The Daily times-enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1889-1925, June 20, 1893, Image 4

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■ -.= - -•• . ' :■■•; ■ •r~ ; ..r • i ir ii- —Ml ■■ I a d yorcc su l N< * Y "It ci y »t«. j c h K 1#»yv | imnibcr «,f iw lln : r>; KnickriS-wlirr and Titxtdo c'u<>s went it'll iii'en ci'Uil and »wotc a»n> a woman’s honor. Such a despicable- scamp as that could m t live in * louthern. state ~E*. A Kentuckian. a hen n-kert low <me ol his nei«hh r- swor , u-< l«r x'ln'Ur c r-:u n. xnces, rcp’i- d, • • 11 *« dd hej•»'s'? Why, hr ««w to a I e Ji hi hv • vi. g rnilem ri • i" 1 ” Mr.. Jones, an hnglish scicti'isj whu b elieves that ihv rar'h is, cmn'r.ic ive ly a hug • ba't'i ■ s s ...t it tic «ii I'- ing fur natural gas is kept up uiitiim - cdly there will be a collap e of our sphere. I hero is enough gas on the nu'"- s-d ■ to inakr up for all that i scapm frn.ii within. Another social scandal in Allan's. Where is this thing to end? JOB WORK i sea & sm @ tsss 0 j CURES ALL SKIM AND (BLOOD DISEASES Biggest Office, Best Workmen, Bottom Price Times - Enterprise $*Qc ' . Call arid See TJs. DDDL CURES r.r.n Malaria ,.Tn^^euTtiTerTJyT^^T'SXrRr'TSrE^STTlIiSF cUaaitnc T>ropertJ«« of F. P. P., PrkUj AO, Ml RmI CuRES*DYSP£PS*|A L1PPHAN BROS., Pronriatora. Erus&tfits, Uprman* Block, 6A7ANHAH, QAs CAVEATS, TRADE MARKS, DESIGN PATENTS, COPYRICHT3, otcJ pgr Information and freo Handbook writo to MUNX X CO., 3G1 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. Oldest bureau for securing patents in America. ErcrT patent taken out by us is brought before the public by a notice given free of charge in tbo ftieuttfw JVmmau Largest circulation of any scientific paper in the world. Splendid:; illustrated. No intelligent man should be wit?*out it. Weekly. Slf.OO a year? SUM six tmmtlu Address .MUNN & CO. PUUUSUEUS, attl BKtAlVTajT: Nevr YurkUty. UPPMAN BROS., Pro;rle*ort, Druggists, Llppmsn’s Bloc*. SAVAf TiAH, GA, Abbott’s (?> TI10MA&V1LLE, GA. CAVEAT8, tADE MARKS, DESICM PATENTS, COPYRIGHTS, «tcJ QHest bureau for securing patents In America. Bpary patent taken out by ua is brought before fit public by a notice given free of chav* In the Scientific Atnccic.m A. W.PALIN & BRO.’S Carriage Shoos. Lower Broad Street, Thoimwville, Cia’ IfVKKV DEM lttinriON OF CARRIAGE AND WAGON REPAIRING’ HOUSE SHOEING, ETC.. Oone >1 redcouaoie races. Having recently purchased & number ot labor-saving tools, and having the Best Equipped Shops .„ Southwest Georgia, we are prepared to 0 aU kinds of work In,our line with dll. 4 *f r and neatneir.J RflfW. L DOUGLAS m. no.u A _ 4- FOR’ _ OMVh GENTLEMEN. A sewed shoe that will not rip; Calf, seamless, smooth inside, more comfortable, stylish and durable than auy other shoe ever sold at the price. Every style. Equals custom- made shoes costing from $4 to $5. The following are of the same high standard of .00 and $5.00 Pine Calf. Hand-Sewed. ‘.50 Police, Parmer, and Letter-Carriers. is.50, }l.i| and $2.00 for Working Men, *2.00 and $1.75 for Youths nud Hoys. j LAdIeS. “ for Misses, a 1 IS A DtJtY yon owe yooraolt to EM the heat value for your money. Eoonomlxe In your -■otwear by purobeelng W. 1. Douglas Bboee, which reprcoont tho bust value St the prices advertised thousands, oantes- Do TOO wear Sold, lo-y C-vaxtrlg'irt <Sc XDa,n.iel- —■.■•x.aerB,-iiO ve, RENTAL AND INSURANCE AGENT, 158 Broad Street, THOMASVILLE, : : GEORGIA Alabama Midland Railway THorcrksisville ZESomto to 3Tleiid-a sri'I hrLKTUkIM. M-1’1.1 T , loiia. APPLICATION FOR CHARTER Coaly Grady. Harm Jackson, Mattie Norwood, Emma Howard, Lucy Dlk cs, Mary Clarke, Bet- tie Mitchell, Harriet Slgter and such other per sons as are and may hereafter become assoc iated with thorn, desire to be incorporated un der the name of "Aid Rising; Generation Society." Your petitioner* further show that the object oftholr association Is to aid the sick, bury the dead, and assist each other in distress, and they desire to be invested with orrporal au thority to receive donations. make purchases and effect all* nations of realty and personalty. Sue and be sued, enforce pood order, and ob servance of such constitution and by laws ae has been end n ay be adopted from time to time for the government of said society and not for the purposes ot trade and profit, but far the purpose ol promoting the general design and best interest of tne members of said society. Your petitioners ask that they spd their sue- cessoxs be Invested with the corporal author ity aforesaid, and such other corporatejjowera Central R.R. of Georgia I' in KU JANUARY 8th Is jij atuivauu. hbu oucu UMisr u as may be suitable to the said , not inconsistent with the laws of - said state or violative of private rights. Your petitioners further ask that said cor porate authority be extended to them for the term of twenty yoars with privilege of renewal at that time and your petitioners will over pray Ac. Mitchell & Patten, Attorneys for Petitioners. Road and considered. Let this petition bt filed and advertised, as required by law. This \pnll 14th, 1803. AUQ. H. HAKSULL, Judge S.C.S.C. A true copy from charter book. G.W. Groover, apOO 30d. Clen, GEORGIA—Thomas county. Ordinary’s Office, March 6 ’93. 11. R, Whaley administrator of the estate of J. E. Whaley deceased, has applied to mo for letters of dismission from said administration and 1 will pass upon said application at my office on the first Monday in June 1893. Jos S. Merrill, Ordinary. GEORGIA— Iuomas County. Ordinary’s Office, March 8, ’y3. W’hcieas, J. T, rittumn executor of the last will and testament ef John G. Pittman, dc- ce:ised. represents to the court in his petition, duly tiled that he has fully administered John (l. Pittman’s estate. This is therefore, to cite persons concerned, heirs and creditors to >now cause, if any they can, why said execu tor should not be discharged from his admin- istiatlon, and receive letteis of dismission on tho first Monday in June 1893. Jos. b. USEB1LL, Ordinary, Administrator’, Sale. Agreeable to an order from the honoraM court of ordinary of Thomas county, Qz., will be sold bofore tho court house door In Thom asville, Ga., between the legal hours of saloon the ilrft Tuesday in July, 1893, the following W. A iia . towit; The vacant lot botween tb# ... a. l/avls Btablcs on Jackson street, Thom- asvllle, Ga., fronting TO feot on Jackson stroot E. M. MALLBTTE, Administrator Estate of GEORGE R. EMIT if. John lh Kvcritt, guardian for James E. Ain* worth, applies to me for lotters of dismission from said guardianship, and 1 will pass upon his application on the first Monday In Juno next, 1893, at my offleo. Joa. 8. Merrill, Ordinary. May 9th, 1693. The Pullman Car Line B ETWEES Louisville, Cincinnati Indianapolis: and GHIGA60 AND THE NORTHWEST. The Pullman Vestibuled Service !ob Night Trains, Parlor Chair Cara on Day Train. Tho Monon Trains make the faslet? time between tbe Southern Win- / ..Cities and Summer He arts of tbe Northwest. W. 11. McDOKL. General Manager. JAR. llABKKK, Gen. P. A., Chicane. Fortuithor information addreee R. W. GI-ADINQvGcn’lSpent 1M Hroed Street Thom aevllle. g .t».Mcl.KNUON, • . ATTOItNEY AT LAW, fhofnatvillt, . » . Ga* Prompt attention given to all buaineu en* truettd to him. triroilico over Watt’e store, corner Broad and Jackson streeta. G. C. LANEY, M. D- PHYSIOIAN AND SURGEON. MOULTBIB, COLQDITT CO..GA. UJers hi* service* to tbe people ColqVti n a scent Counties. Moultrie, Ga„ Oct 9, 1889, Leave Thomasvllle, 8. F. * w 7 on Arrive Albany, •• l» 40 m Macon,G.R. R. 3 Wpm * Atlan a, " »(Up Leave Thomasvlllo, 8. F. a W. Arrive Albany, *• •• Eufaula, C R. B. •* Montgomeiy " ... I 60 b m 10 4U a m 4 38pm 7 23 p in Leave Thomaavtlle, 8. F. W 1 5*2 p m Arrive Savannah, 8 158 p m Leave Savannah, 0. R. R 8 46 p m Arrive Augusta, 44 5 50am •• 8parranburg, •* 2 fiO p m •• Asheville. R. .k D 10 10 p m •• Hot Springs, * 155pm J. C. HAILK, Gen. Foss Agont. Savannah, Ga W. F. 8HELLMAN, Trallc Manager, Savanitah, Ga. Hut Tun, W5&J..I THE CINCINNATI AND FLORIDA LIMIT ED FROM THOMASVILLE, GA. Leave Thomasville, S. F A W 12:31 uoon Arrive Waycross, “ 4:00 p m Leave Waycross, *• (limited).. 4:35 p m SOLID VKBTIltULKD TRAINS FROM ‘WAY- CROSS TO CINCINNATI. Arrive Jesup, S. F. A W 0.Q0 p m Leave Just^i, E. T., V. A G 0;lo p m Arrive Macon “ 11:32 pm Arrive Atlanta, " 2:40 a m Leave Atlanta, •* 2:55 a m Arrive Rome, “ 5:35 a m Arrive Dalton, •• 6:43 a ra u Chattanooga, *• b:0u a m Leave Chattanoog i Q. A C H:20 n m Arrive Ciuciuuati, “ 7*20 a m Pullman Cars Thomasville to Waycroe*, and solid trains from Waycross to linoiri- nati, via Macoo, Atlanta and Chuttanooga. U. W. WRENN, Gen. Pas. A Ticket Agent. Macon & Birmingham S. H. Coitnections. Sl’USST Jl.l. IHCJ. ‘S’’ Indicates train et"-e, "F" indicates train etopa on slBnal. Train loaree Montgomery for LUTerac at I OOp m. dally except Sunday, arriving a* Luverne at 8 45 a. m. Leave Luverne at 5 IS a. ml dally excoiit Sunday, arriving at Mom* gomory 10:00 am. Trains (8 and « carry Pullman Veetlbule Bloopers between Cincinnati slid Tampa; Fla., via Thomasville, Waycroe a and Jacksonville. Train 78 connects at ThomaevUlewrlth 8. F. ft w. train 78 tor Savannah, Charleston, Richmond, Baltimore, FbUadelphla and Now York, carrying pull man sleoper from Waycrou to New York without change. Clnee connections at Montgomery for aU western polnta. W. M. HAYIDSON, O. F. A. LEE BIoLENRON. A. D. P. A. Jacksonville, Fla. . Montgoumiy. Ala, Savannah, Florida and Western Railway WAYCBOS8 SHORT UNt- TxJUL CARD In K* FACT JAN. 1, l««3. 8CQEDULE OF THROUGH TRAINS TO FLORIDA AND SOUTHERN GEORGIA. GOING SOUTH-READ DOWN. GOING NORTH—HEAD UJ, 8:00 pm 10:30 pm t2:6fi am 7:00 am 10:40 am 7:55 am 2:00 pm 4:28 am 6:25 am 9:20 am 9;00am 11:4* am 4:40 am 8:00 pm 8 .*00 a 1:80 pn 8:40 pm 5:05 pm 2.00 am 7.45 am 8:25 am 27 5:30 am 70)7 am • 20 am 11:25 am 2:25 pm 11:00 am ;;iss£ 9:40 pm 8.60 pm 2.85 pm 1138 am 1:02 pm 8:25 pm 2:38 pm 10:35 l 23 6,20 am 8.03 am 9.15 am 11x28 am 2.25 pm 12.00 n’n 4.40 pm 8,55 pm 9.40 pm 8,60 pm 2 85 pm 11.28 am 1.02 pro 8.25 pm 2 88 pm ..•Savannah.... ..Waycxuaa.... . Jacksonville. ....Sanford Tampa Fort Tampa. .Lv •14 ...Live Oak ...Gaincavlllo... ...Valdosta ...Thomaavilla.. ... Monticello... . .Bainbridga.. Macon ...Columbus.... Ar 128 9 pm Lv 10:24 am Lv 9:18 am 6:40 am 6:00 am 7.00 aiu t;l*au> Haul pm .Lv i&bpiu .Lv Lv 8:00 am 3 30 pm 11 AO pm 7^0 pm 8:32 pm 8:20 pm 5:20 pm 8:69 am 3^8 pm 2:07 pm 12:35 am IOA8pm 9.25 pm 7.10 pm 6j30am 8:3* am 1*jo am 7;10 pm 3:45 pm 6:20 pm l2,5»»pm OMNI pm aaaipm 1:2b pm t^sipm 6:10 pm STATIONS. LIAK. jltadVoiiD 280 P.M. 1 25 44 1235 44 1210 M 1125*A.M. 1L0JA.M. 819 A.M. 6 00 •» • 17 » 715 A.M. 1025 700 lAr...Macon....Lvi M. & li. ....Sofke©,... , ...Liaella... j • •.Blontpolier.. i " ...Oulloden... | 7 00 A.M. 8 10 “ 8 50 44 9 10 •* I 31. ,V i h\S ...Woodbury... | M. h It. Lv~ Columbus* Ar G.M.A G. .... Griffin.... I 4 ..HarrisCity. M. AR. Ar,.Columbus... 0, R. R. Lv .Grcenvlllo .Ar 44 130 P.M. 916 44 5 60 44 2 05 P.M. 6 30 44 660A.M. ....Odeaaa.... i i 2ca p m. 630 44 ..Uountvllle.. | 600 44 Lv.XaGrango .A> J Connectlona with Atlanta & West Point R. B. H, BURNS, A. a KNAPP, Trav. Pass. Agt., Traffic Manager, Macon, Ga Macon, Ga. J. E. B. Lovk, Fass. Agt., Thomasville, Ga. 6eor'ia Southern and Florida R.~R. ’SUWA.NEE KITES BOGIE 19 FLOBlDi. VXA AWZiANU?A. Had Con A. M. 18 18 1 47 4 .Palalka Ar Lr....Jacktonvllle.... Ar ..Valdosta.. Tlfton Oordcle ..Macon June .....Macon ... Atlanta . Chattanooga Nashville . ...»vansvllle Louis ..Chicago.. Bead Bp. BOOTH BOUND 4 NO. 1 t NO. 3 4 lb p m IK pn 8 43 pm 10 08 pm It 07 pm l is . m 11 50 • m 7 10 ft m 3M am 7 40, am 8 85 am 4 03 pm 6 43 pm • 35 pm 10 00 pm i is a 45 13 25 13 06 650 P. M. 11 61 A. a, 7 30 r. h. 1 30 GEO. S., PHYSICIAN AMI SURGEON. OflkcoTcrfbcjc’tp nii’s, cn Broad St. Office Hours:—b tu 12 a. m ( and 2 to 6 p, m. dec25-ly. g G. CULPEPPER, Physician and Surgeon, MOULTRIE, - - • GEORGIA. Offer, bl, services to' tbo cititen, of olqultt end adjacent counties, ocu-wly. Montgomery... Ar Mobile BLEEPING CAB 8KBVICE AfiD COENECT1UNS. Trains Nos. 14 and 27 have Fullman Bleeping Care between New York, Jarkssnville end Fort Tampa., No J>> hue Pullman Bleeiwre between Jacksonville and New York. No 7a atone II all regular stations 1 etween Jacksonville and Bavennah whan nawingere are to get on or oil. Train. Noe. 14, e, 77 amt ft connect a Joann for «cou, Atlanta and the west. Train No is connects at Warcroee for Albany, Montgomery,New Orleans, Nashville, Evansville, Cincinnati and St. Louis. Through Pullman BleeMn from WSTCroea to 1st. Loull. Train. S and « connect with AlabamatMidlandrallway at Bataavtdge for Montgomery and the We«t. Tickets sold to nil polnta end baggage check*, through also deeping car berths end section, secured at passenger statiens. F. M. VANDYKE, P. a T. A It. G. FLEMJKG, superintends,* M. DA FIDBON, Genera) FaeaengwAgaEit. ■ A. 1TEW ROUTE —BETWEEN— -AND- Brunswick, Thomasville and Jacksonville, —via— E. T. V.&G, G. M. &G., C.B., B.&W, S. F. A W. RYU. JUNE 4th, 1803. -MaMoMA s— Arrive WomaevlUe 8. F. * W. •• Brunswick..| B. ft W. Jackionvllle 8. F. A W. Noun t N 3. 2 t Dally, t Dally Except Sunday. Close connection made In Union Depot, Atlanta, tor all polnta. North, East and West. CECIL GABBRC, GtnT. Mang'r. “RAILWAY.” SCHEDULES OF DAILY TRAINS IN EFFFCT JUNE 12U. 1892. Lv Jacksonville... Lv CaliahaO. Lv WayeroM. IS fist:::::::: Lv Macon Ar Atlanta. Lv Atlanta.*... ... Ar Chattanooga*. Lv Chattanooga.. Ar Burgf ArCia LyCir, Ar Chicago.. «30p 7 25p l0 50p UlSp |5Ma 510* 8 35a Bargin Cincinnati Cincinnati Lv Uarj Uargin LouuriUe.. Lv Chattanooga... Ar Mcroyhis. Pullman buffet Sleepers Jacksonville to Cincinnati and elegant day coaches Jacksonville to Chatta nooga without chaagc. NU1HJHKU EXCURMOY Til %, OMIOSPnCIAI. 1 Jacksonvi Callahan Lv Waycross Lv Mscon Ar Atlanta !u IBP ArChlcaco..,M 10 25* Lv Baryta........ 1118a Ar LoAvflle noop Lv Chat ArMem 545a ?S iphto:^:::..sqqp Mann Sleepers Atlaata to Chattanooga and Chattanooga “ Cincinnati. Day coaches to Cincinnati. Dsy coaches Jacksonville to Jesus, and Jaaop to Chattanooga witaootchoamg. .. . ArXaosvMa. • 10P Lv Knoxville 19 Af Morristovm.eee. Ar : Ar Shenahoafe Ar Baltir»or«.. «w smmjms wmewnw BEIORTfli , —"nayai pm Pull information relative to rates, hotels, etc,, ctiecf^Uv { Limited rmfei furnlshol. !■ ttrr of Inquiry answered In detail. U wras/rvarfe > -'-brrih 7 -Z ■ «r. i.r ,u e. ioi.ltr*, ate., apply to , ^grr’uThr- sn»NAHPoa« % atnrra.’ SaoSvBrTtTr roosi 7?== Lv Jacki Ar Atlanta... Lv Atlanta Ar Chattanooga Lv Chattaaoapi SiU Arllagerstoww Ar Harrisburg....«• Ar Philadelphia MawYoS^aa. T OOai 680p 810p ‘ — THa 1 990a 1 1125a «lift 900p 710a Both trains canr Pullman buffet leepers Chattanooga to New York vfa larrlsburg. The 6uo s.m. train from _ttanooga also carries a sleeper to Washington via Sh-nandoah . - I the! the “Royal ft O. B. *(., eonneet/ng With I Blue U'te." grrt tvwr;.:. ititm W*ti «// F.ntttm 4 b+r a//.w///Am )•.**.« ‘HTFIe. A..A« J ,.U,Om >