avcrill is lust such a paint. It has been largely used in this state for over 25 yearn, and hss always given satisfaction. -Wc can show yon houses painted with it nearly 10 years ago that are s(lll in food condition. 'Hie Arerill Paint is guaranteed to giro satisfac-' lion after time sufficient lias elapsed to thoroughly test it, andyve are au thorized to protect this guarantee. Please call at our stoic for color cards, (free) and examine liook.of 20 elegant designs for house painting. L. F. Thompson, & Co. 6 10 tJ k w4m “ir you can’t cur* your Catarrh, no mat- Ur how tad your ease or or how longstand ing, we'll pay you <500 la cash.” That ia what ia pronounced by the proprietors ot Dr. Sege’a Cntardi Remedy. Doesn’t It prove, bet'er than any worda . could, that thla Ua remedy th-t cores Catarrh? Costs only Bo ccuU. > 1 t- MAGNETIC NERVINE. U told *Hh written To M Hi I aim representing the following rc'lable commission houses: MARTENS & GULICK, NEW YORK. SNOW & CO., BOSTON. WM. WEINERT &C0., PHILADELPHIA. T. H. EVANS, BALTIMORE. P. M. KEILY, ST. LOUIS. GEO, W. LINN & SONS., CHICAGO. GEO. W. DAVIDSON & CO , NEW ORLEANS. your pro See me before shippiti ducc. JOHN W. MUG 1I10LL. 618 If Baldwin Dry Air HaMgerators, All Sizes. bettor ami t lieiprr this year than ever. If you are ratamin'd vt'lsli t« l>uy*one, tako a Baldwin on trial, ■go ' There aro a great many kinds or “Ice Boxes,” but - tly Rkfmgbkatok. 'I hoy are made on a-dlfferent plau from'-ti Bothers. Savo ico. Save money. Try 0116, you will hot regrot it. More Baldwin’* in use than other makes combined. ’ „' -Mi FORBES’ FURNITURE HOUSE, ^ i 175 BROAD STREET, MASURY BUILDING. £jgjV An id, pant Hue now on hand for iii*|.r< iiiu at 175 Broad Street. More Piano* received Ibis week. THE POPULAR MAKES. STKINWIY, MATHUSUEK. MASON ft HAMLIN, STERIM. rlANOri 8IO PER MONTH. obhakm 89 ratn niosru. GEO- W. FORBES, Agent for Ludden & Bates’ Southern Music Houm- BAKTKUFF & VAN AUSDALE, Bondurant, Peacock • Oa, Thomasrllle, Oa. Produce Commission Merchants No. 115 Waukkn St. N. Y. Farmer- desiring prompt returns 8ml satM-eiiory sales, would do well to make the above firm a few trial Snipments. Established 20 years. References, Irving National Bank of New York Cite. Shipping cards and stencils may lie obtained from W. M. Reese, Thomasvillc, Ga. 525 ti To Tobacco Grovers A native Cuban, perfectly learned in ail particulars, referring to the treatment of tobacco leaf, from it* cultivation, to its packing, oiler liis services on that matter to any party who may need them for a considera tion to be agreed upon 011 grounds of mutual profit. Address X. V.P. O. Box 242, Thomasvillc, Ga., or this office. 0 1 d&w lm. £§, Bello TEACHER OF SPANISH AND ENGLISH UNCI AGES, Translations from one iti’o the’ oilier, and documents of any kind, made at short notice ami moderate prices. I*. O. Box 1(59, Thomasvillc, Ga. No. 4. Jackson St. G1 lnul Y. A. HORROC’KS CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER. Plus and Eslitralrs Famished. I offer my services to mnke contrpcis for or superintend all kiuds ot buildiugs, public or private, in either brick or wood. Best Of references giveu. 4-4-ly OEOHOIA—Tnumas County. John ▲. Harrln has In duo form applied to me for penmanenf letters of administration on the estato of Mary J. Ha nos, lute ol said coun ty* deceased* nud I will yuan upon said appli cation on tho first Monday In July next (1H93) this June 6tb* 1893.. ' J. 8. Merrill, Ordinary. Citation of Dismission. GEORGIA-THOMAS COUJfTY. M. A. Tleetwtxxi, administrator, tlr boats ■on, estate ot John HicXe, tlt'ceastid having applied to me for letters of dlsiuLfllon from Mia administration, thl* la to cite all con • •anted to show cause, It any they can, why Mid dismission should not be grimed as sp illed for oo the lint Monday la September, Urn. Given under my hand and official seal this ISUldiy of May,_l83A 18. MERRILL, Ordinary. Wherea., A. 3 Shepherd, administrator of should not be dlschai „ from hi. administration and receive lotters ot 'dismission on the Oret Monday in September next (18SS1. J. 8. Mebrill, Ordinary. MfcORGIA-ThOXAS UCtJSTV. Obdikaby’s OrncE, April 18,1893. The return of the commissioners appointed U set apart • years support for the widow and minor children ot Eoccno U. Smith hsvln* be«n filed in ofQoe, ml persons Interested are hereby cited to appear at the Jane term, 1813, *t this emu* o( ordinary of told county to show moso. It any exist., why said returns snonld ■ot be made the Judgment of said court, and Jos. 8. Merrill, Ordinary. Cbarlott McOuccu - Libel for divorce in vs Thomas Superior Court. Edward Mctjuecn ) To Edward HoQueen you aro hereby nouaed lobe a«d appear at thenext superior court to be held In for Thomas county Georgia on tho third Monday in October, next, then and there to answer the Ubet for divorce tu tho cue ot Chariott McGuccn va Edwin Mcyuoou now pending In said court, which said court will bo held more than three months train this date. Witness the honorable A. B. Hantell, Judge of the Superior Court ot the Southern circuit of Geortfa. under whoa, order thle notice Is pub lished this, the 13th dayot Jana, 1893. . Grooves, Clcrlt. S. C. r. c. Ga. EOBQI1 -THOMAS County. ORDIXARY'S OrrtEE A | rll IS, 1683. John V. Clifford, .dmtnlstr* „r on the estate M Jamee M. Earnest, Jr., Into of aald county, daoeaaed, baa applied turn., fur letter, of dis missions from laid ado I i-tratlona, and I will past upon aald applleat • u at my offlqe on tho brat Mooday In July Dial. 1893. Ordinary. GEORGIA—TROMU count. OimxAll’s omci, May 9,1893. D.8. Brandon bis applied Indue form to tMnadnsIgsnd for permanent letter* of ad ministration on the estate of Harriet L. bran- don, late of uld county, deceased, and I wltt °“ • Jo*. 8. gninii Ordinary, Why Do COLUMBIAS Sell So Veil ? Because tbe Bicycle is a practical ma chine, anil lias come lb slay. Business men want them. Everybody wants them, and when they buy they buy the best. Ia them any -other wh el made as casy-rlding, as fine-looking, as well finished, halt as durable aB a Co lumbia? Not yet. That’s why they sell. Forbes’ Furniture House, 175 Broad St. I§AA€ GRIFFIN* 113 Broad Street, TKomasville, Ga. —MANUFACTTRER AND DEALER IN- -LADIES AND GENTLEMENS - RIDNG OUTFITS. —THE ONLY PLACE TO GET THE CELEBRATED- Genuine Whitman Saddles and Bridles, AN ASSORTMENT OF — Fine Whips Always on Hand. THOMPSON Iron jACuaon al'BEET, THOMASVILLE, - - - GA -(°)- I aui better prcimrcd than ever to do any and all kinds of repair work in iron and brass. In addition to long yearn of cxporionco, I am fatly equip ped with the latest Improved tools and can guarantee all work ontrnstod to me Shops in rear of former resi dence, on lower Jackson street. Give me an opportunity to make an esti mate on your work. C. B. THOMPSON, Agi. (l&tr-t Monuments. I represent one of tho largest and most reliable monumont houses in tho country and cau make prices on monument*, head stones, ctCq lower than any body. - Artificial Stone Curblug for cometcry lota made to order. IRON FENCING, any and all styles, sold at the most reasonable rates. Call and see me and get estimates. NV. H. BUBCII, Thomasvillc, Ga. 5 0 d&w tf ^ JACKSON STREET, NEWS DEPOT. ALL THE LATEST PKRIOniCAM, MAGAZINES, NORTHERN AND lEStIRX »UIY PAYERS. ' ALSO A POLL LINE OF Books and Statationerj OF ALL KINDS, HERRING& WALKER, UNDERTAKERS. 188 BROAD STREET, THOMASVILLB] GEORGIA. A FULL LINE OF B OO JS- S -AND- STATIONERY t* ’OF ALL KINDS. Leadiog Magazines, Periodicals, Etc. A large assortment of Views In and around Thomasrllle for Wo at J, E. Robison & Co, 120 BROAD ST. Mg-Agont for Gardner A Vail N. Y. Laundry, tfork sent off every Thursday, rinest laundry In tbe world. — JAMES GR1BBEN Contractorand Builder, THOMASVILLE. - - • - GAJ I will ta glad to make contract* for, or superintend all classes df buildings, public or private, in either brick .or ’wood. WiU furnish plans and spscUcations if required. > If yon want any building done call on mo and I will rubmit estimates, whether con tract it awtrdtd me or not I wilt gnsran- tee saUstkctron in til my work. I-refer to the many building* erected by me in Th.mstviUe, and to all parties for whom 1 have worked. Shop m Fletcher street, 2nd , door from Bread. nor 11 d-ly. ;; SHORT UNEj TO WORLD’S FAIR. . WeepItiQ Oar Pnlalka to Macon- imiia lIlfINS.i. CAR AfUNTA LIH WimitT CllAItfGB, 1 Soutnweetsra B R.. north and south, and In Union Depot at retatkawlth all trains from mists la Tlorlda Tr »c Al '’ A. a KM AFT, Refitting BoIlerlFeeds, ' tint IACS1NI. YORK NEATIT UICCTD In SlfiCk: Mill supplies and Plumb- ng Good*, Finest grades ol Babbet - Metal, Valves and Garden Hoae. , . 0. THOMPSON, AT ARTESIAN WELL "Vv? cxoroia-tmomu ooDxn. oanouara Oms May «. wee. Moss* Isaac administrator ot the estate ot John Drake, deceased, ha. applied tom. tor letters of dUmUatod from said artmlnlstratton, and I wUl pass upon said application at my erne, on the am ^ruT&Rat^